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Fandom Power Rangers: Bio Strike

The court blinked and stared at the Rangers and sudden field commander through the wall. Captain Scott and Dr. Wilson were in shock. Smith had been startled and immediately backed away from the danger. Tensions rose in the courtroom. Not tension from the trial and the impending guilty ruling. Tension from an invader with powerful weapons and a plot to kill all humans in sight. He looked in Wilson's direction, as well as Smith. Once before he'd already wounded both men, nearly killing one of them. Weak as he was, Wilson couldn't run like he wanted and get clear. The Captain helped him get back as they and everybody else in the courtroom got back and out of the way. Acknowledging the Rangers and the enemy, the Captain called out to them: "Rangers, divert him from the court an away from civilians." No brainer, but he knew Drew was probably a bit frozen. He snapped out of it rather quickly and gave Tidal a thumbs up. He stood in front of everyone with him and instamorphed, tapping the morpher quickly and doing the same with the squadron morpher. Now the two of them were morphed in squad mode. The court ooh'd and aww'd. This made the commander step forward and his robotic eyes glimmer.
"Be careful. His trick may come back up to bite us in the..." Olivia stated and got up with the others slowly.

Inserting red and black amps in his arms, Desomax prepared to fire. Instead, Drew shot rapid blasts from his blaster at Desomax' arm gauntlets thus putting a halt on the projection of more foes to the relief of the other four Rangers. "Whatever the trick is with old friends, there's no time for it," Drew said and looked over his shoulder at the judge and everyone cowering in the back with the Captain standing protectively in front. "Judge, ladies and gentlemen of the court. Look at just hat Dr. Wilson gave us all to fight with," he assured the court and looked back toward Desomax as the robot stared coldly at them all. He darted over with his super speed and tumbled to the ground with him, now outside of the court and back into open space. Olivia followed in suit with everyone else, the entire court watching from afar to witness what hope Wilson created firsthand. They had seen Rangers before...but this is truly a sight!

Converting his blaster to baton, Drew rustled on the ground with Desomax for a time, vigorously jabbing it at his head and punching down in rapid speed, eventually being kicked off. Drew lunged back and felt the pierce of the robots blades, slashing his chest hard and putting him on the ground. In came Olivia from behind with her baton as well, phasing through Desomax and kicking him in the chest with a sweep of her baton on his chest. The robot fired at them and missed, Drew coming back fast and striking Desomax in the arm and passing him off. "Protection! Squadron Mode Red!" He called, shortening the role call mid-fight and dodging an incoming blast. Drew had been made angry...but also filled with a drive. If Wilson can be honest...that takes balls. He's protect him to the end! Even if that meant starting a game of catch using Desomax as a ball.
Olivia flipped and swerved around, her baton clashing with Desomax' blades. Smart and professional as she was she knew exactly how to respond in a fight even if she was generally more of a support unit in many cases. She twisted his arm, feeling a rush in her of determination. All those people, her father included, were watching. She wouldn't lose. And she'd definitely join her friends and defeat him. Desomax struggled to get his arm free and instead found himself getting a quick strike on his head. "Intellect! Squadron Mode Pink!" She kicked him and sent him to whomever wanted contribute next. Efficiency was using your power to the fullest over an enemy, after all.
"Thanks, Captain Obvious," Jane called to the actual Captain as he told them what common sense did in this scene. Pause for insubordination, calling the Captain by another title. At least it has Captain in it, right? Maybe she's a military brat but damned if she ever learned how to now be so informal at times. And in a courtroom of all places. Granted she'd also been thrown through the air and right into a god damn wall so forgive her for being just a little bit cranky. Seriously, she needs some fucking chocolate right now. Chocolate makes everything better. She glanced around at the many people backing away and even some of them she recognized from walking around the base. Chills went through her...in the least twisted way, she found facing a monster in front of people she knew to be quite exhilarating. Maybe she's just insane!
Calvin nudged her and stood with her and everyone. "Hey, cut down on the insubordination," he said to her in a friendly yet legit manner. She scoffed with a chuckled. "Oh please, me being not insubordinate every now and then is like Tidal not being hopelessly in love with his cat," Jane replied and packed a tap on the bad boy's stomach before he and Drew morphed. Speaking of that, when they did morph Calvin expected to see more friends from the dead return. Monsters long-destroyed. If so, he was ready for anything. Just fighting in the court seemed a tad...unorthodox. Even for them, really. And they've traveled to space to rescue Isaac before! Remember that experience???

Before following Red out as he charged away with Desomax, Jane gave the court a fun salute and ran out. Calvin addressed them all as well. "Be calm, we'll take care of this. Just stay safe," he warned and followed his team out there in the fight. But these people surely knew that. One does not live in Inezia and not know how to hide from the space alien invaders that fucked the planet over more times than Bugs Bunny did to Elmer Fudd. Totally not sponsored. Unless the creator of Loony Tunes survived the war on Earth and is fucking alive...holy shit. Mark that on the bucket list!

Back to reality, both of them exchanged their weapons for the simple batons. Up close and personal, this would be. This damned bucket of crap had not only stabbed Wilson and caused so much trouble, but he'd overstayed his welcome or lack there of and was just a complete pissbag. And he made them all fight monsters again! Not cool! One way to properly thank him for this shit storm came to mind. And it came with a lot of pain from Jane. Hey...a rhyme! Following up on previous assaults, she leaped up with her agile legs and sprung into a barrage of kicks on Desomax' torso area. He swept around at her but she persevered and kept up the kicks. "I'm so kicking the crap out of you!" she called and finally stopped kicking mid-air, kicking off of the bastard and back flipping down and slashing across his chest. "Imagination! Squadron Mode Blue!" She stuck the landing! Desomax ran for her, but she'd had it at this point and ducked when he lunged, flipping him over to the next volunteer for pain! Ahh team work!
The field commander found himself met with two copies of Calvin, both being struck by his blades quickly but grabbing him and holding him down. The real Calvin stared at him from afar and ran in with his baton. Like a true soldier he made every step count and held the baton backward, spinning around and calling out "Honor! Squadron Mode, Green!" He landed the blow on Desomax right on the word 'green'. The robot shook himself free and the copies vanished, Calvin dueling him for a moment and brutally punching into his face and stepping aside when he saw chances for the others to hit.
"Oy!" Tidal called, minorly offended by what Jane said. He was NOT hopelessly in love with his cat. That would be weird, and wrong on many levels. He just cared about little Sally and if anyone dared to harm her they would have to answer to him. Pretty much the same as when you'd hurt one of his friends. Okay, that was a little weird... To compare his cat to his fellow Rangers. Cue a mental image of Sally in Spandex, fighting evil dog overlords. Meower Rangers. Aaaaaand... now things were getting really weird. Thank goodness for the distraction consisting of a robot hellbent on murdering every last person in court! Thumbs up, the sign he had been waiting for. Tidal motioned for the remainder of the people in the court to get to safety before getting in front of everyone beside Drew. He tapped his morpher and Squadron Mode, instamorphing as well. With a monster in the court and lots of people in danger, it was best not to waste any more time. Their priority was to get the monster outside and the people safe.

"Wow Jane... really now? Under these circumstances of all things?" Lucas asked, shaking his head lightly. She sure had a poor timing being her tomboy self. He was glad Drew shot the robot before he got to bring back more friends from the other side. Dead things should stay dead. Plus... having even more old field commanders wandering about was not exactly what they were waiting for. Who would be brought back for the two of them, anyway? Razaro? That stupid giant bee? Things Lucas didn't want to think about, and Tidal hadn't seen. Best to just get to some serious butt-kicking, save the people, show what Wilson had done to protect the world... and then go on with their merry way of whatever they would do. After the trial, that is. Now that everyone was there, they might as well stick around to hear what Wilson's fate would be, not? Tidal knew what the jury had been about to say. He just really hoped the jury would change their mind... or well.. Wilson was guilty as could be, but with what they were doing now... can they at least get Wilson out of trouble? The two guys gave the people in the court a polite nod before rushing back outside with the rest. There was a monstrous robot to fight!

Instead of summoning his "death frisbee", Tidal stuck to his baton, Lucas following suit, switching the Knuckles for the much simpler weapon. They had been made to deal with demons from their pasts. Now it was time for the Rangers to become the demons for Desomax, ganging up on him and giving the robot a proper beating before sending him to some space dumpster. If only there was something like a giant dumpster on the moon or anything.... (cue reference)
Lucas waited for an opening, following up on Calvin by repeatedly ramming the baton into Desomax' metal body. "Compassion! Squadron Mode, Yellow!" he said. No compassion for this fucker though. Just pain, and lots of it. He rammed the baton square in Desomax' face, leaving the field commander to stumble around. Tidal showed up right behind the field commander from invisibility. "Redemption! Squadron Mode, Shadow!" he called. Redemption was a keyword here today. He had been given the chance to redeem himself, so why not Dr Wilson as well? He kicked the robotic field commander back before handing a good blow with the baton. The robot didn't stand a chance!
Thewless Desomax had been given the "rock 'em sock 'em robot " treatment as an appeal to the court and as a serving of justice for the misery he's caused in the past 48 hours alone. His arm gauntlets still faintly glowed red and black for the SOS from his Empress to give him more monsters to fight for him but the effort was futile. Everywhere he turned there was a Ranger in the way. Literally, everywhere. From the court room, the judge, Captain and everyone watched in amazement as the Power Rangers tossed the robot around with passion in their hearts and a real aching in their fists. A circle of specially trained operations agents (Rangers) surrounded him and enclosed on his location. Desomax's circuits were being fried and his internal batteries were getting scrambled. To be expect from a hunk of junk like him. "Impossible. Programmed for elimination of Rangers, of all humans," Desomax told them in his zero-personality voice, blades in both hands. Drew snickered as if he had just been told a joke from a friend on poker night with a handful of chips in his mouth. "You Armada losers just don't get it. No matter how hard you push, no matter what you throw, no matter what we deal with, there's an entire worlds worth of energy behind us. You aren't just messing with us. You're screwing with the entire galaxy, slime," Drew told him and kicked the blades out of his hands. He signaled for the others to charge batons with the flick of the switch. A lot of things were on Drew's mind of both personal and professional nature. He'd wanted to scream, just scream his damn lungs out, yet he knew there was something bigger here than his feelings. He would let everyone know later but right now this was important. He flipped the switch and charges his baton so fast it was as if the Flash himself had been doing it. Back in the courtroom watching through the hole the Captain breathed. "Those are my Rangers." He's proud. Especially given the faces of everyone around seeing the action in person for the first time ever. The judge looked at Wilson, knowing he had a part in making this source of hope for the world. Hmm.

Olivia charged her baton as well, remaining silent as felt needed for Drew to speak as their elected leader. Standing in a circle around Desomax was everyone in order. The field commander had no idea what to do. He was beside himself and his programming was out of whack. He'd attempted to fire the amps again, but had on time given what was coming. "Sextuplet Bio Slash!" Drew led, Olivia following suit. And in a clockwise circle on by one, the Rangers spun and slashed into Desomax from all sides. Red, blue, yellow, green, pink, and black. After being hit for the last time point blank, Desomax sparked up with electric wave surging through his body. Contained and in the center of them all, Desomax erupted in flame and exploded. Another eruption occurred behind the team. It was cheering from the court. Jurors and the judge alike clapped and whistled in praise. Drew and Olivia turned around to greet the thankful people. Smith approved of the battle it looked. Captain Scott saluted and Dr. Wilson weakly smiled and waved with his good arm. Impressive work!
Splica cursed in space. Desomax was the embodiment of perfect in a soldier. Powerful, intelligent and obedient with no sign of individual thought. What else made a good soldier to serve with so much power? "Little Rangers are so cute, thinking that's it. Your celebration is to be cut short. This is not ever yet...not with what's left of the data," the Empress cackled and observed in her chambers. She hit the button that beamed the regeneration to a target. Playtime isn't over.
"Excellent work, Rangers," the Captain told everyone as the people made their way over to them across the court room and outside. "Indeed. This is the most interesting recess I've ever taken," said the judge, dusting off his robes and using his really shiny gavel as a mirror. Judges gotta look good don't they? Appreciation was just in the air that day. The Captain personally checked in on Olivia and the two exchanged a quick moment: weird since she's morphed and in full armored-up mode. Smith idly looked at them from the back, the judge and several others patting the Rangers and praising their actions. Dr. Wilson pulled Drew aside.
"Drew. About what I told you. And what you said in court..."
Drew put his hand up to stop him for a second. "Look. What happened happened. Your son, Junior...I'm sorry about him, and the crash was to blame on him. If anything and with all due respect, he's the one I am angry at. You finally told me as a way to make amends. Possibly to also get it out before going to jail, but...thank you, Dr. Wilson." He extended his hand for Wilson to take and shake it. He did, and the two men shook hands like friends. Something special had begun between them. A new bond.

Said bond was to be put on hold as were all happy moments in this town. Desomax returned, this time greater and larger than before. "Destroy!" He shouted and fired at the city. More specifically, he fired at HQ! The building itself was being attacked! Looks like his mission isn't over yet. Everyone jumped and looked in the direction of the giant attacking HQ in the distance, not too far however. "Oh no! He's back!" Captain Scott said much to everyone's dismay.
"They always come back," Olivia commented. "But...father, our Zords are still in repair. We have no weapons that can possibly stop him now. What do we do?" Olivia asked. Wilson let go of Olivia's hand. "I have just the thing... Old tech but still good. The Zords as we know them are damaged. But there is still something we can try," Wilson announced. "The base itself." Ehh? Defense systems weren't that strong! Olivia tilted her head. Drew too. Full of secrets out in the open today apparently.
Lucas wasn't violent in nature, but damn, it felt so good to beat the ever living shit out of Desomax. In part it was due to him having forced Lucas to face Phobial again. He was grateful that whatever the Empress had in store for Tidal and Drew had no chance of spawning in front of them. Four monsters from the dead AND an evil robot was just way too much for one day. Or for... ever. The shouts of encouragement coming from the crowd in the courthouse only fueled his passion even more. He might be the spirit of Compassion, but there was no compassion to be had for this robot! He scoffed as Desomax went on about not understanding how he could be bested. Drew explained just fine how these Rangers continued to defeat the Armada over and over again. No reason for him to add anything in on that. Like Drew and Olivia, he charged his baton, making it glow faintly yellow. It was high time to finish this.

And Tidal? His way of redeeming himself was kicking Armada butt, so there was absolutely no reason to hold back on anything. Desomax was done for. Surrounded, getting beaten, unable to fulfill whatever plan he had in mind for the two Rangers that hadn't faced him earlier today. Like the rest, he charged his baton and took his place in the circle around Desomax. Sextuplet Bio Slash, something that hasn't been used before but looked pretty damn awesome as the attack was executed. Spinning around, slashing the baton into Desomax at point blank range. Slashes in their respective colors hit Desomax from all angles. Finally Desomax sparked and went down in an explosion. The biggest pain in their ass in a long time was defeated at last. Finally this battle was over.

Lucas and Tidal turned to the approaching crowd, happy to have saved all these people here today. That, and they had just perfectly shown WHY they needed Dr. Wilson. Without him and his brilliant mind, none of the technology they were using right now would have been available. Surely this had to mean something to the judge and people of the jury? The two smiled under their visors as the Captain and judge complimented them on their work. But before either of the two really had the chance to respond, Desomax returned once again. As a giant this time. Just business as usual... Except... Well, as Olivia said, the Zords were still in repair. So what could they do...?! They couldn't let Desomax just rampage the city!
"Eh?!" Lucas and Tidal uttered as Wilson said the base itself was something they could use against Desomax. The shields couldn't possibly be THAT strong...
"You tell him," Jane encouraged Drew after his mini speech. He was perfectly spot on. Not just a team of Rangers and a planet of fed-up people but an entire galaxy is depending on things that happen here. Such incredible things going through her mind she could easily compare this to a video game. Only this was no game. Real life with real stakes. And real things to hit. She'd never wanted to see any old monsters again, especially not the man-controlling bitch again. Such a wrong idea about girl power! Silly monster was silly, though. Never could she get on Jane's nerves as much as this current guy did. With people giving them a boost of yelling she charged her baton and took her position eagerly awaiting her turn to lash out and kick this metal ass loser back into space to his stupid Empress whore!!! Rahhhhh! Calvin looked back at the people cheering them on in court. He felt confident that they could do this. Hell he knew they could. Getting a positive feel from people always had a way of making things seem brighter and easier to handle when they believed. He charged his baton as well and closed in. Together, taking their turns in places 2 and 4, Jane and Calvin slashed into Desomax with the others. "Sextuplet Bio Slash!" A new roulette-like attack sent Desomax right into the list of monsters-blown-up! They turned their backs and let his flames simmer. Bye-bye!

They smiled widely under their visors as the crowd came near them and gave thanks. Reminded Jane of her first day being a Power Ranger. She looked at Wilson and knew this is the reason he's here. How many people can say this has been their defense in court, eh? Calvin shook the judges hand and gave him a thumbs up, as well as taking several pats from court-goers and jurors alike from the military. He'd recognized a lot of them by face. Maybe the man they're here for is the root of some problems, but it's because of him that what just happened can even happen in the first place. So unless anyone thinks otherwise, just give the Rangers another villain who has it coming and let them blow it up again!
5...4...3...2...1...Giant. Desomax returned as every one of the field commanders did, most of the time, if not all of the time. Calvin looked up at him attacking in the distance. "We don't have the firepower for that..." he commented to add to Olivia's statement. No Zords equals no real chance of winning against a giant like this...
"Unless we're gonna just slash at his metallic toenails, someone think of something..." Jane said. She tensed up with Calvin when Wilson said the base could be used as a weapon itself. A building can blow up its attacker? "Eh?" they uttered just as Lucas and Tidal did.
Buildings made for poor humanoid robotic configurations, didn't they? Using the base itself as a method of combating the massive threat attacking Inezia--and the actual base in question here--sounded hardly comforting. In fact it sounded like Dr. Wilson had just snapped under pressure of admitting what he did to Drew and then the matter of this entire damn trial. There was a lingering silence inside of the courtroom. Silence as in a lack of vocal communication; the noise from far-away blasting at the base from a giant Desomax provided plenty of sound for the ear drums of all. Dr. Wilson looked at everyone, even the Captain who seemed equally questionable of his statement. So the Captain was unaware of this, as well, huh? "Trust me. When I helped design the bases' defenses I was in the beginning stages of Ranger and Zord technology development. You need only to power it!" Wilson explained the odd course of action. A moment passed on, Wilson going into detail about technology and complicated algorithms involved in making such weaponry. Olivia understood perfectly. Drew and the others, most likely? Not so much. Captain Scott even had a puzzled look on his face, and he's rather intelligent himself! He has to be do to his job!
"I think I understand. You guys, come with me," Olivia said. Drew nodded. "Roger!"
Cutting into the scene from a fade-to-black transition...
Desomax tore into the base, firing his missile lasers and bashing his blades against he shields, which were not far from collapsing and allowing him to get real damage in on the building. During his attack he did not notice the puny Rangers making their way under his powerful attacks with bigger sparks flying everywhere. On foot the Rangers had traveled form the court on its recess to HQ. Drew used his speed to rush inside the main building and evacuate everyone inside as Olivia and the others proceeded to the commander center. Strange to be inside of this place fully morphed. Olivia removed her morpher from her arm and looked for a certain station Wilson mentioned. She inserted her morpher and allowed certain codes to allocate themselves into the mainframe. "Wilson said the bases weapons were a rejected system of early Zord tech. And the base itself followed that. If these Megazord codes upload into the computer, we should be greenlit." Olivia explained and hovered over the main computer. Drew dashed inside when everyone was out of the main building. He put his thumb up to alert everyone and looked out the window. Looking directly in from afar was Desomax as he continued his attack. Minor shakes took the building by storm but nothing too severe. Nobody was of balance by it or anything. The computer displayed an upload meter rapidly filling itself. Just above it was the shield percentage meter already hitting 10 percent. "Shields are at critical, we won't have protection soon!" Olivia warned.

