Roleplay Section

Emma set her jaw, silvery blue eyes practically blazing in rage. 

"Why you little..."

Emma's eyes took on a glint of pure evil she could only possess, and then the noise began. In the alien girl's mind, like screaming mixed with nails on a chalk board, mixed with sirens. A sharp headache followed, soon there would be seizures. Emma stared at her, standing defiantly. 

"Try me bitch." She murmured, although the girl wouldn't hear her over the symphony of pain she was being caused.

With that, the white queen spun on her heel, releasing her control of Nova and Pietro. 

"Come on, Pietro, let's go." 


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~Wanda Maximoff~


Rolling her eyes exasperatedly at the conflict unfolding, Wanda almost began to regret ever leaving the srenity of the Timeless Archive. Keyword being almost, her brother's mind was worth more than some peace and quiet. Despite Emma's aggresion, Wanda wasn't remotely interested in a fight. For one, it was one she'd probably lose. Emma was just a far more powerful telepath than she was, even if Wanda had a much wider scale of abilities, arguably of more power, everything she could do was just unpredictable and quite frankly, sloppy. She needed more experience and training, a lot of it. Secondly, they were at Avengers Academy, the punishment for conflict here was far more severe than expulsion or a call home. Fortunately, Frost had her hands full with the... ahh, hot girl. Wanda would bet money on fire over Frost anyday, despite the fact that she didn't really know either woman, and only had the most basic grasp of their abilities. Although the telepath had the goodwill to release Pietro from mind-control, she still had the audacity to insist Pietro still accompany her, which drew an irritant scoff from Wanda, her lips pursed disapprovingly in Emma's direction. Crossing her arms in a telling stance, she forced out a feigned cough before clearing her throat noisily. Her eyes fixed on her brother with an expectant look, unlike miss Psycho, the 'Witch' had little intention of influencing her own brother's mind. Although he already knew that if he did willingly chose to go with Emma, he'd have to face the music at some point. Because his sister would not be happy.
Nova gritted her teeth and glared at the woman as he  mental attack came and in truth she had been just about to muster up her strength to fly her and he woman into the sun, it woudl only take seconds to get there  given she could go faster than light in order to move through the vast gulfs of space, when the pan went away. The woman had released her assault and Nova assumed she also let the guy go as well. Nova would normally try to pursue but she still had a headache from that mental assaults, she seriously needed to figure out what  those anti psychic power were made of so she could make one to stop this kind of shit from happening having someone that didn't mind controlling others in the school, of course Nova couldn't really take the high ground in all this, but still mind controlling people annoyed her. Nova didn't go after the woman and instead   regained control and  let the area return to normal temperature. With this little fight over Nova would  turn and continue  the search she had just started to find Mistress Death. 

Natasha Romanoff

Once she stood in the door, Natasha looked over her shoulder again. The cat turned around and around in the middle of her pet but slowly turned to her pillow. The black animal turned around again and lied down content. He finally settled down half on her mattress as well as her pillow. She rolled her eyes and continued her way though the Maverick house. But she didn't find any milk here. It seemed like she needed to go back to the breakfast in order to get some milk for the cat. She knew how starving felt so she would do something against the thin cat's hunger. At least that's what she told her. She didn't want to get linked to anyone. The Winter Soldier had just proved what happened once you get attached to a person.

Natasha walked into the club and instantly went for the bar. It seemed like there had formed two groups. One around the door consisting of a few new member as well as the fast guy and Joe. The other group was with the Winter Soldier, Stark and a new guy as well as Rogers. The sight of the Winter Soldier and Captain America together made her rise her eyebrow. But she shook it off and walked to the bar trying to get two cups of milk from the robot.

Tony Stark


Tony felt Bucky's gaze on him as he mentioned that he was his friend. He simply shrugged and rose his eyebrow lightly trying to figure out if the guy would go and tell Rogers about their rather troubled relationship. "Well, you could say that I suppose.", Tony replied Rogers and was surprised that the guy didn't mention his father. But on the outside he seemed unfazed. He kept his arms crossed but wondered what was going on. Despite his obvious attempt to annoy the heck out of this guy, he seemed to stay nice and calm. It almost annoyed Tony even more. Why the heck did the guy he hated need to act like a freaking saint? His gaze went back to Bucky and casually waited for any indication that the Half-Shitty person took the Cap's side. "Didn't decline things, did I?", he said. @FarFlungDreamer @Hammy



After hearing the crazy guy's response, Sersi's attention turned to the fiery, almost alien-looking girl on the other side of the room. She seemed to know something about the situation, although her mind wasn't easy to read either. Sersi began making her way towards her, not bothering to say goodbye or thank you to this guy. Before she could get her attention, though, she was quickly interrupted.

