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Realistic or Modern Panorama || school of assassination

Panorama was awfully cold this time of year, with snow and all of the wintery, holiday things people liked. It was nice enough temperatures for one to enjoy a warm mug of hot cocoa or sit by the fire. A luxury, sadly, that not all of those who wanted to could afford.

There was one woman, with hair as white as the snow covering the ground and ice blue eyes, that sat in front of a computer screen. Staring up into the abyss of codes and words that not all would be able to interpret. She was working or, well, trying to. “Alondra,” came the feminine, refined tone. “Hmm..?” It was a response, but the other girl didn’t so much as budge. A sigh, “yes, Harley?” This voice was slightly higher, with a more musical light to it.

There was more silence and then, “we have to get ready soon.” Blue eyes shifted to meet light brown, the darkness of the room shadowing some of their less prominent features. Alondra had always worked better in lightly dimmed areas, not needing the excess amount of light to do what she needed. “I’m not going, I have too much to do.” There wasn’t a response needed, the decision seemed to be finalized.

A scoff resonated throughout the area, “if I’m going you’re going and I hate to break it to you, but I have to.” It was true, everyone who wasn’t a part of Alondras team had to attend. The only reason her squad got away with not going was because they were supposed to be extremely busy with the next mission, they still got an invitation regardless. A lot of them were choosing to go, too. Actually there was supposed to be a new addition to her group there, someone by the name of Cipher.

Uncertainty of what to say, in reality. There could be use in her attending, she would get to meet the newbie. Yet, she was so busy here not working seemed to be a waste of time. “That wasn’t a request,” Harley broke the silence, all seriousness in her voice. It was enough to make Alondra raise a brow, “oh?”

Harley scowled, looking completely concerned at the idea of her not being there. She wasn’t sure why it mattered, they barely spoke in public. However, she let out a small laugh and waved her off, “I’ll be there, just give me a bit.”

A bit might have been longer than that. Alondra didn’t come out of communications until the clock struck six, right when the party was supposed to be starting. She made it work, heading to her room and deciding she would just arrive fashionably late. Not that she had anything very Christmasy.

She stuck with a skin tight black dress and black heels, putting her hair up in a messy bun with strands and pieces falling out ever so slightly. It worked, even if Harley might scold her for the length of time she took. Harley, unlike her, didn’t arrive late for anything. It was like a rule that was driven into her, pulling at her entire being. She detested being late.

At six thirty exactly Alondra stepped into the great hall. An awkward aspect the school happened to have to it, but what a place to throw the party. There were plenty of people here, people of all different types and backgrounds. It was a nice thing for the school to throw even if it was unusual.

Harley had been at the party since it had started, per the schools rules for this event. No more than five minutes late if you could help it. She herself was enjoying sipping on some punch in a corner, not interacting but not ignoring either. She had come in a red dress, adorned with jewelry and gold heels. Her hair cascaded around her features, kept down nicely as it always was.
Nero didn't want to be here.

There weren't many places that Nero felt comfortable, and a party certainly wasn't on his list. His fingers twitched at his sides as if pulling a trigger as he mentally pictured himself in the shooting range to calm himself down, eyes blown wide and hazy as he stared at his own shoes. He hadn't really known what to wear; Nero wasn't very good with clothes, and even if he was he didn't have anything to his name that could be remotely considered stylish. He had dressed the way he always did, in his fatigues, the only clothes he had been given when he left his lifelong home for Panorama. (They had never gotten clothes that fit him right, funnily enough. Even now Nero was on the smaller side, but they dressed him in whatever they could find, so the green army jacket he wore was far too big. Being dwarfed in the fabric made him feel safe, though.)

Nero thought that he should be a bit embarrassed of his own outfit, as he looked up from his shoes and stared out at the party, but he couldn't find it in himself to care too much. He doubted anyone would look at him twice regardless. What was a party like this for, anyway? He could only assume it was social time, something he had never gotten growing up. He didn't know how to go about something like it now. Was he supposed to go up to people, talk to them? There was a word for that his father had always used, when he talked about what to do on missions--strike up conversation. Nero always thought that sounded violent, to strike. it wasn't something he wanted to do to his classmates.

