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Happy Necromancer
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Power Ranger Redemption

Episode List:
1. The End is But The Beginning

Episode 1: The End is But The Beginning

Power Rangers have always been around in order to help defend the universe from the ever powerful forces of evil. Even the Z Wave that wiped out much of the active evil at the time, only destroyed so much of it, killing the forces of the Dark Alliance, and freeing up the defending Rangers from their foes. But as always, Light can not exist without the Darkness ever looming from beyond its boundaries. And with it, many teams time and time again have fought and protected those that they cared about from these Darker forces. Even with the forces of Darkness coming, the Power Rangers always defended that which they held dear. But what if a Ranger Team fell? What if other teams were unable to intervene? What if the villains won?

Delta Force had been fighting back against the forces of Zentenium and his horde of monsters and minions for months. They had stopped plan after plan from coming to fruition. Wherever this Yuristrian Crystal lay, they sure as hell were not going to be letting Zentenium get his grubby little hands on it. They were the best of the best, chosen and trained by the Power Rangers Delta Force program of the United States Military. And their training showed. It was part of why they were such an effective fighting force against Zentenium's troops. Especially shown when up against Mythal and her Army. Those were the most efficient troops, clearly battle hardened from conquering multiple worlds. But Delta Force could hold their own.

Delta Force was training in the military base, practicing their moves against each other when they got the alert on their communicators. A monster sighting in the Warehouse District. "Delta Force Activate", The Team shouted as they moved in unison and held out their morphers, inputting a singular code that caused them to transform into the color coordinated warriors that they were: Red, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Pink.

They hopped into their hummer and drove off to the Warehouse District where they found an elephant like monster swinging it's trunk around while ordering the Relics. "Move faster, ya damn buckets o' bolts. Oquelis will have my hide for her experiments if we ain't getting these goods to her in one piece." He turned and saw the Rangers. "Aww Peanuts. Get 'em ya goons!" The elephant monsters shouted loudly, prompting the relics to drop what they were holding and charge into the fray, engaging in fighting the Delta Force.

The fight itself was a blur as Delta Red swung his sword, cutting through one and then another Relic with first a deep slash and then a jab before charging the Monster while the others still engaged the Relics. The fighting was joined between the two as sword met tusk and then tusk met suit, prompting a flash of sparks to erupt as Delta Red, was flung backwards onto the ground. "You'll have ta get up waay earlier in the morning to get the better of me, Ranger." The elephant chuckled as he wildly swing his trunk around. Suddenly the trunk was grabbed midair and the monster was pulled straight into a hardened gloved fist. "Idiot. If you're so good, why are you lowering your guard in the middle of battle?", the yellow ranger interjected as she got in a few more wallops with her fist before letting go and the monster falling on the floor in a heap while the Blue Ranger helped the Red Ranger to his feet, allowing the Rangers to get into formation with their guns pointed at the monster, broken Relics on the floor. "Tell us what you were doing here, and we'll let you go." The monster beaten and bruised chuckled. "Acting as bait to ya'll." The Delta Force Rangers immediately took a defensive posture in anticipation of something as a menacing Black silhouetted figure began to approach...…..

…...That was when the feed cut out back at base. "Get that visual back, now!", General Houser commanded. "We're trying sir. There is something jamming our visuals and our communications. We can't reach the Rangers."

The General slammed his fist hard into a nearby table, causing it to break the skin and a trickle of blood to swim out from the wound. "Sir, we've gotten back a visual." The command center was all agap at what they saw. The Delta Force Rangers, the best of the best that they had, were all broken and defeated. All demorphed and bruised and bloody. What could have done that to the entire team. Perhaps there was still hope though.
"Get a Rescue Team out there. They Might still be alive."

"Sir, the base is under attack." "What?" "Mythal and her troops are performing a frontal assault on the base." "Blast it all. Sound an evacuation. Fighting Retreat and scuttle what we can't take with us. I won't let those bastards use anything of ours against us!" "Yes sir." The support staff all grabbed pistols and needed supplies as the marines set up explosives. As they managed to escape the base, the General looked back with a hardened gaze to their previous headquarters. "We'll keep up the good fight. For all those that were lost."


Three Months Later

The city of Lantern's Bay has now become walled off from the rest of the world and separated into five districts. Each of the Districts is under the Direct rule of a human collaborator and a greater Monster from the ZOF. Regular U.N. supply drops happen at predetermined locations and certain types of trade is still allowed to happen under the supervision of the Zentenium Occupation Force. Other than the force slave labor camps in the Quarry, mainly from dissidents against the ZOF and the patrols of Monsters and Relics around the city, things are mostly back to normal. At least in such as people wanted to get back on with their lives as best as they can.

Some hold out hope that other Ranger Teams will be able to liberate the city, but the walls are heavily defended and they have their hands full with dangerous monsters lurking around the surrounding areas of the countryside to hold a direct assault on the city.

