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Realistic or Modern Patient Zero Character Thread


Name: Aaron Jones

Age: 28

Occupation: Military Mechanic

Appearance Description: (You can replace this with an animated/drawn character picture. No real face claims.)


Aaron is in some ways your typical Texan; laid back to the point of being horizontal, loud, brash, and to the point. He is an amicable enough fellow, and given the recently depleted state of humanity is always happy to find someone who isn’t out to feast upon his living flesh. Despite the ever constant struggle for personal survival, Aaron has a propensity to put himself in danger to try and help those in need and unable to help themselves, its part of the reason that he’s stayed away from city, afraid that his good nature will end up getting himself killed in the end. He is an eternal optimist, rarely down and generally has a smile on his face.

His most treasured possession is a number of Classic Rock tapes that were lying in the bottom of the rucksack that he grabbed from the workshop, having salvaged/put together a tape deck in his free time on base. It is one of the things that has kept him sane during his cross country journeying and subsequent isolation from the wider world..


Aaron was born in Texas, the Lone Star State. Aaron, his mother and father and two brothers lived on a ranch north of Houston. It was by no means an easy upbringing, they were expected to work, and work hard in order to keep the family business running, whether this was working the fields, running errands to town, or repairing the numerous semi functioning machinery about the place. It was the latter that Aaron took to, and was clearly head and shoulders above his brothers, and even parents. Once he took something apart, it was as if he could see every connection, every fitting, and where something could have gone wrong to break the delicate mechanics and systems. Despite his intrinsic mechanical skill, more academic subjects did not come easily to him, and as a result he dropped out of school age 16 and took at apprenticeship at a car carage in town, setting most of his wages aside for the running and wellbeing of the family ranch. After a couple of years however he was chomping at the bit for a new challenge, having spent 2 years servicing the same vehicles, owned by the same people, with the same problems. That's what pushed him into the Army, it didn't take much for the recruiter to persuade this bored high school drop out that a better life could be just around the corner.

That was the next 9 years of his life, working in the Army Motor Pool, serving with the 3rd Texan Mechanised Division. Army life came easy to him, wake up when ordered, sleep when ordered, work when ordered. He enjoyed the work and he was good at it, becoming a valued member of the squad and the team. Though serving two tours of Afghanistan, he didn't actually see any frontline action, considered far too valuable an asset to put on the frontlines, and as a result spent his tours in the (relative) safety of base camp, oil stained and normally elbows deep in an engine. His most recent posting was at a motor pool in Virginia, a rather cosy job, Richmond was a short drive away with all the amenities that it had to offer. Two months in a request came down, delivery of a humvee to a base on the other side of the country, would mean a few days of driving down the highway, a weeks posting at the other depot, and then a flight back. He jumped at the offer and later that day set off from the base, 4 Jerry cans strapped to the exterior of the unarmed camo green Humvee, a few changes of clothes and enough MREs and water to last 4 days. He pulled into the outskirts of Aurora on the afternoon of the 16th October 2018.


If it has an engine, wheels, or to be honest any moving parts, Aaron will be able to strip it down, fix what's ailing it and get it in fully working order with little more than basic tools and whatever materials he can find to make sure that it can function for a few more hours/miles, hopefully for longer but quality spare parts are something of a luxury these days.

Physically Strong: 6 years worth of hard labour in the military had left Aaron in damn fine physical strength. Obviously this helps in the movement and removal of bulky and heavy objects, but it makes him an absolute threat against the walking dead (or living) that cross his path when he has a melee weapon in hand.
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Names: Maria Kennedy
"The Beast of Derry" (nickname in UFC)
Age: 33
Occupation: Mixed Martial Artist

Appearance: Kennedy.jpg
Description: Maria has a few tattoos on her body. A sword (longsword) on the inside of each arm, and a dragon covering most of her back.

Personality: She is a fighter, first and foremost but she is by no means violent nor enjoys inflicting violence on others. She yearns for a good fight and she feels the most clear-headed when facing down an opponent, often one-on-one. A detail unknown to most is her diagnosis of DID (dissociative identity disorder, formerly multiple personality disorder). While her and a second personality are sometimes at odds, they find common ground if the situation calls for it. Although there are a few differences, they both have the same appreciation for strength (physical or mental) even if they have different ways of showing it.

Maria: Thick-skinned, Maria tends to brush off insults as most of the people who treat her poorly are the same people she could roundhouse kick into next Tuesday. Stubborn, but not to a fault.
Caoimhe: When fronting, Caoimhe is shown to be a little abrasive and can come across as cold. That isn't to say she does not care for others, but prefers to keep people at an arm's distance. She also distrusts medical professionals, in particular those who specialise in mental health as they spent a good number of years trying to erase her. She lets Maria do the fighting but isn't afraid to do it herself.

