Newsletter RpNation Newsletter: February 2023

β€œA little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.”

β€”Eeyore, Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne​

As 2023 makes its mark, new hopes, goals, and resolutions are shared. They can be tangible at times, but more often than not, they are actions and changes within ourselves.


Life is full of stumbling blocks without an instruction manual. Some days will be better than others. Kindness spreads from one person to the next by surrounding ourselves with good deeds, generosity, and upbeat attitudes. We are social beings, and we have our love language. It includes words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, and more.

How do you spread kindness? Is it donating to a charity anonymously? Do you buy coffee for a friend? How about opening the door for the person behind you? Or, maybe it's requesting your loved ones to fasten their seat belts? Simple words, phrases, and actions can have an impact.

Instead of focusing solely on others this year, I challenge all of us to be kinder to ourselves. It's easy to be critical of ourselves, but celebrate when you find a "win" in your daily routine. Let us be kind to the person we see in the mirror, whether it is by pampering ourselves, patting ourselves on the back, or simply embracing our success


🐰 Staff Contact Ticket System
Users can now enter in tickets for assistance to staff members. This will help for faster response time. You can access this system at the top menu of the website, under β€œImportant Links” on the homepage or here.​

🐯 Return of Old BBCode Tags
Certain codes are now back and good to use! Check out the BBCode guide here and here and here!​

🐘 Official RPN Merchandise
Be sure to head on over and see what available products we have for our users!​

🧸 Badge Resolution Change
The resolution of the badges have been increased to upgrade its overall quality.​

πŸ¦‰ Distress & Crisis Resources
RpNation now provides a Distress & Crisis Resource thread for your needs. Click here to learn more.


What is Chronicles of Eldrida about?
To make it as simple as possible, "Chronicles of Eldrida" is a fantasy/sci-fi pirate roleplay. Most if not all of the world is powered by a crystal found around a hundred years ago called 'Eternum', after it was discovered, people from all over the realm started to gain abilities, no two people were ever the same, or at least it was rare for that to be the case. Aside from this, there is a single pirate crew which has a Captain who has gathered a rather large group of individuals together that he considers 'family' and is in search for more answers to the realm. Answers to questions that have yet to be answered by those in power or even by the religion.​

There is much more to this that I did not get into, but that is the general gist of story and world. Although besides all this, the roleplay is meant to be an open freedom to all players to make up their own stories within the world. Side arcs/plots are very much encouraged while the main plot will remain on the sideline, only popping up every so often.​

What are some themes and ideas that inspired you to create this roleplay?
Honestly? I am not too sure what inspired me to create this roleplay. I mostly threw this together randomly one day in my head and started writing down little bits and pieces here and there. As I continued writing, more ideas started to pop up in my head and little by little, I ended up fleshing out the world much more than I ever thought I would've.​

What is the driving motivator of the plot currently?
So, as far as I am aware. Since the roleplay is collaboration of teamwork between myself and the players. The motivator for the plot will consistently change depending on what the side arc/plot at the time would be. As it stands currently, the motivator for the plot I would probably have to say would be that everyone is excited to know what is going to happen next since much of the story is up in the air at the moment.​

What's your favorite part of the roleplay so far?
Hm, to decide on a single favorite part of the roleplay so far is kind of a difficult decision, especially if it comes down to asking what has happened so far In-character. Although when it comes to outside of that, I must say my favorite part of this entire roleplay is the dedication all the players have and the diversity of characters that have been created. I must say that many of the characters that the players have made have all surprised me in wonderful ways..and with how much players have thought up of extended backgrounds, connections with other characters, their own side stories, all of it just excites me for what the future holds.​

Of all the current characters, which is a favorite you'd like to highlight? And what makes them interesting?
Oh jeez, to pick a single character out of everyone currently in the roleplay? I have to admit, that's going to be practically impossible for me to do so. While I know its bit of a cliche to say it, its absolutely true that everyone's character is unique in their own way. This goes back to my point on the previous question, when everyone had started making characters, I must say that none of the characters were anywhere near what I was expecting. They either all had backstories that I never would've even thought of, they picked up roles that I didnt even think could be a thing. Their backstory connections with other players just amazes me to no end.​

If you had the choice to adapt your roleplay into a different genre, what do your think would be the coolest (or funniest)?
I have honestly been thinking about this for quite some time now. Since the roleplay is focused mainly upon fantasy with a dab of sci-fi here and there. If I were to ever reintroduce this story into a different sense, I would probably flip the idea a bit and instead of it being mainly fantasy focused, I may see about making it more sci-fi focused and put the world into a wider range and use space as the entire playground.​

