Other Random question of the day

Notice for New Members: If you're gonna answer a previously asked question, please quote the question in particular so we can avoid confusion on which question you're answering.

Notice for everyone, New Members included: Please keep debates and SilvaGunner esque nonsense conversations out of this thread. If you're not gonna answer a question, then please don't say anything.

In this thread I will ask a question everyday, and you will have to answer it. So the first random question of the day is:

What do you prefer? Playstation or Xbox?

I prefer Playstation.
No answers to yesterday's question. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

What's the dumbest thing you've done when you were a kid?
When I was a kid me and my sister thought we found spray paint, we were spraying her favorite jacked, to be "Cool". And we wanted to spray the sidewalk, but it didn't really work well. We got it all over our arms and hands and eventually on our face.
As it hit our face we realized, this was not spray paint, this was pepper spray.... and that was how I learned how to get pepper spray out of your skin and eyes, from the nice lady on the other end of the phone from poison control.
No answers to yesterday's question. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

What's your resolution for 2021?
Exercise-dancing to quit being a skinny-fat tralalala.

If possible, then some workouts so I don't look as much like a grey alien merged with a giraffe.

Actually use my console for once, and not suck at a multiplayer match with it.

Drink more water as my final requirement to achieve so I can finally undergo more vocal/voice lessons for greater voice range to and sound even more like either gender as I so desire.

I expect a minimum 2/4, and average 3/4, success rate projection.

Random question of the day:

Is a year like 2020 truly just a number and doesn't have any effect on the events that occur?
As much as the validity that while the flesh is weak and the machine is strong,
mine is not.

2020 is merely the harbinger. Behold, for the memes are truly yet to begin.
Random question of the day:

What's one message we should send to children?
Difficult to conduct much due to the Streisand effect. Far more prominent with them and those easily puppeted by social pressure. So I'll focus on something more important.

Probably focus more on passing on to them the means of moderation for life for specific events. Whereupon while things may not inherently be "evil, good, or bad", what gives a person, thing, or event the moniker is based purely around context, how it is said, done, or the actions of the person in question upon a case by case scenario.
Random question of the day:

Is a year like 2020 truly just a number and doesn't have any effect on the events that occur?

It's just a number. People have been trying to predict the apocalypse using numerology for thousands of years and they were all wrong. No one said it would be 2020. If anything 2020 sounds like it would be nice. But it wasn't. XD
Nothing has been original for centuries. We just rehash the same old stories and tropes in a way we hope someone finds interesting.

Walt Disney got his stories from the Brother's Grimm fairy tales. The Brothers Grimm just rewote Hans Chriten Anderson. Shakespeare took history lectures and framed them as plays. Most, if not all, fantasies draw off Tolkien is some measure, and Tolkien himself ripped the Poetic Edda, which itself was just a collection of older myths. Goku is based off of Sun Wukong from Journey to the West, Superman was based on Moses. Heck, the Aeneid ripped off the Illiad and the Odyssey, and those stories weren't even original either, just again someone compiling preexisting stories. And the Greek gods at the center of their myths were likely just evolutions of older, Mesopotamian ones.

So I would say no, nothing is truly original. But that doesn't mean it's not good.
I have no idea what it means. Is it supposed to be a game you like or a game you don't?
Random question of the day:

What's one message we should send to children?

Don't let the bastards grind you down.

Random question of the day:

Is anything truly original anymore?

Yes. There will always be originality, because every human born is unique from every other that has gone before. We think in different ways, have different experiences, and that informs how we create.

People who think there is no originality are just lacking in imagination. Remember that dude in the 19th century who said that everything that could be invented already had? Then we had electricity, plastic, nuclear fission and the computer, among other things. People have been saying this kind of thing since the dawn of time and it is an inability to conceptualise things imaginatively. I imagine there was a caveman who saw the wheel and was like "this is it guys, we've reached the peak of ingenuity!"
Random question of the day:

If you could become a YouTuber, what would your channel be about?
Everyone already can? It relies upon if you upload videos, or just have an account for playlists and comments though. Technically it is based merely on the merits of the content and the person's personality regardless of what it is if you look at beyond the individual. If one is not boring nor a rubbish person, and their content is equal to just slapping a wall for ten seconds with a random joke thrown in, that can be enough as is to get a following.

Mine would be whatever, as I don't believe in unjustified uniformity. Especially in a field where the vast extent of it is turning on a camera, and talking into a microphone if at all. One channel I have already is just for making comments and playlists, one other I do tutorials, another I showed off my pets, and I am curious to see what a fourth one will be since it'll probably be used as a main and anything new also stuffed on that one. Essentially unless I somehow did a side gig that started a community thus I'd do what I want and suggestions, already "unique" compared to the other three sides of the coin, I just use it as an archive for whatever dumb things I do on the internet. Just like discord, except not privatized.

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