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Fantasy Rat Haven [IC]



Berry bad fruit puns
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[/div][/div][div class=charaname]Harrow[/div][div class=text] [div class=tags] gheist gheist LyannaM LyannaM StarryKnights StarryKnights Steve Rogers Steve Rogers [/div]

Huntsman's Field, Dawn

View the spoiler tab below for the character objective. I will make another GM post once the objective has been completed.

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Dual blades spinning casually around his fingers, Harrow eyed the training fortress through narrowed eyes. He was supposed to receive a new batch of recruits today, and while anticipation was a strong word for what he was feeling, he did want to see how competent these newbies may be. At this point, his job had rendered him fairly scarce of emotion - this was just another batch of hopeful assassins, and, as always, the majority of them would fail to make it past the second week of work post-training. Akin to his emotions, Harrow's sighs were subdued and hardly consisted of a puff of air out of his nose as he adjusted his feet slightly on the ground. Nose covered by a piece of cloth and face obscured by his hood, the man looked to be scarcely more than a shadow sitting on the outskirts of an empty field.

The newly graduated assassin students had been told to meet him at the Huntsman's Field at dawn, and judging by the sunlight creeping over blades of grass, they should be due to arrive soon. He was aware of a presence lurking behind him at the edge of his perception, and had been for some time, and was feeling rather apprehensive about it - it seemed like one of the AIA Officials had taken a liking to this group of kids and decided to spectate them. Of course, that was as long as they weren't spectating Harrow himself, in which case he was most likely due for termination.

Blades falling casually into their sheaths as if they had moved there themselves, Harrow prepared for the carnage that was about to begin. The kids thought they had graduated, but that was hardly the case: after all, there was only room for five new assassins, and there were twelve graduates. As with the majority of tests conducted at AIA training, the test was going to be a fight, and only the five left standing would make it to work for the AIA. Meticulously placing five initiate AIA badges on the floor of the field, Harrow began to hum to himself softly as he backed up to the treeline of the field and waited for the new assassins to arrive.

Of course, an open field isn't what an assassin would usually encounter in their day-to-day work, but it did make it easier for Harrow - as well as whoever was lurking in the trees - to assess each candidate's abilities and skill set. Harrow had already received a report documenting each candidate and their abilities, but reading was never the same as watching it happen in real time. Partially concealed by his hood, the candidates would immediately recognize Harrow as an officer, and the position of the five badges on the field also clearly put the point across that they would have to fight for their finalized spots.[/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]
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Character Objective
Kill or knockout all of the NPC characters. For the sake of plot, do NOT kill other player characters, but you can fight each other if you'd like. Anyone who attempts to attack Harrow will be killed. You may manipulate the NPC characters however you want, but any overpowered character action will be penalized. The NPC characters and their skills are as follows:
Brigg - Fights with brass knuckles. She is a close-ranged bruiser and specializes in pummeling people to death. She has no ranged attacks, and is largely a single-target fighter.
Roper - Uses a total of five ropes of different types in a fashion similar to whips. He is an expert at manipulating them to catch people, strangle, or restrict movement, then finishes them off with a short dagger. His ropes are ranged, but his dagger (most fatal weapon) is extremely close ranged.
Slant - Slant has an incredibly strong defense, but his offense is weak. He is an expert at dodging attacks, no matter what the attacks are, and is fast and slippery. He uses a round shield and a short sword to fight, but usually uses both to parry attacks instead of initiate attacks himself.
Hold - Hold likes to capitalize off of his opponents being distracted. His stealth levels are extremely high, and he specializes in creeping up behind people and locking them in a choke hold until they suffocate and die. He likes to stay at the sidelines of a battlefield, and has no good way to fight multiple people at once.
Canary - Specializes in throwing her opponents off-guard by screaming at them. Her screams are incredibly high-pitched and potent, and while her opponents are distracted she attacks with a longsword.
Talon - Fights with talon-like claws attached to his hands. He is a mid-ranged attacker as, while his claws are short-ranged, he also possesses throwing knives. He has a weak defense but his offense is strong.
Revere - A ranged attacker, Revere throws ninja stars and specializes in agility. He is hard to hit, but if someone manages to catch him he will fall very easily because he has a very weak defense and no close-range attacks.
Spindel Rostovia
Location: Huntsman's Field
Interacting With: N/A
*Controlling the following NPCS: Roper and Slant

Spindel wasn't sure what to expect from this meeting at Huntsman's Field, but she knew better than to go into the meeting unprepared. She had a full quiver of arrows, her bow was strung and ready to go. She wouldn't be caught off guard, it's always better to be over prepared than under.
She made her way to the designated meeting point, wary for any kind of traps along the way. One could never be too careful, after all her teachers were all trained killers.
Should one of them fall short, Spindel had little doubt they'd be swiftly killed. She wasn't the only fledgling assassin in the program, and deep down she wondered whether or not they would all be permitted to "graduate".

