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Fandom Pokémon Destiny: Web of Wyrd


Here Be Dragons


OOC Character Sheets RPInfo Dice Roll


Welcome to Finnero, a paradise of arts, poems, eternal night sky, moonlight and dazzling starlight, topped with layers and layers of mysteries.

The region of Finnero's sky is truly a magnificent one. It's a fragment of the galaxy that shines the brightest in the night, where sunlight shies away from the land of Finnero behind a thin curtain of mist even when the moon had fallen.
The land of Finnero may not have the blessings of sunlight, but under the gentle moonlight and scattering starlight, the cities and towns of Finnero will be bustling with lives and souls, while Pokemons in different curious shapes or forms, of different origins reigned the land, together, orchestrating a symphony of harmony with their counterparts. Just like any parts of the world, the people's of Finnero was inseparable from Pokemon, together, they share a sacred, ethereal bond that bounded them eternally, just like the universal attraction of all shining stars and lost fragments in the emptiness of galaxy, it's what holds our whole world together.

Finnero is truly a timeless paradise, where passions and excitements never fade with the passage day and night.
The wonderful architectures like, Giant Star Observatory, old, dusty musical theater filled with endless inspiration and creations, aquarium, bar, witch huts, casino...awaiting your arrival as you journey through Finnero. Not to forget the surpassing beauty of nature's creations set in the land of Finnero.
There are endless pleasant stimuli ready to greet your senses once you stepped in Finnero.

Yet, the region is constantly shrouded with a mist of mystery after the anomalous appearance of Team Hurricane, slowly tainting the paradise that is Finnero.

In Finnero, there are questions to be answered, keys to be found.
Who will ever find the answers? Who will ever find the keys to unlock the ultimate mystery?


Quick Reference









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The Butterfly and The Web of Wyrd


Fly go fly,
The blue butterfly.
Fluttering low and high,
Oblivious to the trap of demise.

Why oh why?
Why does the butterfly cry?
If only it had veered.

But now it's trapped in the Web of Wyrd.

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Goodbye! Tuko Island!


The sun rises on Tuko Island. The rays of daybreak shot across the gloomy sky of Tuko Island that's slowly recovering from the havoc of the 'Tuko League Mass Kidnapping' incident.
It turned out that the island league was nothing more but a hoax to lure talented trainers from all over the world, in an attempt to kidnap their trusty partners.
Fortunately, the cruelty and malice was combatted by the gallant trainers that swore to protect their beloved partners. At the end, their determination was able to carry them across the violent storm, and reunite them with their beloved partners.

At that day, at the Tuko League, everyone was the champion.

Touched by the sincere love between human and pokemon. The legendary pokemon, Ho-oh, finally regained its faith on the people of Tuko Island. Silently, it sent it's blessings to the serene island and faded into the daylight of tomorrow.


A letter was slipped through the door of your hotel room, you more or less know what will the content of that letter be. It's an invitation for you to gather at the famous Johto-themed restaurant that finally finished rebuilding.

I heard that you are leaving today. If you don't mind, do come to Sukiyabashi Jiro. I will be waiting there, Miss Aurum really wants to meet all of you too. -Jaz
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Rue Chevalier
: Sukiyabashi Jiro | : Dreamtique Dreamtique
Rue couldn't sleep.

She never thought she would see the day where she was reluctant to leave Tuko Island, but here she was, staring at the puddle of light that snuck between the curtains to stream across the lower part of her bed. The bright slash of streetlight served to illuminate the dark mass of fur that slept there, his sides gently rising and falling. For a nocturnal pokemon, he had no trouble falling asleep.

Rue sat up in her bed, rubbing her sleepless eyes with a sigh. She couldn't stop thinking about everything that occurred on the island and contemplating what came next was just as daunting. They had come here for closure but in the end she had been left with more questions. As if on cue the noivern lifted up his head, his eyes blinking from the light on his face. He must have heard her stir.

"Sorry... can't sleep." Rue muttered to the pokemon. She leaned over to ruffle the thick fur of his mane, stopping when she spotted the ridge of scar tissue that encircled his neck where the fur was thinnest. Her fingers moved to gently trace down the gruesome reminder of what Tuko island really was. A sad frown formed on Rue's face when she remembered when she first saw Nocturne with one of those cruel collars and how he had been driven so mad as to attack her. The kidnappers had tried to make him like one of Viper's other dragons. They almost had.

Sensing what she was thinking, Noc butted his head against her hand and produced a soft rumble in his throat. Rue couldn't help herself but wrap her arms around the creature and press her face into his fur, tears stinging in her eyes. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose him too.

"Do you want to go outside for a bit?" she asked him, though already knew what his response would be. Some fresh air would help clear her head and besides, if she was going to be leaving she might as well enjoy the Tuko night one last time.

No matter where she wandered on the island, Rue always managed to come back to this one site. Ironically, she never actually lingered long. Part of her clutched onto the childish belief that if she didn't read the names or stay long enough to think about the past then it never existed. Her parents made the trip every year in early spring, but Rue hadn't set foot here in four years. She supposed it was more like five now.

It was a long time coming but after all these years Rue finally stood beneath the cenotaph. Perched upon its height was a statue of Oh-Ho carved from the volcanic rock of the isle, its wings stretched up victoriously to a sky that was just beginning to turn pink. The brazer at its feet cast a flickering glow over the monument site and drove away the predawn shadows. Etched on the monument's face were the words;"TO THE FALLEN WARRIORS WHO DIED WITH HONOR AND GLORY. MAY THEIR BRAVERY BE REMEMBERED FOR ETERNITY." All this life wasted for an underhanded attempt to steal pokemon. There was no honor here. Rue walked over to the polished marble wall and began skimming over the long list of names until she found the one.

Augustine Chevalier
and his partners
Drakan and Salem

Both Nocturne and Grom were beside her then, staring up at the memorial with clouded eyes. The venusaur's fronds were sagging and the flower on his back was sealed up tight. It must have been hard for him, her brother was the venusaur's original trainer after all. Wrapped in one of his vines was a bouquet of night-blooming flowers. The trio had spent hours searching through the Tuko jungle for the rare blooms. To keep the glow, Grom had been nourishing the plants throughout the whole walk here. Sadly they would begin to fade as soon as they were placed on the lifeless stones around the monument. At least they would be beautiful until the coming of dawn.

The venusaur gently placed the flowers onto the ground and returned to mourning with the rest... or so it seemed. He slowly lifted a leg before slamming it into the ground, cracking the stone beneath him. Rue looked at him in surprise but didn't stop him, her expression quickly melding into awe when she saw what he was doing. The stones beneath their feet began to split and heave, revealing rich soil beneath. A green growth formed around Grom's foot before spreading around in a green glow. Plants began to grow through the spaces in the stones, reclaiming the man-made terrain in a wild carpet of moss and grass. The nightblooms that had been placed down took root and were soon accompanied by new ones that sprouted around the monument. Only when a field of violet and blue stars had formed around the cenotaph did Grom stop to look at his handiwork. The air shimmered with the bioluminescent pollen drifting slowly upward.

Rue placed a hand on the venusaur's head while the other found Nocturne's shoulder. The trio stayed until the sun began to peek its head over the horizon before saying their farewells and making their way back down the empty streets.

Rue nearly stepped on the note when she finally made it back to the hotel room. With a quizzical (yet tired) look she bent down and retrieved the paper.

"Who's Miss Aurum?" she wondered aloud. Meeting new people was not something she fancied today. Or any day for that matter. Still, Jaz was one of the few people she liked so she figured she should go anyway. She wanted to bid him farewell, after all.

While gathering her bag she realized something. "Wait... when are we meeting?" she said, pulling out the note from her pocket to take another look. There was no arranged time. She couldn't be late could she? No... nobody was awake at this time. The restaurant didn't even open until an hour. "Well, I guess the worst that can happen is me being early for once..."

As soon as the restaurant opened for business Rue made her way to the doors.
The cold street was just starting to warm up with the presence of people and pokemon lazily passing by. The morning chirping got louder as daylight started to take over Tuko Island.

You soon found yourself at the street that was once a battle field. The inviting aroma and warmth of delicacies filled the air as restaurant workers along the district busily prepared themselves for another day of work. You located Sukiyabashi Jiro, and surprisingly there were already quite lot of people gathering inside the renovated restaurant.

Rue's eyes soon caught a familiar face as Jaz waveed at Rue while standing right in front of the entrance of the restaurant. Standing right beside him, with her arms crossed was a women with long flowing blonde hair, dressed in a wine red coat and black dress, staring at Rue from a distance with her azure eyes, a faint smile stretched across her face as soon as her eyes met Rue's.

The white-haired boy dashed towards Rue as soon as he caught her attention, the Delibird too came hopping along side Jaz while flapping its tiny wings. Panting from the sprint, the boy took some time to catch his breath before greeting Rue.

"Rue...I am glad you came, I sent a note to the others as well, I really hope they'll be here soon." Jaz showed a genuine smile from the joy of able to meet with his friend before their departure, but the hidden tint of sadness was still visible in his crystal clear eyes.

"Deli! Deli!" The ever so cheerful and carefree Deli greeted Rue with a happy chirp as well as it drew out something from its pouch and tried to pass it into Rue's hand while hopping up.

