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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Multiple Settings Reclaiming the New World | Character Sheets


General Deth Glitch

Two Thousand Club
Post your character sheets in this thread, feel free to ask me any questions about anything and I will contact you to sort specifics and balance stuff and such.

Useful info:
Vast majority of peoples are still human
This is set in the 'future' but imagine mostly high medieval technology
Magic IS real
Most old world technology from before is lost (assume it is all unless asking for specific relics)
Early Gunpowder weapons exist, think flintlock (I'm not a gun expert)
Ships are around 18th Century

Check out the Interest Check (Other link above) for more specific info about this RP
For convenience I am placing a brief timeline here so you have points in time to reference in your histories and such and for potential inspiration

0-ZD 'Zenith Dawn' The day it all changed, when the Schism Bombs fell and life as those that were alive knew, ended.

31-ZD The First of the Schism Born, Groups of people born wildly different from their parents, regions with entire generations born unique, like fantasy races from a book
(One origin for non human races)

68-ZD The first greater Schism Rift opens, raising an Island in the North Sea and connecting the world with the realm of the Fae, many more to other realms, varying in size and location would follow over the years
(Another Origin for non human races)

132-ZD The First Skisia deposits were found, first in the British Isles but later in various locations, normally places thick with superstition and stories of fae

197-ZD The first ship returns from the New World with magical and mystical tales

235-ZD The Irish merchant and explorer Cole MacManus returned from the new world with a ship laden in raw Skisia

Home Nation Map (Claims)Chavey 2023-01-19-14-15.jpeg

- Name(s):
- Age(s):
- Appearance(s):
- History and other information you want to add:

Appearance: (Image please)
Weaknesses: (Must be balanced with strengths, happy to work with people to help rebalance)

Landing: (Where you plan to land your starting group)
Flag/Banner: (Image please)

Points: (You have 10 starting points to split between Soldiers, Resources, Civilians, Finances and Relics. I will work with you on Discord or in DM's to help flesh out specifics after you have assigned the points, this is to reference how much of your limited cargo and crew you bring are for what. You require atleast 1 in each of: Soldiers, Resources and Finances but beware if you have no civilians and soldiers will unlikely enjoy working civilian jobs consistently. More points can mean Quality OR Quantity and you can decide for each)
- Soldiers: (The people that guard you and protect your colony and its assets as well as help you to expand, explore and engage in hostile actions with other groups)
- Civilians: (The people who will work the land and ensure that basic needs are met by all, as well as extracting resources to ship home)
- Resources: (The food, materials and tools you bring along with you.)
- Finances: (Excess gold, silver and valuable goods without much value beyond trade. These allow you to trade with other groups easier as well as trading with your home nation in the future)
- Relics: (How much of your cargo is rare, salvaged gear from before the Schism or perhaps magical equipment from other worlds)

Leadership Structure: (Is it elected, dictated. Is it a democracy where the colonists vote? Do you share leadership with a small group or council (If so add their names, age's and personalities)
Boon: (Your Nation gave this colony something extra special, is it better troops, the finest of tools, an extremely rare and valuable trade commodity or perhaps a relic of exceptional power?)
Bane: (You or your Nation has overlooked something or perhaps simply didn't have the means or time to procure it. Are your soldiers undertrained/equipped, perhaps they won't be able to reinforce and check up on you as often or maybe they don't believe in your success or plan to extort you in future trades for their own greedy pockets)
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  • Name: Tagelda yis-Agadez (Kingdom of Agadez)
    Nation Flag.png
    The royal standard of the Agellid (King) Masensen III

    Location: The capital of Agadez is Gwafa in southern Iberia, however the realm stretches past the strait, expanding into vast swathes of land in North Africa. While most of the polities south of the core crownlands beyond Iberia have devolved into principalities or taifas with their own internal and external troubles, they're still beholden to pay lip-service to the Agellid in Gwafa and supplement his treasury in cash or in kind (slaves, grain, fighters etc.).

    • Agellid Masensen Zakariya III - An old zealot long past his prime. When once he was known as the carrier of his father's mantle 'the hawk of Gwafa', wining victories in the north, plundering the eastern coasts and enriching his seat with riches beyond measuring; now reduced to a frightened man convinced that he shall be the first mortal to cheat death. Seers, holy-men, hucksters are all welcome to his keep, as long as they carry with them tales of a miracle cure, life-preserving drug or even perhaps tales of a 'city of angles' beyond the sea, in the Maghrib where doubtless the great prophet Mohammed had fled after his exile from Mecca.
    • Emir Aylal al-Sabur of the Banu Sabur - The Grand Vizier to the King, and a lifelong loyalist. It is his backing, and that of the tribes of the east that has ensured that King Masensen remains cloistered in the capital with his head intact, despite the grumblings of discontent. The tenuous situation has been aggravated by the squabbles between Masensen's spawn as they they circle about the carcass. One son was ambushed in the summer palace, in the grounds of his harem, ostensibly on the orders of a half-sibling.
    • Tgellidt (Queen) Emma - A slave of supposed noble birth who'd given the King three sons besides his eldest Meddur. Over the years she's amassed power, prestige and no small fortune from the lands bequeathed to her; owing to her station as mother to four princes of the realm. She uses this leverage to sideline and eliminate any opposition to her son's ascension. She sees the delusions of her surely senile husband for what they are, a threat that could collapse the kingdom in on itself. She's vehemently opposed to the expeditions to the 'New World' and finds the increasing influence of fanatical religious orders to be disquieting.

