Newsletter RpNation Newsletter: November 2018

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November's Supporter Badge
Many thanks to @Fyuri!​
  • Prefixes have been added to Quest roleplays to better help you find a setting you're interested in.
  • Hosted Project applications are currently on hold until further notice.
  • Forum Changes! The construction zone is gone, with the Private Workshop being moved under the RpNation section and the BBCode center moved into the new Creativity section. Additionally, the Creativity forum was split into Fiction and Art & Music subforums. URLs have been updated for many forums as well. You can read more here.

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[/div][div class=info]Member of the Month
Nano Nano [/div][/div]
[div class=text]When did you start roleplaying? What were your early experiences like?
I’ve been writing ever since I received my very first hand-me-down (but very much loveable) laptop to type away on, but roleplaying itself is actually relatively new for me. My sister would mention roleplaying here and there, so I was vaguely familiar with what it was, but it wasn’t until a little over three years ago that I actually got around to participating in roleplays myself.

Initially, I just thought of it as another writing activity and creativity dump. I was already in high school at the time, so I wouldn’t say the technical portions of my writing were atrocious (still doesn’t prevent the cringefest I experience every time I look back at my old writing haha). Unfortunately, I had a deficiency in understanding that roleplaying is a collaborative effort. Sometimes the characters I made were not really the best fit in the roleplay and hence often fell flat, so I’m glad I seem to have grown out of that!

How did you discover RpNation?
Google—was not how I found this site. Playing MMORPGs was a big past time for my sister and me back when we weren’t getting constantly harassed by schoolwork. We happened to hit it off really well with one of our guildmates in a particular game, and roleplaying ended up being one of her and my sister’s shared interests. I’ve always loved writing and making things, so I decided to give roleplaying a shot once we were introduced to RpNation by said friend!

What features would be in your ideal roleplay? Do you have a favorite genre?
My favorite thing to do is to try to create something unique (or at least things I want to experiment with) that still allows for me to integrate such a character comfortably into the roleplay. This typically makes me look for roleplays where the lore and rules of the world are orderly but not so restrictive that I feel choked by them. Of course, if the GM is open to suggestions and ideas, that’s always a plus!

Communication is also key! I feel that there have been too many roleplays that showed a lot of promise but ultimately flopped merely due to a lack of communication between the members. There’s also arguments that crop up from misunderstandings that could have easily been avoided had the involved members just talked about it before. Eek.

As for a favorite genre hmm...I’ve always loved fantasy novels as a little kid, so it will always have a special place in my heart. I find it an exciting process to create an entire world for other people to play in. At the same time, I’ve been really into Urban Fantasies as of late, so there’s that.

If you were to participate in this years NaNoWriMo, what would you write?
I admit to actually having never participated in NaNoWriMo before, since I’m too much of an “at my own pace” kind of person. If I had found the time and motivation to do so for this year’s NaNoWriMo, I would have probably plotted something out based on my interpretation of an image. It’s always fun to take something that feels abstract and convert it into an interesting mix of ideas, and I feel like I’d need that kind of motivation to keep up a pace of around 2k words per day.

What do you do when you get writer's block?
I shut down my laptop and just toddle off to do something else. If it’s not something urgent, I’d rather not force it. I tend to get frustrated easily, so it usually just results in some catastrophe, haha...Sleep tends to help me reset though, so it usually doesn’t take me too long to recover. For more prolonged writer’s blocks, I just go through the news, games, books, and even old posts of mine to see if I can get a feel for something.

Where do you go to get inspiration for your roleplays, or do you just stumble upon inspiration?
Books, commercials, web novels, my dogs, and basically just about anything. Sometimes the smallest of concepts pique my interest, and I end up with this intense craving to play around with it in some form. I also tend to talk about really random topics with my friends, so there are a lot of ideas generated from those conversations as well. There was actually this one super serious roleplay I was planning that somehow got derailed and turned into some really weird comedy. It all began with a debate on RNG...

What are some other hobbies you have besides roleplaying?
I’ve recently returned to my hobby of tearing through copious amounts of web novels and light novels. Chinese novels in particular. They’re really great for getting through all those long train rides to college. Other than that, there are still a disgusting amount of gacha-based mobile games clogging my phone’s storage space, and I’m still playing the violin whenever I find the chance to.

Are there any books or authors that have been influential to you?
There are a lot of series that have definitely influenced me over the years, even if I don’t necessarily read them anymore. I used to really love The Magic Tree House and The Boxcar Children series when I was little which in turn fed my love of magic and mystery. Series such as Erin Hunter’s books then brought about my cravings for adventure. They were nice breaks from all the classics I had shoved down my throat back then. Unfortunately, I don’t have as much time to hit up a library for physical books, so more recent influential works are more or less limited to what my sister keeps on her shelf such as The Book Thief and Mitch Albom’s works. The things I read up on mythology, though, will probably continue to inspire me for a long time to come.

Is there a book/show/movie that you’ve been excited about recently?
Bridge of Clay and Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald! Unfortunately, the copy of Bridge of Clay has just been collecting dust on the shelf due to a lack of time (can’t afford to carry it around and damage it), and I doubt I’ll be able to get to the theaters once Fantastic Beasts is out.

Got any RpNation projects? Tell us about them!
If I can manage to clean up all my codes and make them presentable, I might consider organizing them all on a freebie thread. In terms of roleplays though, I’ve got plenty (in the works)! The one I’m hoping to launch once Fall Semester is over is a little something called Noah’s Ark. The title is a bit tedious to explain, so I’ll just stick with the main concept. Set in the modern world, Noah’s Ark is a roleplay where the workers at a certain cafe are actually a secret organization of people who have “died” only to be revived with powers manifested from their greatest regret at the time of their “death.”

On another note, I’m also excited about From Hero to Zero, but the details for that one is a secret! To be honest, the concept is evident in the title. Whoops.

Is there any wisdom you’d like to impart to the readers of the newsletter?
Here’s a cheesy one: make what you like! Compromising is a good thing, but when you end up filling in for a spot that you actually dislike, your dedication and quality tends to plummet. Putting effort into your roleplay or character always comes more easily when you can invest yourself in it, which benefits both roleplay and yourself. “Ugh” isn’t really the first thing you want to think when you realize that it’s your turn to post again.[/div]
[div class=featheader]More Features[/div]
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[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured Artist
CandySinsei's thread An OC/Art Dump hosts colorful and interesting character illustrations; from pastel hair to bloody, flat tones and shades works, with attention to small details. The shared pieces for the characters each have a small snippet of information about these OCs.

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[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured Discussion
Elernia Elernia [/div]
It's that time of year again! National Novel Writing Month, more commonly known as NaNoWriMo. Are you participating this year? Want to share your progress, your story, your themes? Or perhaps you just want to see what others are doing this year. Join in the NaNoWriMo 2018 discussion!
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[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured Poetry
@Venom Adhamm[/div]
Loving yourself can be very difficult. @Venom Adhamm's poem Love Yourself. delves into the subject on the struggle of loving oneself and the outside opinions and advice of some who are unable to understand that struggle.
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[/div][div class=sminfo]Feature Character
Wert Wert [/div]
It's always nice to have a character that's flexible to edit for each role play. Though details may vary for Brana this small, traveling merchant is ready to see the world. Being a woodland sprite doesn't hurt when traversing, well, the woods. Be on the look out for this adorably humble character on your role play travels!
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sup fuckers

im here to eat turkey and get quirky

untightens belt

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