Other Roleplay Pet peeves

I've been in RPs with people who viewed RP combat as a typed debate that they must win, and believed if they use enough logic and reasoning they can always avoid harm for their character and emerge victorious, and it doesn't count as god-modding. No one is ever allowed to one-up their PCs; they always have some trick up their sleeve, some super power, some ability that makes them triumph. These same players argued that they should be able to permanently kill other PCs because they outsmarted the other player and won.

Combat is an intense moment where many things are happening in a matter of seconds. Our PCs are not sitting safe behind a computer screen with all the time in the world to take in the scene and figure out the perfect way to do things to come out on top. I don't care how awesome you believe your PC to be or how logical your PC's actions are, they cannot come up with the right strategy, the right move, the right choice, the right prediction with 100% accuracy all the time. Just like anyone else, they should be capable of making mistakes and misjudgements.

I've also seen RPers like this have their characters shrug off an attack, then argue that they are not god-modding because they took a hit.

This is why the GM must be active in the game and willing to play referee especially if dice rolls are not used in the game. I've left RPs that were once enjoyable to me because these types of players took over the game and the GM was weak and more interested in RPing their characters snogging than doing their job as GM.
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People who demand that you read their entire interest check when they have multiple topics of interest. Like what if I'm not interested in Supernatural? Why do I have to read through the Supernatural topic if I'm only interested in the Harry Potter RP? so you might say, well then don't read that part, how are they gonna know?

Well I've run into posters that want you to message them with a secret code word that was hidden in the post to make sure you read it all and this would be cool if they had a code word for each topic but no, I have run into posters that have one singular code word hidden in the post somewhere. Like why am I reading through a description of what you're looking for in a Doctor Who RP so I can inquire about Stranger Things?
People who demand that you read their entire interest check when they have multiple topics of interest. Like what if I'm not interested in Supernatural? Why do I have to read through the Supernatural topic if I'm only interested in the Harry Potter RP? so you might say, well then don't read that part, how are they gonna know?

Well I've run into posters that want you to message them with a secret code word that was hidden in the post to make sure you read it all and this would be cool if they had a code word for each topic but no, I have run into posters that have one singular code word hidden in the post somewhere. Like why am I reading through a description of what you're looking for in a Doctor Who RP so I can inquire about Stranger Things?

In my experience the secret code thing is not really relevant. I don’t even bother to look for it instead just ask intelligent questions based on the content of the post and the only people who get pissy about it are too high maintenance to roleplay with anyway.
When you get that sinking feeling that the Rp death rot is irrversible and terminal.

Like no matter how many rpers remain, after the initial ghosting cull, it goes well. Then the slow posting rate and chatter in the ooc dwindles. Then like one rper decides to drop. Then another. The callouts and t@gs by gm doesn't get those that promise to post to post. The remaing rpers eff around wondering who should post next. Cuz its been a minute since anyone posted. Like a good one too.

The gm posts some valiant posts but by then the rot is too deep and it is a quiet cold and silent abandoned rp death.

*shrugs with annoyance then clicks on the int chk forums*

This^. Starting to get to me again...

*Walks away grumbling refusing to touch grass*
I hate when you plan a plot out and you get excited for the rp and when you ask how much they write and they say they mirror their partners BUT WHEN YOU SEND THE FIRST MESSAGE THEY SAY THAT YOUR WRITINGS ARENT COMPATIBLE
My gosh group Int Chks where it's allllllll just Lore and not even a single mention of plot nor even rules and EXPECTATIONS.

K sooooo like to me it's what I call a 'stroke piece.' Kinda like just showing off all the shiny pretty cools stuffs you made up but with no consideration even how others should interact with it. Cmon now. It ain't show and tell, it's Role and Play lol

And then like soooooo many questions when making a charrie in terms of limits, compatibility and EXPECTATIONS. Thinkin that a GM charrie as a sample is good. Hmmmm oh! Ooooooor maybe even better? Like maybe posting rules and EXPECTATIONS in the first place would have been best lol
In my experience the secret code thing is not really relevant. I don’t even bother to look for it instead just ask intelligent questions based on the content of the post and the only people who get pissy about it are too high maintenance to roleplay with anyway.
Well that's kind of my point I'm not talking about people who are cool as long as you clearly show you were interested and read through the part you're interested in. I'm talking people I've run into who don't even give you that chance and refuse to converse with you unless you have the code word. I mean of course if these people act like that I'm not gonna be interest but it doesn't may it any less nonsensical or annoying to me to force people to read something irrelevant to what you're going to be talking about anyway.

It's like watching someone demand perfect grammar from their partner when even they don't have perfect grammar, yeah you'd probably steer clear of them but it still might annoy and baffle you on the right day.
Well that's kind of my point I'm not talking about people who are cool as long as you clearly show you were interested and read through the part you're interested in. I'm talking people I've run into who don't even give you that chance and refuse to converse with you unless you have the code word. I mean of course if these people act like that I'm not gonna be interest but it doesn't may it any less nonsensical or annoying to me to force people to read something irrelevant to what you're going to be talking about anyway.

