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Fandom Pokemon: Vera Valle



Your Lovable Jackass GM
Roleplay Type(s)
“Machamp, high lens. No, no, not that one. You know what, just wait in the car. Things might get a bit dicey, and I’d like a good escape route.”

Two piles of muscle stood at the edge of a icey chasm, a machamp, and its even more muscular professor, wearing a tattered labcoat. The machamp was stomping on the ground as it made it s way to the car, muttering its name under its breath.

The professor didn’t seem perturbed in the least as he set up a mountain of instruments on the ground. Despite the ice around them, he didn’t wear more than the broken labcoat. On one of the screens he was messing with, a blip suddenly showed up.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Out of the chasm a blue blur flew past. Majestic, frost covered feathers blowing in the night air, leaving a sparkling trail as it flew by, its wintery tail trailing in it. Its eye turned, and brown eyes locked with the professor. “No! No! No! Machamp! Start the car!”

Turning towards him, a bright blue aura formed in its mouth, and a beam shot towards the large man, who just managed to dive out the way in time, a glacier of ice forming where he had been standing the entire time. He was laughing. It flew away a bit, the beam recharging.

“Magnificant! Machamp, go!” He grabbed the back of the jeep in one hand, and lifted himself into the passenger seat just as the the jeep shot forward. Another glacier of ice formed where they had been, the professor ducking as an icicle speared where his head had gone. “Go! Go! Go!”

The car continued swirving missing the large blasts of ice as a ‘♪Hooked on a feeling♪’ started blasting in the car. Grabbing his phone, the professor was instantly greeted by screaming.

“Professor Joshua! Where have you been!? I’ve been trying to get you for the last two hours.”

“Field research dear. Oof.” The car swirved again. “How can I help?”

“You have assistants for that.”

“Not field research like this!"

“There’s some legendary pokemon chasing you right now, isn’t there?”

A terrible screech resounded, shaking the car. “No? Anyways, details, woman! What do you need!”

“Its team Blackleaf! They broke into a mansion in the Arcus Oasis. Where are you now?”

“There’s a mansion in Vera Valle? Oof. Persistent bird! Don’t make me wrestle you myself, you damn frozen bird! Anyways, I’m in the Nacreous Glaciers, a wee bit busy setting up instruments. Send out some of the new trainers.”

“Sir, this is a criminal organization, do you really think children are the best idea?”

“Damnit! That mirror was expensive. Anyways, yes I do. They are the rising generation, and I see potential in a few of them. Call up Micah, Daria, and Lena. Those three should do. SHIIIT!”

Screeching metal resounded across the phone call, followed by fires starting. Then heavy panting as Professor Joshua and Machamp continued running on foot.

“Was that the jeep?”

“Yes. Yes it was, anyways, I’m rather busy. What else you got for me.”

“Well, we’re hearing some rumblings of unusual sightings in the Cirriform ruins. We’re curious if its a new pokemon, or many a legendary. Was going to have you check it out, but it looks like the jeeps out of commission for a bit.”

“Send Akira, Ianthe, and Laren out. Anything else?”

“Yes, send me the code to the transmitter I know you set up. I’ll rather set it up now than when you’re in the hospital in a few minutes.”

“Really woman!?” The sound of crackling ice interupted the conversation. “Same password as everything else, add a 86 at the end! Anything else!?”

“Nope. Happy hunting.”


Across a warehouse, various blackleaf grunts moved boxes, and loaded up vehicles. One particularly paranoid one kept watch. One face seemed completely unperturbed. Sitting atop a crate, he threw a pokeball up and down.

“We have the weather rod…. A generator… we’re just missing the key pokemon for this next operation. You! What grunts are open right now?”

A man in a newsy cap was straining against a box. He stopped, looking up at the man on the box, and motioned to himself with his finger.
“Yes you.”

“Well, I mean, I could.”

“You’ve got to get this stuff ready by tonight, and I mean tonight. I meant what newbies are here?”

“There’s that clown kid. Baron something.”

“Baron Arthur Legends. Get him. Maya and Kenneth should also be around.”

“Sir, if you don’t mind me asking… why do you know everyone’s names?”

“Because if we’re going to catch a legendary, we’ll have to do the impossible. And I will use every tool at my disposal to do so. I can also tell you every wrench in this damn warehouse, and how many cops in Cumulo we’ve paid off, and their names. It’s a small thing to learn a face or two. If you don’t have everyone’s name here down by the end of the week, you’re fired.”

“Y-yes sir.”

“Get those three to me for a quick briefing. After that, I want a field report from Anlon and his group.”

A siren sounded in the distance, and the entire warehouse started to panic. A loud voice boomed through it.

“QUIET! I’ll take care of it, back to work!”

“D-do you still want me to get those three for a briefing, M-mansel?”

“Did I say I wanted you to cancel it? This won’t take but five minutes. Tell them to ignore the sirens and be here in five minutes. If it takes me more than five minutes, have my admins take care of it.”

The man leapt down the boxes, and snatched a pokemon from his belt, holding the ball in front of his face as he walked out. “Let’s go Dragalge.”
Helena Winter

Arcus Oasis Mansion
Interaction: Micah and Daria​

"So. We arrive."

Stark voiced his agreement by chirping noisily near Lena's ear. The Starly had refrained from flying around ever since they entered the desert area. Not that Lena minded. Stark was more quiet on her shoulder.

Lena wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead. It was hot. She took out a water canteen from her backpack and started to drink. It was nice. Water felt good when you were sweating a lot.

Seeing the water, Stark jumped up and down. Lena ignored him. Indignant, the Starly circled Lena's head, chirping angrily, demanding his share of water. Lena ignored him still. Only after she was satisfied she poured water into the cap of the canteen. She put the cap on her gloved palm. Stark jabbed his feet into the hard leather as he landed on the glove. It drank greedily.

Stark was cute when he was mad, Lena thought to herself.

"So. Anyone wants a drink?"

While waiting for Stark to finished, Lena offered her half-full canteen to her two teammates, Micah and Daria. The three of them was sent by Professor Joshua to deal with criminals that intruded into a huge mansion. The criminals were Team Blackleaf, apparently. And the mansion was the mansion in their line of sight.

Mention: GM ( Ganryu Ganryu ), Micah ( RoninN7 RoninN7 ), Daria ( Mqueserasera Mqueserasera )
Micah Reed
Location: Arcus Oasis Mansion | Interactions: Damafaud Damafaud Mqueserasera Mqueserasera | Mentions: Ganryu Ganryu
The mansion was in sight, which forced a sigh of relief out of Micah, who'd gotten a little fed up with walking under the heat of Vera Valle's sun. Despite the deep slumber, he was in mere hours before, Professor Joshua's assistant's call seemed important enough for him to spring out of bed and rush toward the mansion with the team. Unfortunately for Micah, he'd failed to sleep a proper amount of time the previous night and the burst of adrenaline at the potential danger of encountering the Blackleaf criminals had run out, his tiredness catching up to him and the heat making it worse. It was somewhat difficult to keep himself awake, and he definitely regretted not taking his bike with him, which would've allowed him to cut so much time off of his travel to the mansion. Despite this, it was somewhat entertaining to watch Lena as she walked with her Starly, and Micah managed to keep himself awake just to watch the bird Pokemon interact with its trainer.