As if on a cue Desomax assault with a barrage of missiles from his gauntlets. The shields had dropped to 1 percent. At that exact moment, the upload was at 97 percent. More time, just a little bit. Desomax readied to fire again until Drew had enough and slammed his fist on the defense cannons trigger, a burst of shots escaping the smaller lasers on the building and hitting him pointblank, the robot stumbling back enough to get clear and recover. Drew bought them just enough time as the upload finished. A alert on screen came up reading: "Begin Transformation."
Olivia looked back at Drew and took her morpher back. He glanced around at everyone in this moment. Experimental tech from an older version of their weapons was all they had. Desomax would surely win if they gave up. Fuck. That. "Alright. Let's go," Drew commanded and initiated it. The base disconnected from the extensions of HQ, the tubes connecting them to the main building retracting. The Rangers had to hold onto something as the main building started to move. It rolled forward on tank-like treads, starting to lift up in the air. Parts of it conformed into a more humanoid but blocky shape, legs sprawling from the treads below and adding height to it. The main lasers formed into hands, the ten fingers all being small lasers on the hands, connecting to arms and shoulders, the main portion of the building becoming a chest. The command center sealed itself off and rose up into the head, the visor of the head being the main window. Two giant gatling guns from other buildings attached on the shoulders. And there stood an even bigger and still prototype robot, adorned with black coloring on the body, heavily decorated with gold and silver matte finishes and accents, a huge gold plate on the chest. The thing towered over Desomax, making him look up, but not a dramatic difference. Just taller by a little bit. Inside the command center, the controls flipped out into two main consoles, one in front and one in the back. Drew took the center front with Jane and Lucas. Olivia took left back with Tidal and Calvin. Both of them observed the new yet old controls. So many weapons...the shields were overwhelming...and the size of it!!! Desomax looked up at it in shock.
It didn't have a name, though. Until Drew snapped his fingers and commenced it. "Bio Command Megazord!" The base, a Megazord! He and Olivia both drooled over it. "Fascinating!" Olivia expressed aloud, rubbing her hands on the controls and looking around the command center-turned-cockpit.
Somewhere between the technical talk and the big words straight out of Webster's dictionary Jane zone out a bit, admittedly. Not that talk of the base being a lot cooler than she'd originally thought was boring but when you just don't know a lot of what's being said, the brain may wander a bit. Drowning out the exchange of information was Desomax in the distance attacking and hacking away as a giant douchebag. More on the giant side of that, anyhow. Hell, even the douche part!
Calvin stroked his chin over his helmet as Wilson explained that the base has some components of early Zord data inside of it. So all this time they'd been working, and for some of them living, in a glorified Zord? The base...the base! How had he not thought about it being something like this before? It makes sense, the main headquarters of the militia in Inezia being such a tool when there are Rangers up and about. "Just another thing you've given us, Wilson. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...please consider this," Calvin pleaded and saluted. Perfect timing, for a salute was also a handy response to Ms. Scott--Olivia! Where the hell did Ms. Scott come from? Technically that's a proper way to address her but damn it was weird. If anyone could make sense of this, she could and he trusted her with that. Jane did too. "Leave it to Liv!" She said. Again with the odd name??? Ms. Scott, Liv, what's next? Cupcake again form the wasteland?
Dodging debris and all falling things from the attack was no simple task. Jane and Calvin ran like maniacs with the others just to avoid being squished by big robot feet! But they managed to get inside without dying, thank the Lord almighty. Not to get preachy or anything. People say stuff sometimes! Or in this case they think stuff sometimes. As Drew evacuated the building they stood aside Olivia watching as Desomax attacked, sitting at eye-level with the command center of HQ with a menacing glare. Menacing as an expressionless robot can get, at least.
"So the morpher could sort of...wake up the Megazord in the base?" Jane asked to put it simple.
"Not too far off, I'd say. Let's just hope these codes Wilson mentioned to you can give us a fighting chance, Olivia," Calvin replied and rested a hand on her shoulder pad of the squadron armor. He had faith in her. Intellect is sort of her thing. He then grabbed onto something sturdier once things got heated and shields went low. It'd suck if he fell over. More sucky if they all exploded or something.
"Please tell me the low shields is just a fun prank for Opposite Day..." Jane muttered and shook around a little as Desomax persisted. At least Drew got the workers and crew out of the building so they were safe. Good news in this scenario was better news than low shielding.

"Booyah! Take that, Deso-whack!" Jane shouted as Drew just straight up used defenses on the robot when he nearly decimated them. She punched Drew's arm in a friendly but way too enthused way. Calvin stood his ground and stared out the window hoping Desomax would cease. Their glances shot to the screen as at the right moment it was complete! Hell to the fucking frick yes! Watching it all start, they noticed how the base sort of detached and moved, elevating itself and transforming to a finger/should gunned robot, the command center becoming a cockpit, and Desomax suddenly realizing that sometimes size matters. Only sometimes, though, only sometimes. Wink wink? Wow that was inappropriate.
Jane stood to Drew's right, Calvin directly behind her on the second console. Calvin admired the weapons and sheer firepower this thing appeared to pack. And what an advanced targeting system! Jane more admired the damage it probably did...and IT'S SO FUCKING BIG! She jumped up and down and geeked out a bit. She gets to control all of the guns? Or at least has the same amount of access as everyone else? Rad!
Neither of them knew what to say though. Bio Command Megazord, Drew named it on the spot. But it fit. An awesome title for an awesome fucking Zord. "This is awesome! Check it out! I wanna push all of the buttons!!!!" Jane exclaimed and kept jumping at her station. "This had ought to put him in his place," Calvin commented and readied himself, mentally freaking out at how epic this was but keep his demeanor.
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Yeah, all the technical talk went straight over Lucas' and Tidal's heads. Really, it sounded really cool and all, but with all the words being thrown around that some might enver have heard before or only ever thought of as things to happen in science fiction and action movies/books/series/you name it... It all got a little bit confusing. Tidal's mind mostly remained stuck on the fact that he had spend the last good while living inside a prototype Megazord. Now that's news! Sure, the Zords were rather roomy... but Tidal would rather not live in one. Except that apparently he had. But it was really clever, and at the moment: very helpful! Who could have thought that HQ itself was a Megazord! If even the Captain hadn't known it before... Calvin's words rung very true. The people of the jury just had to take this into consideration, right? They all got to see firsthand what Dr Wilson had done to protect the Earth!
"Heh, I like that nickname," Lucas remarked as now Jane called Olivia by the nickname Marin had used before. Somehow the nickname was a lot better now that it wasn't an evil stinky fish who said it. Then again, didn't that go for everything?
"Better than Cupcake, alright," Tidal grinned, knowing he probably had to fear for his life now. Lucas only half succeeded in trying not to laugh at that.
"Right behind you," he nodded, following out of the courtroom as well. Tidal nodded, gave a quick and much less formal salute to the people in the court before hurrying out as well.
Hey, look at that! They all made it back in one piece without being stepped on or squashed by falling debris. Not an easy task, but they all managed. It was a good thing they were so small that Desomax wouldn't notice them. If he had... then they most definitely would have been squashed. Drew evacuated the building. Tidal hoped Sally was somewhere safe. He didn't like the idea of his cat being stuck inside a Megazord in battle. Poor little thing wouldn't like that too much. Lucas glanced at the window, staring into the metallic emotionless face of the big evil robot. It was even uglier now that it was so big! And... somewhat scarier too. Especially with the shields going further and further down as the codes were still being uploaded.
"I guess it makes sense to put it like that," Lucas nodded.
"Whatever we call it, as long as it works, I'll be happy. But that should be fine. This was made by Wilson after all," Tidal commented. Both grabbed on to something as fast as they could as shields hit critical. The very base seemed to shake on its core when they went down to one percent. And already Desomax was preparing another assault on the base. One that would deal some serious damage now that they effectively had no shields left.

