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Fandom Overlord: Enigma (IC)


A wide, toothy grin brightened Empyrean's face when Tempesta counseled his choice of monster to bring, as if he would be interested in anything that would avoid eating weak village citizens. While he said nothing, his expression spoke volumes as he left the meeting hall to head to The Garden. Ozsnik the Goblin was caretaker of the beasts and perhaps the only other person who was familiar with Empyrean's collection of monsters and creatures from around the world. So when the sadistic angel told the goblin of his plans, the caretaker knew exactly what Empyrean would want. In no time he gathered up the Barghest Pack, a dozen wolf-like monsters that they'd recently started breeding due to their many uses. Before he departed with the pack, Empyrean had to check on the severed limb he collected from the fight between Eschaton and Egaloth's possessed body. As expected, Ozsnik had already placed the arm into a vat to help preserve it until Empyrean was ready to run tests on it.

Without further distractions he rejoined Tempesta and the two finally departed the castle. Soaring through the air was weird. it was only his second time and even the first time he hadn't traveled so far or so fast. Yet somehow it seemed so easy and was sort of fun. He glanced over at his partner, listening to the vampire's complaints. Now that they were living in the bodies that they had created, Empyrean was proud of himself for not having chose something like vampire, or even the demon classes. Not only did he not have any pesky weaknesses they those races did, but he was also a race that would be welcomed by most civilizations with open arms.

"Perhaps we can whip up something to help you resist the sun's rays once we return to the castle. I may be able to create a potion or find a spell to ease the discomfort." While he thought back over all that he knew, Empyrean spotted what would look like a dark cloud racing across the ground below them. In truth it was his barghest pack, keeping pace with the flying duo while they dipped through trees and ran over hills. Per their master's request, the pack had avoided attacking anything or anyone that they came across. "Hmph...they're doing better than I would have expected. It seems my control over them here goes beyond simply targeting enemies, they are sticking to the same path that we travel while only straying to avoid obstructions or sentient life, and although this world is new to us, they seem more familiar with the surroundings." The sun reflected off of the angel's golden wings as he flattened them, causing him to lift higher into the air. "For now I am content to observe whatever specimen we come across my dear Tempesta. you needn't worry about my behavior." There were a lot of comparisons to be made between this new world and the one that they knew, so he wouldn't be taking anything apart just yet. Surface examinations would suffice for the time being.

"I believe I see something interesting up ahead." He swept his white hair from his face and raised his hand to block the sunlight from his eyes. "Should we investigate?" He looked over to his partner, a smile growing on his face once more.


”Ahhh yes one of the lollies has decided to put on her big girl pants today…pfff.. Give me a break you try dealing with these two all the time.”

Adelheid's head instantly turned to the demon, her lips curled as she slowly rose from her seat in anger. Coupled with the grating smug expressions of both Solis and Luna, she was prepared for a battle of insults to ensue. Though as she opened her mouth to retaliate, from the corner of her eye she spotted a cold glare of disapproval from Fritz. Adelheid paused for a moment, processing the situation and the consequences if she replied to Zagreus. Finally, she came to the conclusion that she wouldn't win this skirmish, letting out a short huff and sank back into her seat. Zagreus may have won this battle, however Adelheid fully intends to win this war of banter against the demon. But for now, she chose to instead refocus her attention towards the opinions brought forth by others.

The others all came to similar opinions, and each of these suggestions all seemed to mostly align with each other. Carmaine was one of the last to speak, mentioning some sort of village that needed to be investigated. Following this, she gave Adelheid herself a light flick to her forehead. The sorcerer simply nodded along. While she didn't appreciate the flick, it could be ignored given the favour she had done for Adelheid. "See? We can't stay in here forever," Adelheid quickly added. With all of them reaching to roughly the same conclusions, Fritz was bound to eventually relax his strict rules—of which he did.

"Yes! Thank you!" Adelheid cheerfully exclaimed, slamming her palms against the table as she shot up from her chair. "We won't let you down Fritz."

Tempesta and Empyrean were the first to leave the hall, while Eschaton and Zagreus soon followed. Adelheid took this as their moment to leave as well. She quickly scampered towards the room's exit, beckoning Carmaine to follow with a wide motion of her right arm. "Well let's get a move on now! Who knows what...Ni Taku...? I mean Ri Haku found!"
TAGS: Servant Servant
Cats and the Cradle and the Knight of DOOM.
Zagreus Kayn
Eschaton’s comment made the demon embarrassed. Iris was supposed to be his little secret that no one would’ve found out about, but alas you can’t hide the truth for long. Zagreus face-palmed in his chair. Why did Iris have to come out now? He was not expecting this day to come so soon. It was as if it was yesterday when he forcefully locked her in his shadow. The best hiding place is one no one would be able to check. "I didn't know we were going to have daddies in this world. How convenient." The demon pauses for seconds and takes a deep breath in. With him holding back a little bit of laughter he teases his blood-sucking beauty, “Yeah she may have a few daddy issues, but I can be the daddy to your issues.” After that, he licks his left fang and proceeded to bite his bottom lip. Iris stares at her master questioning: Why was he flirting with another creator? She did not understand what this type of love was. Was it some sort of emotion she was supposed to be feeling? Zagreus noticed that Iris was still there with a puzzled look on her face. “Iris this isn’t the best time deal can you please wait outside“ Not even giving her a chance to answer, Zagreus called for Creo to come to his side. “Can you please escort Lady Iris out of the room?” “It would be my pleasure master, “ she said in a flirty tone and with a sadistic laugh at the end. The flirtatious beast-kind grabbed Iris by the arm and basically dragged her out of the room. Iris made a scene by fighting Creo on the way out, which most people hopefully ignored.

Zagreus listened in when Fritz made his decision on the next step on their next step. Not because he wants to but so he could forget the past five minutes."If Carmaine is going out to the scouted village, I don't see why the rest of you can't scout as well.” Zagreus wasn't surprised that Fritz went with the majority. He was always a leader that went with the bulk of everyone unless Carmine was against it. The two were basically a couple in his eyes.“Eschaton and Zagreus can move as a pair to scout the North.” Fritz you piece of shit. I would have rather been with Carmaine..no.. Adelheid. I rather deal with the bitch witch than be with the knight that just found out about my secret NPC. If this is a prank Fritz, it’s not funny at all. "Any objections?" Before Zagreus could object to this pairing, his teacher’s pet of a partner spoke up. "None, my Lord. I shall ensure we complete our recon with the utmost efficiency." Can you drop that damn act once? He knew that Eschaton wasn't looking forward to the good cop, bad cop partnership. Zagreus didn't need to be babysat. He was capable of scouting by himself but after all that fighting he just wanted to take a nap. "Zagreus, meet me at the stables in 5 minutes. I need to swap out some equipment. Bring Iris with you." Inside Zag’s mouth, his muscles gradually form a smile and he answers this with a snap of his fingers with the same hand quickly switching to a thumbs up. His face expressed that everything was fine but what he truly thought was FUCK! This is going to be interesting.

Once the meeting was over Zagreus, met up with his NPCs and Iris outside the hallway. He motioned them to follow him. The look on Zagreus his face was definitely not a pleased one. He was internally nervous but on the outside the only thing people could see what a fit of rage that was being held back is. Luna asked her master “That Iris girl pretty dull in the head. Why even let her Bask in Your Glory? She's not even worth a second of your attention master.” Solis chimed in “Sounds like you're just jealous that Master create somebody better than you” Not wanting an argument to stir up after that scene, Zagreus tells both of them “Silence both of you. You Listen to me. Iris is my creation if you're going to mock something that I made then you are insulting me. Got it!” The demon and his small band of misfits briefly stop at his quarters to restock and for Zagreus to put some new clothes on. He still hasn't been able to, since the maid outfit was ripped off.