First of all, every pair of eyes in the room had turned towards a blonde who had just entered the club. She was absolutely stunning, more beautiful than Sersi or anyone else in the room (as much as she hated to admit it). Sersi may have been a shapeshifter, but even she couldn't manage to perfect her figure to the degree of this new girl. She also seemed to have telepathic powers that surpassed Sersi's, so she figured that she had to be using them passively to make her seem even more attractive, just like she was used to doing. This alone made Sersi begin to dislike this new girl out of pure envy as she self-consciously flipped her hair and adjusted her skirt.

Joe instantly ran up to the blonde and started hitting on her with the all the subtlety of an elephant. What a pig, Sersi thought to herself. She wondered if he ever got any women outside of his Vegas penthouse with his millions of dollars. What really surprised her, though, was that the new girl, named Emma, it seemed, actually seemed to go along with it, although she was probably just teasing. She was even more surprised, and also disappointed, by the way Pietro was talking to her. It seemed like they were already a couple, or at least had hooked up sometime in the past. That kind of sucked; she had really started to like that guy. Sersi didn't let herself get too concerned, though, since she had only known Pietro for under an hour. Although she was kind of concerned by Emma's borderline abuse of her powers. She seemed to be blatantly and totally mind-controlling the two of them to get her heavy lifting done, which Sersi tended to shy away from when it came to her actual friends. Maybe she would have fun with someone like Joe that way, but she would never do that to someone she was in an actual relationship with. But she wasn't even planning on stepping in, even before two others beat her to it.

The fiery girl, Nova, seemed to be really agitated by Emma's mind-control. It seemed like a fight might break out, as the room started to heat dramatically through Nova's powers and Emma seemed to transform into diamond. And later, another hot psychic chick, apparently Pietro's sister, tried to free him too. Eventually, Emma seemed to free the two from total domination, although she still probably held some influence over them. Before long, Emma and Pietro seemed to be leaving for her dorm. Catch you later, she said telepathically to Pietro as he left, hoping Emma wouldn't pick it up. I guess I should try to get this whole cosmic entity thing sorted out. @fanaticalferret

"So, you might have an idea of what's going on?" she began to pound Nova with questions as she began to calm down, "That girl was literally the embodiment of death itself? I mean, i don't know too much about cosmic entities and that kind of thing. But I did come from space, and I know one of our leaders was interested in her in some way. But why would a being that powerful be hanging out here? I know some this school is home to some of the most powerful people on Earth, but it's still just one planet in an immeasurable universe." @Karcen

Sersi did have a vague idea of why Death might be here, but she didn't want to tell. The leader that she was referring to was Thanos. Sersi's memories of her homeland was hazy, but she knew that Thanos had some kind of interest in Death. And from what she could gather from the entity's mind, she had some kind of interest in Thanos that she was trying to take from Sersi. And Thanos had some interest in a "lost planet" that just may have been Earth. As all of these thoughts hopelessly tried to connect in her head, Sersi realized that all of this might have been starting to make sense, but at the same time made little practical sense. She had an idea of why this might be happening, but still had no idea what was exactly happening. Still. she decided not to even say Thanos's name yet. Sersi still had no idea why she ended up on Earth, but she decided to distance herself from her past as much as she could. The Mad Titan was extremely dangerous, and terrible things could happen if he discovered Earth - especially if one of his favored descendants was hidden there, acting against his principles. So Sersi decided to stay quiet about him, at least until she heard what Nova had to say.



Logan sat alone at the edge of a table, since Bucky had left a while ago. After watching Sersi become mentally invaded, a fight break out in the park outside the club, and another fight nearly break out between a super-hot blonde and a literally hot alien chick, Logan was nearly overwhelmed by the chaos. After two years on the run, he had come here looking for a place where he would have safety, comfort and training. Being attacked twice in the first two days was not exactly a hallmark of a safe place. Did Logan like to fight? Hell yes. In fact, he couldn't wait to wipe the Grey Hulk's smile off his face in the arena later that day. But now he just wanted some calm for once, and so many things were going on that he just sunk his head into the table in frustration. It's just the first day, he told himself. You'll get used to it soon enough. But even this he doubted. Ever since he'd lost his father and went on the run, Logan had trouble feeling like he belonged anywhere, and he was afraid that this school would be no exception.