But maybe, he thought vaguely, maybe it was more like baseball. Sports were one of the few things Nero had gotten a handle of in his time in the military's program, since his father loved to listen to old games on the radio in their free time. So he did know what strike meant. Maybe striking up conversation was like striking a ball, missing spectacularly. That was what Nero would do, anyways. Surely, he wouldn't be able to do any better than that.

With a heavy sigh, Nero moved his hand to play with the zipper of his jacket and receded further into the background of the party. Later, he decided, he would make conversation with someone, but the thought of doing it now brought a strong wave of distaste. Yeah, later. That would work, wouldn't it?

God, Nero thought. Who was he kidding?

Alastair Proctor
Open for Interaction
Mentions: bambino bambino Nero
Alastair stared at the rich brown color of the iced coffee in front of him, his blue eyes vacant. His steady breath misted in a translucent cloud with every exhale. The cold bite of winter made his nose and ears red, but he wasn’t bothered by the temperature. The sun was setting already, its golden rays stretching far into the air to mix with the pale blue of the sky. He had come out here to enjoy the last few minutes of daylight before the day sunk into the shadows of the evening. It had been a slow day for him. Classes were shortened to make time for the Christmas party later, something he didn’t care too much about. Blending into galas and charity events was something he’d eventually need to learn to do, something both of his parents more than excelled at. Being comfortable with being the center of attention when it’s necessary and fading into the shadows at a whim. At the moment the only thing he had mastered was fading into the shadows. Maybe he could win people over with a smile and eye contact. It was--doable for him, at the very least.

His eyes followed languidly after milling figures in the distance as people rushed to start their evenings. He had considered not going to the event at all. Staying in and sharpening his skills sounded much more appealing to him, but at the last minute he had decided against it. Alastair was informed that he’d be added to a new team soon, some kind of mission that wasn’t explained in very clear detail. He was just given the names of his soon to be teammates, most of which he expected would be attending tonight. He tapped his finger lightly on the book that rested on the table, his finger emanating a padded thump with each repetition. It would be better to know their personalities beforehand, so he’d fit in seamlessly within the team. Things were less--painful that way.

Alastair stood and grabbed his belongings in one fluid motion, moving away from the sitting area he had occupied for the time being. It was probably better that he get ready now, to avoid rushing lest something more important come up unexpectedly. He took a sip of the iced coffee in his hand, the taste more bitter than it was sweet. His shadow stretched across the pavement, reaching to join the growing darkness that was settling down for the evening. Now--what did he want to wear?


Alastair straightened the cuffs of his tuxedo jacket as he walked, the soft sound of music wafting high up in the air in a soft melody. He could hear the ambient sounds of people; clinking glasses, bursts of laughter, the occasional cough. He had settled on a standard black tux, nothing too festive enough to stand out but still formal enough to look like he belonged. His blonde hair was slicked back neatly, not a single strand out of place as he pushed through the heavy doors of the ballroom. He entered one of the doors at the back of the event, stopping a moment to take in the milling crowd of people now suddenly before him. His eyes slid to the side at movement in his peripheral, someone dressed in military fatigues and who stuck out even this far in the back. He looked young and unsure of himself, like being here was causing him stress. After the momentary draw of his attention, Alastair turned back to the crowd in front of him, scoping out the layout of the ballroom in order to find a spot with the best view of the whole room. He checked the face of the watch on his wrist, the glass gleaming brilliantly in the glittering yellow lights that dominated the ballroom. Not too early, not too late. Alastair smoothed his hair back instinctually before motioning to weave through the crowd, his footsteps impossibly light.
Akira Okita.


open for interaction • annoyed • outfit

A party. What a foolish thing to waste one's time on. Akira had gone most of her life without socializing, why the school thought it was necessary to cut classes short for this nonsense was beyond her. She knew fifty different ways to kill a man with her bare hands in under 20 seconds, what could she possibly learn at a ball that her parents hadn't already taught her?

With an annoyed huff, she finished zipping up her dress and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Usually, Kira wore all black to blend into the shadows, she'd never really cared to mess with her look, anything she could move in easily was good enough for her. This dress was not easy to move in, but at least it had a high enough slit that it wouldn't hinder her legs if she needed to run.

The bright, emerald green of the dress complimented the dark features of her eyes and hair, she could appreciate that at least. Her mother had sent the dress along with a note, the simple word behave written in her mother's unmistakable cursive. She ran her fingers along the satin texture of the dress, letting herself enjoy the luxury of it for a brief moment before shaking herself out of it. It was a useless dress, nothing more.

