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Realistic or Modern [OSV] "Our Small Victory"

Bind its limbs using the taser bow.
Ecto here. We managed to bag another one.
The bow doesn't say we can't select the same target 7 times... so let's just put 'em all around his arms and legs. No problem.
Bind its limbs using the taser bow.

"Our Small Victory"

Location: Werewolf's House, Time: 11:35AM

As the Werewolf started its approach, Eryn unslung the metallic bag from his shoulder and unfolded it into the taser bow, taking aim. His eyepiece HUD opened up and a cross-hair appeared in his vision, tracking the movement of his eyes. He set 7 targets on the werewolf's limbs and noticed that the others were also getting ready for combat. Sydney had drawn one of her swords, which had air intakes on the crossguard. She ignited it as red energy almost resembling lava started to spiral around the blade, filling the room with heat. Jack-O-Lite was aiming his chain-gun at it as his pumpkin's face holes glowed green, and a similar green energy started to surround the gun. Robin started charging yellow arcs in his hands and stepped backwards to the rear of the group.

But Kumori was what worried Eryn. She had no weapon, so she entered a hand-to-hand combat stance...which would have been fine if her stance was actually any good. Her fists were raised but weren't properly guarding her head, she was bouncing over-dramatically on her feet like some kind of Street Fighter character, and her body wasn't even properly pointed towards the opponent. He figured that she was probably used to relying on brute strength as a vampire. Glancing back at the werewolf who had paused their approach, he could see that they were smirking at Kumori as they entered a comparatively better stance. He glanced back at Kumori who didn't seem to have noticed the problem, and then back at the werewolf.

The werewolf took another step forward, prompting Eryn to fire the bow at its torso. A red electrical probe shot into it, which then fired additional taser streams to to Eryn's selected targets, binding its limbs together. The beast howled hastily and attempted to stumble towards him, which was when Jack-O-Lite began firing the chain-gun into it, splattering blood around it. Sydney dashed forward and deftly slashed away at it, swift enough for Eryn to have barely registered her movements by the time the werewolf was covered in deep gashes that were literally on fire. The flames went out pretty quick, though. She jumped back as Kumori jumped forward to throw a messy, telegraphed punch into its stomach. Eryn cringed internally at the sight of it, but was satisfied enough when the punch was able to launch the beast backwards through the wall again, about the same distance that he had thrown Markus earlier.

"So, how close are we to winning so far?"
"Usually they'd be dead by now.."

From within the dark room, the light from the taser streams went out as the werewolf presumably broke out of the binding, but the red eyes remained and were only growing in intensity. Eryn could hear it planting its feet and steadying its breath.

"That's comforting."

It's clearly about to do something, but you aren't sure what. The taser bow can't lock onto targets in a room that dark, but you can still technically fire.

Fire the bow again, using its glowing eyes as an aiming guide.
Tell Sydney to prepare a shield.

Make fun of it.
Get outside and into a more open area.

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Tell Sydney to prepare a shield. I don't have much to say except that the other options are awful:
Get outside and into a more open area = Running directly at the werewolf. Not the best strategy.
Make fun of it = Mocking someone with a plan.
Fire the bow again, using its glowing eyes as an aiming guide = Firing a attack blindly.
Oh, this looks fun, can I join?

Going outside is out of the question as an open space would only benefit this over sized monstrosity, at least in here, it is inhibited somewhat.

Don't really see the point in generating a shield either, as the werewolf can no doubt destroy it based on what we've seen so far.

This leave us with two options:

1. fire the bow again: this is the safe option, as the taser bow has already proven it's effectiveness against the beast.
2. Make fun of it: at first, this choice seems suicidal, but let's take a deeper look at the situation and the implications of this choice. First, we notice how the werewolf has planted his feet, steadied his breathing, and how his red eyes have increased in intensity. These are all classic signs of the monster powering up and preparing for a devastating move. Clearly, in order to survive, we must disrupt this. Looking even further back, we should see that the werewolf has already been shown to possess low intellect, having the smarts to set up a hologram, but not the wit to move further away or take advantage of this situation. We should also note that his transformation has likely decreased his intelligence further. Lastly, we remember how our previous taunts were quite effective at distracting the monster. Thus, it is clear that making fun of the werewolf is the only logical choice. (I've switched between referring to the WW as it and he, seeing that both were used. Probably for when he was in human form vs when it was transformed. I'm too lazy to go back and check and/or fix my post for consistency, so it shall remain as so)
Tell Sydney to prepare a shield.
I guess we have no better option than to play defensively, as much as I don't like to do so.
Make fun of it.
We don't need to worry about defending ourselves this time. But the werewolf needs to take a moment to think of a good comeback before it comes at us again.
Eryn's trash-talking skills have surely improved massively by now.
Tell Sydney to prepare a shield