Having visited Sinnoh, Micah knew about a decent amount of the Pokemon native to the region, including Starly, but he couldn't help but marvel at seeing one right then regardless. He was pulled out of his thoughts by Lena's words, who indicated to him that they had arrived at their destination, giving Micah a quick rush of adrenaline at the excitement of the coming mission. It was a strong enough burst of energy that he no longer felt compelled to fall asleep immediately, but it was still something of a challenge to move too much. "Good, I guess this is where our first official mission starts!" His words were excited and genuine, and it was clear that he was eagerly anticipating this moment. "You might as well come out and be present for our very first mission, Redgie." Without a second thought, Micah pulled out a Pokeball and lightly pressed the button in the middle, causing a bright line of light to escape toward the ground. As it began forming into a sword-like shape, the Honedge cried out excitedly and the light faded to reveal the sword Pokemon floating on the ground next to Micah.

Redgie wasted no time butting its hilt into Micah's leg to get his attention, prompting the boy to lean down and pat its crossguard, making sure to pull away quickly to avoid becoming any more exhausted from Honedge's natural energy drain. The Pokemon never purposefully drained Micah and never tried to latch onto him, but even without that, whenever they made contact it did feed off of his energy, which was probably the reason Redgie always seemed to have unlimited energy. Once he stood and rubbed his eyes a little, Micah heard Lena speak and turned to her, finding her outstretched hand offering a canteen of water. "Thank you so much!" Micah gladly grabbed the canteen and waterfalled a bit of water into his mouth, which almost instantly brought some life back into him, the cool liquid seemingly imbuing the boy with newfound energy. Once he was done, he turned back to Lena and then toward Daria, the tiredness in his eyes now almost completely gone. "So how long have you guys known your Pokemon? I met Redgie almost two years ago now and it's really been amazing having him around."

He then remembered the canteen in his hand and quickly outstretched his own hand to offer it to whoever wanted to take it next. "I almost forgot. Do you want some too?" His gaze turned to Daria, who hadn't indicated whether she wanted the water or not. Micah then turned back to Lena, his hand still outstretched. "Thank you, again." Micah was happy to have a team around him, which really filled him with some more vigor than was normal for him. "I know we're on a mission, but let's have fun! Otherwise, what's the point, really?" Despite his seemingly childish attitude and excitement, his mind was on the task at hand and the mansion that stood before them. He wasn't sure exactly what they would encounter in there, but he knew he had to be ready and that he had to be there for his teammates like he hoped they would be for him, otherwise the mission probably wouldn't succeed and his chances of continuing to learn and explore with Professor Joshua would significantly diminish.
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location: [ near ] cirriform ruins ;; mood: annoyed ;; interactions: ianthe, laren
Having been interrupted from her nap, Akira was not a happy camper. It had taken forever to find this particular tree, with it's perfect amount of coverage from the sun, allowing her to doze peacefully without being blinded by the bright rays that shown down on her and Luc. She'd peacefully curled into a ball with the hood of her pikachu sweatshirt acting as a fluffy pillow with Luc curled up against her chest. The two had been happily dozing when the small Shinx had been woken by the soft ringing coming from his trainer's pocket.

Slowly, the small pokemon rose to his paws and stretched before nosing the fabric of her hoodie aside so he could gently grab the ringing device between his teeth. He set it down in front of the teens face and watched with amusement as she scrunched her forehead in annoyance as she began to wake. With a groan her eyes blinked open to see the ringing phone.

Still half asleep she reached out and answered the device, letting out a loud moan in greeting, not having enough energy to actually speak. She listened to the voice on the other end tell her where she needed to go and hummed in response, her eyes already beginning to drift shut. When the caller called her name in question, she let out another noise in response and a lazy grin spread across her face as the call ended.

Akira shifted onto her back, planning on going back to sleep only to grunt in pain as a heavy body landed on top of her stomach, effectively waking her up. "Dammit Luc..." she winced, rolling back onto her side so said pokemon fell off of her and back onto the ground. Luc only seemed to grin in response to her pain. He always knew how to wake her up. She frowned, giving him a dark look as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. "Don't give me that look." she grumbled, her voice rough from sleep.

If he could, Akira knew Luc would be raising a brow at her in response.

She paused, narrowing her eyes slightly as they stared each other down, only to give up a moment later. "Ugh! Fine, whatever we'll go!" she grumbled. The Shinx let out a triumphant cry that had Akira rolling her eyes. "Brat..." she huffed.

Still sitting, she picked up her bag and dug through it for the map of Vera Valle that she'd been given upon arriving. Humming she was glad to realize that she was already pretty close to Cirriform Ruins. Thank Arceus for small miracles. With a quick scratch to Luc's head, she was up on her feet, shrugging her bag over her shoulder and sliding the phone into the back pocket of her dark jeans.

"Let's go then, you brat." she grumbled and started down the road, Luc in tow.

Due to the fact that she wasn't too far from the ruins, she was a little surprised when Ianthe and Nymph caught up to her and Luc so quickly, and then to have bumped into Laren soon after. She shrugged it off however and kept going, slouching in on herself, still upset that her nap had been cut short. Her brat of a pokemon could really be a buzzkill sometimes...Luc was definitely lucky that she loved him. She hummed quietly at the thought, glancing at the Shinx that trotted by her feet as she walked. She huffed, knowing that she wouldn't change a thing about him even if she could.

Once they reached the ruins, she stopped, looking between the two girls with her. "Well," she paused with a frown. "Now what?"

[/div][/div][/div][div class=credit]credits @RI.a[/div][div class=overlay]a k i r a[/div][div class=tags] cinnabuns cinnabuns Aithien Aithien [/div]



Location: OTW to Cirriform Ruins
Team: Akira, Laren, Ianthe
Interactions: izayoiix izayoiix Aithien Aithien

"Hey, Nymph! Wait up, okay?"

Ianthe knew the words fell on deaf ears. When her Bounsweet was startled, it was known to move quickly, away from whatever had startled it, regardless of her trainer paying enough attention. Luckily, Ianthe had been watching Nymph; she wished she could have warned the antsy Pokémon about the branch it had rested on being weak. It had been amusing for a moment, since, of course, Nymph could float just fine and hadn't fallen more than five inches, it was still enough to frighten the young Bounsweet. So, Ianthe followed Nymph as she floated through the air, pushing her bike along the way, until the Bounsweet accidentally bumped into a tree. The breeder hurried forward to catch Nymph in her arms, letting out a soft sigh of relief when she did catch the Bounsweet.