He turned toward Wade, the only semi-familiar face that was still sitting near him. "Kind of chaotic here, isn't it, bub?" he said halfheartedly. "It's weird that it seems like everyone else has something to do but I'm just kind of sitting here." @NerdyBirdy
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Pietro frowned as Emma kissed some random nerd that had walked in. What was up with that?? I'm right here!! he thought a bit angrily, although it's not like he was jealous. No way. At least, he would never admit it to himself or anyone else. But before he could figure out what he should say he swiveled around at his sister's voice. Oh, god, she just had to walk in right now, didn't she...."I'm....uhhhh...." What was he doing carrying her luggage? Suddenly they dropped to the floor, much heavier than he could lift. He struggled against gravity, but his arms were no match for it.

He looked back and forth between Emma and Wanda, the hostility between them so thick Pietro could practically see it. "Wanda, what's your deal?!" He exclaimed, glaring at her. He didn't need her to babysit him. Emma wasn't doing anything wrong, just being gorgeous and amazing and beautiful and fantastic...."I know, right?" he agreed quietly. Of course he would agree with Emma. He couldn't not agree with Emma. But then some other girl (was she on fire?) came over and started doing something in Emma's head, Pietro didn't know what. But the White Queen grabbed his hand and he just kinda stood there, unsure of what he should do, his brain felt a little fuzzy.

It cleared up soon though, after Emma dealt with that girl who had tried to stop her. Pietro blinked, trying to figure out what was really going on here. Emma still wanted him to go with her...and he was very inclined to do so. It had been so long since they had last seen each other, he had almost forgotten the reasons for his own hesitation to be with her.

The speedster glanced over to his twin, who was giving him a wide-eyed look and crossing her arms. Boy, did he know that look all too well. He looked back at Emma now, looking at him expectantly as well, with those lips and those eyelashes and those hips...Looking back to Wanda again, he shrugged. "Catch you later, sis," he said sheepishly, before putting his hand on Emma's back and starting out the door. "Let's get out of here before she kills me," he whispered to her, snickering under his breath. Oh man, he was so dead. But hopefully also so laid.

As they were heading out, a voice echoed in his head. Sersi? Oh jeez, he had nearly forgotten about her. Yikes.

@Rui @~Aether~ @slachance6 
Wade blinked at Nova. "Death? As in DEATH Death? Funny. I always pictured the Grim Reaper to be a skeleton in a robe with a scythe and the voice of Norm McDonald, not a hottie with an hourglass body and a face for Nine Inch Nails." Wade thought for a second as the girl got up to leave. "Alright, Lite Bright, you do that. And if you find her, ask her if she does Ana-wait a minute, did she just imply what I hope she implied? Haaaaaawwwwwwwwt." Wade sighed before turning to Logan. 

"Yeah. You would think the director of this thread would have us go to class or something. But I think they're too busy playing Minecraft." Wade looked directly at the wall as if there were an unseen audience. He gave a small squint of scrutiny before looking backward at the feuding parties. "Hey, Lo-Lo, am I crazy or is that the chick from the Hellfire Club from when we were on the run? What was her name? Emily Chill? Elsa Frozen? Ah, the Hellfire Club. Those were some great times...."


The Hellfire Club, Six Months Ago....


"DIE, YOU &@$ LICKING USED TAMPON SUCKING PIECES OF HOG STOOL!" Wade screamed, firing two sub machine guns as Logan used him as a human shield/riot shield to run down the aisle of the club.


"That was the first time you were inside of meeeee...." Wade whispered tenderly, stroking Logan's forearm. A sputtered cough at the next table occurred as an eavesdropping SHIELD agent spit taked his milk. Wade gave the young man a saucy look.

"Yeah, dude. He got me good and deep. Hashtag Wolverpool. Get it trending." Wade sniggered before leaning over and taking the man's notebook. He opened it to a blank page and started tearing pages out, folding them into small shapes. 

"Tinkerbelly shirt has a point, though. What is the embodiment of death doing at this school? And why did she attack her? And what size bra does she wear? Questions, questions." Wade spoke to himself as he continued to fold.


A bag flew through Natasha's window and landed in the middle of the floor. The cat looked over the bed covers with curiosity. The bag seemed normal enough, a black messenger pack with tarot symbols and ornate embroidery all over it. But something chilling and foreboding came off the thing as if it was jinxed heavily. The cat had no time to ponder the nature of the mystery bag as a pair of pale, flawless hands gripped the windowsill and was followed by a red and white ball of hair. The hair was attached to another girl the cat had not seen before. She collapsed onto the floor and laid there for a moment, breathing hard. Her clothes were streak with a deep red substance and her face  had a look of exhaustion and shock froze onto it. The girl looked at the bed and noticed the cat staring down at her and sighed.

