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Futuristic Patient #105


Let's Talk About Life on YouTube
You awaken in a cold sweat. You can't remember the dream you just had, but you can assume that was a terrible one. All around you are plain, whitewash walls. You look down at the thin sheet covering you and it is also completely white. Now, you remember where you are. The Atlas Institute of Human Experiment and Evolution or really AIHEE. You have been for..

A. 1 Year (Novice)
B. 2 Years (Moderate)
C. 3 Years (Expert)

..and they had been experimenting on you the whole time. They were trying to..

A. Seperate and Reconnect Human Cells (Teleportation)
B. Create a perfect replica of your human cells (Clone Creation)
C. Enhance your senses (Superhuman Senses)
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C. 3 Years. The more experience in anything the better.

B. Although teleportation would be nice, it has far less utility than copying one's body.
AThiefOfSpades AThiefOfSpades Birdsie Birdsie K KodomoYamiya Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi @Dat_Potato
(Sorry It took me so long. Didn't realize there was any interest.)
Choices Selected:

1. You have been in the Institute for Three Years. You have time to get used to your abilities and grow them in secret. You are an expert waiting for their chance to escape.
2. Clone Replication, the Doctors at Atlas have been trying to make perfect replicas of your cells and have spent countless hours experimenting with your cells. Two years ago they had made the final breakthrough needed to unlock your powers and enable you to clone yourself.

You threw off the all too familiar cover as a group of guards entered your cell. They waited for you to get up and in between them before escorting you out. It was time for therapy. You gave everyone in the facility a fake smile and wave as you passed. You could tell that the guards were on edge and you somewhat enjoyed it. Ever since you had come here life had been hell and you had become..

1) Hardened - You have become emotionless and cold during your time here and only want vengeance and freedom.
2) Defensive - You try to act hardened but really you just have high walls and don't want people to fear you. You wish to live a normal life and finally find peace.
3) Damaged - You are careless and don't care for your life much. The institute drained the life out of you and you no longer mind dying.

You entered the familiar room of Dr. Barnatio (Bar-nah-chi-oh), your 'therapist' who taunted you daily and reminded you that you would never escape. "Ah.. welcome back, 105, how are you feeling?" He asked in a mock caring tone. "Feeling alright? I hope you were able to sleep well enough."

You let out a deep sigh before a wide grin spread on your face. You only had to be here for a few minutes until the distraction you had set up would happen. You..

1) Released #111 code named 'the Beast' and are letting it run wild.
2) Convinced #32 to use his telekinesis to cause a fire.
3) Called in a favor from #59 for having one of your clones play with her.
1) Hardened. Having mental fortitude is very useful in many situations.
1) Catching a monster sounds harder than putting a fire out.
K KodomoYamiya Birdsie Birdsie Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi
You are hardened from the time you've spent here and your sessions with Dr. Barnatio are just chances for you to burn his face into your memory so that you can remember how much you pissed him off.

"Same as always David." You said with a blank expression. You had called the Doctor by his first name ever since you discovered and it never failed to piss him off. You saw the familiar tightening of his jawline and slight grit of his teeth. "How about you, Davey boy?"

Dr. Barnatio shifted forward in his seat and glared menacingly at you. "105 I am so happy that your trial is ending soon. Because then I get to watch you die a slow and painful death."

You raised his eye at something he said. Your trial was gonna be over? Interesting. Seems that the end of a trial was a death sentence. You had really good timing for this escape. "I'm not gonna die, David." You said in monotone with just a slight touch of emotion. Then, you moved quickly leaning over the desk and grabbing the Doctor's collar. "Not until I kill you." You whispered darkly. You were forced to cede control of the Doctor by the guards and pulled into the hallway.

They began to drag you back to your cell when a loud thudding could be heard. It was a sound similar to the shot of a cannon ball and collectively you all turned towards the sound. There was silence for a moment and then another massive thud sound. The guards began to pull out their batons and you could feel their nervousness. Another loud thud occurred followed by a collection of crashes and screams. It was much closer now. You couldn't help the anticipatory grin that spread across your face. Finally, there was loud thud down the hallway from you and the guards released you. Standing amid the smoke and remains of wall was a being clearly at least 8 feet tall with rippling muscle. The creature's skin was grey and the number 111 was branded on the left side of its chest. It lifted its head and turned to face you and the group of guards. It scanned the group until its eyes landed on you. Hold on.. was it..?

You pull yourself to your feet slowly and manage to get to standing with 111's eyes on you. You make sure not to move too fast as you slowly back up. As soon as you take a step back, it takes a step forward. Oh god. It's after you. You..

1) Turn and run away.
2) Continue to slowly back away, hoping that it will switch targets.
3) Stand and fight.
2) Probably not the sanest choice, but I doubt we can outrun it, and we definitely can't outfight it. So trying something risky is what we're left with.
Judging by the fact it was able to discern us out of the crowd and picked us as a target means two things:
- It is at least somewhat sentient and sapient.
- It wants to nom on us for dinner.

Fighting it needlessly seems silly and a waste of energy if it can be avoided. Ultimately, backing away in hopes it is not sapient seems too risky. I'd say running, as cowardly as it is, sounds like the best choice. I pick number 1. If we can't outrun it, we can always fight or clone ourselves to distract it. And if we can't fight it, we'll go back to running.
Since we're at an impasse, we ought to take these options into serious consideration:
"Turn and run away?" Pull yourself together, 105! The moment you turn you expose yourself as a far easier target than the guards, and The Beast loves it when their quarry runs. Because as Barney has told us a million times already, The Beast's quarry never escapes. Even if there's more than one of you.

The solution, my friends, is to not be the target.