"Are you okay? You have to be more careful, silly. You know Pokémon love your scent."

Nymph gave her a small cry, and she patted the Bounsweet's head, placing her in the basket, fastened to Ianthe's bike. Nymph got comfortable once again as Ianthe pushed the bike forward a bit more, pausing as she noticed a difference in the grass, a slight indent. Was someone here before her?

Before she could think about it more, her phone rang. Ianthe took a moment to pick it up, resting her other hand on Nymph's head to help calm the Bounsweet.


"Ianthe, is this you? Are you near the Cirriform Ruins?"

Ianthe recognized the voice of Professor Joshua's assistant - most of the time, she talked to her anyway, since the professor was a fan of working in the field. Ianthe understood the feeling of wanting to do things herself.

"Hmm." Ianthe removed her hand from Nymph's head, going through her pack to check her Pokédex. "Not too far at all, what can I do for you?"

"Can you head there for me and meet up with Akira and Laren, two other trainers? There's some unusual sightings in the area and we want you to check it out."

"Understood~. Be there soon, thanks!"

It didn't take her longer than ten minutes to make her way over to the ruins, but she stopped when she met up with Akira, folding up her bike and placing it into her pack, letting Nymph rest on her forehead so they could walk together. Nymph had been hesitant to see another person, but she seemed calmer when she saw Akira's Shinx, something that surprised Ianthe and made her happy, all at the same time. When they met with Laren, they weren't too far from the ruins, and they all got there a few minutes afterwards.

"Well, now what?" Akira said. Ianthe could hear the tired in her voice.

"Now, we go in and hope for the best." Ianthe took a deep breath in, enjoying the fresh air before they went into an area full of dust. "Maybe we'll see something incredible!"

Name: Baron - Arthur Legrand
Relations: @KageYuki (Maya) Misuteeku Misuteeku (Kenneth)

Every box seemed empty; not in weight but in the way Arthur decided to knock on them. He could really slam is fist into a crate like no other 13 year-old, grace, furry, and disapointment in the fist. He was thinking of his final idea to get the boss to give him the perfect team. Kenneth, Maya, Kenneth, Maya, Kenneth, Maya - they were absolutly perfect. Both older, lending him battle experience he would need; Maya has a Vulpix that would cover Furfrou's, uh, not weakness- but equal ground to special attackers. The strategic partner. Kenneth, kenneth was fun to be around; he always has a way to spin things positive. The shining example of joy and care of the team.

Arthur's fist was purple when he figured out the perfect motto for them:
Prepare for this ripple, a magificent triple
To protect the world from stagnation!
To unite all people outside this nation!
To denounce the retrieval of crude and tongue!
The King's orders shake the lights!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

That's right!"
When one is already in this mind state of people he has had only small talk conversation with, you can expect glowing eyes as he was caught with a bruised crate.
He looked around picked his pace up to what could be allowed without getting knocked out by all the crate swinging through the dank air. Past a few bends of workers he noticed Kenneth ( Misuteeku Misuteeku ) and thought how that wouldn't have the be hardest to get in coordination for a motto, so Arthur chose to just try to do a little following wave. He went on to Maya who was just a little ahead of him.
( KageYuuki KageYuuki ) With the elegancy of a royal, the thickness of an accent, and volume of a killer:"HEYYYYYYYY MAYA, WE FINALLY GOT AN ASSIGMENT. I I I I I I- I, I mean you would of obviously known that because the man would of already been around - but bon bon - because that kinda news is we want to heare twice my Kanto friend, " Arthur snapped his fingers, " you know what I should of said Maya-san - like how they talk in Kanto - forgive me for either path I took in that greeting, partner!"

Daria Blauschild
Arcus Oasis Mansion
Interactions: Lena ( Damafaud Damafaud ), Micah ( RoninN7 RoninN7 )
It was a long walk through the desert. Not a single word in that sentence implied a pleasant time. And it was predictable too, because you don’t wander on foot in a desert by happenstance, you’re either crazy or was forced into it. And Daria hadn’t lost it because of the heat, not yet. She felt the heat violently invade every fiber of her being. The scorching sun from above stung her skin, the burning ground had as little mercy on the small girl. She sweated like literal hell. Despite the precaution of wearing light clothes and a sun hat, she soon realized you can’t counter a desert the same way you dress for a hot summer day. It was all around unpleasant.

As a result, she had already drained all of her water. The offer from Lena was a blessing she couldn’t ask for. Miserable, but not once had Daria whined out loud, just silence all the way while swallowing her own miseries.

“Thanks.” Her voice hoarse from not speaking for a while. She received the canteen, drank a little more than she would have liked to. Her dried throat gladly took in the freshwater and, for a brief while, it relieved her from the boiling environment.

The canteen was returned to Lena with a now fresher and clearer “thanks” from Daria. Looking at the other two’s Pokemon cheerfully out of their balls. She felt just as appropriate to do the same. From the small ball on her hand, a light flashed and a small Pokemon was standing on the ground some feet away from her.

The Ice-typed Pokemon squealed. His little paws tried desperately to escape the burning hot ground. Saleos glared sideways at his trainer. He gazed at the floating sword and the bird Pokemon on Lena shoulder, then turned to Daria again, disappointment in his eyes.

“No, you will break my back with your weight.” She said coldly to the eighty pounds Pokemon.

Saleos let out a small whimper, still peering deep into his trainer's eyes as if to say “Woman, I’m not the one who walked into a desert at her own accord. Now get me back to my ball already.”

And of course, the spoiled Pokemon got his way. With a defeated sigh, Daria put the ball with him inside back in her pocket. It wasn’t her idea to be here, she would have refused the field work if such a choice existed in the first place. The time spent as the Professor’s assistant was less than successful. For a girl without a day of honest work in her life, her aid to the professor’s works was nothing short of a disaster. Despite his Pokemon’s hostility towards her, Professor Joshua still insisted to have her working with them. Perhaps her good nature and determination had convinced him that one day the Pokemon will come to accept her as a good trainer, or he just wanted to keep her as far away from his lab as possible. So much for proving her helpfulness so he would allow her to approach a legendary Pokemon one day.

This mission was a chance to gain his favor.

She stared at the boy after his question. What’s the point I wonder, to prevent my life from falling apart after having abandoned everything I have to be here probably?

