Renae Winters


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Appearance Image:




[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]“I would tell you an alchemist’s joke but I’m afraid I wouldn’t get a reaction...”[/COLOR]


Name: Renae Winters

Age: 24

Extra appearance (Short written description):


A mussed up tangle of rust-red hair springs forth from Renae’s head, typically bound back in a messy bun. Serving to keep it from falling in her face, Renae also wears a pair of crystalline goggles propped up on her head like a headband most of the time which is agreeably less outlandish than looking like an insect all the time.

She has a multitude of bags which smell strongly of a sharp, herbaceous scent and clink slightly when she walks. Strapped onto her belt are glass orbs containing a strange array of unidentifiable liquids that glow slightly when she walks or shakes them too much.

Renae’s favorite attire is a road-weary garb composed of a slightly burnt leather jacket and a red scarf with the rest being mostly made out of wool like a commoner.


Height/Weight: 5’6 108lbs

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race Human

Class Alchemist, Engineer, part-time Biologist

Personality (3-4 sentence minimum): If Renae could be summed up in one single word it would be eccentric. She is a pioneer in the field of science and is one of the few people in Eucla who possess the advanced machinery known as 'The Gun'. It is a new discovery, meaning that most civilians who see one have no idea what it is and even more dislike it. Magic-folk (at least the ones she ran into) in particular are not very fond of the creations, feeling that they are crude compared to the magics of Eucla and mock her inventions. In the past some of her research has been sabotaged by such people. Despite all this she will hold her head high and fights for the respect she feels her research deserves. She can be weary of magic-folk because of this, distrustful at worst, but she will try her best to be courteous. There is also an interest to discover the difference between magical and non-magical people so on occasion she will question a mage now and then.

[SIZE= 14px]She is intensely proud of her field of study and can come across as having an 'as-a-matter-of-fact' tone when she [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]speaks. Renae is helplessly uptight and when[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] people call her out on the fact that she has no magic, or look down on her inventions (especially the inventions).[/SIZE]

Additionally she becomes very focused on learning about peculiar things and will often throw safety to the wind when she is intent on discovering something.

There is also a problem with her when it comes to fire. There is nothing that Renae enjoys more than seeing a burst of orange life shoot out of her inventions but sometimes when she is exposed to enough fire she becomes unresponsive, often stopping in the middle of combat and just watches the flames with wide eyes. It is something she is trying to improve on.

Past (2 paragraph minimum):

When Renae was 12 years old her village was attacked by a dragon. The humans were nothing more than farmers who had expanded their reach too far into the beast’s domain and had enraged it into a territorial rage. All but defenseless to such primordial power, the village was consumed in angry tongues of flame while any unfortunate soul who dared to run was pounced upon and devoured.

Renae managed to survive the inferno by cowering in the basement of the granary, nursing her scorched arm while she listened to the screams of burning civilians. She waited for two full days in the cold darkness before she ventured out again but what she saw when she emerged was not her home but a foreign wasteland. Blackened corpses littered the ashen streets, their arms and legs frozen in the fearful positions their living counterparts had made moments before death. The stench itself was choking even without the help of the lingering smoke that clung to the hollow town like a fog.


Sometime later the girl found herself as an alchemist’s apprentice in a neighboring city. It was a respectable life and she soon found that she enjoyed selling and making concoctions for passing travelers. That was until she witnessed a pyromancer’s live display of his skills. It was something that ,admittedly, she was jealous of and wanted to be able to summon flames just as he could... just as the dragon could. One would think that the burnt child would be terrified of fire, but her past seemed to have the opposite effect on her. She was captivated by it. Renae had heard of certain potions and materials that could spark flames to life but her mentor had no such knowledge. She searched every bookshop and library for more information and pooled all of her experience into creating a perfect mix of organic oils and spark-powder. The results were volatile substances that would burst into flame when exposed to air but she still was not yet satisfied. Something was missing.