Jaz chuckled at Deli's silliness and decided to lift the goofy Delibird into his arms.
Deli was holding an aromatic purple flower, its scent was pleasant and soothing, almost hypnotic to some degree.

"Ah, it seems like Deli has a gift for you." Jaz commented before he passed the violet flower to Rue. The Delibird smile while it looked at Rue with its beady eyes, hoping that Rue will like his gift.

"......" Jaz paused as he strared into the blank, his mind involuntarily started drifting before he finally came back to his senses after a few moments.

"Time passes by so quickly, I can barely believe that it had been a few weeks since we first stepped onto this island."
"So many things had happened, so many things had changed......"

"I would never imagine things to change so dramatically, it all feels so surreal."
"To be honest, I can't be sure if I am ready for all these changes or not, but...here we are."
"But I definitely didn't regret any of this, I didn't regret this, I am honestly really glad that I am standing here right now, I am glad that I am able to meet all of you......"

"It's funny. Now I could never imagine how my life would be if I haven't made the decision to come here......"

"I guess fate has it's way."
The women with blonde hair walked towards two of you, and pat Jaz on his shoulder.

Jaz glaced at the women, and hurriedly introduce her to Rue.
"Oh, this is...Miss Aurum. She's an archaeologist and an excellent Pokemon trainer too."
"She's my...blood-related mother."

"Hi, you must be Rue. You can call me Aurum." The women greeted Rue politely, a little too formally.

"Who would have thought that I'll be able to meet...my own son here, of all places...when I thought he's dead for years."
Aurum sighed as she mumbled under her breath, shaking her head as she tried to gather her attention together.

Now that Jaz mentioned that, you did realize two of them do share a very similar pair azure eyes.

"Why don't we all take a seat first before the chatting?"
Aurum suggested before she lead two of you to a table near the entrance of the restaurant. The women smiled as she subtly scanned Rue up and down as she sat across the round table quietly. Aurum then started to order a few meals and drinks for the young lady.

Jaz sat down right beside of Aurum, Deli was still lazily snuggling in his arms.
"I havn't have the chance to tell you. Miss Aurum came here because of the league as well. She happens to recognize me as... her son."
"Of course, my memories was blurry...but I am slowly starting to remember everything now."
Jaz put his hand on the old blue scarf around his neck.

" 'The Snow Mountain Conqueror' that's the title given to my father in his lifetime. He used to be legend, I am honestly quite proud to learn about that."

"He was a naive and arrogant man...he was too fixated on his goals, I chose to leave him because of that...but well......"
"He is a good father." Aurum cut in and said with a bitter smile on her face.

"It might be sorrowful and scary to remember all of that, what exactly happened on the snow mountain that day...but it was part of me after all, I know that I have to remember everything...and conquer them."

"I keep telling myself that I wouldn't be afraid anymore, and I was able to finally find the courage to do that because of all of you, and because of this journey and the trials I went through on this island."

"This old scarf around my neck...will no longer be a protection anymore, it will now be a reminder for me......"
"A reminder for me to keep moving forward and conquer whatever that's in my way, because now I finally find a reason for me to do so."
Jaz tightened his arms around Deli, his eyes filled with a burning determination.

"I know that's what my father wants from me as well......"
"And that must be what Deli's parents wants from me too......"
"I simply have no reason to back down because of fear...because none of them ever shown even a hint of fear in their eyes when they are trying their best to protect me...that's the one thing I can remember so vividly even until now."

Jaz spoke with a dry throat, his face dimmed down a little as he tried to look away.

"I want to hear more about my father, I am sure Will will be interested in his old master's story too. Besides, I want to spend some time with Miss Aurum. That's why, I will be staying here for awhile."
Jaz explained as he took a sip of the glass of sky juice on the table.

"So, what's your plan? What's your plan after you leave the island?"

Juju Juju

Loki777 Loki777 purplepanda288 purplepanda288
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Cecelia Wilson
Cecila layed in the large bed that the hotel had provided, he back and head proped up on the back of the bed frame as she read out loud to her Pokémon. It had been a wild ride that’s for sure, with the scam and the kidnaping, they all needed a break from everything. Cece paused for a second and peeped her eyes from the text. Looking around all of her Pokémon had fallen asleep, even LaLa, her Klefki, had fallen asleep. She smiled and petted Opu’u and set the book on her night stand. She herself got comfortable and drifted off to sleep...

Soft chirping filled the room, sunlight shone through the glass sliding doors. With a soft yawn Cece open her eyes and slowly stretched her body. She stood up carefully moving so she wouldn’t wake any of her Pokémon. Opening the door to the patio she stepped out to be greeted with sand and the soft cresting of the ocean waves. Cece grabbed the yoga mat that leaned on the wooden railing and stepped onto the soft sand. She rolled out the mat and started to do her morning yoga

After an hour or so she had gone back inside, showered clothed her self and began to pack all of her belongings. Around this time all of her Pokémon had woken up and had began to do their own thing. A few were running around the room, others were laying on the porch and enjoying the last bit of sun before they boarded the plane back home. Opu’u helped Cece to pack the various items that were strewn about.

“Thanks Opu’u, we have a few hours until we have to be at the airport.” Cece pulled the still opened suit case to the front door, placing it down a few feet from the door. grunting against the suit case she tried to force the zipper closed by placed her foot on the bag. In one motion the zipper closed and the force sent her flying backwards. Her back hit against the floor as her head slammed on the door.

“Ow! Shit, fuck that hurt.” Cece jumped up from the floor and hopped around in pain. As she jumped around she noticed a small strip of paper that seemed to have been left for her. Cece squatted down and picked up the paper.

“Guys come look at this.” A few of her Pokémon came over to her to take a look at the paper. Cece began to read the slip of paper.

“I heard that you are leaving today. If you don't mind, do come to Sukiyabashi Jiro. I will be waiting there, Miss Aurum really wants to meet all of you too. -Jaz”

“We have a few hours until our flight, lets go gang. Get the others out side into their Pokémon balls.” In a few minutes everyone but Opu’u was in their ball. Today was Opu’u’s turn to follow her around while the others stayed in their little homes.

“Come on lets get a moving.” The trip there wasn’t very eventful. Aside for Opu’u trying to chase another Pokémon and eat it, but that’s a story for another day. They finally arrived at the location and waved to the other trainers.

“Hey Guys did y’all get that note too?”

Juju Juju Dreamtique Dreamtique

Rue Chevalier
: Sukiyabashi Jiro | : Dreamtique Dreamtique purplepanda288 purplepanda288
Above the soft music playing in her ears Rue heard a familiar voice and turned her head towards it, lowering her flashy earphones with a hand. An unapologetic smile spread across her face when her gaze fell upon Jaz.

"Hey, Jaz." she said with a wave. "I got your note."

Some instinct drew her eyes just above Jaz's shoulder, where she spotted a woman in a red coat watching her with bright blue eyes, catching the small smile when their gazes connected. Rue avoidantly averted her eyes almost instantaneously. Must be Mrs. Aurum, she thought. While Jaz caught his breath Rue looked down at his faithful companion, Delibird, who was hopping up and down in an excited manner. There appeared to some sort of flower clutched in its wing. With the help of his trainer he was lifted up and offered the bloom to Rue.

She took the delicate flower graciously and ruffled the feathers on the pokemon's head. The aroma was brilliantly sweet and brought to mind the image of starry nights with Nocturne. "You're too generous, Deli."

Soon they were joined by another trainer. "Morning, Cecilia." Rue greeted the newcomer, more than a little envious of the other girl's chipper attitude. Honestly she couldn't understand how someone could have that much energy in the morning. "Oh right, the note. Yeah, I got one too."

Her expression sombered when Jaz started to reflect on the past events. It was frightening just how much had happened in such a short time. Many terrible things had come to pass, but despite all of the darkness she couldn't help but agree with Jaz in that it had turned out well in the end. To think she had been so close to leaving on the night of Viper's fight.

"I guess fate has its way"
The woman had by now caught up with Jaz and stood with one hand placed on the boy's shoulder. Jaz hastily introduced her as Mrs. Aurum and his... mother? Rue wasn't sure if the hesitations were due to unsurety, nerves or something else entirely. There was definitely more to this story then it appeared, even after they had sat down in the restaurant and talked more about it. Maybe Rue was just a pessimist, but she wondered if Jaz should be trusting random ladies claiming to be long lost mothers. Tuko Island had shown itself to be a festering snake-pit of lies, after all.

Rue looked down at the flower Deli had given her and twirled it between her fingers while she listened to Jaz. This was worry, wasn't it? She sighed and looked from Jaz to Mrs. Aurum, taking note of the similar eyes. Determination lit up in the pair belonging to the boy when he talked about his heritage and his plans of conquest. He had definitely come a long way from the trainer she had saved from that Bewear. He said that his friends had given him courage, but it was his utter refusal to give up that had inspired Rue to do the same. Between the two of them Rue saw him as the better trainer, but she supposed he would never know that.

A bittersweet smile made its way onto the edges of her lips when she noticed Jaz's voice falter at the prospect of what was to come. He would be okay. She knew it. Staying on Tuko Island would make him happy and she truly hoped he found the peace she had not. That's all a friend could wish for.