Stepping into the Stables Zagreus So what he always assumed to be Eschaton. Wow, he cleans up well. If only he would show his face more often; he’d probably get more of the ladies. He jealously thought. "Zagreus, before we depart, would you mind telling me why Iris referred to me as her father?" Zag didn't want to but Eschaton has been around for a long time so he would probably know if he was lying about Iris. The man basically wrote the book for the guild on how to program the NPCs. Which Zag didn't read until he fucked up on Iris. He started to explain why he made her. she was created because he wanted a bodyguard with him at all times. He saw that Eschaton had the perfect template and tried to use the Knight’s guide on how to make an NPC but obviously, that didn't work for the lazy monk. One night when Eschaton was offline, Zagreus broke into the Golem's room and copied Kaleido’s code, and used it to make Iris. Since he never read the guide, he didn’t know how Eskaton coded his NPCs. Using his own form of code, Zagreus made Iris in the image he wanted. Her code was like a bridge that was remodeled but never finished. “SOOOO!....At the end of things she is a broken copy of Kaleido,” he said with a smile.
Code By Nano
Interaction: StealthyShades StealthyShades

In truth, Eschaton didn't know what to think of the current situation. Should he be furious that his fellow guild mate had violated his privacy by entering his chambers without his permission? Or maybe flattered that he was willing to attempt to read his guide and found one of his NPCs worth copying. So many complex feelings at once were difficult to handle. Thankfully, even with a human-looking face, this body still retained the nigh permanent stoic look of Eschaton, despite his internal turmoil. A few seconds of silence went by before Eschaton finally opened his mouth to respond to the demon. "I see..... I guess it cannot be helped...." Eschaton turned away for a moment before summoning a few horse golems to his side, one for each of the npc's present. "Due to the disappearance of the user interface, I doubt that I would be able to change any of her current code. For now, it's best if we took note of behavioral irregularities and seek an alternative means of remedying them." Despite his fancy wording, he essentially wanted to find out what exactly about her was "broken.". It seems to care more about the result of the Zagreus' antics than the actual methods. "I'd advise you to bring her to this scouting operation and keep a close eye on her." This reminded him of something he needed to do. "Kaleido, stand down until I say otherwise." He commanded his shadow guard and they knowledged his command with a brief salute from an extra shadow which then melded into his own. He knew how overprotective Kaleido was. And if Iris was anything similar, it could cause complications.
Seeing the reflection of himself on one of the horse's shiny armor made him realize how distracting this form was, and promptly activated a spell to cosmetically change his look. And just like that he new outfit was transformed into something much more familiar to him. A knight cladded in full dark armor with a flowing red cape. And with that, the knight promptly got up on his horse, expecting the others to do the same. "Also." The knight turned to Zargeus, his black empty-looking visor staring into the demon's soul. "I'd appreciate it if you were to avoid entering my chambers without my permission." A singular crimson eye glowed from within the helmet, a very rare sight of Eschaton's mild annoyance, or undying rage. its difficult to tell since his voice always seems to be calm. "That said, if you ever need help with something, please do not hesitate to ask." Despite all that has happened, Eschaton still can't help but extend his helping hand to his guildmate. He has always been like this, though people often overlook this due to his quiet nature.
From there, the party traveled north, as per Fritz's instructions. Eventually, the team stumbled upon a long-traveled road, clearly, something meant for travelers of the land to take. And just on the Horizon, he could see a small convoy of cargo carriages. Upon closer inspection, they seemed to be under attack from humans on horseback. Based on their gear and stature, they looked nothing more like common bandits, probably no more than level 3 to 4. There were around 20 of them, all of which were surrounding the carriages, quickly immobilizing them with explosive weapons. With his superior eyesight, Eschaton could see that despite being better equipped, the defenders were outnumbered and outgunned, being pinned down by arrows from all sides. Among the more noticeable defenders of the convoy were two ladies. They seemed to discussing about something while viciously defending the convoy.
Now, based on Eschaton's experience, the prettier NPCs tend to be ones with important information, and maybe even secret quests. Though, as a knight, he had more reasons to protect and rescue the damsels and in distress. Pointing his sword forward, he gave the party a few commands, being very careful with his words as to avoid any confusion. "Kill 1/4 of the bandits, I want some of them alive for interrogation. I want the members and contents of that convoy to be left unharmed." Without another word, the knight charged ahead of the team with an exceptionally large sword in hand. The first few bandits that spotted the knight attempted to stop the Knight's advance only to be cleaved in half with a single strike. The knight hopped off his horse, putting himself between the immobilized carriage, and the remaining bandits. Despite his initial bravado, the knight stood his ground, awaiting his allies. To mop up the rest, he knew much Zagreus enjoyed killing mobs and didn't want to get in the way.
The bandits responded quickly to the new threat, revealing a hidden carriage near the edges of the road. From those carriages, three iron golem emerged, each nearly 10ft tall. The defenders of the carriage seemed dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of these golems, but Eschaton, however, was not so impressed, noting that these golems in Yggradsil were nothing more than trash mobs, something only early-level summoners would use. The golems would slowly walk towards the carriage, forcing the defenders to hold their ground and attempt to attack from range with minimal effect. Eschaton, however, stood still. Knowing Zagreus would make short work of all these trash mobs without his interference.

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars

Tempesta was surprised that Empyrean was able to practically hear her mumble underneath her breath. Sure, having his assistance with resisting the sun would be absolutely amazing. But did she really trust whatever he was going to put inside a potion? No. Not at all. Finding a spell on the otherhand, everyone knows all of that comes with some kind of price. So letting that sit in the back of her mind, she side glanced Empy as he spoke highly about his pets, causing her to look down and see them running across the land. At least they had some kind of army with them, not that they needed it too much but it was always good to have. Tempesta began to survey her surroundings and taking mental notes of the forests, lakes, and large enough rivers. With the lack of an actual map, she was lowkey hoping that there would be one at the next location of civilization they'd come across. They'd be practically useless without one otherwise. Sure, they had compasses but those could only do so much with pointing in only one direction.

It was as if the gods of this world had heard her thoughts as the pair started to come up on something. A small village of some sorts? Surely had a large main building that stuck out like a sore thumb. "I believe we should, Empy." she grabbed the reins of her horse "Meet you down there." and that's when she guided her horse downward, a feeling of fluttering in her stomach which had caused her to start laughing as she descended through the clouds and towards the town. It felt freeing being in this world compared to the original. Back home, it was stuffy, and it was a constant routine that felt like it wouldn't get better or even change. Now that they were all here, they had new lives, could do new things. Sure no TV or video games but who really needed those while living in a world of magic and plenty of different races?

As she got closer to the ground, Tempesta steered her horse til the horse itself was able to land, running and slowing to a stop much like a plane would. The vampire gently petted the animal while praising it and hopping off of its back. The wings had retracted and it seemed the horse was going to take a short rest. "Thank you kindly, you magnificent creature." patting the nose, she took a look up toward the sky to see if Empyrean had followed along "Think our first objective would to be gathering a map? That way we have one before we leave this place."

"Don will make a fine addition to this journey. Just make sure that the little guy doesn't run into anything that would eat him in one bite." Fritz said jokingly. He was confident that they could deal with anything they came across in a timely manner. If they came across anything they couldn't deal with, protecting Don would be the least of their worries. "If you already got all your gear, we can start to head out. I doubt we'll encounter anything too intriguing on our trip." The demon said, getting up from his seat. "Also, leave the mask. That thing looks dreadful, can't have Zagreus looking classier than you." Fritz said, proceeding to the door and out into the hallway. That mask always gave him the creeps, making it less than pleasant to talk to Penny face to face sometimes.

After a short walk, Fritz arrived outside, looking to the sky. It was weird to not only be in this body, but to be in a completely different world than his old one. The feeling was one that he was still getting used to and he was sure some of the others felt the same. "Welcome to your new home." He mumbled to himself, turning towards the entrance so he could see when Penny appeared. Getting around would be easy since Fritz could just use the spell Mass fly. They would be able to cover great distances in a short amount of time, which was the ultimate goal.

With Penny finally arriving, they could start their journey south. "Have everything you need? Once we're on the move we are going to keep moving. Unless we come across something interesting of course." Fritz said, turning towards the southernly direction. What was in that direction was unknown to him. This world didn't have the same locations as the game, it was clear that there were many differences about this world, yet there were many similarities too. Whatever they came across, he just hoped it wasn't muddy. He didn't want to get his bright clothes all muddy.

Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
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Location: Meeting room -> Outside

Penny wrote the result of the discussion down in her tome of projection before putting it back into her inventory. She didn't need to prepare anything more since she already did it before the shut down, also Don should have better traveling items with him. As Penny walked towards the guild's entrance she noticed a small figure waiting for her at the entrance.

"I have been waiting for you, master." The penguin bowed to his creator. Penny seemed to be staring at him for a moment before kneeled until they can see each other at the same level. The beaked mask and her black-white color scheme actually made Penny had similar sillhouette as the NPC in front of her.

"Don't move." Without warning Penny gave the penguin's head a few gentle strokes. At first she did it slowly but it became faster as Don himself seemed to enjoy it and moved his head to guide penny's hand.

"Ohhhh, to be blessed by the touch of a supreme being like you. I can die peacefully now. Ahh, a bit to the left please." He said as he leaned more and more onto Penny's hand.

"Supreme being, huh... Is that how you NPCs look at us players?"

"Yes! Our great creators. I will do anything for you."

"I see. Don't call me supreme being then. I don't deserve it."

"Such humbleness. Understood, boss!"

Giving the penguin a nod of approval, Penny retracted her hand and removed her mask as per Fritz's order before resuming her walks. Don still wanted more stroking but he diligently waddle along behind Penny.

"Fritz, I'm ready." She stated when finally reunited with the illusionist outside.

"At your service, Lord Fritz." The penguin followed suit with a much more formal greeting.

Slav Slav
Damn Damsels
Zagreus Kayn
Hearing eschaton viewpoints on Iris's condition, Zagreus was dumbfounded. why wasn't the Golem pissed at him? He invaded the man’s personal chambers and copied something that he worked so hard to make. Then plagiarized it in order to try to pass it off as his own. If it wasn’t for Zag's taste in NPCs, he probably would’ve had an exact copy as Kaleido. Change her? Why change her? I made her the way she is, so I forgot a couple of ones and zeros somewhere. I still think she works fine. He clearly knew that there were plenty of problems with Iris he just didn’t want to admit that Eschaton could fix her. He was always better than the Demon when it came to making non-playable characters. "I'd advise you to bring her to this scouting operation and keep a close eye on her." Zag rolled his eyes after hearing that comment. He is being told by his babysitter that he now has to babysit his mistake. At least Iris was mature; Zag could stand children in real life. They were always so immature and annoying. Some may say that this was ironic.

"I'd appreciate it if you were to avoid entering my chambers without my permission. That said, if you ever need help with something, please do not hesitate to ask." Trying not to seem too happy that the Knight was still willing to be nice to Him after his stunt Zag properly insulted him in the only way he could. “Pfft… Ok.. Professor Tin Can… I don't NEED your help but your kindness is noted and my chambers are better anyway." Iris chimed in with “Yeah.. Professor Ti..” Zagreus grabs her and covers her mouth. “Shush now Iris… Father and…uh..” a smirk appeared on his face “..Daddy is talking.” “Not fair! Why does the mistake get to call master Daddy.” Luna whined. Solis sighs “I can't believe that Im stuck in here with you.” Zag knew Solis’s pain. He felt the same way about his scouting partner.

As the group traveled north, Zagreus quickly became bored. He rode alongside the golem and wondered one thing; if Eschaton was a golem, how could the horse carry him? Was his horse lifting weights or something? As they got farther down the road they were on, the group stumped upon a convoy of traders in the distance. They looked busy for not being in a town. It took about a few seconds for Zag to realize that the customers were actually raiders. He wasn't inserted in helping them. He just wanted to get the scouting done and go back to base."Kill 1/4 of the bandits, I want some of them alive for interrogation. I want the members and contents of that convoy to be left unharmed." You always were the type to waste your time-saving someone that was going to lose anyway. At that moment the demon’s point of view quickly made a one-eighty, when he saw the pair of beauties defending the convoy.

Zag turned to Iris and told her to stay with Umbra and Creo. “Papa needs to have a little fun,” he said with an inhuman look in his eyes. “Creo don't let her out of your sight and Umbra only intervene if it’s necessary.” Creo wasn't happy that she was on babysitting duty again and gave a pouting face in repose. “Yes, Master” Umbra said as she grabbed Iris’s arm “I will watch both Creo and Iris.” He was happy that He had Umbra; if he didn't have her he would be lost and probably wouldn't have the army of assassins that he had today. You could say, if wasn't weird, Zag would marry that beast of a woman. He leaped into battle using his flames to give him more distance. As he landed on top of one of the bandits, he used their head to break his fall. The demon stood in the middle of all of them with a fearsome smile on his face and a hankering for blood. “So you like the pick on ladies do you,” He said with a psychotic giggle following his question. Three of the humans rushed to the demon trying to overwhelm him. Clearly, they don't know who they are dealing with.

Ending the ambush with one below, Zagreus completely disintegrates two of their heads and impales one of them in the stomach with his right hook. He poled his hand out of the bead bandit and licked his bloody knuckles. “So which one of you is next.” With fear in the bandits’ eyes, one of them screamed that they need the reinforcements. The blood began to affect Zagreus. Solis and Luna do not transform me. We cannot cause unwanted negative attention. “As You Wish Master but let me try this instead,” Solace said. The demon’s speed and reflexes increase significantly, as he took out another bandit that tried to rush him from behind. Whatever you're doing I like it. He cracked his knuckles and popped his neck. He stared at what he deemed to be the leader of the bandits “Is that the best you got?” Zagreus ate his own words; he saw three iron golems merge from a hidden carriage.

“Seriously that’s your trump card; I thought this was going to be entertaining for me. Well, no means to extend this fight any longer” with a single move Zag conjured earth and fire to create lava for a devastating blow against the golems. A rogue bandit tried to sneak up behind him in the middle of the chaos. Before Zagreus could deal with the bandit, Iris came in and decapitated the poor rogue. “Umbra, I thought I told you to keep an eye on her.” The fox apologized to her master for not being able to do as she was told. “Well since you are here. Demobilize and disarm. I’ve grown bored” Within a split second Umbra slits the remaining bandits' hamstrings to make sure no one could run away. All of the bandits fell to the ground and tried to crawl away. Zagreus walked up to the leader and grabbed him by his hair. “I'm gonna ask you this once. Who do you work for? Why did you attack these people?” Not giving a man time to even breathe Zagreus pulled add a go and put it to the man's throat. “You have ten seconds before I feed you to my dogs.” Creo contoured her dogs and they came to Zag's side, snarling and hungry.
Code By Nano
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Empyrean followed Tempesta downward, spiraling in a diving fashion until he was within several feet of the ground and came to a complete stop. The thundering rumble of his barghest pack was not far behind as the monsters swarmed the area , rushing in through the rusted and poorly maintained gate. They filled the courtyard and seemed immediately make themselves at home as they plopped to the ground and began resting. The angel looked around at the pack as he hovered just a few inches off the ground. "They are not immune to exhaustion it would seem." That would be a pain to deal with in the future, but at least now he knew and could keep that in mind for later plans. He looked to his partner and gave her a nod. "A map would perhaps be the most useful thing we could find right now."

His eyes went from the vampire up to the windows of the building. "It seems abandoned and for some time now by the state of it." His attention went from the broken windows down to the front door that barely hung on to the hinges. "I can't wait to see what poor excuse for a civilization inhabited this place and abandoned it." The ideas turned in the sorcerer's mind and he let them propelled him forward, driving him to the raggedy entrance. "Stay." He commanded of the barghest when he saw one raise its head and watch him leave them.

Cobwebs had overrun the interior of the building and seemed to be holding a few things in place. "Arachnid tenants." Empyrean mused as he floated into the main hall. A set of fallen double doors on the opposite side of the room led into what would have been the fortress' kitchen and to the right of the doors were the stairs. There were weapon racks scattered about the hall , but nothing to denote the owners f the building. "If this is what the ground floor looks like, I would hate to see what they've done with the upper levels." He could only imagine that the corridors were far worse than the entrance. "Tempesta, why don't you take the lead?" The sadistic angel suggested with a charming smile.