Why do you like to roleplay?
I absolutely love to roleplay, my love for it stems from the fact that roleplaying allows me to throw my own creative writing out to the world and onto paper. Rather than keep such ideas to myself and to just put them down on paper and do nothing with it, I write them down into large stories and worlds for others to join in and make of it what they will. On top of that, once I am able to write down these ideas to make an entire world, the fact that I am able to make a character and place them into a world that I created makes me imagine it as though I am able to be in said world.​

How did you start roleplaying? Do you think you've improved since? How so?
I started roleplaying well over 15+ years ago. Started on a site that was similar to what many roleplayers know as Gaia. Originally not really knowing what roleplaying was, I was introduced via a friend while I was in High School, and at the time, I thought it was weird since the idea of just writing out actions, characters and such was such a strange thing to me. However, I was told that it was fun and that I should give it a try since at the time, I was actively drawing comics in High School. Once I started, I found that I actually really enjoyed it after all.​

I fully believe that I've improved over the years of roleplaying since when I first started, I did mostly one-line replies and would never really know how to leave my replies open to interactions. As I've been taught by many different mentors over the years, I've been able to crank out longer replies, add much more detail to my posts, flesh out my characters much more and make sure that my posts are open for other character interactions.​

How did you discover RpNation?
I discovered RpNation a long time ago. Unless my memory is playing tricks on me, I remember the site around when it was first made ages ago. During that time, I believe RpNation had given users the ability to make mini-threads within their main roleplay threads. At the time, I was in search of new sites where I could roleplay while other sites were either losing interest from users or there just was not anything to do on other ones. I actually only just came back to this site maybe a year or so ago.​

What are some roleplaying or roleplay creation tips and tricks you think others could benefit from?
Honestly, when it comes to any tips. I only have ever had one tip for all roleplay creators. Never be afraid to make your story idea open and rather than have your entirety of your roleplay focused onto one plot point at all times, leave some room for development with other characters. While I am not saying to make a story that is so vague that you cannot figure out what to do with it, that is not what I am saying at all. Come up with a main plot/story and hold onto it. However, do not make that the only point of the entire roleplay and make players focus on that at all times. Give it room to breathe and let players come up with their own side ideas and such.​

I fully believe that every creator has amazing ideas for their own stories, I do not doubt this. Although to force other players to only go and follow a single story at all times can burn out other players' interest rather quickly if at any point the story reaches a slower pace. To avoid this, since everyone no doubt has their own ideas, let them manifest them and allow for the other players to come up with their own mini-arcs/plots to add to the main one. You will be surprised as to what kind of stories people can come up with, especially if the world has a detailed lore attached to it.​

Also if there are also some shout-outs you'd love to feature, let us know and we can include them into the Newsletter!
I do have some shout-outs that I'd love to give out. Although I wasn't sure if it would be possible, but I'd love to give a shout out to all the players within the roleplay. I cannot stress enough that I could not have fleshed out this roleplay as much as it has without them. They're all amazing people and their ideas are just absolutely magnificent! So, if it would be possible, I'd love to give each and every one of them the proper respect and credit that they deserve!​


Damafaud Damafaud

Where does your username come from? Does it have any certain meaning behind it?
It originated from an anagram of my actual name! I was bored in class and started toying around with the letters and ended with Damafaud! Granted I later realized that using an anagram as an online username isn't the brightest idea out there, so Damafaud is missing a few letters from my actual name.​

How would you describe yourself in three words? Why those words?
Laidback, lighthearted, cool. I'm not really the type to get highly passionate about a subject or a project. In roleplay, I prefer going more whimsy and chill even in serious roleplays with my characters. Roleplay online space is very much an escape for me, and really, writing lightheart somewhere dark is more fun for me than writing a gritty, serious exploration of reality. I try to be a bit detached and chill in most of my online interaction, too. This is just a place to relax, man. I have enough getting ups-and-arms in real life.​

Also obviously I'm cool 😎

When did you start roleplaying? Where was it? Did you enjoy it at first?
All the way back to 2013, lil' Dama first came into contact with a community called Forum Mafia. I used to play the social deduction game Mafia with friends at school and there were forums that hosted Mafia games online. It was much more difficult than real-life Mafia so it didn't take me long to bounce off games and entered more miscellaneous games.​