In these dark times, there is but one hope against the Darkness..... Black Ranger. The unknown man in the carbon copy mask of the Black Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Mask and his Black Body Suit was the laughing stock of the Zentenium Occupation Force. There he was, being recorded live on television, facing down another monster. This was a fairly regular occurrence, but they often liked to broadcast his fights. If only to help illustrate how useless the average person was against such powerful creatures. This one a cyclopian monster carrying a large club. "Are you stupid or something? Why you picking a fight with the mighty Cycloptor?"


Inside the Dank, but protected secret base that is the home of the Delta Force Resistance, The General and the others could see on the television, the events unfolding. Nearby was Charlie Simm, who had helped what was left of their group escape the danger in the city and retreat underground where they were able to meet up with other support team members and eventually form what they could in order to try to fight back. The time was soon approaching where they would be able to do this.

The General turned to Charlie and the two others that would be joining her on this mission. "Let's go over the plan one more time. Charlie, you will take Turner and Diane with you to break into the Prison. There, you will convince the three chosen members: Brent Martin, Magelena Lykanth and Eleanor Walker to join Delta Force. Once you have gotten them to safety, you are then authorized to hand them these morphers." The General handed Charlie a briefcase. "Any questions?"


Inside the Prison, things had changed a bit over the last few months. Most of the human officers had been transitioned out, replaced by the robotic Relics and at least one monster, a blue skinned reptillian creature named Cobalt. He stunk to high heaven and loved to get into people's faces to make them gag. He laughed constantly and was always swinging his tail wildly around, even hitting Relics when he moved.

During the change, they started caring less about keeping the male and female prisoners apart, leading to this current courtyard situation. Brent Martin, Magelena Lykanth and Eleanor Walker were all part of the inmates that were now motioned for outside courtyard time. There were some bench-presses, a basketball court and a handful of benches. Some of the inmate started playing basketball. Only one of the bench presses is currently occupied and some inmates are already bunched up together and talking/exchanging cigarettes. A nearby tv screen showed the Black Ranger fighting with a monster.
Eleanor leaned against the sturdy wire fence, her eyes roaming the scene before her as she studied each inmate. Her brown eyes sharp and ever vigilante as she noticed the guards, chunk of tin, better used for scrap metal.

She kept to herself as she picked at stray fabric of her bright orange jumpsuit, her long dark brown hair hung down, it flowing into her face every so often.

“Can’t wait to get out of this hell hole...god damn monster, lunatics!” She grumbled to herself as she got some sharp looks from other low scum.
"Come on gents. Can I call you gents? Or is it ladies under all of that armor?" He called to the relic guard in front of him. "Doesn't matter! I will baffle those tiny brains in no time!" He fans the cards out in front of him, aimed towards the guard.

Brent wasn't fond of being in jail, but then again, who was? He'd stolen the pack of cards off of another inmate a few weeks ago and had finally conned one of the relics into getting close to him around what he grudgingly called was playtime. These...minions were nothing more than that...minions set to take orders without a brain for themselves ad Brent was going to use that lack of brain to get out of here and rejoin his family, were they still inside the walls. Surely they wouldn't leave him.

Once the relic grabs a card and he instructs the...thing not to show him, Brent puts the card back in the middle of the deck and begins to shuffle.

"So what do you think of that black ranger?" He asks, though he doesn't expect the relic to answer him and he doesn't. "You know, you seem like a smart guy if I do say so myself. I bet you could take him." He hands the deck of cards to the minion and asks him to hold it, one hand on top and one of bottom of the deck. Brent places his own hands on top of the Relic's . "That one eyed creep needs a club to defeat the ranger. I bet you could do it with your bare hands." When Brent pulls his hands away, he grabs the deck of cards as well as a security key car. Flashing the Relic a random card that isn't the correct one, the acrobatic criminal sighs and shakes his head.

"See, too smart for even me. You should tell your boss that you deserve more than guarding some dumb criminal. Tell him you want to take on the power ranger," he manages to say innocently, his lips slowly shifting into a smirk as the relic walks off. "Too easy," he mutters as he pockets the deck as well as the key card into his pocket.
Lena casually laid back on one of the fences, distracting herself inside one of her little daydreams. She remembers the times she spent with her family and her best friend, Suou until that day. That day she made the greatest mistake in her life. She killed them. She was mad and a had a lust for revenge, so she decided to kill them in blind rage.

Why did she kill them, knowing the potential consequences and knowing the consequences, why did she let one walk free? Simple. She didn't want to feel like one of those...things. A monster, a soldier in the Zentenium army. That was enough to make her show mercy. However, that was a grave mistake. Now she was far away from her parents and her best friend, the ones that she vowed to protect with her life...and failed. She looks out, daydreaming the day that she finally leaves this hell. She looks down at her body, covered with the orange jumpsuit and dreams about the day that she gets her life back. She lays on the fence, calm and peaceful contrasting most of the other prisoners here, making her stand out. She almost looks innocent in her eyes, almost looking nothing like the other ruffians in this place...but that's not true in the slightest.​
The streets were completely jam-packed with motor vehicles, people from all over downtown had flocked to a construction site. Members of the press were present and tread lightly, keeping a safe distance from the disastrous scene that was about to unfold before them. Black Ranger was once again making headlines for his antics. He was a train wreck you couldn't look away from, a trashy reality show you couldn't get enough of, and maybe an underdog someone out there rooted for.