"When did Wade get a cat? Oh wait. This isn't his room." The girl breathed, looking around the room quickly. She sat up and made her way to the dresser, opening it. She pulled out a bra and underpant and studied them.

"Girl's room. Good. I don't think your human would mind if I borrowed some things, right?" She looked at the cat, pressing the bra against her chest to size it. It let out a soft mewl.

"I thought so." The girl affirmed, peeling off her bloodied shirt and pants, stuffing them under her arm as she opened another drawer and pulled out a black t shirt and ballet tights.

"Someone has good taste in color." She mused. She put the clothes under the other arm and looked about before spotting an open door to a white tile room. She walked to her bag and stuffed her clothes inside of it before hanging it on a chair. She turned her attention back to the cat.

"Do me a favor, sweetie? Watch my stuff? Do a good job and I'll make that nine lives myth a reality for you." She offered a hand to the cat. It extended a paw instinctively and she shook it. She winked at it coyly and made her way into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. The cat mewed again, walked in a circle on the duvet and rested itself in a comfortable position. The sound of running water was heard for a second before it turned into a hiss. The cat could hear the girl inside.

"OH! Ow. Ow. Hot. Ouch. Oh. Oh? Oooooooh.....Now there it is. This is a shower. No wonder 8,000 humans die in these things each year. What an experience! Mmmmmmm........Just call me angel, of the morning! Angeeeel. Just touch my cheek before you leave me! Darling! Just call me angel of the morning, baby! Don't ever turn awaaaaaaay! From meeeeeeeee!"


"Dun dun nuh nuh nuuuuh.....angel of the morning....bum bummmm...." Wade hummed as he put the finishing touches on his project. He popped open the three and slipped them on his pointers and one pinkie. He wiggles his creations at Logan, who gave him a disapproving look.

"Be Arby's." Wade said as he left the table and snuck up on Bucky Barnes as he was speaking to Steve. 

"Bweeeeeop!" Wade raised his finger behind Bucky's shoulder, revealing a small paper finger puppet of the Winter Soldier. It was rather crude and had a paper clip for an arm.

"Look at me! I'm Bucky! I have a metal arm cuz my bestest friend in the world wasn't around to tell me to stop shaking my Edgar Hoover! I have long hair like a girl and I miss watching TV on a seven inch screeeeeen~!" Wade said in a squeaky voice. He saw Tony chewing his knuckle to avoid laughing while Steve gave the puppet a weird look. The black guy didn't have any tact. He busted out laughing. Wade gave a mad grin and spun around Bucky before raising his other finger to Steve's shoulder, showing a doll with a pea helmet and a bottle cap shield.

"Look at me! I'm Steve," Wade dropped his voice to a manly octave, "I like punching Nazis and throwing stuff! I drove a jet into the ice to stop a bomb when there was literally like a dozen other ways I could have stopped them! But I did the dumb thing so I wouldn't have to go on a date with a girl!"

Some of the other students and shield agents looked on this impromptu puppet show with amused looks. Wade stepped in between the two boys with both puppets up.

"Oh Steve! Why would you freeze yourself? I missed you so much!"

"Well, Bucky. It's because I was secretly in LOOOOOOOVE with you!"


"Yes. I love your long hair and raccoon eye shadow!"

"Oh, Steve! I love your terrible haircut and skinny jeans which for us is just regular jeans!"

"Bucky, would you go to 1940's third base with me and kiss me?"

"Oh yes! And then we can go 2010's fourth base and you can $&@! ME UP THE !?& WITH YOUR $?!@ING #%*~ $€^%#<!?!!!!!!!"

The club crowd gasped and a few people howled with shocked laughter. Steve gave Bucky a look while his lips were pursed. Tony broke and laughed while Sam held his sides. Wade looked directly at Sam and raised his pinkie, revealing a doll with paper wings.

"Yo, dawg! Can a birdie get in on dis?" Wade said in a hip hop voice, making Sam silent almost immediately.

"Oh, look! It's Sam! My black friend! Sure, buddy! Let's make a reverse Oreo! Mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwaaaaaah!" Wade made all three dolls make out to the jeering crowd. Sam looked at Steve. Steve looked at Bucky and gave him a curt nod as he chewed his cheek. Bucky wound his arm and swung it at Wade, sending him flying through the air and crashing into a wall. He fell and the entire room went silent. After a few seconds, Wade pulled himself to his knees.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh....he...he whamed me in the nards....why.....why did he wham me in the nards....ugh....worth it!" Wade said in a high pitched wheeze before falling to his side and clutching his crotch.

