Punish the person above you for their confession

Your punishment is the be the food waste bin at a doughnut shop.

I confess to breaking my foot, and lying about being ok.
(I will never sleep again, I am not listening to that song! ._.)
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Your punishment is to break every bone in your body and refuse any kind of treatment

I confess to spraining my back, and lying about being ok.

(lol I too, do not like telling others about being in pain)
I punish you to have your spine twisted all the way round, so you have to spend the rest of your life Only being able to bend backwards.

I confess to stealing one of my brothers socks, so he had to wear odd socks for a week.
Your punishment will be wearing socks over your hand and ears, kept there by rubber bands.

I confess that I went to omegle again despite having sworn I wouldn't.
You shall be summarily executed by firing squad.

I confess to having beaten my meat to that character. ^
You have been punished by every single police and militaristic force known to mankind.

I confess to writing Warcraft fan fiction
You will have to follow a new evil morally grey boss around every year as your punishment for the next 20 years.

I confess to having sorted through a lot of erotic pictures because I insisted on getting a picture of this character for today (note: the current picture is not one of those erotic pictures)
I punish you to have every single cringy picture/selfie of you, posted all over the internet, for the world to see.

I confess to hanging upside down on the gym rings, instead of practicing handstand planks.
Your punishment is to get your hands cut off for this

I confess to not sharing any of my fruity pebbles with anyone
Your punishment is to pour your fruity pebbles onto the floor next time

I confess that I let my partner lose my glasses too many times
Your punishment is to get turned into a huge eyeball, and your partner gets turned into a huge pair of glasses.

I confess to staying up all night watching the maze runner trilogy, Dylan 'O
brian is awesome! XD
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Your punishment is to run through a maze, reciting every one of Dylan 'O Brian's lines.

I confess to eating too much cake when I tell myself im on a diet
Your punishment is to be put on a 'eat whatever I want ' diet, and still lose weight, cause you are awesome, just the way u r. ^33^

I confess to actually enjoying my punishment XD ⬇
Quote "Your punishment is to run through a maze, reciting every one of Dylan 'O Brian's lines."
Your punishments is to eat cake with me while watching The Maze Runner ;)

I confess to not washing the dishes since it was my turn tonight
My partner: Your punishment is to finish off mine and PinkieBun's chores

I confess to being awkward
Your punishment is to go introduce yourself to someone new ASAP

I confess to smacking my dad for wearing socks with sandals
Your punishment is to run along a beach with socks and sandles on

I confess to not liking dogs as much as cats

(How could ya tell? ^_^)
(That hurts man)
Your punishment is to sit in a room of dogs for a week with no cat interactions. What so ever

I confess to disliking rap within the past few years of it being released (old rap is fire)
Your punishment is to rap through old rap tracks with me (cus I agree with you)

I confess to singing along badly to songs in the car

(My partner hates it and i can see why)
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Your punishment is to sit in silence in any car with a radio playing.

I confess to giving up on learning French

Your punishment is to run through the street shouting every french word you know

I confess to eating my co-workers food when they're done with it, at work.

(Me outside: *screeches shit and my name is ——-*)
Your punishment is to start confessing to them after you finish eating their food

I confess to stealing my dads oreos when he’s not home.
You monster! :o

Your punishment is to eat ten oreos after dumping them in hot sauce... twice

I confess to throwing away my teddy bear in exchange for a kitty

(Gonna have to pick up my partner and then im going out)

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