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Fantasy Ritual [closed]


Brain cashew smooth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Between WolfSol WolfSol and @indulgence-

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[div class=fancyquote]Ritual[/div][/div]
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"After the tragic events of the Mana Grave War in the twentieth century, Magic in all forms was strictly forbidden. For it was decided that Magic hinders the balance and the way of life if it is received after birth.

It is the duty of the people to protect each other and the land from the cruelty and taint of Magic by notifying authorities of any suspicions and interactions pertaining to Magic. Those suspected of Magic shall be treated as irrational criminals and will, depending on the evidence and method of receiving Magic, be banished, imprisoned, or put to death.

Remember, only mad men seek such a vile curse, a curse that goes against the law of nature. After all, if one is not born with it, then they are not meant to have it."

Excerpt from Law on Magic, Section II, P. 32

In this world, Magic is considered a vile curse if placed upon a soul that is born without the initial use of Magic. Nothing good every comes from the use of Magic. It is believed that the use of Magic can lead a man to destruction. This mindset has slowly reduced the chances of Magical births, but the ways to receive Magic have not dwindled in the slightest. As technology has progressed, so to have the criminals that seek Magic. By using chat rooms, instant messengers, and the DarkWeb, Magic-craved criminals will always find a way to get their fix. All that's needed is an item for the ritual, the summoning of a Patron. Although there are other ways of receiving magic, all of which are temporary, a Patron's "blessing" and contract are long lasting until death. Magic-craved criminals that seek out or strike a deal with a Patron are considered incredibly dangerous regardless of the Patron's origins.

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Patron Skevath Daigas

[div class=wrapper][div class=name]Skevath Daigas

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Skevath Daigas, better known as Keva, is a fiendish (demonic) patron intent on creating chaos. His lifetime spans many moons to the point where he and even the tomes have forgotten his true age. He holds a particular hatred for humanity, many believing such hatred stems from the ignorance and forgetfulness of humanity. However, it the reason for such hatred is not so easily defined.

Skevath yearns for power, a curse that often drives those that make a deal with him mad with the same desire. His influence is heavy and twisted, and his deals often lead into macabre endings.

He bears pale gray flesh with both arms painted in a glowing shade of red. Along sharp cheekbones, Skevath has intricate, red markings that sprout from the corners of his mouth to the back of his jaw and underneath his solid gray eyes. His hair is a mix of black and white and is short at the front with long, black tendrils at its back. His hair sports a "fluffy" fashion, often hiding two sharply pointed ears that, like his arms, are tipped in a glowing red. He bears a set of horns that are of a white, leathery texture. They spiral outward, opposing the direction of a ram's horns. Accompanying his horns is a crown fashioned from black magic, shaped by shadows and ink. It floats above him, wrapped around his head, and slowly orbits him.

Skevath has the ability to take the form of a human, but such a form only rids his appearance of the orbiting magic, solid gray eyes, the horns, and the glowing markings over his body. His skin is still a pale gray, matched with red coated arms, black and white hair, and a pair of gray eyes similar to that of a cat's.

[div class=credit]BBCode - WolfSol WolfSol [/div]

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Deviant Ambrus Leventis

[div class=wrapper][div class=name]File for: Ambrus Leventis

[div class=sidepica][/div][div class=content][div class=s]Ambrus Leventis, known commonly among acquaintances as Leven, or by the screen-name Embrace, is an individual to keep eyes on as a suspect for possible dealings in magick, specifically to deal with Patrons. While we have it on file that magic does not run in his family, it is under word from a reliable source that his younger sister Isaura Leventis was heavily involved in the Burning Ice Case before her death. Since her death he has been involved in online chats with several other suspected magic users of the Warlock classification, and may have purchased an item from one known as Locket on an underground chat app. A meeting spot was set and it is assumed a transaction was made, but we are unsure of the item that was given to him.

Characteristics of his personality gathered from social media also show tell-tale signs of a potential Warlock. He is known to be reclusive and scholarly, with lots of time tracked on free study courses and many comments posted on their forums. For the most part, other than these forum posts he seems adverse to talking to people in any other sense until truly needed and only responds to messages when he needs something- such as the case of purchase with Username: Locket. In niche cases he has been shown to be a very passionate and potentially hot headed, yet witness accounts from family and old friends say that he always seemed like a very calm person, and they can't imagine him so impassioned even online. All in all, his personality is an enigma until our agents can find and learn more about him.

In order to aid undercover officers in tracking down and watching Ambrus his appearance is as follows: medium length blonde hair which does not quite reach his shoulders, one blue and one red eye (it is unknown at this time if this eye was always red due to a birth defect or if it is some black-market Warlock doing, as there have been cases of replaced eyes done in the Warlock market), three dot tattoos under his blue eye, and fairly light skin.

Update to data: Suspect has been unable to be located and is assumed currently on the run.

[div class=credit]BBCode - WolfSol WolfSol [/div]

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[/div][div class=credit]BBCode - WolfSol WolfSol [/div]

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[div class=sidepic][/div][div class=content]Location: Ivlana Valley, 3 days out from any major city.

Deep breath in...deep breath out. He had to do this. It had taken 3 days to get to where he was now, he knew they'd likely been watching him since Isaura died and by now, they probably knew what he was up to. He couldn't just go back and try to live a normal life. Even if he could, he wouldn't want to. Not when she couldn't. Not with how things were.