    History: The beginnings of the kingdom of Agadez was surprisingly grander than the polity that dots the map today. It began far from the borders of civilisation, in the scorching deserts of the south (Songhai region). Here, a new religion would be born, one that would dominate thinking ages since. The blind prophet Ridha rode alongside his tribesmen with sword in one hand and the revelations of the 'sky-father' in the other, written in a convoluted poetic form in braille stamped on golden tablets. Ridha claimed to be the first in a new line of prophets, who'd strive to bring the faithful back to the true word of Muhammed, deviating from which had caused the zenith dawn. Thus the Banu Ridha or the sons of Ridha would carry forward the struggle, growing their realm all the way to the edges of the Iberian mountains. A truncated version of this empire would give rise to the kingdom of Agadez, no longer ruled by a blind Imam, but still tracing their lineage to the prophet and championing his teachings. Most of the nobility continue to attempt to tie their lineage to some companion of the prophet and his sub-Saharan ancestry a century or so after his reign.

    Culture: The people of Agadez are known to be a stoic sort, fiercely independent and not easily tied down to any plot of land. While agriculture is the most common means of livelihood, many choose to travel to distant lands to trade in relics, metals, wines and skisia, others still decide to participate in annual raids looting costal provinces in the Mediterranean. Agadez is a major hub in the slave trade, with the slave markets of Gwafa boasting men and women of every hue and suitable for every purpose. While the majority of the population follows the teachings of Ridha, there are many regional differences in practice; cultural traditions such as polyandry have not been erased by the coming of the new religion, indeed even the worship of small idols is permitted depending on the whims of the local Aselmad/Imam or teacher/leader. Similarly festivals and certain funeral practices continue unabated such as the practice of burring the dead with ostrich eggs, conch shells, weapons and wines - some communities even mummify the bodies.

    Religion: As is evident, there is no hierarchy of the priesthood, religious authorities travel from village to village as a mendicant, relying on the generosity of their hosts to survive. In exchange for food and boarding they officiate name days, preside over weddings, conduct funerals and sometimes mediate disputes. There aren't many priests in service to the word of Ridha, as many perish in the process of self mutilation that gives them their distinct albino skin and grey cataracted eyes. This process usually occurs at a monastery, which are invariably located in regions which have been altered heavily by the schism. There, they bathe in the pool of all knowing - that is, a concentration of refuse from the schism bombs. This forms the last steps of their initiation as soon after they're permitted to read the Adlis (the book), having lost their sight and become receptive to the word.

    Aims: Agellid Masensen III seeks eternal life, and has been told by the Brahimi Order that such power to cheat death can be found in the 'New World' in the 'city of angels'. While this is ostensibly the main purpose of their travels, the fact that a colony is to be set up in the region, speaks to other motives. Securing a steady source of skisia would ensure the Kingdom's standing in the Mediterranean and compensate for any loss from trade that arises due to the Kingdom's propensity to raid its neighbours.

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  • Name: The Isles of Albion

    Location: British Isles

    -King Richard VI: A well loved and long reigning monarch, Richard is considered a national treasure who has overseen the complete transformation of the nation.

    -Prime Minister Gwyneth Jones: Gwyneth is the current elected leader of Albion and is new to the role. She has promised to further integrate the other world and Albion into one.

    -The forming of the Isles of Albion came as a result of the British Isles become more a place of magic than what it was previously. Borders of individual countries were broken and historical issues forgotten as all embraced the new reality of the world.

    -The Government remained democratically elected but featured a far wider spread of people of society, instead of just being those from wealthy backgrounds. Political parties no longer exist. This saw a vast improvement to the quality of life of the people of Albion. A monarch still sits as head of state but wields little power.

    -The nation benefitted heavily from the changes that occurred in its lands. While always beautiful, non-native flora and fauna arrived that gave the nation a mystical, almost cartoon like appearance. Bioluminescence lights the night sky and brings tourists from around the world.

    -The changes of the world saw a change in Albion that meant the focus moved from individual goals to national. People worked for each other and their home, not just for money. Office jobs became far less prevalent with many instead working in the new forests and fields to produce some of the most delicious food ever discovered.

    -Albion, while peaceful at its core, has never lost its history in terms of its military. While there are bigger armies out there, few if any can stand man to man with the Forces of Albion. Using a mixture of their own technology, that of the otherworld and magic, individuals are as effective as entire squads of other nations.

    -Many of the issues people used to have whether family feuds, post code related violence or even football rivalries no longer exist. People have an exceptional quality of life and realise that by working together, they are able to have much more enjoyment and fulfillment from life.

