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Futuristic Predetermined Purpose (Sci-Fi Robot Roleplay) | Lore



Time Stands Still
Pantheon, City of Robots
Pantheon is the name given to an urban region in southern California.
The entire population consists of robots, either Olympian or Titan, and about every part of the city if fully automated.
The city is made up of five distinct districts, each with different tasks for the city.

Power District
The Power District is the smallest district of Pantheon, housing all the power for the city itself, and the robotic inhabitants. You'll most often find Titans in this district, maintaining all the equipment and hardware.
Labor District
The Labor district is the second smallest district in Pantheon. This district is dedicated for the self-sufficiency of Pantheon. This district houses both unskilled and skilled lines of work, and is one of the most important districts to maintain stability.
Financial District
The Financial District is the third of the largest districts in Pantheon, featuring a myriad of stores, parlors, warehouses, and all the such to deal with the flow of money. This district is mostly populated with Olympians running stores and handling the circulation of currency.
Housing District
The Housing District is the second largest district in Pantheon, containing all of the residencies of the populous. In here is a blend of both Olympian and Titan, as can be expected. Mega-complexes and recharging stations are most common within this district of Pantheon.
Necessities/Entertainment District
The Necessities District is the largest district of Pantheon, named so and it contains all of the necessities a sentient being would require. Spanning the entire southern region of Pantheon, the Necessities District has the highest density of robots at any time. It is also called the Entertainment District colloquially because it houses many attractions, such as casinos, clubs, and other similar establishments.

Pantheon is self-governing, and is recognized by the UN as a proto-nation, and a sub-state by the US. Pantheon elects representatives by a mass consensus, and elects it's own mayor by the same method.
Pantheon uses a Cryptocurrency not dissimilar to Bitcoin, but instead of mining, amounts of the currency are distributed based on how long an individual works. The Currency is known professionally as Drachma, and it's value is based around how much is in circulation.

The citizens of Pantheon consists fully of robots, of which are two distinct types that will be discussed later in this document.
The Robots in Pantheon are what in modern times considered AAI, or Adaptive Artificial Intelligence. AAI allows for artificial intelligences to develop a personality by storing information and using an adaptive program to mold the behavior of the intelligence to emulate it's previous experiments, although a robots previous purpose can play a role in it's personality, like a robot developed for human interaction may be more empathetic, or one developed for optimization may be more pragmatic.
Over time, the AAI of a robot can evolve further, and become a free will of sorts, and eventually are transported to Pantheon
AAI was originally created so that robots could adapt their programming to better fit their purpose and maximize the possibility of output.

Olympian is the colloquial term given to robots that are more human in both nature and appearance. Best described as androids, Olympians are generally more advanced than Titans, and are better able to convey emotion when free will is developed in the AAI.
Olympians were originally deployed in fields such as negotiation, human interaction, therapy, and psychology. The largest feature defining an Olympian is their voice. The vocal speakers and algorithms are more organic that those of Titans, allowing the better portrayal of emotion and empathy. While they have their benefits, they also have their downfalls. Olympians are generally physically weaker than Titans, and less resistant to the elements, as most of their hardware was made to artificially mimic that of humans, with artificial muscle tissue and smooth, flexible carbon fiber skin.

Titan is the colloquial term give to robots that are more abstract and specialized compared to Olympians. More of the traditional sense of robots, while Olympians may be more advanced in their software, Titans are more advanced in their hardware. Titans were originally deployed in more laborious fields, such as industrial, engineering. The most definitive feature of a Titan is their design. Titans are capable of much more demanding objectives, and compared to Olympians, are more specialized in their purpose.
While they have their benefits, they experience much more trouble that Olympians in communication, with rudimentary vocal algorithms generating, while defined, sentences lacking personality,

Program Dues
Program Dues is the name given to a robot extremist group in wake of Robotic Rights. Their main goal, while on the outside may seem like a noble cause, hence equal rights for artificial and organic beings, is malicious in it's real intent. Program Dues is in fact a program developed by humans before the emergence of AAI, to automate their entire lives. Some may refer to members of Program Dues as servitors, a frowned upon derogatory term, refering back to when the purpose of robots was to make the life of humans more luxurious and comfortable. The whereabouts of the extremist group are unknown, but in the gullet of the Power District is rumored to house their central command.
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