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Fandom Power Rangers Sentinels

Thank goodness everyone was doing relatively fine. It could have been much worse. But with Benji's help, April had a soft landing and he himself just had some scratches.
"You see, I was thinking just the same," Erin said. "It just seemed so unlikely... Too coincidental, y'know." But with someone else pointing it out as well, and her having no clue what other kind of artifact could possibly be hidden on the bottom of a lake in Avalon... Well... Excalibur then, huh? The actual legendary sword Excalibur. No, having that fall into the hands of evil would be a catastrophe. And not because Nenet was a kind of cat. Bad pun, bad pun. At least she didn't say it out loud. She made a weird face under her helmet at the... interesting ways Clay chose to address her. At least she's being called friendly? And their boss? That last one was weird. She was nobody's boss. She didn't quite think herself fit of leading, and she could tell some people agreed. Fate, Novus, Arthur, Merlin, Gawain... Who knew who else out there? So many people they hadn't met...

"April, you look like you're about to take a massive shit," Erin commented, watching April's contorted face slowly turn as red as Erin's suit.
"How disgusting and vulgar," Gawain shook his head. That was no talk for a lady! Not even one who might not be ladylike per definition.
"Well, welcome to the 21st century where this is some of the least vulgar talk around," Erin stated before swinging her blade at the Sphinx, missing as Nenet dodged. The dark magic wave hit her, causing sparks to fly. Erin yelped, flying backwards and being hit by the fanblade before she had even hit the ground. She landed with a loud thud, leaving an Erin-shaped mark in the undergrowth. She groaned, rolling around in pain. She clutched on to herself, red energy wildly swirling around her body as if she were about to demorph. By the gods, everything hurt! Her arm felt as if it were on fire, and not in the positive way. Merlin would likely have to take a look at her injured arm again when they returned to the castle.

Gawain parried the incoming blast of dark magic with his greatsword. Having the Spirit of Light on your side had it's perks occasionally. Not that he was always able to parry any dark magic coming his way. Right now he probably just got lucky.
"Aurelius, I know you're still somewhere inside..." Gawain muttered. "I know you haven't abandoned me." He gripped his Charm and focused. He could feel the presence of Aurelius deep inside his soul, but he hadn't been able to hear him in centuries. He could use his powers, but it was much weaker than before. As if the contact with his Sentinel Spirit had been damaged, if not nearly severed. Being distracted trying to find contact with Aurelius again, made him an easier target for the melee attack. The fanblade hit his chest, sparks flying and rudely pulling his thoughts back to the present time. He heard the yelp behind him, seeing Erin had taken some good, hard hits. Poor thing... "Lady Erin!" he called to her. She groaned in reply, not sounding like she was doing very well. The Red energy around her really betrayed as much.
Morag rapidly swam for the bottom of the lake, leaving a trail of corruption in her wake. A disruption in the water betrayed something coming up behind her. She glanced over her shoulder, yellow eyes lighting up from within the muck. Ah, so the foolish Blue Sentinel had decided to follow her, eh? Mortals... Morag lightly shook her head. This was bound to be interesting. Both were, literally, in their element. Now it was a race to the bottom. See who could get to the artifact first. Morag had a faint recollection of what and where to find the artifact, and it wasn't going to be an easy task for either of them. The Kelpie grinned a wicked grin, pointy teeth flashing. She dove further towards the bottom, hiding among the plants in the water. As the Blue Sentinel was close enough, she struck her reigns turned whips at him, entangling him and dragging him towards the bottom. Time to see who had the longest breath here.
"You're a fool to follow me, Sentinel," Morag said to him.
"Focusing Essencia is a lot harder than it looks... like long division!" April retorted to Erin on the face thing. Hey how can she even see her face under the visor? Maybe her body's twitching a bit, but only because of the energy/weapon attacks from Nenet--which stung like a lot of angry bees! False levels of difficulty upset her. Channeling Essencia into yourself is easy. Someone else? Hard. Like long division. What, she is the only one who got stumped by it in school as a kid? She thinks not! As Gawain and Erin discussed 21st century speak, April watched in horror as Nenet prepared something fierce. She mentally tried getting through to Dylan to tell him to hurry and get the object under there, they need the help if he can spare it!

Nenet swiftly avoided Benji's foolish efforts to hit her, dodging effortlessly in time to jump away form Clay's earthquake. The southern fool had provided her with quite the idea. When he deflected her attack, he shot it into a tree limb, severing it entirely from the other branches. Rotted wood still hurts when flung into a person's head.
"So. You have figured it out. Excalibur is what we seek. Or so that's what we're led to believe is in that water. None of you will live to witness the blade, unfortunately," Nenet teased.
Using dark magical tethers, Nenet flung the loose branch into Gawain's chest, sending him flying over top of the near-incapacitated Erin into a tree. "Your spirit can not save you now. Just like your friends, it has left you. No doubt died to save your worthless hide. Or it just left you, like all you've ever come to love has done," she really gave it to Gawain. Going after everything that hurt him the most after a branch slapped him like a bitch!

"Shut up! I don't care that we're not perfect--we're here. And we're ending this already!" April was getting mad. Her heart cared for Gawain already as well as everyone else. Nenet's such a bitch. April was gentle as could be...but, if you know her, you should know she'll tear you apart in the nicest way if you hurt her friends. For Nenet, no niceness. April fired another shot from her crossbow, right at Nenet's fucking head. The sphinx dodged it and laughed, also avoiding any incoming blows from Green or Brown. Seeing Red already down for the count it would seem, she lashed out at Clay one more time just because she wanted to. She struck his chest so hard that sparks rained out, then blasting him with a palm of evil energy right beside of Erin on the ground. April ran to defend them. Nenet just laughed and sprung out two dark reigns of her own. Made of dark magic, the tight reigns wrapped around April and Benji's throats as she held them back from helping their friends.

"You two are weak. Your friends are weak. And Morag will take the sword from your Blue friend. Then Vorkalth will take this land," She hissed at April and Benji, practical holding them hostage by their throats. April grabbed at the reign, visibly struggling to breath. This is getting grim.
"What shall you do, Knight? I'm barely breaking a sweat holding your new Sentinels back. My power is far greater than yours. None of you can stop us now. Fate is a fool to have chosen you all." Nenet cackled.
"Not a fool," Dylan grunted as he struggled against the reins turned tendrils. "Just a guy who knows how to follow his leader's orders." He rooted his stance into the muddy bank and twisted his shoulders with all the might he could muster. Once he pulled Morag from her own stance with her own ensnarement, he freewheeled as if her was on dry land and swung her over him to slam her into the bank behind him. This loosened the grip on him long enough to free himself. Using his essencia, he propelled himself through the water like a torpedo, going deeper.