"Pietrooooooooooooooooo!" He howled in pain.

@FarFlungDreamer @slachance6 @Hammy @Jessy753 @Twist @Karcen @Shadow @fanaticalferret
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Emma smirked, blowing Wanda a kiss before whisking herself and Pietro away.

"I was wondering that, too, Piety: why didn't we ever get together, hm?" She was curious to hear his answer; and not just in his head. She knew the little prick would be more likely to jump off a cliff than let a woman tie him down. Well, that just made victory twice as sweet, 

and Emma always was victorious.

She wasn't really afraid to dive into Pietro's mind, flipping through his memories casually like pawing through those magazines she frequented. She saw many girls, many nights, a lot she had to overcome in this case.

"I see you've been busy," she commented dryly, ice blue eyes staying dead ahead to avoid glaring at the silver haired speedster. "You're quite the Casanova." 

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There was only one leader that Nova knew of that had an intrest in death, or at least publicly had one. That was the mad titain Thanos, though Nova suspected he had nothing to to with the mistress's visit given everyone was not fighting him right now. Still Nova had no real way of knowing if that that was who the girl was speaking of anyways.

" Well technically she is everywhere death occours as she is death" Nova said as cosmic entities were not bound to one point like ither beings the bodies they saw were just an easy way to interact with others or at least they notmally were. "As for why she is here she is Mistress Death she can fo as she wants " Nova explained which honestly was her only explanation. " Now i need to return her notebook and hope she isnt annoyed with anyone everyone but thanos dies when they annoy her." She contulinued before turning to head off.

Sam bit his lip and raised an eyebrow at the growing tension in the group. Maybe he was the only one out of the loop, but it certainly seemed like Tony had a problem with Steve. He frowned when some guy in a red jumpsuit showed up and started making fun of Bucky. Since he wasn't friends with Bucky, he felt no shame in indulging himself with a quiet chuckle, especially when one of the puppet's arms was a paper clip. He was slightly interested when the guy mentioned that one of Bucky's arms was metal. If Bucky didn't hate him too much for laughing, maybe he would get to see it later. Cybernetics had always been fascinating to him.

His enjoyment of the puppet show immediately disappeared when the jumpsuit-guy started making fun of Steve. Unless this guy also had a grudge against Steve, there was absolutely no reason for him to be so demeaning. Sam crossed his arms over his chest, trying to hide his discomfort at the explicit image the guy was painting. His jaw clenched when the guy revealed another puppet with wings, which Sam could only assume was supposed to be him. He glanced at Steve momentarily before his eyes moved to the floor. Suddenly he snorted when his peripheral vision caught the crude guy flying across the room. "Thanks. I thought I was going to have to do that." Sam said, glancing at Bucky with a grin.
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~Wanda Maximoff~

Wanda sent a dark glare at her brother as he followed Emma away from the group, she was furious. Of course she was, he should know better. What happened to family first? Clearly the Avengers Academy was not going to make him more mature. The triumphant gesture Emma boasted with only made Wana's insides boil with rage, she scrunched her face up with great distatse. Both fists clenched with small mist circulating around her arms. Lukcily--before she could so something stupid--a large nearby commotion grabbed her attention, spinning on her feet curiously whilst pushing Pietro and Emma from her mind, the Scarlet Witch stared wide-eyed at the ridiculous act that a red-costumed hero was playing out before the audience. She didn't know whether to stare disapprovingly, or giggle amusedly.  So she settled on a compromise, pursing her lips into a fine-line as her eyes remained wide, confusion etched along her fine features.


The amusement soon made way for awkwardness, as the costumed man turned his act from one of light-mocking to vulgar immaturity, causing the psionic to shift nervously on her feet. Her eyes switched between the five men, looking to see which of the three offended Avengers would be the first to act. Telepathy wasn't needed to make an educated guess on who was going to make the first move, but that still didn't stop her from laughing as a loud crunch echoed throughout the room, Bucky's metallic arm sending the costumed comedian spiralling through the air. Evidently, the real thing was far more lethal than a paperclip, who'd have thought? She was curious as to why he proceeded to call out her brother's name, but Wanda had little interest in associating with that type of crazy.
Steve opened his mouth to reply to Tony, but was interrupted by what sounded to him like a very loud, very fast buzzing. He glanced around and found a fellow in a red and black suit standing behind Bucky. It looked like he had some little finger puppets of himself and Bucky, but for the life of Steve, he couldn't understand what the guy was saying. His mouth had to be moving, but his meaning was lost on Steve. Or maybe Steve just didn't want to catch it. He'd never had trouble catching anything that anyone said before. Steve watched his display with a look of more confusion than annoyance.