    -Atheism: With the arrival of beings from other worlds, the belief system of the country collapsed and the belief of a one true God disappeared. There are small sections of society who worship a variety of new and old deities but the majority hold a belief that at transcends the concept of the universe having a creator.

    -To leave this world and become one with the otherworld. The hope is this can be found in the ruins of the former United States.

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The Medved Empire
Flag: 1674136080070.png
Location: St Petersburg

(The nation takes up the western section of former Russia up to the start of former Mongolia)
Leader(s): High Czar Bagrov Nikolas Medved- The current ruler of the nation. He gained this role over two decades ago after challenging his cousin Feneko Bogdan Medved to a duel. He proved the stronger one and claimed the throne. His cousin's immediate family was "exiled" to the further reaches of the country near the border. Bagrov is a merciless man who puts down rebellions by force and conscripts the people for his endless wars. Even in his older age, he is still a capable fighter in the arena and has killed many who challenged him for his position. None dared assassination after a singular failed attempt where the assassin was discovered and his entire family line wiped from existence. With the country overburdened and running low on resources from their constant wars, Victor Gregorio, a capable military commander was sent to the New World to restore the stock as it were.

General Donev Dukofsky- A HUGE mountain of a man who earned his position through blood, sweat, and tears. Hs enemies BLOOD, his enemies SWEAT and his enemies TEARS. A Brillant tactician who uses the numbers of the Empire to their fullest potential and a Bearserker Supreme, he is only second in his combat capabilities to that of the High Czar. It was through him that even many losses are turned into a bittersweet victory for the enemy. And their wins have added territory and resources to the Empire. There are many that speak in hushed whispers that Donev should succeed Bagrov as the High Czar, but he seems to be cautious in this matter. Is it due to some secret alliance between the pair? Or is Donev merely biding his time.

Nikita Ivanov- Nikita is a huge muscular woman who is in charge of the slaves of society. She dictates all the rules in their treatment, training, lifestyle. In the past, slaves have been treated poorly and had a high attrition rate, but under Nikita, the lifestyle of a slave has greatly improved. While the work is still grueling, the owners of the slaves are required to feed them 3 times daily, keep them properly clothed in appropriate weather and are fined should a slave die of non natural causes. She has also made a path that slaves could rise up to be second class citizens within the Empire and once there, participate in the normal process of rising up through society.

High Druid Krukov The Bear- The only member of the upper echelon that doesn't look as though he could break someone in half just be looking at them. He is a frail looking middle aged man. But looks can be decieiving because he is the latest in a long line of Bear Magicians who harness the bear spirits to aid the front line warriors in battle. It is due to the efforts of Krukov that there are more Bearserkers than ever before as well as Bear Spirits that can fight on the front lines summoned by Druids.

Culture: Warlike is a good way to describe that culture, but it can be an oversimplification of the term. They are a society that prizes warriors and the so called "Warrior Caste" though their aren't exactly castes. People are able to peruse the types of work that they wish. It is just that the warrior is so highly prized in this society and can be a more efficient way to move up on the social ladder that many young individuals, both men and women go towards it.

In the Empire however, there are rules to the way to proceed. You can't just go up to the highest official in the land, kill them and expect to take their place. No. You must work your way up the chain of command, challenging only your direct supervisors to battle. Normal promotion is still alwyas possible. However in places where there are limited numbers of a certain position, it will be far more common to challenge them to a duel.

If a duel is ever not accepted for a poor reason, the offender will be investigated and dishonored if this is true.

The order of a duel is as follows- First, a challenge must be issued. As long as there isn't a proper reason to reject the challenge, it is accepted. Then, a dueling circle is formed around the combatants. The duel then commences until either surrender or death. Death is the most common result of a duel in the Empire. If the duel was for the position of the one challenged, the winner is awarded that position as long as that was the next level of promotion that they were eligible for.

Religion: They worship Bojana, the Bear Goddess. Bearserkers are a way of life for many of the warriors within the Empire. They thank the goddess of the bears for the Bear Spirits that they use to empower the Berserkers of the Empire into Bearserkers. On the 1st of every 3rd Month, they celebrate the bear Goddess with a massive Feast and battel tournament in her honor.

The Druids are the conduit to the Bear Goddess and the Bear Spirits and are instrumental to the fighting spirit of the Army.

History: The Medved Empire was formed in the wake of the destruction of the Old World when a man and a woman discovered a Bear Spirit. They communed with the beast and were able to merge with it to gain its powers, becoming the first Bearserkers. They gained the ability to rage as a Bear, its strength, its power and its endurance. From there, they were able to carve out a small kingdom by uniting a handful of tribes together.