Alas, in front of him laid something he could only have imagined until recently. There, held lightly in the grip of a stone hand, gleaming like a beacon in the darkness of the tainted lake, was Excalibur. Dylan was frozen in awe at what he beheld, within his helmet he felt a tiny tear run down his cheek.
Clay reached out in a fit of desperation. "Erin!" She looked horrible. Really bad. Not good! Ter--okay, point made. Rolling in pain as if she were to lose form, Clay thought not a second too late to jump in front of her and protect her at all costs. She is not damsel but she is a friend, and Clay stood up for his friends. Kicking back dirt like a bull he readied himself to charged for Nenet and show her what for! Varmint bitch!

Ha! Excalibur! Benji figured it out! Well, not figured it out like some great mystery. But he did finally guess it. Nenet confirmed the blade is what they seek. No way she's getting her paws on it. He'd hoped Dylan would reach it before Morag got her hands on it in the depths of the water. Come to think of it.. It has been a while now. Hopefully he's doing alright down there in his element. Benji couldn't afford to ponder now, however, for a more pressing issue is at hand. Nenet's on a rampage!
"Long division is hard," Benji commented in agreement with April. Completely random but it was one of the worst things to do as a kid. Thank God for calculators.

Again Clay reached out as Nenet flung the branch he was responsible for braking loose at Gawain. Damn it, all. He cringed highly as Gawain felt the thud of wood smacking into him at a high velocity. "Sorry, Gawain! My bad!" Clay called as southern as possible. He rolled up metaphorical sleeves and put his hands up to challenge the sphinx bitch tossing stuff around and spitting out the most ridiculous stuff this side of the multiverse. Like April he had to join in as Nenet reminded Gawain of everything going wrong for him in his predicament of a life.
"Listen here, ya witch. Gawain here is a fine feller, ain't nothing you got to say to him gonna stop him. He's survived this long because of his friends and how much they cared. And he's gonna live a lot longer since we is around!"
Hey, being southern doesn't mean grammar is bad, but in Clay's case, he gets really weird when he talks. At least he's generally intelligent and speaks rather clearly unlike stereotypical southerners. "I'm gonna rip ya damn weapon away and beat ya with it! Yeeeeehaw!" Clay angrily shouted and charged Nenet like he'd been planning to do. Just him April and Benji. They can take her! He swung his mace at her, then vigorously swung his fists in her direction. Cunning witch is more skilled than he thought, she dodged it all! Clay did get a good punch in on her, at least before she pint blank struck him then blasted him. Clay cried out in such a fit of pain as he fell over by Erin.

"You're so in for it, bitch!" Benji called at Nenet and cursed her. He widely swept his glaive at her, wildly and erratically missing due to his own lack of real skill. He's better at fighting now but nowhere near excellent. He saw Clay get hit so hard. "Clay!" He yelled and ran in to help him and Erin like April was doing. From behind he felt his neck get entwined in Nenet's tether, making him drop his weapon and pitifully cough under the pressure of his throat. "Gawain... You can... Stop her," Benji forced himself to hoarsely say through the pain. He coughed, feeling his face turn blue.
"And blindly following orders is what shall lead to your end, Sentinel," Morag chuckled. The Sentinel proved surprisingly strong, capable enough to free himself from her grasp. She was slammed into the bank and had no choice but to loosen her grip, allowing the Blue Sentinel to escape and head further down. Down towards inevitable doom. Morag laughed to herself. They might both be in their element, but she knew this lake better than anyone else. She had slumbered here for hundreds of years, had lived near it for many longer. She'd almost dare call this lake her home, were it not for that annoying other pest living on the bottom. Thankfully that woman was passive as could be and hadn't moved a muscle in as long as Morag had been near the lake. If not longer. She knew what waited at the bottom of the lake, and she had to reach it before the Sentinel did. At any cost. This Artifact belonged to the Legion. Their time had finally come. Oh, Vorkalth would be so proud of her for aiding to retrieve this new Artifact. Soon the Legion would be unstoppable and the Sentinels had no other choice but bow down and surrender.

She swam after the Sentinel as fast as she could, watching him approach what belonged to her. Morag took advantage of the Sentinel being frozen in awe and struck his back with everything she had in her. "That Arfifact belongs to us," she hissed. She wouldn't go down without a fight. She wouldn't let the Sentinel grab Excalibur before she did! They would fight to see who was worthy, see who would stand long enough to grab the sword and pull it from its stone grasp!
Erin's eyes widened as everyone was going down one by one. No! Benji! April! Seeing how they were held, barely able to breathe... Clay was beside her on the ground, injured. There had been no signs whatsoever from the Lake... And she felt like she could hardly move. This was not going well. Understatement of the week. Erin felt horrible. She refused to give up, but she just felt so weak. Nenet proved herself to be too powerful of an opponent. Erin weakly struggled back to her feet, grasping her longsword with all strength she had left. Stupid bitch-witch cat would pay for this all! She readied herself to charge, but a mere three steps further she collapsed and demorphed. She laid in the undergrowth, still conscious, but bleeding and in a lot of pain. She glanced at Gawain, flung over her into a tree after being smacked by a rotten branch.

Gawain grunted upon impact, lamding harsly on the ground. Being hit like that sure hurt! And still he seemed to be feeling the best compared to the others. That was saying something! He scrambled back to his feet and looked around. This battle wasn't going well for anyone. He didn't know these Sentinels too well yet, and it was definitely too soon to consider them his friends... but that did not mean they deserved a fate like this. They did not deserve to die here at the hands of the evil sorceress sphinx. He almost lost his friends here, almost lost his own life too. These new Sentinels did not deserve to go through all of that. The pain, the fear, the uncertainty. He wouldn't wish that upon anyone. Nenet's words struck a chord. Was it true? Had Aurelius abandoned him after so long? Had he lost his connection? No. Gawain refused to believe it. Spirits rarely left their chosen Sentinels. If he had truly lost his connection he wouldn't be able to transform. Aurelius was still there, hidden somewhere in a corner of his soul. All Gawain had to do was find him! He closed his eyes and focused, searching his soul.

The presence was weakened after slumbering for so long, slowly awakening after Gawain had morphed in that first battle a few days back. But it was most certainly there.
"Aurelius. I remember you."
"Gawain... it has been too long, my son. For so long I feared for your life, feared you had forgotten."

Gawain remained silent. If a Sentinel ever truly forgot and lost their connection anywhere other than Nexilis... the Sentinel Spirit would be lost, having no way to return home. If he had forgotten, Aurelius would have ceased to exist at some point.
"I need your help. My friends might be long gone, but these new Sentinels.... they...."
"Still as pure of heart as you used to be."
A mental image of a face appeared, smiling kindly at Gawain "Let us stand together and show this dark witch to never stand in the way of a Sentinel."
Warmth as sunlight filled his body. A warmth Gawain remembered as if it were yesterday. The same warmth he felt when Aurelius chose him, when they fist bonded and fought against the monsters threatening the innocent. After what felt like minutes but had taken only a few seconds, Gawain opened his eyes again and stared Nenet down, glowing with energy. Not like he was about to demorph as happened to Erin, but as if he was radiating his power.