But thanks to Drew's quick acting, Desomax got blasted back just far enough for the upload to complete. Phew! That sure was a really close one. A little too close, maybe. And then the base transformed, slowly, into a new Megazord. Ah, so that's why all the buildings were connected by pipes! Tidal had always wondered why they used those pipes instead of normal hallways. Lucas... eh, he just assumed it was part of the aesthetic. But seeing why did really make a lot of sense. This Megazord, although a prototype, seemed quite far advanced, sturdy... and above all: very powerful. Oooh, Evie would have a field day with this news! She was probably watching from somewhere, anyway. No way she'd not be around when a big evil something was attacking the city. Commanders and soldiers had plenty to do on the streets when there was an attack.
Tidal took position right behind Drew, in the middle of the second control panel, Lucas took Drew's left side spot. With all spots manned it was high time to finish Desomax. Bio Command Megazord... that was something different from the something-Strike Megazord. Coming to think of that... did that mean they were just as lame in naming their Zords as the Armada was at naming their robots with the -tron suffix?
"Please don't actually push all of the buttons," Lucas said to Jane. "You might end up blowing us up instead of the big guy over there." Though he had to admit to himself, this was pretty fucking cool.
"If this won't put him down, nothing will," Tidal said. Seriously... if even the base itself fighting wasn't enough to defeat this super soldier robot... then hope would be pretty damn lost. But surely things wouldn't get that bad.
Catching the eyes of every beholder in the city below and on every live footage screen, the Bio Command Megazord brought chills to the populace. Drew felt the admiration skyrocket as he looked around the familiar setting and thought to himself 'this is incredible'. Olivia has just been flabbergasted by the true power and nearly forgotten potential of HQ! "Please don't..." Olivia commented to Jane, not picking on the joke factor. Or at least what was hopefully a joke factor, here. Drew firmly grasped the joystick presented to him as well as another control system. "Let's do it." Olivia readied herself and forwarded the motions, going forward with massive thudding steps.
Up in space, the new Megazord had not gone unnoticed. Empress Splica had not foreseen this. All data on the Rangers had been processed and utilized! This...this was not supposed to happen. They were not supposed to have this ability! "How?!" Splica asked herself and stared at the display in her throne/observation room.
Facing down with the colossus of a Megazord before him, Desomax fired out the red and black amps that had grown with him. And out from the beams shout out Infectoid and Razaro! The insect creature whose pollen made people sick or sicker, and the ever-changing limb warrior who was the last field commander to work with the evil Bio Shadow. Before they'd even had a chance to make themselves and their previous powers known, Drew fired the finger blasters. Ten lasers that usually acted as primary defense weapons rained down on the two field commanders of the past. Sparks danced on them and smoke filled the air around them. Drew lifted the airs and continuously fired on them with a goal in mind. After enough rounds had been pumped into them, the two monsters went up in explosions without getting a word in at all. Already they were gone! Drew drooled over the firepower! "Whoa...I just saw them and fired...didn't even mean to blow them up already, really," he mentioned to everyone. Really! The sight of that overgrown bee made him angry from last time when Isaac and everyone else nearly died damn!
"Amazing!" Olivia commented and observed the inner workings of the weapon systems. So powerful...so untested...but a certain bot ahead of them is going to make a brilliant specimen.

Desomax paused, his circuits unable to process the too-fast demise of his last remaining allies to call on via the monster-making amps. He braced himself and stepped back, crushing an empty car in the process. He snapped to offense and fired a series of lasers at them, for it was all he could think to do. Olivia gasped and raised the shields, a holographic light projecting out in front of them and absorbing all of the incoming shots. She lowered it. Once again she was amazed! Olivia controlled Bio Command forward once more, Drew pelting Desomax with lesser lasers for every few yards they grew closer. He whacked most shots away and deflected them, but not saving himself from a good couple of hits here and there. Bio Command got up close and personal with him, able to now disarm his swords or just unload on him. Anything was game for the tank-base!
"What, you guys think I'm going to push all of the buttons in a super warfare robot where every big gun is at my disposal like the ultimate VR experience?" Jane asked in response to the others. Not like she'd ever been one to go a bit insane with weaponry since becoming a Ranger....cue a montage in everyone's mind of times she'd gone trigger happy? Okay fair point, fair point. She isn't going to actually hit every button! Jane wouldn't hit self destruct or the air conditioning buttons in the middle of a fight unless things called for it!

The Bio Command Megazord mobilized and went forward to meet Desomax in the city. Time to fight fire with fire. Jane grabbed another joystick straight out of a video game and saw what it was able to do. Calvin did the same, his hands on a console operating power and shield levels to keep it all from going into 'we are so totally screwed right now' levels. Everything was smooth and just so nice to work with, why hadn't they gone with this thing from the very beginning? It blew them away! Speaking of blowing things away, two more menaces from the grave returned in the form of Razaro and Infectoid. Jane and Calvin looked up and felt themselves jerk back a bit. Infectoid....he'd made them so sick he'd hardly killed them all...and Razaro had also nearly killed them with brute force. Both had ties to Drew's brother, too. As well as ties to evil Tidal back in the day. Jane had cracked her knuckles. "Welp, looks like we have more to play with," she said.
"Be careful, guys, it's three against one now," he commented. Desomax alone took down four Megazords...he and two more could do more damage! But before anything even happened, Drew just fired at the resurrected monsters and obliterated them before anything happened! Jaws dropped! Calvin looked up at him from behind and let out a clean 'whoa.' Just...they exploded before even fighting! "I think the firepower is intense," Calvin commented.
"Yeah no shit..." Jane replied aw struck. "Way to hog the fun..." she said to Drew in a semi serious manner.

Then Olivia displayed the shields to protect them. Incredible! Just fucking awesome! After getting up close and personal with Desomax to take him on it was time to bring out some big guns. Quite literally. Calvin took advantage of the range and swept the big arm across Desomax's body and knocked one blade from his grasp, although taking a hit from the other in the process. Calvin then rushed and put a lot of power into the arm again, this time punching a massive fist into the robot's face. Sparks and a huge metallic thud echoed through the domed city. "Yeah, right hook! Lot of force in this thing!"
Jane saw the robot stagger back and all-too happily started actually poking at buttons and pulling levers and joysticks. "Oh boy, I can't wait to try this out!" She said and happily slammed on a trigger, the two shoulder guns firing solid lasers down at Desomax, sparks and a big blast hitting the enemy square in the chest. Shouldn't gatling guns be...gatling, though? Maybe it's another feature.
Tidal and Lucas both glanced at Jane. Did she really, honestly want them to answer that question? And without lying too? Surely she was clever enough to realize that, yes, they and likely anyone else who knew her would see her capable of doing just that. She was about as obsessed with guns and explosions as Eveline was, and that surely said something about the both of them. Please don't let those two ever control a zord like this together without a responsible adult supervisor. Nevermind the fact both were adults. It was the responsible part that was the issue.

Lucas rolled his shoulders before placing his hands on the controls. Tidal cracked his knuckled and did the same. The Megazord moved forward with big and heavy steps, ready to deal with Desomax once more. Not long from now, the ugly robot would be erased from the surface of the world once and for all! While Tidal would have loved to fire some guns or cannons or lasers to deal some damage, keeping the Megazord from blowing up was a pretty good thing to be busy with as well. As Desomax fired his amps and Infectoid and Razaro came back to live, Tidal scoffed and clenched his fists. Now he REALLY wanted to shoot something. Preferably the ugly piece of shit that changed its bodyparts, got into your mind and on your nerves... and said something about his little brother. What had been done to him... Oh God, Damien... what have they done to you... Was anything ever really done to him? Yes, Tidal now remembered the day Damien died, he had since their trip to the Wasteland, but... Dammit he wanted to blow Razaro to pieces! Not that there was any need for that. Drew just fired pretty much everything this Megazord had, destroying both field commanders before they even had the chance to do anything at all.

"Well good riddance," Lucas said.
"You can say that again," Tidal agreed. Like Calvin, he had the Megazord punch Desomax in the face with all they had. Take that for bringing back nasty memories!
Lucas motioned the Megazord further forward, having it dodge a blow from Desomax' side. "I've had more than enough of you," he hissed, adding a colorful Gaelic curse because why not.
One artificial life form can only withstand so much heat. Like all they'd been thinking was put into each attack the Rangers beautifully worked the controls of the base to their advantage. Working together truly did benefit them here as they went from each others actions and took down this evil robot's defenses. Desomax dropped his blades through the chaos and taking the abuse of the towering opponent. Drew felt everyone thinking the same thing about him after annihilating the before-fallen field commanders joining the fray. No 'buzz buzz' or 'traitor' for them! Hey, he hadn't meant to do it on his own... He was getting used to the new weapons to work with. This is different from normal.

Desomax, unarmed, looked across the city at Bio Command. "Illogical. I am built for destruction, my one purpose. Rangers are not supposed to overcome my Empress' will," Desomax said in his lacking personality voice. This is one thing everyone in the Armada had seemed to forget.
"Funny. Every time someone says we can't win, we find a way. Just like now. This is our way, the Empress is wrong," Drew said into the mic so Desomax could hear them. Olivia nodded in agreement and looked across at him thinking it was high time they ended the legacy of such an evil creation. Stabbing their allies, damaging their tech and terrorizing the city is completely unforgivable. On the screen inside the command center a display popped up alerting everyone of the energy levels available and how they would be able to use them. It would appear they had enough energy to...hmm.
Time to end this once and for all. Drew brought up the same controls Jane had used for the shoulder guns. He energized the Gatling guns and finger blasters, targeting the one thing they'd all desperately wanted to see go up in a big kaboom. The Gatling guns began to rotate and the fingers glowed at the barrels. "Say goodbye, Desomax. All together, guys," Drew led the others. Olivia backed him and charged the weapon systems.
"Bio Command Break!" Another different saying! From the two shoulder-mounted weapons, heavy blasts erupted from the Gatling guns and an uncanny speed, the finger guns firing rapidly in succession. Four weapons going off at once, making it hard to keep accurate. Stabilizing the erratic blasts, the beams and bullets made contact with Desomax right through him. Sparks fell around him and without any farewell Desomax threw his arms out and fell apart in an explosion, his parts dissolving in the intensity of the blast. So powerful! Nuclear, even!

