Other RP Character Assumption Thread

Oh yeah, so whimsical. Not just in looks but in personality, too. I feel they're wise (Ofc they are, they're a DRAGON!), but they also use that wisdom to take both life and themselves a little less seriously. They have a fun-loving exterior that's very optimistic, and they love to bring spirits up. They might even have a bit of a mischievous, prankster side, playful and snickering, but at the same time, they have the capability to know exactly when things get serious. When they do, they get dead serious. Behind the aforementioned fun-loving exterior is an extremely long and fraught past that's filled with more complexity and difficulty than anyone will probably ever know.
It's been a while since I've contributed a character.

(Art by me, ignore the embarrassing messed up shoulder as it's not meant to be like that lol)
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It's been a while since I've contributed a character.

(Art by me, ignore the embarrassing messed up shoulder as it's not meant to be like that lol)
A cleric of some Good or Neutral-aligned deity. He came from a cold, snowy land. He is a huge worry wart, likely the "Mom" of the group. He doesn't like to fight, and he's not confident in his combat skills. He'd much rather be in the back, supporting his party with buffs and heals. He carries a flask of strong whiskey or other spirit on his person as it's useful for warming him up, as a disinfectant, to deaden pain, and to help him relax! Especially after dealing with dumb Barbarian and Rogue shenanigans! His confidence and fighting skills improve dramatically after imbibing the "holy spirits!"
Clever, loud, likes shiny things. Sometimes gets overexcited and jumps to conclusions.

(Specifically, looking at this birb reminds me of the time I saw a crow - I think it was a jackdaw - trying to grab a shiny grill ornament off a car by hopping and chomping at it.)
Oh he's older, I betcha. But he's got an incredibly young spirit. Like he's hyper-competitive and absolutely wants to kick your butt in a race. Honestly, he probably will, too. Given his age + his youthful maturity, he's been around long enough to know a lot, and is absolutely bold enough to lecture you on any number of things. He's bombastic and loud, but as soon as anyone mentions anything about the band around his leg, he goes very... very quiet.
Ah whoops, I wanted to contribute another character but forgot to in that last post.
Here is one that actually belongs to a friend of mine! All of your responses will be forwarded to her and the rest of the group. (Maybe refrain from swearing with this one, if you have a tendency to! Would make my life easier.)

Ah whoops, I wanted to contribute another character but forgot to in that last post.
Here is one that actually belongs to a friend of mine! All of your responses will be forwarded to her and the rest of the group. (Maybe refrain from swearing with this one, if you have a tendency to! Would make my life easier.)

She’s a faithful healer although shy she takes her role very seriously. On the flip side enjoys dying her hair a light as it’s her favorite color.
Ah whoops, I wanted to contribute another character but forgot to in that last post.
Here is one that actually belongs to a friend of mine! All of your responses will be forwarded to her and the rest of the group. (Maybe refrain from swearing with this one, if you have a tendency to! Would make my life easier.)

Botanist or some sort of hermit, living deep in nature for their own study/to stay away from others. Only visits civilization from things she doesn't have (A certain herb, a specific food item, etc).
Ah whoops, I wanted to contribute another character but forgot to in that last post.
Here is one that actually belongs to a friend of mine! All of your responses will be forwarded to her and the rest of the group. (Maybe refrain from swearing with this one, if you have a tendency to! Would make my life easier.)

She appears timid and defenseless at first glance, but in reality she is a well versed apothecary/herbalist and is adept in magic. She prefers to travel on her own, but has a big heart despite her introverted tendencies. She helps those in need when though she doesn't do it for reward and believes her good deeds will come back to help her down the road

Here's another character for y'all

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