Then it all clicked when a strange traveler wielding an even stranger device passed through the potions shop. He called it a 'boomstick' but later admitted that most people called it a blunderbuss or gun. Renae soon became obsessed with trying to create her own by using her skills of alchemy with this new science of engineering. To find more information on this newborn science she traveled to different cities in search of schematics and users of these mysterious creations. It took a long time but eventually Renae combined the designs of the unreliable blunderbusses with her to skills in alchemy to create what she liked to call the “Dragon-spitter”. With it she was able to fire bundles of volatile powder through the air to cause an explosive burst somewhere else [think fireworks].

She has been working on other prototypes since, travelling the lands and tinkering here and there. Her knowledge on the subject has increased dramatically and now she is on a quest to perfect it so that even the least magical people in Eucla may have an edge against the hostile magics of this world.

Personal belongings and various items (Everyone starts with a bag of holding just for convenience sake):

  • Ammunition for both of her guns.
  • Throwing potions (varying effects. Includes fire, explosive, poison gas, ice.)
  • Tinkering kit (looks like a bunch of junk and some well-used tools.)
  • Alchemy kit
  • Specimen bag.
  • Flare X5
  • Map of Eucla
  • Research book, ink, quills, charcoal.
  • Sleeping bag
  • 300 gold pieces
  • Binoculars of Eagle Vision (Not enchanted at all. She made them herself and thought the name was funny.)


-Dragon-spitter (fireworks launcher) Fires explosive (and colorful) bundles. Very good at long range, extremely fun to use.

[SIZE= 14px]Notes: Looks like a thick metal tube in the likeliness of a dragon, with the opening of the barrel being the mouth and the body of the device being molded to look like scales. When she fires it she supports it over one shoulder, and when she stores it is either with the saddlebags on Snark or strapped behind her back like a great-sword.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Reference: [/SIZE]


Not a good idea to fire this at close quarters…. sooooo….

-Prototype VII (A.K.A The Unnatural Selector) altered blunderbuss with increased accuracy. Excess energy from shots is somewhat stored in energy absorbing crystals to, in theory, prevent the gun from blowing up or melting. This surplus energy can be expelled from the crystals as an electrical shock through an alternate mode of the gun. This gun is almost always on her person for defensive reasons and ultimately earns her more than a few odd looks.

More notes: The crystals store energy from the environment (from a variety of sources. Heat, electricity in the air, excess magics in the atmosphere, etc.)  which can be later converted into electricity . In nature the crystals will release it spontaneously when they absorb enough, shocking nearby conductors (or living things). When inserted in Renae's gun the crystals absorb excess energy from her gunshots but have nowhere to conduct that energy, that is until she switches the mode on her gun to 'exhaust'. This causes the energy to suddenly arc in the direction of her specialized barrel. This also makes it extremely powerful when aimed at a target wearing metal armor or carrying a sword/staff and can jump to others close to the victim.

The crystals can explode when overloaded or if there is even a small crack in the them (will explode on next shot). It is very hard to tell how much energy a crystal can hold before it explodes, making it tricky for Renae to know when she is pushing her luck (she is trying different methods of measuring this). If her gun took a bad hit and she didn't notice a crack or had to quickly defend herself it is a gamble! She isn't exactly a battle veteran, and her inventions have not been tested in prolonged periods of combat. (Most creatures run from the loud sounds of her gunshot and traveling by flight has allowed her to bypass dangerous creatures and people.)

Abilities and Powers:

  • Alchemy Skill (expert): can make an array of potions, salves, bombs, etc from raw materials. Can identify unknown substances and plants. (unless they are newly discovered)
  • Engineering Skill: Can use and create engineering devices. She can also pick simple locks.
  • Disarm/create trap: Renae can use her engineering capabilities to disarm non-magical traps and make some of her own.
  • Biologist: Knowledge of anatomy helps Renae make her non-explosive shots matter. Also helps her in tracking and knowing how to deal with certain creatures.
  • Determination: knowing that someday non-magic users will not have to live in fear of magic forces, it fills Renae with determination!

[I might add some more stuff along the way, or if I think of something else that she can do.]

