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mochi bun

𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦 ✩

  • park chunhei.

    terrified & a little fearful.

    an abandoned warehouse on the wrong side of the tracks.

    a z u l a a z u l a

    chunhei goes out drinking with her sister and ends up kidnapped after partying in the rival gang’s territory. The pair are driven to a warehouse where the gang leader informs them of his ultimatum—their brother pays his debts in full or one of them dies.

    /*bottom text*/

    Park Chunhei had thought a night out had seemed like a good idea. She had already been planning to go out to celebrate another successful semester of her junior year in college, surrounded by a few of her close friends. At the last second, she had asked her sister to tag along for the ride. She hadn’t expected her to agree; but, she couldn’t hide her squeal of glee when the older had sighed her assent.

    The night was spent drinking, dancing and having a general good time with her sister and friends. As the night got later, the more she found herself growing tipsy. As the clock neared two in the morning, she half-heartedly realized it was time to go home.

    When Chenhei had pulled her sister from the club, wobbling and giggly, she hadn’t even had time to scream before several men with red pocket squares tucked into their suit jackets pulled them into a van.

    She knew what the pocket squares meant—it was a symbol of the rival gang her brother was struggling to negotiate with. They demanded more territory, more weapons, more general respect than it seemed they had earned.

    Perhaps the two daughters of the Park family flaunting their wealth and being a little disorderly in the smack dab of their territory might have been a mistake.

    Chunhei glanced between the men who sat on opposite sides of her and her sister as the car drove further away from their home. Her lashes grew wet with tears she refused to shed. Leaning into her older sister’s shoulder, she quietly grasped her hand and breathed her way out of having an anxiety attack.

    It wouldn’t do to show weakness in that moment.

    Within the next hour, the two were dropped off at a warehouse and corralled into the building by another set of goons. They were both sat down in chairs illuminated by bright overhead lights, the rest of the room bathed in shadows.

    A set of footsteps had her turning her head, her eyes widening as she registered the leader of the opposite gang approaching the pair. Her breathing wavered before she quietly gasped, her eyes following his every movement.

    Your brother should be here soon.” He grumbled, rubbing his face with his free hand that wasn’t pointing a handgun straight at her face. He smirked as he glanced between the pair, his dark eyes blazing. “Apologies for the involvement, ladies. Your brother has some debts to pay.”

    Chunhei blinked, heart in her throat until she was able to swallow her fear and find the courage to speak.

    W-What kind of debt?”

    The older man sent her a curious look before he chuckled.

    Clicking his fingers, one of his henchman brought a chair for him to sit upon. He casually straddled the back, his long legs splayed out on either side of the backing.

    Seems like he’s not very honest to you two.” The insinuation made Chunhei’s cheeks darken, embarrassed by his casual observation. “He stole an entire shipment of firearms from one of my major suppliers on the border of my territory. He’s got two options; pay me in full—with interest—within the next month or one of you dies.”

    Sitting there, Chunhei blinked for a long moment as she struggled to process his words.



    Shaking her head, the tears she had tried to hold back fell without her permission.

    We—we have nothing to do with what he does! Why would you—” She hiccuped out a sob, her head falling forward. Brown hair fell around her face and clung to her wet cheeks as she finally whimpered out, “I don’t want to die for my brother’s mistakes.”

    Glancing out of the corner of her eye, she watched as the leader’s expression fell and his brow furrowed.

    He let out a deep sigh, opening his mouth to speak, before the doors behind him burst open.

/*do not remove credit*/
coded by weldherwings

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While the Park sisters spending time together wasn't unusual in the slightest, their night on the town had been anything but ordinary. Usually, Park Myeong did a better job of keeping an eye on her little sister, especially in public where they were more vulnerable. As the middle child and a daughter, she was often overlooked by her family and everyone else. It was the fact that she was almost forgettable that made her the best protection for Chunhei, the two sisters were together often while their brother attended to business, and Myeong had demanded to be taught self-defense when she was a teen.

It was Myeong's duty to protect Chunhei, their precious little sister. The youngest Park had always been the most perfect, too good of a soul to have been born into their family's bloody business. The two oldest Parks wanted to protect their sister from the awfulness of the world, at least as much as they could while leading a gang. Chunhei was just always so positive and optimistic, so Myeong fought to protect that bright light in the dark shadow their family cast.

Now, Myeong kicked herself for letting herself get distracted by the flowing drinks and loud music. She'd been relaxed, loosened up the tightness in her shoulders that often came from arguing with their older brother. It had been a fun night, but Myeong wished she'd held Chunhei a little tighter on the dance floor now that they were being held captive.