He put the key in the lock and turned, inhaling as he turned the doorknob and exhaling as he swung it open. It felt good to be back here, it felt good to do this- if he kept telling himself that he would eventually convince himself it was true. The heavy wooden door squeaked shut behind him as he dropped his bag on the floor, watching the dust raise up in a cloud from the impact. It would be good to be back. At least long enough to do what had to be done. And they wouldn't check here, at least not for a while. It was too far out of town and too distantly related to him for them to consider it as a high-priority place to check.

He went around the house checking the rooms, making sure the lights still worked. It looked like it was still never used...and this at least let some of the tension come out with an exhale. He was the only one here...he could do this. The Syphon was in his bag- it would bring him enough magick energy to the ritual…

Though, doing that on an empty stomach was...daunting. He'd traveled lightly, just the food from his apartment that was travel ready; and no stops for food, or anywhere with cameras. Maybe a bit paranoid, but he couldn't get caught; not before this had even begun. Still, he'd run out of food a day ago, and he knew if nobody had been here, there was likely still canned food on the panty. So he made his way back downstairs, absently dragging his hand across the wall as he walked down and turned the corner into the kitchen, lifting his hand away from the wall only when he got to the pantry door, and then brushing it free of dust. Canned Ravioli was probably fine...it was probably still good.

He had to wash a bowl and fork before he could do anything with the can, though. Two forks sat cleaned of food but dusty next to the sink where they were left to dry, and two bowls the same way. He took one of each, cleaned them, and ate from them.

Now, he could get to work. He threw both in the sink, then headed out of the kitchen to grab the grey duffle bag sitting on the floor. The master bedroom was probably the best place for this...he'd have to move some things around. So he did just that, moved the bed clear up against the corner of the wall, shoved the side tables on top of it, moved the dressed into another corner, through the rugs out in the hallway. Emptied the space enough to do what he had to do.

He spent 30 minutes on the first circle alone, 20 on the smaller one. He tried to make them perfect. He took longer on the symbols, and though he'd spent month memorizing them he still looked to his notebook for confirmation that he had them perfect. Isaura would be screaming at him right now if she could see this. Demons were often seen as a bad choice, even by most Warlocks. Fey were social, they may not like humans but toying with them was fun. Demons on the other hand…most had a distaste for humans. And that's what Ambrus was counting on. Fey could be finicky when it came to human deaths, it depended upon mood or personal political ties- demons, he hoped, would be less picky about such things. Human destruction was human destruction and should fit both their goals just fine, with Fey politics out of the picture. Even if they wanted the destruction of him as well, he felt he was more likely to get what he needed out a demon- and enjoy their company more.

Even if Isaura would be rolling in her grave as he finished the symbols. He took a final deep breath to steady himself as he stood.

"You can do this Ambrus...it'll be fine." He picked up the Syphon from his bag, and turned the top of it. Just enough for the ritual...it would only last that. Just the words were needed now- it didn't matter the language, only the meaning and that they were spoken clearly. "Skevath Daigas-" The magick tingled on his tongue, on his lips. He wasn't fond of the feeling- but he'd adjust- "I summon you, in sound mind so that my will cannot be tainted. I summon you, encased in a circle of gold from which you cannot harm me." They'd said the gold ink would be enough. He prayed it was true. "I summon you to strike a deal, and so I bind you now-" He dug out the gold rope for the occasion, tying it around one wrist as he spoke and feeling his heart rate pick up as it extended into the circle, becoming Ethereal looking when it reached the end of what was really there. It must be working. "So that I may dismiss you, should I see it fit, or keep you here until a deal is agreed upon. I summon you here now, Skevath Daigas. Appear before me."

When the demon appeared in the circle, his potential Patron, Ambrus Leventis wasted no time, for he had none to waste. "I'd like to make a contract with you. What would you ask?" It-he? He looked bound, he couldn't leave without being dismissed, and the circle was there to protect him. Still, he could show no weakness here. So he stood confident, eyeing the Patron, taking in his site, taking in the magnitude of what he was doing.

He was willing to do just about anything…he had nothing but his life to lose. And so despite his racing heart and the way his body wanted to shiver, he didn't cut the cord in a panic to dismiss the demon- he merely stood, awaiting the demons response, to take off negotiations from there.

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[div class=sidepics][/div]Location: Pillar of Skulls,First Layer of Nine Hells.

The thick, inky smog erupted with fiery embers careening from the pits of eternity. They fell from metaphorical heavens, stinking of false hopes and lies as they shattered against the bone fragments, the dried blood, and the stalagmites that littered the Tormented Scatter. Why the fireballs never touched the Pillar of Skulls at the Scatter's center, a pillar that reached way beyond the smog and was molded and founded atop the heads of lying men, was more of a curse rather than a miracle.

Skevath Daigas trudged through the maze of stalagmites in a leisurely pace despite the weather of the Nine Hells. He'd only paused once to admire the scenery, jagged, white spears that struck out from charred ground. A few of which had skewered many a sinner, most likely those who had failed in their promises, rituals, or contracts. A short walk within the Scatter had him posted before the Pillar of Skulls. It cast him in shadows, allowing the red markings across his skin to flare up with a brighter glow.