Then Bucky punched the guy and the buzzing stopped. Briefly. It was back after a moment, but Steve sort of understood what he was saying this time. Definitely lots of cries of pain, Steve could discern that much. He had to wonder how it would be if any of them were forced to work with this guy. It was a possibility; they were all part of the same program now, after all.

"Well," Steve said, slowly panning his gaze over Bucky, Tony, and Sam. They were all in varying degrees of humor and Steve could hardly blame them, but he remained a little confused. "Nice to see you too," he finally said in the new guy's direction.

FarFlungDreamer FarFlungDreamer Shadow Shadow Jessy753 Jessy753 NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy

The weakened witch sat heavily at the table. There was too much happening and she had very little energy to get into another fight, as petty and inconsequential as the first one had been. She cast her gaze around at all the magic and power users freely riling each other up and she wondered how long it would be before she could even be on their level. Or if it would mean just constantly eating rats to even catch up. It was frustrating how weak she was after so little exertion. If she could only get her hands on some really substantial life force.

Selene squeezed on her necklace, it was hot in her hands and comforting, as she thought about what to do. She was warned not to feed on the students and she wasn't going to grovel for more rats so she'd have to leave campus. She stood abruptly, stumbling only as she tried to move around all the commotion and headed for the door. On her way she told the punched Wade, Sersi and Nova, "Good luck on your little death hunt." As she passed, she was heading for the bifrost. NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy Karcen Karcen sevenstars sevenstars



A lot of the students seemed to already know each other, seeming to be very experienced and established already. Rictor was feeling just as overwhelmed as before so he tried to focus on something else. Wade was a great distraction, his antics funny and even when he got punched through a wall, Rictor couldn't help but laugh.

"What is up with this guy?" sevenstars sevenstars He asked whoever was still sitting at the table. It looked like it was just the dude who'd said he'd been gutted the night before and himself as even Tony had gone to talk to the group of sharp looking guys that were grouped together being annoyed by Wade.
Pietro's heart skipped a beat at Emma's question. That was a question he asked himself - or more accurately tried to avoid asking himself. He tried to ignore her comment, although the blush that appeared on his face couldn't. "You know, that is a great question..." he started, trying to think of a way to fudge himself out of this one. But just at that moment a scream came from the other side of the room - his name? Was that Wade? Oh thank god. He never thought he would be so relieved to hear that psycho. "I will be right back, dear," he cooed, giving her a sweet smile before zipping off to the weirdo in the red suit.

The speedster appeared next to Wade, leaning over towards him. "Uh, you okay there, buddy?" he asked, confused. It looked like he had...paper...puppets? On his hands? God, what had he done this time? "Need me to kiss it and make it better?" he teased, pursing his lips in a kissy face.

Rui Rui NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy
Emma was fairly certain she couldn't have rolled her eyes any harder.
"Pietro." She commanded, a stern smirk working its way onto her full lips.
"Come back, my love." She purred, turning to face him once more with a face of picturesque seduction.
God, the woman was pure pornography.
That was surely to her advantage.
"You're leaving me awfully lonely..."
She lowered her gaze, lashes fluttering above cool blue eyes, practically begging him to join her.
Practically begging:
Emma didn't beg. Queens never begged, and she was a god damn queen.
fanaticalferret fanaticalferret
|| Luke Charles ||

One minute you're on your ass trying to scramble to find your things, the next you're being kissed by one Avenger's Academy's buxom beauties.

He didn't protest any. In response, he merely began awkwardly muttering stats and figures in German language of all things. The effect she had was rather obvious.Who needed superpowers when you could do that?

The nearby student envoy cleared his throat, unsure what to make of what unfolded before his eyes. He merely ignored the theatrics altogether. Usually he'd find this kind of thing beneath him.

"Well, if there's any questions you have. you can reach me at my cell number. I work on behalf of all of you. Think of me like your personal advocate here at Avengers Academy."