As much as she didn't like it, she did realize that attending events like this party would help her on undercover missions. She was used to working in the shadows with no one ever seeing her until it was too late. She needed to learn how to blend into the crowd and act normal, not every mission could be completed with little to no human interaction. There would be times when she would need to gather intel, and one thing that the Academy had taught her was that violence wasn't always the answer. Though, most of the time it was.

After procrastinating as long as she possibly could, Kira exited her quarters and began the long walk to the hall where the party was being held. She'd never worn heels much before, but she had expert balance and found herself not tripping as much as she'd expected to. The shoes, the dress, the party, it was all stupid. This nonsense wasn't what assassins should be spending their time on.

She'd left the compound she grew up on to come to the academy, thinking it would take her to the next level. There was only so much learning she could do from her family, she needed to expand her knowledge with different teachers and experiences. Unfortunately, she hadn't realized their idea of teaching included parties.

There were many times that Akira considered leaving the academy and returning home, but this was her only chance to prove to her parents that she could survive on her own in the outside world. Her mother was incredibly paranoid and hovered over her children, none of the Okita kids were allowed to leave the compound except on missions. If she ever wanted the freedom to move out of the compound and away from her controlling parents, she had to graduate the academy top of her class.

The bright lights and noise of the party quickly drew her attention, obsidian eyes scanning the crowd for her classmates. She hadn't made many friends in the almost year she'd been at the academy, it wasn't something that came easily to her. Fighting, murder, acrobatics, those things were as natural to her as breathing. Socializing was....something she'd never done before.

She knew her parents were the best of the best and everything they'd taught their children was to help them become just as good as they were one day. The brutal training and tests they'd put her through were out of love, but sometimes Kira wondered if never letting them leave the house was helpful, or a hinderance to their learning.

Distracted by the overwhelming presence of other people, Kira didn't even notice when the sharp edge of her heel caught on someone's dress, sending her tripping into the back of someone. Her arms reached out to brace herself on their back, quickly sturdying herself before the person could turn around. Though it was entirely her fault for falling into them, Kira couldn't let herself look like a fool.

"Watch where you're going, idiot." She hissed, crossing her arms tightly across her chest.​


Nikandros Ortiz.

Harley (mentioned) endersheart endersheart
Akira a z u l a a z u l a
Behaved Devious

Niko wearing something appropriate to a party for once in his life, who would have thought?

"Nikandros! What an interesting name Princey." The girl called from the room as Niko added a few finishing touches to his outfit for the Christmas that was being held at Panorama. As an Arab Muslim Niko didn't celebrate Christmas, but that didn't mean he was going to allow himself to miss out on any party here.

Walking out of the bathroom he saw the girl looking his fake id over. He was an illegal immigrant in the US as he refused to go through legalization since it was just smartest the missing crowned prince of Saudi Arabia didn't get discovered as an American citizen. "I told you to stop with the Princey, love." A soft tease broke through his thick Arabic accent. He made no acknowledgment of having heard her speak of his name. Instead, Niko turned, raising a wrist to fix the cuff. "Now If you'll excuse me I shall get going. Let yourself out, or don't. Allow for me to have the element of surprise when I return if that's what you would like." He hummed out like a charming symphony.

"I thought you said you would have liked to get some restlessness out before this party that your Princely ass feels the need to behave at. Come on surely you could spare a bit more time. I thought Princes liked being fashionably late." Niko took his attention off the door, looking back at the chestnut-haired girl with lust-stricken green eyes. Niko had no self-control as it was that look right there is what it took to push him over the edge.

His eyes cold, mouth pressed into a firm tight line as he walked down the hall the knife in his hand being thrown up that caught in a rhythm. The white button-up that was messily tucked into black ripped jeans was tight against his chest flaunting his chest. The white on black complete with his complexion. Missing cultural clothes during events like this was nothing Niko would ever get used to. Sometimes he thought back on his home and he oddly missed it. Sure at Panorama he had a purpose that he never would have had the chance to lead back home however Saudi Arabia was still his home... that's where his people were and he couldn't help but feel the hole in his heart where Saudia Arabia used to be. His naturally curly hair doing its own thing as Niko usually allowed for it to do.

