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Markus Barton

As soon as Mark made a motion to undo the halfling's restraints he was suddenly interrupted by Wyatt, Blair, and everyone else who was in the initial party. "Oh fantastic you guys are here, I doubt i'd be able to get everyone's bindings off in time" Mark smirked. At the mention of more Goblins his face soured as he listened to the halfling talk about how there was a whole army out there. "Well I did cut off the head of the snake in that case so there's no telling what they will do. I agree with the idea of a tactical retreat, there's so much we don't know so its best to be safe rather than sorry." Upon hearing that there were things that the goblins could not have Mark smiled at the halfling. "I completely understand. However, give me a moment to change my armaments into something a bit more "protective." This was something that Mark had worked out with the Dungeon Master, wherever they were, prior to the session. Under normal circumstances he would have to take some time to don and doff his armor, but because he was an armor artificer, the two of them had come to the agreement that he could don and doff instantaneously. Reaching under his coat, he tapped his chest once and the armor went into a handheld core of sorts. Currently the armor was in its infiltrator mode and it could work, but based on the amount of goblins that were said to have been nearby Mark was not talking any chances. Of course it helped that Mark wanted to show off a bit. "Please explain what exactly is in your archives while I tinker with this." Mark did hear that there was indeed a problem from Blair's end, but he needed to focus on his own armaments first.

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Wyatt Hamon/Ser Godfree & Blair Tuama/Circe
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Wyatt's eyes turned to Mark as he started to armour up and all the veteran could do was nod, a slight smile on his face.
"Nice." When he had begun his journey into Dungeons and Dragons a lifetime ago, Artificers were unheard of outside of some minor Wizardry. Things had changed a lot since then. However, his appreciation and reminiscing was cut short as he noted the fear in Blair.

"This woman doesn't have a soul..." Blair repeated the words of her Patron, the shakiness in her voice evident to the others despite effort to hide it. "I don't think any of them do."
"Damn those Greenskinned bastards!" The Halfling snapped, kicking the ground "I would've been next, if not for you..."
"What is going on?" Wyatt approached the young man
"I don't know." His eyes were wide as he shook his head "They dragged someone away, one by one. I was next." He turned to Mark "That's what they were talking to me about, before you came in."

As he talked, he approached a brick wall and started to tap away at the bricks "I don't know what to do, but I'll be damned if they get the family heirlooms too."
"Circe..." Monnas whispered "I would keep your distance, child." With a nod, Blair took a few more steps away from the old woman, her back against a wall as her yellow eyes scanned the other Halflings.

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Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Dethrix Dethrix

It wasn't long before the foolhardy decision came back to bite David, as he had bitten a Goblin. Many Goblins, of course were known for living rough. Caverns, dungeons and forests in small tribes. Places rife with illness that the creatures would ignore or perhaps had a level of immunity too, through exposure alone.

Within a few moments, a stabbing pain struck him in the stomach while his vision started to blur as the world started to spin. It started off slow, but much like the pain in the stomach soon turned violent.

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"What the..." David said as he started getting dizzy. He thought he heard something from inside the building, so he stumbled away form the window and to the door. "Hel...p" he tried calling out, but seemed too weak to do so. He stumbled inside, falling to the floor unceremoniously, all 350 lbs of his dense muscle hitting the wooden floorboards. He clawed his way further inside, trying to get someone's attention. Anyone.

Before the darkness closed in on him, he scratched out a message on the wooden floor with his claws. "H-E-L-P" He lowered his head back to the floor as everything slowly faded to black. His final thought went through his mind. 'Goblin meat apparently isn't good for the stomach'.
Darkness, the only thing that this lonely German lad could see, he couldn’t feel anything or sense anything, but the only thing he saw was darkness. He wondered how did this happen, what caused him to randomly faint when attending one of the sessions for the first Roll-20 game after a while. Before his eyelids were met with a bright light as he quickly opened his eyes, his vision somewhat hazy, and the fact that there was apparently something on his head that made his vision a bit worse and having some difficulty breathing right now. He moved his upper half of the body as he said out loud in German “Was zum ........ wo bin ich ....?” (English translation: What the..... where am I...?) as his vision began to clear, now seeing that he was in some sort of forest, lot of trees next to him and also a road. He slowly gotten up as he went to put his right hand on his head, before noticing that it’s was much larger and dirtier than his normal arm. He then quickly looked at the rest of his arm which had more muscles than he definitely had, then noticing a small backpack along with a Dane axe next to it. He wanted to test something, picking it up, it’s blade still sharpen to perfection as he looked at the reflection on it, seeing what seems to be a steel and chain mail helmet, before using the reflection of the axe’s blade to see what his body truly looked like.
What he saw put him in great shock, his appearance was similar to that of his own character, even having the same weapon and gear he was gonna start with. He became greatly confused and shocked on why he was his Path of the Berserker Barbarian. But he put that aside as he picked up his backpack and put it on, before beginning to walk down the path to look for help, still confused onto how he gotten here. After a while, he managed to reach what seems to be a rundown building, with a couple of..... Goblin corpses in the front?. This day seems to keep getting weirder and weirder by the second, but he instead of feeling at least some sort of emotion for these goblins, he instead got some sort of bloodthirst for battle, wanting to kill some of the goblins. He quickly regain control again and decided to carefully head inside, the door thankfully still being open, he saw what seemed like some sort of lizard creature on the floor, which he believed was a Dragonborn, and saw the words ‘HELP’ scratched into the floor. He quickly dropped his Dane axe onto the floor and crouched down to check on the Dragonborn, before looking around and yelling out loud without any thought in English “Hey! Is anyone in here, I got someone right here who is in need of medical attention!” he said without any thinking as he continued to check on the Dragonborn to see if he was still alright.
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@Anyonewho heard the shout
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Wyatt Hamon/Ser Godfree & Blair Tuama/Circe
Wyatt and Blair.png