It's like watching someone demand perfect grammar from their partner when even they don't have perfect grammar, yeah you'd probably steer clear of them but it still might annoy and baffle you on the right day.

Fair enough. I think I’m like that with people that demand you double up. It’s such a weird form of micromanaging.

Like I have people straight up refuse to roleplay with me even though I said I would be totally fine playing their love interest. I had no problem playing the canon or male character that they wanted to ship their character with.

I just didn’t want to have to create a second character for no reason.

But they act like if I don’t follow their rules exactly then I’m somehow not going to put enough effort into the roleplay.

Mind these are the exact same people who write a whole paragraph about how they don’t want to me to focus on “my side of the story.” (Only write for my character and their love interest).

So it’s like I’m giving you what you want. Your character gets to have a love interest and you don’t have to share the spotlight by making a second character you and I both don’t care about.
It sucks to actually take the time out to honestly and legitimately write responses of my own only to have AI writing given back to me in return. What's even the point of roleplaying then?
when they’re not willing to cooperate and expect me to come up with everything by myself. yeah, okay, for the most part i can think and plan stuff but when i’m not receiving a clear reaction from the other, it’s hard for me to implement something they will like
Haven't had these come up in a while (knock on wood ;P ), but it bugs me when GMs aren't precise or organized enough about their RPs- both in how they lay things out for their players, and also just in how the RP is set up in their minds.

Also bugs me when the GM isn't as active/responsive as their players, and when they aren't staying on top of things and working to generate and maintain enthusiasm for the RP, pinging in OOC etc.
I was once in this one rp not here; elsewhere and my rp partner's character just remained in the same spot for several posts. Like their character was doing the same thing for every reply. It was so boring and annoying! Eventually I became so annoyed that I literally had my character dump a bucket of cold water over the other character's head just to get some kind of reaction beyond 'she continued to sit and read.' My partner reacted alright, but sadly not in character. Instead, she wrote back to me out of character to yell and complain at me demanding I not do anything like that again. Then she replied to me in character having her character completely ignore what mine had just done. Let's just say I did not reply again after that. I wrote back out of character to inform my rp partner that it just isn't working out and that was that.

In another rp I tried to write as the roleplay's main villain. The group already knew I was going to play the villain and as such my character would do very evil, horrific things. So there should not have been any great surprise when my character started to attack the group and yet I get this weird pm from one of the group warning me that if I keep attacking them none of the characters will like mine. I was all like, "um...okay. That's fine with me. I mean my character is the bad guy. He isn't exactly meant to be liked except maybe by his lackeys." So I return to the rp and continue to attack them only for them to pm once again this time outright asking me to change my entire post and make my character less scary and more likable. Yeah, I quit that group rp after that one. It's like if someone wants to play the bad guy let them. Don't ask them to completely change their character's personality part way into the rp. It's like if you didn't really want a villain then why did you specifically ask for one in your interest check and then okay me when I volunteer to be the villain? I'm just saying if you didn't really want a villain at all in your rp then you shouldn't have asked for one in the first place.

Another thing that bugs me is when you are plotting with someone and you ask them all these questions about if this is a good idea, do you like this, etc. only to get a couple word responses in return like, "yeah okay." and "sure whatever you want to do." and "that's fine with me." So then you post only for their character barely do anything and it keeps going on like this until I get this suspicion that they're not really into the rp; which is fine. I get losing interest, but please tell me. Don't just keep agreeing with everything I say and barely contributing to the rp. It's annoying! I ended up asking them if they still wanted to do the rp only for them to respond with a simple, "yep." And then I'm like, "do I need to change something in my reply?" because you haven't responded in weeks. And they're just like, "nope. it's fine." Despite that they never replied to my post and eventually I just sort of gave up on trying to get them to tell me what was wrong.
it’s nearly 2025 and i see people still equating personality traits with being a top/bottom STOPPP. not only is it weird to do on rpnation which doesn’t even allow nsfw content it is such a boring way to go about character dynamics
As in ick i mean something like a pet peeve. When another roleplayer does while in a roleplay with you just gives you the “ick” and does something you don’t like or make you feel like it wasn’t right to do

i’ll go first, when the time skips are too lengthy or they don’t have imagery in their writing
Meta gaming, especially when it's super obvious and doesn't make any sense. Example there was an RP a did a good long while ago the premise was magic vs technology and magic was illegal. My character was a magic users but her magic came in the form of a transformation that looked nothing like what she actually looked like. So she's being chased by the authorities and gives them the slip, changing back into her normal form. I cannot stress how different her magical demon form and her normal identity look like two different people but this dude justifies his character being suspicious of mine just walking down the street like everyone else because and I shit you not it was because she was wearing a black outfit and not like an over the top "This is clearly the villain outfit" Literally just a crop top and a skirt, but yeah she looked suspicious for some reason right?
Meta gaming, especially when it's super obvious and doesn't make any sense. Example there was an RP a did a good long while ago the premise was magic vs technology and magic was illegal. My character was a magic users but her magic came in the form of a transformation that looked nothing like what she actually looked like. So she's being chased by the authorities and gives them the slip, changing back into her normal form. I cannot stress how different her magical demon form and her normal identity look like two different people but this dude justifies his character being suspicious of mine just walking down the street like everyone else because and I shit you not it was because she was wearing a black outfit and not like an over the top "This is clearly the villain outfit" Literally just a crop top and a skirt, but yeah she looked suspicious for some reason right?