Black Ranger laughed at the monster's remark. "Oh, I thought your one eye would only affect your depth perception, but eye see it's affecting your comprehension as well," he taunted. "Don't worry, eye will break it down for you: My. name. is. Black. Ranger., it's. my. sworn. duty. to. protect. this. world. from. the. likes. of. you."

Black struck a heroic pose. "Let's show this fiend how it's done!"

A wave of maids and butlers suddenly charged towards the club-wielding cyclops.

Trektek Trektek
Construction site

Cycloptor was playing up to the crowd that had shown up, when he heard Black Ranger's taunts. "What. Did. You. Say. About. Cycloptor?" He enunciated slowly and loudly as the horde of maids and butlers started to rush him. "NO ONE SAYS THAT ABOUT CYCLOPTOR!!"

The monster was filled with rage and roared loudly, knocking the first part of the wave to the ground. Then he started wildly swinging his club, hitting maid after butler after maid. The average person was of course no match for your normal everyday monster, especially one that had cyclopean strength.

Camera crews were filming intensely, trying to get as much of the action as they could. Especially to get those ratings. These days, the Black Ranger fights could get you thousands of viewers easily.

The Prison

As Eleanor mentioned the words goddamn monster lunatics, Cobalt, the blue skinned reptilian monster walked over to her. A few nearby inmates speed walked away as quickly as they could as Cobalt got up real close to the young woman, hissing slightly. His secondary eyelids blinked momentarily. "Is there something wrong with monsters, sweetheart?"

A few of the nearby Relics placed their hands on their blades, just in case, taking their eyes off of the rest of the prisoners. They were now fully engrossed in what is going on between the Eleanor and Cobalt. It wasn't every day that they got to have this sort of excitement. Surely, they could focus themselves on the important thing going on instead of their daily routines.

A man wearing facial tattoos with each of the four card suit symbols on a different part of his head walked over to Brent. The Club on his forehead, The Diamond on his left cheek, the Spade on his Right cheek and the Heart on his chin. His sleeves were rolled up and his hair was slicked back. His prison jumpsuit was partially open revealing a white tank top underneath. "Hey man. I saw what you did there. And I want out. Whatever your plan is, I want in, got it? Iv'e been here way too long and I don't want to end up some monster's dinner or nothing."

A young woman with a crew cut and a voluptuous figure walked over to Lena. "Hey, are you alright. You look a little spaced out and too calm for a place like this." She held out her hand. She seemed a bit too upbeat for someone that was locked away in prison. But it also seemed as though she were the type of person that wouldn't let a little something like being incarcerated for committing a crime get her down and out. "Names Kara. I'm in for Arson. How about you?"​
Lena's little daydream is suddenly impeded by the arrival of a extremely attractive woman approaching her. She has a great body, one Lena would consider almost perfect in her standards. The first thing she does is eye her down and mentally checks her out. However, on the outside, she doesn't appear to react at all. She points out that she sticks out in the crowd compared to the others due to her calmness and quietness in a manner that make her almost sound like she's questioning if she was in the right place. She introduced herself as Kara, in for Arson.

Well, she couldn't just leave her hanging, even if she was socially awkward. It didn't help the fact that she was beautiful. She took her hand and shook it a bit weakly before telling her her name.
"Magelena. I'm in for...Murder." She spits out the last word extremely hesitantly, as saying it deepened the wound in her heart and soul. She didn't want to be reminded of the reason why her life fell apart, so she stood there, hoped that she got the memo and moved on to something else.​
Cobalt’s stench filled her nostrils as she pressed her back against the fence. Her body trembled slightly. ‘Think Eleanor...think! I’ve seen this slimy lizard looking at female inmates before...maybe I can play that to my advantage...’ She thought to herself as she loosely wrapped her arms around his reptilian neck. ‘Why couldn’t he have been a turtle or something...’ she complained in her mind as she narrowed her dark brown eyes. Her soft plump lips curved in a smirk.

“Nothin’s wrong with you sweetheart~ though I have to say you’re much better than those relics, I quake at the sight of you! Though a strong and confident Reptilian like yourself is sure to catch a few eyes. Confidence is the most attractive thing you know?” Eleanore wanted to gag right about now but she kept up her playful facial expression. One of her free hands moving to push against his chest. Her eyes roaming his reptilian body only for show.

“I’m sure I’m just at the bottom of the food chain with how many women come after you, but it would be my pleasure to have a moment of your time~” She kept up this act. Trying to make it as convincing as possible as she leaned into him ever slightly, to get the point across. She definitely knew she wouldn’t eat for a few days if this went where she feared.
A lot of the relics and the other inmates had their attention either on the television with the black ranger making a total fool of himself and getting others killed or watching the brunette woman and the reptile. Not really his cup of tea to be interested in another species, but he could respect a good con or smooth talking. The girl had skills, he'd give her that, especially if she managed to pull this off. Looking around he also saw two women not paying attention to either fight as well. Murder? She didn't look capable, but women who looked like that and were capable of murder were people to be wary of. He'd definitely want to piss her off.