Bio Command Break proved to be a stronger finisher than anything they had all seen yet. After launching energy towards Desomax and seeing him gone, the Megazord lowered its arms and the rotating guns slowed down, barrels smoking. It was over. Finally over. In the court, watching it unfold, everybody collectively sighed in relief. Jurors and the judge clapped at the display. So this is what Garrett Wilson has left to offer?
In the command center, Drew and Olivia stood at their consoles in silence. That was..intense. "Threat Terminated," Drew announced and let out a breath, taking a minute to rest his mind. About damn time! He felt so personally connected to this, his chest felt as if a great weight had been lifted off of it.
"Excellent work everyone," Olivia said and glanced at everybody, nodding at them all in praise and gripping her hands together. Now, to get back to the previous engagement, time to resolve the trial.
"At least those guys buzzed off," Jane said and in her true tomboy fashion pointed forward as she jabbed into Desomax one more time. Two old baddies back from the dead just wasn't right. The fun may have been hogged but at least there was a big explosion! Why does every bad guy who got lucky enough to knock them all down think he/she is invincible and that the Ranger stand no chance? It's one of the biggest running jokes since every sitcom started doing the same general plot lines and scenarios to get a cheap laugh out of the studio audience. "Right, loser. Get ready to experience something everyone one of you fuckers gets to!" Jane added in after Drew and giddily grabbed onto the controls and prepared for something she knew would surely be epic!
Calvin cracked his knuckles and nodded to everybody. He saluted to show Drew he was ready as he could ever be. This is his favorite part!
"Bio Command Break!" All shouted, different from usual, just unloading everything they had against Desomax. Finger guns, shoulder guns, guns guns guns! Kapow, boom, bang, thwaaaaaaa! Jane held on tight and started laughing under the loud roar of the blasts racing to Desomax. Calvin just grunted and focused keeping aim steady. Big weapons tend to go a bit wild when firing like this. The sheer firepower and the velocity of the weapon systems on the base-turned-Megazord was off the charts. Is this sort of thing even fair? Every edge is needed on the Armada but damn this is just insane. But a good insane. Calvin could hardly comprehend it as Desomax simply disintegrated in the explosion. What a kick!

"That....was...fucking....awesome!!!!" Jane shouted as soon as it was over and the guns cooled, jumping up and down crazily, motivating everyone to not just stand in silence like a bunch of librarians. She jumped up and down, shaking Drew's arm and high fiving everybody within reach. Not as professional but that's just her charm.
Calvin high fived her back and let out a big breath, happy to finally see this pain in the ass gone for good. He saluted Olivia as she praised them all, pumping his arm back and forth to celebrate. That was one of the best fights they'd ever been a part of! Shame they have to tone down and return to court... oh well, duty calls. But Jane kept bouncing in her position and cheering. A little too excited, the tomboy as. Let her have fun!
"Good one," Lucas chuckled, moving the other arm to also get a punch in for the sake of punching the annoying giant evil robot. He didn't mind Drew having blown the two old field commanders up in one epic blow. It saved them the work and now they could just focus on Desomax. He should have been their only focus, anyway. Why bring back long dead field commanders and expect a different outcome from the first time they showed up? Tidal seemed slightly more upset for not getting to kick the crap out of Razaro. It was more or less thanks to that guy he got his senses back and joined the Rangers. In a way, he owed Razaro a thank you, maybe. But he wouldn't be able to get a single word in without having 'traitor' shouted at him every other sentence. Boy was he proud of being a traitor in this case. Getting his senses back and helping to defend the world instead of destroying it seven further. Sure, it had come with some complications, but... it was all worth it.
"In Razaro's case I'd be more tempted to say he... didn't make the cut," Tidal commented. Ya know... because of the changing limbs and wanting to cut Isaac open to drain his blood? Cue a small shudder. Such a nasty thought.

Once again the monster went on how their victory was impossible. Did Armada really never learn? Each and every time the rangers were knocked down, they'd just get back up, get back to fighting, and win. So why did the Armada still consider themselves to be so invincible? What is this, some terrible running gag from a Saturday Morning Cartoon? The two men sighed, lightly shaking their heads. Those words were always followed by a big blast and an even bigger boom.
"You guys just never learn, do you?" Lucas commented calmly, gripping onto the controls. Time for something epic.
"We'll show you destruction, alright," Tidal said, gripping onto the controls too. This wouldn't take much longer.
"Bio Command Break!" the two shouted, loading every bit of energy they could reasonably miss into the attack. All the guns, the lasers, the cannons... everything they had was fired against the robot that, unsurprisingly, went down in a big fiery blast. Bigger than anything they'd done before. Heck, Desomax was completely disintegrated by the sheer power of the HQ... Megazord...

The two let out a breath, not really knowing what to say. They just let the power of the attacks sink in, as well as the fact that the day was saved once again. They high-fived JAne, smiling under their visors. Lucas gave Olivia a thumbs up in response. Desomax may be gone, but the day wasn't quite over yet. There was still a trial that needed to be finished up. And now that everyone was here... they'd probably all attend the last bit and hear what Wilson's fate would be. Lucas eyed Olivia. Would she be okay? Just in case he'd likely stick around her, for obvious reasons.
After a few nudges and pulls, Olivia and Drew both partook in celebration. As the dust settled and flames died down from the blast, Olivia engaged in joyous cheers with everyone for a moment to forget what they'd have to do next. Drew did the same, really having relaxed for the first time in what felt like ages. In reality it's maybe been a day? But an eventful time this has been for a variety of reasons. Bio Command Megazord stood victorious, the base returning to its building form and reconnecting with the rest of the base that wasn't capable of transformation. A powerful configuration but a heavy one to do. From the outside, the base didn't look like it was able to such a thing. But now looking at it with new perspective... "Hey guys, not to kill the vibe, but...there's something I wanna tell you all," Drew said to everybody as HQ reverted to itself again and they demorphed inside. Drew was going to tell them all everything Wilson had told him in the courtroom for context.
So that was a surprise. Olivia in fact did not know about Wilson's unstable son. Or adoptive son, really. Junior never once came up in conversation to her...so hearing about him alone surprised her. Then hearing Junior was responsible for not only his own death Drew's parents'? Heartbreaking to say the least. Drew told everybody about it and everything else on his mind on their way back to the courthouse. Olivia rested her hand over her heart and processed it in her mind. How Drew had defended Dr. Wilson in court after that is quite difficult to imagine. Anybody else probably would have diminished Wilson's defense. Olivia and company simply walked through the massive gaping hole in the wall. They could have used the door but...is there honestly a need for it at the moment?

The trial resumed shortly after the Rangers returned. Olivia and the other three who had just joined the room took a seat in the aisles with other viewers, Drew and Tidal retaking their seats at the defendants stand with Wilson and the Captain, the jurors in their pew along with Colonel Smith at the plaintiffs stand. The judge brought the jury forward again and restated what had happened so far. "A damning argument for and against Garrett Wilson. He helps defend us, yet if not for him we wouldn't need defended. Or, we would need it sooner or later. Or, possibly never need it. A lot is uncertain but we can not base this trial on what-if questions. Jury, how do you find the defendant?" The judge asked, his dark skin gleaming in the light from sweat. He was a bit nervous still, even knowing the amazing thing the Rangers had just done. But the most action he ever sees is if the bailiff escorts someone out of the court room in the middle of a trial.

The speaker stood up after a short mumble among jurors. Smith looked confident of the outcome, and the Captain looked less than sure. "Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the court. We the jury find the defendant Garrett Wilson...guilty of all charges." Immediately after hearing this, the Captain bolted up from his seat in surprise. What? After all of that? But the evidence and all against Wilson was damning...it's legal...
"However," added the speaker as Smith's smug grin turned confused. Wilson's head tilted. "Dr. Wilson's actions are damning but his cause now is noble. What he has done can not be erased or forgotten, yet we humble ask you, your honor, to consider what has happened today. Because of his quick thinking and his technology our city and our lives were spared. Dr. Wilson is guilty of his charges, in our opinion. But we the jury also find him innocent of being a criminal in the moral ground," the speaker finished. Smith and the Captain glanced at the judge rather quickly. So...is Wilson in favor or not???
The honorable judge cleared his throat. "Then, only one course of action is the legal solution, here. Dr. Garrett Wilson, you are hereby sentence..." there was a pause. "...to continue your work as usual. You did bring the threat here, but you are also our greatest help. Your orders under law are to continue aiding City Defense and the Rangers. You and the Captain have raised a fine group of young people. I expect you to continue. Case dismissed," the judge finished and lammed his gavel. Case closed. Wilson teared up...he couldn't believe it. He iped his old eyes and leaned forward, not expecting to walk out a free man. Technically he's under probation but allowed to resume his work! Captain Scott breathed in relief and clapped, as well as the jurors and other court-goers. Smith did not clap. Olivia also teared up under the stress and relief.