See this is where my petty would come out and I would have my character get massively offended by the other character being a sexist creep.

Like “ugh that guy is just gawking at me it’s so creepy I hate it.” Or if she was the confrontational type I’d have her make a big scene about it ..

“ hey buddy my eyes are up here! Maybe take a picture next time perv.”

But I can agree in the moment it’s so frustrating especially when you repeatedly say ** this is not information your character has access to, they will not know that Person A is the same as Person B. **
A roleplay with heavy lore too many characters and no plot concept with a dash of heavy shipping. Gosh I just want a roleplay where we can start a story with a bit of wiggle room for collective creativity.

I suppose the pressure of meeting those gm expectations.... It kills my soul T.T
Fair enough. I think I’m like that with people that demand you double up. It’s such a weird form of micromanaging.

Like I have people straight up refuse to roleplay with me even though I said I would be totally fine playing their love interest. I had no problem playing the canon or male character that they wanted to ship their character with.

I just didn’t want to have to create a second character for no reason.

But they act like if I don’t follow their rules exactly then I’m somehow not going to put enough effort into the roleplay.

Mind these are the exact same people who write a whole paragraph about how they don’t want to me to focus on “my side of the story.” (Only write for my character and their love interest).

So it’s like I’m giving you what you want. Your character gets to have a love interest and you don’t have to share the spotlight by making a second character you and I both don’t care about.
Okay, this is just super weird.

Like.... I always assumed the point of doubling was to let both people do what makes them happy, and if you writing a canon character for their OC makes you happy, what even is the point of turning that down?
You know what else is super annoying? Whenever you and someone else come up with a relationship with your character and all of these awesome plots and ideas only for them to just change their mind on you after all of that planning for no reason.

For example, I was on this one rp forum and me and this other rper came up with this really cool and fun idea where his character would be my character's older brother. Neither one knew this because my character was abducted by aliens when he was little. But he came back years later as a teen. This was on like a superhero site, so both of our characters had powers. Mine was experimented on aliens and that was how he got his powers while my rp partner's character was if I remember right was born with his. So anyway my character was already made up and had already been involved with some role-plays. And he saw my character and liked him and asked if I would be cool with his character being my character's older brother since I had mentioned him having on in his app and I was all for it thinking it would be fun to do. So we spent some time working on his character and coming up with his character's powers and whatnot. Then we discussed how we would have our character run into each other, but not recognize each other right away. Our plan was they wouldn't realize who each other were until after some other plots together.

So once his character was created and accepted I saw he had joined a rp, so I decided this would be a great rp for us to have our characters first meet. So I write up my intro; which took a long time and posted it. Then for some weird reason he got all mad at me in ooc that I had joined the rp saying how he didn't want my character in it; which really just confused me. But I didn't want to argue, so even though it took me forever to write that intro I deleted it. I saw his character in another rp, so I again joined up thinking now would be a better time, but nope he once again told me to leave the rp. So yeah it continued to go on like this until I finally gave up on trying to get our characters together.

So I sent him a pm asking why he apparently changed his mind in rping with me only to get nothing back. Weirdly he went on to complain how nobody liked his character and how nobody wanted to rp with him and I'm just sitting there like, 'are you serious? I've only been trying to rp with you since you got your character accepted, but you kept kicking me out of the rp.' I wasn't sure what he wanted me to do honestly. I did what I could. I reached out asked him what was wrong, if I did or said anything that upset him only to get nothing.

So yeah this was years ago and it still honestly annoys me to no end. I keep thinking of all the fun stuff that could have happened between our characters had he just you know allowed us to rp together like we originally planned.
I'm gonna be real with y'all, and this one might kinda be a hot take.

Requiring a specific type of image (or image at all) for a character form.
I do understand wanting a specific ~aesthetic~ to all your character profiles, but I've run into a few situations where I have a character I want to use, and the form requires a specific type of image -- usually a real-life face claim. And then...
I can't find one.
I'm not playing a conventionally, traditionally attractive white character, and I can't find a faceclaim. Playing an indigenous man (who isn't Tlingit? Yes, I'm looking at you, Sensmeier)? Good luck! How about an indian man? You've got two guys to pick from. A nonbinary person of any number of presentations? Good luck! How about literally any fit, plus-sized woman? TV and models would have you believe those don't exist. The same could be said for the myriad of games requiring anime face claims too.
It's especially frustrating to me because I do draw passably. I could draw my characters and do so pretty regularly, but if I'm required to have a specific aesthetic for my picture, I'm pretty out of luck.
"Oh I didn't get notifs from the site!"

Really. Like be so fr. You couldn't be bothered to check esp. when the GM explicitly stated that the posting frequency is 1x per week? Now they gotta chase you down. Again. My gosh at least make up an excuse that 'something' happened to you IRL lol

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