Other Random question of the day

Absolutely. I'm sure books had a part too (looking at you, Warriors).
There's always been a human interest in anthropomorphic animals since we started doing art and telling stories. So no not really. Cartoons and anime and such are only the most modern incarnation of people drawing weird furry guys for any number of reasons. Whether that was pure mythology or religion.

I am quiet find of the Cynocephali

Short answer?
People at the company believe this will maximize the number of "people who buys game x game price" formula.

Slightly Longer answer?
Game development companies have largely devolved into two strategies (sometimes using both): Expensive triple A-style games and microtransaction games. Microtransaction models have all sorts of issues, but the former type of monetization suffers from issues that occur more easily in products that have to sell themselves in full at once or can't rely on post-launch development as much. Further (from what I hear) some practices have slipped into game development that really weigh on production costs, such as...
  • A less focused approach to games that favors more room to explore the game (open-world style often) even if the game, resources or developers aren't really able to adequately fill that space or justify its presence in terms of gameplay.
  • A bloated focus on things like graphics improvements that may or not give marginal benefits but are really mostly for marketing
  • Communication failures between different groups and interests that may force expensive and time-consuming revisions of the game.
  • Work culture that is either too permissive or overly intensive, the former resulting in undisciplined work that is unable to meet expectations and the later which results in breakdowns and workers being unable to continue their work or else cause errors from tiredness or time crunches.

These are just a few such problems off the top of my head. These cost increases combined with the limitations in the potential number of buyers raise the minimum price at which a game can be sold. Additionally in some cases being an expensive single-purchase product is itself a mark that some consumers take for a quality game (a necessary though not sufficient condition).
Not sure if I asked this one before, but...

Random question of the day:

How come sea sponges are classified as plants rather than animals compared to the rest of the creatures that the main Spongebob character cast represent?
Not sure if I asked this one before, but...

Random question of the day:

How come sea sponges are classified as plants rather than animals compared to the rest of the creatures that the main Spongebob character cast represent?
If this is a SpongeBob question, no idea. But I do have to point out that biologically, sponges are in Animalia.
How come sea sponges are classified as plants rather than animals compared to the rest of the creatures

They aren't. In fact I do recall hearing in a documentary a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away that sea sponges or some similar cousin were potential the first animal species on Earth, with all others tracing genetic ancestry from them.
Human no idea. The animal would definitely be a dog though. Not exactly the picture of originality, but I just really gotta love dogs. I’m sure I could make things interesting otherwise.
Both and depends. Genetics definitely have an impact in how our bodies - including our brains - develop. At the same time our lives and experiences also impact how our psychology develops. In doubt most cases will have both factors contributing, in some cases more of one and in others more of the other, but even without one of those I'm sure there are cases of either generating those conditions.
While I'm sure genetics plays a role, I will say this much: I don't think I've ever met or been aware of a single person with a severe personality disorder like that who hasn't been severely traumatized.
Random question of the day:

Should more shows/movies pull off the angel/devil on one's shoulders trope with the angel having a lighthearted British accented voice and the devil having a gruff American accented voice like Disney did with Pluto's angel/devil on two occasions?

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