Senior Member
Thursday, August 12th, Olivine City, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.
"Oh yeah her. She was nice." Reina looked away while she drank from her lemonade. "You should call or something." She tried to sound as casual as possible. She didn't like being jealous but she couldn't help it.
"Me? I have traveled with a lot of people. There is Naka who I told you, Esther who is really pretty, Vinno who is a video director, there was also a little girl I adopted, a guy with a flying Rapidash, Colored wants to be a coordinator, Hau and his grandpa Hala, Andy recently and many more."
Reina smiled as she herself realized how many friendships she had made in the recent months. "But before that it was mostly just me and my team. That is why Diva is so jealous with all these new people. But I feel a lot better with people around." She gave him a playful lool. "Especially a blonde ghost hunting man."

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd
3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd