Terrier B
Elephants can smell water.
The World of Theimas
Yr 1257

Artwork by Rahul Venugopal on ArtStation
The Constellatio weaved silent madness and fear across the entire world of Theimas. Not constrained mereley to the countries bordering the Cospio Sea. They were lethal, skilled experts at murder, deceit, infiltration, and treachery. The quiet reaching hands of the Iddar Empire, they were used efficiently, and without mercy throughout the centuries.
Unknowable and Unstoppable.
But 30 years ago, amidst the depths of the Ion-Iddar war, the massacre of Diruo seemingly brought an end to the Constellatio's current earth-bound presence.
You will never find a body for a person who never was, but forms of political espionage and general cloak-and-dagger-like activities across the board, came to an apparent and peculiar halt. This was believed to herald the end of the Constellatio’s current incarnation.
The last Sicarius of the Constellatio still remains at large, and entirely unknown.
This singular individual has had a grave and grievous effect on many lives across the globe. Be it via a killing, a smearing of reputation, severe trickery, it could be almost anything.
But now, there is a chance to seek revenge against this sole remnant of a vicious collective.
Mathild Cassar, the Castellan of Quies-End on the Island of Cardine, has arranged for a group of fighters, adventurers, thieves, vagabonds, and general rag-tag ambitious and temperamental ‘folk’, to set out and put down this last Sicarius.
So there lies the question,
Will you be brave enough to severe Deaths own hand?
Hello! Terrier B here,
A little about my aims, and more general info on what I have going here for you.
I wanted to return to this style of group-based writing, but I am a devil for getting lost and wrapped up far too much in the fine details of world building when it comes to something like this. So I have tried to come up with a straightforward, yet appealing, narrative hook. And I am intentionally going to leave world-building, save for our main geographical setting, blank and vague.
So the narrative-hook in question,
Our characters seek to destroy a highly skilled notorious assassin-spy-type-of-person, as said person has gravely wronged each one of our characters in varying ways. They will be unified under this common goal, and set out on a expected fantastical quest to fulfill their pledge. But the added twist, so to speak, stems from what our characters expressly choose to tell, and then choose not to tell their fellow revenge-seekers.
Each character will have a reason for seeking the demise of this Sicarius that they freely give and explain to the others. But, this reason will be either completely false, or perhaps a cleverly veiled half-truth, I shall leave the finer details of this up to you. Every one of our characters for whatever particular reason, will not be being fully honest with their team, and perhaps even, themselves.
The truth will of course be revealed though. And I have a possible idea of how this could go down.
I have a list of story events vaguely in mind for the timeline of this adventure. And I figured, with each event, a characters ‘truth’ could be revealed to the others. But not by choice, oh no no. Literally a random spin of the wheel. I’ll sort every character onto a random online wheel spinner, and when the moment arises due to story reasons for a truth to be told, I’ll spin the wheel and boom. Springer-esque drama surely guaranteed.
This might sound a little cruel, and it may end up not working very well, but I just thought it would be an interesting gimmick almost, to prompt quick thinking sort of writing. Ourselves, and our characters will have to be adaptable to the moment at hand. Hopefully it’s just going to be a fun way for us to test our writing skills I think. But that said, if enough people agree that this is a horrible awful idea, I’ll bench it, and we can organize via PMs whose truth would best be revealed where.
So that's the main gist of it all really.
So far, I have focused primarily on the finer settings of the stories main geographical setting, which will be the island of Cardine.
That said, as you can see via the map, other countries exist outside of our potential stories setting. As mentioned up above somewhere, I've tried to prevent myself from getting lost in details by deliberately glossing over lore and details of other countries and cultures. But just because I've stopped myself, that doesn't mean I want to stop you, in fact quite the opposite. I'd rather like it if the world of Theimas became a collaborative venture ultimately I suppose. If you'd like your own character to be from one of the alternative lands seen on the map below, or from a unseen country or state altogether, go for it! come up with something cool. You have my blessing basically.
That said, just for now, here's some base information about Cardine for some added context.
The island is a small place, measuring at about 30-ish miles long at its widest point. It’s central position has defined the island’s history drastically. In the past, Cardine has been invaded, fought over, and governed by just about every single country that borders the Cospio Sea, and some from even further afield too to boot. Such a mixed up assortment of people settling on the island over the years has defined the present-day Cardine, and Cardinian for that matter, into being a diverse, changeable and assuredly unique sort of place.
