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Fandom restart of sherlocks romantic case files(with ever)

"Heh... halfbreed..." Sherlock mumbled as he loaded his gun. His eyes feral as walked in casually and shot the man on the shoulders. He stepped step on his neck and pointed his gun at his head . "John... Get the ropes..." He order the male bluntly. " Now... we are going to have a little chat with..." he looked at the man and smiled calmly. "Hmm... Why dont you call Raze while you're at it.. heh"
enzerubebii enzerubebii
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Nami smiled as she hums making Raze's breakfast. He was so fascinated by Japanese culture that he insisted he cooked her Breakfast and not his maids. So she made him pink rice, egg rolls, some miso soup to cut him off his bacon. Pickled radishes and plums from Platina. Some salmon, spinish lotus roots, cucumbers and then the phone began ringing.. "Tht better not b who i THINK IT IS..." nami grumbled
Raze looked at the phone before looking back at Nami. He thought for a moment before cutting the call. Revenge can wait, he wanted to make his queen happy first. "It isnt..." He spoke softly with a smile.
Sherlock hummed softly as he loaded his handgun, " So... we can do this the simple way or..." He shot near the intruder's leg grazing by one centimeter. "The hard way.. you pick" he chuckled a bit. "Who sent you? Why did he send you? And what are they after?"
enzerubebii enzerubebii
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The man flinched and looked at him "Lord Azriel the 3rd! He wanted to find the lost key to the missing crown jewels of the Fire dragon. He heard he burdened wolf had it in her locket." John put the pieces together. And realized chrissy was in danger. "Sherlock are you thinking what im thinking.." John turned on the tcv and it was what he feared Chaos at the park.John ran as fast as he could to the park and to his dispair Mikah was there with 3 dogs and one of them was limping. "Strange men wearing shadow dragon tattoos took lily and chrissy.." mikah said crying but mikah was holding a small diary key. "Chrissy told me to hold this becue it was a lucky charm and she didnt want it broken in her performance."
Lily was silently crying as she tried to struggled against the bindings. Clearly, it was no use and to make matters worse her glasses fell off when she was grabbed. This made her even more upset and scared since she couldnt see anything. 'I should have kept that pocket knofe Rita gave me...' She thought as she looked at Chrissy who was a blurry mess. She closed her eyes ans curled. She hoped John and the others would come to their rescue.
Sherlock followed after John and grower lowly. "Someone is going to die.." He mumbled as he called his brother, " I need to know where the van that took the girls are in" he sais as Izuko and Rita pulled up in their motorcycle.

"Mika, help Raze get the stuff ready to calm the girls" Rita said as she looked at Sherlock and John. "Dont just stand there! Get your asses on here!!" Sherlock got on Rita's bike.
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john got got on izukos and they followed the car. then a random beeping was heard on sherlocks phone. it was from chrissys light up heart earrings which were actually a GPS. The men smiled thinking they did the job but noticed motorcycles chasing them and tried to get off their trail. John silently shot one tire making i swerve a little but he hit the window and only one of the guys making the girls panic a bit worse. "Damn it i missed a tire.."
"Rita keep it steady" Sherlock said to the girl.

"This is as steady as I can get" Rita replied as she increased her bike's speed. Sherlock pointed his hand gun at the tires. He narrowed hos eyes before shooting the tires. "It's a hit!" Rita yelled at Izuko. Izuko nodded and stopped behind the vehicle once it stopped while Rita stopped in feont of it. Sherlock stalker over as Izuko threw open the back door to reveal the scared girls. He glared daggers at the kidnappers before walking off to help his sister with the drivers and letting the boys handle the kidnappers.
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a few moments later lestrage go a call and was a bit dumbfounded and looked over at his crush..who was his boss.. "Um boss...we got a call from 'you know who' apperently chrissy and lily were kidnapped and he saved them but the guy was super clumsy of a driver that he shot one of his friends..and..got thrown out into the canals of london.."
When everything wwas quiet..and chrissy was able to breathe she opened her eyes and saw john hugging lily..they realized they were in mycrofts car. and she slowly broke to a pile of sads.
A lady with short milk chocolate hair and beady red eyes was looking over a case file. She looked at Lestrade and then looked at her twin brother. " Retrieve the bodies and get them to the autopsy... if you find them" She added.