They always carried their mission of strength, with only the strongest among them ruling. As they went, they collected slaves from larger tribes that didn't submit. Before long, they were an Empire and always trying to acquire new lands. They were successful on many occasions, except the craftiness of the Hansa Republic. They had managed to outmaurver and out technology the Bearserkers on the battlefield, leading to the largest loss of the war, The Battle of The Valley. The Hansa Republic use their flintlocks, hiding in nooks and crannies throughout the valley, hampering their actions until a combination of powerful magic and the Honorable Gilded Company acted as a Hammer and Anvil, attacking them from both sides.

Thousands has been lost in that battle, but The Empire knew never to underestimate the Hansa Republic again.

Now due to their constant warring, their countries resources have begun to run low and they need a new source. To the New World they go, to Plunder it of riches.

Aims: The Empire wishes to plunder the new world of resources in order to sustain its huge war effort and prevent the country from running out of resources.

Name: Victor Gregorio
Age: 26
Aims: To find a large treasure Horde or renweable rare resource to help fund the country. Use this to help catapult his "political career" within the army to higher echelons
Strengths: Powerful Bearserker that prefers to lead from the battlefield rather than an armchair general. He is quick, fast, and strong. Even more so than your average Bearserker
Weaknesses: Stubborn- Once he enacts a plan of action, it is far more difficult for him to decide on another course of action.

Landing: New York
Flag/Banner: 1674156306035.png

Points: 10 Total
- Soldiers: 5
- Civilians: 3
- Resources: 1
- Finances: 1
- Relics: 0

Leadership Structure: The Strongest Rule or have command positions. They do not abide weak leaders. The highest positions of each area of expertise are earned, sometimes through blood. A leader of any kind can be effectively removed from power if there is a vote of no confidence from at least 3/4ths of the other leadership. Then, the one with the best claim must fight the current leader in combat for control. In many cases this is to the DEATH, but it is possible to surrender and this MUST be honored or else the challenger will have their bid forfeit.
Boon: The Most Elite Soldiers in the nation have been provided by the motherland
Bane: Finances are strained and if this colony does not work out, it will bankrupt the nation​
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  • Hansa Republic

    Location: Former Germany

    Isoldt Hoffman, Merchant Prince of Berlin
    - Age: 50s
    - Appearance: A older woman with silver hair, favoring plain but very well made clothing.
    - Background: Isoldt operates as the face of the Merchant Princes when greeting foreign dignitaries or visiting another land on behalf of the Hansa Republic. She was an impressive Barrister in her early years, using that skill to negotiate treaties and trades on behalf of the Republic as a whole.[

    Bertholdt Weber, Merchant Prince of Hamburg
    - Age: 30s
    - Appearance: Gaudy clothing adorning an impressively bloated frame that one would have to try for to be so fat.
    - Background: Betholdt is the youngest of the current Merchant Princes, reigning over Hamburg greedily. He makes sure his region is prosperous, but has hedonistic attitude that conceals a devious mind. Few would realize he runs the Republic's spy networks.

    Leo Munchausen, Merchant Prince of Frankfurt
    - Age: 80s
    - Appearance: Leo favors military style uniforms in the Hansa colors. His stark white hair well-groomed hair usually under a tricorn with a stylish beard and waxed mustache.
    - Background: The most notorious mercenary in Hansa. Leo owns and leaders the Honorable Gilded Blade Company, a private army that has defended Hansa for over a century in the most crucial moments. Every Merchant Prince has a detachment of Gilded Blades as bodyguards because Leo, while known for his tall tales of his adventuring years, is a man who would never betray Hansa or its people. Many fear for the day the old warrior finally dies considering he was responsible for several defeats dealt to the Medved Empire over various disputes.

    Hans Tolkein, Merchant Prince of Munich
    - Age: 40s
    - Appearance: Bookish with glasses and several different monocles hanging about his neck on silver chains. He favors robes of fine materials and every find sports some form of magic ring.
    - Background: Hans has made his money and reputation on lore and magic. His university is the strongest in teaching the arts, though it has a ominous reputation for generating dark wizards on occasion due to its more liberal study of the arcane arts. Some are concerned that Hans is potentially a secret member of the Dark Tapestry Church, but he has been one of the most aggressive in crushing their riots and uprisings. He argued strongly on a pogrom against the cultists rather than exiling them to the New World as a resource colony.

    Max Bann, Merchant Prince of Cologne
    - Age: 50s
    - Appearance: Max is foppish and dressed in the finest outfits from abroad as well as within the Republic. He is notorious for his love of powdered wigs of various designs.
    - Background: Max was a tailor in his starting days, but found a talent for political acumen that has kept the Hansa Republic firmly held together. He acts as a form of Interior Minister, watching events and responding to them if it doesn't require the presence of Isoldt as their public face. Max was the one who developed the exile plan, knowing it would let them purge Hansa of the cult more readily along with the dangerous relics they'd been forced to store in the Hexenvault before now. He was also the one to push for the full development of the Hansa Guard, worried that Leo Munchausen has only so many years left.