The whole ride here, Myeong had theorized all the ways she could escape, but there was no way to ensure both Parks got away unharmed. And while the older Park was more than willing to sacrifice herself long enough for her sister to flee, she knew that Chunhei would never abandon her, wouldn't take the chance to run because they were family. Sisters.

Panic filled her as the leader of the other gang appeared, quickly replaced by rage. How dare they take the Parks hostage? Their brother would rip them to shreds, if Myeong didn't get to it first. Too bad she wasn't allowed to carry a weapon. Her hands shook as he spoke, whether from fear or anger she wasn't sure.

She stared down the gun as he waved it in her face, trying to seem braver than she really was. She had to be brave, for her sister and for herself, so Myeong tried to fight the panic rising in her chest, breaths becoming more and more shallow.

The casual way that the leader sat upon the chair made her want to kick it right from underneath him. Playing with them like they were little more than bargaining chips at a card table, and perhaps thats all they really were. His words made her even more furious, insinuating that their brother had been lying to them all along.

Myeong had been arguing with her brother for months, to let her be more involved, to hear that he'd been lying to them both made her blood boil whether it was true or not. Their brother had never mentioned any debt, only that this gang was encroaching on their territory and getting bolder.

The sobs breaking Chunhei's voice reflected the way Myeong's heart shattered as a traitorous tear slid down her cheek. I don't want to die for my brothers mistakes. If Myeong got out of here she was going to slap her brother into the next century. No wonder he didn't want her involved in his business, if he was willing to pull stupid things like this and let his sisters be collateral for his own short-comings.

It would be different, if he'd let them be apart of the business, if they at least knew the danger they were getting themselves into. Myeong had fought to be respected and included, but their brother had brushed her aside like a pesky fly.

"If you so much as touch us-" Her shaky threats were cut off as the door swung open and in walked her brother. Myeong wanted to be mad, wanted to spit at him and call him names for allowing such a thing to happen, but the only response her body allowed was relief. Now that Moon-sik was here, perhaps they could clear up this misunderstanding and go home.

Her hopes were dashed at the other gang leader's offer. To see which sister he loved more. It was cruel, and Myeong looked to her sister with wide eyes as she realized that only one of them would be leaving here today. As much as she wanted to go home, she prayed that Chunhei would be able to escape this awful man's grasp and go home with their brother.

Myeong wasn't sure if it would be worse to endure this suffering alone or to endure it with her sister, but as long as Chunhei was safe at home with Moon-sik she would be able to ease her mind of any guilt.

It was hard to see her brother's face behind the man, but she saw his eyes shift to the youngest Park, who's face was streaked with tears and Myeong knew there was no chance of her being picked now.

"Give me Chunhei. Now." Their brother demanded, stepping towards the two of them. A feeling Myeong hadn't expected swept over her like a tsunami, a wave of resentment crashing into her. Of course she wanted Chunhei to be safe, but it didn't make it hurt any less to have her brother pick Chunhei over her. To be loved less, as their captor had put it.

Brown eyes watched as the two other men in the room grabbed Chunhei from her chair, and Myeong shot out a hand to grab tightly onto her sister, fighting even as the men pulled Chunhei from her grasp. Tears slipped down her face as she reached out a hand towards her siblings, to her brother who couldn't even look her in the eyes now.

"Ch-Chunhei! Be safe!" She yelled, biting her lip to keep from crying out as her sister was pulled, kicking and screaming as she went. Their eyes met and Myeong wondered if this might very well be the last time she would see her bright sunshine of a sister. Moon-sik finally met her eyes as he was almost to the door, her gaze boring into his with a threat, to keep Chunhei safe and get her out of here.

"I'll have your money soon. Don't lay a hand on her." Their brother's voice didn't hold the self-assured arrogance it usually did, and Myeong began to wonder if she'd ever see the outside world again.



  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

  • park chunhei.


    one of the park's business cars parked outside the warehouse.

    a z u l a a z u l a

    chunhei gets picked over her sister and ends up having a small breakdown on the way to the car. Her and her brother have a bit of dispute before she gets into the car, still crying.

    /*bottom text*/

    Watching her brother walk through the warehouse doors, all cool regard with a casual expression written across his strong features, was a lovely reprieve to Chunhei.

    Stifling another sob, she took a second to breathe before she was rubbing her cheek with a bared shoulder.

    Her fingers twitched.