The darkness around him seemed to shriek and shrink back. Gawain might not like the dark and darkness much, but the darkness didn't like him either. Especially not when he radiated his light like a beacon chasing the darkness away. "You might be stronger than you used to be, Nenet," Gawain stepped closer, gripping his greatsword. "But the difference between you and us is that we're never alone." The Sentinels always had each other and their Spirits to count on. No matter how dark things would get, the Sentinels would always be a beacon of hope and light. He raised his sword above his head and heavily slashed it down, cutting the tendrils holding April and Benji.
Blinded by radiance Clay shielded his eyes as Gawain internally reconnected with his Spirit guide and displayed just why they call him 'shining light.' Sinking his head down on the ground beside of Erin he was so weak that he could only watch for the moment as all darkness seemed to dissipate in the basking of the newfound light. Thankfully it isn't a white light. More of a shimmery gold. You know what they say about seeing a white light? Clay knew if he was seeing that light he was in big trouble. Then again, he does miss his great-grandparents...

When the brain's oxygen supply is cut off or severely limited a lot of things tend to happen. Strokes, hallucinations, blood not going where it needs to, the list really goes on and on. Benji is no doctor. Yet nobody needs a doctor to tell them when they're being suffocated by the evil sphinx lady. Maybe a psychiatrist to handle the 'sphinx lady' bit in modern society on Earth. Coughing and feeling everything go numb, ironically stated, Benji nearly felt as if he were to go faint. Miraculously Gawain cut the tethers holding his and April's throats thus releasing them of the bindings and allowing them to breath. Benji coughed and gasped for air, falling onto his knees as the color return to his face beneath the helmet.
"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit..." he muttered. Gasping in a huge take of air he angrily and desperately tossed the glaive back at Nenet. Frisbee o'death!

"Now it's on," Clay said and slammed his fist on the ground, rumbling Earth beneath his weaker state. Using his own Essencia to fuel it, he lifted smaller boulders from the ground and up towards Nenet. No getting away this time.
Dylan shouted as his back felt like a horse kicked it. Sparks of essencia blasting off from the impact area. Dylan slid through the muck of the lake bed coming to rest right in front of Excalibur. Morag was coming up fast attempting to swim over him to the sword. Dylan pressed his hands to the mud, pushed up, and taekwondo bolley kicked the kelpie.

"With God, and all of the past Sentinel Rangers before me as my witnesses, you will NOT claim that sacred tool of lore for Vorkalth!" Dylan sprinted along the bed like he was on dry land, the water didn't interfere with his movement. When he got close to his target, he attacked. Just as when Dylan really first got his powers, he channeled his essencia into his martial arts skill. Fueling his foundation knowledge of Kung Fu into levels of ability masters would envy. Dylan's plan was that hopefully this inhuman creature of English lore wouldn't expect Dylan to attack empty handed, and certainly wouldn't understand his movements.
As the golden knight cut her tethers thus severing her from grasping the two Sentinels, Nenet yelped and stumbled back. Physically she felt the cut as they were a part of her energy! Sir Gawain would pay for that tomfoolery. Just as his fallen comrades had done in the past and like all generations of Sentinels who learned the hard way to not dare and cross the Legion. "I have my Gods and dark powers of the universe. I am never alone, none of the Legion is. What can you possible have that I do not?" Nenet asked the glimmering one.

April gasped for air and blessed Ainya for ensuring air flowed through her lungs again. She coughed and took deep breaths to get her wind back. Her element had never felt so precious too her. Speaking of elements... is Dylan okay? She tried mentally bonding with him but her connection faded when she was hit so hard. Please be alright! She shut her eyes to not be blinded by Gawain's light.
Fiercely, April glanced back at Nenet. Benji's weapon struck her just as Clay's boulders succeeded in knocking her around a bit. She stood while the sphinx staggered using her long weapon to balance herself in the dirt and leaves.

"What do we have? Each other. That's what!" April felt so empowered! So radiant! Aiming her crossbow back at her, she charged a heavy bolt of energy right for the cat lady of doom! "Straight line tornado shot!" April called forth and fired a massive straight-line whirlwind attack right at Nenet's torso. It struck despite Nenet's block, sending her flying backward in a blaze of sparks from everyone's combined efforts.
Nenet skid on the ground and eventually fell back, groaning and huffing angrily. She clutched herself as April regrouped with the ground team.
"Foolish Sentinels. Morag has already reached the blade. It is only a matter of time. You shall see. You shall all see! Even if you get the weapon, you will not leave here without a loss, I can promise you that," Nenet fled the scene in a dark array of magic. Finally she's gone!

But... what did she mean? April checked on Erin and everybody softly. "We should check on Dylan," she suggested.
Nimue had felt terrible since the dark magic came and corrupted the waters, her home. It had woken her up well before her time. She wasn't quite sure what it meant, but it was easy to assume it meant Avalon was in great danger. It meant she was needed. Or rather... the treasure she guarded. Figures moved in the water not too far away from her, entangled in a battle among the plants. Both seemed familiar, but for different reasons. One of them she knew for sure. Morag, an entity that had defiled her waters before some centuries ago. The other one... the other one seemed familiar too, but for different reasons. Wielding a trident, shaping the water... was it him? No. No, it couldn't be. He wouldn't come into the lake. He no longer had those mystical powers. No. It couldn't be Merlin. But then who...? She recalled different generations of Sentinels having been at her lake before. Sir Gawain's friends? No, not that either. This young man's aura was much different. Another new generation of Sentinels, then? And Deluvian's counterpart being in the water fighting Morag... She lightly shook her head. Foolish. Foolish, but noble. This young man was doing what he could to purify the lake, her home. Even if it was costing him greatly. Nimue smiled. She should help him out. The young man had more than deserved it.

She swam up to the figures battling in the water, carrying her treasure to them. Nimue knew they were after it. Everyone always was, and she would only give it to those she considered worthy. In a battle between a vile undead creature corrupting her home, and a Sentinel fighting to save it, this was an obvious choice. Nimue closed in, using her own magic to cast Morag back before turning to the Blue Sentinel. She smiled at him, bowing her head and giving him the sword.
"Take this," she said. "You have deserved its help. Excalibur shall aid you to defeat this foul creature."

