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Recovering a Broken Heart D&D 5e

Your Perception skill bonus will already have your Wisdom modifier included in it. Perception mod will just be Wisdom modifier + your proficiency if you chose that skill (which you most have)
Your score was 15.
Your Perception skill bonus will already have your Wisdom modifier included in it. Perception mod will just be Wisdom modifier + your proficiency if you chose that skill (which you most have)
Your score was 15.
Hmm... I still don't quite understand because the character sheet has a +1 under the Wisdom and I assume that's the modifier. Maybe I just don't understand how Proficiencies work. I'm assuming Perception is one of my Proficiency's since it has that little bubble ticked next to it but the Perception says it's a +3.

So I thought that would be a +4 with the Wisdom mod + Perception Proficiency.

Sorry, I'm a bit slow atm. Grimsvald Grimsvald
Hmm... I still don't quite understand because the character sheet has a +1 under the Wisdom and I assume that's the modifier. Maybe I just don't understand how Proficiencies work. I'm assuming Perception is one of my Proficiency's since it has that little bubble ticked next to it but the Perception says it's a +3.

So I thought that would be a +4 with the Wisdom mod + Perception Proficiency.

Sorry, I'm a bit slow atm. Grimsvald Grimsvald
All skills have the ability mod added to it already
So if you look at my character, Alura, she is proficient in Athletics, so before I add my proficiency it would have been +2, but because she is proficient it’s +4 and I write it as such
i've got jobs and stuff my dud, you're catching me just as I'm about to go to bed, you'll have to wait, sorry
Woah this looks fun I haven't really played much D&D on this site, though I am somewhat familiar with character creation and how to DM. So I think I can figure out most things if this roleplay is still open to others?
Zaxs Zaxs feel free to make a character sheet. Starting at level 3, point buy for stats, only published / non-UA classes and races.

MsPolite MsPolite
Since we are out of combat there is not a posting order. The only reason to yield is to make sure others dont fall behind. My personal posting speed is pretty high and i enjoy others who post often as well.

I hope to get a post from all my players every day or every ofher day.

When the other player enerters they can either catch up, writing their character into the background of previous events. Or theh can meet up. They can write themself as rejoining the party or meeting them for the first time. No worries. Im easy going.
MsPolite MsPolite Grimsvald Grimsvald I'm with Grimsvald on this. I like posting as frequently as I can. Error 420 Error 420 It's obvious that you're too busy atm - are you alright with us moving forward? I was particularly looking forward to our character's interactions but if you can't afford it with your schedule - that's fine also.
Since this is just an image I cannot scroll down or click tabs. Can you give me a list of your equipment , trinket, background details including personality/ideals/flaws choices. Make sure one of your Background choices anchors you into the party and gives you a reason to group.

I was also thinking a cool way to have you enter the group without having to use your background to anchor you in. You could begin your story by being a Doppelganger of Error420's Human Ranger character until they rejoin the story. What does everyone think of that?
I am not too sure what I can do for background choice.

What exactly do you mean by doppelganger? Will I just be trying to mimic them or will I be trying to play as their character or something else entirely?
Zaxs Zaxs
You picked the haunted one for your background. There should be choices for Personality, ideals, flaws and bonds within that background. Also your GP is way too high. You put 170 gold when your background usually provides you around 10-25g. Class based starting gold is only rolled with you dont accept your class based starting equipment. You also wrote that you are carrying 20 days worth of rations, which is 20lb and putting you over encumbant which will slow you down. You may want to half that amount at least. As a ranger you can find food as you go.

What I meant by doppleganger was this. Since error420 hasnt come into the game yet your changling could have shapeshifted to look like them and traveled with the party. The rest of the party thinks you are their character. When error420 joins the group we can deal with the conflict of showing your true form. If you dont want to do this, that is fine too. Jist wanted to put the idea out there for everyone.
Since this is just an image I cannot scroll down or click tabs. Can you give me a list of your equipment , trinket, background details including personality/ideals/flaws choices. Make sure one of your Background choices anchors you into the party and gives you a reason to group.

I was also thinking a cool way to have you enter the group without having to use your background to anchor you in. You could begin your story by being a Doppelganger of Error420's Human Ranger character until they rejoin the story. What does everyone think of that?
Grimsvald Grimsvald I'm fine with that honestly so long as Zaxs Zaxs is.

Zaxs I don't know if you've ever DND'd before but the areas where you fill out information all have specific things to pick from. You can't fill them in with your imagination really which sounds stale I know but it's for good reason. It's so the DM has the same expectations for stats for everyone. If you need help I'm happy to assist - I am also new to this and have my CS finally done. I will Include my finished CS and a 5e CS you can fill out. I will also include links for all of the things I had to fill out as well. Hope it helps.

DND 5e Character Generator

Personality Traits






Since my character sheet is only 1 page long I just put my extra information in the "Features and Traits" sidebar. :D Hope all that helps <3 Also important bit of info is that we're on DND 5e. So any character sheets and whatnot that you make should work from that system.


  • Character Sheet - Form Fillable.pdf
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  • Luci.pdf
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