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Robotech - Tales of the UEEF (Main)

With your mind still filled with rage, it must have helped to fuel the power of your punch. This time when you connect, the helmet cracks and breaks in, breaking the skull of the pilot of the Cyclone and he falls to the deck.

Other than the one Cyclone pilot in his disabled mecha, there are no more hostiles here. Moving out of combat time.

The middle-aged woman that the one lieutenant was interrogating steps forward, maintaining her dignity despite being unclothed. She folds her hands across her chest to try and get some measure of modesty, and says, "Thank you for saving us from those monsters. I believe that they left one person in the Flight Bridge to control the ship, but that one is only armed with a pistol; not much of a threat to a bunch of Cyclones." To the other prisoners, she says, "Right now is not time to grieve for our dead. There will be time enough for that later. Get some jumpsuits on and get to your stations. We have to take control of the ship before its too late!"

As this is going on, Alex makes a quick trip back into Medical, and soon after he pops back out with a handful of hospital gowns, followed by the three med techs that were hiding in there. He gives a gown to the Captain first, then offers up the rest to the others. "Grumpy, I can stay here and keep a watch on this slug and help protect these guys if you want, while you help this lady take her Flight Bridge back."
"Thank you Alex, make certain these people get what they need. We're getting back to the MACArthur as soon as possible... Pyrrah, Thing, Bishop, on me. final stretch lets take this ship back." Grumpy rose his rifle. "To the flight deck, on the double! I don't care if you gotta shot your rifle up the bastards ass we're getting this done now!"

it may be at this point his squad may realize why exactly the coms in his ship was installed with a censor... And they may notice he had been keeping his eyes WELL away from the captain, given this wasn't the time nor place for that... Plus they had a more important thing to do than looking at the captain's admitably well built body.
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Pyrrah stands and does a quick check to make sure that there were no more hostiles around before she gives one final kick to the smoking remains of the body she just tackled. "Shame that we were only able to snag one prisoner to question and place on trial. Lets see how suicidal the one on the Flight Bridge is."

With that being said, she moves at a run down the hall with the rest of the team, looking for any signs of traps or hidden attackers.
With Alex staying back, the rest of you go running forward to the Flight Bridge. When the door opens, you see a single person sitting at the helm. He turns around to face you, saying, "What the hell is going on out there?" It then sinks in that the four of you are not a part of the mutineers, but instead are for very pissed off people in heavy combat armor with big guns pointed at him.

He slowly stand and raises up his hands. "I guess this means that we're not going back to Earth, are we?"
The answer was less verbal more on the lines of Grumpy grasping the man's shirt and toss the man to the floor, takeing away the side arm and motioning for somebody to lock the bastard up.

"Captain, the ship is yours. We should continue in a state or alert nonetheless until we know for certain all hostiles are neutralized...

I'm certain our friend here wouldn't mind answering a question or three...

That said, if you would Captain." He motioned ahead. "Not a thing goes easily for us these days... This is gonna be one hell of a report if the recording doesn't say it plainly..." he started to make room for the flight crew, resting the rifle on his shoulder.

"Is it to late to pick up smoking?"
Pyrrah makes a quick circuit around the bridge to make sure that there are no other people in the control room before she allows herself to lower her guard even a little bit. She looks over at the hospital gowned Captain and says, "Ma'am? I am qualified to operate ships of this class; I would be willing to assist until you get your own people back in proper uniform."
The ship captain looks over at Grumpy as if to ask permission to borrow his squad member, and if she sees no objection, she will nod. "Yes, please. Lieutenant, take the helm. Find out where the hell we are and get us back to the rest of the Fleet. Chief Zuko? Get on the comms to the rest of the Fleet our status. Biggs, unlock the bulkhead doors and elevators so the rest of the crew can get around."

She slips into the center seat and wipes away a stream of blood coming from her broken nose with a grimace of pain. Finally, she looks over at a Hispanic woman and says, "Mel, get me a status report. I need to know how badly we've been hurt."

By now, about half the seats in the Flight Bridge are occupied by people in their hospital gowns. One by one, they go over to the pile of clothes that had been discarded to find their own uniforms where they can then go into the adjoining bathroom to get dressed. While this is going on, the captain presses a control on her seat. "Security! Get me Chief Barlow!"

A moment later and you hear the response. "Ma'am, Chief Barlow is KIA. This is Chief Kuntz."

"I see. Well, for the moment, you are the acting head of security. I need my ship swept for other mutineers, and I want a squad up here to help secure the Command Deck, and another squad to Engineering. I will expect a full account of just how these people were able to take control of the ship so easily."

"Yes, ma'am. Understood."

She lets the transmission, then looks over at Grumpy. "Captain Darwin, I may not have a pack of cigarettes, but would a shot or two of Scotch be a suitable substitute? I certainly could use one."
"Dare say your a woman after my heart. Pyrrah, do what you gotta do. We'll have that shot later on, god knows i'll need it.