"Our Small Victory"

Location: Werewolf's House, Time: 11:40AM

"Aegis, if you would?"
Sydney formed a bubble shield around the group as Eryn prepared to counter attack after the werewolf made its move. Instead of charging at them, though, it jumped through the ceiling and landed in the street, visible to the group through the lack of a wall on that side of the house, or on any side of the house for that matter. Eryn knew what was up, since he didn't feel any kinetic energy in the action, or in the ceiling debris that was falling down. The werewolf was still inside.
"After it!"
"Wait, no!"
Despite his warning, Sydney lowered the shield to allow everyone to run outside to meet the enemy. He didn't understand why she'd ignore a warning from him until he saw an illusion of himself running alongside them, along with no longer being able to see his own body. He always remained visible to himself even when using invisibility, so he figured that the werewolf was masking Eryn himself.

He felt the werewolf charging at him with a punch with about the speed of a motorcycle. Eryn was able to react in time to raise his forearms and divert the punch's force across his body and purposefully letting himself get flown backwards to reduce the overall impact just before the fist actually made contact. It was a technique he'd developed specifically to avoid thugs trying to run him over or to counter automatic gunfire, but it was applicable to giant monstrous humanoids too. He felt his forearms bruising from the telekinetic recoil, but it was something he was used to by now.

His feet skidded across the ground as he landed, still facing the beast, and ended up outside due to the aforementioned lack of wall. He could see the others and himself trying to fight the werewolf illusion as it dodged every one of their attacks. Judging from earlier, his voice was probably being masked too.

Whatever, I'll just alert them somehow with telekine--

Before he was able to finish his thought, the werewolf charged again with a claw slash instead of a punch. He was barely able to react with the same defense as before, but a claw still made contact. The tip of the claw had hardly touched him, but had still created a sizable gash on his arm. Before Eryn could land, the werewolf launched follow-up attacks, sending Eryn higher, and getting closer to hitting him properly each time. The combo ended with Eryn being drop-kicked into the ground, which he managed to dampen before he had his bones shattered. Still, the accumulated attacks made him feel like he'd been suplexed the same way as the day before.

Eryn noticed that his body was visible again, and so was the werewolf. Their surroundings were distorted as if a dome was around them, refracting incoming light. It was probably easier for the werewolf to create a masking field like this instead of manually masking individuals. The werewolf itself was still covered in wounds, holding its arm, and staggering towards Eryn. It definitely wasn't as durable as Stan, but it looked just as persistent. Eryn had lost his bearings during the combo, and he couldn't locate the others since all his focus was now going to putting pressure on his wound, which had now stained almost his entire left sleeve with blood.

He could hardly begin to think of a witty response to the situation with his mind clouded by the stinging pain, but he wouldn't had had the chance to anyway as the werewolf dashed again to kick Eryn off the ground and into a different building through the window, breaking through the glass. He again dampened himself to avoid being splattered, but the back of his head still hit the wall of the room he flew into, and his vision abruptly went black.

When he woke up, he was sprawled on the floor with his arm in a puddle of blood, and a splitting headache. There were a couple of small glass shards embedded in his body, causing further light bleeding. It hurt to even raise his head to see the werewolf slowly approaching, which he could barely see anyway as his darkened vision faded in and out. He could feel blood dripping down the back of his head. Eventually he remembered to resume pressure on his arm's wound, but even that felt like it was taking up all of his energy.

The situation forced a memory into his head, of when he was 13 years old and trying to be a hero for the first time by taking part in a rescue effort in a crumbling building while a battle raged outside. He'd ended up injured himself, and only survived because it when he saw Viper in person for the first time, swooping in effortlessly and stabilizing the situation without breaking a sweat.

He won't come this time.

...Who said that?

Eryn heard a faint voice much like his own in his head, but the tone and low inflection made it hard to recognize. He started to hear the werewolf's monologue as it finally reached him, which had only now became audible as the ringing in his ears subsided. The beast looked half dead from the group's earlier efforts already, but that wasn't stopping it right now.