The brother nodded as the lady hummed softly, " Lestrade can you get me my hot chocolate please?" she asked him as she started to organize the files on her table. She narrowed her eyes narrowed slightly, "... I am missing a file..." she mumbled wondering if she left it in the autopsy room again.

Lily was curled up in John's arms with her ear against his chest as she listened to his steady heart beats. Her eyes were closed indicating that she was currently sleeping, but her knuckles were white as she tightly held onto him.

Sherlock held Chrissy tightly and gently shushed her as he rubbed her back. He was angry at her for not telling him about the plan but proud that she gave what they wanted to Mika before getting kidnapped.
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lestrade blinked "Didnt you leave it in the morgue when sherlock was beating up some guy..."
chrissy looked up at sherlock. he whole body was shaking and eventually the were home john carefully brought her back upstairs and chrissy clung onto sherlock and saw he disappointing look. "im sorry...i t-thought i was strong enough.." she began to silently cry.
The boss blinked, "Oh... right.." She laughed a little. She finds it funny how Sherlock experiments/vents on the bodies in the autopsy. She stretched as she got up and walked off towards the room to grab the file. Once she got her hands on it, the woman opened the file only to see a peculiar yet cute pink and white envelope with pink lace on the edges and a small gold ribbon with a pink heat. "Hm..?" she raised an eyebrow to open it and see that it was an invitation to Sherlock's wedding. She blinked and stared at it for a moment,"..... HE STOLE THE FILES!!" She groaned. "Well, at least I got an invitation to the wedding..''
"You are strong enough... you just need to learn to use your head instead of your heart. I can teach you how to do that..'' Sherlock said with a smile as he wiped her tears away.

Lily stiffened when she was carried, but soon relaxed in his hold as she continued to sleep peacefully in his hold.
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the next morning was still shaky but chrissy was still happy she got a blue ribbon. and lady and ruby were in th study reading a wedding magazine. Meanwhile redbeard whimpers because he wants to be his dog crush and a snow white cat named irene looked at him "Nya..great.. more smell of dogs." then chrissy looked at her phone and then at the table "Sherlockk...i thought you sent all the invitations..why is The Queen o hearts invite still here? She hates not being invited to parties.I needed her video sniping skills. she gets the best angles when she helps for my cafe reviews in exchange for free food."
Sherlock stopped what her was doing and looked at Chrissy, " Heh... yeah I forgot..."

The door is suddenly kicked opened, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FORGOT?!?!" She screamed at the tops of her lungs. The windows in the house along with the mirrors shattered in an instant along with anything else that is glass except, the fine bone china tea set on the table. "I CANT BELIEVE YOU! AFTER EVERYTHING I DID! THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?! YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD!!" Sherlock stared as he tried to defend himself, but he couldnt talk or move at all. "I AM GOING TO MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL ON OCTOBER!!" She growled, as the candles in the house lit up. "So you better sleep with one eye open because you are going to wish you never crossed me.." Snatching the files of the table, she looked at Chrissy and gently took the invite. She gave her a hug, " Ill have Raze pay for the door..." She said before leaving sound upset before walking out the house.
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chrissy glared at sherlock and ran over to hug Rita "if it makes you feel better.." she showed a list of people on the invite list and Miri was 1st with the job Camera sniper.' "You know what must be done.." she said in a snicker and when she comes inside her mood went to anger and Lady and ruby both began barking at the radio.It was the woman that stole her title as most alluring singer. Kagome..
"Girl, we've got work to do
Pass me the paint and glue
Perfect isn't easy but it's me
When one knows the world is watching
One does what one must
Some minor adjustments darling
Not for my vanity but for humanity
Each little step a pose
See, how the breeding shows
Sometimes, it's too much for even me
When all of the world says yes
Then, who am I to say no?
Don't ask a mutt to strut like a showgirl
No, girl, you need a pro!"
Chrissy scramed knowing that was a diss at her as the song continued
"Not a flea or a flaw, take a peek at that paw
La, da-da, dee, dee, da
Perfection becomes me, n'est ce pas?
Unrivaled, unruffled I'm beauty unleashed
Jaws drop, hearts stop, so classic and classy
We're not talkin' Lassie!"
John began to growl as well thinking that was a shot at Lily because Lily sings classics sometime