    Faith and commerce dominate affairs within the Hansa Republic. Many germanic faiths have resurfaced with the advent of Schism. Other faiths have formed as well due to the influx of other entities into the world from other planes of existence. The peope of the republic have geneally comfortable lives as crafters and merchants in their various cities. Farming, minng and hunting from the outlying settlements keeping the trades well supplied. Education is also prized with each of the regional powers sporting its own university, each often having some level of magical studies as the Republic has embraced magic as a pragmatic tool in the new reality. The Republic has seen several wars, usually from ambitious fools thinking their fractious nature means they are weak. Every time, the Hansa have closed ranks and ruthlessly opposed the invasions. This has started the formation of a central military culture with a unified military to serve as the guardian again foreign aggression. The Hansa Guard has seen its initial national deployment much to he delight of the regional powers and citizens.

    Faiths range from the Old Faiths and Neo-Christianity to the Witch Cults spawned from the darker side of things. Generally the Old Faiths and Neo-Christians bicker but maintain relations, if only to form a bulwark against the Witch Cults that have started to arise more inland. The Witch Cults are various, but a powerful movement embracing Lovecraftian patrons and worship under the blanket term of the Dark Tapestry has begun to organize. The various merchant princes are concerned due to the growing push from this Church of the Dark Tapestry for recognition. Rather than allow them to gain control in the Republic, the rulers have offered the faith a colony in the New World where they can prosper and grow without conflict. There is some hope this will also yield valuable trade and resource extraction while removing a major societal conflict that could have tipped over into open strife.

    The Hansa Republic was founded out of the shattered Federal Republic which buckled under the weight of the Schism and political strife. The major cities of Germany reorganized into regional powers dominated by local merchant guilds. These guilds eventually elected regional Merchant Princes, who took it upon themselves to forge the fractious lands into the Hansa Republic. Commerce became the name of the game as the regions each forge trade routes with one another and those lands beyond the borders of the Republic. All major decisions are handle by the Merchant Princes who meet annually or during emergencies.

    The Hansa Republic has mainly kept to itself, avoiding adventurism to focus on makring their homelands profitable and prosperous. Its left the Hansa with a reputation as merchants and craftsmen, but no one has attempted to invade them in over a century. The last war saw the creation and introduction of the Hansa Guard, armored soldiers armed with flintlocks, swords and finely made armor from the various forges of the Republic.

    Internal strife continues to be the major issue of the Republic while they trade and engage in diplomacy externally with a united front. The recent emergence of the Witch cults has caused riots, lynchings and even one or two burnings. Unwilling to allow more dark acts from either side, the Merchant Princes have formed the Hansa New World Company and issued a charter to the Church of the Dark Tapestry to colonize the New World. The Church surprisingly embraced this, calling it a Gift from their gods. The Republic has been eager to ship as many of the Dark Tapestry faith off as possible. They're outlook is that the exiles will want to trade for supplies, creating a dependency on the Republic who will continue to send more exiles to cleanse their homeland of the dark faith.

    Aims: The Hansa Republic wants to kill two birds with one stone. They seek the resources of the New World to make into new trade goods along with extracting as much of this new precious metal as they can. They also seek to exile as much of the Church of the Dark Tapestry, criminals and major troublemakers as they can to the New World to keep stability in their generally very flexible society to prevent it from breaking down as Germany had before them.

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  • Name


    The Nagazawa Shogunate controls Japan, including Hokkaido and Okinawa as well as Sakhalin. It lays claims to the various, small, islands near their borders such as the Kuril Islands. Despite numerous attempts to invade what would be Korea, these assaults always end in failure despite, often, initial success. The Shogunate's capital is Paru [Kyoto].
    • Amaterasu [???] - Amaterasu is the Empress of Nagazawa, the unifier of the Great Clans, the undying giver of the Kami. It was said that, one day, long ago, a young woman appeared with the five great Kami who all bowed to her, and under her guidance, were given a clan of mortals to watch, to guide, to teach. She laid the foundations of their kingdom, and even to this day, she rules it. Well, when she is awake. Amaterasu, like the sun to which holds her name, must often rest and give way to the moon. When the land is ruled by Amaterasu, peace reigns between the clans and the land prospers, but, eventually, Amaterasu must retreat back into her palace to rest. To sleep. To recover. It used to only take a few years, but the time of resting has grown.. It has been nearly sixty years since the last time Amaterasu returned to rule. When she rest, the Crimson Shogun rules in her stead, the head of the clan chosen by Amaterasu. It is during the regin of the Crimson Shogun that feudal civil wars are common and invasions of Korea are launched.. All pray for the return of Amaterasu.
    • Crimson Shogun [51] - Hisoka Atsuya, lord of clan Kurēn, is the current Crimson Shogun. Atsuya is known to be a stern, and often violent, man who demands utter perfection from all his clan and is constantly seeking new realms to expand in. He wishes to establish himself as the greatest of all Shogun, someone whose glory rivals even that of Amaterasu, herself. His desire is to be so renown that she will ask for him to be her Emperor, to be Tsukuyomi.​
    • Clan Leaders [???] - There are numerous clans, but only Five Great Clans which all the others serve. Those clans are:​