“Mm.” Daria didn’t answer, she never replied to a pointless question with a pointless answer. “We should ask them about the situation.” Without any sign that she would be the one asking, she pointed at the police officers standing in front of the mansion.
Last edited:
~ Oasis Team ~
(NPC - Madam Pompadour)

As the team trudged through the desert, life seemed to be teeming, even in this forsaken part of Vera Valle. Sandshrew watched the passing pokemon cautiously, dipping below the sands. They seemed particularly interested in Daria's weird Sandshrew that seemed similar to them, but far too wimpy about the heat. A roar could be heard in the distance as a Flygon and a Camerupt trading blows in the far distance. Even more magnificent to the north would be the red mountains, boiling over with lava in the ring of fire, forming a cloudy horizon.

The mansion in front of them stood at the outskirts of town, large ivory columns with a golden gated fence around it. Barking could be heard inside, with the occasional plume of flame coming out, dozens of Houndours inside of it as guard dogs. A single Growlith stood barking back against them on the other side of the fence, belonging to a male police officer taking notes in front of a lady in a hat. He just shook his head, finished his notes and started to walk off, whispering under his breath, "Paranoid bird," and walked passed the trainers. The old lady waved to them, however.

"Are you the trainers Professor Joshua sent? Oh, thank goodness. I must say, that's a beautiful Honedge you have . They say its edge is more lustrous the better it eats.

I should introduce myself. I'm Madam Pompadour, owner of the Pompadour estates. I was hoping for your help. The officer's in Arcus are so lax, its frustrating. You know how I was robbed yesterday, right? Well, I saw three hooligan's climbing my fence, battle my dear pokemon, and escape. But, here's the thing, I only saw two leave. I'm convinced the third one is still around here. You three will help me look, won't you? There's a good reward in it for you if you want.

I doubt he's in the house, I've checked a dozen times, but... well, the cellar does lead to quite the labyrinth. You see, my husband, Louis was the one who founded Arcus, and we struck oil when we built here... or rather the aquifer. There's some tunnels under the house that lead the aquifer. There are pokemon down there that my dear Houndours are found of. But that's the short end of the brass tacks. Would you like some cookies before or after"
Helena Winter

  • lena-jpg.575124

    Arcus Oasis Mansion
    Interaction: Micah and Daria​
    Lena took her canteen back with a faint sound of acknowledgement toward Daria's thank you. She spaced off through Micah' words, watching Stark drinking on her hand. Once he was finished, Lena tightened the cap on the canteen, just in time to answer Micah' last question.

    "Oh. Sure. Let's have fun."

    Speaking of fun, she felt like she forgot to do something. What was it again? Drink? She just did. It couldn't be something to do with cooking-

    "Oh. Right," Lena rummaged through her backpack. Shifting through the raincoat and poffin case, she took out a camera. Recognising the poffin case, Stark moved to and fro between Lena's shoulder noisily, demanding a treat. Ignoring the starly, Lena turned to Micah and Daria, gesturing at the camera.


    And they took a selfie. Lena with a lazy smile and half closed eyes, Micah with all of his energy, and Daria, pulled into frame by Lena's right arm. Behind the trio, Micah' Honedge Redgie hovered silently. Stark was there too, as a small blur in the corner. The starly started flying around madly after being ignored by Lena.
Mention: GM ( Ganryu Ganryu ), Micah ( RoninN7 RoninN7 ), Daria ( Mqueserasera Mqueserasera )
Micah Reed
Location: Arcus Oasis Mansion | Interactions: Ganryu Ganryu Damafaud Damafaud Mqueserasera Mqueserasera
Micah sighed as his two teammates seemed too "preoccupied" to answer his question, shaking his head a little bit. I guess these two are gonna need some more time to come around... He then heard Lena's response to his second question and a smile flashed across his face, recognizing how detached she seemed but appreciating the fact that she said something regardless. That was when Lena seemed to remember something and rummaged through her bag, asking Micah and Daria for a selfie as she pulled out her camera. The boy couldn't help but laugh a little at this, not mockingly, but genuinely. Being so focused on the upcoming assignment, Micah had almost forgotten about the fact that they were all teenagers and that they still had certain "necessities." Micah, being the chirpy guy he is, was more than happy to oblige and join the selfie. He made sure to position himself behind Lena, leaning down to get in the frame and smiling wide, putting one hand on Lena's shoulder and the other on Daria's shoulder. After seeing the picture, Micah couldn't help but laugh at Redgie just floating there in the back trying to make sense of everything.

"Official squad selfie, I like it! Ooh, you could get another one after the mission and make it something of a "before and after" piece, that would be cool! Nice camera, by the way!" Before Micah could continue rattling off and speaking, an old woman beckoned them toward her, at which point Micah immediately straightened up and moved with his teammates toward her. As she asked if they were Professor Joshua's trainers, Micah nodded with a smile on his face in the affirmative. Her mention of Redgie and his beautiful edge did force a small chuckle out of Micah, who couldn't help but feel happy that someone recognized his Pokemon's beauty. "He's certainly a hungry one." The words came out of Micah with complete sincerity in an amicable tone, as the boy wanted to indicate to the old woman that he was a friend, even though that was probably obvious from the fact that he was there to complete a mission and help her. He listened intently to her words as she spoke about her situation and asked for the trainers' assistance. "Of course, we're here to help, Madam Pompadour."

Micah raised an eyebrow as Lena stepped forward and spoke, clearly excited in some capacity about the cookies that Madam Pompadour offered. He allowed himself to smile for a moment, waving his hand and beckoning Redgie to approach him. "I agree with my friend here. I'd like to take the cookies for our journey as well! My name is Micah, by the way, and it's nice to meet you." Lena's next question was one that lit something within Micah: his curiosity. Of course, he wanted to do this for Professor Joshua and help the woman, but his own "selfish" interests to learn and see Pokemon were unquestionably piqued. "She's right, we should probably know what we are going to encounter, just to be safe." Micah took a step forward, closer to Madam Pompadour and about next to Lena, with Redgie diligently following, floating until he was between the trainers and the woman. Redgie faced the woman and hopped in the air a couple of times, letting out a cry of excitement, as if he understood what was going on. "Calm down, Redgie, we'll go on our mission in a bit, just be a little patient, okay?" Micah turned his attention back toward Madam Pompadour. "By the way, Madam Pompadour, do you think you could give us some kind of map? Or maybe explain the layout in any way you can just so we have an idea of how to move down there?"

Daria Blauschild
Arcus Oasis Mansion
Interactions: Lena ( Damafaud Damafaud ), Micah ( RoninN7 RoninN7 , Ganryu Ganryu )
Before Daria could risk herself with more pessimistic thoughts, a hand pulled her into a group selfie. Startled, she found herself in front of the camera, the cap of her sun hat was bent to make space for them all in the frame. What a strange experience. She was used to be taken photos of, but in a much more impersonal way, sneakily from afar with a flash from the bush kind of impersonal. Though she didn’t consent to have her sweaty face captured, this time it wasn’t as annoying for some reason. She wondered why.