"Though many covet my Home abode
They're barkin' up the wrong tree
You pretty pups all over this city
I have your hearts and you have my pity
Pretty is nice, but still, it's just pretty
Perfect, my dear, is me!"
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Lily surprisingly pissed off at Kagome at what she said about her music. "You do NOT insult another artist's music...EVER!!" She growled adorable like a feral puppy as she called Caddy. " Set up a concert. NOW!" She cut the call before calling Chrissy, " Get 6 of your best songs ready. Ill pick you up in an hour" She added before cutting the call and calling her caterpillar. "Get the band ready!" She cut the call before walking iff to get ready for the concert.
Sherlock blinked as he walked to the girl and tried to calm Chrissyd own. He wondered who that lady was, but didnt care at the moment since he was angry that she just called his fiancé a mutt. He made a mental note to get at the lady somehow later.
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chrissy took a breath to calm down as Redbeard used his paw to turn off the radio and chrissy began her breathing exercises. Seeing sherlock helping John went over to lilys apartment with his pet bulldog and chrissy looked at sherlock after a little bit calm. "Sherlock.. can i have permission to go in the mind palace?" she asked "I think it might calm me down..."
lestreade blinked at the orders of him called to be heling the security for the music fair opening early
Sherlock looked at Chrissy and nodded, "Of course you can" he said to the girl as he took her hand and his princess into his mind. It was a bit of a disarray, but the entrance was elegant and naturally designed to match both their personalities.

The scene was a winter wonderland. Snow decorated everything it touched. There was a cozy looking cabin on the other side of a bridge that goes over a freezing lake. The lights from the cabin lit up its surroundings, giving off a warm glow that reflected of the lake, finishing the perfect vision of Chrissy's Winter vacation.
Miri giggled happily as she assigned the cops their posts at the music festival. "Any questions?" She asked the cops happily, who stared at her wondering why she was in such a good mood. "Hmm...?" The boss tilted her head.
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George was running over holding her boxed lunch she forgot "Miri! You forgot your lunch!" he says jogging over.
Chriisy was humming while trying to clean her side of the huge cabin. each room was themed to a memory and her locked rooms with hearts on it she had the key on her neck. She sees him and in a panic tried to hide the love poems and began oganizing her love songs.
john makes it to lilys apartment and sees papers throwsn everywhere and gets hit by a couch pillow. "Ow.."
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Miri blinked and looked at George for a moment surprised that he called her by her name instead of her title. Another smile stretched across her face as she took the lunchbox. "Thank you, George" She giggled as her happiness skyrocketed making everyone worry at her mood. They swear they can see a golden halo on her head with a devil tail swaying happily from side to side.

Marter chuckled at his sister, "Aww" which earns him a gentle nudge to his elbow. " Daww" He snickered which earned him a rough elbow to the stomach. " My sister is in lo-" Which earned him a punch to his shoulder with a slightly red Mireille.

"Marter!" The boss whined. Marter laughed at his sister as he rubbed his back.
Sherlock came walking over with some tea and treats. He saw Chrissy trying to hide something in her closet and raised an eyebrow. " Chrissy... what is that?" he questioned the girl.
Lily was looking for the perfect love song for the concert. She groaned in annoyance. "Why is this so hard?..." She mumbled as she looked through her music before getting annoyed again before throwing a pillow at the door. She blinked when she heard an owe, before gazing at the door to see John. "John!... what are you doing?... She asked curiously.
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"Sherlock kicked me out because chrissy wanted to practice he mind palace trick." he sad rubbing his nosee. "Nice arm." he praised as he walked over.
Gearge smiled "No problem and um..." He looked away blushing.. "Maybe if the red queen of bossyness doesnt make us woek all night..wanna...um.. drink at a bar?M-my treat.."
chrissy smiled nervouslyuntil the door gave and a flood of love letters spew out buying her. "Oh poo..i just finished hiding them..." she grumbled trying to get up.and the 1st poem she made was infront of him.. "oh no.."

