Idea Reinhardt's Thingy of Stuffs

I think Reinhardt's testing out the combat system with Test of Fate, or I could be wrong. I'm unsure.

I'm only doing small portions, cause completely implementing them all would be quite complicated. I just need to see what would work out and what would not.

After playing FF13 and 13-2 (both have crystal skill trees, almost similar to @Tedronai's concept), I think that skill trees would definitely work out for us, especially with magic being an anomaly(?) in the lore. The only problem is, each character for each crystal skill tree might be different. I'm trying to use 13 & 13-2's skill tree system as basis here, so it might be kinda vague. If you want to know how it works, google would be your buddy.
Unfortunately, we were not able to test out the system due to players leaving and the RP ending then and there. I've run some solo tests, though. And it was very hard to manage - the numbers were all over the place, the skills were difficult to align with the classes, and a whole lot more of issues regarding the crazy ass system.

So, I've decided to stop with this concept and have come up with a new one. I'll share it if you're still up for it, otherwise, I'll work on it alone and try to make it as simple as possible before testing it out.
I'm up for brainstorming, but I don't really know what it was about the last idea that proved unsuccessful. It seemed like it went from bare bones of an idea, to testing to dismissal very quickly.
I'm up for brainstorming, but I don't really know what it was about the last idea that proved unsuccessful. It seemed like it went from bare bones of an idea, to testing to dismissal very quickly.

Well, one of the biggest reasons as to why I decided to scrap it was because of the difficult base concept - the heavy tech idea was not just working, and would take extreme amounts of effort to make it do so (see FF13's flaws and weird-ass lore). Not only that, but the magic system was heavily messed up to the point that classes would not even matter.

The numbers game was still left unsure. So I'll still have to run group tests on that.

Anyway, I'll do a short post regarding the base concept and some goals/objectives I wish to attain whilsst working on it.
Alright, here we go.

The base lore concept contains the following:

- Ivalice as the setting. A newly made map, with new locations, and some of the old locations from other Ivalice titles, such as FF Tactics, and FF 12. Time period is medieval with a few steampunk elements such as airships.
- Guilds rules the lands. Pretty much like noble houses in FF Tactics such as House Beoulve, the Dukes, etc.
- Summons/Espers/Eidolons (or whatever you like to call them), play a major role in the setting, mainly as the source of magic.

As for the mechanics, I've decided to toy with the following:

- FF 13's ATB Gauge system, modified to act as action limiters to player posts.
- FF Tactic's Bravery and Faith stats as main stats for characters.
- Very restrictive magic system, limiting only to single type, or element - depending on which Summon/Esper/Eidolon the character is affiliated with.
- FFTA's Judge and Law system to ensure fairness in PVP scenarios.

The goals so far are:

- Establish a workable lore for a test run.
- Finish the system. Or at least make it semi-complete and ready for testing.
As far as workable lore, why not just borrow from a previous Invalice title to keep the connection.

I do remember tactics and 12 were quite different in their magic. It's been years since I played either but if memory Tactics had a strong zodiac theme with the magic and enemies. I don't remember much about 12 (in fact I remember the story being completely forgettable if that's not a paradox).

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