Bishop, Thing, with me, Alex, mind helping with the command briefing so they know whats going on?" The man turned to exit. "Come on, got rats to root out."
With the arrival of the extra security troops to help keep the Flight Deck under guard, Pyrrah slips off the Cyclone armor and drops down into the helmsman station, but keeps the EP-37 in arms reach as she begins to check the ships position in the solar system. Cutting the ships thrust, she spins the Garfish around to head back the way they came and reapplied power to the engines. There. We are at least heading back to our point of origin, and that should make it easier to find the rest of the 3rd AED and the MacArthur.
With the Roger Young back under friendly control, the Captain orders the various passengers to be restricted to the mess hall and placed under guard, just in case there are still some sleeper agents in their midst. Even the ship's crew are being carefully watched, just to make sure that no one was aiding the mutineers in the effort to take the ship. After the slaughter that has taken place, no one seems to mind being kept under watch pending an interrogation by the MPs. It won't be a fun experience, but they all say that they have nothing to hide, so why worry?

From your position at the helm, Pyrrah is doing a fine job in keeping the ship on course to rendezvous with the MacArthur. You can see that the Fleet had dispatched two other Garfish ships to try and catch up to your particular ship once all radio contact was lost and the Roger Young started to bolt for deep space. The two ships fall into position on either side and match speed with you, and one slides up and docks in order to send across another seventy five soldiers to bolster the skeleton crew on the Young, since she left most of her troops on Paraxis. As this is taking place, a set of strict protocols are being sent over for your flight path and speed to return to the Fleet, with the warning that any deviation will cause the escorts to open fire on the engines to disable the ship you are in under the assumption that you have been compromised once more.

Finally, after several hours of flight time, the Roger Young is ordered to dock with the Atlas Fabrication Ship for repairs on both the ship and the mecha inside her. Everyone is offloaded and escorted by security to a bank of empty quarters that are set aside for use by the crew of any ship being worked on by the massive vessel. You are all told that the Storm Dragons will be interrogated by officers from Military Intelligence, but you can take a few hours first to catch a few winks as they make their initial scans of the data recordings from the Roger Young. It is expected to take days for all of the interviews to be done.

When it is finally time to wake up, you all find yourselves somewhat refreshed even if you still would like to stay in bed for another day or two. You are escorted to a set of interrogation rooms and split up, and you are then offered the services of a JAG officer to be your legal council if you so choose.
With nothing to hide but figuring it would be best, he accepted legal council, this was a shitty situation all across the board so it was best he didn't say something stupid.

Even then, he wasn't big on law, so having somebody who knows their shit would be a good idea.

"This was a mess through and through..." he sighed, just what the hell happened with the security report they did earlier on? They said something was afoot way back when...
Pyrrah will also request legal counsel, even if she doesn't think that there could possibly be any negative results in her testifying honestly about how they responded while on the Roger Young. She just hopes that when the dust settles, her commanding officer will be properly honored for his bravery.
Over the course of the next several hours, each member of the Storm Dragon squadron are questioned by a panel of officers. The entire feel of the questions are not hostile, but still intent on digging out any nugget of information that you may know. After two days of this, the team is released to go back to the MacArthur on modified duty pending the formal inquiry where you will be expected to testify. This inquiry will be taking place on the Mac one week from this day, in front of a full panel of high ranked officers trying to determine if the Captain of the Roger Young and her crew were negligent in their duties. This is a prelude to the full court-martial that will be taking place to try the three surviving members of the 'alleged' mutiny.

When the day of the inquiry comes up, you are all ready to testify as you wait there in your full dress uniforms. Since you are witnesses, you are not allowed to be in the room until you are called one by one to provide your version of the events that took place. The final results of the whole shebang is that the people that took control of the ship were all well versed in the physical layout of a Garfish Class Troopship, and were all well trained by the UEEF to be able to do just this kind of mission. Overall, there were a few key items that the crew of the Roger Young were found to have been negligent in their security measures, but no one, especially the Captain, were being blamed for what happened.

Later that day, the Squad gets a message from the CAG to report to his office. When you get there, you are greeted by Commander Holston. He tells you, "I have to say, when you jump into it, you go full in. Please allow me to be the first to say you all have done a damn good job out there, and your records will be showing a series of commendations for all of you, and quite probably promotions for you, too. In the meantime, I can give you the good news that with the hearing over, you are officially back on full active status. But don't get too ready to get back in the cockpit. With as hard as you have worked, and as much stress you have been under, you are to be given two weeks of shore leave. You can go down to Paraxis, or spend your time in the R&R facilities on the Atlas. I would think that you'd want to go planetside with your native guide showing you the best places to go in order to relax."