He'd been at Panorama for quite a while now as just an average person. Somehow, somewhere another student attending the school had figured out his origin and it spread like wildfire that Niko was the missing Arabian Prince. Panorama knew this would be an issue at some point. They were prepared for the time it did come. Without a doubt, there would be people there looking to sell out Niko for a bounty and that wasn't going to be tolerated.

Upon entering the Great Hall where the Christmas Party was being held he was immediately on guard. Scouting the groups of people that occupied the space, observing many different faces. Niko was radiating confidence as he abandoned his scouting to sink deeper and deeper into the Great hall unconsciously navigating his way to the refreshers. There was a girl standing there in a gorgeous red dress, her whole appearance the hair and jewelry adding onto her appearance that reminded Niko of a Princess to begin with. Carefully gathering up some punch in a cup Niko went to back off when a saw a weird flash of green in his peripheral vision only to be jostled a few moments later.

"Excuse me, love." He said out of surprise. He had reached out in an attempt to help catch her, but she took care of herself pretty well. Idiot? Had she called him an idiot? That was rather rude of her, it was just an accident. "Well if that's how it's gonna be you could have in the very least put sophisticated in front of it." He scoffed. "Al'ama" (damn) Niko cursed aloud in his native tongue.


Parties were the young heiress's specialty. The dark-haired woman had spent a good majority of her life in the public eye. She had attended countless parties in both the name of her family and for personal matters. Where some discerned parties to be monotonous, the vixen saw an opportunity in such events. If Eva Cai had learned anything from her youth, it was that parties were the perfect setting for gossip and gathering intel.

As always, Eva was dressed to kill. Of course, not in the literal sense, but rather in the metaphorical sense. The assassin donned an elegant white silk gown with dainty gold heels and accessories. The gown itself was a simpler cut or fashion than what she usually dressed in, but she had not chosen it by mistake. The real cherry on top was the intricately crafted, armor-like accessory that encompassed the area between her lower chest to the upper portion of her neck.

By the deadly goddess had entered the Great Hall, the party had already been underway. The room was filled with chatter and pops of color. Though there were people of different backgrounds there, they were all capable of something lethal.

Eva's hazel orbs flickered her surroundings as she weaved through the crowd. In the past, she would have been given a mission to fulfill by her father while attending such events as this one. Nothing had been simple during her life in Shanghai. But, today, she could simply enjoy the taste of freedom that her family had unknowingly given to her years ago when they had sent her to the academy. While she would still use her time wisely, she would do so without the pressure of her family.

After snagging a bit of punch for herself, Eva strategically moved to stand near the mysterious woman in the stunning red dress in the corner. "Such a bold dress for someone to lurk in the corner in." she commented, bringing her cup of punch to her softly painted lips briefly. "But, I am intrigued nonetheless." Though she had not verbally asked any sort of question, she was curious if the lady in red would entertain her company.

INTERACTION(S): Harley endersheart endersheart
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open for interaction


Cipherion stood propped against the window sill. Outside it was a winter wonderland, the ground was covered with a thick clean sheet of snow same with the pines. Sunlight left a sparkly glint as it beamed down on it. Small animals skittering around in the snow, playing with one another as young children would. The frost on the window formed in a beautiful glassy pattern bringing the winter wonderland scene outside their window together. The view Cipher set their eyes out upon brought a warm feeling into their heart. An image of sitting around a warm fire with a blanket wrapped around them and a cup of hot chocolate in their hand flashed in their mind. From what they can remember they always had a connection to the season; the smells, sights, tastes, all of it. There was just something about it all that Cipher adored.

A gentle wrap on their door penetrated through their last thought bringing them back into reality. Pushing themself off the windowsill they walked over to the door. Upon opening it they noticed there was no one on the other side however something had brushed up against their arm. A dress had been hung up on their door with a note.

Christmas party this afternoon. Thought you might need something. Consider this a warm welcoming to Panorama!

Cipher wasn't sure who R was as they had only been here for a day and had only met staff. Even with the fact they didn't know R they were grateful for the dress. Lifting it off the door the first thing Cipher noticed was that the dress was far from light. There was a white bag covering it so they hadn't the slightest clue of what was with this dress.

