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Rifts Adventure IC

Terra eyes the chasm with interest. The obstacle would make the perfect way for a vampire to protect itself from discovery while it was in topor during the day that she was certain that they would find it either at the bottom of the gap or the opposite side. She takes her flashlight and shines it across, trying to get a glimpse of the other side. "Snowfall? Are you getting a read on the dark chi from the bottom of the chasm, or on the opposite side? We need to know where we can find this vampire."

She continues to look at the chasm, and pulls her rope from out of the lightweight pack it was stuffed into, planning on tying it off to try and get to the fiend with as much safety as can be arranged without using magic. If it is a vampire, it will quite be helpless in the daytime. But there is always a chance that there are traps or daytime guardians to contend with, and there is no danger that she is willing to send someone else into that she would not face for herself. She has to know, one way or another.

Purr Purr
"Snowfall? Are you getting a read on the dark chi from the bottom of the chasm, or on the opposite side? We need to know where we can find this vampire."
That last much was obvious, but Snowfall kept his muzzle shut. Transforming to his Kitsune body, the fox-spirit takes a step back and assesses the situation. Now able to speak, he replies, "Hold, please." Snowfall carefully takes the time to thoroughly search the area with his fox nose (because ordinary smells could tell much!), his multi-optics helm, and his innate ability to sense chi and magic.
Applying your kitsune senses to the problem, the feeling of the dark chi is directly across the chasm from you, maybe fifty feet away from your current location. The nose test gives you the distinctive aroma of blood and the faint smell decomposing flesh. Finally, you gaze through your helmet and cannot see any sign of a heat source (but vampires are room temperature and don't show body heat unless they've recently fed), and all you can see is a rough pile of rags and bones out in the open, with several large rocks and a stalagmite or two blocking your view. It could be that the vampire is right behind one of these obstructions and therefore out of sight.

Morrolan comes up behind everyone and makes the comment, "This would be much easier with the use of magic. Aren't we far enough down from the Coalition's Dog Boys that a short-duration spell being cast wouldn't trigger their magic detection sense? Or are you set on eliminating this creature without using such powers?" He doesn't seem to be upset or trying to be judgmental, but instead just wondering if it would be safe for you to use magic to kill the monster.
Morrolan comes up behind everyone and makes the comment, "This would be much easier with the use of magic. Aren't we far enough down from the Coalition's Dog Boys that a short-duration spell being cast wouldn't trigger their magic detection sense? Or are you set on eliminating this creature without using such powers?" He doesn't seem to be upset or trying to be judgmental, but instead just wondering if it would be safe for you to use magic to kill the monster.
Snowfall contemplates this and then replies. "For me, the better question is: are we willing to bet the entire mission that the Coalition forces won't detect us somehow?" Being a support-fox-spirit by nature, Snowfall looks to Terra and Eron for their views.
Terra ponders, then says, "Yes, it is most likely true that we could get by with a limited use of magic right here without detection. But why risk it? Either Eron or myself can take a running leap to get across, and if it is a vampire, it will be out cold for the daylight hours. Easy enough to sake it, cut off the head, and then burn the parts in a bonfire. Or even better, drag the body out of there and out into the sunlight for a good tan. A sure fire way to make sure it gets it Final Death as deserved."

She hefts the length of rope in her hand, and says, "I can give it a go to jump across and get some eyes on whatever it is over there, unless someone else wants to take the leap. I don't mind heading over myself if you guys wish to hang onto this end of the rope in case I am a little short."
"Would be happy to make the jump first. Not that far, not for me, at least. And not too dangerous if it's just a vamp. Shining Mirror likes those, after all." Eron draws the blade, takes a moment to access the situation with his own senses as well, and then nods, slowly. "Any objections? If not, I'd find us that leech real quick."

Unless there are protests, I'd like to use telekinetic leap to jump over first.
Terra nods, then says, "Well, you do have the holy blade here, so I guess you are a good choice for this. Go for it. Do you want the rope, just in case? If not, we can monitor you from this side."
"Won't need it, I'd say - the jump's short enough. More likely to hinder than to help. I'll give you a shout if more is needed; looks suspiciously quiet, I'd say, but we'll see."
Eyeballing the distance, Eron is confident that he can easily make the leap with the aid of your telekinetic leap, and sure enough, you clear the distance with ease. Landing on your feet, you take in the surrounding ledge and the piles of garbage that has been accumulated, probably by the vampire. A quick check of your holy sword shows that the normally pristine gleaming metal is now ringed in a dull red glow, indicating that there is the presence of supernatural evil nearby.