The soulless Halflings remained still for a moment, but at the sound of someone bellowing from upstairs, the old woman started to move. As did three others, making their way out of the basement and into the hall. They started off slow, but quickly broke into a sprint much faster than any Halfling could possibly move. It wasn't long before they were in the sights of the German and simply stopped moving, their dead eyes staring at him.

The surviving Halfling tapped away at one brick, and smiled "Got it. Now we can get the hell out of here." He smiled. Roux's Elf eyes glanced between the party, and the stairs leading out of the basement. Something was very wrong, she could feel it in her gut and whoever had just entered the brewery was about to find themselves in a world of trouble.
She dashed, trying to up with the soulless Halflings as fast as Fen's legs would carry her.

A bright flash of dark red light illuminated from inside the family archive.
"Are you okay?" Wyatt called out
"Child. Run. Now." Monnas hissed
"Get back!" Blair yelled

The Halfling emerged, hovering just a meter above the ground. His eyes were blackened, his hands by his side.
"Yes..." He muttered, his voice a mixture between his own and that of something not of the world.
"Do as I say!" Monnas yelled, his voice thundering inside of Blair's head

With a twist of his hand, the soulless Haflings started to glow with the same energy, their heads turning towards the party.
"My family were more than just brewers. They also kept certain things, safe. From the rest of the realm." The Halfling grinned. His mouth showed a thousand teeth "But dad was too stupid to realise we could've taken the artefact for ourselves. It's why I needed the rest of them out of the picture."
"You set this up? Some of us almost died taking this place!" Trevor shouted, and with a yell he lunged towards the Halfling, sais in hand. With a scoff, his target raised both hands and shot Trevor full of red lightning.

As the Monk hovered in mid-air, his body coursed with energy and was fried alive. His charred body fell to the floor, lifeless. Wyatt went for his sword, but Blair raised a hand
"Don't! He'll kill you!"
"Bastard." Wyatt hissed "He was only a boy!"

At the staircase leading outside, Roux had managed to catch up with the Halfings, her eyes spotting the downed Dragonborn and the large Barbarian.
"Keep back!" She screamed, raising a hand "They've got no souls!"

But it was too late, for as Roux caught up the Haflings turned to her, and exploded in red energy. Roux was consumed by the blast, immediately and the brewery shook. Thankfully for the two newcomers, the Haflings had been just out of reach and the blast didn't touch them. Roux had saved their lives, but had given her own in the process.

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Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Dethrix Dethrix

Brewery entrance:
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Markus Barton


Mark listened to the conversations taking place when he heard raised non goblin voices coming from upstairs and saw that the other halflings went to go up. Mark then heard the halfing say that he has the artefact and that they were ready to get out. "Ah good timing, just finished tinkering with my armor, I'll be ready in a-" Mark's speech was cut off by a flash of dark red light and he watched as the halfling emerged with something Off about him. "GET BACK!" Blair yelled and Mark not wanting to tangle without his armor jumped backwards nearest to Blair and Wyatt. Of course the Monk as impatient as ever charged in, but was immediately fired to a crisp. Wyatt went for his sword, but thankfully was stopped by Blair. Mark could see the rage building on Wyatt's face as he was held back by Blair and it was at this moment that Mark decided to act. Turning to the floating halfling, Mark spoke. "For someone who appears to be very smart you sure are dumb!"