"Thank God..." Olivia said and wiped her eyes as well. She shook her hands slightly and grasped them together. Concerned and stressed as she was she was happy to see Dr. Wilson's official sentence be what it was. Drew said not a word but slapped along with everybody, a smile cracking on his face.
The battle was over, the day was saved. Both Tidal and Lucas took a deep breath, glad everything was over. And of course they shared the celebration. Monster taken down, and they'd gained an awesome new Megazord that was hella powerful. Take that, Armada! With this new...old... megazord at their disposal victory for Earth would almost seem inevitable. Not to cheer too early though. Who knew what else was left in store for them? Drew has something left to tell them, something serious by the sound of it. Tidal was quite sure he knew what it was going to be. After all, he was right there when it happened.
Well... that was some news. Dr.Wilson had a son, albeit adoptive... and he was responsible for the death of Drew's parents, killing himself as well in the accident. Yikes. A shudder ran down Lucas' spine. That was one of the last things he'd expected to hear, especially today. Still... "It really says something you were still able to defend Dr.Wilson after hearing that," Lucas smiled and nodded. Ws he impressed? Probably. Although it was te right thing to do, he could imagine it was hard to defend someone after news like that. If he were being honest, he wasn't quite sure if he would be able to do the same thing.
"Lucas is right," Tidal said. "I was surprised when I heard your defence. Relieved as well."
They followed into the Courtroom, through the giant hole in the wall. Why take the door when there's a hole, anyway? Plus... in a way it would add to the epic ness of the situation. Heroes appearing in a hole in the wall, wandering in all awesome. Now if only the sun was setting behind them... that would make it the perfect scene in a movie or anything.

Tidal took his seat back at the defendants table with the Captain and Drew, feeling slightly nervous as to what the jurors were going to way. He'd heard how they started their sentence before Desomax showed up, after all. Please, please, please let everything be just fine. And please someone punch that smug look off the Colonel's face. The longer Tidal stayed around him the more he thought of the colonel as a tyrant and a despicable human being.
Lucas set himself down next to Olivia, anxiously watching the courtroom. Man, he really hated courtrooms and the lingering sense of tension. It made him feel really uneasy, and it brought back some memories of his sixteen-year-old self. Ugh... Had he already mentioned he hated places like this? He eyed the Captain, Drew, and Tidal, let his gaze drift to Dr.Wilson, and inevitably he noticed Colonel Smith with a smug look on his face. Did the man just want to see Dr.Wilson gone? The answer was probably yes.

Tidal nearly choked on a gulp of water, spraying it over the table... nearly... as the jurors deemed Dr.Wilson guilty. Granted, all evidence was against him and everything going on was perfectly legal... but still! Did everything that happened today mean nothing to them?! Oh, wait... they weren't yet done talking. Guilty, but also the greatest help and innocent of being a criminal. Yes... Tidal could agree with that. Dr.Wilson had never willingly brought the Armada here. There was no ill intend. So when the judge decided his sentence was that Dr.Wilson should keep working as he already did. That's a relief! Tidal took a deep breath. That was tense! He clapped along with the rest, eying Colonel Smith, the only person not to clap... safe for the judge. Asshole.

Lucas wrapped an arm around Olivia's shouders as he noticed her tearing up. It made sense she was relieved to hear Dr. Wilson wouldn't go behind bars for years... or worse! He was like family to her, after all. "That's good news..." he muttered. "We could use that after today." He smiled softly, glad everything had a happy ending of sorts, and relieved as well. What would they've done if they had lost Dr.Wilson here today?
Keeping still and not going a bit crazy to celebrate was damned near impossible. For what felt like months they had been brutally attacked and tormented by Desomax. But it had only been a couple of days. HQ being a Zord capable of all of that was exactly what they needed. Jane continued going batshit in the cockpit command center, Calvin gladly partaking in it as well. More big guns to shoot the baddies down! Though the excitement was cut short hen Drew had something to tell them.
Boy did he have something to tell them. Whilst heading to the courthouse Drew told them all about it. Wilson having a kid, or sort of, that kid being kind of a rebel and being responsible for not only his own passing but also that of Drew's parents? Mr. and Mrs. Valentine's fate was at the hands of Dr. Wilson's adoptive son and he had kept it to himself for so long. Cruel turn of a events, with the orphaned elder son of those people being the Red Ranger. Nobody could have expected that. "Not to jump on any bandwagon of answers but yeah, that was impressive. Defending him after what he told you...that takes guts," Jane admired at Drew and walked to the courthouse with everybody. Knowing her, in his shoes she would have unleashed the fury all over him. She had respect for him, for doing this.
"Not like Dr. Wilson directly was responsible, though. I'm proud of you, Drew," Calvin said and patted him on the back. To not let feelings that had to be overwhelming get to him takes a lot. That means he's a good man.
As everybody wandered in through the giant gaping hole in the wall, Jane made herself scarce. Calvin joined everyone through the wall and took a seat on the other side of Olivia. Jane entered through the door, snickering with a look that said 'guys look I used the door even though it is pointless'. Also, she made a quick stop to the ladies room. She needed to pee! After coming in, however, she sat beside of Lucas.

Both of them looked around as everything resumed. Calvin was used to the court, having attended a few trials in his day. Witnessing his friends in the military practice their law skill or attending court to testify for people or against criminals. Some things could get jumbled in his head but he knew about the system enough. Jane hadn't really been to court before. Once as a kid, and everyone knows why. That scumbag got what he deserved.
The Colonel looked at Wilson the way Jane looked at the guy all those years ago. He wanted him gone...hadn't the last time they'd all seen Smith he was nicer and more understanding? Back to being a royal prick, apparently...on one hand he's doing his job. Understandable to want Wilson to be punished. But also...damn he's mean. Calvin felt tension in the air between everybody as the jury reached a verdict. Guilty. He lowered his head and shook it. Even after all of that? "I ob-freaking-ject!" Jane blurted in the court to be dramatic but also authentic. Calvin and a few people stared...and then there was more. She quietly sat down her hand still pointed up.

Wilson is guilty but undeniably the best effort they have. Being told he could make up for past sins by being himself, basically? Best punishment ever! Calvin clapped with everybody and stood up for an ovation. Jane shot up again. "I do not object!" Jane blurted. Oh happy day!!! Jane reached over the short wall dividing them from the defense stand and shook Wilson back and forth, as well as Drew. She's happy, this is a good day!
Chuckles galore from Drew as Jane not only chose to use the door instead of the hole in the wall but also gave massive opinionated bursts in objection and non-objection. This girl is something else. Never a dull moment when she's around, that's for certain. He and Wilson both let out gleeful sounds as she shook them back and forth from behind, at first startling the older man. Dr. Wilson was in a state of bliss and surprise. He had fully prepared to be sentence to life in prison if not worse. But he had been given a second chance at life and a promise and decree to work toward a better world. He may now work in peace, albeit confined to his work from this point forward by law. But this will not be a change for the most part. Captain Scott approached the stand and shook the judges hand before he returned to his chambers. He then looked at the Colonel, who was already preparing to leave for the Capital. "Try not to see this as a loss, sir. Just know that even with this on us, we have a better chance at fighting," the Captain said to Smith. The Colonel bitterly bid him and Dr. Wilson a farewell. But not before mentioning a loose "I will be watching you." The man is only doing his job, yes. Keep that in mind.
Olivia loosened up when Lucas' arm fell over her with a soft smile. She was a little overjoyed that Wilson, basically her family, would be alright. Also stressed out from the trial and learning so much about this man in a matter of a day. Actually just over a day. A day that has felt like it had gone on for too long. But she walked out of it alive and with a new function of her base, didn't she?

With ladies and gentlemen of the court leaving in an orderly fashion, Dr. Wilson waited before leaving. People were still clapping, his personal company included. Celebrations died down, the Captain gathering the Rangers together. "I believe you have all earned a decent rest. Coming, Garrett?" the Captain asked while rounding the others up. Wilson shook his head. He motioned for Drew to come to him. "I will in a minute. Please excuse us?" The Captain nodded and took the other Rangers out of the court room shortly after Olivia bid the professor a hug, and anyone wanting to shake his hand.
"You wanted to speak?" Drew asked as the rest had left.
"Yes. Drew what you said... How you helped me, I cannot repay--"
"Stop." Cue a pause. "Listen, Dr. Wilson. I know you told me to get it off of your chest thinking you were about to never see simulated daylight again. But I appreciate you coming forward. I never knew the guy responsible for what happened, only he was some drunken loser. I'm sorry about your son, I really am. He didn't even mean to do what he did. We both lost somebody that day. Odd turn of events led us here, didn't they?"
"Indeed, Drew. Once again I must say circumstance brought us together. Allow me to atone for my son's actions by promising you full disclosure from now on. And should you or your brother need something I am but a call away."
Drew smirked and shook the mans hand. "Understood, Wilson. Thank you... Now, can we go?"

The men left shortly after their conversation. A new type of bond had been formed that day. First they were mere co-workers. Now something stronger. Surrogate father and son is a stretch, mind you, however it isn't to be ruled out. A new understanding after damning revelations. But while things take time to heal, they still heal. Drew held nothing against Dr. Wilson. Captain Scott and Olivia were happy to have this new disclosure agreement as well. Everyone in HQ was relieved. Speaking of which, HQ itself was a new revelation. More past ideas coming to fruition after so long. Circumstance once again intervened. While the Rangers and their allies rejoice in being left to their whims again, the Empress gains an advantage still. Six amps remain in her possession. Desomax failed and only drew them into combat. But she has something yet. Her goal to first take out the Rangers stands vigilant. The war continues.

marorda marorda Lady Insanity Lady Insanity

Arc 31: Amnesia

Just a tad over twenty years ago the domes were put up around the globe. War had started for the world and the Armada pushed deeper and deeper with pollution and massive armies. Thanks to one man in particular who had one Hell of an accidental discovery. In the beginning there were roughly a hundred or so domes. As of now there are less than thirty. To be precise; there are only 16 domes remaining in the world. Recently Inezia and the Capital alike lost contact with two more just recently. Of the sixteen left, hardly any have superb militias. Olivia's extended family and mother are in one of them, if not losing their own battle for a city at this moment. Dread to think about it. Two weeks have gone on since the trial. Smith has kept in contact as promised to check on Wilson. So far, everybody seems to be happy about the judges verdict. Work-wise, all had resumed business as usual. Stressed about losing cities, still, the known population declining more and more. However this information, while not hidden from them, is not announced to the Rangers. They can only fight for one city at a time unfortunately. However, Olivia knowing what she knows looking at numbers makes her bite her nails more than anybody should. Cue a nail appointment sometime next weekend if her schedule allows it.