Roses Red, Violets Blue
The rhyme is old,
But our love is new
When love is new,
The heart is young
And that is why the spring has sprung
The spring has sprung for hers and his
And that is why the sap has ris
The breezes buzz
And roses is
Where roses never was

All the world,
It loves a lover
'Cause a lover loves the world
And that is why Roses Red, Violets Blue
Let me make this clear to you
When you're in love, it's always true
The God darn roses must be red
And violets must be blue!
All the world,
It loves a lover
'Cause a lover loves the world
And that is why Roses Red, Violets Blue
Let me make this clear to you
When you're in love, it's always true
The God darn roses must be red
And violets must be blue!
All this simply means
Sherlock, I love you
Lily slowly nods to John's explanation. She blushed slightly at his praise, "...Thanks, I briefly played basketball for about a year. So, I have strong arms from the training I went through..." She explained.
Miri face reddened as she nodded, " Sure, I would like that" She answered softly.

Marter smiled and looked at the other cops, " What are tou waiting for a knifehelp to your neck? Get to work!"
Sherlock stared at the poem, reading over it at least 10 times before hugging Chrissy tightly. " The poem you gave me on Valentines Day"
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she nodded and one by one she went to each room picking out songs. and sees sherlock opening a door. "Dont g-" it was too late... when the door opened it showed a crying chrissy in a school girl uniform and a vision of kagome kisisng sherlock and she was sing so sad,angry, and felt betrayed.

John tried to help the best he could and even helped clean up. When he was frustrated he began humming a song he made for her back in school then eventually began singing and dancing thinking he was alone for a moment.

George blushed "C-cool i know a bar that has pastries too..."
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Sherlock stared at the memory for a good 10 minutes before looking at Chrissy. He immediately strides over to the girl and pulled the girl in a tight almost suffocating hug. "It was not what it looked liked back then..." he whispered into her ear.

He started shaking as the lights in the house started to flicker and the house to shake. The once pearl, white moon turned bloodred and clear blue-ish purple star crossed sky became jet black. The wood around him started to age and rot. The lakes became a shadowy acud green that boiled the snow start to melt. The once beautiful cabin turned into a prison of regret and anger.
Lily looked up when John started humming. Her eyes slowly widened as she the paper slipped from her fingers as she covered her mouth. Tears welled up, as she realized that John has been thinking about her all this time, even when he went into battle. She felt so stupid for not telling her feelings back in high school. She ran off to her room and came back downstairs. She pulled John onto the couch before she gave him a kiss and started playing. It was a direct reply to his song.

Miri grinned, " Can we go there instead? I am gonna need the sugar after dealing with who knows how many people" she nudged him a bit giggling.
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John just listened and tried to hold his tears but being the soft teddybear he was on the inside his emerald eyes just bursted in tears and he hugged her.. "IM SO SORRY! I THOUGHT YOU NEVER LIKED MEE.." he finallly said "me an sherlock both thought you were avoiding us because you liked Ein and James.."
When they snapped out iof it chrissy just hugged him "Shh shhh its not your fault... shh..i was young and dumb.."
Lily sniffed as as she looked up at John. Her chocolate brown eyes were darker than normal due to her tears. She wiped her tears as she rested her head on his chest. " We were terrified of them.... They wouldnt leave us alone and then..." she clenched his shirt as she tried not to burst into tears again. "I-I s-saw A-Alicia k-kiss you..." she choked on her words as she burried her face into his chest shaking a bit.
" No... it's not and you know it. I promised to protect you and I failed, not once but twice.." Sherlock retorts looking at the girl. "I..John and I thought you and Lily liked Ein and James... We saw those two flirting with you and Lily. Then you started to avoid us, which made us think we were right and during that time we were both becoming depressed. Then Kagome started to flirt with me and out of nowhere she kissed me. I swear I didnt like it one bit. I pushed her away and walked off without looking at her"
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