Britt-21 Britt-21


LadyOfStars LadyOfStars

Looking at the pack that soon caught up with the pair, she noticed that maybe Empyrean's pets weren't as evolved as she thought. Guess more of his experiments had to continue until he had the invincible force that could probably decimate anything. Her lips parted, allowing her to respond to the Angel while also following him up to the building "I believe it being abandoned will help in different ways. Though, its like a mystery box, something could pop out and surprise you at any moment." This feels so much better than being out in the direct sunlight. shadows, dark corners. Perfect for someone like Tempesta to hide, if they even were in here to begin with. Eyes glossed over the multiple cobwebs, knocked down doors, and much more within the place. How long could this place have been abandoned? There were enough spiders in this place to give anyone the heebee-jeebees. The vampire kept her pace up with Empyrean, making sure to stay nearby in case something were to jump them. Of course, both were strong enough to handle whatever, but this was uncharted territory.

Whipping her head in her partner's direction, she glared at him "Oh, I see. The Angel doesn't want to get his feathers all dirty, so he has to make the Lady Vampire step into everything first. I see how it is. I'll remember this, Empy." he knew what he was doing, especially with that smile of his. Tempesta breezed passed him and took the so-called "Lead" in the investigation of the abandoned building. "Surely there has to be an office with maps around here." she thought aloud, her heels clicking on the stone floor while approaching the stairs. Tempesta paused and looked up those stairs, I'm going to hate every bit of this trip being the first one going. without looking to see if Empyrean was behind her, she proceeded forward. Each step bringing her higher and higher. Those ears of her twitched slightly, picking up sounds that were going on within the building. More or less hearing rodents scurry around and hide away from the pair.

Soon coming to a flattened part of the stairs, she took a good look at the closed door and remained quiet. This door is oddly still closed? she asked herself before she kicked it open, sending the door flying off its hinges and across the floor. Ahead was a corridor and a doorway that revealed another room. "I suppose we'll have to check every inch of this place." while walking across, there were some openings on the side which allowed some light to peak through and give the pair some light "This might be the quarters of the former staff. I doubt we'd find anything here..."
To see the golems and bandits fall so easily was truly a sight to behold. At least for the members of the caravan at least. Eschaton, on the other hand, was somewhat less impressed, he could see a few inefficiencies in the techniques he had employed, but then again sometimes the golem knight needs to understand that not everyone was trying to speedrun content, or in this case, people.

On the flip side, the surviving bandits were absolutely terrified by this development. They were told that the caravan was well guarded, but not too this extent. In their mind, this third party was mercenaries, since they did not wear the same insignia as the carriage. The golems that had been summoned were supposed to be their ace in the hole in case things go south. They had spent years collecting the resources needed to craft them only to see them fall apart and melt away. The bandit held down by Zagreus immediately fainted out of sheer shock from the confrontation.

"That will do Zachary. Bring the survivors here." Regardless, Eschaton was overall satisfied with the demon's results. Though he did worry about such brutality would reflect on their reputation among those they had just saved. Once the leaders of the caravan were convinced it was safe, they decided to greet their gracious saviors with noticeable caution. The two
ladies from before came forward, accompanied by two guards with fancy-looking armor.
"On behalf of the Kingdom of Vestoria, we would like to thank you for your assistance during our time of need." The armored lady gave the party a graceful bow, a gesture that was also mirrored by her subordinates. "I am Captain Minfilia Ardeen and this is Quatermaster Lea Astera, to whom do we owe our thanks to?" Minfilia asked politely, while Lea remained silent, still weary of the foreigners.

Eschaton thought about the question for a moment before finally providing them with a proper answer. Well, as proper as they can get. "We are adventurers from a distant land. I am known by many names, but you may call, Tosen. I shall allow my party members to introduce themselves...." He passed the metaphorical mic to his teammates, hoping that they would be nuanced enough to avoid any "sensitive" information. Right after their introduction, the Captain would invite all of them into the bigger carriages which served as a mobile base for them. She explained to the group that they were transporting important cargo back to the royal capital. Half-way through their journey they had been ambushed and took significant casualties, which would explain why the caravan seemed lacking in manpower given its size. "In short, we would like to request your assistance in ensuring our safe passage to the capital. While you may not know much about these lands, but your prowess in battle is unquestionable." The other guards seemed openly reluctant to accept help from foreigners, especially ones that resembled demons, but nonetheless, separate times called for desperate measures. Eschaton was responsive to this offer, but requested that they needed to negotiation those terms in private, asking everyone else, aside from him and Minfilia to clear the room. While apprehensive at first, Eschaton removed his helmet showing his "human" face, and agreed to leave his weapon outside of the room as a gesture of goodwill.

While the other men were busy looting the dead bandits, the quartermaster personally approached Zagreus, noting he seemed like he was the strongest out of all of them.
"Hey....Zachary was it? Don't take this the wrong way but...are you a human...?" It was clear that this girl outside of her official duties was a bit on the awkward side. But she did always have a strong sense of curiosity and often wondered how other different other races were. She doesn't get to meet other races very often and even if she does, they are either hostile or dead. While she wasn't sure what Zagreus is, he was fairly confident that he wasn't human. Her eyes looked up and down on the young man, diligently studying the distinct features of his body while writing them down on a book of some sort.
coded by natasha.
  • Carmainerose

    Once the go-ahead had been issued, Carmaine couldn’t help but be somewhat frustrated, for a side of her still wished she could stay behind and watch her troops training. Not like she was about to argue on it though, it had been her idea after all. Carmaine gave the meeting a few more seconds to conclude properly, though the time for her to go came as a few of the pairs had already walked off, and of course she didn’t wanna keep Adelheid waiting too long. With a final bow the dark knight was off, joining her sorcerer companion as the two of them walked through the fortress’s halls.

    “I am surprised you wanted to get outta her so much, Adel.” Carmaine pointed out as they walked side by side. “Knowing you I’d assume you’d be content with just meandering around in your room without any sort of responsibilities.” She said half-jokingly. Before the dark knight was able to tease her companion any longer she noticed a recognizable presence waiting for the duo just right up ahead, near the exit. The individual clad with a militaristic uniform immediately greeted the pair with a rigid salute, though considering his lean build you’d be hard pressed to assume he was nothing more than a cosplayer rather than a soldier. “At ease Ri Haku, I take it you being here means you were listening in on our meeting huh?”

    The scout master’s face slightly tensed up at the accusations, but he nodded nonetheless. “Miss Carmaine, Miss Adelheid, I am truly sorry for eavesdropping like that, however Ou Sen wouldn’t stop pestering me for as much information on what you were all talking about. If you see it fit I’ll be sure to…see myself punished.”

    Carmaine simply let out a resounding laugh and patted her soldier on the shoulder. “Ease up my man, you saved me the issue of letting you know myself. Do me a favor and let the others know as well about Fritz’ orders, okay? Last thing we need is for Kei Sha to get in trouble this early on.”

    Ri Haku’s pose somewhat relaxed at the dark knight’s response, though it still kept its professional demeanor. “It shall be done. As for the matter in hand, your mount has already been prepared and awaits you outside the fortress. I’ve already commanded one of my fairies to lead you towards the village…or at least what it remains of it. And if I may add, your choice for taking on this investigation alongside Miss Adelheid was most excellent, I am sure her ample knowledge will be invaluable.” He said with a slight smile as he directed a formal bow towards the sorcerer.

    Ha, choosing her? It sure as hell felt more like things had gone the other way around. Still, at the end of the day she would’ve probably chosen Adelheid without her asking for it, despite her quirks she was undoubtedly one of the guildmates Carmaine enjoyed hanging out with the most. “Woah, easy there tiger, don’t try to put the moves on Adel like that.” She said with a smug expression. Before Ri Haku could even try to defend himself, the dark knight immediately switched her attention towards her companion. “Alrighty then, I have no idea what we are walking into here, did you need to pick something up Adel or are we ready to go?” Pyosimros Pyosimros

    coded by natasha.
Peaceful Bliss
Zagreus Kayn
"That will do Zachary. Bring the survivors here." Zachary? Who the fuck do you think talking to? The demon didn’t like that Eschaton didn’t give him a better fake name than Zachary. He reluctantly listened to his partner but with him being on a blood high he needed to calm it quick. He turned his attention back to the leader of the raiders. He lay there in a pool of his own blood. The sound of a man yelling with the last of his air ringed threw the forest and everything when silent; for Zagreus’s hand ‘slipped’ and the knife went deep into the man's throat causing him to choke on his own blood. “Oops, my bad.” He said sarcastically “He didn’t answer my question fast enough. What a shame.” He motioned for Creo and Umbra to gather the rest of the raiders. They put them in a pile because they saw them as just animals and uncivilized. Zag walked up to the golem and whispered to him,” Serious Zachary? Next time I get to choose the fake name.”