Likes and Dislikes:


+Sciencey shit




+Proving things through science!

-Snobby mages (they think they are soooo clever with their fancy spells and robes…)

-Magic used for evil.

-The robes mages wear.

-People making fun of her inventions and theories.

-Civilians who blame everything on magic, and think everything is related to or caused by magic.

Personal Strengths:

  • Very intelligent. Quick to learn.

  • Cunning in combat.

  • Great at keeping attackers at bay.

  • Sharpshooter.

  • Brave. (or stupid depending on your point of view)

  • Can demolish structures with explosives.

  • Can help out teammates with healing potions.

Personal Weaknesses:

  • Not magical at all. Does not have a resistance to magic.

  • Becomes reckless when on the heels of a discovery.

  • Proud.

  • Can't take too many hits.

  • Not a good melee fighter.

Dreams: To help non-magic users defend themselves and to be seen as equals to the magic-folk (*she also secretly wants to acquire a dragon hatchling*)


  • Mage supremacy.

  • Being possessed by magic.

  • Deep water.



Although she has some burns here and there the worst is a nasty scar on her right upper arm that extends halfway down her back and side.

Pet/mount Sheet:[SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE]



[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Snark[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Age: 10[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Species: [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Southern wind-beast (inhabit the Arid Tips)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Gender: [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]ma[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]le[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Size:[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] (refer to picture, but a bit smaller )[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Flight: [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Self explanatory[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Fire and weather resistant:[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Thick feathers and fur makes Snark resistant to both cold and heat. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Tracker[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]: Can track a scent for miles[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Vision[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]: Can easily spot things in the distance[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Stamina[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]: Wind-beasts are naturally able to last sustained flights even when carrying extra weight. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Instinct: [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Can tell when a storm is coming, or that there are evil energies nearby.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Personal History:[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] When Renae was searching through the black market of Sylnelune for schematics and materials she came across a southern trader trying to sell a young wind-beast. The poor thing had its wings, limbs and muzzle bound so tightly to the floor of the mule cart that Renae could see the raw flesh beneath the chains. She offered to relieve the trader of the beast but she did not have enough funds and was outbid by another salesman searching for a new and exciting foe to put in the fight pit he ran. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The young engineer could not bear the thought of such vile intentions and hatched a plan to free the beast. In truth she didn’t really know what she was doing as she picked the lock holding the creature’s chains in place. Even when she gave the wind-beast some meat she had half-expected it to attack her. Instead it just stared in silence at its liberator. Unsure of what to do next, Renae backed up into the clearing of the fight pit only to find the creature follow after her. She broke into a run and collided face first into a guard doing his rounds, alerting the thugs to her presence. The next moment she found herself on the ground and heard a monstrous growl before it was quickly drowned out by horrible screams and the sound of tearing flesh. When she pushed herself back onto her feet the wind-beast was busy gorging itself on the dead guard. Reinforcements soon came but before Renae could even move the sandy floor beneath her had disappeared to be replaced with the shrinking form of the arena, bloody claws clutching her shoulders. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Personality: [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Contrary to popular belief, wind-beasts are not entirely the savage creatures legends make them out to be. The creatures live among the Arid Tips and hunt together in tight-knit families to survive. Once domesticated they have the potential to become as attached to their human ‘pack-member’ as much as a common dog.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Snark is undyingly loyal to Renae, yes, but he can be lazy and stubborn at times. When he is uncomfortable with someone or something he will become overprotective and snappish but when he is calm he will be curious of others. This sometimes gets him into trouble but fortunately he spends most of his downtime cat-napping. He is intelligent and knows tricks and commands taught by Renae. Still, it depends if he feels like it.[/SIZE]




oh.... and the rule thingy....


I like Of Monsters And Men. Yay me.
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Appearance Image:



[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]“I would tell you an alchemist’s joke but I’m afraid I wouldn’t get a reaction...”[/COLOR]


Name: Renae Winters

Age: 24

Extra appearance (Short written description):


A mussed up tangle of rust-red hair springs forth from Renae’s head, typically bound back in messy bun. Keeping it from falling in her face, Renae also wears a pair of crystalline goggles propped up on her head like a headband most of the time which is agreeably less outlandish than looking like an insect all the time.