So the demon returns, yet again. The gnarled heads, new and old, fresh and decayed, all craned against the pillar to look upon their guest. Each eye was shrouded in darkness, each head speaking as one, and it took a moment before Skevath decided on which head to stare at. But you do not have a sacrifice to offer. The voices melded together, a scratching cacophony that grated on Skevath's pointed ears.

The demon's stoic face cracked into a wide grin, the red lines etched along his jaw pulsating with a red hue. "Seems you're not as wise as you once claimed to be." He folded his arms, grin gaining depth as he tilted his head. "I have many a sacrifice in line. Now, amuse me, 'less you want to be hungry for another millennia?" The threat did little to deter the skulls, but they gave unhurried nods nonetheless.

You are predictable, thus your question isn't hard to imagine. You seek more power despite your status in this realm. A Patron's power, even that of a fiend--

"Yes, yes," the demon stepped forward, a scowl riddling his features, "but I am merely a fiend of madness and destruction and all that typical nonsense. It's dull. I want to know how I can achieve the powers of a deity."

Patrons are not gods, demon. They cannot be gods.
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"It's not impossible. Now, one of your heads should have the knowledge I seek. How do I achieve such a feat?"

Typically, an entity can acquire that status of a god if they--

Skevath Daigas.

The red on Skevath's body pulsed vehemently at the name that reverberated within the Scatter. It brought a cold wind to push against him, drawing up a cloud of ash as the fireballs overhead seemed to slow in their descent.

I summon you, in sound mind so that my will cannot be tainted.

He recoiled, the balls of his bare feet burning as the charred ground began to soften. The layers of Hell be damned, why now of all times? He clicked his teeth, anger causing the red glow to brighten a fraction as the cloud of ash began to circle around him. The movement mimicked the shadows that orbited his horns, but the ash quickly gained speed as it enveloped the world around him.

The ground shifted underneath him, falling from his feet only to be replaced by firm, solid wood in the blink of an eye. It caught him offguard for the fraction of a second until he felt the atmosphere shift around him along with the all too familiar burn at his wrist. Skevath looked down then, catching sight of the gold rope bound at his wrist. Its touch burned more than the fires of the Hells yet it was a welcoming feeling for as soon as the ash dropped to his feet, the circle beneath him struck him with a bone chilling cold.

It had been a decade, perhaps two, since he'd been summoned like this. Never once had he missed such an event.

The words of his summoner fell on deaf ears as he quickly reached a hand, feeling for the circle's barrier. His fingers grazed it, sending numbing, electrical shocks throughout his body in warning. The contact revealed to him his current trap's strength, not a vulnerability in sight for him to reveal. Of course, if he had taken note to the fact that the circle was of gold, just like the rope, he would have realized that sooner. Gold ink, gold ropes... he set his unwavering gaze on his summoner, lips curled up into a silent snarl.

Leave it to a human to ruin his wondrous meeting with the beheaded liars.

I'd like to make a contract with you. What would you ask?

Well, at least the human didn't sound like he was about to piss his pants. Still, Skevath didn't lessen in his anger. He had to give it to the human though. As far as he knew, gold ink and gold rope where hard to come by, especially when humanity had decided to ban magic. A hilarious, meaningless ban, in his opinion.

"A contract, hmm?" He sneered, mimicking the human as his gaze wandered over.. a bedroom? How strange. He hadn't gotten anything good from the Pillar of Skulls, but as his gaze returned to his summoner, a grin split across his features. "Kill a god for me, one that aligns with the light. That should be doable for a bold, little mortal such as yourself, yes?" He plucked at the rope as he spoke, testing its enchantment.

"Just know that once you make a contract with me, you cannot back out of it until my request has been met." He reached out his hand, the one bound with rope at the wrist, and stopped it just a fraction from the invisible barrier. "State the name given to you at birth, and then your decision. Once we shake hands, my mark will appear on both of our palms. A sign that our contract is in place."

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[div class=sidepic][/div][div class=content]When Ambrus' words were answered with a moment of silence he had a second to take in the sight of this demon he had summoned. Covered in red markings and standing tall with an air of maliciousness. And yet him being here, visible to his eyes, likely thinking up ways to get Ambrus killed, his fear over the situation lessened. This had been what he'd expected, and it's what he got. Little could surprise him now.

Even Skevath's request, while not completely what he expected, was not too unexpected. And his description of Ambrus was fitting. Bold little mortal. He had no idea…

Maybe Skevath expected him to decline, to decide it was an impossible task, that his own task wasn't worth it. But the way Ambrus saw it, it was already along the lines of what he was looking to accomplish, anyway. A life for a life seemed only fair. And if he failed, and found himself ripped open by a god and then skewered on a spear in the Nine Hells in the afterlife, then so be it. As long as he got what he needed first.

So he didn't waver,, even as Skevath asked He stood straight, eyeing Skevath's hand- and stepped closer. "Kill a God? Sure." He got close, and then stopped. "But did you think I'd fall for you trying to seal the contract without me guaranteeing my part? Kill a God for nothing in return?" He smiled at Skevath, tilting his head slightly in amusement. Demons were fast talkers- had Ambrus not studied as much as he did, or had planned this out more loosely- perhaps even he would have forgotten what he needed out of this and simply took the demons hand to seal their contract, without making sure the demon wasn't getting everything for nothing in return.