The other two let her go as quickly as they had pulled her in. Towards the hand waving lady, they went, while Daria pleasantly trailed behind them. Under her breath, the uptight girl whispered: “I sure hope the ‘after’ one won’t be a mugshot, or worse…”

Ivory and gold decorated the mansion’s outer fence, stood awkwardly in the middle of a rather modest surrounding. Isn’t it a bit too much? Daria mused. She was no stranger to the lavish lifestyle but even then, there should be a not-so-fine line between a private island and golden fences, unless you are too rich or have a specific reason to flaunt your wealth. In other words, the average thieves should be content with a sawed-off piece of the fence, the ones that went as far as infiltrated the house must have aimed way higher.

But lady Pomda…Pompoud… Pompadour didn’t seem like she had something to hide. What she looked like was an honest-to-goodness woman, Daria concluded. Not like she had ever distrusted people on her first meeting of them. The girl highly doubted anyone had the word “liar” written on their face as in the stories she had read. Most importantly, the woman had offered them cookies.

Keeping herself close enough to hear what they were saying, Daria wandered a little way off to the fences. The Houndour pack inside barked at her as she got close, they prided themselves on making the poor girl bounced back. Ah, she took another step back for safe measure, I’m glad Saleos is in his Pokeball, them nasty dogs would have made him close his eyes tight for the rest of the mission. It was clear that the woman didn’t need anyone to stand guard above the ground. There goes my chance to volunteer for the easiest role.

Lena and Micah had already asked their pieces. All were valid concerns. Not one was Daria’s most bothered one. “Daria.” She said briefly before the lady could answer Micah question, without realizing the way she was a bit rude “How dangerous is it down there?”
Kenneth Vano

Kenneth had a small frown on his face as he walked down the hall of the warehouse. It wasn't because he was called, rather it was because when the man barged into the room Mandrawl was out. That unfortunate accident caused unnecessary ear pain and made Kenneth a little grumpy. He let out a soft sigh and messaged his left ear. Oh well, he shouldn't dwell on what happened a few minutes ago. What had happened had happened. Either way, why was he called in the first place? The man said that the boss required his presence. He had joined the team not too long ago, so it must of been urgent if his presence was required. That being said, he had arrived at his destination.

Along the way he had spotted Baron and the quiet girl. Pulling up a smile, he waved back to Baron and followed him as he walked towards the girl. He still found it strange that they allowed a kid like Baron to join Blackleaf. He wasn't the one to judge however, kids can be rather vicious. That being said he felt a little odd seeing a kid in a criminal organization. Even when hearing of the kid's background, Baron had often told him everything about himself and his goals, Kenneth was still concerned. Well, it didn't matter in any case. Baron can handle himself fine as any member in this organization, if not better. Kenneth's smile turned genuine as the kid hounded the quiet girl, Maya from what Baron called her, with stutters.

"Now, now, Baron it isn't nice to run up and verbally attack Maya with your stutters." Kenneth chided to the kid. Walking over to them, he looked over to Maya. In all honesty, Kenneth didn't know much about Maya except that she spends a lot of her time with her Vulpix and that she was cold to anyone who tried to interact with her. With Kenneth being one of them. He tried to greet her, but she ended up giving him the look. Whether it was intentional or not, Kenneth did not know. It probably didn't help that Kenneth overreacted a little by leaning back out of mock fear. Their interaction was short before Kenneth had to return his task back then. At least he would get to her a little bit more.

"Anyways, how are you doing Maya?" Kenneth said as he walked over to her. "Are you happy? Sad? Or none of the above? Or..." Now he was shoulder to shoulder with Maya, he attempted to swing an arm around her shoulders as if they were best friends. Baron would find this hypocritical. Maya would find this action as detest. He would overreact when she did reject his attempt of friendship. It didn't help that he had a stupid grin. How would she react?

KageYuuki KageYuuki NoviceOfRoleplay NoviceOfRoleplay

Laren Hartwell
Enroute + Cirriform Ruins

with izayoiix izayoiix (Akira), cinnabuns cinnabuns (Ianthe)

It must have been here last night.

Nose inches from the ground, Laren observed the way the dirt was depressed a little more just there and the adjacent sweep that could have been left by a tail. Or a claw. Brow knitting faintly, she pushed to her feet and flipped a couple of pages back in her notebook, then forward.

"Subject ... likely nocturnal, " she muttered aloud while scribbling on a fresh page. "Fresh track between hours of 10 p.m. and -- "


Nearby, Bailey stirred from her warm nap, eyes opening slowly to give an offended look toward her trainer's loudly vibrating phone.

Tucking her pen and notebook back into her backpack, Laren fished out her phone. "Sleepyhead, " she said with a fond glance toward her Bulbasaur as she brought the phone to her ear. And promptly colored. "Not you! It's my - oh, unusual sightings in the ruins? Of course! I'll head there now. Really, I'm - "


"Sorry, " she finished to the ended call with a sigh, but her expression brightened as she crossed to meet her now-awake partner and waved her toward her bike. "Adventure time, Bailey!"

~*~ ~*~​

They were quite close to the ruins when they found themselves in the company of Akira and Ianthe, Bailey giving a friendly greeting to their Pokemon as Laren carefully set down her bike's kickstand and dismounted.

"We enter with caution, of course, " is her practical reply to Akira after catching her breath, rocking back onto her heels with an expectant look toward the threshold and an agreeing nod to Ianthe for her enthusiasm. "Let's stay alert."
Maya Kaufman
Perched on one of the stacks of crates, Maya checked the incubator for what have been the tenth time in the past hour alone. The egg within was unfamiliar to her, meaning it wasn't anything native to Kanto or its neighboring region of Johto. Kurama, the small Vulpix sitting next to her huffed and pawed at her hand. A slight, private smile crossed the trainer's lips as she relented and scratched behind his ears. "Jealous mutt," she chided gently, "What are you going to do when this finally hatches?"

The kit pulled back with an indignant yip, puffing his cheeks out in a pout.

Maya rolled her eyes, "Think you can take on the likes of Moltres on alone?"

Kurama spun with another bark.

"Big talk coming from someone who got their ass kicked by a Weedle yesterday." She snorted at the mortified look that crossed her pokemon's face. Wide brown eyes and ears pinned back as far as they could go. Maya's teasing was brought to an abrupt stop by the sound of sirens in the distance and Mansel yelling at everyone to get back to work. She slid from the crate with a sigh and put the incubator back into her bag before slinging it on her back once more. Why they were even getting worked up was beyond her, as far as trainers went the boss was on another level. If he lost? Then yeah, panicking and scattering may be a good option. But for now, this was just a minor inconvenience at worst.