After Mark's declaration, he took the armor core that he was tinkering and slammed it against his chest and yelled "Guardian!" The core glowed bright yellow before honeycomb patterns began to emanate from center as Mark stretched out his arms and the pattern spread across his body. As soon as the honeycombs had encompassed his entire body they began to fill with a silver metal that one would recognize as the extremely protective plate armor. As soon as his body below his head was encompassed, lighting bolts appeared on the armor on the back of his hands and raw thunder began to crackle from his fists. His head was then covered in the same silvery metal as a helmet, but the core formed a helmet with a mouth and two eye holes. In addition a soft red glow appeared briefly signalling the armor's temporary health boost was in effect. 5 hp or not, it was still a nice buffer to have. Mark then stood at the ready fists clenched awaiting what the next action was to be between the three of them.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Dethrix Dethrix Venchi1986 Venchi1986
Wyatt Hamon/Ser Godfree & Blair Tuama/Circe
Wyatt and Blair.png

At the sound of the blast emerging from upstairs, Blair backed further up
"What the hell was that?"
"One of your friends tried to make a break for it. They didn't make it." The Halfling smirked "Tried to warn two newcomers. And...Boom. Sadly, those two idiots are still alive. More than I can say for your friend."

Blair's yellow eyes panned around the room, finding that Roux was missing. In that moment, all Blair could think about was how scared Roux has been, but had still tried to help. Her fists clenched tightly, her teeth gritted. The girl had died in a body that wasn't her own, frightened and yet managed to save two others.
"Child, don't!" Monnas pleaded "You won't survive!"
"Let's hit this little shit with everything we've got. No holding back! Mark! Show us what that armour can do!"
The Hafling folded his arms, a smile decorating his face
"Go on then. I shall let you have the first strike."

Blair raised both of her hands, three rays of fire shooting from them and striking the Halfling as she yelled. At the same time, three darts, glowing with blue energy floated above Wyatt's head before the Half-Elf fired them towards the levitating Halfling. Jessie presented her holy symbol and blasted their enemy with holy light and finally, Anamaria entered the fray as she struck the Halfling with a bolt of lightning.

The party waited on Mark to make his move, their spells bombarding the target and filling the inside of the basement with smoke and dust. All that could be seen of the Halfling was the barrier of red energy he had raised to defend himself.
"We've got you covered! Hit him now, Mark! Wyatt yelled. In another other situation he'd be admiring the armour, asking Mark a million and one questions as to how it worked, but that would have to wait.

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Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Dethrix Dethrix
Jagger Sveinbjartsson
Everything seemed to be normal with the Dragonborn, but he was not some sort of expert when it comes to cold blooded creatures, especially something that is basically a human with reptilian skin, before noticing something in his peripheral vision. He quickly turned to face four small midgets, but their eyes seemed to be dead, as he kept an eye on them while slowly reaching for his Dane axe as he noticed something wrong with them. Before hearing someone from behind the midgets who said something about them being soulless, but he didn’t get to see anything since as soon the four midgets turned around, they exploded, killing the person behind them as he quickly looked away from the bright light, before looking ahead and saw nothing but burn marks and ashes. He quickly yelled out in German “Was zum Teufel, ich ........ weiß nicht, was ich gerade gesehen habe!” (English translation: What the fuck, I........ don't know what I just witnessed) as he was a bit light headed from seeing someone die, before quickly getting over it. But while anyone else would have run away in fear or at least get the other person with him away from danger, he instead picked up his Dane axe with his right arm and got ready to slowly go deeper inside. But after a quick glance to the unconscious Dragonborn, he quickly sigh as he went to the Dragonborn, picking up its sword and putting it in its wielder’s sheath, and picking up and putting the Dragonborn on his left shoulder, leaving the shield behind due to it being dead weight. He continued on deeper into the building, making sure to keep an eye on his corners and making sure there was at least nothing moving in his peripheral vision. He made a quick glance back and said to himself “I won’t forget what you had done...... stranger.... I will make sure to remember you for your sacrifice.... even though I am doing something stupid right now.” as he said the last part quietly to himself. After a while, he managed to find a set of stairs as he heard weird noises downstairs, he quickly prepared himself and went down slowly, still having the the Dragonborn on his shoulder. As he slowly went down, he saw smoke and dust coming up, which is definitely means something not good is going on, so he quickly hurried his pace, only to see a strange sight, a levitating midget with a red energy shield protecting itself from many other people. He looked on, not sure what to do as he quickly but softly put the Dragonborn on the floor and grabbed his Dane axe with both hands as he got ready for a fight.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
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Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Dethrix Dethrix
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The sudden blast of force coupled with the shouts and cries of anguish woke the Dragonborn from his sickness-induced sleep. He felt something pick him up and carry him over its shoulder, and as he looked down hie saw two burly legs clothed in leather walking forward. The food in his stomach mingled with the bumpy ride made for a perfect scenario to...to...