"A life for a life. That's my deal. I'll kill the God for you, but you'll need to give me access to you magic to do so- along with helping me take a life of my own."
He paused briefly, steeling his resolve as the words slipped back his lips. It only made it more real, to say out loud that he was going to do it. And it filled him with resolve and calmness. This needed to be done...for them. So he continued. "Surely shouldn't be a hard feat for you? A human life is nothing to demon such as yourself. And then, we can get on with killing whichever God you want dead."

Finally, he stepped close enough to reach Skevath's hand. "I imagine you'll take that deal, yes? A life for a life." He reached his hand into the circle but didn't take Skevath's hand, instead waited for Skevath to take his. It may have been a risky power move, but summoning this demon had already been such- and he had little choice but to be risky, here. Only after Skevath took his hand would he seal the contract with "Ambrus Leventis, and I accept this contract."
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[div class=sidepics][/div]Location: Bedroom...?

Oho, smart little mortal... Skevath grinned, head tilting as the human caught on to his scheme. Good, it would have been incredibly disappointing, incredibly boring, if he hadn't caught the wordage. Contracts were bad enough, whether they ever completed or not, but ones that were made through trickery and loopholes were a waste of time. Time of which, immortal or not, he wasn't too enthused on wasting. Still, it didn't deter Skevath from wanting to test the barrier before him one more time.

There was no contact made with the barrier this time. Instead, his shadow spanned the space of the circle, pooling across the small slip of floor until it licked along the foundation of the barrier. A hiss resounded, and the shadows recoiled as the barrier flashed for the second time. Again, no vulnerabilities.

"A human signing his life away just to kill a mere mortal? How boring. You can do that alone without the aid of fiendish magic," he continued, "but yes, I suppose I will agree to such a deal." After all, humans killing humans... it had always been a fun past time of his to watch from afar. The little flesh bags were so easily manipulated by their simple, little emotions. "Revenge," being the main source of their murderous intent. A childish thing, really.

Skevath made no move to request the name of the mortal life in question as he considered his contractor's power play for a moment before taking his hand. Normally, he wouldn't condone such an act as "power play." Normally, he would have found it insulting, especially from a mortal, but the summoning seal was strong and this human promised chaos. That and killing a god would not be a simple task for a mere fiend such as himself. He took Ambrus's hand, hearing his name and agreement loud and clear.

"Skevath Daigas, and I accept this contract."

He turned the words back around, initiating the circle's purpose. The golden glow that had taken to the markings on the floor began to pulse vehemently before rushing forward. Light congregated beneath Skevath until it vanished entirely, leaving only the golden rope between them until it too vanished. Yet it was only for show as the spell encased in its fibers reached fruition and burned the seal of approval in both of their hands. It, along with unnecessarily pronged contact with a mortal, was what drew Skevath to pull his hand away. The break away diminished the rope's presence entirely, but the mark of the contract--the ritual--remained.

The demon turned his hand around, palm upward to examine the mark for a moment before returning his gray slits to the mortal before him. Like the circle and the rope, the mark was complete, solid, permanent. "You seem to either have connections or knowledge, perhaps both, because gold in rituals is a rarity. Blame your useless mortal race for that." He waved a hand, the burned mark for show, "Do entertain me by stating I don't have to waste my time in sharing the limitations of this wondrous contract?" There was evident curiosity, no doubt, and there was definitely an aura of hostility as Skevath stared the human down.

"Like how you won't be 'graced' with my Magic instantly. It will come to you over time. If you took on all of what my Magic offers, you'd surely die from it, and what a waste that would be." A toothy smile, "Not that I'd love to see that happen, I'm sure it would be quite fun to watch, but contracts are contracts."

A fact that Skevath found to be incredibly disappointing. Any wrong move made purposefully that would harm his contractor, or master, would inevitably end up in the mark upon his hand killing him. Of course, the same applied to mortal man before him.

He stepped out from the circle's markings, and looked to the furniture that had been shoved up against the walls. Again, why a bedroom? "Pray tell, who is this human that you would risk your life for, the human that you wish death upon?" Skevath then asked. He wasn't interested in sob stories, but the fact that this mortal, Ambrus, had sought him out for such a thing seemed... thrilling and strange. Couldn't he kill a mortal without help from a fiend or a fiend's Magic? Mortals were weak, so it shouldn't be that hard.

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[div class=sidepic][/div][div class=content]Location: Addicott Family Cabin, Master Bedroom

Ambrus watched carefully as Skevath's shadow pooled at the edge of the barrier, resisting the urge to tense up. He knew it was secure, and yet seeing the demon try to escape it filled him with a sense of uneasiness. Once the contract was seemade, the fiend couldn't hurt him. Once the contract was made. Before that, Ambrus' life was free for the taking. So when a hiss was heard as the shadow recoiled, it took willpower for Ambrus not to sigh in relief.

But for now, he had enough willpower to keep his posture, even as the fiend questioned the point in this contract, if his only goal was to kill another human. He imagined it certainly did look that easy, from the outside. But Ambrus might have avoided this if there was another way. But he'd tried planning out the other ways he could try- and this was the only way, within all his planning and simulations, that this would work.