    Clan Kurēn
    Clan Kurēn, or the Clan of the Crane, is the clan of the current Shogun of Nagazawa. They are a clan obsessed with beauty and the pursuit of perfection and this can be seen in all aspects of their clan, from their architecture, to their clothing, to their mannerisms and to their warriors. This is often mocked as vanity and their warriors seen as 'dainty' because of this obsession with all things fair and beautiful, however, this beauty has a razor sharp edge for this pursuit of perfection extends to the martial as well. Their samurai, and even their ashigaru, and can even contend with the warriors of Clan Ryū thanks to their dedication in mastering the art of war. This pursuit of perfection is greatly shown in their artisans, most of the greatest artist, painters and musicians come from the Land of the Crane, but also, they are very skilled in diplomacy and is the reason the Shogun title has most often been granted to their clan by Amaterasu, but like all clans, there is a darker side. Their love of beauty makes them disregard things that are not. A beautiful woman with but a single deficiency will be looked down upon in the clan, a warrior, regardless of how great their skill, who possess a face only a mother could love will always be mocked behind their back. Despite their claims to find beauty in many things, their love so often only runs skin deep. The head of Kurēn is Hisoka Atsuya.


    Clan Ryū
    The Ryū, or Dragon, clan are just as fierce as their name sake. They are the lords of the North, and oversee the distant provinces of Hokkaido and Sakhalin. It is the Dragon Clan that often has to defend the land from the barbarians of the north [Siberians] that seek to take Sakhalin for themselves and it is the Dragon Clan that defeats the Oni of Hokkaido to safeguard the realm... Under Amaterasu, this charge brings great honor, but under the rule of the Shogun, especially when not a Dragon Clan Shogun, it creates division as the Dragon Clan often feel underappreciated by the other clans who are more then happy to leave the fighting on their land, and even more often, feel under supported as if the other clans are more then willing to stand by and let the men, and women, of the Dragon bleed for them, and in many cases, this is true. But, the strength and ferocity of the dragon is mighty, their warriors are the greatest in the Shogunate. Their armies are more experienced the any other in Nagazawa, their Samurai, often mocked for being bleak and blunt, have grown accustomed to war and violence on a level that humans were never meant to. While the Crane may mock them from their perfumed cushions, the Dragons will fight, bleed and die refusing to give an inch to their enemy for the Dragon Does Not Bow. The head of Ryū is Akodo Toshiro.


    Clan Sasori
    The Clan of the Scorpion is a dangerous and mysterious clan, while, like the other clans, they maintain a large army including numerous samurai, the true power of the Scorpion lies in their information. It is said that if you have a secret, there is a Scorpion who knows it, and this is very close to the truth for the shinobi and spy networks of the Scorpion are without peer. Of all the clans, none are more distrusted then the Scorpion, not even the Kitsune although that is more dislike then distrust. However, no one can deny the loyalty of the Scorpion Clan to Nagazawa. No other clan has gone as far to protect their lands as them, no other clan is willing to sully their honor and do what must be done, regardless of the extreme nature of the act, to protect the realm. The acts done behind closed doors has done just as much to keep the Crane in power as their own diplomatic acts for the Scorpion believe the Crane, and the Crane alone, have the ability to keep their people unified.. but if that were to ever change, the Scorpion would not hesitate to sting for their loyalty is to the Amaterasu, herself, not who claims the title of Shogun, but for all their faults, there is no greater friend then a Scorpion.. and no greater foe. The head of Sasori is Doji Hotaru.


    Clan Fushicho
    The Fushicho Clan, or Phoenix Clan, are a mysterious bunch, but their mystery is different then that of the Scorpion, the Scorpion's mystery is that of shadow and fear, the Phoenix is that of knowledge and mysticism. The lands of the phoenix are often referred to as the lands of learning. The Fushicho is home to the Veharis Spire, the center of knowledge and learning, scholars from all the other clans gather within its walls to learn, to teach, to record. Many innovations have been born from these walls, and the Phoenix prize intelligence over strength or beauty. But logic is nothing without faith, the priest and monks of the Phoenix land are as sharp of wit as they are mighty of body, and many find it odd, how the Phoenix can so easily mire themselves with faith and logic, but it is not so when one truly looks at it, the world is order, not chaos. There is meaning, structure, purpose, in the world around them as such, the spirits and gods of the land obviously had a hand in shaping it. The existence and skill of the magical arts further reinforces this point as the Shugenja of the Phoenix are some of the greatest wielders of the arcane in the clans. The head of Fushicho is Murasaki Shikibu.