Having so much on her mind, Olivia decided to take a breather. She hadn't exactly made time for herself lately. She even voluntarily used one of her days off last week to catch up on some data mining in the bases mainframe after seriously losing track of some numbers. Being a secret Zord threw off some power balances, and nobody else was going to fix them apparently. Well she didn't fix them either. But she got things in order so somebody could fix them. Nothing about her mod was off. She was still the happy, smart, sometimes ditzy Olivia everybody knew. Captain Scott and Dr. Wilson kindly directed her to take some time for herself today. Just a break and if she wanted she could return to work later on. Dressed in her uniform, with the addition of a skirt instead of the usual pants, Olivia strolled down the street and glanced around. Such a peaceful day. At least a simulated peace. Clasping her hands together she took in a deep breath. A parade would march through town today. A simple one to commemorate...something. Is it a holiday? Honestly she didn't know; and that's kind of surprising. Still, she could hear faint music playing in the distance of the city. Likely a marching band warming up. Why not go over and check it out, then? That should ease her mind.

Walking to the beat of a drum, almost literally because of the faint band, Olivia wasn't with the others. She told them she'd be working today, but they already knew that. She works a lot. Drew had been shopping at the emporium where Lucas works, searching for Isaac's graduation present. It's just around the corner now. He'd invited Jane to help him since she and his brother do have a shared interest or two. So he half expected to see one of them there. As for the brooding cat-lover and the super soldier? They were aware of his plan to hunt for a gift but they didn't have to help or come out and just hang if they did not wish. Today's sort of a mixed day. Some working, some relaxing. Drew had just finished fixing an old car down at the shop, so his 'off the clock' hours were spent shopping. Drew had a little grease on his t shirt but nothing horrible. He browsed the computer games and the books. Isaac was into so many things. Drew shamefully looked at the cheaper stuff. Even with his salary, he can barely afford something really nice--what with Isaac's medical bills. The insurance is sort of a joke, really. Still Drew knew his brother deserved a present for graduating. And turning eighteen since the two days were sort of mixed in this case. Ugh, shopping is hard!
Work at the Emporium was business as usual. Restocking shelves, handling the register, checking the stocks. It was a fairly quiet day as of yet. Perhaps with the parade later today things would get busier. You know, people wandering by a store, getting curious, peeking inside... and hopefully walk back out with a book. Or a game. Or anything, really. Thank goodness Matt didn't keep his employees to strict sales targets... with it being mandatory to sell products for at least a set amount of money. Lucas knew there were jobs that worked like that. Seemed dreadful... he'd rather help someone out finding a book or game they would really enjoy rather than just trying to sell anything at random. It was a fairly large store, so he hadn't spotted his friends just yet. Instead he was rearranging a table that had some books on display. The banner next to the table announced the release of the newest installment of the Dark Solstice series by Blake Moore, a fairly popular fantasy author. The first two installments of the series, Omens and Sanctuary had quickly gained popularity among the fantasy geeks. And next week, The Red Comet released, said to be the second-last installment. Lucas grinned. He was working on it. The expectations were high, but so far he hadn't failed to deliver. He had been doing this for, what... three years now? And he still wasn't used to it. Maybe it would never change.

Speaking of those books... back at HQ, Tidal was reading the first one of those, and he'd been hooked. This time he had actually asked before borrowing the book off Olivia, instead of "borrowing" it because she'd left it around a common room somewhere. He had only started the book a few days back, and he hadn't been able to put it away since. The group of adventurers had only just returned to the city to report the gruesome events of the village they hadn't been able to save, only to be sent onward right after to investigate the son of a nobleman and his family gone missing in a time of strange sightings of the area near said son's manor. That didn't bode too well... Only the first book in an entire series and things were already looking grim. That promised for quite the story ahead. He put the book away for a moment, scrolling through a social media platform. About two chapters into the book he had started following Blake Moore on said platform.
Three years into writing the Dark Solstice and I still fanboy when I see my books in a store #NeverGettingUsedToIt #DarkSolstice #releasedayapproaching
Tidal chuckled lightly. For someone writing a dark fantasy series, the guy seemed to be quite the dorky type. He took the book back to his room before heading into the city as well. Drew was shopping for a present for his little brother, wasn't he? He didn't have to help, but maybe they could all hang out together later? Surely not all of them would have to work the entire day. Save for Olivia, maybe, but that didn't surprise anyone anymore.

Back at the Emporium Lucas spotted a few people working at a table off to the side. Matt stimulated creativity and would always make some room for aspiring writers. Just as much as how the back of the store had a room for people to play tabletop games. Yay for the Emporium being one of the biggest nerd-hubs in Inezia! He briefly eyed the work one of them was working on, and immediately wished he had not. Oh gods... what had been read could never be unread. How was... why would anyone....? Now he desperately needed to do more work just to distract his thoughts. That was... weird. On so many levels. He spotted Drew browsing one of the shelves and wandered over to him.
"Hi Drew," he greeted. "You looking for something specific?"
A parade sounded like a lot of fun. Marching through the city, fanfare of the common man, popcorn and a lot of other delicious thing sold by street vendors. Any occasion calling for people to let loose like this is exactly what Inezia needs. Recovering a couple of weeks after such a heavy time felt like the perfect time to do this. Calvin certainly appreciated it. He and Max along with a few other people had planned to see the parade as a group and maybe grab a drink after and go salsa dancing. Letting loose was right up Max's alley and Calvin was finally more for it, too. Salsa dancing might be funny sounding but it's one of the few things Calvin just knows how to do. That and organize his stand-up DVDs in a certain way to relax at home. Nothing like a little Jay Leno form the 1990's to put him to sleep at night in the best way possible. Max and Calvin decided to take today off of the training grounds and onto the streets as best friends should. He agreed to meet up with Max at later time today. Drew was shopping for Isaac as the kid had not one but two special days coming up shortly. Graduating and turning the big 1-8 were both really important times in someones life. Given the problems this kid had had a while back and even now he deserves something good. Tight on money they were, but Calvin would easily offer Drew some money if that's the problem. Why not spoil his brother a bit? Calvin walked in through the doors of the emporium and waved don the others. "Hey, guys. Find anything yet?" Calvin asked and walked around with his eyes in every direction. He isn't much of a nerd but some of the stuff in here is pretty cool, he admitted. He picked up a bobble head that reminded him way too much of Big Bird. Maybe he's over his phobia but he'd be damned if he didn't shudder...

