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Robotech - Southern Cross Adventure

You can give it a try. The Green is a bit wonky, but he will fight to keep free. I'll need a to-hit roll from you with the declaration that you are going for either the arms or the feet.
Suddenly, the opportunity presented itself, and Marlon wasnt about to let it slide. With the green having the tar knocked out of it, Marlon, activated his thrusts and leaped towards it.

"Turrets! Net the green!"

Switching to his battloid form bringing the cuffs to bear.

Marlon's Spartans landed near the bioroid with a thud, and he quickly tried to get the things arms locked into the cuffs. Netted or not, he had to try.

Target: downed green
Attempt: cuff the bioroids arms
Hth strike: +12

Natural 1.
Marlon's effort to lock up the Green Bioroid does not go well. As the Bioroid struggles, it is able to knock the manacles out of your hand with a wild kick.

Blues 7-9 dive on Marlon, trying to draw his attention away from their compatriot with a triple burst of their hand-held weapons. They will hit unless you dodge or parry.

Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 is up with Ryuko, and D. Rex D. Rex has a defense to declare.

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged
18 - Gabi [1]
17 - Red 1 [4] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [1]
16 - Blues 2-3 [1]
14 - Alan [2]
13 - Neo [2]
12 - Blues 4-6 [1]
8 - Deunan [1]
8 - Marlon [2]
7 - Blues 7-9 [1]
6 - Ryuko <====
"Malron, Watch out!"

Seeing that the enemy took the opportunity to attack one of her comrades while he was distracted, her Ajax would kick into high gear in an attempt to protect the Spartas.
Ryuko bolts forward, trying to put her own mecha between Marlon and the fire coming in. You are able to get in the path of two of the three shots, and you take a total of 70 MD to your main body. The third attack does manage to slip past you to strike Marlon's hover tank. D. Rex D. Rex you have the option to try and parry or burn an action to dodge, or you can just have the shot hit you in the body.

The Green Bioroid is struggling to get out of the net that has it tangled up, but it is still wrapped up.

Purr Purr is up

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged / netted
18 - Gabi [1] <====
17 - Red 1 [4] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [1]
16 - Blues 2-3 [1]
14 - Alan [2]
13 - Neo [2]
12 - Blues 4-6 [1]
8 - Deunan [1]
8 - Marlon [2]
7 - Blues 7-9 [1]
6 - Ryuko -70 MD [1]
Ignoring any apprehension, Marlon chose to trust Ryuko having his back. With her blocking those shots for him while he tried to deal with this green, he raised up his shield to block one of the ones that got through.

"Thanks Ryuko! Keep me covered!"

Parry: 24
Marlon is able to get your shield into place just in the nick of time, and you are able to save your main body the damage. Your shield takes a solid hit of 30 MDC.

Purr Purr is up.

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged / netted
18 - Gabi [1] <====
17 - Red 1 [4] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [1]
16 - Blues 2-3 [1]
14 - Alan [2]
13 - Neo [2]
12 - Blues 4-6 [1]
8 - Deunan [1]
8 - Marlon -0/-0/-30 MD [2]
7 - Blues 7-9 [1]
6 - Ryuko -70 MD [1]

VHT-10A Ajax mode: Battloid

Missile Payload:
30/30 HEAP Mini-missiles: 1D4x10 M.D., 1 mile range, 3 foot radius, 2 M.D.C.
10/10 Plasma/Napalm (medium) Short-range missiles: 2D6x10 M.D., 3 mile range, 15 foot radius, 5 M.D.C.


Gabi became confused as Marlon went after the Green Bioroid; she had went hard after the Red Bioroid because she thought that was what the team had planned on from the beginning. Still, Marlon did seem the type to take on an opportunity when it arose and Lt. Conway had said nothing against his actions.

So, Gabi transformed her Ajax into Battloid mode and scooped up the fallen handcuffs. If there was time, she tried to slap them on the Green Bioroid's wrists (behind its back).


Image credit: www.limetown.com.br
STATUS Location: Outside Brazilia Base.
Statblock: VHT-10A Ajax (400/400 M.D.). CBR Mk 2E Armor (105/105 M.D.). Heavy Shield (55/55 M.D.).
Effects Active: VHT-1S Command bonuses.

Gabi drops down next to the trio of Ryuko, Marlon and the Green Bioroid and grabs the cuffs to start securing the enemy mecha. Despite its squirming and struggling, you are able to pin down the Green and slap the cuff onto one arm, but the second is still free.

Red 1 is now up on its feet once more, and it fires off a burst from its weapon drum at Gabi, trying to get you off of the back of the Green. It will hit unless you dodge, but dodging will let the Green be able to try and get up. What do you wan to do?

Red 2 flies down towards the cluster of mecha around the Green, and it fires on Marlon. It will hit unless you dodge or parry.

Blue 2 and 3 see that Ryuko has taken a hit, and both fire on her. They will hit unless you dodge.

Rykon Rykon is up, and Purr Purr , Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 and D. Rex D. Rex have defense actions to declare.