It didn't take them long to figure it out though. Pull the bag of they noticed all the accessories. "Oh holy rich people!" There was no way this dress wasn't damn well expensive. They didn't waste any time getting ready. Immediately hopping in the tub for a shower. They were more than excited about the dress but that would have to wait while they got ready. Cipher decided for a more simple hairstyle, curling their hair into bigger and bolder curls then tying up a small section into a ponytail. Now was time for the dress which they would love to add was the most complex dress they put on though it was still very much worth it. The ending product left them speechless. They couldn't grasp how one dress could be so beautiful.

If Cipher ever figured out who R was they swear they will love this person for the rest of their life. They didn't even know if they owned the right heels for this. With how deadly villainess this dress was Cipher would need their deadliest pair of heels which did in fact work wonders with this dress. Looking at the time they realized they had finished getting ready with perfect timing, they wouldn't be that late.

Getting to the Great Hall was easier than it should have been as Cipher was new, but they had received a tour and was able to get the whole building down layout down from just that. Entering the Great Hall was ever so slightly strange for Cipher, some people had locked eyes on them immediately and began gaping which just brought more eyes on them as others wondered what their friends were staring at. Yeesh, did R own a charm? "Alright, that's good. You can stop now." They muttered after a few seconds beginning to move further into the Great Hall. They were perfectly fine with socializing it's just when they were the center of attention.

They weren't really sure what they were doing as they one came here all due to R's dress. Cipher didn't know anyone... yet that is. It never hurt to meet new people. It's been a while since they've been surrounded by the presence of others. For the past 6 years Cipher had been on their own, a lone wolf on the streets. They had been on a mission to remember no matter how bad the things they can't remember maybe. They'd managed to get intel from sources they made a deal to never talk off. They worked with Black Markets for intel, but in the end, they lost. The one time Cipher failed to cover their tracks they got caught and taken into custody. They were placed in a maximum-security prison while the government uncovered all they had been up to. Cipher was caught off guard when the deal came in; Cipher would either be spending life in prison or they could go to Panorama. At that point, they knew the Government knew of all they had done, with no doubt in their mind they also knew what Cipher couldn't remember. Cipher had agreed on the term that they wouldn't be doing anymore killing. A deal was set, they were free from prison and shipped off to Panorama. Now they were going to be working with the intelligence team due to being a prodigy.

Speaking of the intelligence team they had spotted the one that they believed was the head of operations, Alondra. They may have demanded the names and pictures of everyone on the team yesterday as they wanted to be prepared for it they saw one of them before they started. Cipher wasn't sure where Alondra had gone now. They had their eyes on her as she entered until the crowd shifted and the small clearing was closed. Oh well for now they would find something else to do, if Cipher saw her again then they would go introduce themself. They turned sharply heading off in another direction in a desperate attempt to find something to busy them.

Really, Harley should have known better. Actually, she should have known a lot better. Showing up at Panoramas big Christmas event in an expensive red dress, not the best move. She didn’t catch anybodies eye throughout the year, never, because she didn’t want to. There were the occasional people who wanted to see her climb, her S class superiority; not that she had much of that. That, however small, was the extent of the curiosity on her and her life.

Then again, maybe she was kidding herself since her reputation seemed to go around at the very least. Her kill count a note-worthy display at every meeting with officials. Nothing to brag about, was it? So she’d become an exceptional killer, was that really something to be proud of? If her father thought so, it had to be some form of amoral.

Whatever thoughts swarmed through her head didn’t stop the girl, Eva Cai as she took note, from making her way to her. What a coincidence, you had to have money to know money. There was only a few people here who seemed to fit that basis, the others would have died to get fed off a silver spoon. Harley would have died to not.

The girls melodic voice rung out, reaching her ears and causing her to internally flinch. Eva was lovely, in all honesty, she was and the tone her voice took on was even lovelier, but their viewpoints would never match up. Harley would argue that the basis on which they lived was wrong, on how it was corrupt and manipulative; dark. Her classmate, more than likely, would disagree.

Yet words still slipped from her lips, “what details are you trying to disclose from me?” It was the best the other girl would probably get, might as well take it and run. Normally, she wouldn’t even be bothered with such inconvenient chitter chatter. Today she supposed she could manage. After all, it was a party.

Interactions: Eva BOKEH. BOKEH.
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