"Maya," a mousey looking Blackleaf member approached, "the b-boss wants you for a briefing."

"Alright." Without invitation, Kurama scrabbled up onto her shoulder from the crate. The pair were hardly halfway across the warehouse when a grating voice called out after them.

HEYYYYYYYY MAYA, WE FINALLY GOT AN ASSIGMENT. I I I I I I- I, I mean you would of obviously known that because the man would of already been around - but bon bon - because that kinda news is we want to heare twice my Kanto friend, "

Unable to stop the cringe that took her features for a moment, Maya fought the urge to rub her eyes. Of all the people in their little organization did she really have to end up with him?

Arthur snapped his fingers, "you know what I should of said Maya-san - like how they talk in Kanto - forgive me for either path I took in that greeting, partner!"

"Just Maya is fine," the redhead shot back without missing a beat. "Kanto isn't my home anyway." That said, a year on the road had done nothing towards dropping the accent that screamed otherwise. Kenneth joined them before the conversation could get any further, "I'm fine," she responded curtly.

A low growl came from the small Vulpix as Kenneth immediately stepped into the other trainer's space. His attempt at slinging an arm around her shoulders was rewarded with a quick strike aimed at his ribs. "Don't, you'll just push Kurama from his spot." Maya didn't bother waiting for a response as she strode past the pair towards the meeting spot. Mansel likely wouldn't be long and she wasn't keen on making him wait.
~ Ruins Team ~

As the group made their way to the ruins off of a route 6, the large stone bridge stood in their way. In the distance, a rumbling waterfall could be heard from Fogma falls, where a massive waterfall deposited into the valley in an explosion of mist.

The bridge was the only connection to the ruins, and it seemed to be ancient. Entire sections had fallen away, making the edges unsafe. Anyone who fell off would probably be swept off by the fast current under them, leading to Laketown.

Passing through it, a massive monolith structure unfolded, set up like a ziggurat, a stepped temple. A few pillars lay broken on the wayside.

There had actually been an ancient people that had lived in Vera Valle, though no trace of them remained, save for these single ruins, the Cirriform Ruins. It had been a rather recent discovery, and archeologist were eager to unlock the inside, but wild pokemon made it difficult.

In front of the three, a single entrance led down into the ruins itself, chittering could be heard inside, and the occasional drop of water.

Suddenly, Akira's ringtone would go off.

"Hello, Akira? I hope I'm not waking you again. It occurs to me it might be easier with your group someone in your group had access to the TM flash. If I recall right, you have a shinx, right? I forgot what you called him. Anyways, I'm downloading the TM to your phone. Tell Ianthe and Laren I say hi."
~ Oasis ~
Madam Pompadour smiled as she listened to the children. She beaconed them to the kitchen as they talked.

"Yes, dearies, feel free to take them with you. They're my favorite, Oatmeal Raisin. The secret of these is I add Poffins to the mix. Humans and Pokemon love them! Or at least, me and my houndour do."

She began to put them away in ziplock baggies.

"As far as a map, I'm sorry, but we really don't have the whole system mapped out, why we're asking for trainers. Who knows what could be down there. The theif could escape, or worse, get himself hurt. To be fair, its private property, and most trainers in Vera Valle don't even know the aquifer caves exist.

My son's an avid breeder, and says most of the pokemon down there are of Water Group... 1? I'd have to ask him. Oh, and zubat, but those are everywhere. I'd offer some repel, but my son tells me that'd be an insult to trainers, so have fun. "

She then motioned towards her cellar outside. "The entrance is down here, we've barred the entrance with some rebar and a steel door. Anything else I can do to help?"


Whenever the group would enter, they would find a rocky system with the sound of water running everywhere. Certain gems seemed to glow across the cave, giving one explaination to how the Pompadours were so rich. The water cascaded down across the entire floor. Most places it was barely a few inches, some places it became much much deeper. The chirping of zubat could be heard all around. The caves expanded in every direction, finding someone would be a nightmare, but no obvious exits could be seen.
Kenneth Vano
Kenneth grunted as the arm that was about to sling around Maya was now touching the ribs she struck. He jerked forward, out of mock pain, as Maya had walked passed. In all honesty, he kinda deserved that jab. For the fact that he didn't see the fox that was on Maya's shoulder and that he wouldn't gained anything if he overreacted anymore. Dropping the hand that was nursing his ribs, he turned around to face Baron. "Welp, that ended badly." He said to Baron. Letting out a soft chuckle, he turned to look at Maya. "Not that much of a talker, if anything." A frown grew on Kenneth. It was unfortunate that Maya wasn't that much of a social butterfly. A person of a few words. Maybe, she would warm up to them overtime. Or maybe not. She had that small mammal, a Vulpix Kenneth recalled, to keep her company.

That being said, maybe he would have to release Mandrawl later. Maya seemed like the type of person that Mandrawl would be intimidated by. Kenneth would have to do it now or later anyway, maybe when they were dispatched that he would introduce Mandrawl to them. It was mainly so that Mandrawl could at least get use to their presence and also to save his ears from the Whismur's cries. Baron would probably scare Mandrawl as well. Mainly because of Baron's nature of wanting be a strategist. A strategist needed to know everything after all from what Kenneth assumed.

There would be time later to ponder as Kenneth turned and walked towards the meeting spot as well. The boss would probably not appreciate anymore wasted time than he had caused. Kenneth straightened his posture and dropped his smile. It was time to be a little serious. The last thing he needed was to put on his silly facade and make a fool of himself in front of the boss. Though that brought up his curiosity back. Why did the boss call the three of them?

KageYuuki KageYuuki Ganryu Ganryu NoviceOfRoleplay NoviceOfRoleplay

Black leaf
Jack johnson & Pecha berry
"Just how in hell am I supposed to get outta here...?" a tired looking man grumbled in the deep darkness of the caves, his earlier raid on the building above had produced something for once, for once,he had succeeded in something other than making a diabolical doomsday machine for a psycho! And... it... Well it looked cool at least. the plaque called it the "Silver Wing" and it was easy enough to hide away in Pecha's mouth as he stayed snug on jack's back. Nice thing about Pecha is how good he is at clinging to things, if only he could actually use that in a fight at all...

Even when said thing is running for his life and abandoned by his compatriots in these tunnels...

But hey...

He still got the feather thing.

Which is a win, if not in a battle it'self still a win.

Who knows maybe he could sell it for a crap ton of cash, if somebody cared at all for a silver weird feather...

Now he was stuck in these tunnels filled with shining rocks, that he couldn't pull or dig out of the walls, and a stressed out zubat. The man however kept moving forwards, swaddling the zubat in his arms like an odd blue slightly nibbly baby as he peered around corner to corner, he had gotten good at hiding from wild pokemon, probably his only talent besides his impressively hilarious loss streak.