    Once, twice--before she was reaching to loop her pinky through her sister's flexed fingers.

    The quiet relief that had kept her calm shattered the moment the ultimatum was made.

    Rose petal pink lips parted.

    She watched her brother in quiet disbelief as he looked to Myeong.

    And then to her.

    His demand flowed like water through her ears, distorted and distant.

    It wasn't until she was being hauled up from the chair that she came back to herself.

    Immediately lurching away, she was reaching for Myeong.

    Their hands met, briefly, before the two men were dragging her back.

    It took her a second before she found her voice, a string of broken cries that crackled and distorted her normally-soft voice.

    "No, no--Myeong! Please, no! Stop, I-I can't--"A sob ripped through her, forcing herself to focus on her sister's form fading as she was dragged further and further away from one of the only people she had never expected to lose.

    "I'm-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." She hiccuped, the last thing she could say before she was hauled out through the doors and dragged towards where one of the cars waited.

    The men released her, immediately turning on their heel to return to their employer.

    She stumbled, fumbling on shaking legs, before she was wheeling back around to sprint towards the doors.

    If it hadn't been for her brother who caught her around the middle--a solid mass who could barely meet her eyes as she struggled even harder--she might have reached them before they shut with a resounding slam.

    "Why me? Why would you even choose?" Her voice warbled with tears as she hit at his arms, attempting to break free even as he hauled her back and jerked her to the side to open the door. Her voice raised as she scrambled at his hand, waling even louder, "I want Myeong back! Get her back--"

    "Shut up."

    Chunhei wavered, stilling as her brother grabbed her chin.

    She met his gaze--saw the blur of tears on his lashes and the patches along his cheeks that grew red every time he was upset.

    She stopped moving, face crumbling and didn't even protest when he manhandled her past the open door and into the backseat of the car.

    Crumbling halfway across the space, she didn't even register one of the guards pressed on the opposite side of the backseat.

    She was too pre-occupied curling into herself, breathy sobs leaving her lips as she hid her features away behind trembling hands.

    Moon-sik stood next to his sister for a long moment outside of the car, his chin trembling and his gaze hard, before he sighed.

    "I've got to get to work, chunnie," He spoke softly, hesitantly reaching in to smooth out some of her hair. "I'm gonna do everything I can to get her back. Don't worry."

    When Chunhei didn't respond except for a particularly pitiful whimper, he sighed and withdrew.

    Moon-sik turned his head to the driver and the guard in the front, eyes hard as he demanded, "Take her home. Don't stop anywhere on the way."

    The door slammed shut.

    All four of the occupants were left in silence--save for the still-sobbing woman in the back.

/*do not remove credit*/
coded by weldherwings


Dae Hyun knew his day would be hellish the moment the Park sisters hadn't come home last night. Moon-sik had raged all night, demanding his men look everywhere until his younger sisters had been found and brought home safely. It had been almost sunrise by the time the call had come in, that Hajoon Lee was responsible for the girls disappearances. Their leader's office had been a mess by the time Dae Hyun had sluggishly made his way in, sleep deprived and in almost as foul a mood as the boss himself.

Their rivals had been growing bolder, but this was entirely out of line. Foot soldiers like Dae Hyun rarely interacted with the girls, Moon-sik made sure to keep them as far away from the business as possible, even the mouthy one who'd tried to shove her way into a few meetings much to her brother's annoyance. Though he'd never really met them, Dae Hyun still worried about them, about what might happen if Moon-sik didn't get his sisters back in one piece.

War was breweing, and Dae Hyun worried about which side would pull out victorious. Risk was a part of the lifestyle, it couldn't be helped, but just because he'd grown use to it didn't make it any easier. Especially if there were innocent lives on the line.

The drive to the warehouse had been silent, save for the anxious tapping of Moon-sik's figners against his leg. Each man wore a grave face, knowing that whatever the outcome of this meeting was, it would be unsavory. The best they could hope for was that Hajoon would release both girls safely back to their brother under reasonable conditions. Worst case...well Dae Hyun didn't want to think about that scenario unless it became reality.

The two guards waited in the car with baited breath, bodies tensed and ready to pull the trigger the moment they sensed trouble. Dae Hyun only relaxed when he could see Moon-sik walking out with one of the girls in tow, only to tense right back up as he heard the girls screaming and realized that one of the sisters was still missing.

