Osamu Redd

The Elder

Osamu Redd
Chaotic Evil
Osamu is a rowdy, foul mouthed, deceitful, disrespectful, immortal. He's always been like this, even before he became an immortal. Almost ever word that comes out of Osamu's mouth will either be something disrespectful, or some type of curse word. Normally Osamu doesn't work along side of people, but in order to get what he wants he will. But after he has what he wants, he's quick to stab that person in the back. He cares little to none for what people thinks about him, or of people in general. There are only two things in this world that drives Osamu, and that's power, and the fun of doing whatever he wants.

Osamu was born within a medium sized town. His family were all lowlifes. The stole what they couldn't afford, and killed anyone who tried to stop them. His family was constantly on the move, and because of that they never had a stable home. The slept in sewers, alleyways, and even other people's homes. Though Osamu slowly grew tired of the constant moving and running. He wanted freedom to do whatever he like, without having a target painted on his back. He wanted power.

He obtained that power by killing his family, stabbing each and everyone of them in the backs. Metaphorically and literally. He then ate his families soul becoming a Huntsman Immortal. He grew horns, pointy ears, razor sharp teeth and claws, and his eyes become red with slits. He enjoyed the feeling of the power surging within him and craved more. He went around killing and devouring souls becoming more powerful the more he ate. Once he wiped out an entire town, he stayed within that town and practiced his new abilities. Once he got the hang of his abilities he burned the village to ash, and now travels doing whatever he likes.

Explosive Powder-Osamu can generate and manipulate Black explosive powder. He can shape them to form constructs that can either explode on contact or at will. He's capable of using this within combat increasing his damage output.
Energy Type:
Osamu's transformation
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it would be nice to give a description on how "black fire" works

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