When asked about her own plans, Rue gently placed Deli's flower onto the table.

"A lot of pokemon were displaced by the Tuko Island Scandal. Many have been reunited with their trainers but there are countless others that are still looking or had none to begin with. The pokemon confiscated from Viper's gang are also in need of rehabilitation and assessment." she began, her voice concealing the grief in bringing up Viper's regime. "I've made arrangements for many of Viper's experiments to be transported back to Kalos to my parents. We own a pokemon rehabilitation center and...well, it's the least I can do."

She fiddled with the earphones around her neck. "Other than that, I really don't know."
Jasmine had taken some time to recover from her head injury in actuality...her vision had been rather off for quite some time and it had appeared she had suffered from a concussion after the fight. Actually being in the hospital as long as she was wasn't as intolerable as it was. Once her eyes could tolerate the light and well..focusing she would read many books, at first she couldn't do it too long, but then it gradually got better overtime until she was eventually able to read like good as new. She could still remember the battle segment she participated in vividly. Her Typhlosion had defended her fallen form valiantly against any incoming attack, taking the blow and retaliating or so she heard since she was well..unconscious for that. She was merely glad that the Island had been exposed for what it was and Ho-oh had come, everything had worked out in the end or so it seemed..though she couldn't help but miss warren...She hadn't seen him for quite some time and frankly she wasn't sure if he had just upped and left or what had happened exactly. Either way she'd have to get over it she supposed...

Jasmine would merely gaze over at the letter rather curious as she looked at it...she supposed that she should be heading out soon. She'd take it and head over to the well known Johto Style restaurant, it appeared that Typhlosion was following behind her as usual outside of his pokeball, as he looked around cautiously. Thankfully her room wasn't terribly far from the restaurant she remembered well, to think she just wanted to go there to have a good time with Warren..but then everything changed. That thug ruined everything and caused so much chaos...she was glad that things had been taken off quite frankly. She hoped she wouldn't have to deal with a situation like that again..... Jasmine would pass by people and pokemon alike along the way, occasionally she'd give them a mere friendly smile of sorts of acknowledgement of source. Typhlosion however would look rather supisouly at each person as if to see whether or not they were going to make a move or not..Typhlosion was always cautious though so this wasn't out of the ordinary really at all.. Until she eventually reached the place she was looking for....it looked quite nice in actuality it seemed that a lot of work had gone into the place, as it had been restored, upgraded even. Jasmine would merely enter the building, and scan the area... . Dreamtique Dreamtique purplepanda288 purplepanda288 Juju Juju
"A lot of pokemon were displaced by the Tuko Island Scandal. Many have been reunited with their trainers but there are countless others that are still looking or had none to begin with. The pokemon confiscated from Viper's gang are also in need of rehabilitation and assessment." she began, her voice concealing the grief in bringing up Viper's regime. "I've made arrangements for many of Viper's experiments to be transported back to Kalos to my parents. We own a pokemon rehabilitation center and...well, it's the least I can do."

She fiddled with the earphones around her neck. "Other than that, I really don't know."

Jaz listened intently, utterly impressed and inspired by Rue's determination to patch up the aftermath of the whole incident.

"I am glad to hear that you are willing to do something for those poor souls." The boy was happy to see Rue doing her best to help even after the whole ordeal, her pure and genuine kindness and altruism is something that Jaz truly look up to and admire.

"Ah...there's Jasmine......" Before Jaz could properly react to Rue, his peripheral vision happens to caught Jasmine who was aimlessly wandering around the restaurant, busily scanning her vicinity among the crowd.

The boy waves at Jasmine who eventually spotted them and the group, making sure that the girl would come over and take an empty seat.


Deli was overjoyed to see familiar faces gathering around the table, it greeted Cecilia and Jasmine while waving its tiny wings in Jaz's arms and passed the same purple flower to both Jasmine and Cecilia as well.

"I see, Cecilia...Jasmine......"
"Both of you are friends of Jasper too, correct?" Aurum reacted to the presence of Jasmine and Cecilia with a rhetorical question .

"Now that all of you are here, I might as well...skip the formality and jump straight to the point."
The women took a deep breath and pulled her chair closer to the table, her back straight, seemingly ready to announce something.

"I just want to thank all of you for looking after Jaz during his trip here."
"I...I wanted to sincerely thank all of you."
"I am a failure as a mother, I don't blame Jaz if he doesn't want recognize me as his mother, I understand."
"I am not a greedy women, as long as I know he's fine, I'll...I'll be okay......"

"After all the disasters that happened here, I am really glad that Jaz have someone by his side all this time."

"I invited all of you here just to thank all of you. I simply can't express my ineffable appreciation."
"All I can think of is a meal, and...this......"

The women drew out three tickets from her pocket and handed them to the girls, her eyes locked with each one of them momentarily as she do so.

"Take this as a simple token of my appreciation, it is a ticket for a private first class airline I booked for all of you."
"Just follow me to the nearby airport when you are ready, I have arranged everything."
"The flight will take you to the mainland, from there, there'll be taxi to escort you home safely."
"The flight will be departing a few hours from now, I hope all of you are ready, I wish for a safe and conducive ride to all of you."

"And now...let us enjoy a meal together. Go ahead, ladies."

Aurum was amiable and kind to the ladies, you can tell that the appreciation she was showing is sincere. Throughout your time in Sukiyabashi Jiro, Jaz didn't speak as much as you expect he would, he was seemingly engrossed by a certain thought, or maybe he was still awkward when being around his 'mother'.

As soon as the meal was over, Aurum and Jaz gladly walked everyone to the airport nearby when the ladies are ready to depart, standing in front of the airport, everyone stared at the entrance of the end before them for long, but none of them took another step forward. It was as if time had frozen when everyone was retrospecting on their adventures on Tuko Island, knowing that this is the end of their journey.

"Everyone......" Jaz's raspy voice broke the momentarily silence, the boy leaped in front and turned to face the group.

"I guess, this is goodbye. But I am sure we will meet again soon, someday......"

"We might be heading different directions today, but we are all heading forwards after all, towards our destination, our destiny."

"I have decided."
"I want to continue my father's legacy......"
"I want to conquer all of the snow mountains in the world...who knows, perhaps someday, I'll be where his soul is resting. "
"I can't really say that I am not afraid of anything, but I do feel invincible when am with my partners."

Jaz drew out three Pokeballs and tossed them to the sky, as soon as all three of his Pokemon rocketed out from the Pokeballs, a gust of cold wind blew across the field, and soon, ethereal snowflakes started to gently drift down from the azure heaven.



"Because I know when I am cold or hurting, you'll all be there to bring me courage, just like that time......" While smiling, the boy put his hand on the fluffy head of the Delibird that was sleeping soundly in his arms. Jaz took off his jacket and tossed it to the ground.

"I am breathing and living, standing right here, because of all of you, that's why I have no reason to fear when all of you are by my side."
Jaz grabbed his scarf and pulled it away from his neck, Jaz clenched it tightly in his hand, the old blue scarf drifted along the cold breeze, Jaz closed his eyes, wanting to feel the air brushing across his bare neck.

"They want to greet all of you goodbye too." Jaz locked his gaze onto the group, the flare of determination in his eyes grew stronger.

"How about we have a one last triple battle before the departure."
"Rue, Jasmine, Cecilia......"

"Please give it everything you got......"

Juju Juju Loki777 Loki777 purplepanda288 purplepanda288
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: Pokémon Destiny OOC
: 3/3

30/30 hp

Ability: Guts
  1. Electric Terrain​
  2. Charge​
  3. Thunder​
  4. Night Slash​
  5. Leer <
  6. Roar​

Rue Chevalier
: Airport --> Battle! | : Dreamtique Dreamtique purplepanda288 purplepanda288 Loki777 Loki777
When Jaz commented on her act of kindness Rue smiled softly and cast her eyes downward, feeling a little awkward about it all. She would like to think anyone in her position would do it, but she knew that was some pipe-dream. Truth was she didn't trust most of the Tuko Island officials and decided to insure that the pokemon in most need of help got it. If the subjects got into the hands of individuals with minds like Viper... well, she didn't want to think about it.

Soon the others joined the table and the topic of discussion shifted with the change in people. Rue was a glad to be placed in the background for a time - it gave her more time to observe the others and especially Mrs. Aurum. The woman was formal and suave, giving Rue the faint impression of a politician. Whereas Jaz had his (previous) confidence issues, his bloodmother had no such problems. Even when admitting how poor of a mother she was her composure never faltered. She seemed like the type to always have things in order. Hell, even her words had an air of perfection.

'Don't be so impudent.' Rue mentally scolded herself.

Her eyes widened when she saw the tickets. Not just for the fact that this woman was giving them first-class tickets, but because Rue was actually in need of it. She had not planned to stay on the island for more than a few days and was running low on funds to get food, let alone a ticket off of Tuko. This gift was almost too good to be true but she couldn't exactly refuse.

"Thank you" she muttered, turning the ticket over in her hands as if to verify if this was not a dream.

The rest of the meal seemed to fly by and before long it was time to depart for the airport. During the dinner Jaz had seemed overly quiet, but Rue repeatedly convinced herself that it was most likely due to the fact that his friends were leaving. Still, she wondered if she could get a chance talk to him before she left. Unfortunately his mother never left his side long enough to open the opportunity.