So he finally broke his posture when Skevath agreed, sighing in relief as he watched the golden light congregate and vanish, as the rope did the same, and flesh burned under the touch of the contract. Even as his hand was overwhelmed with pain he felt relief.

When Skevath drew his hand away Ambrus pulled his own close to his chest, and his other rose to cup it gently as he grit his teeth, eyes closing for a moment as he held it. The sting felt like no other, and yet he couldn't find it himself to find it truly unpleasant. His eyes opened again at the fiend... complimenting him? Or just stating the obvious. "Both." Was his quick, blunt retort. He straightened, eyeing the circle in it's dormant form, and then the device that had now powered down. Locket wasn't joking when he said it only had enough charge for the ritual. No matter...he could get it charged enough to complete his end of the deal with Locket.

"Do entertain me-" Ambrus looked away and closed his eyes again, ignoring the hostility in Skevath's tone in exchange for trying to sense the magic in the room for a moment."By stating I don't have to waste my time sharing the limitations of this wonderous contract?" Ambrus rolled his eyes under his eyelids. Yes, of course, terms and conditions and all that. Skevath rattled on about the limitations of the magic- and with no hesitation Ambrus continued after him, with other things he's read regarding the contract. "Should I try and kill you or get out of my contract in anyway I will die, and live my eternity in agony in the Nine Hells. Should you try the same- you share a similar fate- death- though I don't know if you'd stay in the Nine Hells. True death, perhaps?" He finally opened his eyes again, shooting a cold, calculating look to Skevath, debating if he was missing anything. "If I in anyway fail my side of the contract, I'll be sent to the Nine Hells in my death. Other than that, our deal is bound. Upon it's completion you'll be sent back to your realm, and I'll stay in mine. I keep my soul, stay in my realm, given terms of contract and you- you do whatever you do in the Hells. Honestly-" He moved, going to pick up the sleeping device, a ring of silver with blue markings- they had been glowing before. "The terms don't matter to me. As long as you're magic is capable of what I need- I'll do whatever I can to murder your God. No matter how long it takes."

He eyed the device, looking for the spot Locket told him about. There should be a spot to open it avout- ahah. He opened the device as Skevath questioned his target, and let out a little laugh. He supposed it would sound ridiculous to the demon- at least at first. Going through all this effort just to kill a human? Tracking down this gold rope, gold ink, getting the device from Locket, and damning his family name more with his association with Walrocks- just for one human life? Ridiculous. Until you put into perspective- "One of the members of the High Council. Angetha Endor." He tossed the demon a coy smile, "But still, shouldn't be too much of a challenge for you to help with, right? Piece of cake." Except for... every part of it. "Surely you can-" He paused.

Was that a car door? Surely he wouldn't… He put the device down, motioning for Skevath to be silent and listening more. The cops shouldn't check here... maybe they were selling it- a real estate agent, perhaps? He heard the door squeak open, and he didn't even have to open the door to peak. "Ambrus?"

Skevath could physically see how Ambrus' expression changed, from smug, confident, and cold to- annoyed? Angry? Depressed? Perhaps all three. He turned on his heels, grabbed the fiend, and shoved him quickly into the empty closet. He turned away from it just in time for the door to the master bedroom to open, and as his eyes met the man in front of him, both stayed silent for a moment.

"What the hell have you done, Ambrus?" Ambrus didn't answer, instead looked away. "I had really hoped they were lying when they said you were suspected. What the hell are you thinking?! This isn't the way to do this. She'd be-"

"She's dead, Fabian. It doesn't matter what she'd be. This affects a lot more than her, and this is the only way to do this."

"Ambrus-" Fabian's hand caught Ambrus wrist, and then dropped it. "You didn't…"

Ambrus didn't respond. He instead turned, starting gathering his things. "A demon, Ambrus? There no way out of that- why a demon why didn't you- the fey- you could have-"

"Are you done chastising me? You have no right. Not anymore." Ambrus moved to open the closet, and the second Fabian saw the demon he backed up, tense. "Come on. I'll explain more in the car. And Fabian?" He looked over his shoulder, eyes cold. "Please, stay out of this."

"Isaura wouldn't have…"

"Isaura's dead, and I'm leaving."

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[div class=sidepics][/div]Location: Bedroom

It seemed Skevath had been snagged into a contract with someone who actually did their homework. It was somewhat refreshing because it honestly bored him to tears having to recite the rules, having to answer the stupid, predictable questions, and having to deal with panicking mortals when they discovered the severity of a contract's failure. None of the contracts he'd ever dabbled in though had requested the guidelines regarding his side of the agreement. The fact that this mortal, Ambrus, went as far as to look into what would occur if he, the Patron, failed? Impressive. It was most definitely a blessing and a curse because although smart humans were typically more fun, in his opinion, it also meant having to rock up with them for longer than he would like.

Before he could decide to even praise or ridicule the human, Ambrus continued with yet another statement that caught him off-guard.

"The terms don't matter to me. As long as you're magic is capable of what I need- I'll do whatever I can to murder your God. No matter how long it takes."