As she walked out onto the field, Spindel found she wasn't alone. There were twelve potential graduates, who'd all been given the same orders. She recognized a few of them, and frowned.
Roper, Slant, Canary, all talented fighters in their own right.
Looking across the field, she could make out someone who must've been an officer with the AIA.
They offered no explanation, with their face obscured by a hood Spindel couldn't read their expression.
Her peers were muttering among themselves, in an attempt to figure out the task at hand. As soon as Spindel's gaze settled on the badges laying in the field, she understood.

Of course, this was their final test, to see who would pass... and who would die.
She grit her teeth, pulling her bow from her back she nocked an arrow and carefully backed up, watching as the rest of the group seemed to realize what was going on.
A fight to the finish, something everyone here would be more than familiar with. It was what got them to this point after all.
Slinking toward the back of the group, Spindel watched as all hell broke loose. Weapons were drawn, voices were raised and blood would be spilled.

Spindel did her best to keep track of all participants as fighting broke out, one woman was fighting with brass knuckles, while Canary was screeching like a damn banshee.

An all out battle royal. This puts me at a disadvantage.
She would have to keep the melee fighters at range, as she was weaker in hand to hand combat. She was concerned about the mid to melee ranged fighters, if they were smart they would take out each other before attempting to pick off the raged fighters. From Spindel's perspective, it made more sense to tackle opponents who would prove difficult first, and then pick off those at a disadvantage against one's fighting type.

She would be taking a different approach, opting to weaken and pick off the melee and mid ranged fighters while saving her fellow ranged attackers for last. No doubt there were others intent on sticking to the shadows and sneaking up on their opponents. As it was, she spotted one man slinking about on the edge of the battlefield.
He didn't seem to be interested in her at the moment, but Spindel took careful stock of him none the less.

But there were more pressing battles going on, her attention refocused on two men who were battling it out. Slant was proving to be very slippery, he carried a small shield and a sword, currently he was squaring off against Roper, who was wielding several ropes like whips.
Both men would be issues for Spindel, as one was proving to be adept at dodging, and the other could close in on her range and out her at a disadvantage. Slant was more troublesome to her, though it was clear after a few minutes that he was less offensively inclined.

Taking a deep breath Spindel took careful aim, watching as the men seemed to dance around one another. Those ropes were moving faster than the average eye could follow, and somehow his opponent was moving just as fast.
But there was a pattern to the rope's swings, therefore there was a pattern in appropriate dodging. Once she picked up on that, it was merely a matter of waiting for the perfect moment to shoot.
With all the chaos going on though, a well aimed shot would be difficult. And once she did shoot, her opponent would be on to her position. So she had to get it in one.
Slant's feet were moving a mile a minute as he weaved through Roper's offense, shield up and sword clutched tightly in one hand his attention was on the man before him.

If he got snagged in the ropes than it would mean his end, as Roper would move in for the kill. That being said, he was struggling to close the distance between them, as Slant didn't prioritize offense while fighting. After all, the best offense was a good defense.
As absorbed as he was though, Slant was wary of those around him. It seemed most fighters were squaring off against one another, with a few outliers watching from the sidelines, waiting to pick off those in the thick of things.

His eyes widened as he saw a something glint in the early light of dawn, reflexively he dodged to the right to avoid the arrow as it whizzed by.
In doing so, he stepped on top of one of Roper's whips, the other man yanked it out from underfoot with one powerful tug, knocking Slant off balance.

Spindel smiled, watching as Slant struggled against the ropes, but Roper was having none of it. In that moment on instability Roper secured his prey, first by immobilizing Slant's arms, forcing him to drop his sword. Unarmed, he posed a far smaller threat, allowing Roper to move in close, weaving his ropes around Slant as the man struggled to regain his footing.

Spindel nocked another arrow, and sent it flying. It hit it's mark, and burrowed itself deep into the back of Slant's left leg.
It was hard to dodge attacks on two fronts, especially with Roper's specialty in immobilizing his opponents.
Spindel watched as Roper moved in for the kill, a flash of steel in his right hand showed he'd drawn his dagger.

Spindel's approach to this fight was fairly similar to that of the arena all those years ago. She need not kill everyone, she merely had to be the last one standing.
As as Roper finally managed to pin Slant long enough to slit his throat, the young woman grinned.

One down, six to go.​

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