There are only two ways to gain the respect of The Beast: accept it's demonstration of strength, or surprise it with your own.

Our second option takes the former into account; you're basically saying "Okay, I get it. You're stronger than me." Also, you have to take into account what the guards might do. It'll probably be something stupid, giving you an opportunity.

The third and final option acknowledges the latter, telling The Beast you've got balls of steel. It'll catch it by surprise, because no one's dared to fight it until now. Plus, you've been eyeing 59 for some time now. Once this reaches her ears there's no way she'll be able to resist falling for you.

It's a real hard choice between 2 and 3... but I gotta go with 2. I really like where this is going and I don't want to risk this quest just for some extra action.
Birdsie Birdsie K KodomoYamiya official clown business official clown business Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi
You continue to back away slowly and the beast continues to step forward slowly. Eventually, one of the oblivious guards nerve's break and he raises his baton to defend. The beast's eyes shift to this small challenge and seem amused. However, when the other guards begin to brandish their weapons the amusement turns into anger. You take this opportunity to spin on your feet and race off as the beast charges forward. You are forced to duck low as one of the guards is thrown over your head but manage to continue running.

You are several yards down the hallway when you hear another set of steps echoing. You look back to see one of the guards, injured but alive, running after you. He catches your eye and his face turns pleading. "Help me! Oh god! Help me!" You continue to run and aren't surprised as a massive footsteps are heard. The beast is taking it's time chasing down the last guard, walking at a slow pace yet still gaining on him. There is a metal gate coming up that leads to the next ward and you put a little extra speed in your run. Past the gate you can make out a room door to your right and a set of metal doors down the hallway on the left. When you get to the gate you..

1)Close and lock the gate. (Dooming the guard)
2) Leave the gate open. (Giving the guard a chance at survival)


1) Hide in the room.
2) Hide down the hallway in the lockers
3) Keep running down the hallway.
1- do we look like we care? besides, it may give us the edge against the beast.

2- the lockers seem like the best bet as no one would think to check the locker for us immediately like with a room, and we're basically begging to be caught by authority if we go for a mad dash down the hall, plus the beast is still on the loose. it's just the best bet.
1- do we look like we care? besides, it may give us the edge against the beast.

2- the lockers seem like the best bet as no one would think to check the locker for us immediately like with a room, and we're basically begging to be caught by authority if we go for a mad dash down the hall, plus the beast is still on the loose. it's just the best bet.
1- do we look like we care? besides, it may give us the edge against the beast.

2- the lockers seem like the best bet as no one would think to check the locker for us immediately like with a room, and we're basically begging to be caught by authority if we go for a mad dash down the hall, plus the beast is still on the loose. it's just the best bet.
K KodomoYamiya Birdsie Birdsie Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi
You passed through the doorway and quickly spun around to slam it closed. You locked it and sneered as the guard looked on in horror. "Don't worry. You'll see me in hell!" You yelled darkly before continuing to run down the hallway. You get to the row of lockers and quickly hide yourself in one. You look through the little slits and are able to see back down where you just came from. The guard stands tugging desperately at the metal bars while muttering to himself. He suddenly looks back and then stares directly at where you're hiding. "Please! Help me!"

You only watched as a shadow fell over the guard. The Beast grabbed him by the back of his head and slammed his face into the metal door. It repeated the action until the guard went limp. Then, the Beast smashed the guard's face into the gate one more tie knocking it down. It stepped on top of the guard and entered into the ward. The Beast closed its eyes and raised its head. It stood silent and still for a few moments before it shifted it's head to the doorway next to it. The Beast roared and entered into the room. There a series of bangs then screaming as whoever was in the room was decimated. You debated moving from your spot but before you could make up your mind, the Beast reemerged. There was now blood splattered on it's chest and it seemed satisfied. It continued down the hallway and came to the lockers. The Beast regarded them for a moment but continued walking.

You let out a small sigh of relief as the Beast's rampage continued in another ward and left your hiding spot. You walked over the dead guard and left that ward knowing it would be a hot bed of activity soon. You considered what you could do now.

1) Focus on your escape
2) Find Barnatio
3) Free other test subjects
Eagleye415 Eagleye415
Just so you know, the proper spelling is: "its."
"It's" is a short for: "it is."
In other words, the sentence: "The Beast closed it's eyes," means: "The Beast close it is eyes."
Sorry for being a grammar nazi!

Also, I vote... 3. A little chaos will be good and maybe we can get some help. Let's not do it if it becomes too risky and try 2 instead.
Eagleye415 Eagleye415
Just so you know, the proper spelling is: "its."
"It's" is a short for: "it is."
In other words, the sentence: "The Beast closed it's eyes," means: "The Beast close it is eyes."
Sorry for being a grammar nazi!

Also, I vote... 3. A little chaos will be good and maybe we can get some help. Let's not do it if it becomes too risky and try 2 instead.
O_O Whoops. Fresh out of bed at this point.
depends, can we do a write-in where-in we make clones to do both 2 and 3 while the main one does 1? otherwise, i have to go with 3, chaos prevails!
depends, can we do a write-in where-in we make clones to do both 2 and 3 while the main one does 1? otherwise, i have to go with 3, chaos prevails!
There is a reason I haven't mentioned the clones in any of these options so far. Stay tuned ;)

It occurs to me that another option that would fit our heartless persona is freeing the guard and then hiding, just to let him run and be a distraction. Oh well, wasn't thinking of that at the time.

Just so you know, the proper spelling is: "its."
"It's" is a short for: "it is."
In other words, the sentence: "The Beast closed it's eyes," means: "The Beast close it is eyes."
Sorry for being a grammar nazi!
You... I like you. Not least of all because JoJo.

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