It’s current state of leadership is a rather interesting affair. Cardine was most recently directly ruled and owned by the Empire of Iddar, but around 400 years ago now, Iddar gave the island to the Order of San Sidus, Knights that form a religious military order of the Sóma faith. And the Knights have been there ever since, having over the years transformed what they called, ‘... merely a rock of crumbling sandstone,’ into a flourishing Island, with ceaseless trade and remarkably strong defenses.
For now, the rest of Theimas seems happy to abide by such a standing. The Island’s position makes it a positive haven for trade and commerce, and is commonly referred to by other countries as ‘Heavens-Exchange’.
Cardine sits in the advantageous near-middle of the Cospio Sea.The landscape consists of low hills with terraced fields, and has only two permanent rivers. However smaller rivers do form during times of high rainfall. The place is at its greenest during the wetter winter months, and in the summer can reach temperatures of around 34 °C.
Cardine itself is the largest and most densely populated of the islands that constitute the Cardean Archipelago. It’s smaller size has guaranteed dense urbanisation, and about 70% of the island is considered an urban area.
Cardine’s class structure is as present, and (sadly) as unfair as any other country of Theimas.The Knights sit at the very top of the system, and are considered to be the Islands Upper Class. ‘Knight’, is a title, and will always be used when addressing a member of the order. The position naturally guarantees some sort of land, or estate to go along with it too. Currently, there are around twelve Sidar Knights living on, and ruling over, Cardine.
Those who are considered to be more middle-class on the Island are an altogether new and developing sort of thing. Whereas many of the other countries of Theimas demand genetics and heritage to define one's supposed superiority, Cardine aristocrats and nobles are often much more of a self-made affair.
Clever tradesmen, self-made Castellans, the nouveau riche, popular bards, artful landlords, and all sorts of other generally wealthy persons make up the Cardine Middle class. And, most surprisingly of all, are never really thought lesser of for being so, at least on Cardine they’re not anyway…
Admittedly, the divide between upper and middle class on Cardine is thin, and middle class citizens can wield just as much, if not more, real power as any of the knights, they just miss out on a few honorific titles really.
Finally, the lower working class. Everyone else. This is the majority populace on Cardine. People who claim no titles, power or substantial wealth. Your everyday traders, builders, fishers, weavers and all around laborers. In the past, the leadership styles and doctrines of some Sidar Knights have caused civil unrest, and hardship. But the current batch seem to be doing an ‘okay’ sort of job of things. The Cardine lower class forever seem to hold on to a slight bitter grudge against the Knights, which varies between levels of casual bristling, to all out physical conflict. But as mentioned before, for now, general levels of agitation and unrest are at a comfortable low.
Sóma is a religion of faith and tradition that focuses primarily on the supreme strength and wisdom of something known on Theimas as, ‘The Heavenly Body’. The Heavenly Body is pretty much how it sounds, the idea of a usually unseen and allegorical, and yet also sometimes fully realized and physical, body. Said body has inspired and defined the current physical shape and format of all humans now currently living in Theimas. All humans look the way they do effectively, because they have shaped themselves to at least somewhat resemble the Heavenly Body. Worship and faith of Sóma takes place via prayer and dedication to different parts of the body.
Different parts denote different qualities and attributes, but usually of a slightly dueling nature. For example, the head contains Intelligence, and wit, but also contains stupidity and self-sabotage in equal measure. The legs represent Momentum and progression, as well as lethargy and regression. The chest represents empathy and compassion, as well as spite and fear.
The hands however, are the most revered and cherished limbs of the Sóma faith. For the hands represent humans true neutral and unrestrained nature at heart. The hands carry out actions both needed and desired, good and bad, left and right.
Hands feature regularly in Sóma imagery, and acts of physical worship. Covering the hands with gloves is deemed at best unlucky, and at worst, absolutely blasphemous (Even if it is freezing outside). The only occasion in which covered hands are usually accepted is within a Sómantic Church during a religious ceremony of a kind.