When they finally reached the airport Rue wore a sullen look on her face... well, more sullen than usual. However, the clouds withdrew when Jaz made the announcement that he was going to conquer the snow mountains. With perfect timing flakes of snow drifted down from the sky, perhaps mirroring what was to come. Rue's eyes followed Jaz's scarf as it rode the icy wind, a bit taken aback by the sheer ferocity of his determination. The same light reflected in each of his partners eyes, brighter than balefire. Her chest tightened.

"It would be a shame to let you start your journey without a battle first." Rue said with a dry smile, tossing a pokeball into the snowy air.

The luxray within landed gracefully onto the ground. Her ears pinned back at the snow, clearly unhappy with the idea of her fur being messed up. Then Alle promptly turned away from her opponents and walked up to Rue, circling around her training whilst rubbing her head against her. She always had to mark her territory before a battle. Static electricity began to crackle in the beast's fur, causing Rue's hair to stand a bit on end. Luckily the wind was already doing wonders for her hairdo so there wasn't much harm in it.

When Alle started to lick her face, Rue had to wrestle the clingy luxray away.
"Alle! Focus on the battle!" she said with a chuckle.

The luxray gave Rue one last nudge with her head before snapping her attention to the enemy team. It was startling just how quickly the beast's eyes changed from playful to a piercing death glare. She looked at each pokemon like a predator assessing its next kill, settling on the Froslass. With hackles raised she got into a crouch, her lips curled back into a snarl while her tail lashed from side to side. A strange light flickered in her eyes, drowning out her pupils until the entirety of each eye held a reflective sheen.

Both trainer and pokemon stood still, waiting patiently for their opponent's next move.

Alle used Leer on Mercy (Froslass)
HIT! (unless dodged)

--> Froslass: -1df for 3 turns

Koa (Decidueye)

26 hp

Ability| Overgrow
If a Pokémon has less then one third of their health left Grass type moves gain an extra +2 to damage
  1. Spirit shackle​
  2. Razor leaf​
  3. Synthesis​
  4. Protect​
  5. Shadow ball​
  6. Leaf blade​

Cecelia nodded slowly as they spoke to the group, her hand softly petting Opu’u’s head. She leaded back in her chair and kept quite while they did most of the speaking. Her mouth practically dropped onto the table as Aurum pulled out the the three first class plane tickets.
" Aurum! These would of cost you a fortune!" With the woman explaining her self Cece recomposed her self and bit her lip. After all they just met, but on the other hand... The plane tickets that she had got where bought on an extremely tight budget, not a very nice air line either.

"Thank you so much for the tickets." With that she started to munch on her food.

During their walk to the Airport Koa opted to go into his poke ball to rest a bit more. Leaving her alone with the other four. Cece jumped slightly when Jaz jumped right in front of them and began to spill his sentiments about his future. Her heart fluttered as he spoke about his companions and how he wanted to continue his fathers legacy. For a moment Cece's expression turned somber. When was the last time she had spoken to her parents. Seeing Jaz with his mother at his side she realized what see needed to do the moment she got home..

Soft white flurries fell from the sky and started to stick to her hair. Jaz threw out three of his Pokemon and announced that they would be having a triple battle.

" Your digging your own grave Jaz! let's get started!." Cece backed up form the others. In one motion she threw her Pokeball into the air were it opened and revealed her Decidueye.

"Koa, Knight stance! Use Razor Leaf on the Nine Tails" The bird took its orders immediately pulling up a leaf balde from its wings and immediately attacking the Nine tails, Taking a broad strike at the fox.

Summary: Decidueye attacked Ninetails and inflicted 5 damage.
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The seemingly never ending battle went on and on, as if an eon had passed on the timeless battlefield, where the air was freezing cold, yet the passion of the young battling trainers were searing, hot and bright like the rising sun, like the fiery eyes of the ethereal phoenix that watched over Tuko Island and the battling young trainers.

"I'll give it everything I got."

........."Will, Sub-Zero Heaven!"

"Courage, Icicle Shotgun!"

.........."Mercy, Cryomancy Fury: Prism Maze!"

"Will, Frost Aura!"

..........."Mercy, Cryomancy Fury: Ice Fort!"

"Courage, Freezing Chi!"

step0001 (4).jpg step0001 (5).jpg

Together, the trainers and their companions, their battle cry echoed through Tuko Island, the place they met, the place where memories lurked, all of them wanted to remember every moment forever, knowing that when the battle ended, it'll be time for them to part ways, so they had gone all out, not wanting to back up, not wanting the battle to ever end.
The crowd of locals that had had recognized the heroes at the grand competition or those who were purely captivated by their radiant passion had gathered around these youngsters right in front of the local airport, silently cheering for them as they watched intently.

"Jaz, everyone. May I have your attention?" Miss Aurum raised her hand and walked to the middle of the battlefield, trying to get everyone's attention that had fixated on the never ending battle.

"I hate to do this, but, it's time, it' time to leave."
"This battle is just gonna keep going on, it seems like I'll have to intervene, you could all use some rest now before departing."

"I thereby, announce this match as a draw."

The last descent of a snowflake from the sky marked the end of an unfinished battle, with the end of the battle the spectating crowd gradually dispersed, the serenity of the island was once restored. The group of trainer knew that very soon, it'll be their turn to part way soon, Jaz stood there, his companions, realized that the battle had ended, reluctantly retrieved from the battle and gathered around him.

The boy with snowy hair took a deep breath, a tinge of disappointment crept onto his face, but the boy managed to shake it off and lifted his head with a satiated smile on his face.
"Well, I guess this is the end of our unfinished battle, one day, we'll all grow even stronger and finish this battle, it wouldn't be long, right?"
"That's what I believe, so, let's meet up again someday......"

Jaz walked closer to the group, with the gentle shimmer of the sun over Tuko island gleaming in his eyes, his determined eyes locked on the trio, he wants to make this a promise they will all remember.

"Farewell, my friend."
Jaz's eyes glanced towards the entrance of the airport, and soon back to the trio, the Delibird in Jaz's arms stared at the trio quietly with its beady eyes, while all Jaz's companions gathered around the trio just to bid them farewell.
"Ninetail~!" "Fros~Froslass~!" "Beartic~!" "Deli~deli~!"

"Let's go, everyone, the plane will be departing soon." Miss Aurum reminded and nodded to the trio before leading them to the plane.

"Now go, go chase after your dream." The boy whispered under his breath.

With that, Jaz and his companions turned to the airport entrance and watched as the trio slowly walked away from them, towards their destination, towards their destiny.

The luxurious looking private plane had already arrived for long, waiting for the three VIP to abroad the first-class experience. Miss Aurum kindly gestured to the plane, assuring the trio that the plane will be their ride to home.
"Now, please rest well and have a comfortable and safe trip home." Miss Aurum bowed formally to the trio, after the formality the lady excused herself, and let the trio began their journey back to home.

Right before boarding the plane, Rue felt a gentle tug on her leg, as she turned to look, she'll soon realized that it was none other that the familiar mischief trouble maker that was clinging onto her leg, seeking for attention from the trainer.

After the Delibird successfully got her attention, it hopped up and down and wiggled its pouch, seemingly trying to explain that he have something else he wanted to give to Rue. The Delibird started to dig into its pouch, and soon it handed a gloriously colourful feather to Rue.


After that, the Delibird gave Rue a bright smile before he hopped his way away, presumably towards his worried trainer that he had once again escaped from.

The group of trainer's journey and adventure on Tuko Island had come to an end, with a faint roaring of the the engine in the background the scenery outside the window started to change, and soon your view had shifted into a bird's-eye view of the island, you saw the various places you had visited at Tuko Island, and the streams of lovely locals and Pokemons that inhabit the lovely island, if you looked close enough you may even see the white-haired boy staring up at the plane, waving his hand as the plane flew away. Slowly, Tuko Island bagan to shrunk in your vision, and soon an arc of rainbow was seen stretching across the azure sky right above Tuko Island, and at the end of the rainbow trail, drifting among the cloud was the mythical creature Ho-oh that once again revealed its glorious form under the gentle sunlight.

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The flight was peaceful and calm, you couldn't help but to start to feel a little sleepy, it was to be expected, after all, both you and your Pokemon had used so much energy during the marathon of a triple battle with Jaz, the surrounding started to get a little quite as the flight continued, silence had completely reigned the plane. You weren't sure how long had it been, but as you glace out of the window, all you could see was a sea of clouds.

As an indefinite amount of time had passed, the drowsiness you felt had suddenly became very hard to ignore, but you could still barely stay awake if you were determined enough to do so. Just as you are about to give in to the drowsiness, you could hear a voice coming from within the plane, presumably the pilot.

"Hu-hurricane?! It-It's impossible!!!"
"H-How? T-the weather was fine just now......"

You could her the dread he felt from his trembling voice, you were not sure how to react, but you knew in situations like this there was not much you could do except for trying to keep yourself alive.
You tried to check the view outside from the tiny window, but for some reason all you could see was a blurry and milky mist obscuring your vision. An ominous feeling began to crept down your spine, you could felt your body tingling when a load roar gradually become louder and louder in your ears. Just when the shock was starting to overwhelm you, a stinging sensation in your head started to take over you, you could felt your vision started to fade, your consciousness slowly lost its grasp with reality before darkness and silence enveloped you completely, swallowing you up whole.