Looking around, it doesn't take you long before you spot the figure of a man curled up in the dirt, apparently asleep. He is filthy, with greasy hair and a discernable body odor even from this distance, and what little clothes that he is wearing is covered in dried blood. It is likely that what you have in front of you is a wild vampire, the lowest caste of vampire in the ranks of the undead.

You know that normally a sword would be ineffective in trying to harm the fiend. But with Shining Mirror in hand, the holy blade will be enough to destroy the vampire and end its reign of terror. You will just have to make sure that the thing is truly dead before you leave, because a vampire is able to heal up from even the most heinous of injuries. Staking the heart, removing the head, then burning each in a separate bonfire or taking the body parts out to the sun to soak in its life-giving energy are all certain ways to make sure it is destroyed.

What does Eron do?
Silanon Silanon
With the unholy predator in sight, Eron first gives the others a thumbs-up to signal that he's found what they're looking for - then he sneaks forward to do what is necessary. Using his Enhanced Perception, he tries to notice whatever danger might still be around to interfere - if there is anything at all - and if not, he will raise Shining Mirror for a mighty blow against the creature's neck. Should be easy enough, it seems. Just a vamp, after all, not him.
There is no other opponent or trap visible to you as you approach the vampire. Shining Mirror seems to throb in Eron's hand as you prepare to strike the sleeping vampire, almost as if in excited anticipation of ending the existence of the fiend. With a mighty blow against the vampire's neck, the head is severed with a spray of blood, and the skin of the neck are blackened and smoking from the touch of the holy blade.

A typical mortal would be quite dead at this point, but Eron knows that even this harm can be healed by the vampire. In order to make sure that it does not rise again, the head must be destroyed. Submerging it in running water, burning it in a bonfire, or exposing it to natural sunlight are all sure ways to make sure that the vampire does not heal. Shining Mirror should be able to destroy the head completely with its holy blessing, but it is theoretically possible that it could regenerate itself. Even so, if you don't wish to go the extra step in making a fire or giving it a sunbath, you are still 95% certain that you can end it right here and now.
"Did you get the vampire?" Snowfall asks Eron, two cones of sunlight beaming out from his eyes.

I had no idea this power would be this useful back when I first created Snowfall back in 2019, but he sees another opportunity to use his Chi Powers of Dragon Chi and Radiate Positive Chi, so he's ready to help permanently kill any vampires Eron has run into.
1. Dragon Chi - The ability to tap into the natural Chi of an area. Chi drawn this way must be used in the same round it is gained.
4. Radiate Positive Chi - Character emits sunlight by spending Chi. Can emit Chi from their eyes (Cost: 2 Chi/round. 50 foot range, brighter than car headlights) or body (4 Chi/round in 30 foot radius) or can also dispel Negative Chi in area (current level of Negative Chi plus 4 points of Positive Chi/round). Note to self: Remember to use Dragon Chi! =)
"Got him good, real good, I'd say... Shining Mirror got him, that is." He raises the sword first, for the others to see - covered in flames, thanks to the new, fancy crystals - then cleans it on the foe's clothes and sheathes it once more. The head - grabbed such that the teeth are never within reach to somehow touch his skin - is lifted in his hand shortly after, presented for the others to see, and more importantly held where the Kitsune's light shines brightly. "Fancy trick, that", the crazy remarks as he first eyes his ally, then the head in his grip, curious whether this works like one might hope. And if it does... well, there's a headless body waiting for a similar treatment.
Terra is quite pleased that the vampire has been successfully located, and it sounds like Eron's holy sword is doing a good job in dealing with the fiend. It is so much easier to deal with vamps in the daytime when they can't fight back. Too bad that every fight we have with them isn't this easy. "Good work, my friend. But before we move on, lets make damn sure that this thing is totally dead and will not be making a comeback to terrorize the ratfolk anymore."
Since the vampire has been beheaded, making sure that the head and rest of the body is destroyed is a simple task, if a slightly messy one. As Eron is working with dismembering the body for easier disposal, Snowfall can now sense that the dark chi of the vampire is finally fading away, leaving only old traces of its presence to tell that it was ever there, and there are no more areas of the dark chi that you associated with the undead anywhere in your sensing range.