She has a multitude of bags which smell strongly of a sharp, herbaceous scent and clink slightly when she walks. Strapped onto her belt are glass orbs containing a strange array of unidentifiable liquids that glow slightly when she walks or shakes them too much.

Renae’s favorite attire is a road-weary garb composed of a slightly burnt leather jacket and a red scarf with the rest being mostly made out of wool like a commoner.


Height/Weight: 5’6 108lbs

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race Human

Class Alchemist, Engineer, part-time Biologist

Personality (3-4 sentence minimum): If Renae could be summed up in one single word it would be strange. She is a pilgrim in the field of science and is one of the few people who possess the advanced machinery known as The Gun. It is a new discovery, meaning that most civilians who see one have no idea what it is and even more dislike like it. Magic-folk (at least the ones she ran into) in particular are not very fond of the creations, feeling that they are crude compared to the magics of Eucla and mock her inventions. In the past some of her research has been sabotaged by such people. Despite all this she will hold her head high and fights for the respect she feels her research deserves. She can be weary of magic-folk because of this, distrustful at worst, but she will try her best to be courteous. There is also an interest to discover the difference between magical and non-magical people so on occasion she will question a mage now and then.

[SIZE= 14px]She is intensely proud of her field of study and can come across as having as 'as-a-matter-of-fact' tone when she [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]speaks. Renae is helplessly uptight sometimes and when[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] people make fun of her, the fact that she has no magic, or her inventions (especially the inventions) she gets angry, making her easy prey for teasing.[/SIZE]

Additionally she becomes very focused on learning about peculiar things and will often throw safety to the wind when she is intent on discovering something.

There is also a problem with her when it comes to fire. There is nothing that Renae enjoys more than seeing a burst of orange life shoot out of her inventions but sometimes when she is exposed to enough fire she becomes unresponsive, often stopping in the middle of combat and just watches the flames with wide eyes. It is something she is trying to improve on.

Past (2 paragraph minimum):

When Renae was 12 years old her village was attacked by a dragon. The humans were nothing more than farmers who had expanded their reach too far into the beast’s domain and had enraged the fiend into a territorial rage. All but defenseless to such primordial power, the village was consumed in angry tongues of flame while any unfortunate soul who dared to run was pounced upon and devoured by the creature.

Renae managed to survive the inferno by cowering in the basement of the granary, nursing her scorched arm while she listened to the screams of burning civilians. She waited for two full days in the cold darkness before she ventured out again but what she saw when she emerged was not her home but a foreign wasteland. Blackened corpses littered the ashen streets, their arms and legs frozen in the fearful positions their living counterparts had made moments before death. The stench itself was choking even without the help of the lingering smoke rising above the remaining flames.


Sometime later the girl found herself as an alchemist’s apprentice in a neighboring city. It was a respectable life and she soon found that she enjoyed selling and making concoctions for passing travelers and soldiers. That was until she witnessed a pyromancer’s live display of his skills. It was something that ,admittedly, she was jealous of and wanted to be able to summon flames just as he could... just as the dragon could. One would think that the burnt child would be terrified of fire, but her past seemed to have the opposite effect on her. She was captivated by it. Renae had heard of certain potions and materials that could spark flames to life but her mentor had no such knowledge. She searched every bookshop and library for more information and pooled all of her experience into creating a perfect mix of organic oils and spark-powder. The results were volatile substances that would burst into flame when exposed to air without the aid of an initial flame but she still was not yet satisfied. Something was missing.

Then it all clicked when a strange traveler wielding an even stranger device passed through the potions shop. He called it a 'boomstick' but later admitted that most people called it a blunderbuss or gun. Renae soon became obsessed with trying to create her own by using her skills of alchemy with this new science of engineering. To find more information on this newborn science she traveled to different cities in search of schematics and users of these mysterious creations. It took a long time but eventually Renae combined the designs of the unreliable blunderbusses with her to skills in alchemy to create what she liked to call the “Dragon-spitter”. With it she was able to fire bundles of volatile powder through the air to cause an explosive burst somewhere else [think fireworks].