"It's a hurricane!!! Ahh!!!"
"Run!!! Run for your life!!!"



So the blue butterfly- cry,
For it knows the end is nigh.
Pray- it prays to Moirai,
Until its tears run dry.

And the butterfly flutters its wings,
Little did it knows what it will bring.
And the sky starts to rain,
Little did it knows it brings about a Hurricane.

Silence roared in your ears, a stinging pain in your head once again summoned you to awaken from your slumber, the buzzing in your ears slowly faded once you tried to open your eyes. You found yourself sitting comfortably on your seat, just like what you last remembered, but the interior of the small-sized plane was a lot darker than you remembered it to be, with almost no natural light seeping through the windows. None of the light on the plane are functioning, you could hardly see anything, it was hard to make out any details from the darkness, but you were still able to see silhouettes clearly, as you checked around, you couldn't find any signs of presence of anyone on the plane, not even the other two friends accompanying you, as if everyone had abandoned the plane, leaving you behind. You were pretty sure that the plane had somehow landed somewhere, once you peeked outside the window, all you could see from the tiny window was a few beam of moonlight illuminating the ground covered with bushes and dry leaves, and a thin tree trunk directly blocking the rest of your view.
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The battle seemed to be endless, and Rue couldn't care less if it was. All four of her pokemon had been unleashed, sparring with Jaz's in a battle that was both beautiful and inspiring. Lightning mixed with the snow-laden sky and draconic energy clashed with beams of ice, causing a rain of purple embers and glistening shards. But like all things, it had to end. Nocturne was on the field of battle when Aurum stopped the match and brought everyone back to reality. Rue's face fell, reluctant to let this moment turn into another memory.

Rue chewed on her lip when Jaz said his farewells and made the promise to meet again. "Promise." she said, even though she never had the courage to make a promise in over 5 years. Since then she never believed in them, but for once she forced herself to have faith in one, if only for her friend. She waved at him, Nocturne giving his own farewell as a chittering pur. 'Don't cry.' she chanted to herself, not wanting Jaz to see her sadness. When the others left to board the plane she followed, but didn't get more than 10 steps before she turned on her heels and sprinted back to pull Jaz into a hug. "Goodbye Jaz, Be safe out there." she said. Rue's smile was bittersweet when she let go and turned around to walk away. She didn't look back.

Just as she was about to board the plane, Rue felt something tug on her leg. When she looked down she couldn't help but burst out into laughter. "Deli... Jaz is going ot have a heart attack! Huh... you have something for me?" Rue knelt down to pick up the feather and turned it gently between her fingers. She blinked in awe as it shimmered prismatically upon catching the sunlight, splitting the three colors into an ethereal seven. Somehow just looking at it made her feel at ease. Rue had never seen anything like it or any pokemon that it may have come from. "Where did you.." she started only to realize the bird was already scurrying away. "Thanks, Deli!" she called after him.


As soon as the plane was in the air, the sleep-deprived Rue fell into a deep slumber. With knees pulled up and her head cradeled between her two crossed arms, she looked so peaceful, especially without her normally sulky expression. It all changed when the plane started to malfuncion.

Beneath the folds of her jacket, Rue wrapped her fingers around Nocturne's pokeball. If the plane went down, she only hoped that her partner survived. "Noc, if I don't make it out I want you to know tha-" Every word became labourous but she stubbornly continued, even when her vision blurred and her head stung. "That.. you're.." No longer able to keep it at bay, the darkness consumed Rue's sight and she was gripped by an unyeilding feeling of vertico. Rue tried her best to fight it but every effort she made against it only seemed to send her deeper into the deafening silence.


Rue awoke with a start, knocking her beloved headphones off of her head. With trempling fingers she picked them up from her lap and settled them around her neck. "It was just a dream..." she murmered to herself in an effort to calm her nerves. It didn't. "Ugh, my head..." Just behind her eyes she could feel a a familiar throbbing pain. A chill ran up her spine when she realized that it was the same pain that had been in the dream. It reminded her of days spent without sleep, but since she had just napped that couldnt be the reason. A thought stuck her then. How long had she been asleep?

Her navy eyes squinted against the dark, searching for any familiar sight in the crippling dark. Had the plane dimmed to let people sleep? No, she thought, don't be stupid. The only source of light to go by was the pale glow from the window so Rue looked towards it and peered outside. Instead of moonlit clouds she was faced with tall grass and trees. "Wait...did we crash? But I'm not hurt...". She dug her hand into her pocket and breathed a sigh of relief when she felt the pokeball nestled safe and sound within. The others were in her bag where she left them, along with the strange feather. She pulled the bag over her shoulder and got out of her seat. Using the light of her Holocaster, which displayed a red (X) and the words No connection, she walked out into the plane corrrior.

Dreamtique Dreamtique
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It’s was fun while it lasted, all the trainers in their elements. Fighting and thriving as they all had hope they would. Cece’s skin was cold to the touch but she’s never felt as alive as she did when she was battling with her Pokémon. Once the match as stoped and the verdict was a tie she, with a heavy heart, fell into the realization that this was going to be the last time she would be able to see all of them together in one place. It was bitter sweet, but she gave jaz a deep bow. A few years started to form at the edges of her vision. Out of her purse she pulled out three matching necklaces, they were a simple leather string with a small golden key attached to it. She handed them out to each person and once again bowed to them. She turned on her heel and started for the airport.

Cece’s eyes grew heavy while she was sat in her seat. She had removed all of her makeup before they boarded the plane, so with that in mind she closed her eyes to satisfy the calling void that was sleep. Her vision became dark as she drifted off, she’s was still for a moment.... Then it all went to shit. The sudden jolt from the plane woke her. She tugged her legs closer to herself all the while thinking. “I don’t wanna die please please please....” Then it all went dark.

The trainer rubbed her eyes attempting to clear her vision, everything seemed normal. The memories of happened started to come back to her, slowly she stood up from her seat. She could only see near the waste of the plane, where pale moon light shown in. She rummaged through her pocket to find her Poké dex. Using the light from the screen she peaked it around her to spot any of the other passengers. Cece’s heart grew when she saw Rue standing in the plane’s corridor. “Rue!! Are you okay?”
You soon noticed that the entrance of the plane was wide open, as you walked closer, you would be greeted with a gust of chilling wind, a distinct petrichor soon filled your breath, you could almost feel the cold vapour drifting into your lung for every breath you took. Once you had successfully maneuvered out of the plane, what you witnessed would confirm the fact that you were without a doubt, in a place you had never been, from the towering trees that stretched out into the starry night sky, and the translucent curtain of mist that hid the dark paths leading into the depth of unknown, nothing that met the eyes looked familiar at all.

Except for the three of you and your trusty Pokeballs, there were no signs of any presence around you, not even wild Pokemon, the pilot or the flight attendants were very clearly nowhere to be found around here as if they were all spirited away. With the moon as your spotlight, you found yourself feeling completely isolated in this place, yet an unnerving feeling of someone was watching in the shadow began to grow in your mind as silence and fear started to take a form in your head.


What is this place?

If you remained composed enough to check your surrounding carefully, you would notice that the surrounding was a lot misty that it looked like from within the plane, it was almost impossible to look beyond the mist and shadow that surrounded you, you field of vision was limited to merely half a kilometer radius. From what you could observe so far, the plane and the surrounding of the forest looked completely undisturbed, as if they were meant to rest there without any disturbance or movement. The plane was in good condition, as perfect as you remembered it to be. As you looked up to the sky, it was clear that it was now night time, you could tell through a tiny natural roof window left open by the overlapping frolics. The silver moon was beautiful and bright, and the enchanting river of stars shone brighter than ever when viewed from down here, in this pit of darkness.

As you tried to analyse everything and put together the pieces, it was clear that something didn't add up, yet you find it difficult to put your finger on it.
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Rue flinched in surprise at the sudden voice, but she quickly recovered when she realized it was familiar. As if swinging a lantern, she moved her Holo-caster in the direction of her friend's voice and found the girl standing in the corridor a few seats away. With a relieved sigh, she called out her response "I'm fine... I think." Rue carefully made her way through the dark towards the other girl. With a quick glance she made sure Cece was not physically hurt before she continued. "Come on, we need to find everyone else."

Using the dim light of her screen, Rue lead the way to the front of the cabin, making sure to look into every seat they passed. Strangely, all were empty. Maybe they are waiting on the outside, she thought, ignoring the unease in her stomach. The fragile bubble of hope shattered as soon as she caught sight of the plane's exit. Unopened, just as it had been before liftoff. Just for safe measure, she glanced through the window of the plane's cabin but saw only darkened seats. A chill ran up her spine. Something was wrong. Rue exchanged an uncertain glance with Cece before she grabbed the emergency release lever and forced open the door.

The cold mist rushed against Rue's face as she stepped out into the moonlit clearing. It was too dark to make out minute details, but it was enough for Rue to know that this place was foreign to her. She turned around to look at the plane and was surprised to find it completely unscathed from what should have been a terrible crash. "What the...Cece you need to see this..." she said in bewilderment. A vibration from her pocket soon snapped her out of her shock and she quickly dug out the source. As soon as the pokeball was out of her pocket, it split open to release Nocturne in a flash of light.