"...then again I guess not all telekinetics are equal, huh? Viper used to destroy me instantly anytime we clashed, but you don't even come close!"

I wish I had some context for that.

It picked Eryn up by the throat, and now he had gotten too tired to keep pressurizing his wound as the bleeding now continued. Looking closer at its eyes, he could see The Angel's emblem glowing behind them.

"On the bright side, I guess I'll never have to deal with anyone as strong as that piece of shit ever again."

Are you gonna cowboy up, or are you just going to hang there and bleed?

In that instant, Eryn's eyes started glowing. His immediate impression was that of confusion. That was only supposed to happen during telekinesis, not before or after. His vision was also tinted light blue as it cleared up, and all the pain in his body immediately went numb. He could clearly feel the kinetic energy of every moment around him, without even actively using the sonar.

Cowboy up? I don't talk like that.

It also occurred to him that the werewolf could have used a much quicker attack rather than trying to choke Eryn. It wasn't even doing that good of a job trying to choke him anyway.

"You used up your remaining energy in that attack combo, huh?"

Time to "Cowboy up".

Break its mouth open, seeing as it likes to talk shit about Viper so much.
Break its hand open, freeing you from its grip.

Suplex it.
Bend its limbs' joints backwards.

Bend its limbs' joints backwards.
If you had the power to instantly turn your enemy into a quadriplegic, obviously you would use it, right? Plus it reminds me of that game that shows an x-ray of someone whenever you break their bones. Too cool to pass up.

I am partial to suplexing as well, but if you want it you have to convince me first.
Suplex it.

"Our Small Victory"

Location: Werewolf's House, Time: 11:45AM

"Let's see how you like it, you goddamn furry!" Eryn forced himself closer to the beast. Since he wasn't tall enough to do an actual suplex even if he had the physical strength, he telekinetically lifted the werewolf up and over his body, rotating himself in mid-air since it was still holding his neck, and drove them head-first into the floor. The move had led to Eryn's smaller wounds widening as if they were being torn open as well as tearing some of his muscles, but he couldn't feel that right now. The impact shattered the wooden floorboards as it finally released its grip on him. Eryn followed up with a telekinetically enhanced kick to their torso, making sure his foot never actually made contact, but still hitting them with a force comparable to what they'd tried to punch him with earlier. They flew out the window while a new cut appeared in Eryn's attacking leg.

The illusory bubble around them disappeared at that moment, and Eryn could see everyone else looking into the house they were in through the broken window. It occurred to him now that the bubble would have left the blood on the ground outside visible when the werewolf entered, so that's what probably tipped them off. Their attention was taken by the werewolf that landed in front of them. It tried to step towards the building again, but was interrupted by Robin jumping onto its back and shocking it. Normally his power output was minuscule, so he must have spent the entire battle slowly charging up. The werewolf's fur went comically spiky as the hairs stood on end, warranting an angry snarl from the beast. It threw Robin off with little effort, but was again interrupted by Jack-O-Lite creating what looked like a large green beam attack, hitting it from the side and knocking it across the street. He, Sydney, and Kumori went after it while Robin rushed to meet Eryn has he floated himself out the window.

"You look like you just saw a ghost.." he said, chuckling to himself.

"Dude, you look like you got mauled by a bear!"
"Not too far from the truth. I can't really feel any of it thoug--"
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Almost as if on cue, the blue tint in his vision dissapeared as it darkened once more, the headache returned, and the pain from his injuries hit him all at once. He quickly lost all the strength he had just gained and collapsed.
"Ok nevermind, I'm feeling it now," he said weakly, feeling a sudden rush of nausea on top of everything else. Robin knelt next to him as he took off his bulky, metallic backpack device that Eryn assumed was the auto-medkit.

His vision at this point was almost completely dark, and his hearing was faded, but eventually he could hear a faint, echoey computerized voice from the medkit.

Applying pressure...

Bleeding has ceased.
Painkiller administered.

The pain was numbed somewhat, and now he could more accurately feel what was happening. Something had enclosed itself over Eryn's wounded arm. He could feel slight weights on where his other wounds were, and assumed they'd been treated already.

Removing foreign objects...

Eryn felt needles jabbing into him near the wound.

Applying gauze wrap...

He felt a bandage wrapping tightly around it.

Tetanus vaccine administered.
Beginning intravenous treatment.