Flipping the security card back into the deck and into this pocket, he smirked to himself before turning around and nearly running into a large man with some very interesting tattoos. Tilting his head to the side, he analyzed the man. He could probably use a bit of muscle or at least a fall guy should things go south. Even without the man saying so, if Brent said no, the man could tattle on him. Killing those in the way was his brother's line of work, Brent didn't like it and he wasn't about to do it.

"What are you in for?" He smirked, leading the way towards the edge of the yard and away from the Relics who guarded them. He needed to get a hold of their weapons, but not here.
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Inma lounged, slurping a margarita in a most unladylike way. Her head buzzed and thrummed as the alcohol she'd imbibed the last few hours continued to take effect. She let out a girl like giggle as she spun in her chair. Since the Zentenium showed up, her life had taken a turn for the better. Since being forcibly installed as mayor, she had taken every opportunity she could to further her own desires. Her family, brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews, now lived in the richest estates of Lantern Harbor. And she had everything she could want.

The Capitol Building: Unknown.jpeg Inma: Screen Shot 2020-08-14 at 5.29.21 PM.png
Her secretary burst through the door, causing Inma to tip over a bottle of Cuervo on the table she was reaching to pick up. Inma stood in a fury, her meringue suit covered in green libation. Her carefully tailored eyebrows settling into a sharp V on her forehead.

"What is the meaning of this!" She screeched.

Her secretary Lola, taken aback, mumbled, "I'm sorry your grace, but it's possible the Zentenium raid failed. It is believed that many traitors survived..." Inma all but shook with rage.

This stunt would play into the hands of the traitors. Ordinary citizens looked on the Rangers with hope, when they should be looking to her with thier problems. Hopefully none of the traitors made it.

Inma's fingers shook as she buzzed the intercom for her public relations representative. "Tell the 'Reaper', Mtyhal LadyOfStars LadyOfStars , that I request an urgent live interview at the capitol building. Tell her that I have details on where the more rangers will be recruited from. We shall squash this notion that they are the key to the prosperity of the city."

Almost collapsing back in her chair, she reached a quivering hand for a razorblade resting to the left of her desk, beside a stack of unread books on law and precepts. She shook out a few dextroamphetamine tablets on the table, cut them hurriedly, and snorted them. She would need to be hyper-focused before Mythal arrived if she wanted to survive.
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The General turned to Charlie and the two others that would be joining her on this mission. "Let's go over the plan one more time. Charlie, you will take Turner and Diane with you to break into the Prison. There, you will convince the three chosen members: Brent Martin, Magelena Lykanth and Eleanor Walker to join Delta Force. Once you have gotten them to safety, you are then authorized to hand them these morphers." The General handed Charlie a briefcase. "Any questions?"
"No sir. I'll get it done."

Standing before a man she considered to be one of the last bastions for humanity's survival, Charlie would've made any promise of success that General Houser asked of her. But the truth was, she wasn't nearly as confident as she let on.

Since the beginning of the invasion, the number of people she trusted started to dwindle. The upholders of law she looked up to started defecting to the other side, out of fear that eventually, not hiding under the safety of the aliens' thumbs would spell doom for themselves and their families. Others quit the force entirely, but most saddening were the ones that lost their lives fighting to get Delta Force on its feet again after the disappearance of the original rangers. Charlie wasn't the last one left, but a combination of her peculiar fighting ability and the fact that they had her mother's information on file pushed her into a role of semi-leadership. She got things done, was all. So when three candidates for the morphers were discovered in the nearby detention facility's files, eyes naturally shifted to her.

Hours later, she was sat down in the back of a camouflaged riot van, twirling her collapsed baton in her left hand. Scouts were stationed on top of nearby buildings, looking over the walls for gaps in the guard rotation. There were none, of course, but every weakness was noted and relayed back to a walkie-talkie on her hip. A pattern eventually presented itself, and a minute before the next chink in their defenses, she called the other cars hidden away. "Opening coming up. Alpha, give us some breathing room."

Delta Force's latest reliance on guerrilla warfare meant they didn't have many tactical options to spare, so Charlie had to get creative. "Alpha" was not a group, per say, but a pair of men in the front of a gas truck, one of which was armed with a grenade. "Breathing room" was achieved by hitting the gas as hard as the driver could, coming with 30 meters of the wall, and bailing out the doors. After regaining their composure, the "trigger man" would then throw the grenade, and then they'd both make a run for it. It sounded easy in theory, but in practice, Charlie cringed when they hit the pavement. Moments later, she was holding on to anything she could as the van she was in caravanned into the facility. Bullets flew, lasers zipped, swinging melee weaponry clashed, and in the middle of all of it, Charlie sent out groups to track down their three objectives. Now she only had to fight off defending forces with her men until they returned.