"I will also tell you that tomorrow, you are to report to the Lenin to meet with Admiral Kutzuzov personally to get you your commendations at 1800 hours."
This was hell, if there was one thing that Grumpy hated more than standing infront of a crowd of people, it was one where he was in court. Not only was he told to speak of every single damn thing they did, get questioned on every decision, right down to the "Why were you still in your armor at the time of the mutiny's beginning?" which the defense was trying to push hard, scrambling for any lead that he might be an unreliable witness.

Even though that'd be like saying the firefighter was the one who started the fire.

When he was half across the country, at another fire call.

But nonetheless, when he got the call from the CAG he was ready for the end. Every single one of his calls and actions were second guessed in his mind and he was scrambling mentally so much that even Enri was getting worried about him. He could barely keep her from his side most of the time, if she wasn't around him, she was visit scorch. Good kid, but she was growing faster than a weed. Coupled with Enri and the courts his anger at the bombardment was... well.. douzed, nothing like a cheery cat...Raccoon Girl and knowing your friend would be okay to bring you back... He worried about hsi rookie though, err, ex rookie.

But when it came down to the meeting with the CAG, promotions, he wondered if he was due for one or just his squad? in truth, they performed better than he could ever ask for, showed bravery he could never ask for from a reasonable person. Fitting, considering it was likely he had a few screws loose himself. The knowledge he'd be back in full active status was a weight off his shoulders, espeacially with all the shit.

But... the two weeks of leave...

He could scarcely believe it would be true.

Leave, on an alien planet, filled with gorgeous women, and possibly thousands of different foods to try!

"Sounds wonderful Commander i dare say getting to learn more about our new friends would be in my best interests, Err, our best interests..." he coughed, correcting himself. Commendations, naturally, more pins and such. Not that it wasn't good to be rewarded, he just hoped it wouldn't be in front of such a huge crowd again...


Who was he kidding..

Of course it would be.

"..At this commendation ceremony, will there be time for an address or speech? Many people likely share the same wishes to return home, thats what these men wanted, if they were going about it in the absolute worst fashion, I can understand wishing to return home... As one of the two senior members of the Storm Dragons, I would like to say a few words. If anything tell people how I see the matter.

Naturally anythign said should be put through proper channels before brought forward but... Having one of the men's own may help those who carry such home sickness."
With the stress of the past few days in the rear-view mirror, hearing news of the impending shore leave was a welcome relief. Bishop reflected on his service with the Storm Dragon's to date.

'Weapons test against some Invid leading to a friendly-fire orbital bombardment followed up with a side of mutiny. Just another day in the UEEF!' He quipped to himself.

At least the Military Intelligence interviews were over and done with. Man how he hated talking to those meatheads. So many different ways to recount the exact same story.

You can go down to Paraxis, or spend your time in the R&R facilities on the Atlas."

Considering his experience to date had been a continual series of frying pan jumps into and out of fires galore, more time in another UEEF tin-can did not at all sound appealing. So down to Paraxis it would be, but where?

'Maybe Phyrra knew of some outdoor resort... lazy river, poker, margarita's? They even have things like that on Paraxis?' He mused.

"I will also tell you that tomorrow, you are to report to the Lenin to meet with Admiral Kutzuzov personally to get you your commendations at 1800 hours."

Zapping back into the moment at the news of an awards ceremony, 'Good grief!' Absolutely nothing could make tomorrow worse than having to dress up and do a song and dance. 'Maybe I'll start my own mutiny to get out of it.'

Speaking up to CAG, "Commendations? For doing our jobs?" Doing his best to read the man, he didn't want to make Grumpy look bad in front of the boss so all he offered was a meek, "Think I'm coming down with the flu, Commander."
Grumpy eyed Bishop. "If i'm stuck in this you are to so best get ready to fake that smile. At least you wont have Haydonites staring at you as you do it.

I still have no clue what they were doing back then..."
Pyrrah gives out a grin. On the team for a short time, and I'm already getting medals, a promotion and shore leave! How cool is that? She says, "I will look forward to breaking out my dress uniform for this, sir, and to use a human phrase, the extra bling on my shoulder will look good!" Pausing for a moment, she wonders, "If your lower ranking soldiers are this skilled, how formidable is your Admiral? This will be an experience that I shall treasure!"