How peculiar. He'd known humans were greedy, spineless little mongrels, but this... this could be fun. Especially considering just what lengths Ambrus had gone to with the looks of the contraption that he had plucked from the floor. It urged Skevath to linger a few steps back because even if the device was dormant, it and the markings on the floor were a disgusting sight.

There was definitely interest for his new master, a title which he would never utter aloud, but one thing that was quickly becoming a thorn in his side was the power play and portrayed ego. It wouldn't do the contract any harm if he were to knock the greedy little human a peg or two, would it? The thought alone split a smile across his lips, and the smile only gained depth when his target's name was mentioned.

The name likely held weight in the mortal realm, no doubt. Skevath had heard whispers of the High Council when it had first been created. It had once been a frequent topic downunder, a self-righteous government that had been the first to go so far as to ban Magic, of all things. "A mortal with a death wish, how adorable." He snickered as the sound of a slamming door reverberated through the house.

It was a wonderous sight, watching the look on Ambrus' face crumble from smug to troubled in the blink of an eye. However, that joy was completely and utterly overlooked as Ambrus set a pair of grimy hands on him and shoved him into a closet of all places. If Ambrus had been paying attention, he would have caught Skevath's wicked death glare right as the closet door closed. A closet, of all places, for a Nine-Hell Patron? Insulting, disgraceful, uncouth. His eyes hardened, face contorting into rage, and he placed a tense hand against the door, ready to interrupt whatever it was that Ambrus was trying to hide him from until-"What the hell have you done, Ambrus?" His hand slid from the door then, gradually, until it settled on the door knob. Yet he didn't make to turn it as the newcomer, a mortal from the feel of the auras in the house, continued in hysterics.

The demon listened curiously, enjoying the turmoil that had quickly taken refuge in the bedroom. It tasted bittersweet, his favorite, and it came with a string of information. So his greedy master was strictly acting with a vengeance? Delightful.

"Are you done chastising me? You have no right. Not anymore."

Skevath redrew his hand just as the closet door opened before him. A disgruntled Ambrus appeared, and he happily took the offered freedom. He ignored the newcomer's shock, having grown accustomed to it centuries ago, and wandered up to the bedroom door where he turned to wait on Ambrus. The mortal's final words reignited his smile as he took gave the newcomer, Fabian, one last look before following after the retreating mortal.

"You're just a buffet of excitement aren't you?" He commented as they made their way through the house, "Are you trying to be heroic, enacting some sort of pent up revenge? It's connected to Isaura, isn't it. A mortal's death is nothing to get emotional over. It happens all the time." The demon sneered, opening the door to the front of the house only to turn and leave it open for Ambrus. He waved ahead of him mockingly as he sensed around them for any other auras.

Ambrus' car was parked relatively close to the front door, accompanied by a second car to which Skevath neared. "Your magical energy won't manifest itself for quite awhile so you're incredibly and painstakingly useless," he said, "so if you ask nicely, I can perhaps make a mess of your dear Fabian's ride. In fact, if you say please, I might even create a nice diversion for him so he doesn't follow. Because honestly? Your warnings and glares are pathetic." He rounded the front of Fabian's car before glancing skyward. The sudden source of light was blinding, and he quickly adjusted his gaze back to the car before him. The Hells definitely had their source of light, but it was nothing as blinding as the disgusting sun in the realm of mortals.

"Or you can ignore him, and hope he doesn't follow or cause you any future disturbances." Skevath raised a brow as he finally looked to Ambrus before walking up to his car's passenger side. Well, that wasn't quite a thing now anymore, was it? The concept of having a passenger's side and a driver's side had been obsolete for many decades now. Although there was no need to be familiar with mortal technology, Skevath had heard of the vehicles that ran amok in the mortal realm. Self-driven cars, a concept that had only been a mere dream for eons, had finally been mastered and equipped with every vehicle on the market. Even this one, from the looks of the console through the windshield.

"Now, enlighten me. Tell me more about this Angetha Endor, a High Council rat. Honestly, of all the things to have etched into a soul-binding contract, dear Ambrus."

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Location: Headed toward Highway 76

Ambrus expected the taunting. As they rounded through the house Skevath got little reaction from him, not even giving him a half-hearted annoyed glance as they headed out the door. "With any luck a lot more will die soon." To think he was doing this in revenge was correct, of course- but there was...more to that. He eyed the demon briefly in passing as he exited the front door, eyes rolling over to Fabian's car. Newer model- his parents must be feeling guilty again. When weren't they?

He dug out his keys, clicking the button and opening the trunk to put his bag in and take something else out as Skevath spoke up. He kept a straight face for the most part- until Skevath said "your dear Fabian". Ambrus' lips sunk into a frown, and he pulled out a crowbar and headed toward Fabian's car. "Nice offer and all, Sekvath, but I can do this the old fashioned way. I'd rather not waste any magic where I don't have to- we don't need any of that kind of attention." Even murder was looked less down upon than magic.

Fabian ran out of the house as Ambrus raised the crowbar. Cars were a lot more durable than in the past, sure, and the tires nowadays were nearly puncture proof. But everything had it's weakness- you just had to know where to aim. And Ambrus had studied enough to know that if you hit the bolt just right it would misalign the tire- and the car would refuse to drive when damaged.

