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Fantasy Project Regalia

Interested. One question: Tech level. You said this was high fantasy, but...

Well, I'm always interested in how steampunky things are. :)

So, onwards to the question: What is the tech level, specifically?

ADD ON: I lied. Sorry. One more question. xD. What're the guilds like? Their disposition, goals, specialties, etc.?
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darkborn darkborn so the tech level is medieval. There isn’t any light other than fire and magic, transportation is galleons on the seas, wagons on land, and the occasional magical ability to fly. Weaponry is somewhat primitive, there aren’t any guns or biological weapons. Siege weapons exist but are only held by military

Guilds generally have only one goal: capture dungeons and claim regalia. They are sometimes employed by governments to capture regalia for them for immense riches or status in return. There is the occasional guild with other goals in mind, but the three premade ones are only for adventurers and dungeons
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Alright, so, upon posting this interest check, receiving feedback and questions, as well as seeing other RPGs, I've realized that there is a lot of work that needs to be done before Project Regalia is ready. I've got the base information down, and I thought that would be enough, but I'm realizing the error of my ways.

With this revelation, I've decided to close Project Regalia until I've given it the work and detailing it needs to be playable. This means that I'll be reworking stats, guilds, abilities, equipment, basically everything. I apologize if there is any disappointment at this news, but I would much rather put out a complete RPG that is playable and doesn't need to be reworked every ten posts as I realize things are going wrong. So, I hope to see all of you for the new and improved Project Regalia soon, if you are interested in joining it once it is complete, simply say so below this post and I will add your username to a pinglist for when it's finished. Thank you all for your interest thus far!
You better ping me or I'm coming after your soul.
That's a big feat. Will you be looking for someone to help you or are you doing it alone?
LiviathRose LiviathRose I will definitely ping you, you have a lot of cool ideas about how you wanted this to go and the way your character would be.
For the time being I believe I'll be doing it alone. There's a certain way I know I want things, I just have to hunker down and do them and do them in a way that makes sense. If you'd like to help I certainly wouldn't mind assistance with a few things ^^ Just PM me if so and I'll let you know what's up

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