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Futuristic Sands Of A World Burnt By Coal


A Box of Cosmic Brownies

Sands Of A World Burnt By Coal

The smokestacks fill the skyline. Smoke spills from the top of the chimneys and fills the evening sky. Commuters below walk along the sidewalks of the concrete jungle, masks covering their face to keep out the toxic fumes that plague the streets. People protest in front of the town hall, picket signs and stereos blare propaganda. These people are the youth of society. They think that change will come for the betterment of the Earth. Little do they know, it's been like this for the past three-hundred years.

These children don't realise that we do wot we do because there is no better way. We fuel their luxuries wiv hours spent in the mines and in the factories. We come 'ome broken and blistered ter see their faces glow wiv joy. Then they come and shit on our work? Eights 'ours a day for them ter call us fools? Wot kind of repayment is that?

I s'pose that the kids ain't only ter blame. Their teachers 'ave it upon themselves ter spread mistruth and fallacies amongst the youth. They tell them that there's a future in Sunpower. Shit. Right, the keenest Tophats on the Council can't even come up wiv an idea ter use Sunpower. Coal and steel. There's all we know. There's all that works.

A world burnt by coal. The kids were right. The smog burned through the O-Zone. The world got hotter. Resources ran dry. Governments collapsed. Plants died. People went underground. Some people began to grow plants that produced moisture in small buildings. These were called Sea Gardens and were often pillaged by roaming bandits. For bottles of water.

It's been about 250 years since the sands took over.
It's been 26 years since you were born in Emitton.
It's been three years since you left the Gate A.
It's been two years since you killed your first man at the Abac Pub.
It's been a month since you found this journal.

Good luck.

Hello, Sponsor. Says a processed female voice, from an unidentified source. We at CaesarCorp aim to provide the Wastelands with the reestablishment of civilisation. We're glad you met us here. Two men wearing umpire chest protectors and modified baseball helmets so that they have gas masks with them step from outside a door. One marked with a hollow orange marking on his chest piece is armed with a sledgehammer. The other, which is identified by a dirty lime green armband, holds an M1014 shotgun. Do not mind the security. They're just here to ensure you don't try any shenanigans. So, you're here about escorting the shipment of guns and ammunition to Camp Devor, correct?

A. "Yes, I heard about your advertisement on the Burr Frequency. Tell me more about the job."
B. "Actually, I had just accidentally stumbled in here. The guy at the front told me to go through, so I did."
C. "Truly, I'm having second thoughts. Can I go ahead and opt out?"
D. "I'll do whatever... for the right price. Tell me how many figures are on the check first."
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"You'll be transporting 32L of water to Camp Third Wall, six barrels of diesel, and a crate full of peanut butter, powdered milk, and strawberry jam. You'll be escorted to Ironbeak Canyon by the Fireforge and then you'll be left on your own. After you reach Camp Third Wall, ask for Sergeant Portok and Logistics Agent Murphy. After you sign off on their waiver noting that you've delivered the supplies, Murphy will radio Homebase and your funds will be wired to your account. Do you have any further questions?"

A. "Well, there's still the matter of how many figures will be on the check."
B. "No, I'm ready to go."
C. "How long do I have to complete the mission?"
D. "Why are you sending a bunch of jams and peanut butter to a military outpost?"
"You'll have seven days to complete the mission. This is more than enough time to head from Homebase to Camp Third Wall and take a three-day break in between. Any other questions?"

A. "How much money am I getting?"
B. "Is there anything else I should know about the mission?"
C. "I'm not ready to go yet."
D. "Alright, let's do it."
"Our scouts have reported small bands of Suncry Raiders roaming along the cliffs and caves of the canyon. It shouldn't be much more than that, though."

A. "Alright. I'm ready to go."
B. "How much am I getting paid?"
C. "I'm not ready to go quite yet."
D. "Can I grab a Sprite on the way out?"
"Depends on how fast you get the job done."

A. "Alright, let's get started."
B. "I'm not quite ready yet."
As you walk out the door, you go to grab for a Sprite but one of the guards smack your hand. You jump onto your camel and set off on your adventure.

Hours later...

The convoy has split up from you. You're left on your lonesome and are about to enter Ironbeak Canyon. It's about to be sunset but you'll be ahead of schedule if you push through the night. What do you do?

A. Let the camel sleep and set up camp.
B. Push through the canyon during the night.
C. Rest for a bit and rejuvenate your body fluids and sate your hunger.
D. Eat a meal and then sleep for the night.
You smash open a can of peaches and eat them, washing them down with a mixture of vaporized milk and dirty water. You go ahead and grab a bale of hay from the back of your trailer and place it in front of your camel, who promptly begins munching on it. You roll out your bedroll and set up an oil lantern beside you. You hold your Ruger inside of the bedroll with you. You close your eyes. You drift off.

Hours later...
You wake up to the sound of a branch breaking under someone's boot. What do you do?

A. Pretend you're still asleep.
B. Ask who's there.
C. Warn them that they're about to get themselves into a heap of trouble.
D. Spring up and attempt to shoot the unwanted visitor.
B. I'm not certain whether it's an enemy, but I wouldn't go as far as to shoot anyone. Let's see for ourselves first.
You hear a wha, and then nervous scrambling. You hear footsteps rapidly furthering themselves from you. What do you do?

A. Get up and try to see who was approaching you
B. Try to fall back to sleep
C. Get up and see what time it is
A. Well now I want to see. It wasn't a bandit, else they would've attacked when they were spotted. This makes me think it's someone not bent on killing us and looting our corpse.
As you get out of your sleeping bag, Ruger in hand, you move your hand over your brow and scout the horizon for any ne'er-do-wells. You don't see anyone, though. You check your pocket watch. It's 03:44.

A. Move a bit away from your camp in pursuit of your potential attackers.
B. Get your camel up and start your route again.
C. Catch a few more hours of sleep.
D. Make breakfast.
You open a satchel fixed on the saddle of your camel. You retrieve a plastic bag. It's full of a brown, sludgy mixture. As you warm up the concoction, it starts to smell somewhat good. It looks like rice with beans and bits of bacon thrown in. As you finish your breakfast, you get prepared for the day. You wake up your camel, tighten your cargo, and start on your way. You make your way along the gravelly path when a man in a suit stops you.

"Why hello there. Wanna pay?" he says, with a smirk on his face.

A. "Bitch? Fuck you. Get out of my way."
B. <in fake Russian accent> "You want money? Okay, little man, dance."
C. Pull out your Ruger from your hip and blast the man away.
D. Ignore the man and continue on your route.
"Haha! You're funny. But today, you're the one going to be entertaining me and dancing for me," the penguin-man says as he swings his open hand into the air. Almost instantaneously, six shots land at your feet. You jump and slide to dodge the bullets. The penguin-man is laughing the entire time. "Haha! Yes! Yes! Very good. You are a good dancer for me my friend. Alright, time to cut the bullshit. Give me all your shit or those shots will land at very important parts of your body and you'll die a lot, probably."

A. Who's scarier? The disembodied robot woman or this penguin-man? Hm... <stay with CaesarCorp>
B. Fuck it. Those bureaucratic I'm uncultured can't catch me if I live in caves! <hand over your cargo>
C. <in fake Russian accent> "Haha puny baby-man. I chew bullets in cereal for morning feast. You are sad. Hahaha!"
D. "Hey man... don't do anything too hasty! Just come to the back of my trailer, I'll let you take what you want."

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