Newsletter RpNation Newsletter: December 2018

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December's Supporter Badge
Many thanks to @Fyuri!​
  • Hosted Project reviews have finalized! Applications should still not be submitted until the new Hosted Project system is fully set up.
  • We hope everyone has successfully passed all their final exams and wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season!

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[/div][div class=info]Member of the Month
KingofAesir KingofAesir [/div][/div]
[div class=text]When did you start roleplaying? What were your early experiences like?
I started about five years ago when I was a youngster who had no clue what she was doing. I was on a site that I can't remember the name of for the life of me for a few months before coming across RPN. My early experiences were....well, I was 12. I think that's paints a picture. XD

How did you discover RpNation?
I was looking for a more organized site than the one I had previously been on, and I stumbled on RpNation after a painstaking Google search (I don't dare to even think about the other sites i came across.) Finding this site was an absolute God send for me.

What features would be in your ideal roleplay? Do you have a favorite genre?
Okay, I'm a sucker for a little romance, like most other teenage girls, but I adore RP's with tight knit groups. I love the dynamic of small group RP's and the friendships you can form from them. As for genre, I'm a total Medieval Fantasy nerd and I have no problem admitting it.

If you could wish to gain one skill, what skill would it be?
I'd really love to be able to write surrounding descriptions better. I've seen some people write beautiful descriptions of the world around their characters, but I've never quite been able to get to the level I want. Sometimes i just sit down and write about what i see around me trying to get better at it.

What do you do when you get writer's block?
I would like to say that I listen to music or some other more conventional way, but that's never quite been the trick for me. When I'm feeling uninspired I tend to go outside and just sit on my porch or go to stores or the mall and just watch people go about their days. I might see someone do something I find interesting and that'll spark my imagination.

How do you overcome a stall in your roleplays?
I've always tried to keep things interesting in RPs so if things get slow and stall out I'll throw a wrench in the whole operation. Sometimes a good tragedy is all you need to get the wheels turning again.

What are some other hobbies you have besides roleplaying?
I am an avid player of the sports, surprisingly. I play basketball and softball for my high school and I'd like to think I'm pretty good at them. I also draw on and off even though I'm not very good.

Are there any books or authors that have been influential to you?
Honestly there's too many to name, but as of late I've been re-reading Madeleine Roux books. There's something about her writing that I like a lot but haven't been able to pinpoint exactly what yet.

Is there a book/show/movie that you’ve been excited about recently?
I know that the writing isn't great, actually it borders on cringe, but I've been watching Riverdale with my mom and I'm obsessed. There's points where I think I could write better but here I am still watching it.

Got any RpNation projects? Tell us about them!
I have no grand plans as of right now, but you can bet I'll probably come up with something to fill my time once school calms down a little.

Is there any wisdom you’d like to impart to the readers of the newsletter?
When things aren't going the way you want them too sometimes the best thing you can do is sit back and enjoy the ride. Surrounding yourself with people that make you smile can make things a whole lot easier in life.[/div]
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[/div][div class=info]Roleplay of the Month
mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties [/div][/div]
[div class=text]Give everyone a quick summary about your roleplay.
The Lost Days is a casual zombie rp set in a town called Pleasantview, dealing mostly in the interactions people have a couple months in to the apocalypse.

What are some of the things that inspired you to create this roleplay?
My friend and I were missing a couple of characters we ran through a zombie rp once, so we decided to do one ourselves. (Shout out to Hoax Hoax )

What do you believe are your strengths as a GM?
I'm pretty good at getting rps up fast, which I at least feel can be important for getting an rp up.

How about weaknesses?
I have a lot of these, but i feel the biggest are keeping an rp up and going and plotting events out, honestly.

How do you garner interest for your roleplays?
I make interest checks and invite friends. A lot of times they don't get much traction, but this one was easy- I put what it was in the title, and people are pretty much always down for a casual romp somewhere zombie-infested.

How did you come about roleplaying?
Years ago, I didn't even know roleplaying was a thing. I had a ton of original characters I loved, though. Then one day I stumbled across this roleplaying forum- not rpn- and it seemed super cool and was just on my mind for a long time after that, though I was too scared to act on it. I didn't really start roleplaying until I found RpNation, though.

How did you discover RpNation?
Back when there was the old app for RpNation- like, the really old one where it was on a hosted app or something like that, I got the app for some reason I can't even remember, and I saw RpNation as one of the options to join and I was so stoked. I roleplayed strictly on mobile for quite a while because I didn't even realize there was a website lol

How do you usually go about planning your roleplays?
I think it depends on the roleplay, though usually I'm pretty lax on the planning. I like letting characters carry the story, though that is not always the best idea.

What struggles do you have when you create a roleplay?
Keeping people interested and activity levels up are definitely the biggest ones.

What is your fondest memory of roleplaying?
Oh goodness, fondest is hard. One of my fondest is from like a year or two ago. This was another zombie rp. I was about to announce that I didn't think I'd be able to get a sheet up and would have to withdraw my interest when this person announced they were looking for someone to rp a family member to their character, and I love relationships in rps. The only reason I was going to pull out was I had no ideas for my character, and this gave me one so I replied, and it's how I met Hoax, who is just great I love her. And that rp ended up being so much fun too so absolutely thankful I stayed around.

What are some roleplaying tips and tricks you think others could benefit from?
I personally have an issue with forgetting to reply, and the biggest help I've found for that is I try to leave the tab for that rp open in the background shaming me until I do lol

Additionally, though I feel this one's a lot more basic and you should probably already be doing it, reread your message before sending it. I have caught a million little typos that way and in more detailed rps it really helps me beef up my content.

Do you have any roleplaying pet peeves? If so, what are they?
None that I can think of.

Do you have any other projects in the works that you would like to share?

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[div class=featheader]More Features[/div]
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[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured Artist
moonbeams moonbeams [/div]
Digital - wow what a art displays colorful works from characters to items. Additionally moonbeams moonbeams shares a few works-in-progress pieces to show the profess and process of their works.
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[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured Discussion
Holidays come with traditions, one of which that has developed is the tradition of watching certain films during this time. Other - Favorite Christmas And/Or Holiday Film? is a discussion where you can shared what films you watch as part of your holiday tradition. Some might surprise and some may even inspire you to watch them yourself.
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[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured Prose
@Shannon Trevor[/div]
Story - Bounty (Western Inspired Steampunk) is the story of Mister Othic and his failure at fleeing from his past as what seems to be a bounty hunter captures him. With steampunk elements placed in a western world you get an interesting bounty hunter, but more has yet to be revealed about who their employer is and why they want to meet Mister Othic.
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[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured Character
Most times first characters aren't always the perfect character, but it's always one that sticks with most of us! Carl Undavar A.K.A. Arcana Maxima has been updated continuously. but it's always fun to take a look into the past. As an Orphaned Immortal things may feel a bit over used but this magic seeking scholar has a rather rich and twisting back story. A page turner of events and a rather amazing first OC even if he's a bit of an arsonist.
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Congrats everyone!

These newsletters are always interesting to read ^^
Man, there’s more of a community than I thought on this place if there’s a newsletter highlighting people, that’s actually pretty cool.
/comes in 8 days late--

thanks so much for featuring me??!!! i'm... this is a really nice surprise that really cheered me up.

Also, BIG congrats to everyone else featured, too!

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