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Realistic or Modern Roommates Prompt Suggestion



Senior Member
Before we begin, a few simple guidelines.

1. No erotic prompts
2. Otherwise, have fun! Shipping is fine! Weird fish that eat people is fine! Waffles? Fine! Go wild!
Aright. My very first prompt!

You find yourself taking the role of a potent character in a trashy YA novel. Basically you’re trapped in a YA novel! Good luck with all the cliches and drama!
Cannot think of anything so will go with whatever. I am going to say right now, if we get stuck in Twilight, I am offing Edward and Bella.
Heh heh heh ha! I might take into account how OP the “vampires” are in Twilight before killing them off. But I am definitely killing off Bella. But first Alice Cullen. We don’t want her pesky poorly written future vision getting in the way. And then the werewolf pack. Assuming we can find weapons in Twilight.
This YA prompt is going to be so fun! We are just going to be the villains of the YA plot aren’t we? That’s going to be fun!
Oh I have an idea!

If we get sucked into twilight, we should totally kidnap some pansy vampire from the Cullens and put them with Dracula from Bram Stoker’s novel. I would pay money to see how that went down.

Hah yes, Alice needs to get taken out. Didn’t like her much but out of all them, hated Edward.

Sounds like it which is okay with me.

I do think Seth is adorable as a wolf. But they aren’t really werewolves either, just shifters. So it can’t be too hard to take down wolves on steroids.
If we go into Twilight.

1. Let’s craft an actual story. Don’t just go murder happy for no reason. But we are definitely going the villain route. Let’s just not throw away abilities the Cullens have Or their strengths. That would be boring.

2. Stay 15 miles away from Edward Cullen. His mind reading is a problem.

3. Alice has to be the first to go. Even if she can’t see us, she would still see the sudden blackness our presence brings to their future as an alarm. We can actually go that route in the story itself.
I have never read/watched Twilight but my character can probably just be oblivious and confused.

It’ll be entertaining.
You aren’t really missing anything there.

1. I assume we would go in before the war. Wouldn’t want to face the Volturi.

2. Yes and perhaps away from Jasper since he can manipulate emotions.

3. Jasper may go feral if Alice is killed so he’ll be next probably. Can I just say I was disappointed in the ending of Breaking Dawn? I liked the vision fight better than talking, though it was neat to see dhamphirs.
You’re in luck. I both read and watched Twilight in my teenage years. This was before I was disillusioned by the series. I will give you this though it’s a good read when you don’t actually stop to think about what it is you are actually reading.

I will confess I feel sorry for any genuine Twilight fans. They have to put up with so much shit!

Okay. We’re definitely going the trapped in Twilight route. We might need a buff though as if we are human, we won’t stand a chance.
Hmm. We could always go the trapped in a vampire body route. This will give us leverage to want to get out and immediately give us the nessacry buff we need.
It may improve Dreux’s sight/lameness if they get trapped in vampire bodies.

In book 4 it was revealed the “werewolves” are really shapeshifters and not “true children of the moon” which I gathered to be real werewolves but steaphanie myer never explained that.
I already love this prompt.

Because no matter what buff you choose, you are going to have limits.

If you are a vampire, you won’t be able to go out in broad daylight or sunlight at all and you will need to feed on blood to keep yourself from starving.

If you are a werewolf, you need to control your emotions or you risk wolfing out.

If you don’t get a buff and remain human. Well, nice you are human, so no real imposed limitations. Except that you are human and have no buffs in a world filled with vampires. I would say werewolves too. But these werewolves don’t hunt people or really do anything werewolfy at all except turn into a wolf. Though Meyer did hint that real werewolves actually exist in her universe surprisingly enough.
Well I think I will make Dreux a vampire and try to stick with Bram Stoker’s definition. Only able to come out at night, can’t cross running water, burn in sunlight.
I was thinking the same thing actually.

We choose the buff and it can be any buff. But the buff must have weaknesses and limitations.

So I will change the prompt.
Thank you.

“You find yourself trapped in a trashy YA novel with no real way to escape. Good news is you might have cababilities you didn’t have before. Bad news is: you also have new limitations you didn’t have before.”

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