Background: Towards the end of "The Troubles", Maria was born in an impoverished part of Derry, the youngest child in a family of three. She isn't sure what caused Caoimhe to emerge herself, (talks with psychologists later in life didn't go too well) only that it was around the age of eleven that she noticed her for the first time. Her brothers left the country to start a better life, leaving her with a single mother after her father was killed by one of the terrorist organisations active at that time.

The only way she could cope was to fight. She lashed out, but a retired boxer (and friend of her mother's) helped her focus that blind anger into something more. It started as a personal favour to her mother but he realised she could go further with it. As the conflict ended she started to participate in youth leagues across the UK, Ireland and eventually Europe. Talent scouts noticed her during a match in Manchester and she was placed on a list. After turning 18 the girl was fighting professionally, all the while Martin Shaw was guiding her. She was offered other trainers, of course but she turned them down in favour of the man who had focused her into a fighting machine.

She would make her way to the states, taking part in various torumanets and even winning a few but was never really in the public eye until 2015 when a contract was signed with the UFC. Neither Maria nor Caoimhe cared cared for money, sending a good portion of it back to her mother and helping Martin's family. With their newfound fame, the two personalities became at odds as they wondered what to do with it and matters were only made worse due to Martin's declining health.

Towards the end of Martin's life, the two had a massive falling out and Maria only made things worse when she tried to have psychologists erase or lock away the Caoimhe personality for making a professional life incredibly difficult. They came together to be with him at the end, and to fulfill his last request. Although Martin was Derry born and bred, he spent a good number of years in Aurora after making a name for himself and wanted his ashes scattered there as those had been the best years of his life.

She was on her way to scatter them when the outbreak happened.

Martial arts, physical fitness

Theme Song:
Name: David Listman

Age: 32

Occupation: Hermit

Appearance Description: 1577457582492.png
1577457717295.png 1577457828963.png

Personality: He is mostly serious, but loves assisting people with something or other. He is a bit of a jokester and laughs often. But, behind those youthful eyes is several years of experience and skill.

Background: He grew up in Aurora and moved away to China at age 14 as part of a foreign exchange program. His family Didn't have money to transport him to the high school locally and they didn't have the time or funds to home-school him. He ended up in a high school just outside of Shenzen, and shortly thereafter ran into the Sifu (Master) of a Shaolin temple a few miles from his small school. He didn't have any friends yet and he was curious, so he ended up checking the temple out.

As it turns out, the temple was more than just a place of worship, and he was more than just the temple overseer. He was also the Temple's Kung Fu School Sifu. One thing led to another, and David started learning Shaolin Kung-Fu, which included Martial Arts, Self Defense, Melee Weapons, Forest Survival and Natural Medicine. He decided to stay in China after graduating and got a job as an IT tech, but still lived at the temple and practiced his Kung Fu training.

His Sifu oversaw the administrative portion of the Shaolin temple, but it was a front for an underground church. He was secretly a practicing Christian. He started speaking to David about his life and the hardships of poverty and near-homelessness he had endured, then shared his own story of sacrifice and loss, and how Jesus gave him hope. A year later, David gave his life to Christ and attended the underground church with his Sifu. He and his classmates fought off many a communist spy or thief, as well as a few Triad members trying to commandeer or loot the holy ground.

At age 30 he had tired of the businessman life and made plans to return to Aurora. Two years later, he was on a plane back home. He returned to find his mom had passed away in her sleep at 65 and his father left town. He accepted these as part of life and opted to live in the old treehouse he had built with his friends as a tween. Thankfully it still stood. He had material shipped in and purchased tools from the local shady pawn shop and restored it to its former glory, now fully reinforced, complete with shutters and brick fireplace. He even added a room so he could sleep in one and make meals and relax in the other. After adding a couple pieces of outdoor furniture and a foam mattress, his abode was complete. This was the closest he could get to replicating the conditions at the off-the-grid temple he once called home.

1. Shaolin Kung Fu (Practical and Martial)
2. Leadership (Being in management, he forgot most of his IT skills)

Intro/Training Song

Theme Song

Fight Song
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Name: Andrew Miller

Age: 24

Occupation: 2nd Year Chiropractic Student

Personality: Andrew is a very calm and kind person. People who have known him state that he "radiates an aura of calm" and is able to satiate most conflicts relatively quickly. He doesn't like to fight people, but has done so before when the need rose. He enjoys cooking things from his mother's Swiss side of the family.

