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Realistic or Modern Runaway character Sheet



One Thousand Club
Some guidelines
1. Every power has a backlash of some kind.
2. Each character can have two powers
2. You can have as many characters as you are able to maintain.
3. Don't make your character too OP. They can become stronger as the RP continues

Character Sheet
Character appearance (Either a discreption or an anime picture)

Name: Jon Marcus
Age 19
Sex Male
Ability: Telekinesis and able to heal others
Backlash: over using his telekinesis can give him nosebleeds. for a prolonged time it will cause him to go unconscious and in server cases will cause brain damage.
as for his healing powers he loses part of his life each time he uses it. if a person his cut the healing takes a few seconds from his life. If the person is near death it will take years away.
Name: Kate Addison

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Ability: Invisibility and force field creation

Backlash: After being invisible and turning back, her vision gets extremely blurry; it takes a while for her sight to go back to normal. If Kate has been invisible for more than a day, she can go temporarily blind. After using force fields, she feels very weak (Mainly in her legs and knees) the bigger the force field the weaker she feels. If she uses force fields enough, Kate can struggle to barely walk or move.

Character appearance:

Screen Shot 2019-08-16 at 4.11.53 pm.png
Name: Elena Ryder

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Produces electricity and can act as a radio receiver.

When she produces electricity she only has a few seconds to discharge it before it affects her own body in the same way a normal electric shock would. The bigger the amount, the worse the shock.
Her radio receiver ability only has on and off. When it's on it picks up all radio waves in the area. Which is fine in remote areas, just sounding like a few people talking at once, but in towns or cities turning it on can be a sensory overload enough to knock her out.

Character appearance:
Name: Chad Noelle

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Ability: Can communicate with and, if needed, control the minds of animals (though only one at a time if used).

Backlash: Controlling an animal for too long can often result in serious side effects, often losing himself to blind animal instincts and rage depending on the species of being he chose to take over. Because of this, he often chooses to keep this part of his ability a secret and to a minimum, fearful of the day he loses whatever humanity he has left.

Character appearance
Name: Dexter
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Ability: generates concussive blasts and fireballs/bolts

Backlash: the more he uses the concussive blasts, the more strain it puts on his body. The strain shows as severe cramps and stitches in his sides, making it extremely painful for him to move
Creating fireblasts and fireballs and fire balls leave him dehydrated. The more he uses his ability, the worse the dehydration gets. When he gets dehydrated he loses control more easily. Small fireballs have no real effect, but bigger ones are the dangerous ones.

Character apperance:
tattoos up his arms and across his shoulder blades
Scar on the palm of his right hand
Name: Azaleo tamiro hawkelo
Age: seventeen
Sex: Male
Ability: Uncontrollable glitching.
Backlash: The whole power is pretty much a backlash, his body uncontrollably glitches followed by static. This also hurt like satan but he can glitch things to him. This also hurts like a buttcheek on a stick.
Character appearanceThomasSanders.jpg
Thread is up.
Adria Camden

  • Age: 19

    Sex: Female

    Sexuality: Ace lesbian

    Appearance: 5’ 10”, moderately muscular, with almost-tan skin (she’s white, it’s from the dirt and being outside c o n s t a n t l y). Wavy dark brown hair in a chin-length bob, tough and somewhat sharp facial features. Brown-green eyes. She seems stern until she starts making actual facial expressions, which she’ll sometimes do absentmindedly when focusing or working closely on something. Flannels and outdoorsy-oriented clothing is her go-to. She hardly ever wears shoes other than hiking boots.

Name: Kira Toke
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Ability: She can speak with the dead.
Backlash: The back lash from speaking with the dead is the haunting and trapped nightmares. If she speaks with them too often, the voices rarely dissapear and she can often have several souls following her at all times in haunting.


Name: Rudolph "Rudy" Washington
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Ability: Superhuman Speed - Rudy is able to move, and run at superhuman speeds. His fastest recorded speed is 339 metres in a second, just under the speed of sound. To withstand the heightened heat, and g-force at running at such high speeds, his body has adapted an enhanced healing factor, and he constantly regrows flesh in his exposed skin that often burns while running, and is equally as useful when he's only stationary. His superhuman speed encompasses a heightened reaction time, reflex, and makes him slightly above average fit due to just how much he runs compared to the average.
Accelerated Metabolism - Because of how fast he drains his energy when using his abilities, Rudolph has to consume a far greater amount of food to function as normal.
Hearing - Because of how quickly he moves, he is unable to hear while running
Maneuver - With every time he increases his speed, his friction against the surface weakens, and makes it harder to control where he is going and how.
Unlike the other inmates, Rudy's prison attire is made out of a malleable fiber that withstands heat so he can run at high speeds without burning up his attire. He's also known to sport goggles that help his eyes adjust while running.

Name: Donna Parkey

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Ability: Plant Manipulation, Turning herself into plants.

Backlash: Donna’s plants take up her own oxygen and if she runs out, she might pass out. When she’s a plant, it might have improvements such as razor sharp leaves, shooting thorns but it makes her just as vulnerable as a plant. (She keeps the second power a secret)

Character appearance

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