Red and green vomit spewed from his mouth behind his savior, coating the floor in the guts and blood of his previous meal. His stomach still hurt like someone was digging a knife into it, and he did a couple dry heaves after all the food was out, but now he felt a tiny bit better. Coherent enough to hear the sounds around him, and vaguely sensed something malicious and evil in the building.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Venchi1986 Venchi1986
Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Dethrix Dethrix
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Markus Barton


Mark watched as Blair, Wyatt, Jesse and Anamaria unleashed their attacks on the floating halfling. It was at that point he also heard Wyatt yell, "We've got you covered! Hit him now, Mark!" He suddenly got an idea after recalling the Guardian Armor's abilities. If he focused all of the Halfling's attacks on himself, there would be a better chance that he could take the hit instead of everyone else. He was a bit bulkier than everyone except Wyatt and he had better armor. Taking all of this into account, Mark ran at the halfling intending to close the gap and draw his attention to him. For good measure, Mark yelled "Incoming! Eyes on me Arsehole!" When he reached the halfling the thunderbolts on Mark's gauntlets began to glow in addition to the crackling energy. Jumping up at the halfling, Mark punched the halfling in the abdomen with a loud *Thwack!* and in the cheek with a resounding *Boom!* When Mark touched down the gauntlets began to emit a distracting pulse that would ensure that the halfling would not attack anyone else but himself. "Don't you dare take your eyes off me!"
((Mechanics: Halfling now has disadvantage on attacking everyone except for Mark))

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
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Dethrix Dethrix
Wyatt Hamon/Ser Godfree & Blair Tuama/Circe
Wyatt and Blair.png

With so many attacks striking him at once, the barrier weakened. Just for a second, but enough for Mark's blows to strike the Halfling.
"You know. I liked you. You were smart." He sighed

He snapped his fingers and two of the soulless Halflings, once members of his own family started to march towards Mark as the last O'Marra standing raised his hand, preparing for a strike. However, his attention was diverted as two more entered the fray and he sighed heavily.
"Why am I taking you on myself? I offered those Goblins eternal life...I suppose I might as well give than that. I am an O'Marra, after all. We keep our promises."

With the snap of his fingers, the Goblins started to reform. Burnt to ash, or cut down by the blade they started to form back together. Although, not in one piece. Bones were bent out of place, those consumed in fire reformed as one being, a contorted mess of green, charred limbs, eyes and teeth that formed a singular body.
It did not stop there, for although David was able to throw up most of the Goblin. He didn't get all of it. Inside of his stomach an arm remained, slowly forming into a body as it picked away at his insides.

He tilted his head to the side, pointing a finger at Trevor. Red lightning, the same that had claimed his life flew upwards from his body and within seconds, the Monk was back on his feet. His skin still charred, he turned towards the party and picked up his sais.

"Kill them. Leave the armoured one to me."

Contorted Goblins from all around the brewery approached the basement, the soulless Halflings marched towards the party and the charred Trevor bided his time for an opening. All the while, Patrick's son glared at Mark, channelling red lighting from his fingertips and firing off a shot. It struck the armoured man, and although he was knocked back a little, he was very much alive. If he hadn't wearing his suit, his fate may have been similar to Trevor.

Wyatt, Blair and Jessie stood back to back, readying their weapons while Anamaria held back, protected by the three as she prepared another spell.
"Hey!" Wyatt called over to the newcomers, cutting down a contorted mass of green skin that had once been a Goblin "A little help would be appreciated!"
"Child, keep your distance from the Halflings. I don't trust beings without souls. I may not know what they are capable of, but do not let them touch you!"
With a nod at her Patron's words, Blair blasted a Halfling back with an Eldrich blast and they struck a wall on the far side of the room.

Her yellow eyes catch a glimpse of the husk as it opened it's mouth, and exploded. Part of the basement wall was taken with it, but thankfully it had been out of the way of any fellow party members.
"Seems you were right."
"I'm always right, child. You should've never come here. But here we are."

With her mace in one hand and a holy symbol in the other, Jessie caved in the skull of a Goblin. In his rise from the grave, he had been brought back with no face, only a mouthful of teeth. Despite trying to take a solid bite out of the Cleric's arm, he didn't make it far. The four of them were backed up against a wall now, with the remains of Goblins and the husks of the O'Marra family drawing ever closer.

At the very least, the surviving son paid them no mind as he prepared for another attack against Mark.