She has been working on other prototypes since, travelling the lands and tinkering here and there. Her knowledge on the subject has increased dramatically and now she is on a quest to perfect it so that even the least magical people in Eucla may have an edge against the hostile magics of this world.

Personal belongings and various items (Everyone starts with a bag of holding just for convenience sake):

  • Ammunition for both of her guns.
  • Throwing potions (varying effects. Includes fire, explosive, poison gas, ice.)
  • Tinkering kit
  • Alchemy kit
  • Specimen bag.
  • Flare X5
  • Map of Eucla
  • Research book, ink, quills, charcoal.
  • Sleeping bag
  • 300 gold pieces
  • Binoculars of Eagle Vision (Not enchanted at all. She made them herself.)


-Dragon-spitter (fireworks launcher) Fires explosive (and colorful) bundles. Very good at long range, extremely fun to use.

Not a good idea to fire this at close quarters…. sooooo….

-Prototype VII (A.K.A The Unnatural Selector) altered blunderbus with increased accuracy. Excess energy from shots is safely stored in energy absorbing crystals to prevent the gun from blowing up or melting. This surplus energy can be expelled from the crystals as an electrical shock through an alternate mode of the gun.

Abilities and Powers:

  • Alchemy Skill (expert): can make an array of potions, salves, bombs, etc from raw materials. Can identify unknown substances and plants. (unless they are newly discovered)
  • Engineering Skill: Can use and create engineering devices. She can also pick simple locks.
  • Disarm/create trap: Renae can use her engineering capabilities to disarm non-magical traps and make some of her own.
  • Biologist: Knowledge of anatomy helps Renae make her non-explosive shots matter. Also helps her in tracking and knowing how to deal with certain creatures.
  • Determination: knowing that someday non-magic users will not have to live in fear of magic forces, it fills Renae with determination!

[I might add some more stuff along the way, or if I think of something else that she can do.]

Likes and Dislikes:



+Sciencey shit



+Proving things through science!

-Snobby mages (they think they are soooo clever with their fancy spells and robes…)

-Magic used for evil.

-The robes mages wear.

-People making fun of her inventions and theories.

-Civilians who blame everything on magic, and think everything is related to magic.

Personal Strengths:

  • Very intelligent. Quick to learn.

  • Cunning in combat.

  • Great at keeping attackers at bay.

  • Brave.

  • Can demolish structures with explosives.

  • Can help out teammates with healing potions.

Personal Weaknesses:

  • Not magical at all. Does not have a resistance to magic.

  • Becomes reckless when on the heels of a discovery.

  • Proud.

  • Not a good melee fighter.

Dreams: To help non-magic users defend themselves and to be seen as equals to the magic-folk (*she also secretly wants to acquire a dragon hatchling*)


  • Mage supremacy.

  • Deep water.



Although she has some burns here and there the worst is a nasty scar on her right upper arm that extends halfway down her back and side.