Unfortunately, Fabian was bound and determined to be a thorn in Ambrus' side. Yet, as he moved in front of Ambrus and yelled at him to "Stop and think about what your doing!", Ambus didn't slow down the movement of the crowbar or stop- he just shifted his trajectory to hit Fabian's leg.

Needless to say, a crowbar to the calf was enough to get Fabian down and in no position to follow them anytime soon. With a cry in pain he was on the ground and Ambrus was turning around, motioning for the fiend to hop in as he got in his own vehicle.

He did shoot a glance back at Fabian as he brought the panel out to set out their location, whether in regret or malice was up for question. But he did chose to offer Skevath some "enlightenment" as he set up the location for it to drive to. Being called dear Ambrus definitely got a look shot toward Skevath, however- expression blank. His eyes fell back to the panel a second after, pressing go and moving the panel out of the way to dig through the bag for the device.

"She's the council member with the most power sway right now. Her death would cause extreme destabilization for the entire empire."
He spoke quickly and to the point, eyeing the device as he pulled it out. "And I have a personal vendetta with her, so killing her hits two crows with one bullet." He opened the device the way he'd been told to, examining its power unit. "Sure, she's heavily guarded, but surely it's nothing your magic can't handle, Skevath? Unless I made a poor choice in my Patron choices. Now, what a shame that would be if you failed your half and I had to do this all over again." Despite the clearly mocking words, Ambrus' tone and expression hardly changed from straight faced and serious.

Once he had the device totally set up for a recharge and had said his piece he held it out to the fiend. "But before we can even start picking at that topic, I need you to charge this with some magical energy. Just enough to last a summoning, anything more and it'll just fizzle off anyway."

From there he grabbed the panel again, opening an app that...clearly looked unofficial and not quite legally downloaded. He scrolled through, finding Locket and sending only the message. "Fuck you."- to let them know he was on his way and had succeeded in his summoning, without drawing attention to their location to any agency looking through his messages. If he appeared to be angry at Locket, perhaps they'd assume better of him. Maybe think Locket ripped him off, wasn't actually a Warlock. They tended to go easy on those who baited and scammed would be Warlocks.

Once it was sent, he deleted the app, and set the car to factory reset once it was parked before moving the panel back the side and looking out the window. "We should be at our destination in about 2 hours."
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[div class=sidepics][/div]Location: Headed toward Highway 76

Skevath's gaze remained static even as the car moved, the house and poor Fabian rolling out of sight. Although he could no longer see the house and its ever-reaching roof, a roof which looked as if cut through a piece of the sky with its steep and elongated ridge, he could still hear Fabian's wailing. The cry of a mortal did little to deter his ever-growing mirth in the promise of chaos. In fact, it only heightened his smile. His grin grew wider, teeth flashing as Ambrus' words accompanied the cries that were beginning to ebb away into the distance.

The demon listened intently to the tidbits of detail. Regardless of the information, he didn't recognize the name. Granted, there was never a need for those downunder to learn of mortal politics. That and mortals died so quickly, becoming familiar with them to the point of acknowledging and remembering their politics and ways was a meaningless pastime. That assured idea of irrelevance was what drew his eyes away from the side windows. "Why does she hold sway? It surely couldn't be via power, like Magic. You mortal mongrels treat it like its a disease. Is she a concubine, sleeping with all the right people, and establishing all the right connections?" Skevath snickered, but then shook his head. No, although such a practice definitely came in handy for some, he doubted this woman was powerful because she'd slept with a few.

There it was again. Another challenge thrown his way, but Skevath's slip of humor didn't dwindle in the slightest. "Oh, dear Ambrus, if only it were that easy to get rid of a demon like me. Don't worry your blond little head. Your High Council rat is as good as dead... as long as you keep your end of the deal." He matched Ambrus' seriousness for the fraction of a second before his lips split into a ghost of a grin. The demon's attention was then drawn to the device that Ambrus had been fiddling with, and his gaze narrowed. As soon as Ambrus extended it toward him, Skevath had half a mind to either destroy it or toss it. Summoning artifacts be damned, even if this all did sound all sorts of fun. "Because gods are much more of a threat than High Council members with a handful of lapdogs at their beck and call. I assure you." An afterthought and then he plucked the device from the mortal's grip.

Cold, the contraption felt cold to the touch. A strange feeling considering he rarely felt let alone witnessed the cold. At least, not cold like this. It felt like what he vaguely remembered the touch of ice feeling. There was never a need to explore parts of hell that reeked of winter, and he'd only witnessed ice in person a millennia ago. If that.

"Why?" Despite his short query, the contraption began to secrete a chorus of soft, distant whispers. The sound was likely to low for a human's ears, but the sight of the black aura manifesting and devouring the device was definitely visible to a human's eyes. Like a curtain, his Magic enveloped the device and obscured it from sight within his palm.

As the obsidian sheet of Magic embraced the device, he could faintly taste traces of past Magics that had touched it, fueled it. It wasn't particularly old, not like most magicked artifacts he'd encountered, but it was intriguing nonetheless. It was then as his black magic receded, uncovering the device entirely, that he finally recognized its purpose. A Syphon, of course. Of course it would be a necessity, considering the inane perception on Magic.

"Vengeance is nice and all, but with mortals being so dreadfully emotional... I'd hate to find out later on that you fall easy prey. The Councilwoman, why is she considered so high and mighty?" He re-worded his question from earlier just as the car merged into the freeway at an accelerated speed.