Twisting, turning, dashing, sneaking... He kept going and going... Until he came onto an... odd area...

"The hell is this? A... Alter? or AN Alter.. Man i'm to tired for grammar..." the man sighed heavily, the altar in question was a rather old yet extremely impressive scene. it was grey in color, worn slightly by the years of water splashing upon it from a MASSIVE waterfall cascading down from behind it into a large pool. the water seeped into the area before it, a circular area with odd markings, which were nicely preserved carvings upon this circular flooring piece.

Letting Pecha fly off to sit atop the altar, silver wing ploping with zubat drool dripping off of it, Jack attempted to look at the carvings around the circle... Something about the moons, dancing beautiful women and a pokemon? And... huh.. A thing that looks like the silver wing pointing towards the altar.

...Now this is just plain weird.

Splashing lightly on the light water covering the circle he continued to examine this carving.. "...Hey Pecha, ever get this... Desire to follow the instructions of some ancient stone epitaph or whatever and summon an ancient pokemon that may or may not kill me?" he only got little zubat squeaks and coos back as the fat little ball sat there, listening to it's friend's splashing movements. "...Or... I could maybe possibly catch a legendary pokemon all by myself..." he paused and smirked. "Yea, i'd be the talk of the gang! hell this half of the world even! Though i'd probably have to muscle my name clear due to the whole stealing the wing thing but still!

What do you think pecha!? Ready to dance like these Geisha!?"

He got excited yet ignorantly unknowing squeaks back.

Thus sealed his fate, he would do his damnedest to get those dance mvoes perfect! Just.. Gotta figure out what was first... Full moon to new moon back to full? Or new moon to full and back...?

...Oh geeze...
~ Blackleaf ~
-Mansel Blythe-

A screech outside was heard, followed by the siren's slowly pewtering out. A bit of crying was left, but it was silent otherwise. The door to the warehouse kicked open, and Mansel walked back in, scowling. His clothing was covered in oil, and he tightened his glove as he entered. Behind him, a dragon roared, floating in behind him, sizzling with acids. It was wearing a car tire as a hat as it slowly melted, which would have been much funnier if it was giving death glares to everyone around it, including Mansel, who merely grunted at it. At the vulpix it hissed. Mansel handwaved it, and it quieted.

He took a look at the three, from Baron's stuttering, to Maya's coldness, to Kenneth the middle man. To Maya he sighed.

"I'm surprised your Vulpix isn't Aloan."

He said it so flatly, it was hard to tell if it was a joke or a statement. His eyebrow arched.

"Alright, we're in a rush. The cops here aren't taking bribes too well, and beatings only remind them for so long. We're finding a new base. That's not going to stop our operation. And that operation? This one's called Jiraichi. Apparently, an archeological... friend found ancient writings describing one atop the falls.

Fogma falls, you three are to climb it, and find the meteor crater site. Clear it of the wild pokemon, or trainers, and let the other grunts have time to set up our weather machine to blow away the fog. If Jirachi shows up, disappear. Any questions?"

Mansel stared at the three intensely. He took a deep breath.

"I was planning on this being a four man mission, but Jack Johnson's still missing in action. Still, you three will manage. I'll be a few days after you, I still have to take care of us moving bases. Think of yourself as the vanguard. Ask any questions you have, otherwise, I'd rather shower."
Last edited:

Daria Blauschild
Beneath the Arcus Oasis Mansion
Interactions: Lena ( Damafaud Damafaud ), Micah ( RoninN7 RoninN7 )
Daria nodded to acknowledge the information, then stood around waiting for others to make a move first. It wasn’t like she wanted someone else to take the dangerous leading position into the deadly dungeon, although she did catch herself thinking how convenient that would be. And it would be fair too, she didn’t trust Saleos to put on a decent show against real criminals or untamed Pokemon, and had even less confidence in her ability to lead. She had talents, Daria sometimes assured herself so. Yet what she was good for had never done her any good. Her nervousness was only raising as the reality of a violent mission drew closer.

Passed the Houndour into the house, they were greeted with even more evidence of the household’s extravagant lifestyle. Exquisite paintings, rare works of arts and the clear signs that some rare Pokemon was residing in this house. The golden fences were mere extensions of their wealth, not some cheap facades. Her eyes wandered away from their destination. Values were one of the few things Daria understood, not why people valued them highly but the fact that they do, with green and red numbers indicating their worth in a given time. Although in a way, that kind of expertise was only of the crude exteriors of what really mattered, and Daria was discontented with that level of knowledge.

The underground was cold, wet, and not that much better than than the heat above. Saleos enjoyed the change at least. Soon after leaving the Pokeball, the Sandshrew stretched his body under the steel shell wide, and lay his belly down the cool ground, being lazy. The glowing gems illuminated the caves. The large water bodies limited their options but still left too many to choose from. It wouldn’t be wise to move about aimlessly in a place like this, then again, they had no alternative options. Or so it seemed at first.

There were footprints leading into the darkness. So there really is someone down there, Daria thought. Swallowed, she approached the trace on the ground and heard herself whispered. “Footprints”.

Saleos followed after his trainer. He could sense her wariness, danger ahead. The sudden spurt of flapping sounds caused by the zubat startled both Daria and her Pokemon. Saleos lowered his head onto the ground, his limbs hidden under his bodies, leaving only the shell exposed to the imaginary monsters.

“Uh,” said Daria, “Anyone want to lead the way?”
Helena Winter


Arcus Oasis Mansion Aquifier Tunnel
Interaction: Micah and Daria​
The cave was not as dark as she thought it would be. And wetter. What did Madam Pompadour called it again? Aquifier? Lena stopped at the entrance. She took off her socks and stuffed them into her bag. No sense in getting them wet. Stark remained perching on her shoulder. It looked hesitant to fly around in the dark underground. Well, that was understandable.

A few zubats flew overhead the trio, causing Daria and Saleos to flinch. Stark was going to start a ruckus, too, but Lena gave him a shush and stopped him from going anywhere. If Stark was to get lost here, it would be a problem. The tunnels were like maze.

"Like, boys should lead at time like this, right?" Lena gestured toward Micah, the only boy in the group. "I'll stay at the very back since, you know, Stark can remind us of stalkers. So. Yeah."