Pet/mount Sheet:[SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Snark[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Age: 10[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Species: [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Southern wind-beast (inhabit the Arid Tips[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Gender: [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]male[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Size:[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] (refer to picture, but a bit smaller )[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Flight: [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Self explanatory[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Fire and weather resistant:[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Thick feathers and fur makes Snark resistant to both cold and heat. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Tracker[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]: Can track a scent for miles[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Vision[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]: Can easily spot things in the distance[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Stamina[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]: Wind-beasts are naturally able to last sustained flights even when carrying extra weight..[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Instinct: [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Can tell when a storm is coming, or that there are evil energies nearby.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Personal History:[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] When Renae was searching through the black market of Sylnelune for schematics she came across a southern trader trying to sell a young wind-beast. The poor thing had it’s wings, limbs and muzzle bound so tightly to the floor of the mule cart that Renae could see the raw flesh beneath the chains. She offered to relieve the trader of the beast but she did not have enough funds and was outbid by another salesman searching for a new and exciting foe to put in the fight pit he ran. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The young engineer could not bear the thought of such vile intentions and hatched a plan to free the beast. In truth she didn’t really know what she was doing as she picked the lock holding the creature’s chains in place. Even when she gave the wind-beast some meat she had half-expected it to attack her. Instead it just stared in silence at its liberator. Unsure of what to do next, Renae backed up into the clearing of the fight pit only to find the creature follow after her. She broke into a run and collided face first into a guard doing his rounds, alerting the thugs to her presence. The next moment she found herself on the ground and heard a monstrous growl before it was quickly drowned out by horrible screams and the sound of tearing flesh. When she pushed herself back onto her feet the wind-beast was busy gorging itself on the dead guard. Reinforcements soon came but before Renae could even move the sandy floor beneath her had disappeared to be replaced with the shrinking form of the arena, bloody claws clutching her shoulders. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Personality: [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Contrary to popular belief, wind-beasts are not entirely the savage creatures legends make them out to be. The creatures live among the arid tips and gather in small flocks that hunt together in tight-knit families to survive. Once domesticated they have the potential to become as attached to their human ‘pack-member’ as much as a common dog.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Snark is undyingly loyal to Renae, yes, but he can be lazy and stubborn at times. When he is uncomfortable with someone or something he will become overprotective and snappish but when he is calm he will be curious of others. This sometimes gets him into trouble but fortunately he spends most of his downtime cat-napping. He is intelligent and knows tricks and commands taught by Renae. Still, it depends if he feels like it.[/SIZE]




oh.... and the rule thingy....


I like Of Monsters And Men. Yay me.

Accepted! Let the inventions begin!

Aw man, no backfiring? That's the best part.

Who said there wouldn't be backfiring?
Accepted! Let the inventions begin!

Who said there wouldn't be backfiring?

So  excited!

Yep, there is a reason why an VII is behind the Prototypes's name and her jacket is burnt xD

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaas bitch! Our characters are gonna be best friends


You know it! I could see them being like Legolas and Gimli in LOTR. ;)

Now I just need to know where to start my character. 
This character kinda reminds me of one of my favorite race-class archtypes in Pathfinder. I can't remember it's exact name, but it was a goblin alchemist who used it's alchemical knowledge to create large vulture/direbat horomonesso that it could ride on the back of them and drop down heavy ordinance from the skies.

Accepted! Let the inventions begin!

Who said there wouldn't be backfiring?
It says that it has an energy absorbing crystal that keeps it from blowing up/melting, so I thought that meant no backfiring.
So  excited!

Yep, there is a reason why an VII is behind the Prototypes's name and her jacket is burnt xD

You know it! I could see them being like Legolas and Gimli in LOTR. ;)

Now I just need to know where to start my character. 

Up to you. I don't mind you starting near mine. He's not gonna be asleep.
This character kinda reminds me of one of my favorite race-class archtypes in Pathfinder. I can't remember it's exact name, but it was a goblin alchemist who used it's alchemical knowledge to create large vulture/direbat horomonesso that it could ride on the back of them and drop down heavy ordinance from the skies.

It says that it has an energy absorbing crystal that keeps it from blowing up/melting, so I thought that meant no backfiring.

Jamming is always a possibility, and seeing as it is quite experimental technology things aren't going to go well 100% of the time. When things go well, it's fantastic, when things go bad, it's awful for everyone. 

So  excited!

Yep, there is a reason why an VII is behind the Prototypes's name and her jacket is burnt xD

You know it! I could see them being like Legolas and Gimli in LOTR. ;)

Now I just need to know where to start my character. 

Well, if Renae is flying around on Snark anywhere in between Ras Dothore and Invarion, there is a good chance she will see a mansion sized carriage being pulled by a lot of mechanical looking horse that are also surrounded by holly light.
Jamming is always a possibility, and seeing as it is quite experimental technology things aren't going to go well 100% of the time. When things go well, it's fantastic, when things go bad, it's awful for everyone. 

