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Fandom [OOC] One Piece: Shores of Gold & Glory

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A classic one piece adventure, join a band of friends on your journey through the grand line in search of glory, gold or perhaps something else?


I have absolutely no clue what's going on anymore.
Roleplay Type(s)
This sure is an ooc chat alright. Yup-yup.
Cogwork Cogwork Venchi1986 Venchi1986 EnviousWorm EnviousWorm
OOC chat has been made, sheets and stuff will be made when it isn't midnight where i am lmao
If any of you have ideas for who you want to play, have any questions for worldbuilding or generally just have something to say, don't be afraid to @ me, and i'll respond whenever i'm free.
PlusUltra PlusUltra yooo wait, i recognize you lmao, were you in that one one piece rp from like a couple years back? the one that died before we left the island? there was like a fishman, a water-bender, a chameleon for the captain and some other shit?? i really feel like i recognize your pfp lmao
Yeah, I honestly forget what RP i did since a lot of the dead ones kinda blend together in my mind. I normally search for posts i made with keywords like One Piece and Name: to find old CS's
totally fair lmao, i think the reason i remember is just cause i hopped on this site being like "oh yeah, that happened" and the whole reason i decided to make this was cause i thought i could make one that actually might remain active longer lmao
Traveler Traveler could my character have a similar ability to Miss Goldenweek?
like colouring shit on people to alter emotions and stuff? i don't see why not, sounds like a fun power, although i would argue the full power might vary depending on who you hit with it (since we only ever saw it used on luffy who is far from the strongest mentally lmao)
Ok options i have are....
Mary "5 Hands" Read, Fishman Navigator/Martial Artist
Demetria "Stormblood" Vos Glavus, Human Swordsman Book keeper/Quartermaster
September "Morning" Belle, Human Smuggler/Thief/Archeologist with Poke Poke no Mi (Pocket Fruit)
Jane "Coyote" Dorian, Human Doctor with Hito Hito no Mi: Model Revenant
Anemone "Snake Switch" Wick, Amazonian Seamstress/Animal Handler with Muki Muki no Mi (Direction Fruit)
Taylor "Escalation" Hebert, Human Writer/Scout with Mure Mure no Mi (Swarm Fruit)
Willow "Whisper" Blanchard, Three-Eyed Herbalist/Nature Specialist/Tonberry with a "Flatland Tiger" pet
Bree "Silent" Zuel, Human Chef Martial Artist with Voice of All Things
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Can alter a few of the professions and keep the theme of the character for some depending what is needed.
Ok options i have are....
Mary "5 Hands" Read, Fishman Navigator/Martial Artist
Demetria "Stormblood" Vos Glavus, Human Swordsman Book keeper/Quartermaster
September "Morning" Belle, Human Smuggler/Thief/Archeologist with Poke Poke no Mi (Pocket Fruit)
Jane "Coyote" Dorian, Human Doctor with Hito Hito no Mi: Model Revenant
Anemone "Snake Switch" Wick, Amazonian Seamstress/Animal Handler with Muki Muki no Mi (Direction Fruit)
Taylor "Escalation" Hebert, Human Writer/Scout with Mure Mure no Mi (Swarm Fruit)
Willow "Whisper" Blanchard, Three-Eyed Herbalist/Nature Specialist/Tonberry with a "Flatland Tiger" pet
Bree "Silent" Zuel, Human Chef Martial Artist with Voice of All Things
Personally I think Willow Blanchard sounds cool, Anemone Wick sounds cool and Jane Dorian sounds cool
Ive been on RPN for 7 years, but yeah if the RP sounds fun in OP i tend to throw interest. Only real exception is if it has something like a Stat system which i tend to avoid
Ive been on RPN for 7 years, but yeah if the RP sounds fun in OP i tend to throw interest. Only real exception is if it has something like a Stat system which i tend to avoid
Yeeaaah I've been around for a minute on RpN myself lol, though its been a while since I went joining rps on my lonesome I was suffering from crippling anxiety and codependency but Im tryna branch out a bit lol - and I frackin love One Piece.

I usuallly don't mind stat systems as long as it is mostly simple and I don't have to go and do too much math lol, but usually I tend to go without them myself whenever I make rps...Most of the time...
Also like Plus Ultra I already have a few One Piece characters I could use in this rp, so I was gonna set up a list and try see what people are most interested in seeing out of the bunch, I got about 4 characters in mind that I would potentially like to do...So yall let me know what one you like best or even if you think all of them are mega doodoo trash I don't mind my clown heart can take it (no it can't)
Haki was presented as being so rare garp made it seem like helmeppo had no chance at haki at marineford.

Now everyone and their moms has haki. Even grunts. I will submit my character and see if it's good enough but I just wanted to point that out. I like the idea of a kid being taught haki and maybe part of the underworld or a small island mafia.

However I am concerned because i don't wanna submit my heart and be rejected because its not wierd for luffy to have a devil fruit when he's 7 but its wierd for me, a player, to have busho or kenbusho haki as a sniper or martial artist is too much?