Luke took a moment to scroll his kimoyo device, sending out an auto-text to everyone within the immediate room.
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Kate- Hawkeye

Kate almost laughs at the thought that her quiver could only hold 20 arrows. Before Kate could respond about knowing the guy that inspired her to be an archer and the same guy that almost gotten her killed a few times Tony got into a conversation with the famous World War 2 hero Captain America. Moments later Kate sees a woman she saw in some of her ex-boyfriend's pictures. OMG!! it's the Scarlet Witch Tommy and Billy's magic mom!! Whatever you do Kate don't let her read your mind she is not supposed to know about her kids yet since that could alter the future. What was that thing that Clint said about dealing with telepaths oh right think blah blah blah yeah that stupid. Kate phone makes a sound telling Kate that she received a text. Kate looks at the text from the new guy.
Natasha Romanoff

She still waited for some milk as the guy in his red suit started talking. Again he wasn't the most quiet about whatever business he had in mind. But this time it genuinely made her smirk. Suddenly he was actually entertaining instead of simply extremely annoying. Her usual emotionless demeanour broke and she allowed the humour to break. She turned her back to the group of people to mind her own business and hide her amusement. She reached for her phone as it started ringing somewhat silently to indicate the receiving message. This is the web, web that you weave So baby, now rest in peace I'm gonna love ya Like a black widow, baby. She tapped on her screen to stop the melody from getting louder and frowned over the text. Natasha didn't intend on asking for anyone's help especially not someone, who sent out such messages. In fact it made her amusement fade away pretty quickly. The redhead simply wondered how the guy actually got her cell number.

Natasha walked over to the darkhaired girl, who was wearing purple. Amused she noted some similiarities to the archer who had made a different call on her than to finish his mission. "Hi...", she greeted the girl staying quiet about her possible connection. She noted how the girl carried a bow around and gestured to it, hoping to get some knowledge and a possible link between her and Clint "I see you're into archery?" Ilikepie Ilikepie

Tony Stark

Tony watched Wade's show amused. He surpressed a laugh and bit down on his knuckle. Eventualy though he broke and started laughing. That guy just had earned his respect by mocking Captain America so easily. He laughed hard over the show and even found himself disappointed as Bucky punched him. Again he honoured his nickname. "Awwwe, damn! Be a little nicer! Don't ruin other people's fun", he spoke still showing his amusement. Yet his interest turned to the guy's arms. Did he really have a metal arm? If so that would be amazing. Perhaps he could run some tests and even improve the thing. He was getting excited. "So you have a metal arm?", he asked ignoring the fact that Steve had talked. NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy FarFlungDreamer FarFlungDreamer Hammy Hammy
Pietro clenched his teeth and looked back towards Emma. She was so attractive, dammit. He felt this overwhelming urge to do whatever she said - even when he wasn't being mind controlled. He ran back over to her, but in the time he had before she noticed he was back, he went back over to Wade and plucked the crude little Captain America puppet out of his hand. What could he say, he thought the little bottle cap shield was cute! He had no idea what he'd do with it though.

He shoved it in his pocket and ran back over to Emma. "What were we talking about? Ahhh yes, well, I've got some supplies in my bedroom - don't go anywhere without 'em - and hey! No roommate!" He threw his arm around her shoulder as they started walking out once more.

Rui Rui NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy
He pulled his metal arm back as the guy went flying, twisting his wrist with the low, unheard whirls of inner gears. He glanced at Steve, who was too confused to really look reprimanding. Bucky wasn’t confused about it, which had added to his annoyance when the guy got obscene and talked about Steve that way. Truthfully, he didn’t care if Steve did disapprove, in this instance.

“He had it comin'," Bucky grumbled darkly, glancing over to Steve after standing through what he could of this guys annoying display. It hadn’t been cool focus guiding his attack, just angered frustration at this dim bulb disrespecting Steve like that. Him too, he supposed but he hadn’t been so bothered about that besides he’d loudly and fragrantly shouted to the world he had a metal arm.

Perhaps to the world around him, filled with super human people or modified ones, it would seem unquestionable. It did not need to necessarily link him to the Winter Soldier. If it did… well the fact was less troublesome to him now that Steve was back.

He scowled at Tony’s declaration. Fun? Yeah, he really didn’t think so. In fact, the guy was lucky that was all Bucky had done. He could do far worse, and he’d done so with far less reasons in the past. But no one knew that, he realized. Still, how did that guy know so much about them?

“Yeah nice wouldn’t be my first word, Steve,” He grumbled. идиот’ (idiot), He thought of the man in his crazy suit. The Russian thought surprised him, and he looked away from the kid troubled. Thankfully Tony had recuperated from his laughter and interjected. Bucky wasn’t sure he was any more comfortable though.

“Er, yeah...” He stated, eyes sliding to Steve’s, silently asking for help. How far should he go in an answer, if given one? Did he lie? Did he simply avoid it. Steve’s abnormal lifespan seemed simply accepted here. But while he didn’t mind anyone figuring that out… being part of Steve's trails through the war may actually be the only thing he could be proud of in his past. But Bucky's how was a lot more to explain than heroically flying into the frozen Arctic.