Morag hissed as she was cast backwards, first by that pesky Sentinel, and next by Excalibur's guard.. No! Not her. And she carried the artifact Nenet was after for their master. She couldn't let the Sentinel have it!
"That Blade... this world... They belong to our Master Vorkalth. They all belong to him!" she called. They already had one artifact. Getting their hands on Excalibur would simply be the next step in the inevitable: The Legion ruling the worlds as was Master Vorkalth's right! No Sentinel, no Lady of the Lake, no Son of the Archon would stop them! This battle had gone on for too long, but now the Time of Prophecy was finally upon them. At long last the Legion would reign victorious! Morag charged at Dylan and Nimue through the water, ready to settle this once and for all.
Gawain nodded at April, impressed by her noble words and pure heart. Ainya had done a magnificent job in choosing this lady. A true heart of the team and concerned for the well-being of others. Without a doubt worthy of Rosemary's legacy. He gripped his greatsword and swung it at Nenet once more, doing his part in dealing devastating blows that would send her back from whence she came.

Aprils words were inspiring and true. They always had each other. They always had their friends to count on. Not some dark Gods or demons. They had each other, something more valuable than anything else.
"I... have to... fight too," Erin weakly pushed herself up, managing to sit but unable to get further. Everything just hurt too much. She felt too weak. How was she supposed to be a leader if she was the first to go down and the only one unable to get back up? Worthless. A small voice in the back of her mind. Not herself, definitely not Igneos. Just one of those little voices reminding her how she was a failure. How she wasn't good enough and how it was impossible she was truly the Son of the Archon. One of those little voices that tended to be awfully hard to ignore. Especially when they proved themselves to be speaking the truth. She watched the others deal with Nenet, exhausted and hurt, but still alive and beathing. The sphinx finally retreated, going back to the hell she came from, back to her dark master. But the threat she made send.cold shivers down her spine. Not leaving without a loss... that didn't sound good at all. She eyed the others, agreeing with April. "It's taking too long," she said with a nod, not meaning that Dylan was slow but rather that it was concerning they hadn't seen any signs of life from underneath the water's surface.
Invoking people with motivational words was not something April was completely used to. But when her more motherly side comes out she is bound to say something fluffy and uplifting. Setting the crossbow away after Nenet fled the coop, taking in her threat with great thought and mind-numbing silence. They will not leave without a loss? The heck did she mean by that? If this is one of the riddles she's supposedly known for it is a wonder that past Sentinels hadn't just beheaded themselves after meeting the wicked witch of the kitty litter!

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked Erin as the fire girl struggled to get up and stay with them. "You aren't fighting, Erin. The rest of us can help Dylan. The water's pretty murky, though. I wish we could see through it. Or I wish I could be like Moses and simply part the water. Only this isn't the red sea..." April said and knelt down by Erin's side, rubbing her back gently not to her hurt. Her heart went out to Erin wanting to help and do what was right. But she's hurt and no way able to do much of anything now. How would they help Dylan? It is a wonder how he's managed this long with Morag on his own. C'mon, think think!
Dylan was locked into combat with the creature. His blows landed and she was unable to counter with his fluid, pun intended, technique. He wasn't winning though. Whether it was her own supernatural toughness or the fact that being technically undead meant she didn't feel pain, Morag was able to simply tank Dylan's blows. This wasn't working! He couldn't just keep going all out on her or he'd exhaust himself and then he'd be an easy target. Before he could come up with another tactic though, the creature was blasted away across the lake bed. He relaxed, confused for a moment but then a shimmering glow appeared behind him. Dylan turned and was dumbstruck. He needed no introduction. He knew who this being was. She knelt before him and presented him with none other than Excalibur.

Worthy. Dylan was proclaimed worthy of wielding Excalibur. His hand hovered over the hilt of the weapon, blessed by God Himself and entrusted to this pure guardian of myth for a knight worthy to guard the realm against evil. Once again though, Dylan's knowledge kicked into gear and a fast forward montage of the myth's story played through his head. King Arthur takes Excalibur but a lifetime later is dying on a beach and asks that the sword be tossed into the water to be returned to Nimue. By taking the sword . . . Dylan may be sentencing himself to a similar fate. It sort of occurred to Dylan that, ironically, Excalibur wasn't that dissimilar to Tyrfing or other cursed swords. Could he do it, knowing what it might mean?

Seemingly unknown to both parties, Morag had surged through the water toward them with wild abandon, gnashing and braying curses of her patron upon them and Avalon. When Morag was only mere feet away from them, Dylan closed his eyes, let his hovering hand fall, and gently gripped the hilt.

Deluvian sprang to life in Dylan's soul, refueling his essencia. There was a great flash of light and Dylan spun on his heel, pulling the weapon back with his off-hand extended before thrusting Excalibur deep into Morag. He drew it out and launched a spinning back kick at her before returning to his stance. It would be an odd sight to observe, a spandex clad figure with Excalibur in a stance meant for a jian technique.
"Damn," uttered Clay upon showing Nenet just what she was made of. Combining their powers all together against her. Nenet as an opponent proved herself. She's tough as nails; nails with magic and rotten attitudes. Contrary to that the Sentinels as a whole are even tougher. Avlazor is tough, too, but again not as tough as all of the Sentinels together. But in the heat of a fight it sometimes feels untrue because damn the Legion knows how to fight...

Glad to see her gone, Clay and Benji had relocated themselves over by the others. More accurate to say Benji did, whereas Clay managed to pick himself up off of the ground as sore as he was and stand up. Part of their problem gone! With one remaining, still. Pesky demons never leave when you need them to. Like how the in-laws come to visit just as you and your spouse prepare to sit down, have a drink, and spend the night alone. A feeling none of the Sentinels have had to face as of yet, a feeling that one day they will soon dread. Wow, talk about off topic much?

"April's right, just stay down for a while," Clay said to Erin as she valiantly attempted to get back on her feet. But she's in no shape yet! He isn't putting her down like a man in charge. More as a friend being concerned? "Rest for a minute, please." Clay's accent added a level of genuine care to his voice. Southerners are known for their charm! Heh... Charm. Sentinels. Eh?
Benji noted how the water was indeed a bit hard to see through. "Hey Gawain, mind shedding some light on the situation?" He asked the knight. If he could cast a light beam bright enough they could possible see better into the water. Or it could just glare off of the murky stuff. Worth a shot!

But without seeing too much before a light could even be cast, Clay knew it was too long for Dylan to have been underwater. "I'm gonna go after him," Clay volunteered and started off towards the water.
"Wait!" Erin grabbed his arm to stop Clay. "I'm sure Dylan has Deluvian at his side to make sure he doesn't drown. You, on the other hand..." Grondo didn't seem to be the type to go for a swim. Rather he'd sink to the bottom. And with Nenet's threat they wouldn't leave without a loss, Erin wouldn't let another of her friends get in danger. "Dylan will be fine." At least I hope so. Again, she was the one to sent him after a kelpie into the water. If anyone else should swim down there, it was her. But she decided to listen to April's and Clay's concerns and just take a moment to breathe. They were just worried about her, right? They didn't think her to be unfit, right? She sighed, sat up, and shuddered. How did her dress get so dirty even after spending most of the battle in red spandex? The sleeve of her left arm was wet and dirty. Hopefully just with mud, but her mind told her she knew better. Merlin would have to take a look at it. Again.
Dylan is fine. Don't stress, Erin. He's just fine, battling against the horse-fish and saving the water. She tried to reassure herself, but Nenet's words made that a tad more difficult than she had hoped.