    Clan Kitsune
    The Kitsune are an odd bunch for the clan of the trickster kami are just as clever as their name sake. While the Kitsune are adept at spying and information gathering, they are not the Scorpion. While the Kitsune is elegant, they are not the Crane. While the Kitsune is a predator and will gladly engage in the hunt, they are not the Dragon. While the Kitsune is clever, they are not the Phoenix. While some would leap and say they are the adepts in all, and masters of none, this would not be true. For the Kitsune is curious, their curiosity perhaps being their greatest strength and weakness. There is nothing a Kitsune loves more then exploring, and this is a trait their clan shares for they are expert merchants and the wealthiest of the clans hence the common saying, 'Blessed by the Kitsune'. As great merchants, most find members of the kitsune clan charming, almost too charming, and the fears of trickery raise its ugly head at it, rebelling against their allure and stories of merchants and diplomats from their land swindling others with false products or unfair prices are abundant in the land. This mistrust isn't an unwarranted fear for merchants of the Kitsune do tend to have a knack for getting into places they should not and getting their hands on things strictly forbidden by the Shogun. They are also the most accepting of outsiders and foreigners for most members of the clan love to learn new things and quickly adapt to bring these new people and ideas into the fold. The Kitsune are not without their issues, members of other clans see most as cheats and liars and it is not uncommon to find kitsune clan members unfairly accused of thievery... although, there are just enough kitsune with sticky fingers to empower the stereotype. The head of Kitsune is Agasha Taiko.

    Nagazawa is a nation of duty, of discipline, of purpose. From the throne to the lowest serf, all have their place in the Amaterasu's realm. To ask a person of Nagazawa what it means to be a citizen of Nagazawa is to be asked 'Of what Clan?'. A man of Nagazawa is a man of their Clan first and nation second. Despite this, there is a very unifying themes that run through all of them. The 'peasant class' of all are forced to go under a 'seen, but not heard' mantra. They exist to work and feed the higher caste of society, and in return, they are protected. While the merchant class are free to make money, and so tend to have a much higher standard of living then peasants, the ruling class, the Bushi, see them as 'unclean' and tax them appropriately, any attempt by the merchants to change the order of things is meet with harsh reprisal. The Bushi are the ruling class, while, long ago, they were meant to be servants of the rulers, to be thier swords and be paid only in food and lodging, that has greatly changed especially with Amaterasu spending more and more time asleep and the rule being left to the Shogun. The bushi rule with an iron fist, quickly, and ruthlessly, crushing any opposition that tries to arise in their lands. They take a lot of pleasures, both in the realm of arts but also in war. To be born a Bushi, in a clan, is to be granted certain divine rights by the Kami.

    The people of Nagazawa worship Amaterasu as the Kami that bridges man and spirit. Many shrines and prayers are dedicated to her, but worship of the Five Great Kamis is also prevalent. The Five Great Kamis [Crane, Dragon, Scorpion, Phoenix and Fox] are seen as Amaterasu's guides and friends, the ones who uphold the clans, who in turn, uphold the nation. Each Clan Head is said to descend from one of the five kami, themselves, and in their time of direst need, the five would return. Well, all but Crane. The Great Crane was said to have flown East, across the great ocean, to an unknown land where it would be found, one day, by its heirs and a new dawn of Nagazawa will begin. There are many, many, minor Kami, spirits of the land, of a building, of a location are all wildly worshiped and small shrines are not uncommon in households. There is no hierarchy to the religion, and there are many priest who wander the land to appease the kami or take care of small shrines tucked away in the corners of the land.


    1. To create a massive expansion to Nagazawa, bringing in great wealth and artifacts to show the world that Hisoka Atsuya is worthy of being Tsukuyomi.
    2. To find a possible solution to both awaken Amaterasu and keep her awake.
    3. To find the Great Crane Kami and convince her to return to the Crane Clan as its protector.

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  • Nordenum

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    Garden Court

    Age unknown, est >1000

    She appears to be an ancient dryad with silver bark for flesh and greying leaves for hair.

    Silverbark has reigned as queen of the Garden Court for centuries, having taken the throne long before contact was made with this “Earth”. Throughout her reign, she has generally been regarded as an effective if harsh leader. While she allows any Fae to work their way up the Court hierarchy, she only allows her sons and daughters to hold positions of power on Earth, with very few exceptions.


    King Hjalmar Ostberg (Ironoak)

    Age 56 (unknown, est >1000)

    A stout, weathered man with dark hair, greying at the roots. (An ancient treeman with the general appearance of an oak tree. His bark has a metallic sheen to it in certain lighting.)

    Hjalmar was originally human, son of King Torsten. As he grew, he was observed by the Fae until his coming of age. On the night before, Ironoak, Consort of Silverbark, had the boy taken to the Grove. He wove a powerful Glamour about himself and took Hjalmar’s position in the royal family. He has since ruled as a “human”, advocating for increased cooperation and integration with the Garden Court. He is a masterful speaker, capable of weaving around normal Fae conversational landmines while also appearing to be a normal human. His age and experience allows him to maintain an exceptional degree of control over his reactions to perceived insults.