While Eron works on the body, you notice that there are several of the ratfolk watching you from the nearby tunnel, watching in silence. A real sense of relief can be felt from them as they see the remains of the vampire being reduced to ashes by the power of the holy sword. By the time that the Crazy leaps back across the chasm to where the others are, the small handful of ratfolk has grown to be most of the nest, with the youngsters jumping about in an excited dance of joy and the adults chittering back and forth in what sounds like happy tones.

The one older ratman that was talking to you in the nest cave comes up. "You are good people that have rid us of the monster that hunted us. In return, we will show you the way through the tunnels to a hidden door, an old maintenance hatch, that we used to escape from the scientists that were breeding us. On behalf of the tribe, I thank you. For the first time in what seems like years, we will be able to sleep well tonight, knowing that we are finally safe." The ratman then bows deep, showing respect to the warriors that were able to save his people from being prey. Seeing his act of supplication, the other ratfolk there also bow in thanks.

You have just made a bunch of new friends for life.

With most of the ratfolk heading back to their nest, three of the ratfolk break off from the others and motion you to follow them. "When you are ready to go, we will take you to the door."

Is there anything you wish to do before you go? Silanon Silanon Purr Purr Psychie Psychie
Snowfall slowly and meanjngfully bows at the waist in reply. "The honor is mine. I appreciate your giving our team the opportunity rid this menace from this world." Snowfall smiles at his teammates, glad in what they have done.

However, vampires have long been keepers of deep dark secrets. Snowfall learned long ago that when opportunities arise, they may not come again. With that in mind, he returns to the vampire's lair and searches it thoroughly with all of the means at his disposal that do not use magic (like his natural ability to sense magic, fox senses, multi-optics helm, and skills like Detect Concealment). Snowfall thinks he might come across things that the rat-folk once treasured and perhaps thought lost, or any number of keepsakes an undead of a creature might find worth having.

When he is done searching, Snowfall uses his Dragon Chi and Radiate Positive Chi (whole body) to turn the chi in this place into something more holy and blessed than before, all the while giving thanks and praise to Prince Inari, the foxiest spirit in all the Megaverse!
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"What he said", Eron adds, pointing at Snowfall after another leap across the darkness. "Always glad to help. Just what I do. Now - names. That's how one does that, right? You three'll lead us towards door and danger. Should be able to recall your names, I think, when we return after our deed is done."
The three ratmen look at one another in surprise. "We really don't have names like you do, just numbers that were given to us by the Makers. We don't like calling ourselves by the number-names given to us. I am FN-720, but among ourselves, I call myself Fred. This is Gary and Howard." The two other ratmen nod, and the three of them motion for you to follow them. "The way is not easy to get through, but you should be able to make it. Come. We will show you the way to the door."

With the three ratfolk leading the way, they scamper along through the cave, pausing for you to keep up as you occasionally have to drop down and crawl on your bellies through some of the tight confines as you travel along. After being led along for nearly an hour, the three ratmen come to a stop at a large heavily reinforced MDC door built into the rock wall. There is a ten-digit keypad just above what looks like a handprint scanner plate.

Fred points to the door, saying, "This is as far as we can take you; where we came out of the Makers' labs. But we don't have any of the codes needed to open the door from this side. Not to mention that our hands won't work on the reader. We wish you luck getting in, and we regret not being able to do more for you after you saved us from the monster hunting our nest."

They stand there, watching you with interest to see what you do next.
"Fred, Gary, Howard." The Crazy repeats the names, then nods. "Good names, I'd say, much better than numbers. Honored to meet you, and all that."

At the door, Eron shrugs at first. "Quite alright to not know more. Not like we know more, and we need to enter - you don't. What's on the other side, I wonder? Corridors already, or more caves, at first?" He moves to examine the keypad for actual signs of use - not much traffic down here, likely - but makes sure to not touch anything yet.
Fred looks over at Eron and says, "These lower levels house some of the most secure labs of the Lone Star complex. There are few security patrols down here, because to get to these levels, you have to pass a gauntlet of security, and few know of this secret entrance. I would expect that there is no one on the other side of the door that will try and stop you, but I cannot guarantee that."