Gawain looked at Benji and gave a thoughtful look under his visor. "I doubt we would be able to see the bottom of this lake. It's known to be very deep, hiding treasures."
"Like Excalibur," Erin nodded. When she had read the legends of King Arthur, she hadn't expected the lake to be located this close to the woods. More like in an open field perfect for huge battles.
Gawain nodded and looked at the fiery woman on the undergrowth. Poor thing was in no shape to fight, yet she was willing to stand up and give it her all. Admirable, albeit perhaps foolish. Thankfully she had wonderful friends to look out for her. And one friend was still at the bottom of the lake, fighting the Shining Sentinel's nemesis. They might not be able to see the bottom of the lake, but if shedding his light on the water had even the slightest chance to give the Blue Sentinel some aid, he would be willing to do what he could.
"I'll see what I can do," he told Benji and the others, approaching the surface of the water. He folded his hands and closed his eyes for a moment, to the unsuspecting eye looking like he was praying. However, as he unfolded his hands, a bright orb of light shone between them. He let the light go down under the surface, further and further until it disappeared as deep as Gawain managed to make it go. The orb burst as Gawain clenched his fists. For a moment the radius around the orb was clear, but then the murkiness quickly took over again. The knight shook his head. "I'm afraid the corruption in the water is Morag's own. It will disappear when she is destroyed, I presume." But he couldn't do anything else to help.
Sparks don't usually light underwater, but this is magic and the rules of physics tend to not apply, or at least a whole lot less, when an individual is clad in spandex outfits. Morag sparked heavily as the blade was thrust into her body, then pulled out only for her to once more be sent backwards by a kick right in the injury. She hissed and cursed. The bursting orb of light coming out of nowhere didn't help either. Severely injured, but not intending to give up just yet, Morag attempted to go for one final charge but to no avail. The injuries were too much even for an undead to handle. That, and the fact that Excalibur was a highly magical sword definitely didn't help either. Morag went down, not in the usual grand blaze of sparks and glory, but she went down.

Nimue turned to Dylan. "Now, back up you go. Your friends are waiting," she said with a smile, magically guiding Dylan back to the surface after taking Excalibur back. He had fought well, even if he knew the risks. Simply because it was the right thing to do. She clenched the hilt of the sword tightly. It may still be needed...
Was Vorkalth disappointed Nenet and Morag had failed in acquiring Excalibur? Not all that much. No, the Shaman was actually very satisfied with the course the events had taken. One Sentinel rendered unable to fight for a while, and another one had sealed their fate. Hah! Fate. Oh, that old owl would be in for a surprise.
"You may have failed in obtaining Excalibur..." Vorkalth spoke to Nenet as she returned to the Underworld. "But your mission was successful nonetheless. Let's give Morag another chance." He nodded, giving Nenet permission to raise Morag to fight once more. In their current state, the Titan would be no match for Morag.
Dylan called upon Deluvian's strength.
You've done well. Let the water be purified by our strength. Deluvian's voice almost sounded like Nimue's in his head. Maybe they were one in the same in this case. The Lady of the Lake, after all, was a water spirit. Dylan nodded to the figure but before he left, he used Excalibur for one last purpose, lopping off the head of the creature he just vanquished. He grabbed her head and pushed off of the ground. He surged upward from the bottom, his wake cleansing the water as he passed before he launched out of the lake, fist held high and clutching Morag's mane from which her head hung. Unbeknownst to him, the power of his purifying eruption actually caused Gawain to loose his footing and be knocked over.

"I am BEOWULF!" He shouted before landing on the shore, the water from his splash briefly coming down like rain. "What I miss, guys?" No sooner than he had asked that, he saw Erin on the ground and in a bad way. "Erin!" He dropped his trophy and ran over to his friend.
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"My leader, my Shaman, my great Vorkalth. I regret to inform you--" Nenet began to plead and kneel before her master upon arriving back to their underground lair away from the surface dwellers. To her surprise he was anything but angry. Excalibur would not be the Legion's to claim. Such a powerful blade and it is not in the hands of Vorkalth or tasting the gut of a Sentinel? How can he be so glee? Dawning on his realization, Nenet cackled to herself and rose up to meet her masters eyes.
"I see. Let them take the blade. Victory is ours, they shall fair no better. I did tell them they were to lose something in this battle, did I not?" Nenet said and cackled once more. She told them that more as an empty threat, thinking a small thing would be taken from them. But her master assured her...oh no, the Sentinels just made her mission a victory. Morag's demise is futile. Stepping to her altar, Nenet began her ritual. "Evil gods. Evil spirits, I beg of you, I command thee, I beseech you! Grant the Kelpie in the land of Avalon the power! Rise! Stronger and larger than before, crush the kingdom of Camelot!" Her magic began sewing dark flails of smoke around her.
Light didn't really help all that much. April still couldn't see in the murky depths of the water! Dylan's Spirit had to be protecting him. If any Spirit could sustain somebody's life force underwater, Delvuian could. Such a fit of worry everyone was in. Driving back a general is one thing but being unable to help their friend underwater was mortifying. This is one of those moments where under her visor, April is really wishing she'd not left her dorm that day and not even gotten her powers. But then again, if she hadn't? No. No she doesn't regret being here at all.
Like Erin, she grabbed Clay's other arm and held the cowboy back before he got himself into the water like a moron.

Cautiously, she inched closer toward the water. "Guys, are you seeing this?" She asked. It looked like a figure in the water. Feminine looking along with a rushing and incoming blue blob. Blue blob! The other figure seemingly vanished as Dylan sprung out from the water in a purifying wave. The water became clear! April nearly lost her balance as well under the rain of Dylan's unveiling. "Dylan! You're okay!" She yelled and hugged him when he got close enough, before he checked on Erin.
Physically restraining a man solely for the purpose of keeping him from delving into water that not only contained a dozen possible leeches under every stone but a friend in need of help is one thing two women should not want to do. Clay knew he was physically stronger than the girls, but together they were pretty good at holding him back! If anybody other than friends had restricted him he would have flung them away. Natural muscle and magical Earth powers come in handy and go nicely together. Like wine and cheese.
"There has to be something we can do," Benji stated among his peers, equally concerned and eager. Just outside of his reach was a friend alone with a bitter creature. Praying to God for safety Benji hoped....wait a minute?