Every hair on the noivern's body was on end and his pupils were constricted into narrow slits. With a series of shrill chitters, he pressed his nose against Rue's shoulder, nearly knocking her onto the ground from the sheer force. Rue gave him a comforting rub on his head. "Whoa, whoa, easy. I'm okay." Beneath her fingers she felt his muscles relax.

( Dreamtique Dreamtique I assume pokeballs work? lol xD if not I will just cut the last bit out of the post)
purplepanda288 purplepanda288
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It almost felt like the forest itself had been awakened by your subtle movement, just like how a ripple spreaded through still water. Without a clear direction, all you could do is to advance into the unknown with mere courage. It doesn't take long before the sight around you shifted when you had moved far enough from where you stood.

"Outsiders...how peculiar......"

An ominous, deep voice echoed before you heard the crackling of dried leaves and twigs scattered around the floor, someone was approaching from within the seemingly boundless darkness of the forest as if the darkness itself that was stalking had finally decided to reach out to grab you.
Soon, the moonlight revealed an approaching man of average height in dark robe, under his hood, with his face concealed with a mask, spelled something sinister. You could almost feel his oppressing aura crawling all over your skin from far away as he stepped closer and closer.

As he got close enough, he stopped, now only a few meters away from you, he began starring at the group like a statue as he stood still, your back became heavy with the weight of the dead gaze from the cold blue eyes hidden beneath the mask.

"Why? Why are you here?" He questioned, his voice cold and monotonous.
"......" The man paused, seemingly not expecting an answer from the group, his eyes still fixated on the young trainers standing in right in front of him, like a king overlooking someone from his throne. Slowly he lifted his arms to the side and allow his arms to open, a signal for a display of power, you could almost instantly feel the reality around you shifted as the sudden loud rustling of leaves and screeching filled the air.

"You'll never leave this place, so are all of us."
Before you realized, as you looked up to the tree tops, rampaging zubats that had seemingly gone out of control were starting to crowd up, their furious screech grew louder and more unbearable as the countless number of zubats bagane to approach you like a storm ready to engulf you whole.
"Now, run."
"Away from here."

For as long as you were able to, all you could do was run without direction, straight into the darkness and unknown, because you are not even sure if there's really one to begin with in this bizarre reality. The screeching in your ears were long gone but you kept running until your legs wouldn't carry you anymore. As you mind slowly readjusted and grounded, you failed to find a reasonable explanation for what just happened, and was only left with more questioned when you took the effort to put everything together. Now, you realized you are lost, completely lost, even separated from Cicilia, the only person you know of here, in the dark, cold, isolated forest, just as you though the situation couldn't get any worse.

As you dwell on the helpless ordeal you were in, a particular glowing creature caught your attention as its faint blue glow illuminated a path while it fluttered about in the air.

A small, glowing... Butterfree? Venomoth? It was clear that it was nothing you had ever seen before as you took a second look.
You felt the sudden call of curiosity, or it was something more than curiosity. Somehow you were drawn to the little creature, as if it was calling out to you, as if you were meant to follow it. So you went down the path as it fluttered further and further into a path that stretched long into the cold mist, guided by nothing but a faint blue glow that flickers in the still air.

You didn't know how far you had gone, but soon as the glow of the butterfly slowly faded into nothing, the mist around you unraveled and revealed a new scenery around you. You found yourself in an overgrown graveyard, vaguely you could see a lonely duo standing amid the mossy tombs quietly with their silent prayers.
Judging from the back of the duo, they appeared to be a young man with ashen hair in an all-black clothing, and standing right beside him is a Zoroark. The duo was seemingly paying their respect on a someone that wants to be remembered, their state were almost tranquil, unaware of the presence of Rue and her companion.

Just as you finished processing the view, it was then the Zoroark's body twitched, followed by a sudden turn towards the curious trainer that was staring at them.


From the face of the Zoroark it was clear that it was startled, and beyond that, his face was filled with puzzlement and surprise as his mouth and eyes slowly widened, as if he was witnessing something that he'll never expect happening, petrified by the shock completely.

"H-huh? What is it, Sirius?"
The young man noticed the reaction of Zoroark and turned to face at Rue and Nocturne as well, his azure eyes squinted in confusion as he locked his gaze on the surprise visitors.

The young man stood there, unable to think of anything to say, too absorbed in his thoughts on the unexpected event as he stared at Rue blankly.
When the stranger approached, Rue found herself unable to move and when she opened her mouth no words came out. An instinct inside her told her something was wrong, just like when she had been on the plane, only this time it was stronger. Just looking at this man made her heart pound in her chest and her stomach feel uneasy. She felt small and frial, stunned like a deer in the head lights. It wasn't until the zubats came out of nowhere that she snapped out of it, her battling reflexes kicking in.


Sonic waves tore through the horde, carving a hollow cavern into the cloud of zubats, but it wasn't enough. The sheer number of zubats was overwhelming and as soon as one fell another was there to take its place. In moments the wave of pokemon crashed into the duo, swarming them with fang and wing. Rue brought up her arms to shield her face and called out to Nocturne. "Retreat!" she shouted above the screeches. With Nocturne at her flank, Rue fled towards the safety of the deep forest while at the same time trying her best to cover her head from the swarming pokemon. Even after they were long gone, she kept on sprinting through the woods without looking back. She didn't want to take any chances.

After what felt like an eternity, Rue stopped. Bloody sweat trailed down her face as she bent over, out of breath. Nocturne gave a concerned chitter, but she wearily waved him away to show everything was fine. Well, as fine as she could be after a plane crash, zubat attack and getting lost in a dark forest. It was only once she had recovered that she realized Cece was not with her. Her eyes widened and her skin went cold. "No...nonono we got separated..."

"Cece!" Rue called into the darkened mist, "Cece! Damn it, where are you?" No response. Rue looked around vainly at her surroundings, as if she would somehow catch a glimpse of the other girl, but it was no use. The fog was too thick and the dark too heavy. Even Nocturne couldn't locate the girl with his echolocation. With shoulders sagging, Rue covered her face with her hands in defeat. "This is all my fault... I should have made sure she was with us... why can't I defend any of my friends?" she muttered miserably. As much as she wanted to stay positive, she couldn't help but to wonder if the only reason she got away was because Cece didn't.

Just as the guilt began to settle in like the cold, a bluish glow streamed in through her fingers. When she looked up she noticed it belonged to a small Venomoth... or something like it. Was it a new pokemon? She stared at it curiously until it began to drift away, and quickly followed after it. There was something about it that told her she should follow. After a time the forest faded into a graveyard -- an all too familiar sight in a foreign land. As she walked between the tombstones she caught a glimpse of a figure and a pokemon. They hadn't spotted them yet, so Rue motioned for Noc to remain quiet as they slowly approached.

Soon enough the pokemon detected their approach and turned around to face them. Their trainer followed suit. He seemed surprised, but if Tuko Island taught her anything it was to never let your guard down. Rue was unsure if he was friend or foe, so she decided to put on a brave face. "Who are you?" she demanded, "...and where are we?" Any exposed skin, primarily her face and legs, were littered with scratches and her clothing wasn't much better. It only added to the ferocity of her gaze when her own surprised expression burned away into a glare, not unlike a cornered creature. At her side, Nocturne crouched down with ears glowing and fur bristling in a threatening display. His sharp eyes locked onto the Zoroark and a low rumble rattled in his throat. Both were more than ready to defend themselves should this man prove to be as aggressive as the last.

Dreamtique Dreamtique
"You must be lost! D-did anything happened to you?" Realising that Rue was not in good shape, the man adjusted his glasses, the curious and surprised face slowly turned into a concerned one as he tried to take a few step closer to Rue while the Zoroark remained rooted in place with his eyes locked on the duo, refusing to let his guard down. The air between the two groups started to get a little tensed as a temporal silence ensue.

"You seemed to be...confused......" Cold mist escaped from the young man's mouth as he spoke, his gaze shifted between the ground and Rue as he tried to gather his words.

"We mean no harm, and we can definitely help you if you need any." The boy insisted as he took another step closer, now almost close enough for a handshake.
"I am Dante Alighieri. You can call me Dante." The young man put a hand on his chest as he started a self-introduction as an attempt to calm the duo down. Now that he was standing close enough, you could see a necklace dangling down from his neck. It had a strange motif that had an ethereal blue glow to it under the gentle moonlight, on a second look, the motif resembled the strange creature that had guided you to this place greatly.

"Right there, standing behind me is my dearest companion...Sirius, the brightest star in the sky." Dante turned his head briefly to the side to allowed the Zoroark to enter his peripheral vision as he stated his name.

The Zoroark, however, pulled his face to the side as soon as the spotlight was on him, and eventually it turned his back to the group as soon as he suspected attention from Rue.

"P-please don't mind that. Sirius can be very shy, especially when he meets stranger, since we don't have visitors very often...he doesn't mean to be rude, trust me."
"He will be the most endearing and kind being in the world once you get to know him." Dante tried to explain as he turned to peek at the Zoroark that was still trying to isolate himself from the strangers once more.

