Sanshiro Jinbuki/Shadow Fang


The SHSL Shadow Alchemy Stand Using Lab Member
Alias: Shadow Fang

Legal Name: Sanshiro Jinbuki

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Occupation: G.S.U.N. S-Force Tokyo Appearance: 

Powers/Signature Move: Sound

  • Can mute others
  • Can deafen others
  • Can make himself silent
  • Can make noises from other places.
  • Can create areas of silence

Power Limitations: The louder the noise he makes, or the more noise he suppresses, the more energy it takes. He can make small noises, like a box falling over or someone shouting at a moderate volume, with ease. Same goes for suppressing the sound of him falling or moving, suppressing someone's talking, things like that. Any louder than that on either end, and it becomes straining.

Abilities: Exceptional freerunning and wonderful reflexes. He has a knack for stealth and can leave behind little mess in his wake.

Weapons/Gadgets/Tech: A standard katana, grappling hook, spiked climbing boots and gloves, kunai, hamagari, saoto hikigane, working mizugumo, breathing tube, kusarigama, shuriken, fukiya, ninja egg (note: he does not carry all of these on him at a time. This is his entire arsenal, but he will often only carry a few at a time.)

Weaknesses: He is a fleshy human who can die. While he can blend into the night as if he were not there, he is still noticeable in the day

Rank in G.S.U.N: S-Force

Short backstory[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]: Sanshiro thought ninjas were cool. I mean, they ARE. He always looked up to them. When he discovered his new power, he saw an opportunity at just the right time. Events in his life were unfolding. His father got involved with a gang, initially to pay for the family. However, eventually, it stopped being about the money. His father got wrapped up in the gang life. People who he owed money to would stop being paid and start disappearing. His father soon wanted Sanshiro to join the gang too. When Sanshiro was old enough to make the choice, he decided to leave the clan and forge a path for himself as a warrior of good. He knew just how to do it too.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Being that the art of the shinobi is hard to come across in its authentic form, he had to do most of it himself. He researched the operations of the ninja, and largely self-taught himself how to use most of the equipment. He also took ninjutsu, and despite coming on to it naturally, he still spent many years mastering it. Many more years in the field have hardened his skills. Once only able to take on petty thugs, he became more than a match for any gang on his own and can even take on the bigger villains. [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Sanshiro returned to the gang as a stronger man. Using his newfound abilities, he proceeded to assassinate high-ranking members of the gang, until soon his father, who had climbed the ranks in his years of absence, became the new head of the gang. Sanshiro was forced to kill him, assassinating his father. After killing a few more, the gang finally collapsed and disbanded. He returned to his mother as a new man, but she knew not that he was the one who had murdered her husband. She took up drinking as a release, and eventually died of alcohol poisoning. Sanshiro, seeing that even good causes innocent people to be harmed, gave up on morality and decided to simply work for the highest bidder. Even still, some of that childlike naivete that caused him to become the Shadow Fang in the first place gives him a bias towards heroism.[/COLOR]

Basic Personality[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]: Sanshiro is silent and stoic. He typically does what is told by his master without question. The only people that he will actually hold a conversation with without it being necessary would be his fellow S-Force members. As long as the money is good, he is loyal. He does not bother making friends, although he's been with the S-Force long enough that he's warmed up to them. Making friends is dangerous: you never know when your next job will be to kill them after all.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Family: Unknown [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Allies: Whoever you pay him to like[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Enemies: Whoever you pay him to dislike.[/COLOR]
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Ya'll need to post more to make this happen sooner XD
I don't get the connection between sound and not being noticed... I mean sure, he's not heard, but he can be seen right?
@The J's thoughts have been taken into consideration, and a few minor edits have been made.

The backstory is unnecessary, I think. The silent stoic is just who he is, no real backstory involved there. As for taking this job, he simply aspired to be like his idol, the ninja, and make some good money.

While he may develop a backstory naturally as the character progresses, there's no more reason that I can see to go more complex now.
@The J's thoughts have been taken into consideration, and a few minor edits have been made.

The backstory is unnecessary, I think. The silent stoic is just who he is, no real backstory involved there. As for taking this job, he simply aspired to be like his idol, the ninja, and make some good money.

While he may develop a backstory naturally as the character progresses, there's no more reason that I can see to go more complex now.

No one  just up and decides to model their life around something like that, and no one is who they are just out of "that's how it is". He is a product of both his genetics and his environment, and the interplay between the two. What's even the point in a backstory if it's nothing but "he decided to be a ninja, so now he is one."

How did he manage to become so skilled? How long did he train for? Did he struggle on to live his dream, or did he take to it like a natural? You can't just go take some classes to become a ninja - it's a dying art, with few real practitioners even in GLORIOUS NIPPON itself. Nobody becomes so cold and harsh just because they decide to be, it's a matter of upbringing - perhaps it's a mindset distilled in him by a life on the streets, or simply how his parents taught him.
Okay... just a personal thought. If he's in Tokyo... why not have him be a part of a ninja clan or some shiz to start?
Because he's going to be a part of the GSUN S-Force arc. Besides... the Edo period ended.

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