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Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Dethrix Dethrix
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
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Markus Barton


"Guh!" exclaimed Mark as the lighting struck him. Thankfully the armor and the temporary health it gave were enough to help mitigate the blow, but that didn't change the fact that it still hurt. The soft red glow reappeared around his armor ready to take further punishment from whatever the halfling could throw at Mark. You know. I liked you. You were smart." the halfling exasperatedly explained. "I still am" Mark countered. "We may both be nobility and in fact we may be alike in some ways, but there is one thing that separates the two of us O'Marra! I didn't let the titles and power go to my head and cloud my judgement!" Mark then raised his right gauntlet as the energy that crackled began to crackle brighter as if Mark was going to unleash a powerful spell. "Shatter" Mark calmly spoke as he pointed to a point on the floor closest to the halfling, but far enough away from his allies and himself. Hopefully it might strike some of the nearby enemies in addition. A small bolt of thunder erupted from his right hand palm as it arced towards Mark's chosen point. With a loud *kzzzttt* the spell went off right near the halfling forcing him to take action if he didn't want to suffer the brunt of the attack; if could react fast enough that is.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Jagger Sveinbjartsson
Well he guess who he was suppose to fight with due to the recent turn of events, and he got ready for battle, holding his Dane axe with two hands as he yelled out a battle cry as he charged the goblin corpses, slicing them up with no remorse while also keeping his distance from the husks of the midgets, he slowly went back as he saw four of his allies get backed into a wall. He then thought of a dumb but kinda ‘smart?’ idea he can use. He recalled that the midgets explode if touched by something so he tested something by grabbing a still alive goblin corpse and throwing it at one of the midgets. If the theory was true, then the midget would explode when in contact of the goblin, and due to the close proximity with the others, it may cause a chain reaction that killed all of them. Of course, he did not know if the others were out of the blast zone, but he hoped as he said out loud “If this works, you guys need to get down to the ground right now!” as he waited for the result to happen:
@Everyonein the basement
Wyatt Hamon/Ser Godfree & Blair Tuama/Circe
Wyatt and Blair.png

Thinking quickly, O'Marra raised a barrier to defend himself from the thunderbolt. He was thrown back, his body striking the wall of the basement but quickly regained his composure as he remained floating in the air. A few of the Goblins at his side were not so lucky, with three of the newly resurrected being torn to pieces.
Eyeing the tunnel entrance, he started to float towards it, firing a few bolts of red lighting in Mark's direction in an attempt to disorient the man.

One of the soulless was indeed struck by the Goblin, it's mouth opening just as the other had done and quickly exploding. A neighbouring soulless was taken in the blast and a third was thrown to the ground, soon exploding afterwords. Having headed the German's warnings, the four party members backed into a corner hit the deck, with a few Goblins surrounding them being incinerated in the blast. Wyatt took the brunt of it, his shield upwards as he tried to protect the Wizard. As a result, the man was left with a few scrapes but his decent Con score and AC kept him from taking too much of a hit.

Blair's mage armour and Jessie's scale mail had taken most of the blast for them, and although the two were left with significant bruises they were still able to stand and fight.
The same however, could not be said for the basement. For as the chain explosions had gone off, the room shook and parts of the ceiling soon started to crumble. Standing to his feet, Wyatt eyed their saving grace.

For although the explosions were causing a collapse, their close proximity to the Goblins had cleared a path between the four party members who had, mere moments ago been backed into a corner...And the door out. He looked to the tunnels as well, but noticed that not only did more of the dead stand in their way, but so did O'Marra.

"With me!" He shouted to his companions, kicking down a Goblin who had bony claws for arms and slicing another's head clean off as he pushed towards the exit. The crumbling basement had given him an idea. "Keep him occupied." He pointed his sword towards O'Marra "If we can keep him from leaving, he'll be trapped down here." The Half-Elf had kept his voice low so as to not alert the enemy.

He was not the only one to notice the opening, for the returned Trevor had done so as well, and lunged towards Jessie as she used her holy symbol to patch up Blair and herself. With her back turned, and the Monk being silent she almost didn't notice. That was, until Blair blocked a sai thrown at the back of Jessie's head with her battleaxe.

Trevor's sights turned to her, and as he prepared to attack Blair gulped

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Dethrix Dethrix
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Dethrix Dethrix
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The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

As the newly formed miniature goblin inside him started making itself at home, David knew something was wrong. He saw the goblins he'd killed earlier stumble in, their bony structures and undead appearance betraying what was now inside him. "Crap," the Dragonborn said, hunching over as he tried standing up. He then remembered that Kamodo's lineage was that of the silver dragon, and started producing acid breath in his stomach, dissolving the creature inside.

He looked around and saw there wasn't anyone else on the floor with him but the two goblins from outside were shuffling in to slay him. Feeling that the pain in his stomach was finally gone thanks to the acid decomposing the remnants of the rancid meat properly, he decided to give his resident undead back to its allies. With a breath in, he stood and faced them, then used his breath attack to both empty his stomach of goblin and reduce the two goblin zombies to melting tissue.