In her own office at the edge of the Government District, Mythal worked to the sound of soldiers sparring. Bodied hitting the ground, weapons clashing, and monsters letting out ferocious roars. It was the grandest symphony to her, something that she loved to hear even when she was just a young conqueror. Now a rewarded and seasoned Warlord Mythal only wished to hear the pounds of battle. The cries of her prey and the victory chants of her subordinates. Rising from her seat she closed a folder with a list of targets that needed to be taken out. Any threat to the Zentenium occupation had to be dealt with, no matter how small they were.

Rising from her desk Mythal pushed open the doors to her office, only to be ambushed by her Lieutenant. “General Mythal! The Mayor requests a meeting with you. She says it is urgent.” One of Mythal’s original soldiers, the Lieutenant was a trusted ally, but she never brought Mythal news she wanted to hear.

Leaving the barracks Mythal climbed into a human vehicle ,a jeep wrangler which she had grown fond of. Her chauffeur wasted no time getting on the road and as they traveled to city hall she watched the humans go about their day like weak worms too fragile to fight back. It gave her no pleasure to see them so content to be ruled. Where was their resistance, their fighting spirit, she wanted something to crush.

Arriving at City Hall Mythal entered the building with unrivaled confidence and authority. She made her way to the lobby and looked around. “Where is the mayor Bruhaha Bruhaha ? Tell her I am waiting!”
Black Ranger watched intently as numerous maids and butlers were sent blasting off into the sky. The cameras around them continued to capture the scene unfolding before them, Black could only imagine the memes that were going to be made of them. This was clearly not working... he had to try a different approach. It was time to use his secret weapon.

"Enough!" He raised his gloved hand. The remaining servants stopped in their tracks and swiftly retreated from the scene. What followed after was complete pin drop silence, only Black's footsteps could be heard.

Black slowly walked up to Cycloptor, his massive club dangling in front of him. The faux Power Ranger whipped out a piece of paper and handed it to the cyclops. "This is a blank check. Name your price and it's yours!"

Bribery: how things got done.

Trektek Trektek
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Construction site


Cycloptor was in mid swing when Black Ranger had raised his white gloved hand and said enough. He stopped his swing and merely watched in strange confusion as the maids and butlers retreated. Ah yes, they must be preparing for a counterattack. Wait, no. He thought as they completely left the scene in complete silence. All the camera crews were quiet as well, eager to see what was going to happen next.

And then it happened. He handed Cycloptor a blank check. This must be some sort of trick, right? He wasn't just offering him money to go away, was he? He took the piece of paper and looked it over. It looked real enough to him, possibly?

The cycloptic beast laughed a large belly laugh. "I'll take $10,000 then Black Ranger. And then this never happened." He placed his club back down at his side. "For a human, you aren't so bad at all." Another belly laugh as Cycloptor started to walk away to spend his newly found gotten gains.


Delta Force Base

General Houser nodded. "Then good luck Charlie. The fate of the city rests in the hands of you and your team. May The Power Protect You." As Turner, Diane, and Charlie went to prepare for the attack, the good General looked over the dossiers of the three chosen potentials. Each of them had something that was required for this team, a team that had to work much more in the shadows than most Ranger teams. Between them, they had Stealth, Speed, Agility, Strength, Flexibility and Parkour. It was what they needed and what the city needed. Now, he could only hope that they accepted this great responsibility that was about to be thrust upon them. But they were also the ones that were the most compatible with the system and would be able to tap into more of the energies of the morphing grid. Only time will tell......


The Prison


"Nice to meet you Magelena. Such a pretty name." Kara gave Lena's hand a hearty shake and hung on just a little too long before letting go. "Murder, huh? Well, there are lots of people in here for that. Buuuut. I can tell that you don't want to talk about that. So how about we talk about something else, Liiiike……" Kara started looking up and down over at Lena and smiled. "....like how about your beautiful golden eyes that match your beautiful hair?" She started twirling her own chest level chestnut colored hair as she spoke.

Cobalt's expression changed to something a bit more content as his face contorted into a grin of sorts. "Hehe. Well, I am sort of a big deal around here. I've been put in charge of most of this Prison after all. Hehe." The reptilian monster seemed easily placated by Eleanor pretending to come on to him. She could easily surmise that he was the type that liked to lord themselves over anyone and everyone and as such, was most definitely not popular with the fairer sex. "Well, now. You can certainly have some of my time. How about we go somewhere a little more private?" As Cobalt started to lead her elsewhere, he motioned for more Relics to come to the Courtyard to guard.

The tattooed man smiled as he got the hint and followed Brent to a quieter area so they could speak. "I'm in for Armed Robbery, multiple counts. I robbed a few banks all in the same day. Heck, only got caught cause my partner decided to go back to one of the banks later and make a deposit. Cause one of the banks we had robbed was his bank. The dumbass. So.... what about you?"