"On behalf of the Kingdom of Vestoria, we would like to thank you for your assistance during our time of need." Zag wasn’t the type for formal introductions. He would usually be mid-killing blow before his opponent finished saying their name. A lot of people’s names were ‘ugh’. "I am Captain Minfilia Ardeen and this is Quartermaster Lea Astera, to whom do we owe our thanks to?" "We are adventurers from a distant land. I am known by many names, but you may call me, Tosen. I shall allow my party members to introduce themselves...." Zagreus leaned into the dark knight’s personal space and whispered right next to his helmet “Do we actually have to go along with this bit or can we hurry this up? I'm kinda getting bored here.” Naturally, he gets quickly elbowed in the chest by Eschaton and reluctantly introduced himself. “You can call me, Hades, for reasons .” The demon snapped his fingers igniting a small magical flame that floated off his hand. “..And these are Alpha (Umbra), Beta (Creo), and Delta(Iris).” He explained that the three girls aren't fond of strangers so he would be the communicator. He didn't really want to talk at all but it's better if Esckaton or he talk the captain than any of the NPCs.

After hearing the captain's proposal And Eschaton asking for a private room, Zagreus gladly walked out and lay underneath a nearby tree waiting for his partner to do all the work. While he was trying to get some shut-eye, the quartermaster decided to bother him in his time of peace and quiet. "Hey...Zachary was it? Don't take this the wrong way but...are you a human...?" “First of all, I said it's HADES. And if you want me to be honest with you no I am not human Im a demon”. He shortly explained to the curious woman that he once was human but because of a dungeon, he explored he became cursed. This may be the first time he just told the truth to a total stranger because it wasn't like he was giving away sensitive information. She seemed intrigued with his story writing down every detail in the little book that she had. “Hey, what are you writing down? Is this information going to be shared with anyone? Because in the line of work that I do I usually like to keep a low profile.” He knew the information wasn't a big deal. Still, he gave too much info about his personal life to anyone making them a target in his book. He hope he didn't have to kill this woman she seemed nicer than her captain.
Code By Nano
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"Right...Hades!" Lea corrected herself with a smile as she jot down more notes. "Demons are becoming more and more common these days. Though most of them are painted in a bad light.. But you dont seem so bad..." Lea shyly laughed and looked away for a short moment before sitting next to him. "Oh don't worry, it's just a book where I record interesting things for my little sister. Every time I get sent out I make sure to bring another interesting story back for her." The girl turned her book to him, showcasing some brilliantly drawn illustrations of other demons. They were the run-of-the-mill, horned, and monstrous devils, something you would see being slain by heroes. On the other page, a vague sketch of Zagreus could be seen. It was still a rough sketch, so it wasn't as detailed as the others, but he was easily the most eye-appealing creature in the demon section of the book. "What about Tosen? Is he like your "master" or something?" She has heard many stories about mortals becoming masters of demons through some sort of dark pact with each other. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to pry..!" She apologized, realizing that that question was likely way too personal.

"He is an old friend of mine, even before he became a demon," Eschaton replied, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, giving the girl a good jumpscare, prompting her to get on her feet. "The arrangements have been made, we will join all of you in your journey back to the capital." The knight gave them a status update of what was to come, causing the girl and green to practically light up. "Thats good....thats really good! I look forward to working with all of you!" The girl replied with a smile. Eschaton was somewhat envious of Zagreus. How did he manage to make such a strong impression in such a short amount of time? What was he lacking? Maybe the golem's charisma penalty was just too strong. "As do I. Also, I believe Captain Ardeen would like a few words with you." The girl nodded and waved them goodbye, her eyes focusing more on Zag than anything else before entering the Captain's carriage. "Let's go, Hades. They've prepared a carriage for us." Despite the rough start, Eschaton didn't seem to mine calling Zagreus by his chosen name.
The carriage they were assigned to was more spacious than one would expect when they heard the word "carriage". It was like a medieval RV that was to be pulled by a large beast of burden. It had more than enough room for the entire party. Once they were comfortably inside. The convoy started moving once more. All they had to do now was wait. Hopefully. Taking off his helmet. Eschaton placed it down next to the table before sighing for a moment of respite. Eschaton summoned Kaleido to his side asking him to cast a sound suppressing field within the carriage to prevent anyone from eavesdropping. "How are you holding up, Zagreus? Is your bloodlust within acceptable perimeters?" He knew from the way he fought those bandits that he was trying quench his bloodlust. "Based on the arrangements I've made, we should be able to enter their capital within a few days. From there we can procure ourselves a map and perhaps learn about this history of this world." Eschaton stayed silent for a bit realizing such topics would likely not interest him. "What are your thoughts on our current situation? Do you have your own opinions on how we should proceed?" The golem knight knew he wasn't exactly the most entertaining guildmate, that doesnt mean he cant try to be.

"You'll finally get some fresh air, Don." Fritz said, holding his hand out to cast a spell. "Mass fly." And with two words, the trio were now floating above the ground, ready to start their journey. "Let's get moving." As the demon said the words, the trio began moving towards their desired direction at a rather fast speed. They had a lot of ground to cover and if they were going to scout, Fritz wanted them to reach something significant other than these fields of nothing. So far it looked like that wasn't going to happen with how the landscape looked.

After flying for a couple of miles, Fritz could finally see something in the distance. It looked like a village, though it seemed deserted. The usual signs of life were missing and smoke from fires couldn't be seen. "Looks like we finally found something, though I'm not sure there is anything there." Fritz said, gazing at the village in the distance. His suspicions were verified as they got closer. The village looked like it had been abandoned for many years, possibly not in this century. Many of the structures weren't complete and the growth of vines all over the buildings told him they haven't been upkeeped in a while.

Once they arrived, Fritz landed them in the middle of the ruins. It seemed to be the central area of the village, maybe an old market area. The ground beneath his feet seemed to be stone bricks, covering the village square. It appeared that the grass was peeping through the stones, making the village seem even more devoid of life. "I don't sense or hear anything that could be alive... other than a rat. Makes me wonder what could have occurred here." Fritz said to Penny, moving his gaze around the square to see anything out of the ordinary. "I would keep your guard up as you wander this place; you don't know what's lurking in the shadows." He said, kneeling down to a rock that had an engraving on it.

Tazewell That's the only thing he could make out on the stone. Everything else was too faded to be legible. It might have been the name of the village. He got off of his knees and turned his head to a building that looked like a church or used to be one. Fritz walked his way over, peeping his head through the entrance of the building. The church had plenty of light pouring in from the windows that no longer had glass. He immediately caught sight of the rows of skeletons seated in the church, giving him the shivers. "What an unpleasant sight in a pleasant place. You can stay outside if you want Penny, I'm not going to force you to go inside." Fritz said, taking a step inside. Maybe they'd find something interesting in the building.

Interaction: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Small Talk with an Old Friend
Zagreus Kayn
"Demons are becoming more and more common these days. Though most of them are painted in a bad light.. But you don't seem so bad..." The more this woman kept talking, the more suspicious Zagreus became. He wasn't used to people being so passive around him. The majority of the time, sarcastic words are thrown or annoyed faces stare were sent his way. Clearly for a great reason but this woman knew nothing about this demon and yet her curiosity will get her in trouble. Or she has a second motive that Zagreus would love to force out of her. "Oh don't worry, it's just a book where I record interesting things for my little sister. Every time I get sent out I make sure to bring another interesting story back for her." Did she seriously have to sit right next to me? He was hoping to get a little shut-eye before they continued on with their scouting.