Well, if Renae is flying around on Snark anywhere in between Ras Dothore and Invarion, there is a good chance she will see a mansion sized carriage being pulled by a lot of mechanical looking horse that are also surrounded by holly light.

1) Okay, I think I need to clear up some things with the crystals! The crystals store energy from the environment (from a variety of sources. Heat, electricity in the air, excess magics in the atmosphere, etc.)  which can be later converted into electricity . In nature the crystals will release it spontaneously when they absorb enough, shocking nearby conductors (or living things). When inserted in Renae's gun the crystals absorb excess energy from her gunshots but have nowhere to conduct that energy, that is until she switches the mode on her gun to 'exhaust'. This causes the energy to suddenly arc in the direction of her specialized barrel. This also makes it SUPER EFFECTIVE when aimed at a target wearing metal armor or carrying a sword/staff and can jump to others close to the victim.(*evil laugh*) 

Now for the fun bit. 

The crystals can explode when overloaded or if there is even a small crack in the crystals (will explode on next shot). It is very hard to tell how much energy a crystal can hold before it explodes, making it tricky for Renae to know when she is pushing her luck (she is trying different methods of measuring this). If her gun took a bad hit and she didn't notice a crack or had to quickly defend herself it is a gamble! She isn't exactly a battle veteran, and her inventions have not been tested in prolonged periods of combat. (Most creatures run from the loud sounds of her gunshot and traveling by flight has allowed her to bypass most dangerous creatures and people.)

2) Damn you guys know how to travel in style.  Oh and by mechanical horses do you mean that they are made of metal but powered by the holy magic?

This character kinda reminds me of one of my favorite race-class archtypes in Pathfinder. I can't remember it's exact name, but it was a goblin alchemist who used it's alchemical knowledge to create large vulture/direbat horomonesso that it could ride on the back of them and drop down heavy ordinance from the skies.

It says that it has an energy absorbing crystal that keeps it from blowing up/melting, so I thought that meant no backfiring.

3) That goblin sounds pretty awesome! One of my early designs for this character was to have her ride a mechanical eagle or bear-tank, but technology is obviously not this advanced yet and I didn't want her to be a magic-engineer (and Snark is way better!). She is definitely designed for air support though!!!
1) Okay, I think I need to clear up some things with the crystals! The crystals store energy from the environment (from a variety of sources. Heat, electricity in the air, excess magics in the atmosphere, etc.)  which can be later converted into electricity . In nature the crystals will release it spontaneously when they absorb enough, shocking nearby conductors (or living things). When inserted in Renae's gun the crystals absorb excess energy from her gunshots but have nowhere to conduct that energy, that is until she switches the mode on her gun to 'exhaust'. This causes the energy to suddenly arc in the direction of her specialized barrel. This also makes it SUPER EFFECTIVE when aimed at a target wearing metal armor or carrying a sword/staff and can jump to others close to the victim.(*evil laugh*) 

Now for the fun bit. 

The crystals can explode when overloaded or if there is even a small crack in the crystals (will explode on next shot). It is very hard to tell how much energy a crystal can hold before it explodes, making it tricky for Renae to know when she is pushing her luck (she is trying different methods of measuring this). If her gun took a bad hit and she didn't notice a crack or had to quickly defend herself it is a gamble! She isn't exactly a battle veteran, and her inventions have not been tested in prolonged periods of combat. (Most creatures run from the loud sounds of her gunshot and traveling by flight has allowed her to bypass most dangerous creatures and people.)

2) Damn you guys know how to travel in style.  Oh and by mechanical horses do you mean that they are made of metal but powered by the holy magic?

3) That goblin sounds pretty awesome! One of my early designs for this character was to have her ride a mechanical eagle or bear-tank, but technology is obviously not this advanced yet and I didn't want her to be a magic-engineer (and Snark is way better!). She is definitely designed for air support though!!!

1) Interestingly enough that's how the crystals in the cave of light work.

2) it's lik half and half.
Well then O.o  is it legal to take those crystals?
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