Suddenly an explosion rocked down to the foundation of the prison structure. The sounds of gunfire started to erupt from elsewhere as well as lasers and the clashing of metal on metal melee weapons.

Cobalt frowned as he turned back to Eleanor, "The Relics will take you to my office. You can wait there until I deal with this little disturbance, my dear." He motioned to two nearby Relics who started to escort her towards Cobalt's office.

Cobalt started snarling and hissing. "You three with me. The rest of you stay here and guard the prisoners." Three of the Relic guards left with Cobalt to elsewhere in the facility, while the rest of them started to take up defensive positions near the prisoners in case they started to get rowdy.

Some of the prisoners were already starting to whisper among themselves and looking antsy.

With all that was going on, Kara gave Lena a smirk. "I think we could get some of them to cause a distraction and get away, what do you think?"

The tattooed man looked at Brent. "I think now is probably a good time to start this master plan of yours."

Charlie's forces had engaged with the Relics. A handful of them went down during the initial surprise, but now the fighting was fully entrenched. Momentarily, the freedom fighters of Delta Force had the advantage, but that was starting to disappear as reinforcements from deeper within the Prison began to arrive. A Relic with Red Stripes made a mad dash for Charlie and looked to be charging in for a punch.​
Lena’s mouth started to curve into a weak smile as Kara compliments her name. Well, it was pretty nice and unique around here, so she guesses that it’s expected. After the handshake ends, she starts to bring up the reason she was here. She grimaces a bit at the word ‘murder’ but thankfully, she got the hint and moved away from that topic...into something completely out of the blue. “Yeah. I don’t. Thanks.” She mentions before the other girl stares her down, checking her out, compliments her looks. Seeing her play with her hair like that, almost teasingly...makes her face flush up considerably and causes her to breathe a bit faster, a direct response to her heart beating faster. Was she into her? Lena definitely was. She was gorgeous indeed, with a perfect body and looks in her books. She could definitely see spending the rest of her life with her, but that probably wasn’t going to happen. It’s prison. Question is, what if she wasn’t? What if she flirts with her in return, only for it to backfire?
“Th-thank-“ She starts, only to be interrupted by the sound of something exploding. The entire prison reacts almost immediately, spiraling into chaos. Lena wastes no time, planning out a potential escape plan. This is it. I finally have an opportunity to get out of this place. I just have to play my cards wisely and... Kara speaks up, suggesting a plan. She nods to her. “Whatever it takes to get out of this hellhole. I’ll follow your lead” She tells her seriously, awaiting a command.​
"If only I wasn't hungry that day and had picked up some items a week before." Scott thought to himself, remembering the day he got arrested. It was few days after Zentenium forces had invaded the city and began their occupation. Being low on food and with all the looting going on, he thought it was perfect time to stock up. Little did Scott know, he was wrong. He managed to make it to a grocery store and grab an arms' full of whatever was in there. After exiting, Scott encountered what he believed to normal police, where he was stopped right away. Not thinking with a clear mind, he swung a punch as soon as he was stopped. Little did Scott know, it wasn't a police officer he did, but a Relic. Soon he was knocked out by multiple other Relics, eventually he woke up in the prison where he is know.

It was a normal day like another in the prison, multiple meal times and a yard time. On this day, Scott looked around to a slightly different scene, a fellow inmate trying his luck against a Relic. He stopped to look at the sight before him. The fellow inmate was Brent, someone he knew in passing, dealing cards out to the Relic. Scott watched very closely and listened to Brent small talk the Relic about the Power Rangers and other things. Then it happened, Scott noticed Brent's quick sleight of hand, which resulted in Brent getting the Relic's key card.
"Fool, just having the key guard will not get you out of here," Scott thought to himself, knowing that any security in the prison was probably integrated with alien technology.

Scott continued to watch Brent, eventually following him out into the yard while keeping his distance. Eventually another inmate with some face tattoos made his way to Brent. Not wanting to make his presence fully now, Scott kept his distance within some earshot of the two. He heard the tattoo man mention the key card and escaping.
"Just my luck, a little bit too late." He thought to himself. Then all of a sudden Scott heard distant sounds of gunfire and other things. Knowing this might be his chance to make an escape, Scott ran to Brent and tattooed inmate. "Boys, I believe I can be of some help with that key card."
Brent was wondering if this guy was as stupid as he looked and when he said his partner had gotten him arrested, then he knew. Why pick a partner that would get you caught? It's not like he chose this weirdo to help him out, but he didn't have much of a choice. He knew the game well enough to know the man would snitch in an instant and Brent didn't feel like cutting out anyone's tongue for getting him caught. He wanted out first, then he could deal with the stray later.

"Yes I know," he growled, aggravated. The bells were a big clue that the guards would be distracted enough for him to get out. He wasn't an amateur, no matter what kind of ugly company he kept. "Okay, let's-" he's cut off as someone else joins them. Maybe Brent was the stupid one if he couldn't keep his fucking mouth shut. He briefs a quick glance at his hand. Maybe he wasn't as fast as he thought. Shaking his head, he glared at the two men before gesturing for them to follow him.