Mention: GM ( Ganryu Ganryu ), Micah ( RoninN7 RoninN7 ), Daria ( Mqueserasera Mqueserasera )
Micah Reed
Location: Arcus Oasis Aquifer | Interactions: Ganryu Ganryu Damafaud Damafaud Mqueserasera Mqueserasera
Micah felt a great sense of joy and nodded toward Madam Pompadour, determination burning in his heart. "We're gonna make sure to flush that criminal out, Madam, don't you worry!" With that, he graciously accepted a ziplock bag and placed it in his own backpack, showing a level of restraint that he wasn't expecting to be able to muster, but deciding that it would be best to save the treats for later. Once he felt that his preparations and those of his companions were complete, Micah moved toward the cave, excited to see what was held inside. Just getting inside the aquifer revealed something that Micah was all too familiar with: wealth, and a lot of it. Despite his own money and the high amount of wealth, his parents possessed, his location in a large city never permitted Micah to experience luxuries of this scale, except for whenever he got to explore elsewhere. Once in the aquifer, the trainers were greeted with an overwhelming amount of bright colors emanating from the crystals that were naturally embedded in the stone walls of its cavernous interior.

It was quite a hypnotic sight to see, and Micah certainly found himself in no rush to find his way through, deeply curious about the creatures and gems that littered the caves beneath Madam Pompadour's mansion. Redgie happily floated through the cavernous ground, making sure to clang his blade against any red and green gemstone they passed, seemingly enthralled by those particular hues. Micah eagerly placed his hand and ran it along the walls, trying to feel anything that could be of interest to him. The male trainer and his pokemon were having so much fun poking gems and counting Zubats that they failed to really notice anything that Daria and Lena were doing, but they kept themselves near them. "Whoa, look at that one! It's a little bigger than the rest we've seen." The boy spoke to his Honedge with a very excited tone, pointing to a particularly curious Zubat that perched itself above them, prompting Redgie to jump up and try to reach it, falling considerably short. It was then that Micah heard the voices of both of his partners calling for someone to take the lead down there.

"Sure! I'll take the lead! More exploring for us, right Redgie?" Micah hopped in front of Daria and Lena and quickly began making his way down the cavern, his Honedge following close behind him. Both of them mirrored each other's movements almost perfectly as both looked around, hopped from side to side, inspected walls, and ran ahead. Their movements were certainly more brazen and hasty than most people's given the situation they found themselves in, but Micah didn't care. as long as he was having fun, there was nothing in the world that could stop him from trying to do what makes him happy, even if he and Redgie were starting to pull a little bit farther ahead than Daria and Lena than the two girls probably would've liked.
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location: cirriform ruins ;; mood: annoyed ;; interactions: ianthe, laren
When her phone began to ring again, Akira was confused where the noise was coming from for a short moment. She sighed irritably once she did remember, grumbling about how loud the damn thing was.

Letting out a 'hn' in response to the assistant's request, she hung up and began to fidle with the device immediately after, pulling up the TM to teach to Luc. The assistant had one thing right. Going into a bunch of dark ruins without something like Flash would be a nightmare.

"They say hi back at the research lab." she mumbled, eyes narrowing as she waited for the download to pull up. She huffed once it finally did and she called Luc over so he could learn the move.

Once that was done and Luc could successfully use the move, she ran a hand through her hair. Whatever had brought them there better have been good...

"Alright then..." she grumbled. "Let's go in and hope we don't die or some stupid shit like that..." she snarked, shoving her hands in the pockets of her hoodie.

With a quick glance at the girls with her and all three of their pokemon, she started forward to the entrance, wrinkling her nose in disdain at the sound of a drop of water.

"Great....Luc, flash." she commanded, and the small Shinx was quick to respond, his fur beginning to spark slightly as he worked to produce the light that would guide them inside.

"Here's hoping for a good nap after all this."

[/div][/div][/div][div class=credit]credits @RI.a[/div][div class=overlay]a k i r a[/div][div class=tags] cinnabuns cinnabuns Aithien Aithien [/div]



Location: Cirriform Ruins
Team: Akira, Laren, Ianthe
Interactions: izayoiix izayoiix Aithien Aithien


Ianthe tilted her head with a smile as Akira picked up her phone with a grumble. She wasn't very friendly, was she? It seemed like her Shinx did most of the work. Ianthe found that somewhat endearing, but she hoped that next time the assistant would call her instead. Just to give Akira a break. She liked the girl better when she was less irritated, and the more they could keep from that, the better, probably.

"Aww. That's nice of her." Ianthe replied after Akira got off the phone and relayed the assistant's message. She already couldn't wait to get back and relay their future adventure to the assistant and the Professor. It would be sweet, she thought.

Oh, wait! That reminded her of something.

Ianthe went through her bag as Akira began to download the HM onto her phone, pulling out a box full of Poffins.

"Here, do your babes want a treat or few before we go in?" She spoke sweetly, kneeling down so Akira's Shinx and Laren's Bulbasaur could grab whichever ones they wanted. Nymph squealed at the opportunity for sweets, and Ianthe already knew she loved sour. The breeder giggled, grabbing that and a sweet one for the Bounsweet and tossing them up.

Nymph gleefully caught them in her mouth, and Ianthe laughed. "You're getting better at that, Nymphie~." She said in response, and the Bounsweet cheered, even with her mouth full.

"I made these two days ago, so they're nice and fresh." She offered to the two trainers. "I have human treats, too, if y'all want that - or maybe we should wait until after, like a victory meal? So you can really enjoy that nap you want, Akira?"

She had a feeling the girl would enjoy that much more than the adventure ahead. Ianthe was still excited, however. Laren seemed like she'd be their middle ground, and she appreciated that.

"--Hey, Nymphie. Leave some for the others, please~."

Nymph had snuck another sweet Poffin while her owner wasn't looking, and it made her laugh. At least the Bounsweet would grow up big and strong, she reasoned.

So silly.

She loved Nymph, anyway.

Laren Hartwell
Cirriform Ruins

with izayoiix izayoiix (Akira), cinnabuns cinnabuns (Ianthe)

Laren's nose wrinkled faintly as Akira's ringtone rang. Whether at its volume or its owners grumble was anyone's guess, but her expression softened as the other trainer passed on the greetings from the lab.

"And perhaps they've sent something useful, " she remarked optimistically as the H/TM was booted up, mouth quirking. "It would be neither helpful nor profitable to send us into a life-or-death scenario."

An excited noise from Bailey followed moments after Ianthe's offer of treats, the Bulbasaur eagerly hurrying forward to nose at the proffered selection.

"Say thank-you, " Laren reminded her with a fond grin. To Ianthe, "I think you just became the most popular human here." Still, there was a little furrow in her forehead as she shaded her eyes, peering ahead as the amount of bridge behind them began to grow. "Perhaps we should save the human treats for the time being. We could have need of them later."

Bailey kept close to her trainer's feet, a longing glance given over her shoulder for the brighter outdoors as the entrance leading downward drew ever closer. "Bulbasaur, " she muttered warily as the chittering below became more audible.


"It's a good thing you're here, " Laren noted as Luc began to use Flash, cautiously kicking a nearby pebble down into the entrance after the sound of the distant water drop faded. "We should be careful going down there. It's hard to tell from here how steep the decline may be."

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