Howard then adds, "On the other side of the door, you will find yourselves in a seldom-used corridor. This level is home to some of the genetic research labs that the Makers use to create their latest servants. We wish you luck on your mission."
Terra offers up a smile to the three ratmen, saying, "Thank you for guiding us. Hopefully we'll be in and out of here in no time, having found our goal and eliminated the threat that it poses to the world." She then turns to the door, frowning. "Since we are not in the computers here, normally we would have to risk breaking into the control pad to hack the panel. Luckily for us, though, the Automation I have with me can pass through walls undetected. I can then use it to open the door from the other side. Rumor has it that other Battle Controllers have used their Infiltrators to walk the very halls of Chi-Town itself, so this is right up their alley."

The Atlantian goes on to say, "But before we go in, everyone, make sure that your invisibility cloaks are fully charged and you are wearing your amulets that will hide our PPE from the noses of the Dog Boys here."

If there are no objections to this, Terra will move the Automation forward to the door and wait for everyone to be ready to go through to the other side.
Hit Points: 54
SDC: 165
PPE: 145 +2d4 per level
Power Matrix: 80 PPE
PPE Battery: 50
PPE Battery: 50

Bonus Points: 9

Number of Attacks: 7
Strike: +12
Parry: +10
Dodge: +10
Roll: +10
Initiative: +6
Perception: +5, +1 vs Vampires and the Undead
Horror Factor: +5 to Save, +2 vs dragons
Critical Strike on a natural 19-20
Critical Strike from behind
Damage: +3
Death Blow on a natural 19-20

When Piloting Automations
Number of Attacks: 10 / 5 / 1
Strike: +5 (+7 with Sword)
Parry: +6 (+8 with Sword)
Dodge: +2
Roll: +2
Initiative: +6
Damage: +2
Critical Strike on a 19-20
Critical Strike from behind
Death Blow on a natural 19-20

Infiltrator Automation
Main Body MDC: 220
PPE Reserves: 120
"Sounds like a good plan - if it works, that is. But most plans that work are somewhat good... either way, if the door can be opened from the inside like that, then it's better than knocking - or knocking down the door." Eron double-checks his equipment, then leans against the wall right next to the door. Ready to rush right through when it opens, just in case his blades are needed.
Snowfall's preparations were readied well before they entered the earth in the first place and he remains readied still. "If the Coalition States created life in the form of Dog Boys and now these... Rat-kin... then... " he adjusts his invisibility cloak with a shudder, "...what else?"
Terra looks over at Snowfall and says, "Well, it is generally well known that the scientists of Lone Star are masters of genetic manipulation, so there is no telling just what we might come across inside these halls. Lets get this done. Stand by."

With everyone ready to move, Terra then has the Automation spend its PPE to walk through the door to the other side and quickly look around. If there is no sign of anyone watching, she will then turn back to the door and see how hard it will be to open it up without alerting the ever present security of their location.
Hit Points: 54
SDC: 165
PPE: 145 +2d4 per level
Power Matrix: 80 PPE
PPE Battery: 50
PPE Battery: 50
Bonus Points: 9

Number of Attacks: 7
Strike: +12
Parry: +10
Dodge: +10
Roll: +10
Initiative: +6
Perception: +5, +1 vs Vampires and the Undead
Horror Factor: +5 to Save, +2 vs dragons
Critical Strike on a natural 19-20
Critical Strike from behind
Damage: +3
Death Blow on a natural 19-20

When Piloting Automations
Number of Attacks: 10 / 5 / 1
Strike: +5 (+7 with Sword)
Parry: +6 (+8 with Sword)
Dodge: +2
Roll: +2
Initiative: +6
Damage: +2
Critical Strike on a 19-20
Critical Strike from behind
Death Blow on a natural 19-20

Infiltrator Automation
Main Body MDC: 220
PPE Reserves: 120 / 110
Looking through the Infiltrator's eyes, Terra can see that the corridor that the Automation is now in is unoccupied and is currently very quiet, with only the quiet hum of the dim florescent lighting making any noise at all. The hall stretches off in both directions, to the left it goes off for fifty feet before it turns. To the right, it goes along for one hundred feet until it reaches a lightweight door, not one that is as reinforced as the one that the Automation just walked through. There are no other doors visible.

Turning around to the door, Terra can see that there is a lever with warning symbols on it, indicating that it is an emergency exit and an alarm will sound if the door is opened. It may be possible for you to bypass the alarm through the Automation's access.

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