The woman began to show Zagreus sketches upon sketches of different mythical indictments of demons, with a rough sketch of Zag on the following page. At least you got my good side. He thought as he appreciated her drawing skills. But why was he such an outcast? Would she be so lovely to Zag, if he was in his empowered form? Clearly, he wasn't able to hide that he wasn't human. Has he somehow unexpectedly deceived this woman? "What about Tosen? Is he like your "master" or something?" Her question definitely offended the demon with a look of disgust on his face. He couldn't believe that she would ask him such a question. Did she truly think that he would be a servant to that Buckethead? As he looked back at her face, he could tell that she knew she offended him.. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to pry..!" Before Zag could respond to her, the voice of his partner came from behind them. "He is an old friend of mine, even before he became a demon," Zagreus smirked and laughed at the knight's statements. “An old friend you say? I didn't know we were so close,” He said trying to push Eschaton buttons a little bit.

The pair stood up and met with Eschaton. Even though the dark knight had his helmet on, He could tell that he was about to give news on their next steps. "The arrangements have been made, we will join all of you in your journey back to the capital." WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK!!
He wasn't happy that Eschaton made a decision without telling him first. They were supposed to just scout the nearby area. Not go to a kingdo… Then a smirk formed on the demon’s face. Scratch that this is going to be fun. He thought with an evil twinkle in his eye. "That's good.... that's really good! I look forward to working with all of you!" Her smile towards the demon was confirming that Zag may have charmed her after all. He was getting used to women, specifically Tempesta, resisting him. Apparently, women in this realm don't have as high as will as the ladies in the guild; this could be proved to be a great way and getting information. As the quartermaster left to report to her superior, the demon gave her a wink and a smirk. Undoubtedly, the dark knight wasn't amused with Zagreus, "Let's go, Hades. They've prepared a carriage for us."

As the pair and their group reached the carriage, Zagreus laid on a bench across from Eschaton. He popped his feet up on the table, finally able to take A nap. Right before he was about to fall asleep, Eschaton placed his helmet on the table making the demon curious and open one eye to see what all the fuss was about. "How are you holding up, Zagreus? Is your bloodlust within acceptable perimeters?" Seriously? a conversation? Now? I just got comfortable. Fine, I will amuse him. He opened his other eye and gave the golem his full attention “Surprisingly I'm doing good I had to hold myself back during that fight because if it wasn't for That probably would have transformed again and then we would have been in a different position than we are now.” A moment of silence happened between the two of them. The demon wondered if Eschaton wasn't used to this type of conversation. "Based on the arrangements I've made, we should be able to enter their capital within a few days. From there we can procure a map and perhaps learn about this history of this world." Zagreus said nothing about what the knight was talking about. He is just gonna have a little bit of fun when they arrive at their destination. He unsheathed a knife from his person and tried to balance the pointed end on his finger. It was quite difficult for him to do this since they were in a moving carriage, on an unstable road; But somehow the demon was able to keep it upright without having it fall. "What are your thoughts on our current situation? Do you have your own opinions on how we should proceed?" “There's plenty of stuff that I would want to do, but that's more of my personal list than what is important to the guild.” Zag flipped the knife up into the air, caught it, and proceeds to stab the wooden table in front of them. “If we're going to be in a capital city we should just get a map. We should also see what major infrastructure they have there in case this kingdom becomes a threat in the future.”

Code By Nano
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Interaction: StealthyShades StealthyShades

Despite what the demon may think, the knight actually did consider him as his friend, though from the tone of the demon, the feeling might not be mutual between them. Much to the knight's disappointment. That said, Zagreus's excitement did not go unnoticed, worrying the knight just a bit as he felt that their intention was not the same. The knight remained silent, listening carefully to how the demon chose to answer his questions. He wasn't as open as he liked him to be, but then again, their clashing personalities did not exactly foster an inviting environment.

"I see. Thats good to know. However, I have a feeling you won't need to hide that side of you for too long..." He answered, with a small smile on his face, like he was about to give him some good news but instead chose to remain silent for now. Seeing him dodge his attempt at a conversation was not unexpected, though he was once again slightly hurt by this gesture. "Then by all means, speak your mind, as long as it is not at odds with the guild's plans, I am certain we can come to a compromise. " He wasn't an unreasonable partner, and he wanted to give him opportunities to have fun as well. "I wouldn't worry about that if I were you...Captain Ardeen has been very forthcoming about the state of the kingdom." As Eschaton spoke, the back of his hand glowed, indicating that he had recently used his "soul domination" skill on someone. "Vestoria, the kingdom of this caravan is currently in war with Ventorum. Those bandits we fought earlier we hired by them to intercept the cargo. Those golems we fought we also their creations." He stopped for a moment, letting his friend digest the information before continuing. "As for the cargo, its some sort of an ingredient for a medical drug of some sort. Something vital to the country's trade... Its actually quite a fascin-" Before he could get carried away, Eschaton silence himself, knowing how boring such details are to a person like Zagreus.

"In anycase, they are currently the weaker of the two kingdoms, and will likely lose within the next view years." Eschaton spared the demon an extensive explanation of why the kingdom is in said position. "which is why I believe we should establish friendly relations with Vestoria and, if necessary conquer said opposing kingdom." Anyone who has spent enough time with Eschaton would know that he always preferred a challenge over a curb stomp type of battle if necessary. In this case, it also aligned with the guild's desire to maintain a neutral stance since he would be working as an independent mercenary more than anything else. "Apparently, Ventorum is well known for its war golems. Something I look forward to testing my mettle against." Eschaton had a cheeky grin on his face, for the first time in a very long time, he was excited about all this. "In any case, all you need to know is this. Our current mission is to maintain a favorable relationship with the Kingdom of Vestoria. And based on my previous observations, it seems like you are already ahead of me in that regard." He was of course referring to his interaction with the quartermaster from earlier. "I trust that you will exercise appropriate caution with your powers to maintain our objective." He was essentially giving him the green light to do what he wants, as long as it did not interfere with his own plans. "Anyways, you can rest now. I need to document all my findings and send them back to Lord Fritz."

"While I am doing that, would you mind calling Iris over here, I would like to talk to her to ascertain her current condition."
Eschaton took out and quill and paper and began writing his findings onto it. He was a well-known multi-tasker, so this wasn't something too surprising to see. "Iris, may I ask why do you consider me your father? Afterall, Zagreus was the one who created you?" He started with a more personality-oriented question before moving on to something much more tricky. He knew that Zagreus was sloppy with his code but to what extent was unknown. "Humor me Iris, if I were to strike Zagreus right now, would you attack me for it?" Hopefully, this question doesn't result in an infinite program loop.

Tempesta was the best, at least for now while she was willing to trek through the field of webs and bugs. As he followed behind the vampire, the cogs started to turn in his head. Weather this place was abandoned or not, its placement so near to their castle was a boon and if they put in just a little bit of effort it could easily become serve a number of uses. Of course he thought of using it as an extension of his laboratory. But that was something to think about later.

His wings carried up over the stairs, using a bit of magic to clear away whatever webs were left behind after Tempesta had passed through. As they reached the next floor, his interest was piqued by the discovery of the staff living quarters. "Before this place fell into disarray these rooms may have revealed valuable information about the world we now find ourselves in." He approached one of the doorway and poked his head in, only to jump back in shock. "More webs. Certainly nothing of worth exist in there anymore." The angel quickly floated away from the door, but a nagging voice in his mind urged him to scour every inch of the room for answers to his questions.

Empyrean raised his hand above his head as he cast the spell tier 1 spell. The Cobwebs all seemed to dissolve and disintegrate. The second floor eventually became a pristine space that would put any castle to shame. "Much better." The scientist proclaimed as a smile finally returned to his face. "Shall we split up from here? You searching for the map and me for any other clues that might improve our understanding of this world?" Usually people in places such as this kept journals and that was the type of first hand account he hoped to find within these rooms and now that the place was clean, they would both have an easier time finding something.

Britt-21 Britt-21
Location: Abandoned Village

Upon arriving at the deserted village, Penny started her standard procedure for whenever she entered a new place with no prior knowledge: spamming sensory skills until she got enough information.

"Perception Up."

"Heat Detection."

"X Vision."

"Magic Sense."

"Magic Mapping."

"Greater Sense Danger."

"Greater Trap Unravel."