Not too long after that, Eryn was mostly conscious again and could see his red sleeve rolled up, bandaged, and with an I.V drip tethering him to the medkit. Robin was holding an ice pack on the back of his now bandaged head.

"That thing just does everything, huh?"
"Thank God for that, because I have literally no knowledge about first-aid."

Eryn looked at the other three fighting the werewolf, but could hardly see what was going on through his still blurred vision. He didn't feel like he could pull off any meaningful telekinetic attacks right now.

The others will probably be able to finish this without much trouble, but completely surrendering the kill to them doesn't feel too appealing.

Pull the taser bow to you and attack from long range. The lock-on mechanic can compensate for your blurred vision.
Ask Robin about what happened from their perspective while you were isolated.

You can't focus on it at this range, so tell the others to bring it closer until you can give it a telekinetic bitch slap.
Try talking to that new voice in your head.

You can't focus on it at this range, so tell the others to bring it closer until you can give it a telekinetic bitch slap.
And then release a new season of 'The Slap', by Eryn on Netflix.
You can't focus on it at this range, so tell the others to bring it closer until you can give it a telekinetic bitch slap.
Save your questions until after the fight. We aren't finished teaching this guy a lesson yet.
You can't focus on it at this range, so tell the others to bring it closer until you can give it a telekinetic bitch slap.

I forgot to ever make a choice oops
You can't focus on it at this range, so tell the others to bring it closer until you can give it a telekinetic bitch slap.

"Our Small Victory"

Location: Werewolf's House, Time: 11:55AM

"Hey, guys, knock it over this way!"
He saw a blurry flash of green light sending the werewolf into Eryn's visual range. It rolled and bounced on the ground before eventually stopping in front of him. He could see the Angel's emblem glowing red in its eyes again as it snarled weakly at him, literally starting to turn to dust. He took a deep breath, making sure to focus on his wrist. If he just focused with his whole arm like he usually did, he'd probably break the stitches he just received, and the muscles in his shoulders were still weakened. He made a swift slapping motion in the air, throwing almost the same amount of force at its face as the kick he'd used previously. The impact was loud enough to echo throughout the street, and his wrist immediately sprained itself.


The werewolf had its head knocked into the ground and lost consciousness. Or maybe it had finally died from its wounds since it was turning to ash. Eventually it was nothing but a dust pile, except for a small, cylindrical object bearing the Angel's emblem, almost identical to the one seen in Predator-01. He recalled hearing that the police had retrieved a similar brain implant from Suplex Stan, so Eryn was able to start connecting some more dots.

Sydney, Kumori, and Jack-O-Lite had rushed back.
"Before you say anything, I'd like to let you all know that I'm claiming this kill, even though that slap probably wasn't what actually killed it."

"Ok, he's the real Ecto.." Sydney said with a sigh of relief, sitting down next to him and Robin. Kumori was holding her head and pacing around frantically.

"I almost got Ecto killed...I meet the first active hero in 10 months and the first thing I do is send him into a death trap..."

Jack-O-Light cleared his throat awkwardly, looking away slightly.

"Ecto, I believe I should apologize. I neglected to tell you about the werewolf's illusory abilities until after we started our journey, which would no doubt have been important to your decision of when to attack. Kumori may have been able to detect the werewolf properly at night, which could have prevented your isolation and injury-"

"Jesus Christ, lighten up! There's no need to be so formal!" It was true, Eryn had almost been torn to shreds just now because he got isolated. However, for reasons he couldn't explain, he wasn't that worked up about it. Even when he was being held by the throat, he had never actually panicked.


If you're not too busy, I'm about to overclock your metabolic rate to help you heal faster. I recommend you find something to eat.
Wait, what?

Eryn suddenly felt incredibly hungry, as if he hadn't eaten in days. He struggled onto his feet, leaning on Robin for help.
"Let's get going, we're getting lunch!"
"Didn't we just have breakfast a while ago?"
"I think I heard something about how you're not supposed to give food or water to a severely injured person.."

"Doesn't matter, I'm fucking starving, we need to go!"

Hello, Food?
Taco Bell.

Duplex Dan's Diner.
Burger King.

Duplex Dan's Diner

Not only is it duplex Dan, but a diner (more filling food) versus three fast food options makes me go towards it either way.
Duplex Dan's Diner
Ugh, I'm not really a huge fan of this diner, but I suppose we do have an emergency right now. And after that incident at the Waffle House, this is the closest diner in town. You win this time, Duplex Dan.

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