Hammy Hammy Jessy753 Jessy753 NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy Shadow Shadow
Steve caught Bucky's glance and took the liberty to speak up. Not to say Bucky couldn't speak for himself, but Steve could see that he was already frustrated. Steve had tried to play it off, but knew that the metal could be a sticking point. Defuse, defuse, defuse, that was Steve's priority here.

"You lose some things going to war," Steve said easily, putting a gentle hand on Bucky's metallic shoulder as he looked at Tony even if he wouldn't look back. If one knew anything about him, it would have been difficult to tell if he was talking about Bucky's arm or Bucky himself.

"I'll bet if you're friends, Bucky'll tell you about it one of these days." If he wants to, Steve added silently. He really didn't want to talk for Bucky, but he couldn't just sit by and let him languish, looking for support from Steve.

FarFlungDreamer FarFlungDreamer Jessy753 Jessy753
Tony Stark

Tony glanced at Bucky. He didn't give a damn what Rogers had to say about losing things in war. Little did they know that he had been part of the war based on his father's work and now his own. He didn't like the way Stark Industries was going but Obediah assured him it was the best this way and none of the American citizens would get hurt with his weapons. They were supposed to help but Tony wanted to change the ways of his company. Yet he still needed to convince the executive board. His first step towards what Tony thought was the right direction was getting his hover board going and into production.

He glanced at Bucky's arms and seemed suddenly really excited. Obviously he wasn't taken aback or afraid of the fact that Bucky had a metal arm. In fact he was fascinated by the fact. All this technology. "That's amazing!", he told Bucky excited and stepped closer sounding so unusual compared to how he had behaved earlier. He stepped out of his usual comfort zone of seeming uninterested and spoke excited "Can I have a look? Of course you can go and smooch your boyfriend, here. Don't care just wanna have a look. Really."

FarFlungDreamer FarFlungDreamer Hammy Hammy
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She rolled her eyes, ruffling his hair appreciatively.
"Okay, speedster. I guess we'll do it your way." She smirked his way, flipping her blonde waves over her shoulder.
"What've you got there, Piet?" She asked, referring to what was in his pocket. She knew, of course, but it was still fun to tease. She reached over, delicate hand slipping into his pocket, moving around far more than necessary, and retrieving the little puppet.
"How cute." She purred, toying with it. She then placed it back, once again, moving her hand around far more than needed before removing it at last.
"Now, what were you saying hun?"
fanaticalferret fanaticalferret
He relaxed some at Steve's words. Bucky didn't know if it was a skill he lost, or one he simply never had, to know exactly what to say like that. He was pretty sure, though, that it was just always Steve's innate ability. He was good with people, good with words, and somehow he told the truth, without the lies.... and yet didn't blurt out too much. Maybe he'd get back there one day, when he felt more settled into his own skin. But like Steve said.... the fall... they'd taken a lot more than his arm.

But he didn't want to dwell on that, or sink into a mood. His friend was back and it felt good to have him back at his side. Steve never complained... never seemed to feel any burden on Bucky's behalf even when he looked to him for answers or a quick way out of a conversation. It took more work than he wanted to admit to get the right social cues these days. He'd spent too long in the cold... too long with nothing in his mind but a mission of task. The world he knew had changed, too. But he wondered if he'd ever come around to anyone enough to explain all that. He simply didn't expect anyone to understand the darkness behind him... and honestly he wasn't sure if anyone should understand it. Steve was maybe too understanding, although he'd probably always be grateful for it even if he didn't deserve it.

Tony, on the other hand, seemed to be completely different. Besides Bucky wasn't used to excitement. He was used to cold stares, sharp needles and tools. Men fiddling with him or his arm and demanding compliance. 'You will be Hydra's fist' He bit off the memories, and the sick feeling Zola's voice always produced in him. Only Zola had that exact response, none of the others over the years did. But perhaps that was because those memories weren't the Winter Soldier's, rather Bucky's at a time when he didn't understand torture so intimately. Back in the war, when Steve had rescued him from a hell he hadn't ever known. It had only been a taste of what was to come for him... but it had impacted him more than he'd ever let on back in those days during the war.

Bucky glanced at the curious look that had settled into the boy's eyes instead. Even if he back tracked and mildly insulted he and Steve. Bucky just rolled his eyes.

"What's with this generation?" He humphed to Steve. No one could be close these days without it being some romantic thing? Still Tony looked excited, and although he didn't care for so many people around them he did reach down and free his metal hand of the glove, flexing his fingers once as he stuffed the glove into a pocket.

Hammy Hammy Jessy753 Jessy753

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