Rainbow Raider Rework


King of Transformers
(I don’t take credit for any of these art images).
I would like some feedback on my newest character. (Well not mine, but a head canon). It’s of Rainbow Raider. He’s a DC character that’s relatively looked down upon. I thought I would upgrade him & here is what I came up with. He has 3 forms I am working with depending on the level of RP. His basic ones, a mob boss one, & a full potential one. Each one with a power upgrade from the last.

Name: Royce Gilbert Bivolo
Alias: Roy G Biv, Prism, Rainbow Raider, Chroma
Age: 21-30 (depending on the story)
Stature: 5’ 10”, 165 lbs.
Race: Human Male
Sexuality: Exploring
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Roy has a deeper grasp on life. The colors behind it mean so much more than the shades present; they invoke feelings. Some good, others bad. His philosophy often gets skewed by people.
On the outside, Roy is a decent fellow. He is kind to most people, but occasionally follows his own whims.

What Roy doesn’t say is he wants to be a someone. No one ever looks at his paintings, no one ever takes him seriously, he’s a nobody.

Mutating due to the crystal present in his lenses, Roy has gained rainbow based abilities.
- Light constructs: Using his abilities, Roy can create light constructs out of any colors; though, most of the time they are rainbow.
- Mood emitting: The ability to change someone’s emotion. From anger to rage, to sadness, to anything he can come up with.
- Illusion creation: Roy can alter the colors & appearances of that around him. It can allow him to create illusions or turn invisible.

Boss man:
- Gift Giving: alongside his normal powers, Roy can gift unique ones to his followers. He personally has these ones as well. They are:
Red: Strength
Orange: Fire
Yellow: Speed & Electricity
Green: Plants
Blue: Water
Indigo: Shadow
Violet: Air/wind.

Full Potential:
After fully understanding who and what he is, Roy has all of the powers above plus some.
- Power Steal/Amplify: Roy can temporarily steal the power of someone else or boost it.
- Phasing: Pass through solid objects
- Teleportation: Can teleport to anyplace he has been before or sees.
- Healing: Can heal anyone of any ailment. (Non psychological)
- Flight
- Costume generation

- Human: While Roy may have unimaginable powers, he’s still just a guy who can be harmed if caught unaware.
- Darkness: Pure darkness hinders his powers. (Whether conjured or emotional).
- Emotional Baggage: The stronger an emotion he feels, the easier it is to manipulate people into it. If not, it’s difficult.
- Personal Belief: Roy doesn’t believe in himself much. He hears her voice: You’re not good enough. You are a fool. You’re a blind man. He also hears his father’s voice encouraging him onwards. The voices war in his head, only focusing gets rid of it.
- Colorblind: Without his glasses, Roy is still colorblind. He retains his powers, but the lack of color depresses him.

Royce Gilbert Bivolo was born to a brilliant optometrist & a curator mother. They soon figured out Royce was color blind. His father swore he would find a solution to it. In the meantime, Roy began to paint. It was one of the few times he actually enjoyed himself. With his art came the pain. His mother, having seen all the good works, judged Roy’s art. It was never good enough. It would never hang in the museums. Roy began to be torn: does he do what he loves or listen to an abusive parent?

It didn’t matter as soon his father became ill. The search for a cure had only resulted in an unusual white crystal, which gave off odd rays. The final gift from his father were glasses made of the crystal. Upon his death, Roy & his mother grew apart. He ran away to live a life of his own.

Roy soon found out the glasses allowed to see in color. Reds! Blues! Violets! All of them! The joy was short lived as he began to develop unnatural powers; the ability to conjure the rainbow & emotions with it. Looking only to admire art, Roy became the Rainbow Raider; albeit, he wanted to own it.

As Roy’s abilities grew, he began to amass power. A group of followers began to watch him, to help him. Dubbing them the Rainbow raiders—& he Prism—he blessed them each with one of the colors. The crime syndicate soon began to control the art world and even began to spread.

Full Potential:
It was only later in life did Roy understand what the crystal was that the glasses were made out of: the emotional electromagnetic spectrum. Instead of having one color as the lanterns did, he absorbed them all, being it’s champion. Knowing his true origins, Roy turned away from crime to become Chroma, hero of light.





Full Potential:


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