Now somewhat refreshed, he turned toward the source of evil he sensed earlier, but wobbled a bit due to the explosions and such coming from below. As the debris fell and exposed the heroes beneath, he saw the group struggling to get away from the collapsing basement.

Unfortunately, he didn't hear Wyatt's plan.

He stepped to the edge of the ever widening hole and yelled out, "Take my hand!" to Blair, seeing she was the nearest to him. He crouched and reached his hand down, sure his draconian strength could lift these out of the pit of death they'd found themselves in.
Blair Tuama/Circe
Another Tiefling.jpg

Focused on defending herself from the Monk, she tossed an Eldrich blast in his direction only for Trevor's body to dodge it and close the gap. However, his punch only struck her mage armour and as Blair readied herself, a voice caught her attention. One of the newcomers, the Dragonborn was asking for her hand. Had the woman not been fighting for her life, she would have asked him a question or two.

Even if he pulled her away, Trevor or rather, whatever force was controlling his body would still attack. She could even be left open.
"That's not going to do anything!" She shouted at David, readying her axe and dodging one of Trevor's kicks. However, despite merely being a corpse he seemed to still have the intellect. The kick had only been throw Blair off, leaving her open to another attack. She was too slow to realise it, and the sai went into her right shoulder.
Letting out a shout in pain, she drew back.

Her attempted saviour was having a lot of problems of his own. For although the flesh and bone of the Goblin was gone, reduced to nothing that hadn't been the only pieces. The makeshift armour each Goblin soldier wore, a mixture of leather and metal still had pieces within him, and tore into his stomach. Not only that, but toxins had been left in it's place, even more potent now due to it's body being dissolved inside of the Dragonborn. The diseases the Goblin carried, those it would be resistant to combined with the power that had brought it back had mixed together into a foul concoction.

One that stepped up an assault within David. If he did not act fast, he was going to end up with ruptured organs and a large number of diseases and unleashed dark magic was going to destroy the rest of his body.

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Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Dethrix Dethrix
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
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Markus Barton


Mark's plan had worked! He had managed to hit the halfling with his shatter spell and even clean out some of the goblins. However, he was not anticipating some of the red lightning that was headed his way and as such two of the three bolts that were sent out had hit him. While once again his temporary health boost absorbed one of them, it did not absorb the other and he was still hit by one causing him to grunt in annoyance.

It was at this point that Mark had heard Wyatt's plan about stopping the halfling as he was headed towards an escape. Mark was about to immediately think of something when he heard Blair's call for help. ~Damn, what do I do, what do I dooo?~ He could help Blair, but it would cause the halfling to possibly escape causing them numerous problems down the line. On the other hand Blair was in serious trouble and he didn't know what would happen to a person who died in their cirumstances. ~Crap Crap Crap!~ As Mark struggled to think, salvation came in the form of a Dragonborn who moved to help her. ~Thank the lord.~ With this, he could focus his attention on taking down the halfling! Moving his hands in a specific movement, Mark began to cast the Web spell to try and constrict the halfling in order to prevent him from getting away.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
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Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Jagger Sveinbjartsson
After seeing the effect of the idea, he cackled like a crazy German general who managed to bombed the enemy outpost successfully, but Karma had once again found his little victory and went to ruin it, causing the basement to begin falling apart as he forgot about the part that explosions make things unstable. He quickly said something to himself in German “Scheiße..!” (English translation: Fuck...!) as he heard Wyatt’s plan, but ignored it when he saw the burnt corpse of someone attacking the Tiefling. He did not know what to do, the recent stress built up inside him due to the recent turn of events just pent up inside him for so long, he lose control of himself as he let out a loud roar of emotion. He unconsciously activated rage along with frenzy as he charged the corpse with anger, as he held the axe in his right arm as he had his left arm out for a grab. Due to the surprise attack, he manage to grab the corpse, but instead of just standing there he continued forward with the corpse still on his shoulder, before throwing it onto the wall once he reached it and kneed it in the face, stunning it. His frenzy allowed him to chain his attacks by grabbing the reanimated corpse and slamming its head into the wall multiple times, before finishing it by throwing it on the floor onto its knees. He then put his right leg down and pushed it flat onto the floor, before grabbing the axe with both hands and slamming it into its head, killing it off for good if it worked. He was still in Rage mode as he looked at the Tiefling and said “Your alright...... if you are... then we should hurry up and leave right now quickly.” as he started to jog towards the exit, still looking back for those who need help.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Anyoneelse in the basement
Wyatt Hamon/Ser Godfree & Blair Tuama/Circe
Wyatt and Blair.png

As Trevor homed in for the kill, Blair found herself freezing up as her life briefly flashed before her eyes. She saw glimpses of her childhood, teenage years and into early adulthood and in that flash, the only thought that crossed her mind was just how much time she had wasted. Sure, the biggest aspect holding her back was out of her control but in the end, she wondered just how many years she had spent unhappy. As her mid twenties approached, she did feel a sense of ease as the happier memories flooded by.