Looking over at her squadmates, Pyrrah says, "I would be happy to be your native guide on my homeworld if you would let me. I can show you sights that you would have never known about, things that will fill you with wonder."
"...Lower ranking...?" Grumpy felt slightly hurt, his captain pride shrivelling like a prune. "...As for the commendations already, it happens when you happen to be in the right place at the worst possible times and happen to be right next to a damn factory ship when it folds in..." Grumpy wasn't certain if he had an abundance of good luck or just enough bad luck to not kill him...
Pyrrah laughs. "Don't sell yourself short, my Captain. I watched you in battle, fighting to save the ship when you could have just gotten into a Veritech and flown away. You have true strength in you, a strength that will serve you well when we go to visit my home in Valeria and introduce you to my sisters! They have seen males in the Robotech Master and Zentraedi forces, but you, Alex and Bishop will most likely be the first men that they will get a chance to meet in person. I will tell them of how you are my Chien-Na, and how you flew like a madman into the gates of Sheol to rescue me, and they will open the doors of our home and welcome you all as comrades in arms. I guarantee that you will enjoy your stay."
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Pyrrah's words may have just put the air right back into David faster than anything else could... "Well, we couldn't have left people to their fates then, we don't work in this business to let people die."

But then Pyrrah got to the interesting part... Sisters to the drop dead gorgeous warrior woman in their midst? Grumpy extended a look to the other men in the room, giving a silent nod that spoke more than words could really say.

"That sounds like a wonderful plan, Lets go about that first, and from there we'll spend the rest of our two weeks as we see fit. I for one am looking forward to tasteing local delicacies..." at this point, it was hard to really figure out exactly what he meant in delicacies... "it'll be a wonderful time to learn about your lovely culture as well. It is very important to exchange and observe traditions with new indigenous peoples!"
Alex cracks a nice and wide grin at the idea of getting some shore leave, especially on this planet filled with tall, beautiful women. "This is going to be an awesome vacation! Pyrrah, I am very much looking forward to seeing and learning more of the culture and way of life of your people." He turns to look at Bishop. "Hey, if you stick around with this team, you'd better get used to the awards ceremony thing. We are the best, after all, and while we get picked for the tough missions, we make them look easy."

At that, the CAG lets out a bark of laughter. "Yes, you guys are one of my best, and I hate having you off my flight board for two whole weeks. But, you guys have to get some down time or you'll burn out. Get going so you can get ready to go to the Lenin tomorrow. Make sure that your dress uniforms are in perfect shape; the Czar is very picky about how the troops look. Once you are back on the MacArthur, you can catch a shuttle down to Paraxis if you want and enjoy some fun in the sun. If you have no other questions, you are dismissed."
When the CAG gives the dismissal, Pyrrah gives the others a look to see if there is any other questions for the Commander. Having none herself, she decides to go ahead and head for the door. Out in the hall, she pumps her fist and says, "Yes! This is awesome! I might hit my 1st Lieutenant's bar for this, years before i would normally do so with time served. Another reason to be proud of my membership in this squadron. I can't wait to go home and show my sisters this. I need to make sure my Class A uniform is ready for the Admiral."

As they walk back to the pilot's quarters, she tells the team about some of the wonders of her homeworld. "There is something here for everyone, I promise."
"Don't worry about the uniform, been through this song and dance a few times now.

Dare I say it but the ceremonies are the only thing that goes smoothly around here. Starting to become paranoid that an attack or something is going to occur at any point now.

Walk to the canteen? Mutiny? Fighting invid? Robotech master factory warps in right on my ass. Going to the washroom? Ambushed by a teenage garudian.

Really no peace and quiet around here." The man smirked before turning to leave. He joined his compatriots as Pyrrah spoke up. "Well i'd hope so, though tell me, are your sisters as gorgeous as you? Cause it's bad enough for the heart having you alone around ahahaha-OWW!" The man immediately shifted to the side as Enri had jabbed him in the side, the slightly bigger garudian had punched him right in the flank.

"Why did you tell them about the washroom thing! I already said i'm sorry!!!" Her face was red, as much as a furred face can blush anyways
"If i'm stuck in this you are to so best get ready to fake that smile."

Bishop gulped back a reply.

"Hey, if you stick around with this team, you'd better get used to the awards ceremony thing. We are the best, after all, and while we get picked for the tough missions, we make them look easy."

While not thrilled at the prospect of standing in front of a group for any reason, especially for recognition, Bishop certainly appreciated Alex's words. Although a new member of the group, he had already experienced some off-the-wall challenges. Certainly unlike anything he even heard of in training!

"There is something here for everyone, I promise."

Glad to hear it, Bishop looked forward to the planet-side excursion. It would be a welcome break! Wondering how the visit would work he engaged Pyrrah, "So, will we be staying with your clan or family?"
Glad to hear it, Bishop looked forward to the planet-side excursion. It would be a welcome break! Wondering how the visit would work he engaged Pyrrah, "So, will we be staying with your clan or family?"
Pyrrah looks at her shorter team member. "We have plenty of room for guests, so that won't be an issue. I will just have to contact the Clan Mother to ask if it would be ok for you all of you to come and stay. Once I tell Sunanj about who you are, I would be very surprised if she turns you down."

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