"We are now in the border of the Finnero region, my home."
"Please tell me everything that happened, I would really like to offer my help."
At the mention of help the blue of Rue's eyes lost their edge and the tiredness shone through, like paint left out in the sun for too long. It was painfully clear that she needed wanted the help, yet she was still hesitant. When Dante introduced himself and approached she keep a wary eye on him, but didn't back away. In passing she noticed a glimmering necklace around his neck, the ornament fashioned into a familiar shape. It was strikingly similar to the strange creatures that lead her here, but she didn't know to take that as a good or bad omen.

Nocturne kept his silence, as usual, but didn't take Dante's approach as a threat. Perhaps he sensed the young man's good intentions, as many pokemon do. Soon enough the ruffled fur of his mane began to settle and his stance relaxed. In seeing this, Rue seemed to calm down as well. Nocturne had good instincts, and Rue often trusted them more than her own.

Siris's aloof behaviour was actually endearing and despite her nerves being stretched out so thin, Rue hid a small smirk. Her mother always said you could tell a lot about a trainer just by observing their pokemon. In that case, these two seemed harmless...even if a part of her was still on edge.

It was a good distraction, a moment of peace, but it didn't last long. Rue was reminded of their situation as Dante continued his explanation. In the end Rue was left with more questions than answers. This was the Finnero region? She had never heard of such a place but her mind was running in too many directions to ponder on the detail.

When Dante asked about what happened she let out a shaky sigh and ran her fingers through her hair. The details were fresh in her mind, but at the same time they were scattered and jittery. "Okay... okay..." she started slowly, taking in a deep breath to steady herself. Where to start? "This is going to sound crazy, but I swear I'm not making this up. We were in a plane and it crashed, or at least I thought it did, but when I woke up the plane was perfectly fine and we were in the middle of nowhere. Uh, I mean here. When I exited the plane a hooded man came out of nowhere and... I don't know, he just summoned a flock of zubat! All we could do was run..." Just mentioning the man made her chest tighten with unease. She looked over her shoulder towards the shadowy forest, expecting him to be standing there in the gloom. He wasn't, but when Rue turned back to face Dante she could feel the back of her neck tingling, as if she were being watched.
Dreamtique Dreamtique
"A hooded man......" The air around Dante got heavier as the gleam in Dante's eye dimmed almost instantly at the mention of the word, the young man's cheeks suddenly became too heavy to lift as his lips started to droop down, a serious gaze found its way onto Dante's face. It was clear that Dante knew something about that, and it was now triggering an unpleasant part of his memory.

"...we have to go, it's too dangerous to stay around here." The young man grabbed his chin as his eyes rolled around, pondering for short before he abruptly stated.
"Please, follow me, I'll bring you to my place for now, I'll explain later." Dante spurted out the words as he tried to convince Rue to leave the vicinity for the time being in a rush, his tightly held fists trembled subtly as he tried to maintain his composure to hide his hastening heartbeat.

"Sirius, we have to go now, we are taking them with us."
The Zoroark was still acting indifferent before Dante called out to the lonely Zoroark standing around a gloomy corner of the cemetery. Sirius allowed his body to turn towards the voice before letting out a breath and walked to the side of Dante, awaiting to return home as he kept his head down slightly to avoid any unnecessary eye contact.

It was not much of a choice, but the only option available to the poor trainer in this ordeal, Rue will have to follow Dante for now and hope for the best for Cece and Jasmine for the time being, now that fate had forced the poor trainer to the pit of despair, Dante's offer is the only hope that Rue could hold onto for now to get out of the spiraling insanity that had unraveled in the course of a few minutes Rue spent in this place know as Finnero, it almost seemed like things could not get any worse...hopefully.

Dante and Sirius were able to navigate around the thick forest with ease as they followed the long path stretched deep into the forest that was paved by years of footsteps.
With only the crackling of dried leaves under their feet, Dante finally decided speak after they travelled far enough from the cemetery.
"I live with Sirius around this area, we will be there in no time."
"I drop by to visit Beatrice and those poor forgotten souls from time to time, no one knows the origin of that abandoned cemetery or who had been resting there, yet Beatrice insisted that she wanted to make that place her sanctuary of eternal slumber, that old lady can be really weird sometimes. It had been years since we finally fulfilled her request."
"But I guess it doesn't matter, every living creature with a story of their own deserves to be remembered and respected, even after they are gone, now I have a reason to visit them more frequently."
Dante explained as he leaded Rue and her companion through the rough terrain, after a few minutes they reached the end of the canopy of the forest and Rue was greeted with the clear starry night sky that almost looked ethereal. The clear, broadless sky became a giant cosmic painting as dots of stars scattered all over the sky formed wonderous patterns when linked with imagination, the full moon became a spotlight for the dancing stars as they sparkle in an almost rhythmic way, for a split second, the mesmerizing divine beauty could free the one from their worries completely.

The cold breeze brushed across your cheeks as they gently send the long grasses covering the vicinity slow dance along with grace. The continuous gust of breeze and the thinner atmosphere soon made you realized that you are on high ground, near a mountain cliff. The huge star observatory that stood alone near the cliff in this almost desolated place soon came into sight as you began to turn your head around.

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Dante gestured towards the observatory and signaled Rue and her partner as Sirius was already heading straight towards the building.
"We are here." Dante leaded the lost trainer as they walked closer to the observatory. As soon as Sirius swung open the door you could feel the remaining warmth from the fireplace in the air accompanying the pleasing scent of old books , Sirius began to light up a few candles as the swaying flame illuminated the room and revealed a grand yet homey space. The crystal clear glass dome over the building allowed the night sky itself to become the ceiling, the sparse light from the swirling stars added a mystical vibe to the rustic living space. Lifting your head up you would be able to embrace the stars's grand performance of the art of light as you enjoy their accompany under the otherwise lonely night sky.


"Take a seat, make yourself at home." Dante invited Rue to take a seat near the wooden round table at the center of the room as he too, pulled out a chair and sat down.
"After all, you may have to stay here for quite awhile......" Dante's voice got smaller as he mumbled, letting a short sigh soon after.

Out of nowhere, Sirius placed two cups of warm tea on the table and carefully pushed one of them to Dante and after a few seconds of hesitation, towards the stranger, Rue. The Zoroark then delivered a basket of berries to be placed on the table before he walked away and disappeared from sight.

"Thanks, Sirius."

"If you need anything, just ask. You must be hungry, if you really want to, please don't be shy and have something to fill up your tummy before we start." Dante spoke as he turned to Rue.
"I will prepare a room for you tonight, so...that's one thing off the list."
"You did mentioned plane crash, and 'we', I assume you are not the only one..."
"I assumed you got separated after the... 'masked man' attacked. I am really sorry about that, all I could do is to have Sirius cover the vicinity throughout the night, since he's quite familiar of the terrain around here, we wander around and explore the Oscura Forest all the time. Sirius likes to take a walk at night, he doesn't need as much sleep as we do, he's a creature of the night after all."
"What I am trying to say here is...don't worry, I am sure your friends will be fine, Finnero is a wonderful place full of kind and friendly locals, that's why I am sure that they will be fine and get the help they needed." Dante tried to convince Rue with a reassuring tone as soon as he sensed guilt to make sure that Rue could stop dwelling on the inevitable.

"So, about your situation...or rather...*our* situation......"
"Where should I begin......" Dante's face got gloomier, as his tone got more serious.
"Let's start with the 'masked man', my main concern, I believe you mentioned that a hooded figured attacked you......"
"I believe he could be the explanation for your strange, unnatural encounter on the plane, though I am not sure what's the connection here, it's just a strong gut feeling." Dante pushed his glasses as he asserted.

"How should I put it...Finnero is not in its peaceful days, and is currently under threat. Under the threat of *that* guy......"
"...The anonymous masked man in a black robe and a hood covering most parts of his body, the man that attacked you, must be him." Dante frowned as he clenched his fist, his face expressing frustration and anger as soon as he brought that up.

"They call themselves Team Hurricane, and that masked man seemed to be the cause of all of these, their head, that's all we know about them."

"We don't even know what they really want, all we know is that they seems to want Finnero...gone."
A moment of silence ensue as Dante held his breath before he let the last word escaped his mouth, the grip of his fist gone weak, his shoulder dropped down as the weight of helpless proved to be too heavy for him to bear.

"The reason that 'masked man' had became a concern and a formidable force that we cannot ignore, is due to the unnatural...almost...paranormal power he possessed."
"Strange and unexplained things started to happen to Finnero, and the most concerning so far...is the vanishing of residents, Pokemon, or even buildings overnight......"
"The destruction and sorrow they had cause in Finnero......"
"It's clear now that we must do something to stop them, or else-" Dante murmured, his voice grew weaker over time before he abruptly stopped mid sentence .

"To be frank with you, I don't understand, I don't understand any of these at all. I don't have a clue. Why?"

"Finnero is where I grew up, a lovely and beautiful land, a place filled with kind residents that I loved. Why would they want to destroy such a wonderful place and make people of Finnero suffers...I-...I-" Dante started to lose his composure as the frustration he had long endured became a little too much to handle at the moment. His eyes were getting watery but he tried his best to stop tears from rolling down his cheeks.