Penny's eye color repeteadly changing as the buffs worked simultaneously. True to Fritz's assessment, she didn't find any potential threat either. Though her magic mapping did reveals something interesting and Fritz just happen to be walking into that area.

"Skeletons are good. They don't smell and can be good fertilizer." She commented as she followed Fritz into the church, though before she stepped into the building she spun around and addrressed the penguin that had been following her like a child.

"Don, I have a task. Explore the village and collect anything interesting."

"Understood, boss!" Giving an overly enthusiastic salute the penguin use his belly to slide away and started scouring through the village. Penny watched him quietly until he disappeared from her view before entering the church.

Rows and rows of skeletons were arranged inside the hall. Most were sitting on the bench while a few were scattered on the floor, it's almost like at one point the entire village were gathering there and somehow just die at once. Penny didn't put much attention to the skeleton though and went straight into the other side of the hall, where the statue of a goddess was erected. The marble statue was at least 10 feet tall, she was depicted as wearing a simple gown while holding a human skull in front of her chest. Her face was unexpectedly plain. Though she had a bright warm smile carved on her face, as if she was grateful at the rows of skeletons in front of her.

"Fritz, do you think Gods exist? Do you think some figure up there just throw us into this world for some giggles?" Penny asked the other player while she circled the statue, seemingly trying to look for hidden mechanism of some sort. Though she didn't find any of it so she resorted to plan B, she grabbed the statue and pushed it. She didn't expect for such a crude ways of puzzle solving to works and more importantly she didn't expect her to actually be strong enough to shove a statue, but she did it anyway. Hidden by the statue was a set of stairs leading deep into the darkness below the village. This was what she detected with her magic mapping.

"Welcome to our first dungeon delving." Penny said more to herself than anything. A glimpse of excitement could be seen on her eyes as she pulled a pair of black daggers from her inventory box. While Penny mostly acts as either sniper or priest in a team fight she's more than capable to acts as rogue when needed. She seemed to think this was one of those instance.

"Me or you first?"

Slav Slav

"Well, now that we're really part of this world, I thought it was about time I've changed my ways," Adelheid sweetly smiled, accompanying her words with a short nod. In truth, she would have preferred to stay with the guild, as Carmaine suggested. Though as the mere option of venturing outside the guild's walls had nearly been restricted, Adelheid had gained a sudden drive to explore her new home. Almost as if she were an angsty teenager, rebelling against the curfew set by her parents. And nonetheless, Adelheid had other business to attend to. Acquiring new subjects, and spreading her influence as a beloved being were amongst the many goals on her checklist.

As the two exited the main hall, the duo encountered Ri Haku—Carmaine's scout. The two engaged in short pleasantries as Adelheid stood idly, contributing to the conversation only when her name was mentioned. "My my, I'm flattered. I'll make sure Carmaine comes home safe," Adelheid replied, as if she weren't simply tagging along to whichever village or whatever task Carmaine had on her agenda.

Following Carmaine's inquiry, Adelheid took a few steps forward, further from the guild's main hall. She paused for a few moments, hands on her hips as if she were pondering something. Until suddenly, she spun around to face Ri Haku. "Do you have a carriage, maybe? Something comfortable, and something that shouts 'regal' on the outside," she questioned, lazily pointing at the scout. "If we're going to save another village, I'd rather keep up appearances. Flying there would be a bit too discreet."

Before really allowing for the scout to reply, Adelheid waved him off. "Anyways, we can figure out thoe details as we're by the main gate," Adelheid added, shifting her attention to Carmaine. "Well, I don't have anything else I need. Let's go!" She lightly tugged on Carmaine's arm, and so began their departure from the guild's premises.
TAGS: Servant Servant

The white-haired woman had paused to take a look over her shoulder at her partner's words before suddenly the place had become cleaner than it had been moments ago. I guess it finally got to him and he decided cleaning the place would be a better idea. Tempesta thought before replying to Empyrean "You really believe splitting up would be a good idea, Empy? I'm pretty sure the moment we split up, one of us may die." she teased, knowing very well with their level of power, nothing could kill them just as easy as the next guy "But I suppose we could split up. That way, when I'm in trouble, you can come to my rescue." the vampire moved towards the now-cleaner HQ of the staff, looking at the chests at the end of each bed. Clothing, books, maybe diaries in those chests. Hopefully I don't get a surprise within them. Tempesta approached one chest and leaned down before flicking the lock open. She wasted no time in lifting the top up and taking a look inside "Empty." she murmured before approaching the next.

Instead of opening each chest, she kicked them. If they had sounded hollow, she didn't bother looking inside and wasting her time. "It would be wonderful if we had something similar to x-ray right about now..." her boot had kicked another chest - this had been her 5th bed out of the 8 that were there - and it didn't sound empty in any way shape or form. Raising a curious eyebrow, she removed the latch and lifted the top, exposing a bunch of sheets and a few pieces of paper inside. "Hmm...What are these..." her delicate-looking fingers began to go through the papers, reading over the contents with her crimson eyes. Slowly they began to widen as she found not only the location's name, but they were also papers that informed the woman she were not to mention anything about her pregnancy to anyone and if she had, well, her life would be hell more or less. Of course, that was the gist "Well, guess that answers the location we're in..."

The Home of Noir

What an odd name?

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars I suck at names dont hurt me​
"If the skeletons smelled I wouldn't even be in this room." Fritz remarked, stepping away from the human remains. He was glad they didn't smell. The smell of death was something that he didn't enjoy. He followed Penny further into the church, perking his head up to answer her question. "I certainly wouldn't leave something like that off the table. We are in a world where magic and magical creatures exist. I would be more surprised if a god didn't exist." The demon said, watching Penny observe the statue. Certainly not the best work of art, but he didn't expect a masterpiece in a village of this size.

He watched the statue fall over, looking at the staircase that led into the darkness. "Guess it's starting to look like an episode of Scooby-Doo. This is the part where we usually split up and look for clues." Fritz said, giving off a small laugh as he walked closer to the staircase. "Continual Light." The demon said, summoning a light at his hand to pierce through the darkness. The staircase went for a while since you couldn't see the bottom. "I suppose I'll go first. I doubt we'll see anything more than low level undead." He said, proceeding down the staircase. He usually wasn't the exploration type, but in a world like this, any information could be useful.

Fritz coughed a few times due to the high amount of dust in the air. It seemed this opening hadn't been ventured through in ages. It took a few moments before they reached a wide hallway at the bottom, one that seemed as desolate as the village. "This hallway must lead somewhere." He said, proceeding forward again into the darkness with his light. After a few moments, Fritz stopped moving as he heard something ahead. "Tremor Sense." The demon said, the vibrations allowing him to find the location of his enemy. He raised his opposite hand to use a spell. "Grand Fireball." The large fireball flew down the hallway, striking the targets just as they came into view. Just as he suspected it was low-level undead. The fireball completely decimated them, leaving scorch marks all over the hallway. He could no longer sense any vibrations. "Alright, let's get moving." He continued into the darkness, listening for any threats.

Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Location: Abandoned church dungeon

Penny let out a muffled sigh as she witnessed the undeads got obliterated very very easily. She did expect the enemies to be weak since the village back then seems like the one players would find in the first area but she's still disappointed when she saw it herself. Part of what makes exploring new area interesting was the danger afterall. Still, they're already quite deep into the dungeon so might as well see what's on the other end of it.

As they delved deeper, they would encounter even more undeads. Though none of them could withstand a single of their attack, Penny even started to just beat them barehanded just to test her raw physical capability. She sent a zombie's head flying just by slapping them, she's more than capable of crushing skulls with her grip and the undeads' attacks bounced off her skin as if she was made of metal. This new body was definitely incredible.

"I'm one punch woman now." She said to Fritz as she punched an incoming zombie on the face. Its head just exploded and gore splattered around her. Penny didn't seems unfazed by blood and bits of flesh and simply casted a purification spell to clean herself.

After a few more batches of fragile undeads they finally found something that looks interesting. A large door with intricately woven glowing symbols on it. It just screams boss room so Penny pulled a pistol out before examining the door. Based on the undeads they had faced so far whatever inside shouldn't be that strong though.

