The bbcode was an add on. When done right, it set the mood of the person's rp nice. Though, sometimes viewing them on mobile was one of the downside... I prefer them on character sheets. Some ppl made really pretty ones and the tab funtion was really useful with organization.
I actually wasn't here for BBCode. Is it really that great?

Alot of people knew how to use BBCode VERY well and it could make an RP post look very cool, there was threads where you could request people to do overly complex character sheets for you, I never really got into it enough to be too complex but I had a google doc full of basic templates and stuff.
Woo! this is kinda confusing after getting used to the other one so i'll give everyone some time to adjust before i pester about continuing the RP! (i mean we can but i wont be annoying about it til' later)
Testing, Testing 1,2,3
XD anyone back yet?
well, yes, hi!!!

Yes!! Well it sucks we can't have a Homestuck RP until the HPs are back up :/: Speaking of HPs

IMPORTANT I forgot this was a Hosted Project, I posted in the HP Support forum like they said to do, but i didnt know exactly what to say so i just told them i was told to post and provided the link. I hope this doesn't go down in 13 days cause of it but if it does, everyone message me and i will gather all the actives into a NEW HP!

@NANANANANANANANANANA@rusticyawn@TripTripleTimes@Assailant@Captain Gensokyo@DaniBot@Kimona Rustic Rustic
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Also, completely off topic, my suspicions were correct and the Discord has in fact been abandoned by 99% of everyone. Not that i was waiting in it since the site went up being forever alone or anything

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