One game I joined was a Danganronpa game which had us create a character and try to either kill another person with a murder plan or solve the mystery after a murder. It was my first dip into roleplaying and honestly it leaned more to being a game rather than a roleplay. Most of our replies were one-liners, too, but I, again, not being good at games, enjoyed the roleplaying aspect more and started looking for games with more roleplay opportunity. And when I discovered roleplaying exist, I got attracted completely, haha.​

How did you discover RpNation?
At some point, game-slash-roleplays got me bored and I wanted to do just roleplaying, which there wasn't any in the forum I frequented. So, I went on Google. Gaia was the first one that came up on the list, but the layout intimidated me. Several sites after Gaia was also too confusing for me to understand what's going on. Then I got on RPN, understood the gist of the roleplay flow here, and stayed since.​

What are your favorite genres/settings to roleplay in?
I love superheroes and I love magic. Back to roleplaying as a chilling activity, I love power fantasy and being able to do more than the average humans... I'm not really someone that focuses on lore and worldbuilding though so something with a heavy politic setting turns me off. For the same reason I don't really do much futuristic or space travel roleplay because constructing faux-future technology pieces aren't too much fun for me. I also dabble with Pokemon roleplay for the same fantasy trip!​

What are some other hobbies you have besides roleplaying?
I'm an avid web novel reader and a walk-around-the-city-and-have-strange-encounters enjoyer. Finding a quaint coffee shop in an unknown corner is good, but have you ever overheard a mayor and a random hobo playing chess without a board? Surreal.​

Do you have any favorite literature pieces? Or maybe a beloved TV series?
Baccano and Durarara are a huge influence on the type of characters I enjoy. I love wacky characters with unhinged motives and off-kilter interpretation of reality. Ryogo Narita's way of creating a strange, fun world is always the best. Other than that, Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind is a fantasy series I'll uphold before others; Seeking the Flying Sword Path, Stellar Transformation, and any wuxia novels by I Eat Tomatoes are an exciting story of the genre that doesn't have many filler; and At Bertham's Hotel and Ordeal by Innocence are my favorite from Agatha Christie's mystery.​

I don't really watch movies, so influence of my writing comes from these books I enjoyed thoroughly.​

What's been your all time favorite character you've ever created?
Adrian Ward! He's a newbie superhero with phasing power that has a lack of self-preservation and the impulse and the sense of humor of a teenager. Bouncing his wacky, carefree spirit against the more mature superheroes around him is always a joy.​

What's been the most memorable roleplay you've participated in?
Memories are linear and more recent roleplay is recalled more easier, so it's New Oasis! It's a roleplay centered around four superpowered gangs and their activities in the city of New Oasis. The roleplay has ran for about a year now and the complex web of relationship between characters and changing social dynamic in the city keeps everything fresh. Well, I also play one of the gang leader, so that contributes to memorability since I never played a leading role in roleplays before, haha.​

Got any RpNation projects that you would like to share?
New Oasis is open! I'm not a gamemaster there, but I do play a leader role in the roleplay, haha. For anyone that likes superpower an is itching for some anime-esque villainy, the roleplay is still open and accepting.​

I'm also preparing to a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon roleplay some time in the future, so that too! Good old anime pokemon fight with a little dungeon crawl adventure.​

What advice do you have for the newsletter readers?

If you want a cool scene between with another character, reach out! If you want to end roleplay because you run out of interest, reach out! If you don't have ideas on where to go next, reach out! Roleplay goes smoother if everyone is on the same page and communication is the way to do that since we are not a hivemind, telepaths, or pineapples.​

Any shoutouts you would like to include?
@Elenion Aura for hosting New Oasis one year straight and going strong (how do you even do that), @BriiAngelic and Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean Llamabean for the fun rah-rah-rah romance scenes, and @nerdy tangents for the takes in Roleplay Discussion & Advice I always enjoy reading even though we never RP together ever xD​


February Donation Badge by merrbles
woo! Congrats on the feature, Dama! It's an honour to roleplay with you
(btw new oasis is so cool you guys!!)
Thank ye thank ye all and congratulations to all those mentioned!

It was lovely fun answering the questions!
Don't scare me like that! I thought I was finally caught by RPN and all my schemes of causing chaos IC in RPs was finally being exposed.
I am pleased seeing all the congratulatory remarks and love we all have here.

Congratulations once again to all those mentioned. This was certainly one of my favorite themes to work with. I do hope everyone continues to visit monthly to see what other users are to be featured and news to be shared.

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