With the axe lowered, she smiled and shut her eyes as the better years caught up with her. Reality was knocked back into her, and she regained focus as the newcomer, a large man speaking in German grabbed Trevor and with the utmost brutality, finished him off. Suddenly, she was back in the basement and although she was surrounded by enemies, she was also surrounded by others in the same situation.
Wincing in pain from her shoulder, she nodded towards the German "Tha-thank you."

As the web flew towards the Halfling, he attempted to block it with the barrier, and he smirked as the spell appeared to have failed. However, his smile started to shift into a frown as he noticed he could no longer move his right arm. Glancing over, he noticed that part of the webbing had managed to land it's mark, sticking him to the wall.
"No!" He hissed, casting more bolts of lighting towards Mark, all the while trying to wrestle his arm free.

At the sight of the trapped Halfling, Wyatt let out a sigh of relief
"Now's our chance. Bring this building down on our way out!" He called to the others, pushing his way towards the exit while cutting down a few remaining Goblins. One of the bolts aimed at Mark had missed it's mark, and almost struck Wyatt as he tried to clear a path. A few centimetres lower and it would have struck the Half-Elf directly in the head.

He glanced back at O'Marra one final time, hatred in his eyes before his vision turned towards the staircase. The remains of Goblins, some whole, others missing pieces while some were fusions of green skin and whatever remains were lying around were all that stood between the group and an end to this nightmare. With a bellow, he ran into the fray sword first.

Venchi1986 Venchi1986
Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Dethrix Dethrix
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318
As David's belly betrayed him yet again and the Tiefling said his help wouldn't work at the moment, David looked around his person for anything that could help. He saw a satchel on his left hip and said, "Please something be in there," as he opened the flap and reached into it. He saw a few different things, health potion, magic potion, and something that looked like a medicine bag.

Thank God Kamodo was a Cleric. He knew not just something sick was in him, but something evil and dark as well. He made sure to keep a medicinal concoction on him at all times to help others. Now he needed it not just for Kam, but himself. His hands moved without his brain telling them to, grabbing herbs and tonics, mixing them in a mortar and pestle. He blessed it with Bahaumut's holy object and downed the entire contents.

He watched as the group started to fight through some undead goblins, trying to escape the collapsing building. "Good idea," the dragonborn said as he turned to head outside as well. If he was trying to beat death internally, he'd be no help in a fight. Thankfully he started feeling better as the medicine and holy blessing of the Dragon god of righteousness worked to fight the disease and dark magic inside of him.

Venchi1986 Venchi1986
Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Dethrix Dethrix
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Jagger Sveinbjartsson
He sigh once more for there was one more obstacle in the way to freedom from this house. He noticed his rage and frenzy was still active, so he knew he needed to act quickly if he wanted to use it to its fullest before it ran out. He saw someone else in armor charged forward the goblin corpse horde, so he followed suit with his own way of attacking. He held the end of his axe with both hands and yelled out in Icelandic “Ég skal rífa ykkur öll í sundur” (English translation: I’ll tear you all to pieces) as he swung the Dane axe in a wide arc recklessly, slicing up multiple reanimated goblins but he did not stop there. He used his momentum from the attack to spin around and do a second swing from his axe, it being much more deadly and powerful than the first due to the kinetic energy buildup behind the attack as he yelled out in English “Haha, nothing can stop me....!” as he stopped and stepped back a bit, preparing himself to block or dodge any other blows from the remaining reanimated goblin corpses.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318
Dethrix Dethrix
Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Venchi1986 Venchi1986
Markus Barton


As Mark watched the halfling attempt to defend himself against his Web spell, he was a bit unhappy, but as fortune favored him the halfling got stuck in his web. Of course this fortune turned into misfortune as the building itself started to collapse ~Shoot~ Mark swore to himself. Looking around briefly he was almost struck by a bolt fired out of desperation by the stuck halfling. Fortunately it was a bit easier to dodge thanks to its' haphazardly cast nature. Deciding to clear the way and help others escape, Mark ran at the goblins while keeping an eye on the halfling. Casting a firebolt at one of the goblins it was almost comical to see both bolts hit it straight in the face causing it to literally fall to pieces. Linking up with Wyatt as he charged in Mark yelled to Wyatt "The Halfling is trapped lets clear the road!" Mark then readied himself to fight alongside Wyatt to fight off the remaining undead while his gauntlets crackled with thunder.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318
Wyatt Hamon/Ser Godfree & Blair Tuama/Circe
Wyatt and Blair.png

With the combined power of Mark, Jagger and Wyatt pushing towards the door, they finally managed to create a significant dent in the risen Goblins. It was enough for the group to finally push through. Wyatt continued his charge up the staircase and onto the upper floors. As his sword made contact with charred Goblin flesh, he spun to those behind him and nodded. They may have lost two of their own, but he was damned if he was going to let another fall.