In many cultures, certainly many that border the Cospio Sea, there is a relevant ‘coming-of-age’ ceremony relevant to the hands that young adults undergo. Even if they do not strongly uphold the Sómantic faith, the cultural importance of the 'Temini' Ceromony, often outweighs its more religious elements. The non-dominant arm of the person in question is tattooed. The tattoo is called the Temini, and can begin at any point below the elbow, but stops abruptly at the wrist. As you may be able to imagine, tattooing, scarring, or marking the hands in any sort of purposeful manner is again, considered highly unlucky and blasphemous. Every single Temini is unique, and encompasses elements of personal family ancestry, significant events, bonds, ties, allegiances and traits of the person in question.
The Constellatio are a concept from ancient times, and a direct force of the Heavenly Bodies own divine will made real and physical upon Theimas' soil. It is said, that the Otho is meant to be the Heavenly Body's earth-bound spokesperson. The thoughts and desires of the Heavnly-Body given a voice and chance to be heard by the people of Theimas.And similarly, the Constellatio are also described as being the quiet hands of the Heavenly Body, set down on Theimas to scatter and plow the seeds of the bodies will and ambitions, in whatever way is deemed necessary. Since the Heavenly Body's only vocal earth-bound ambassador is the Otho, it's always been the Soma church of Iddar that directly commands the Constellatio's actions.
There are rumours and possibilities however that the Constellatio do provide 'services' for many, if not all, of the known countries of Theimas. That they may not just be limited to serving Iddar, and Iddar alone. Thing is though, between you me and the gatepost, when you've a organisation as completely unknown and anonymous as the Constellatio, they make for a very easy scapegoat for any sort of tomfoolery or trickery if I'm being honest with you. Who killed governor Tim?! Ah well, must've been the Constellatio, seems a reasonable explanation to me. You get the idea.
(I'll give this more detail in the OOC/Lore when we get to it, but for now these are just basic points of reference for the historic ackdrop of our story) The Iddar-Ovazar Skirmishes
Around 30-years ago now, there were quite a few border skirmishes between Iddar and Ovazar. An all out war was never properly declared or sanctioned by either of the countries, and the initial reasons for these conflicts to begin with have either been lost, or purposefully muddied over time. Some claim it's as simple as land-grabbing and border widening from both parties, others say the Otho of the times child ran off with a Ovazar prince and the fighting was to reclaim the lost runaway. Either way, the skirmishes only lasted for a year, and never spread further from the area surrounding the Ovazar-Iddar border.
Easy to say tensions between Ovazar citizens and Iddarians are a little bit bitter at best still...
The Great Ion-Iddar War
Around 20-years ago, the Ion-Iddar war broke out. At the time, the Otho was a woman called Tanith Boa-Quill. Otho Tanith believed the Soma faith should be spread and more firmly upheld in the more western countries of Theimas. She took a particular rage out on Cardine especially, supposedly for being a happily and contentedly diverse place with regards to religion. This belief split a wide rift in the Soma church, with many Bishops who disagreed with Tanith fleeing to Ionithios to rally troops and make a stand there.
The following war was ugly, long, and eventually completely unecessary. The reasons for fighting eventually seemed to change on a weekly whim. And after a decade of ceaseless conflict, the war came to a close with the Massacre of Diruo, and the inducting of the new Otho.
Diruo was a coastal town in Iddar, not too far from the Ionithios border. Due to poor planning and forsight, the remaining bulk of military forces clashed in Diruo, including all remaining members of the Constellatio. It was an inevitable bloodbath, only made worse by the earthquake. Apparently, the quake was so strong, ripples were felt throught Ionithios, Cardine, and there were even tremmers along the southern Ovazar coast. The loss of troops on both sides was colossal, and to make matters worse, the entire Constellatio had seemingly been lost in the chaos too. A new Otho, a woman by the name of Paxus Venni, declared the conflict over. She disowned and admonished the ambitions and actions of the Otho before her, and announced the start of a time of repentance and healing to be undertaken by both Iddar and Ionithios.
Paxus Venni is still the current Otho of Soma.
So yeah, i'll leave it at that for now.
I have quite a bit more on Cardine, but didn't want to overwhelm and muddyd things too much here.
So if you'd like any more information, please do just ask, I'd be happy to answer.
I should also mention, if anyone is particularly enthused with the idea here, I am open to the concept of a CO-GM, so just let me know if that's something you'd be interested with.
Hopefully this garters some interest!
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