Background: Andrew was born to Gina and Joseph Miller in a very nice home in Southern Wisconsin. Growing up was a struggle in itself, but for different reasons than many people assume cause problems in a household. Andrew was an only child, and the first from these two particular people. Because of that, they were inexperienced in the art of parenting and unsure how to properly take care of him. They managed to keep him alive and happy until his teenage years, then decided they didn't care what he did as long as he wasn't in their hair. This lack of stimulation gave him poor initiative to get anything done, and left him with an empty feeling. He was sort of 'stuck' with this feeling of emptiness and longing until he found his father's books on the human body and it's anatomy. He had grown to set low expectations for himself, so instead of pursuing something like a degree in neurosurgery or something like that, he instead decided to pursue a career of the chiropractic nature. The sound of gas escaping from stiff joints had always been satisfying to him, so the career seemed just right. 4 years of a pre-Chiropractic undergrad program later, and a strange fascination in criminal justice and criminal profiling, Andrew moved to Aurora to finish out his degree, until an actual apocalypse struck and he was stuck with an almost useless skill.


Chiropractic Skills/Anatomy:

Because of the career Andrew pursued, he has a professional level of knowledge relating to the human body, it's joints especially. This allows him to adjust, and even separate, joints with relative ease

Amateur Profiler

After getting hooked on a show involving criminal profiling, Andrew spent whatever free time he had doing extensive study on Psychology and how the mind works. He's able to pick at a persons mind relatively well with a few errors if they aren't easy to read.

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Ivan Zamarozka (Previously Yoseph Nikiyev)


Ex-Military, Ex-College Student

Ivan is a relatively chill individual. In the frequent absence of his father, he learned to take on a ‘protector’ role of sorts, often moving to protect those he deems important to him, even if his own life is at risk.

Yoseph was born into a middle-class, almost nuclear family in Yekaterinburg, Russia. His father was absent for years at a time because of his involvement in the Russian Aerospace Forces as a pilot. His frequent absence didn’t hinder the boy’s relationship with his father much, instead making the time they did have together that much more valuable. However, after Yoseph had reached the age of 14, he was met with a pair of Russian officers instead of his father returning from battle. The death of his father did not hit him until years later, but his mother was broken the day she learned of its validity. Falling into a deep depression and mostly leaving Yoseph to raise himself from that point on. He came close to resenting his mother on multiple occasions, wanting to yell at her and curse her for leaving him like this, making him watch his own mother fall apart and feeling nothing but helplessness, as he felt there was nothing he could do. In one of these fits of resentment and pain, he ran away, forging a new identity and enlisting in the same forces that had killed his father years before, lying about his age as he could not enter the military at 17.

After 5 long years of service, the newly branded Ivan Zamorozka had mostly forgotten the life he left behind when he joined the military. He’d almost forgotten the name Yoseph Nikiyev, the father he’d lost, and the mother he left behind. This past life and everything in it came crashing back to him as he saw his mother’s name listed on the obituary page of the daily newspaper. He was reminded of everything, his selfish actions looming over him like a cloud of dread as tears came to his eyes. He resigned from the position he held soon after, travelling to America in search of a different life, and settling into the first small town he saw, Aurora. These plans of a new life were interrupted shortly after his arrival when an outbreak of a disease that caused the dead to rise broke out in the town. There he met the most slapped together, ragtag group of people the town could offer, and he grew to love all of them. Many things unfolded from that point. He quickly learned that a large amount of his military experience would get him killed here. He watched an old man die at the hands of another human, begging for his life to be spared. It was no different from what war was like, and he knew that now. In a streak of bad luck, on the next solo-supply run he ran into a massive horde. When he had finally lost them, his radio had broken. Not wanting to risk leading the horde back to the lodge they were residing at, he remained in the city. By the time he got a functioning radio, the frequency they’d used since the beginning of the outbreak had fallen silent. He knew what this meant, but he’d lost too much to go back to the lodge and confirm his suspicions. He instead moved around the city in a nomadic style, setting up numerous outposts in the places in between infected and hazzie territory, and kept tabs on both groups for the next two years, paying special attention to the infected to make sure none of his family had made it into their wandering masses.


Less Than Conventional-

Because of his time in the military, especially with non-functional or lack of equipment, Ivan became a master of homemade explosives and traps. He’s been shown to show proficiency in creating things such as molotovs and homemade hand grenades.

Grace Under Pressure-
Also because of his time in military service, Ivan is almost impossible to rattle. He rarely shows emotion during situations where his life is in danger, as he’s had to stare death in the face time after time for a majority of his life. However, when those he loves are threatened, he wouldn’t show a second of hesitation to make the sacrifice play.

Name: Resnos Koorbatse

Age: 37

Occupation: Ex butcher/ circus performer

Appearance Description: 7c9475cfb99d4d9db3cf5d95ce0fb5ad.jpg

Personality: Cruel and shameless. Reznos can come across as kind and genuine, but his demeanor could change to a more violent and sadistic one in a moments notice.

Background: The bastard son of a butcher who fled the law and joined the circus wich eventually would bring both him and Vanessa to Aurora.

Proficiency: Knife use, general circus acts

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