"Keep pushing!"
He yelled "Hit them with everything we have!"
Blair, her focus turning to the exit snapped herself into focus once more and started to strike the horde with a barrage of Eldritch blasts. She hung behind the heavy hitters, standing towards the back of the group as careful shots eased their push forward. She routinely spun around, cutting down or blasting risen Goblins that tried to close in on the group from behind. Jessie and Danny also remained near the back, striking every Goblin that came into reach while they kept the Wizard in the middle, away from their reach as she cast the occasional spell in both directions.

All the while, O'Marra struggled for freedom, screaming as he tried to pull his arm free but it was of little use. As his fury grew, his aim got worse and as much as he tossed the red lightning bolts towards the party, he wasn't able to land a hit. Every blast struck the basement walls, causing them to shake and crumble even further.
"No!" He hissed "I will not be dying here, not today!"

Purely out of spite, Blair launched an Eldrich blast towards him, and he was struck in the leg. With his mind focused on the arm, he wasn't able to raise the barrier in time. Letting out a shout in pain, he released more lightning towards the group. Blair was almost struck, but managed to duck at the last second and the walls crumbled even more.

Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318
Jagger Sveinbjartsson
After killing some of the undead goblin horde, they finally managed to reach the stairs, dodging some of the bolts coming from the halfling as the went up the stairs.... after reaching the top and punting a goblin corpse away by kicking it, he laughed out loud and said “And they said that living in a fantasy world would definitely kill you, but the only thing trying to stop is just charred corpses...... not even as dangerous as I thought it would be....” as he quickly continued his way to the exit of the Brewery, occasionally stopping to kill a undead goblin or two, his rage almost over and due to him activating his frenzy earlier, he might get more tired than usually, as he casually stepped on the head of a charred goblin while still thinking. He looked back at his allies as he outstretched his hand and pointed it towards the exit and said “we need to hurry the hell up now or we all gonna die here.....”

Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Wyatt Hamon/Ser Godfree & Blair Tuama/Circe
Wyatt and Blair.png

The screams of O'Marra died out as the entrance was sealed, trapping the Halfling inside. All of the group had managed to make it to the upper floor in time, and although the final push towards the exit was a bloody one, there was on saving grace. As the basement continued to fall apart, one by one the risen Goblins started to fall. Those made up of scattered Goblin parts collapsed into piles of mush, while others fell to the ground, their blades clattering. However, some remained. Wyatt's arms ached as they reached the front door, and their way to freedom. Bruises and scrapes covered him, but by no means slowed him down as he fought till everyone had made it outside.

Blair kept her eyes on the others, spotting a shape standing at the top of the stairs. It was another Goblin, but he seemed unlike the others. He wasn't marching forwards and outside of the scarring from old wounds that had sunk into his flesh, he was untouched. At least, physically. He watched the group, but at the sight of the Dragonborn he charged up the stairs and threw himself through one the windows, screaming in fear.

"They got Grubby Robby! Oh my Gods!"

Thinking little of it, she pressed forwards and made it through the door. The moment every party member was outside, the brewery illuminated with red, dark energy and began to completely collapse. Within seconds, the building was reduced to nothing but rubble, and one Goblin stood on the other side.
At the sight of the group, he fell to his knees.

"Please! Please don't kill me! I had nothing to do with this!"
He shrieked in terror as the Dragonborn eyed him and stared to march towards him with a grimace on his face. It was Blair that stepped in front of him "He could know something."

But this did not deter him, and he continued forwards. However, he soon clutched his stomach and let out a cry in pain.
"What's happening to him!?" Blair cried, her yellow eyes wide with panic
"He ate Grubby Robby. Whole." The Goblin shrieked, his hands raised to protect his face
"Oh my God. He must have a ruptured stomach..." Wyatt dashed to the Dragonborn's side as he fell, coughing up blood. His eyes darted towards Jessie "Help him!"

The Cleric dashed to the side of their recent party member, but by the time she was close it was too late. David breathed his last, spewing his blood all over the path leading up to the brewery.
"Heh." The Goblin chuckled "Gud. Monster ate Grubby Robby alive. That Goblin was da best. Had four kids to feed. I won't be missin' this one. He was doin' this deal for his kids, too. Tryin' make it right."

He shook his head "But I'll do right by Robby. If ya promise to let me live, I'll tell ya all I know."

Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Togy Togy

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