"Fine, just come one before anymore decides to join us." At least this guy seemed a bit more intelligent than baldy and he might not be inclined to leave him behind if he proved useful. "Let's just try to keep away from the fighting, eh?" He goes through the door opposite where the guards are standing. For the most part, they seem to be moving away from the fighting, for which Brent was grateful. Getting shot would really put a damper on his escape plans.

"So," he starts, looking over his shoulder and holding up the keycard. "What can you tell me about this?"
Black Ranger struck another pose as the cyclops stomped off with his payment. A butler reappeared by his side and wiped the sweat off of his suit.

Reporters all clamored around him, bombarding him with questions on his victory. Him not being smushed by the monster's club was probably the biggest plot twist since the climax of Sixth Sense; it was going to be sensationalized for the next few weeks.

"I have been training all my life for this moment," Black exclaimed into the microphone. "I only ask to be acknowledged as a Power Ranger in return, so I can continue to protect all of you! I request all my fans to reach out to the mayor and put in a good word for me!"

The internet was having a field day with the shocking turn of events.

Trektek Trektek Bruhaha Bruhaha
The Mayor's office

Blaring on the news was being filled with reporters asking Black Ranger about his latest victory over the monster menace of the city, by bribing him into submission. People were eating up everything about Black Ranger. He was the latest sensation and something that the people could latch on to, but nothing actually concrete. Juts enough to hope for and laugh at to help keep the people placated from attempting to rise up. At least for the majority of the population. After all, most were not especially brave, especially after the forces of evil had managed to defeat the Power Rangers that had been protecting the city. Something that was unexpected and that many people are still reeling from. It was part of why the occupation has mostly gone off without a hitch.

After seeing Mythal, and listening to her demand, the secretary ran into the Mayor's office. "Ma'am, Mythal is here to see you. And she doesn't look as though she wants to be kept waiting."

The Prison


Kara smirked at Lena and then spoke in a whisper, barely heard among the rising din of the cacophony that had become the courtyard of the prison. "Then watch this." She whipped out a small black ball which she threw up against an opposing wall, causing it to bounce off that wall, then another one and finally into one of the Relics. It turned to the direction of where the ball came from and starting pushing an inmate in that direction.

That was all it took. All of a sudden, all hell broke loose. Prisoners took out shivs and other makeshift weaponry and began to engage with the Relics, to varying degrees of success. But the major point is that now the current guards were all occupied with the horde of fellow criminals. With the sounds of fighting outside and the sounds of fighting inside, it had very quickly become a battlefield.

Kara grabbed Lena's hand. "This way." She started pulling the other girl into a direction more in the shadows, passing by Brent, Scott and the tattooed man as they had moved through the other unoccupied doorway. The pair managed to sneak on by the occupied guards and into the hallway that leads to the large groupings of cells. They've entered their own cell block so all of these cells are currently empty.

Brent and his small crew would notice the two girls run on by their spot as they move on towards more relative safety than the fighting that is going on in the courtyard and the fighting that has erupted outside the prison. A Relic charges over in their general direction from deeper within the Prison. the man with the tattoos charges back, grappling the robotic man, and bringing it down with a headbutt. A sizeable red welt forms on the man's forehead as the machine drops down to the ground. The tattooed man smiles at Brent as he moves over in order to keep a lookout, just in case any more Relics try to head in this direction.​
LadyOfStars LadyOfStars

Inma was helped down the ornately carved marble stairs by her personal nurses. The opulence here in the capital was now displayed garishly and to a sickening degree. Red tapestries and marble busts of the hero Zapata rested beneath golden chandeliers, an ironic tribute to role model Inma never emulated. The things of beauty here were all purchased with funds embezzled from the city. The staff and reporters shied away from Mythal. The sheer dominant energy emanating from her forced workers and citizens to kneel and cower before the Lordess of War. Mythal stared dismissively around the room, seemingly searching something out. "Could she almost be hoping for a challenge?" thought Inma, dully. Inma was burning on amphetamines and alcohol. A sense of inferiority began to settle into her as she considered her own stained orange suit, tourniqueted arm, and sloppily applied makeup. Compared to Mythal she was but a gnat, a piece of putty before a crushing slab of granite. Despite that, it was still possible Mythal could be directed to help suit her aims.

Cowering attendants shuffled and scraped, bowing Mythal into a side room set with chairs and a a few film cameras. Inma followed shortly thereafter slumping into a leather chair while being supported by nurses, her eyes lolling back and forth. A nurse administered and hung a banana bag off camera.

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Inma motioned for the statuesque Mythal to sit across from her in the two chairs directed towards a film crew. Inma lazily directed her gaze at the camera.
"Good citizens of Lantern's Bay, I am here to introduce you on a special broadcast... to the city's newest hero." Inma swept an arm out clumsily toward Mythal.

Inma averted her gaze, not willing to look in the face, the intergalactic terror ( LadyOfStars LadyOfStars ) before her. "I mean to ask you Mythal, firstly, what message do you have for the people of Lantern's Bay, now that they are under your stalwart protection? Secondly, would you share your stance on the blank ranger?