"It's a magic seal." Penny pointed at the symbols on the door. "I will break it, prepare yourself."

"Dispel magic." A magic circle appeared on Penny's hand as she touched the seal on the door. Her magic circle enlarges itself until it devour all of the seal and then all of the symbols gradually faded away. As the door slowly creaked open, thick purple smokes gushed out of the room and Penny immediately equipped her gas mask.

"Oh my~ My gratitude for opening the seal." Said the voice of a woman. The room was quite a mess. Thousands of bones scattered across the floor and grotesque coccoons seemingly made of flesh decorated the walls inside. At the center of the room, sitting on a throne made of bones, was the woman depicted on the statue in the church.

"How long had I been here? Ah, it doesn't matter. Now I will grant you two your rewards, becomes one with me!" The sounds of ripped skin could be heard as the woman's head suddenly split open, revealing numerous tendrils with countless fangs on it as the true shape of her head.

"FEASTING TIME!! EXP! MORE!" The creature set all of her four limbs on the ground like an animal before she leapt at the two players.

Slav Slav

The vampire's sense of humor was not one that Empyrean could get behind as she joked about him coming to her rescue. He was actually interested in seeing how closely a vampire of this world might align with the fictional ones of their old world and that included ways to kill them. So part of him secretly hoped that they did run into something with the intention of killing her, if only for the knowledge he might gain.

As he looked around and started digging through the belongings of people he assumed were dead and gone, Empyrean started to notice the lack of bodies or remains of any sort. "This place was properly abandoned!" He called out to Tempesta from a different room. "There are no remains of any sort, but all of their belongings are still present!" He added as he started going through items that had been left behind. There were many reason for which a place like this might be abandoned, but right now they could not know for certain.

He found what appeared to be a journal or log stuck between the terribly thin mattress and the bedframe. He plucked the book from its hiding place and flipped open to the first page. "Lieutenant Anders." He read softly. Then he quickly flipped to the last page of the book, curious to see what the last entry was. "No date? Barbarian." He mocked, judging the creature that had written this journal for their poor record keeping. "The creature has taken up residence in a nearby cave. Previous attempts to best it have been unsuccessful. The Commander thinks this new adventurer will make a difference, but I think we should forsake this place and evacuate the neighboring town." He closed the journal and looked around the room. "A monster?" A hint of excitement took root in Empyrean's heart as he imagined what sort of creature could be lurking nearby.

"Tempesta! There is a monster in this area! We must find it." The angel rushed back to the woman's side, waving the journal around with a smile on his face. Any luck on the map?" He asked.

Britt-21 Britt-21

Emotional DAMAGE!
Zagreus Kayn

What does he mean by ‘anymore’? Zagreus didn't know what Eschaton was talking about. It didn't help that he has never seen the man smile before. The knight finally had a face only a few hours ago and now he's starting to show emotion. Well, whatever he had in mind Zag would like to know. "Then, by all means, speak your mind, as long as it is not at odds with the guild's plans, I am certain we can come to a compromise." He leaned over the table and bluntly said “Are you sure we can trust these people? They are way too friendly for strangers we just met.” It takes a lot for Zagreus to trust a group of people. He might not care that much when it comes to his own safety but when it actually affects those that he actually gives a shit about then things change. "I wouldn't worry about that if I were you...Captain Ardeen has been very forthcoming about the state of the kingdom." As Eschaton spoke to Zag, he noticed that the knight’s hand was glowing. Recognizing what his partner did, all the demon thought to do was smirk at Eschaton. He chuckled under his breath as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “I didn't know you had it in you, Bucket Head. You start being more devious like that I may like working with you.”

They continued on with talking about the key details of the kingdoms. "Vestoria, the kingdom of this caravan is currently at war with Ventorum. Those bandits we fought earlier we hired by them to intercept the cargo. Those golems we fought we also their creations." “They are weak if you ask me.” He blurted out when Eschaton paused “If it wasnt for you telling me to keep people alive, I would have killed every last one of them.” It may just be his bloodlust talking but Zagreus didn't want any of those bastards to stay alive. It wasn't like he actually gave a shit about protecting the convoy. He just wanted to have a little bit of fun but somebody had the voice of reason for Zag. Why would he ever help somebody without getting a reward?

Eschaton explained to the demon that all of the cargo that they were carrying was an important part of sustaining this Kingdom's health. Zag went back to his position, laying back on the bench. “It's actually quite a fascin-" The demon let out a huge yawn not even trying to hide how boring it was to listen to the golem’s new fascination. Successfully his yawn showed that he wasnt interested in this crop or whatever they were transporting. Zag started to move his hand in a circle, insinuating that He just wanted to get on with the more interesting parts. Where's a fast-forward button when you need one?

"In any case, they are currently the weaker of the two kingdoms, and will likely lose within the next few years. which is why I believe we should establish friendly relations with Vestoria and, if necessary conquer said opposing kingdom." “Wait wait wait wait” Zagreus stopped the Knight right there “So you want to take out the more powerful group? How do you know that they are the more powerful ones?" Taking out the weaker of the two would allow them to show how powerful they are. But would that make them a threat as well? Zag loved to show off, but that's usually him being bloodthirsty. Showing their entire guild power could attract some attention, positive and negative. The demon said nothing because he hoped that Eschaton already thought of that. And if he did then clearly the knight thought the odds were in their favor.

"Apparently, Ventorum is well known for its war golems. Something I look forward to testing my mettle against." “If the Ventorumian’s Trump card is just war golems, we could probably end this war in an afternoon If we truly wanted to.” The Eschaton clearly ignored Zag because doing such a reckless move could cause more damage to their reputation than ending a war. "In any case, all you need to know is this. Our current mission is to maintain a favorable relationship with the Kingdom of Vestoria.” “Whatever you say, Mr. Tin Head..HA! Get it like Potato head but metal..HAHAHA!!” He could tell that Eschaton was not amused by his joke. A blank stare pierced Zag’s soul. He wondered if he was being a little too obnoxious. Why wouldn't he? This is his favorite thing to do. The knight continued as if the demon said nothing. "I trust that you will exercise appropriate caution with your powers to maintain our objective." “What me.. not provoking trouble in an unknown land… No. Why would you think so negatively of me?” he sarcastically asked. He knew that he was going to cause some sort of trouble but he will tune it down, just to get Buckethead off his back. Leaning back on the bench putting his arms behind his head. He yawned loudly to insinuate to his partner that he was done conversing and would like to go back to his afternoon nap.

"Anyways, you can rest now. I need to document all my findings and send them back to Lord Fritz." "While I am doing that, would you mind calling Iris over here, I would like to talk to her to ascertain her current condition." Zagreus snapped his fingers and summoned Iris to his side and briefly explained that eschaton has a few questions for her. “Now don't be too mean to her she's very sensitive.” He said as he summoned a book. Zag wasn't going to read it, he was going to use it to cover his face while he tried to ignore the other’s conversation. She stood there nervous while focusing on how a skirt moved back and forth as she shook her hips. She wasn't trying to dance, she was trying to keep her mind focused so she wouldn't be as anxious. "Iris, may I ask why you consider me your father? After all, Zagreus was the one who created you?" Iris started to mumble very quietly to herself. “Iris please speak louder so he can hear you,” Zagreus said with the book still covering his face. “I'm not sure Sir Eschaton. For some reason when I was created I see Master Zagreus as my Creator but I also feel like you played a part in my creation.” The room went silent and she went back to staring at the floor, hoping that her answer pleased the black knight. "Humor me, Iris, if I were to strike Zagreus right now, would you attack me for it?" A flow of overwhelming emotions flooded Iris’s head. Was it a trick question? Was she going to be struck down if she answered wrong? The only thing she thought to do was to cry. There was no way she was going to answer in a way that would please both Eschaton and Zagreus. Zagreus took the book off his head and got up from his seat. He rolled his eyes as he grabbed Iris, pulled her towards him, and began to pat her on the head. “I think we should stop the questions for now,” Zag said trying to comfort his broken creation. Seeing that Eschaton was just staring at him, He uttered “We don't speak of this. Got it! I don't need the rest of the guild to know that I have a softer side.”
Code By Nano

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