Snickering far off in the corner, somehow complete unnoticed by her friends already in the store Jane was looking at greeting cards. Not a wide selection but a few funny ones. "Hey, do you guys just not see me?" Jane asked. And she's in plain sight in that corner, how could they miss her? She's literally wearing a vibrant blue shirt and her blonde hair is hair to miss. Rude! Only not since Jane didn't really care. She was too busy looking at the funny cards. Samples of said cards included: "Think like a proton, be positive! I make bad chemistry jokes because the good ones Argon (Ar symbol with it)" And lastly... With a dinosaur pouring tea... "Tea rex." Fucking shit damn it all to fucking....
Jane nearly cackled until she cried. "Shit, where is Tidal? TIDAL???" Jane asked and then without a trace of elegance called for him because she found one that said "I am grumpy, but I'm in-cat-uated" with a picture of a cat rubbing on a bikers leg and making said grumpy biker go 'awww'. That's so him. Even if that brooding loser has gone soft. Jane wouldn't let that go! Haha! But then she realized her friends were actually hear and she wandered nonchalantly. Jane herself basically lived in the emporium, although she never really came here when Lucas worked. Odd, isn't it? But since she works with that gaming company after the Dragon Quest disaster she's been coming here to buy new gear or browse for games to buy...after working with games all day in the comfort of her own home. Best. Job. Ever. She knew Isaac who's just a year younger than her had a birthday and a graduation coming. She would help find something. Especially since she's turning 19 soon herself and knows a thing or to about what the kids likes. Jane scooped up a stack of pc games she knew Isaac would love. "So, avoid this one, this one is okay, never tried this, this one has good reviews, I yell at this one all the fucking time but still love it," Jane said and went down the stack she got, telling Drew about them each briefly. Hey if you needed gaming advice you came to Jane not questions asked.
Shops such as the emporium are bound to attract the attention of the curious and odd. Fascinating how some of those people can be the very ones spending time in their lives risking everything to save a lot more than themselves. But of course, this is the store with the highest probability of finding something Isaac would like for his birthday and graduation. He was currently working a shift at the Corner, brewing up coffee and making sure not to accidentally mix salt into someones drink...again. He thought it was sugar! Drew glanced over as Jane announced herself, quite hard to miss. "Oh Jane...sorry?" he said since she sounded more interested in greeting cards anyway. He shrugged it off, as always thinking she was more than enough woman to keep a million people entertained. He laughed softly. Eyes dancing through shelves he looked a bit out of his element. He's got a geeky side but not large enough to survive here. Drew greeted Lucas and Calvin with a wave. "Nope, haven't found anything yet. And I have no idea what I am looking for. I know Isaac likes RPGs and books about mysteries." Plainly stated. Then came Jane with a stack of games she easily listed off with quick opinions. Huh. "You know...why don't you work here, Jane? This place is like perfect for you," Drew commented and looked between her and Lucas. Weird to be helped out by his other friend who worked here. Friends serving friends is always awkward to a degree.
On board the main ship of the Rexian Armada (most used phrase ever) far up in space Splica looked down at the Earth through the massive window in her observation room. Quarters for her generals had lately been full of work for them to find ways to optimize their militaristic advantages. Physical force didn't appear to be enough. Psychological warfare would have to suffice. Gathering data on her priority targets, the Rangers, was both challenging and easy at the same time. The Empress' reign over the Armada had gone over smoothly so far on the contrary. Field commanders are always hit-or-miss, even among the elite ranked. With every minor victory and with every major loss she gets smarter and smarter and knows how to advance on the pitiful humans in her way. Her latest creation had already been dispatched down in the home of the Rangers. She was fully aware of her ability to focus the attack on one of the other remaining cities but she preferred keeping the heat on the Rangers, letting other cities trickle down to nothing in the process. "Status report, generals. I want you both deploying immediately on my command," she said into the comm.
"I'm glad I'm out and about. While I am not overworked, it does feel nice to just get out and enjoy some fresh enough air," Olivia said to herself as she blissfully walked the streets of Inezia, already planning to walk down to that parade and catch a glimpse of the marching band warming up before playing down the road. Literally! Such a feeling of warmth and mental ease is a rare thing to behold in a world such as this. For a split second she had almost forgotten about the fact she hadn't heard from her mother in some time. She's sure that she's okay. She has to be. The Scott women are tough in more ways than one. Stresses didn't have to be on her mind at this time for she was making herself relax a little. She would join her friends at the emporium but she's really only on a break. On her way down the street she passed the Corner and decided to go inside and get a latte or something. The cherry on top of a blissful hour.
Readying her payment ahead of time, mentally preparing her order, she noticed Isaac wiping down a table. Kindly she walked over to him and smiled. "Good afternoon, Isaac. Busy day today?" She casually greeted the boy.
He looked up at her and smiled. "Yeah, you could say that. My apron was nice and white...and then a big group of people came in on their way to the parade," he said and gestured to his now-dingy brown-ish apron. Rushes are the worst. "At least I smell like the morning now." Olivia smirked.
"Oh that doesn't sound good. Hopefully you didn't burn yourself. I am actually going to the parade myself," she mentioned. Isaac nodded.
"You aren't going to have me spill coffee on myself are you?"
"Wouldn't dream of it." The two proceeded to the counter where Olivia ordered and paid for her drink as Isaac began to make it. "So, how's your health as of late? Any positive progressions?" Olivia inquired. Isaac didn't look how she wanted.
"Well I'm not dead or anything. Medicine's only getting more expensive with taxes going up after so much damage from attacks. Doctor's say I'm stable and really about as normal as I can get. I just wish I didn't have to use my entire break to take medicines...it takes ten minutes just to go through it all," he said and finished the latte, sliding it over to Olivia on the counter. The frothy drink called to her! "Well, Isaac, I hope all goes well... " Olivia placed a generous tip for Isaac on the counter because she could. "See you later!"
"What?" Tidal walked into the store just as Jane started to loudly call for him. Good thing he just walked in, otherwise she would be shouting to nobody right now. He saw how she walked away from a stand of greeting cards with silly texts on it. It wasn't that hard to spot the cards with cats on it, including punny texts. Of course she wasn't going to let that one go. Nobody had since figuring out his soft spot for cats. But just take a look at Sally! She's the cutest little kitty cat in all of HQ! Possibly also the only one... but that didn't matter! And she's grown a lot after taking her in. Now only a few months old, the cat no longer fitted in his hand, but she'd often be sitting in his neck as Tidal was in his room or wandered around HQ. Sally had learned not to wander off anymore, so he could just carry her around at times. Yeah, it had given him some funny looks from other workers there. The grumpy looking guy, ex-thug, power ranger and former villain of the city just casually walking around with a red tabby sitting on his shoulder. Tidal didn't care though. He still had his grumpy and tough guy image... whenever the cat wasn't around. Just his friends and people in HQ knew how to see through it. Ah well... He wandered over to the rest too, greeting them with a wave. "Drew's got a point, Jane," he said. If anyone here knew about games, it would be her. To Tidal, Lucas seemed to be more of the person to know about the books and where to find the good ones. In his eyes, Lucas really just was the guy that would rather spend his day with a cup of tea and a nice book rather than playing some computer game. Speaking of books... He eyed the display with the first two books of the Dark Solstice, noticing the banner next to it.
"There's no way I can finish reading the first two before the third one releases..." he commented.

"I... did not notice you, no. But you're kinda hard to miss when you start shouting like that," Lucas mentioned as Jane walked over to them. He glanced at her for a brief moment, quickly shaking his head. God... with what happened just now he just couldn't... He avoided looking at her any further, his eyes trailing nearby shelves as she went on about telling Drew about the games he'd picked up that Isaac might like. Mystery and RPG, huh... well, plenty of choice there. He caught Tidal mentioning the books.
"I didn't know you were a fan?" he asked. Speaking of which... "Hey, maybe that's an idea for Isaac? There's quite some mysteries in that series. And fantasy, obviously." It wasn't a popular fantasy series for nothing. Like Tidal and Drew, he too thought Jane might be a perfect addition to the Emporium. But... well, they weren't hiring at the moment, she already had a job... and he really couldn't even bring himself to talk to her right now. And now Tidal had brought up the books. Lucas shuddered, like actually shuddered, and slightly distanced himself from them. God, they probably thought he was acting weird. Well, he was, he would admit that. But after just now... who wouldn't be acting weird? Once again Lucas wished he could just unread what he had seen. But he couldn't, so he just tried his best to avoid it now.

"What are you acting all weird for suddenly?" Tidal asked quite bluntly. Really... what's the thing with that guy? Sometimes he's so difficult to read, obviously keeping things, acting weird at the strangest of times. And now too, avoiding Jane as if something had happened. Wait... had something happened he didn't know of? Nah, probably not.
"It's..." Lucas coughed and looked away. Could he just mention it right here in the store? Where people might be listening in? "It's kinda weird," he ended up saying.
So psychological warfare was going to be up next, huh? Actera smiled faintly. This promised to be really good. When physical fights weren't good enough, just add in some psychological elements. She'd done that way back when the Power Rangers only first showed up and it had proven to be very effective. Of course the Emperor had been too stupid to realize it was actually a brilliant plan. But the Empress... now she knew what was going on, what would be successful. They knew what made the Rangers tick, and they'd only have to use it against them. Soon, soon enough the Rangers would be nothing but a memory. Actera chuckled lightly before the Empress called for her. "Everything is going according to plan, my Lady," she said. "I'm ready to deploy whenever you need me."
Now hey there's an idea. If she hadn't worked for the game developer as a tester she would be perfect for the Emporium. Knew her way around, consulted about video games and lots of comic book stuff, and she had such a friendly personality? What? She does. Now stop thinking she doesn't before she rips you a new assho--! Okay maybe there's a point. But jokes aside she would be great to work here! "Maybe one day. Wouldn't it be cool Lucas?" Jane asked and looked his way, noticing he was deliberately staying off of her. Something about him gave off the aura that he wanted to be as far from her as possible? What for? Did she fart? "Hey, why are you being so distant from me? Did I fart or something?" She asked. Wow, she actually vocalized that. She sniffed the air. Nothing! Just her perfume. Or as she calls it, lady cologne. Much cooler. Actually it's men's cologne. But she found it in the women's section somehow. And it's in a purple bottle so maybe that counts... She isn't too good at the whole 'girly' thing. She placed her hand right on top of the redheaded Scot's shoulder to find out exactly why she was being avoided by him. She can nicely ask why. And if not she'll slap him back into the womb.

"I think both your shirt and your volume makes it hard to miss you?" Calvin teased Jane and received a light knock to the arm. He grinned sheepishly before setting down the bobble head and contributing to the effort for Isaac. Really Calvin spent his time exercising or working with the troops, he had no idea what the boy would like for his special days. A new heart maybe--obviously he can't provide that. Although Calvin does know a guy who's an organ donor...whoa let's not go to such a dark place. Ideas suddenly came to him. Not from the dark shit but just out of the blue. He pulled Drew aside after having books and games suggested or not suggested in some cases. "Hey hasn't...wait no, that's in really bad taste, I'm sorry..." Calvin said and pointed out a t shirt that read 'buzz off' with an animated sketch of a bee with a stinger aimed at the reader of said shirt. He shook his head, first thinking it was a funny shirt but then remembering that would probably be the WORST thing to get. Not even a game or a book!
Volmour shaped himself a newer weapon than before. It looked like his normal blade but this one was slightly longer and heavier. The side cape had gotten in his way several times so he had to flip it out when forging a weapon. Just working with metal. Nothing too extravagant. As getting into the Rangers' heads proved less than effective he was ready to deliver traditional warfare of the most brutal variety. Empress Splica gave so many more opportunities than the Emperor ever did. Whatever part of space he is floating adrift in must be a lot duller. Volmour's refined skill was thanks to the beautiful Empress. "Of course, Empress. Displacing the Rangers is the utmost priority, of course," he answered her, ready.

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