Before he could ask questions, Moon-sik was shoving Chunhei into the car, and the guard wisely chose to keep silent as the siblings argued. It was none of his business what went on between the family, as long as he served them dutifully his job was fulfilled. Yet he couldn't help feeling defensive of the young woman as Moon-sik scolded her. He looked away at the sight of his leader's tears, choosing instead to stare blankly out the window so as not to intrude on the private family moment.

He only looked back at the girl once the car had started moving again, taking in her disheveled state and the tears that slid like raindrops from her cheeks. Comforting others didn't come naturally to Dae Hyun, the only emotion he'd ever really been good at was anger, it was the only one this life allowed for. Despite feeling quite unequipped for the situation, he pulled a tissue from his pocket and slowly offered it to Chunhei, afraid if he moved to quickly he might frighten her.

"Here." Was all he said, voice calm and collected despite the way adrenaline still pumped through his veins. This wasn't the worst outcome, at least one of the Park sisters had come home, but it still meant that an all out turf war was a possibility, and that the other Park may not come back.

It made him wonder exactly what had happened back there, even if Chunhei seemed physically unscathed, it didn't mean she was totally unharmed. There were sure to be emotional scars at least. The thought of losing a sister...no one should have to face that. Especially not alone. Sure, she had her brother, but Moon-sik would be too busy making that bastard pay to give her what she needed. That was why Dae Hyun was here, to protect her.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, feeling like an idiot the moment the words left his mouth. After all she'd just been through, food was probably the last thing on her ming. But they'd been gone for hours, surely she was starving by now, and a distraction might be just what she needed. Nothing could take the pain of being separated from a sibling, but perhaps he could find a way to ease her suffering just a little bit.


dae hyun.

  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

Something deep within Myeong broke as she watched both of her siblings walk out the door, though the only thing she let show was a quiver of her lip as the door slammed shut, leaving her trapped inside. In any other circumstance, Myeong would have considered running right out those doors, but after the ultimatum she felt her will to fight slipping.

Had it even been a hard choice for Moon-sik? He hadn't looked exactly excited to leave her with his rival but...still he had left her. Alone. With this monster who had taken her.

He dared to sit back down in front of her, her muscles pulling tightly to shift as far away from him in her chair as possible. Hadn't he done enough already? Did he need to taunt her still, after forcing her own brother to chose between her and her sister? Nothing he could do would hurt as much of the sting of being left behind. Of being the least wanted.

His gaze felt like tiny needles pricking her skin, yet she glared right back at him as he surveyed her. For what, she wasn't sure she wanted to know. Even with the weight of Moon-sik's decision crushing her, there was still a fierce need to fight. It boiled in her blood, the same fire that had gotten her into trouble her whole life. She couldn't help it, it was in her nature to rage like the forest fire in her heart. Even if she felt worthless, she wasn't going to make this easy for her captor.

He was the bastard for making her brother choose in the first place, but she wasn't going to dignify him with a response. She would seethe quietly, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing how much his words hurt her. Salt in a still bleeding wound.

His promise that no harm would come to her almost made her laugh, it was the same as having a gun pointed at your head and being told you wouldn't get shot. You weren't truly safe until the gun was gone. Myeong wouldn't be safe until her brother paid off whatever debt they claimed he owed, if ever.

Still, it didn't hurt to hear that he had some human decency left.

Nerves raced through her again as his men returned, and her head whipped to face him again as he told them to untie her. It made sense that they weren't staying here in the warehouse since her brother knew where it was now, but it hadn't crossed her mind that she'd be spending the next month somewhere else. She wondered where they were going, what other horrors awaited her there.

She could run. Though, she wouldn't get very far. It seemed futile at this point, but it might be her only chance of escape. Would she even make it five feet towards the door or would he shoot her immediately? It wasn't a risk she was willing to take this soon.

Instead, she did something quite possibly stupider. The moment she was released she surged forward, using what little strength she had to slap the man across the face. It wasn't an escape, and it certainly wasn't all he deserved, but she couldn't waste this little moment of freedom on compliance. He would regret letting Moon-sik take sweet Chunhei over her.

"You're a bastard" She spat at him as the guards swiftly dragged her back, restraining her as if she were a toddler throwing a tantrum. Perhaps thats all she was. Myeong wouldn't stand a chance against these men, but thankfully they only held her, though a bit roughly. She swallowed thickly as she awaited his reaction, but she wouldn't take it back.

"Why keep me? Clearly, my brother doesn't care for me as much as Chunhei, so why keep something he doesn't value?" She protested, even if she couldn't fight with her fists she'd use her words as weapons.



  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

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