"Finnero is my home, that's why I want to do my best to protect it from people like them......"
"I want to stop them, but...I can't help but to feel helpless against them."
Dante swiftly wiped away the tears in his eyes as he took in a deep breath to find his calm again realizing that he should not lose it in front of a newly met friend, especially someone that's equally desperate.

"S-sorry. I am really sorry for that, and telling you more than what you need to know..."
"To set Finnero free from Team Hurricane, it's a battle we have to fight, we will give it everything we got in this desperate time, I won't give up."
The flare in Dante's eyes was able to reignite as he began to take a positive view on their situation. Dante was trying to not let the negativity got to Rue or himself.

"Well...back to you, I think it would be best to wait for the next morning before I aid you to find your way home by asking for help from the folks of Finnero, don't worry."

"Well, in the meantime why don't you tell me more about yourself?"
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As soon as Rue stepped in through the doorway her eyes opened wide in wonder. Bathed in moonlight, the room looked like it had been taken straight from a book. How suiting, as the walls were literally lined with fictional works. Man, I should start reading again, she thought as gave a passing glance to a bookshelf as she followed Dante. The room was lavish and beautiful, but most of all spacious. A little too big for one person and their pokemon, she also noted. She went to the table with Dante and sat down. When offered the berries she took a few, but gave the rest to Nocturne. She knew she should be hungry, as she hadn't eaten on the plane, but all she felt was a queezy feeling in her stomach. It wasn't until Dante mentioned the other passengers that she remembered it was a knot of guilt. He tried to reassure her that they would be alright, but she wasn't that convinced.

The only thing that really made her forget about it was when he mentioned the masked man. She listened silently, a shadow growing over her face. All she had wanted after the events at Tuko was to go home and forget, but now she was dragged into even more darkness. Was the world going insane? Yet when Dante's voice broke she couldn't help but put aside her own worries for a moment. She actually felt a pang of sympathy for him.

"That's... a lot to take in. Damn. I thought Tuko was messed up but this place definitely takes the cake..." she said after he had finished.

Soon the conversation turned to her, leaving her a bit off-guard. "Oh, about me?" she said while rubbing the back of her neck. "Eh, there's not much to say really..." Normally she would leave it there, reluctant to explain herself to a stranger especially when she was so exhausted, but she then saw the strained look on his face. He was upset, mourning, looking for a distraction from his own problems. It was a sort of despair Rue could emphasize with.

"Sorry, that was... rude, considering everything you're doing for us. Alright. Well I guess I should finally introduce myself, huh? My name's Rue, Rue Chevalier, and this is Nocturne." At the mention of his name, the noivern looked up from his meal. Rue gave him a pat on the head and smiled softly. "We're from Kalos, which is where we were headed before the crash. My mom and dad run a pokemon rehabilitation centre just outside of Lumoise City, by the coast. It's not the same as Couriway Town was but it's nice there, away from the crowded city yet close enough to see the lights at night. I miss it now, but mostly the pokemon at the center."

She was going to stop there, but she noticed Nocturne give her a pointed look, like she was leaving out something important. "Oh, right. I don't know how up to date you are on things but... yeah, we were at Tuko Island during the competition. Turns out the league was all a hoax to kidnap pokemon." Her eyes went to the scars on Nocturne's neck left behind by the prototype collar. "Me and a few friends were able to uproot the cowards responsible and free the captive pokemon. We were made 'honorary champions' afterwards but I don't think I'll accept their invite next year." Rue shrugged and gave a soft laugh, though there was a certain bitterness to it.
"League? Champion?" Dante's eyes lit up as his gaze shifted between Nocturne and Rue.
"Rue Chevalier, so you are a trainer!" Dante's body involuntarily leaned forward as he tried to inspect the Noivern closer.
"No wonder your Noivern looks so strong! How impressive. Now that I think about it, I never get to see a Noivern that close, and yours seemed to be in good shape." Dante's eyes were glimmering with admiration as he adjusted his glasses while examining the Noivern up close.

"Grrr......" The Zoroark that was still stalking from a distance at a corner of the room let out an audible grumble as he squinted his eyes and turned away, almost as if he is trying to be nonchalant about Dante's compliment on the Noivern.

"Oh, come on Sirius, don't get all jealous and childish alright? You know your place in my heart will never change." Aware of Sirius's jealousy, Dante turned and gave the Zoroark a smirk as he tried to hold back his laughter.
"Now why don't you come over and take a seat, we can both learn something from an experienced trainer like Rue."

The Zoroark rolled his eyes before he inched his way towards the table and awkwardly sat down beside Dante.

"I always look up to trainers, their impressive talent to work with Pokemon is simply impressive and mesmerizing to me...how I wish I have the opportunity to become a trainer as well, it would certainly be fun if I can go explore the world with Sirius and meet more interesting Pokemon." Dante put a hand on Sirius's shoulder as he spoke, the duo's eyes met for a moment.
"Heh, but well, I can't say for sure if I will have the courage or the capabilities to be a trainer, so I guess staying here with Sirius near Finnero while studying the stars is not so bad as well. I have to continue Miss Beatrice's legacy, everything you see around here was what she left for us before she ascended to the stars."

"Speaking of trainers, there are plenty of talented trainers in Finnero I look up to as well, they are all really strong too, I am sure that they will be more than happy to meet you when there's an opportunity for that."

"You must be a really good trainer too, I can tell just from the subtle dynamics between two of you. From your history revolving around a Pokemon rehabilitation center I can tell that you are certainly loving and has an in depth understanding of Pokemon as well."

"How unfortunate...looks like both you and your Pokemon had been through a lot, sad to say that fate just wouldn't allow you to take a break from the mess. Still, I am glad that both you and your Pokemon are safe and sound, I could imagine how important they are to you. These challenges had definitely strengthen your bond with your Pokemon." Dante's shoulders dropped as he exhaled, sympathizing with Rue's rough experiences up to the presence, shook by how cruel and malicious the world could be at times, his eyes shifted down as he allowed his mind to relive Rue's experiences which only added to his respect on the young but experienced trainer.

"Ah...regarding your home, I am terribly sorry, but I have little geographical knowledge about the world beyond Finnero, I had been here for my whole life, people of Finnero lead a relatively isolated life as well, we seldom have foreign visitors, so your presence is really something new to me, something I never expect to happen. I was really my pleasure to meet you, Rue, although I would hope that our unlikely encounter wouldn't happen this way. It's funny how fate...how Moirai have things planned the way they are." Dante added with a smile.

"Hehe...it had been so long...that I feel so happy how fate had leaded me to meet someone in the most unlikely way, what a wonderful feeling." Dante looked up to the starry night sky, the silver moonlight lit up his eyes as his hand find his way onto Sirius's. The Zoroark slowly closed his eyes as he felt the warm of Dante's hand slowly enveloping his, as if he wanted time to stop at this instant, not wanting to let go.

"Have you heard? That our fate are written in the stars?" Dante's gaze across the stats as he whispered softly to Rue.
"Beatrice always tells me that the everyone's fate is connected and hidden in the star alignments, what a wonderful thought."
"She is a well-known astronomer and astrologer, she dedicated her whole life to study the stars, she was always so fascinated about them, she was literally obsessed about the things fortelled by the stars."
"As for me, I grew to have a strong connection with the concept of fate and stars as well, I think it's a beautiful concept, that's why I decided to follow Beatrice's footsteps."
"The thought of everything was meant to happen the was they are is so beautiful...yet it can be scary at times......"
"For how helpless we are...against fate......" Dante's voice got heavier almost instantly, the boy closed his eyes to allow the sudden surge of grief to sink before he resumed his eye contact with Rue.

"Judging from the moon, it's pretty late now, I think it's a good time for us to hit the hay, let me take you to your room. Sirius will be off to patrol the vicinity throughout the night, so you can rest well and stop worrying for the time being." Dante gave Rue a reassuring look before he stood up and leaded the trainer to her temporary bedroom for the night.

Ascending the spiraling staircase and out to the large balcony, Dante leaded Rue to a door. As he swung open the door, the subtle warmth from the lit up lantern all around the room rushed out to greet the new comer, the wall of the room was mainly made up of transparent glass so that the starry night sky would always be in view, just as the main hall of the observatory. The room was exceptionally tidy and clean, most probably because it was cleaned up regularly despite never being occupied for long. Old sketched diagrams of constellations and star formations around the globe were pinned up all over the wall. Old, yellowish papers and books were tucked in tiny book shelves around the room as if all the reading materials in the main hall weren't enough. A minimalistic wooden table was placed against the glass wall, and dangling down along the glass plane are little chimes and suncatchers in the exact shape of Dante's necklace, arranged in an array like a curtain. At a corner is a tiny yet cozy looking bed that looked brand new, hanging right over the bed is a framed realistic painting of an mellow old lady with Dante and Sirius standing right by her side closely, with genuine smile on their faces, just like a family photo.

"This used to be Beatrice's room, you can stay here for the night. I hope it's comfortable enough for you."
"If you need anything, you can find me in the room not far away from this one, it wouldn't be hard to spot."
"Alright, rest well my friend. Try not to worry too much, okay?" With that, Dante gently closed the door behind Rue, leaving her alone with Nocturne in the room.
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