Light in the water didn't really do much of anything it appeared. But the water did look as if it were becoming less gross and more crystal clear again like it should be. As clear as a lake in the middle of swampy woods could be, that is. Water shouldn't be thick like that! Sylvan tried feeding off of Benji's open mind and creative essence, but nothing was really to the mind of the rhyming tree spirit. This forest had so far been nothing but a huge pain in the ass for everybody. Sooner they left the better. "Erin's hurt, Dylan might be hurt, too, we fell under attack so many times, and the woods are rotting. What else can go wrong?" Benji asked rhetorically. Skepticism is not his friend.

Exiting the water that had rapidly grown clear, Dylan resurfaced with Morag's head! Alive! He slew the Kelpie! Alright! Benji gasped in the shock, Clay letting out a very intense "yeeeeeehaw!" and slapping his knee. Clay shook Dylan's hand on a job well done wildly as Benji patted his back mid-hug with April. "You killed Morag? What about the sword?" Benji asked rapidly, barely letting him breathe. But more in the light of curiosity and celebration. It's a good moment!
Gawain leaned to the water's edge as April pointed out seeing something under the water. Something blue came surging their way. Unfortunately for the shiny knight, the first thing he saw leaping out of the water, right at his face, was Morag's head. Gawain stumbled backwards, losing his footing and landing on his behind in the muck. "What in the--...!" he called out before realizing Morag's head was in Dylan's hand. Dead as dead can be. He let out a sigh of relief. The trust these Sentinels had in one another hadn't gone unrewarded. Dylan was safe and sound, and Morag was slain. Hopefully for good. He pushed himself up and walked over to the others, all gathered around their downed leader.
"Okay, that is disgusting," Erin said as she watched Dylan with Morag's head. That was a bit disturbing, wasn't it? Carrying your enemy's head like some trophy and then tossing it aside.... She shuddered.

"I'm glad to see you're okay, Dylan," Erin smiled up at him as he approached her, thankfully without the head. She might have puked if he did that. "We were starting to get worried about you." And in the meantime everyone worried about her for being injured, too. "Nenet is a kitty with sharp claws," she remarked. "I'll recover. But I have to ask as well... What happened to Excalibur?"
Vorkalth watched in amusement, as least he would be if it weren't for the fact that his visible face wasn't much more than red glowing eyes behind a deer's skull. He watched Nenet weave her magic, he watched Morag rise once more. All in one piece. Thank dark magic for not making chopped off heads too much of a big deal. Morag was powerful, and in their current state the Sentinels and their Titan wouldn't stand much of a chance. Especially not now that... Aaah... even if the Sentinels would win this battle, they would still lose. They would be weak. And he would strike when they were at their weakest. Soon... Soon Avalon would fall, along with the Sentinels. The timing of this all was too perfect. A horrible twist of fate. Vorkalth chuckled to himself. Horrible to the Sentinels and all they held dear, great for the Legion. Yes... this truly was the Time of Prophecy. He tapped his long and bony fingers together. All they had to do now, was wait.
There wasn't much time for rejoicing or answering questions. Morag returned, larger than ever and eager to stomp on everything she could see. She would break the trees like matches, she would erase that ugly castle off the maps. It would look so much nicer as a gloomy ruin. A much better home for the Legion, too.
"Aaah, my masters have given me another chance!" she bellowed, wildly shaking her manes.
"HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!" Erin shouted. "Even beheading them doesn't stop them from growing into giants?!"
"Unfortunately not," Gawain shrugged. Nothing new to him, to be completely fair.
"Well... then we'd best stop her again before there's no world left to save." Despite her friends having told her to stay down, Erin struggled to her feet, winching in pain but pushing through it. "Essencia Awaken!"
Red energy swirled around her as she morphed again. Might not be needed to pilot a Megazord, but she'd rather be protected in magical spandex in case the whole thing fell over.
"It's time we call our Beasts," she urged the others, gripping her Charm and mentally calling out to Ingeos and Phoenix to aid her in this battle. She turned to Gawain as she heard the cry of Phoenix from the other end of a portal. "You coming?"

Gawain shook his head. "I... can't," he said, head hung low.
"Why not?" Erin leaped up into Phoenix' cockpit, staying in contact through whatever magical comm system the helmets had.
"I only just managed to contact my Spirit again. I have no way of reaching out to my Zord as of this moment.
"Well... then... try not to get squished," Erin's final words of encouragement to Gawain before she had Phoenix swooping down on Morag, talons out to scratch at her. Morag used her reigns as whips again, slinging them at Phoenix, causing the Zord to nearly go crashing into the woods. "Whoa there!" Erin mentally braced for impact while doing everything she could to keep her zord from actually crashing into the trees, but she might need some help with that.
"We're going to need the Titan Megazord," she told the others over the comm system. "Morag's too strong."
"That is just not right..." April muttered and hung her head, letting go of Dylan, just barely running her hand down his arm on hug release. Beheading a creature should be the ultimate way to kill it, right? When the brain loses connection to the body it should shut down! Yet here she was, big, bad, and ready to eat everything in sight. Not the real goal of the monster, but when something is big and giant and scaly, one's assumption could be 'oh my God that is going to eat me.' Bon appetite!
Seeing Erin change and rejoin the action upset and inspired April. Upset because she's too hurt for this. But inspired because if Erin, as bad of shape as she's in, can fight... well so can she! Time for the Beasts! Aiyna knew it was time for Hippogriff to emerge from its spiritual home and exit the mystical portal with its brethren Beasts to aid the Sentinels in their time of need.

Hand over her head, she jumped up into the Hippogriff and smiled. Good to be with this thing again! So cute how it's basically and owl merged with a doe! Fin fact, normally this is an eagle and a horse. April knew that...okay she had to read it in one of the dusty books in the Coven before, but she knew it! Hippogriff soard above the rest, claiming the skies and screeching down (or cooing down if you get specific over the owl part) to intimidate the Kelpie! With its wings it cast a might gust of wind, only to be shot back with negative magic. April winced. "I think Erin's right, we need to combine already!"
Disgusting to see Dylan had brought along with him the head of the beast form the water. Turns out he was dripping with more than just murky water on his hands....yuck! Never had the guys anticipated being so stomach-tested for this line of work as inter-dimensional traveling myth-savers. To take a head as a trophy was a little badass, though. Benji agreed on that for sure. Clay was used to having heads for decoration. While he may not directly do it, he's lived among taxidermy and mounted heads on walls all his life! Even had a deer head over his bed when he was 5. It fell one night before he got into bed so instead of his teddy bear waiting for him--bam, deer head! A Kelpie head could be considerably more horrific. That brown suit might get...browner?

Enter giant Morag. Benji and Clay looked at the giant resurrection take place forming a new head and everything. Double checking to see that the first head was still there they looked on. "I guess she is in some ways part lizard...regenerating heads are a thing, right?" Benji asked and scratched his helmet.
"Dang flabbit, dark magic makes my nillies go willy!" Clay expressed with a mighty jump and shudder combination. Erin had the right idea about Zording up, here. If they have to look at Morag for one more second!!!