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged / netted
18 - Gabi [2]
17 - Red 1 [5] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [2]
16 - Blues 2-3 [2]
14 - Alan [2] <====
13 - Neo [2]
12 - Blues 4-6 [1]
8 - Deunan [1]
8 - Marlon -0/-0/-30 MD [2]
7 - Blues 7-9 [1]
6 - Ryuko -70 MD [1]
Gabriela hissed. Under normal combat circumstances, she would have tried to pull the green bioroid in front of her to take the hit but they needed this one alive. Since the red bioroid was using an energy weapon, there was no chance to roll with the impact.

But above all, Gabi was Recon Patrol and Third Heavy Recon's mission came first.

She took the hit.
The blast hits Gabi's Ajax square in the back, doing a total of 30 MD to you. Not quite a scratch, but your armor is holding strong for now.

Rykon Rykon is up, and Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 and D. Rex D. Rex have defense actions to declare.

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged / netted
18 - Gabi -30 MD [2]
17 - Red 1 [5] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [2]
16 - Blues 2-3 [2]
14 - Alan [2] <====
13 - Neo [2]
12 - Blues 4-6 [1]
8 - Deunan [1]
8 - Marlon -0/-0/-30 MD [2]
7 - Blues 7-9 [1]
6 - Ryuko -70 MD [1]
It is a glancing blow to the shield, doing only 10 MD to it.

Rykon Rykon is up, and Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 has a defense action to declare.

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged / netted
18 - Gabi -30 MD [2]
17 - Red 1 [5] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [2]
16 - Blues 2-3 [2]
14 - Alan [2] <====
13 - Neo [2]
12 - Blues 4-6 [1]
8 - Deunan [1]
8 - Marlon -0/-0/-40 MD [2]
7 - Blues 7-9 [1]
6 - Ryuko -70 MD [1]
Ryuko is able to spin about and put her mecha's arm in the way of the weapon fire, saving your main body from taking the damage. The arm takes a total of 60 MD.

Rykon Rykon is up

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged / netted
18 - Gabi -30 MD [2]
17 - Red 1 [5] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [2]
16 - Blues 2-3 [2]
14 - Alan [2] <====
13 - Neo [2]
12 - Blues 4-6 [1]
8 - Deunan [1]
8 - Marlon -0/-0/-40 MD [2]
7 - Blues 7-9 [1]
6 - Ryuko -70 MD main body/-60 MD arm [1]
Alan levels the old cannon at Blue 4-6 and launches an MPAT round at their center to knock take their attention off of the capture efforts.

90 MD to the group.
BOOM! The old style cannon roars, and the MPAT shell explodes in the middle of the three Blues, catching them all in the shower of deadly shrapnel.

Neo raises up her own cannon and fires her second blast of the fight, catching Blue 4 square in the chest and destroying it.

Blues 5 and 6 are focused on the now clear efforts to try and capture one of their own, and they both fire on Marlon, trying to give the Green a chance to escape the press. They will hit unless you dodge or parry.

Sherwood Sherwood is up, and D. Rex D. Rex has a defense to declare.

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged / netted
18 - Gabi -30 MD [2]
17 - Red 1 [5] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [2]
16 - Blues 2-3 [2]
14 - Alan [3]
13 - Neo [3]
12 - Blues 5-6 [1] badly damaged
8 - Deunan [1] <====
8 - Marlon -0/-0/-40 MD [2]
7 - Blues 7-9 [1]
6 - Ryuko -70 MD main body/-60 MD arm [1]
Deunan shouts out, "They are putting up a nasty fight, but we got this! Keep on them!" She runs forward to be next to the downed Green, and uses her Eu-11 to fire a burst at Blue 5.
On Foot:
Number of Attacks: 6
Strike: +10
Parry: +13 - +17 with Heavy Combat Shield
Dodge: +14
Roll: +6
Perception: +12
Initiative: +1
Damage: +2 from Ps
Critical Strike on a natural 18-20

In the Hover Tank:
Number of Attacks: 9 - +1 attack per melee round at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14
Strike: +12 with Cannons, +13 to HtH, +14 with EU-11 (+2)
Parry: +17 (+1)
Dodge: +17 (+1)
Roll: +9
Perception: +12
Initiative: +3 (+2)
Critical Strike on a natural 18-20
Clean miss, but you manage to distract the attacking Blue somewhat, and you are now in position next to the Green.

D. Rex D. Rex is up, and has a defense to declare.

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged / netted
18 - Gabi -30 MD [2]
17 - Red 1 [5] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [2]
16 - Blues 2-3 [2]
14 - Alan [3]
13 - Neo [3]
12 - Blues 5-6 [1] badly damaged
8 - Deunan [2]
8 - Marlon -0/-0/-40 MD [2] <====
7 - Blues 7-9 [1]
6 - Ryuko -70 MD main body/-60 MD arm [1]
The Bioroid is currently on a hover platform and is moving too quickly to get within physical attack range.

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