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Location: Highway 76

Why does she hold sway? As if Ambrus hadn't asked himself that question every single day since he started planning his revenge. Ambrus shook his head slightly, exhaling a breath of frustration through his nose. "If I knew that, this plan would be a little different." He muttered, eyes falling to a little trinket in his cupholder, a bracelet full of sapphires.

They shifted back at Skevath's reply to Ambrus' verbal challenge. Gods are much more of a threat, but by the slight smile on his lips, it was clear it didn't matter to Ambrus. He didn't have a comment, he just let Skevath rip the Syphon from his hand, and rolled his eyes at the question. "For the next summoner to use. It's...a thing with Warlocks, here. They help each other out. Does it really matter why? Just fill it."

Having a Patron was starting to feel like an endless game of 20 questions. Still, he felt some relief when he saw the black magic fill up the Syphon. His side of the deal with Locket, almost complete.

He sighed at the question, reworded from earlier. This would be a long car ride. But...he did have more of an answer, this time. "Things have been...off, in our politics lately. She's been making calls seemingly without other members of the council and they've...said nothing. Never reconvened about it, never overruled it. Nothing. On top of that, she's sticking her hands into smaller cases- ones that should have been judged by the local authorities-" His breath caught, for a moment. "Ones she had no business in. There's just- everyone knows something is going on with her. The news stations can't say shit about the council- but it's all anyone talks about. How she has everything wrapped around her fingers right now- that said-" He paused, tensing a bit as a police car went by, and only relaxing when it passed his car. "It...makes her a good target. Killing her may destabilize the whole Empire, right now. Enough for it all to fall apart. That's...the theory, anyway."

He sat back in his seat, putting his arm out to take Syphon back. "And if I'm wrong, and it doesn't destabilize anything, well...maybe killing your god will, who knows. At least she'll be dead." After a pause, he smiled, letting out a tiny, quiet laugh. "How painful do you think your magic can be, on a scale from 1 to that plant that makes people kill themselves to get the pain to stop?"
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[div class=sidepics][/div]Location: Highway 76

Finally, Skevath was finally being blessed with answers. Granted, it still felt like he wasn't being given the whole picture. Regardless, this was beginning to sound like an act of terrorism, in a sense. The construct wasn't there though, the ultimate drive that could only be forged by a solid belief. Why does it matter? One dead body will right everything that is unbalanced? The world isn't perfect. It will always remain unbalanced so killing that woman will do no good. Well, besides ease Ambrus' angst. It was clear that this whole ordeal was saturated in drama. Then again, there was no harm in practicing revenge, a belief that he relished in. Especially if it involved the twisted desire and thought of a human. That and he hadn't gotten to end a mortal's life in a while, let alone aid in one's death.

It's why the idea of killing sounded so appealing. "Wipe out the entire council." Despite the evolving solemnity in his voice, Skevath had returned to smiling jovially. "It's clear she has support. Someone will simply take her place, if they've not stepped up to stop her."

He returned the Syphon then and re situated in the car seat. At the proffered question, his gaze slithered back over to Ambrus. "Want to find out?" But his smile withdrew a fraction, a sign of seriousness melting into place. "My magic is stemmed from chaos. Therefore, I can easily make you wish for death without even trying. It's rather depressing how easy it can be. Rest assured... I am quite sure I can make the woman of the hour feel as if burning alive in the pits of hells is better than dealing with my power." It was true, especially considering the fact that humans hadn't delved into magic since their silly decree.

The rest of the drive was honeyed in silence. A silence of which was quickly boring Skevath. One of which he'd broken after half an hour had passed. "Humor me, human, which power would you take pleasure in wreaking havoc with first? I'm aware there is little out there on most fiends, but surely you've an idea as to what my power entails? Of course, you're not ready to wield my magic, but I am bored." He said. His attention had returned to the bracelet in the cup holder. It was the only thing that stood out in the vehicle, but his attention span was short and he found no desire to bring about the question as to why such a trinket was here. No, he didn't even hold an ounce of curiosity as to if it held any value. It's why he returned his gaze to the window, watching the mountains whiz by across the narrowing interstate.

"Is this not risky? You seem perturbed whenever we pass any signs of law enforcement. What if this friend of yours has already been blessed with an encounter with the law? And what do you intend to do once the Syphon is returned?" As if his words held power themselves, the vehicle deliberately slowed.

It pulled up behind a line of vehicles that focused on the right lane, the left lane apparently closed off somewhere ahead. Skevath wondered why, if there was a roadblock or pause in traffic due to a wreck of some sort. A rarity, he supposed, considering the self-driving vehicle they drove in. Then he saw the flicker of lights, a myriad of blues and reds that ghosted across reflective services of the cars before them. "Well, speak of the devils and they shall appear." The fiend mused.

The line of cars thankfully moved at a decent pace despite having stopped, but the closer the vehicle came to the lights of the sleek squad cars, the closer they got to what appeared to be a checkpoint. Each vehicle stopped beside an officer for a few seconds before peeling out, drawing Ambrus' vehicle closer and closer to what Skevath supposed would be the end of their little get-together. "These things do allow you to override their settings, yes? Unless you want me to kill them."

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