Focusing hard on their charms and Essencia, the guys conversed with Grondo and Sylvan, hearing the trotting of the Centaur and the growling of the Gargoyle through the portals. Jumping up to meet their cockpits they circled around while the girls went in first. "Hey, easy on the trees!" Benji called. Nature, man! Just for that, Morag, face the stampede of the Centaur! Benji focused, making the man/horse creature to charge into Morag at full strength, firing arrows from its bow on the way. From behind Clay jumped on Morag's back with Gargoyle, furiously riding her like a mechanical bull at the county fair. Fun came to an end when Benji was blasted away and Clay inevitably shook off. Boo! But agreeing on time for the big stuff they shouted "Titan time!" in sync.
"Nimue, the Lady of the Lake took it back after I was done with it." He pointed over his shoulder at his trophy and could feel how uncomfortable it made his teammates. "It's a reference! Sir Gawain, back me up here, Beowulf! You know the legend. He emerges with the head of Grendel's mother?"

Whatever their response, Morag improbably returned from the grave and rose high above them. "Well, can't say I didn't try." Grasping his talisman, he called upon his zord and out came the goat headed friend. "Capricornus!" Dylan called to his friend and gave him a nice pat with the beast lifted him up gently with its tail. "Let's give that Kelpie what for." With that, it was time for them to fuse into the Titan Megazord!
Glad everyone zorded up was agreeing with her, there. Erin nodded in her cockpit and grasped the controls. "Beasts Combine!" she called out, feeling the Phoenix change shape to make up the chest of their Megazord and watching the other zords change shapes too in order to form their respective limbs. Gosh, another of those things that would sound so strange out of context. Right out there with "sweep the fridge, please", and "The fairy told me to do it". Among other things these guys said during their Ranger duties. Erin lightly shook her head. Seriously, if anyone would hear them talk, they'd be locked away in an asylum. Or maybe not anymore.... The people of Ebongrove had already gotten to witness the Spawners running around in the streets, and they might have seen the Titan too. So maybe saying this sort of things wouldn't be that strange anymore. All those thoughts aside... there was something fishy to be taken care of here. "Titan Megazord!" she called out with the others. The Titan had to be able to withstand Morag's barrage of attacks, right? So far it had always helped them out!

But alas... Morag struck at the Titan with her reign-whip, knocking the Megazord back before it had even gotten the chance to go in for an attack on the Sentinels' end. The Megazord staggered backwards, smoking a bit. Morag laughed. "Even your Beasts can't save you," she said. "Avalon will be crushed, and you shall be crushed with it!"

Meanwhile on the ground Gawain found a spot as safe as possible with a giant Morag and a Titan stomping about. He regretted not being able to do anything to aid these Sentinels in defeating his nemesis. He felt the comforting presence of Aurelis in his soul. Of course the Spirit didn't blame him for having forgotten. It had been 900 years and Gawain had spend all that time believing a different reality to be his home, to be his life. Even if he had accepted the fact that everything he once knew and loved was now gone, he still couldn't come to peace with the fact that he had been gone for 900 years without even knowing it. Perhaps the fact he was still unable to come to peace with his past and present was part of the reason why his bond with Aurelis had weakened, why he was unable to summon his own Zord.

From the bottom of the lake, the battle had another watcher. Nimue kept an eye on the fight from the safety of her now purified home. Morag was still strong and raging, and the Sentinels were down a member. More than one in strength, considering the outcome of their first battle against Morag. Foul, dark magic was needed to bring her back even after the Blue Sentinel had so expertly dealt with her. Nimue could still feel the lingering corruption, and the new corruption this fight brought. It didn't directly seep into the water, but it was there, still.

Yet another watcher, and a Watcher, kept their eyes on the Scrying Window underneath Castle Camelot. Merlin sat in his seat, with the little Spriggan standing on one of the armrests. They had magically witnessed the battle underwater, making Merlin smile wryly. Nimue's aid always came at a costly price. Legend and history had proven it over and over again. The Spriggan just seemed nervous at seeing the corruption in the woods where he had come from. Time would tell how this battle would end, but as it always appeared some things were set in stone. Determined by fate or chance. Set to go a certain way once another thing was set in motion. Lots of technical and philosophical mumble jumble, a certain degree of magic involved. An unforeseen circumstance had changed the course of how things would have gone. Had Fate known? Did Chance have a hand in this? Merlin simply did not know.
"Titan Megazord!" April felt Hippogriff form into leg mode and merge with the others, joining her friends in the control space on her spot. Actually if she had physically felt Hippogriff become a leg she would be heaving in pain on the floor in a ball. Contorting into a limb for a new body had to be one of the most uncomfortable things on the planet. Contortion-ism already freaks her out a little bit, never mind becoming a limb! Having to support other contorted beasts as well, ugh, it seemed like a lot of work. Glad the white Beast is doing it and not her!

April yelped effeminately when Morag attacked with her reigns. Rude! Not even giving them a fighting chance? Now this is a shame since Dylan beheading her wasn't enough to kill her. "Looks like we have to cut her head off again, huh?" April mentioned to Dylan. Did she just suggest that? April didn't seem the beheading type. Morag's reigns were so slippery and slimy from the much of the lake. That or she as a creature is naturally just icky.

"Our Beats aren't saving us. They're saving Avalon," April said. "You really need a good dry-off!" She extended her arms out, the Titan following suit, blasting Morag with a strong gust of wind condensed in a small enough beam to push her back as well as probably dry off some of that slime. Resting after that, April realized she hadn't done much. Oh boy.
Gawain not being able to accompany everybody is upsetting. He is truly a capable and incredible fighter on foot. Imagining what he could do in a Zord of his own? Imagine if it's a Beast created to act as the others do, or one that's independent and becomes it's own humanoid form. Both could be plausible enough given magic and its apparent limitless bounds. Something to ponder at a time like--oh wait there's a massive Kelpie in front of them. Not the time to ponder!

"Titan Megazord!" Benji and Clay called out unified with their team. Centaur and Gargoyle morphed into arm configurations ready to pound Morag into the swamp she came from. She needs to say goodbye. Again!