Inma's eyes narrowed as she said his name ( waifu waifu ). The ridiculous fan mail she received concerning him was pathetic. The man was inciting unrest and non adherence to the new order of Zentenium, Inma's power base. He must be stopped like the rest of the rangers if the citizens were to avoid being killed in uprising.

Inma continued; "He has defeated one of your officers. What will you do in reply of this reckless abandonment of the law...?" Inma's language was strong but her words weak. As Mythal's gaze penetrated her, Inma trembled. Her speech trailing off to nothing by the last few words.

Inma nervously nodded to an aid, standing off camera, who held up an electronic screen, sharing the address of the black ranger's mansion, the screen directed towards Mythal.

Trektek Trektek
There were things about this tattooed man that oddly reminded him a lot of Brendon, minus that tattoos. Brendon didn't want to tarnish his own body, believing that it was half of the key to his charm. There was the familiarity of Brent not wanting to be shown up of someone bigger than him. "Nice moves," he sniffed, as two more came around the corner. "Now watch a master."

Brent takes off at a sprint, flipping to his hands and launching himself up in the air. Wrapping his legs around one of the Relic's neck, he uses his momentum to flip them both backward so the relic lands face first with a crunch. As the second closes in on him, he leaps from his crouched position on the ground and stands upside down on this relic's shoulders. Swinging down, he plants his knees right into his chest and sends the goon flying into the wall, only to sink down without moving.

"Looks like it's your turn nerd," he smirks and holds up the keycard.
What remained of Charlie's forces after scouting teams were sent out to find the potential rangers dug themselves into their positions around the vehicles and prepared to defend themselves, like soldiers in a battlefield's trenches. For some time, it looked like their lack of preparedness had been made up for by the element of surprise, but it wasn't long before the enemy's sheer numbers represented themselves in full, and the rookie thrown into the middle of something much larger than herself was reminded of what an uphill battle she was facing. Left and right, it became her people dropping like flies, and she could only assume her scouts had met the same fate. It was time she got her hands even dirtier.

Jumping on top of one of the cars, her pistol made quick work of the closest and most dangerous minions, but an alien made of harder stuff breached their defenses from another side, and seemed to think it was his lot in life to bring down the cell of fighters' leader. A Relic, striped red, probably with blood, coming straight for her with his fists ready. But all that meant to her was that he was otherwise unarmed. Baton extended and readied, she whipped it as hard as she could across the Relic's face to disorient them before pouncing and trying to dent it's skull with the handle by hitting it over and over.
Soon Scott was following Brent and the inked faced man after revealing the knowledge of the stolen keycard. He kept his distance between Brent and other prisoner, while both took had taken out some Relics. "Damnit, I have to do something or they might try to do something to me too," Scott thought, until he saw Brent take out the keycard. "That's more like," he said and took the keycard.

He looked around a saw an undisturbed door and a placed the keycard into. A light near the slot for keycard glowed red and a small beep indicated that the door wasn't opening. "Hey, I think we need a scan from a Relic as an additional bypass," Scott said walking towards the two Brent recently knocked out. Scott kneeled, grabbed, and started dragging one of the Relics towards the door. He placed keycard into the slot again and quickly followed by a scan of the Relic's hand. By sure chance the door actually opened.

"I figured they would we upped the security of the place."
Eleanor sat atop Cobalt's desk, loosening the top two buttons of her jumper. Her body trembling as she barked at the relics to get out. She then went over and unlatched a window to make an easy getaway if things become...undesirable. "I'm going to need a god damn bath in hot lava after this is over..."

Eleanor noticed all the commotion and hoped the big blue lizard was shot in the skull so she wouldn't have to deal with the stench of that beast.
The Prison


The baton smacked directly into the head of the red striped Relic, it seemed unprepared for the massive force that accompanied the blow, or it just didn't expect the blow at all. Before it managed to recover from the attack, Charlie's constant attacks managed to bash in the mechanical skull of the minion, causing gears and parts to become exposed. With that enemy down, the fighting seemed to be going in the favor of the rebels, with the remaining Relics falling back to better cover and chokepoints.

One of the Delta Force troops came over to Charlie and saluted. "Ma'am, the scouts report that a reptilian type monster named Cobalt is heading to our position. He's the head of the Prison."

Brent and his crew managed to get the door opened and on the other side approaching the door was a man in army fatigues. As soon as he spotted the group, he moved closer with a smile on his face. "You're Brent Martin, aren't you? I'm here to get you out of here." He pulled out a computer pad that had Brent's picture and name on it. "You haven't seen two woman named, Magelena Lykanth and Eleanor Walker, have you?" The man pulled up pictures of both of the women.

Eleanor noticed outside the woman that she unlatched that there was major fighting going on out in the front of the Prison. It seemed to be a warzone with fallen Relics and human troops littered about near what was once an exploded wall of the very building that was housing them all in incarceration.​

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