    Fae: The Fae population in Nordenum is varied and enigmatic. Few commoners ever see more than a few Fae in their life unless they live in a major city. The Fae tend to act aloof towards humans, more interested in their own Court positions. Fae Grovetenders are more involved in their towns and cities, helping encourage growth of both the city and their Garden. Those who interact with Fae, particularly with Grovetenders, are often well-versed in how to communicate with them as well as avoid insulting them. Due to the capricious nature of the Fae, commoners are heavily encouraged to avoid speaking in their presence. Most just bow silently until the Fae passes by. Within the Fae population, lesser Fae occupy their free time with vicious political games and confusing pranks. Greater Fae, such as those who are direct descendants of Silverbark or those who hold high positions in the Court also play political games to a degree, but generally have more important tasks and duties and so keep themselves in check.

    Human: The populace of Nordenum is hardy, used to working together to survive harsh environments. They used to be relatively insular, occasionally raiding their southern neighbors, but the influx of Fae over the past century has resulted in a far more neighborly culture. Many still hold summer and winter solstice festivals, as well as sacrifices of animals and humans, though instead of war prisoners and raid captives, they use criminals. The populace lives in a modified feudal society, substituting individual nobles for noble clans. These clans jockey for power in the political hierarchy of the kingdom. A member of a clan is considered nobility by all commoners, but internally is subject to their own clan’s hierarchy, with some members living nearly the same type of life as the commoners the clan presides over. Most clans still maintain a deep warrior tradition, even with the steep reduction in raids over the century.


    : They do not follow any recognizable religion, but most if not all Fae see Silverbark as something of a living deity. When asked to comment on human religions and gods, most greater Fae find the topic humorous and refuse to explain their amusement.

    Human: The human population of Nordenum follow a number of religions. Most commoners view greater Fae as minor divine spirits and will leave offerings of food and craft for any Fae that may live in the area. Some commoners and clans follow old Scandinavian gods, the traditions and knowledge passed down orally over generations, while others believe in a single, all-powerful god. Officially, the kingdom’s religious ceremonies follow old Scandinavian traditions, though there is no persecution of those who follow other beliefs.


    Fairly soon after the opening of the first greater Schism Rift, the Garden Court sent agents onto Earth. These agents found themselves in the region of Scandinavia, which was ruled by three different kingdoms. They watched as two kingdoms unified through marriage and used their new might to conquer the last, becoming one monolithic entity. It was then that the first greater Fae approached the royal family, having learned the mannerisms of humans. Over the course of a decade, more Fae appeared, and relations grew close between the Court and the kingdom. Decades passed, with Fae involvement causing slight changes in the kingdom and its culture over time. Raiding drew down to nothing and the insular kingdom slowly opened its doors to its neighbors, working to repair relationships and encourage trade. Most major cities now grow around massive, lush Gardens, and rely on them for food as the countryside slowly becomes less fertile.


    Garden Court:
    Gain a foothold upon the new continent so as to grow new offshoots of the Grove, known as Gardens. Increase relations with other nations and colonies to create embassies with their own Gardens.

    Nordenum Government: Settle a large enough area to begin supporting the mainland and counteract the budding famine there. This can be done through either providing food/resources or starting mass-migration to the new continent.
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  • Gallia
    Location: Former France
    - Name(s): King Jean Bocuse III
    - Age: 32
    A moderately aged man who is already graying due to stress. He has a dark thick beard and hair which reaches to his shoulders, often pulled back to free his face.

    Jean ascended to the throne shortly after his 14th birthday, his father's unexpected death in battle speeding the event up before his education on the matters of the realm was complete. This caused many early troubles for the young king, leading up to the eventual loss of much of the kingdom's territory and loss of faith within the crown. It wasn't until he personally led the armies of Gallia to victory after victory, taking back much of the land he lost in the process, that he began to once more earn the respect of those who he ruled. Now, a decade later, he has decided that it is time for the kingdom to undertake a greater risk and create a colony of their own.

    Gallia's culture is that of a militaristic state, many of its men and women being soldiers or having been trained in combat before their current positions. All towns generally have a detachment of soldiers who guard them, no matter how small the town is, and these soldiers act as secondary workers for any who may need help with their assigned towns. In larger and more populous areas the people tend to look to soldiers as leaders, many of them often looking to them for guidance on many matters which they may not truly be qualified for. The people live in a more feudal fashion, with Lords and Ladies controlling individual territories while Dukes and Duchesses are put in charge of groups of these lesser nobles.

    Those of Gallia still practice the religion of Catholicism, few changes having taken place in the traditions after the schism occurred. However, the kingdom allows its citizens to practice any religion that they wish to, so long as they do not interfere with others choices in what to worship.

    The kingdom of Gallia was founded from the remnants of France, much of its land having been the countries before Zenith Dawn. Following their reformation, a new monarchy was installed in place and quicky returned to consolidating its power. From this point the kingdom began fending off attacks from raiders and rebuilding themselves, attempting to return to their spot as one of the leading world powers. They have continued this for much of the past 200 years, rarely if ever attempting to take more territory as its own and more often reclaiming what was theirs to begin with. Now, with confirmation of the new world, they have decided that it is high time to return to the roots of their history and attempt to turn into an empire once more.

    Take complete control of the new world or, failing this, taking control of as large an area as possible to claim as much prestige as possible.


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