Gripping onto their staves in the slots the guys held on tight during the attack. Reigns are extra reign-y in giant form. April's blow-drying method seemed to do...nothing. Less slime on her body, though. Should be a lot easier to land a hit now. A lurking presence told them something was about to happen. Just a feeling, a hunch, something they didn't like. Probably Morag's threats to destroy them and the realm. Clay worked his arm to throw a right hook into the Kelpie's face. What is known about Kelpies and touching them...surely on't apply to a Megazord on ground? Clay's punch with the Gargoyle arm landed swiftly, residual slime spattering onto the forest. Yuck, watch out, Gawain! "Yeeeehaw!"
Benji took the opportunity to fire a shot from the bow attached to Centaur's arm mode. Firing right in her direction, that is. Morag shouldn't be hard to miss! "Man she stinks," Benji commented, still able to catch her scent all the way in there!!! Someone needs to introduce this thing to some Dove soap ASAP.
"Titan Megazord!" Dylan shouted with the others in excitement. Oh boy. This was it! Another round with the- Reign whips. " . . . Ow." Dylan said as they were all thrown back. He never thought he would be one to say this but they reallly need to cut back on the theatrics and just attack while they had the chance. At April's suggestion, Dylan raised an eyebrow inside his helmet. "Hey! I did that just as a joke, I wasn't seriously . . . suggesting . . . that really doesn't make it sound better." Yeah, it only just occurred to him that without context of Dylan's stream of consciousness "I'm living a myth so I have to reference everyone I can think of" mindset, what he did could come across as pretty damn barbaric.

Regardless, Clay and Benji weren't going to have all the fun. He finished off the Megazord combo with a high crescent kick. Making the Megazord do a punch, close range shot, and then crescent kick combo.
Gawain, on the ground, watched the Megazord fare... not too well... against Morag. Trying to dry her off with wind was clever, but it didn't appear to do much at all. Then Clay had the Gargoyle punch her. Gawain had to rush back, barely managing to avoid the goo and slime splattering on the forest. Yuck! That really can't be good for the trees and the water. Magical corruption was one thing, but now there was also undead-kelpie-slime covering everything. Suddenly he was glad they had left the little Spriggan with Merlin. Poor little thing wouldn't want to see this happening to the forest it came from.

And Gawain's thoughts were right. Back at Merlin's hideout, the little Spriggan let out a whole bunch of disapproving "pyuu's", shaking his branches in terror. That was his home, more or less, getting covered in slime there! He ran past those very spots not that long ago! The thought of getting covered in slime greatly upset the little forest spirit. Merlin patted his head, trying to calm the little creature down. "Don't worry. They will be fine," he said, hoping he was right. Morag was advancing on them further and further. "Come on now, dear... help them out," he almost begged to the lake. Nimue and he had... a history, so to speak. They loved each other as much as they hated each other. Nimue... one of the only other beings here in Avalon who knew how history repeated over and over again.
As epic as the combo might be, it just didn't quite seem enough to do proper damage to Morag. She just staggered back slightly, then using her reigns again to entangle the Megazord. Now that it was unable to move, she sent a blast of dark magic their way. Erin helped inside the cockpit, clinging on tightly to her staff. The Megazord shook heavily, and the cockpit was filled with sparks and smoke. Erin coughed... how did that happen when their helmets protected them against smoke? Didn't matter. She coughed at the smoke, and the sparks were definitely a sign the Megazord wasn't winning. "This is not going well..." she mumbled. She desperately wanted to stay positive, to be the one to ensure her friends that they were going to win this... but she couldn't do it. Morag was kicking their butts, driving them back further and further. How were they going to defeat Morag if they couldn't even damage her? Erin raised her arms, hoping to cut loose the reigns. That was something, at least.

Nimue watched, full of dread. The poor Sentinels weren't faring too well. And knowing how things would only get worse soon... She lightly shook her head, gripping Excalibur tightly and ascending to the surface. Her head popped out of the water, looking around to be sure the coast was clear. Nobody should know that other power Excalibur possessed. The Sentinels would find out soon enough, but it was for the safety of everyone else that they didn't see where she went. Nimue climbed ashore, Excalibur close to her body. She went into the woods, deeper and deeper, looking for the hidden grove. One protected by such pure and strong magic that it would take Vorkalth himself to desecrate it. And while it was his essence seeping into Avalon that corrupted everything, it wasn't strong enough just yet, thankfully.

It had to be around here somewhere... There! She spotted the silhouette on the far end of the grove. A horse carved out of stone, with what seemed to be some sort of slot on the head. Nimue smiled. These Sentinels had more than proven themselves, trying to save Avalon from the moment they got here, fighting off the creatures that had done the most to corrupt her waters. If they were to defeat Vorkalth, they needed all the help they could get. They needed to be a lot stronger. They would need the most powerful and purest thing Avalon had to offer.
Nimue inserted the hilt of the blade into the slot, causing the carving to glow with magic. Slowly the carving came to life, stretching its legs, shaking its manes and rising up. Before her now, stood the Unicorn.
"Go, and aid them," she spoke. The Unicorn bowed its head before galloping off towards the Titan.

And just in time too! Morag had just unleashed another fury on the Titan, now seriously damaging the Megazord. "You stand no chance against me, against my master Vorkalth. The Dark Gods have granted me a second chance, and I shall use it to destroy you before I destroy Avalon!" Morag laughed. And really, by now Erin definitely believed her. But still...
"We won't give up!" she shouted, gripping on tightly to her staff once more, pushing herself back to her feet. "Come on guys... we can't let her beat us!" They couldn't beat her either, it seemed.... but best they could do was try and make it a tie, right? But then a sound caught her attention. Galloping of hooves. Please don't let it be another Morag... what if she had friends that came to join the "destroying the Sentinels" party? She snapped her attention towards the sound. What approached them definitely wasn't another Morag. It was... a unicorn. Of all things, it was a unicorn.... AWESOME! Erin definitely wasn't a girly-girl, but this unicorn didn't look like it was a girly-girl either. No sparkles and farting rainbows. "Just" a majestic, silvery-white horse with a bluish white horn, galloping towards them.

"What is...? Gaah! Morag yelped as the unicorn struck her with its horn, finally causing Morag to spark instead.
"Okay, that is pretty cool,"' Erin said, watching in amazement. After striking Morag and knocking her back a tad, the Unicorn turned to the Titan and bowed its head. Was it... Offering to combine with them? Erin blinked slowly, glancing at the others. "Suddenly, everything got a lot better. We got a Unicorn!"
Taking that as permission to combine with them, the Unicorn's head detached itself, turning into a lance for the Megazord to wield instead of the bow/blade, and its body turned to armor. This did cause Erin to shudder lightly. What's with heads coming off here in Avalon? That aside... they just got a freaking new Megazord formation here! With a creature probably very fitting of the mythological realm they were visiting. Although.... were there any unicorns in the Arthurian Mythology? Nothing Erin could think of on the top of her head anyway.... Another thing she couldn't think of right away... How were they going to name this new Titan formation earned in Avalon? ... Hold on a moment.... Titan.... Avalon....
"Avalonian Titan Megazord!" she called, naming the new formation on the spot. Didn't exactly roll of the tongue very well... but the name was obvious enough, wasn't it?
"Alright... who's calling dibs on the first blow?" Erin asked her teammates.
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