And i want to be clear, I'm only giving my input. If we dont see eye to eye id be ok with that. After all you have to gm this not me :)
Kinda dropped off manga at end of Wano and still need to catch up on...think its Eggman Island and Elbaf? But kinda had one character who used Voice of All things which i don't think is expanded on and used that to Mimic some Haki stuff using a logic of that one ability being specialized in. Weird part was this character was made ages ago and ended up with a Ability that turned up later in the series i heard.

Was essentially being able to speak/hear the voice, also allowed them to be silent to the voice, which was an Anti-Observation Haki trick.
Sinny Char-List Selector: YOU DECIDE CUS I CAN'T, YEAH!

Bozo Waldocratz (Prankster)

I honestly have a LOT of stuff for Bozo that makes it kinda hard to summarize, it should be noted though that he was created as part of a duo with my friend which might complicate how I approach his character in this rp unless I had something to justify why they are split up. He is a prankster with the grand ambition of pulling off the worlds most historic prank! He is also the co-inventor of an explosive pie-mixture that they dubbed "POW! Pies".

Quick Bio
He stars as an orphan of sorts, who goes by the last name 'Nwolcs' instead, which is the family name of his adopted father. A clown fishman who was the ringleader of a fallen flying circus that was grounded on Barudou Island (An island created by me and my friend, it is pretty much a themepark hollywood island that got run into the ground by the World Government as a Celestial Dragon family decided to make their home there). Unbeknownst to Bozo, he is the descendant of an infamous family of pirates known as the Waldocratz Family. I already have most of the family members conceptually done/finished, but I intend on them being pretty high level in terms of power/strength/resources. The family is led by Bozo's grandfather Shalimar Waldocratz, who possesses the "Director Director" fruit which functions similar to Operation Operation fruit but with a more theatric theme. (The fruit allows him to create a stage that turns everyone on it into his 'actors', it was a pretty OP concept all in all but I also intended on Shalimar being a purely background/antagonistic figure as well). I have a lot of stuff involved but that is the most important things to know in terms of relevance and what might be a problem with some people.

He is a prankster with a background as an entertainer/acrobat/cannon-boy. He has no real combat training, and is technically inept in any form of martial arts style. That being said he is primarily a brawler who utilizes a number of gadgets, tools and trickery to get the better of his opposition. He is also highly durable and tolerant to pain, and has developed a natural resistance to the explosive power of his POW! Pies. My justification for that being Bozo is used as the test dummy for the pies. Bozo will also use pow pies as boxing gloves to give all of his punches explosive power (literally lol)....I wouldn't be opposed to giving Bozo a devil fruit but I never created the character with one in mind so it isn't necessary outside of making him more capable and adding to his potential progression.

Again he was intended to be part of a duo where the two would fight together and would make a much stronger team than they would be individually, however since that isn't going to be the case here this is what I got.

Eval Knieval (Mechanic/Rider)

Daredevil motor-head. He is a wizard when it comes to any machine that works off of a motor, however is completely inept at all things related to how boats work (he kinda has a vendetta of sorts against boats/ships/shipwrights). A big part of his character was putting emphasis on the idea of 'inheriting' anothers dream as their own. In this case, Eval inherited the dream of his older brother and took it on as his own. Technically his full name is just a combination of his name and his brothers name.

Quick Bio
Eval and his brother Knieval are orphans raised on an island crazy about all things motors, in fact the island itself is shaped like a cogwheel. The island is controlled by a trinity of large crime organizations which forced the native people to the desert outskirts, known to be hazardous and devoid of most life. Knieval would be the more talented rider, the braver one, the stronger one, whereas Eval simply had a more intuitive understanding of how the machines worked.

As far as family goes I did originally include the idea that Eval/Knieval are both D's, and I did have a vague concept for their father who is another character concept of mine that I call "Cross Bones D.", a man who abandoned his name and the current (or in some cases retired) captain of the Cross-Bone Pirates. Cross Bones D. is a mostly 'mystery figure' himself but he and his crew are most known for possessing a flying warship (which in some cases I made into one of the super weapons called Jupiter). I typically use Cross Bones D as the catalyst for certain events in bio, as well as the temporary tutor of Eval to justify him having some combat training and few other things but nothing that I can't just use any other figure for if there is an issue with me using the D stuff.

This is one of two characters on this list that I intend to begin with a Devil Fruit, in this case Eval uses something called the 'Forge Forge' fruit. He is a walking human forge, I have a proper description for this fruit that is more detailed and better explained but for sake of SOME brevity, the general gist is he can physically bend and manipulate metals and can even create machinery from nothing but scrap. It is a highly technical fruit, he can't just create a motor from scrap with no knowledge. In addition his body can heat up to a high enough temp to easily bend and melt metal. Heat is also an important theme for the fruit since its also partially a 'fuel source' (again better explained in actual description).

Outside of the innovative use of his devil fruit, I did think it would be cool if ultimately, he was a mounted fighter. One of his big devil fruit moves was creating a mech-suit of armor, but I also really wanted to incorporate a motorbike as an essential piece of his arsenal. A bike that can be manipulated at a whim by his devil fruit and stuff.

Tabemono "Beast Child" (Beast Tamer)

The mystery of the beast child, a boy discovered by a gladiatorial fishman stranded on the wandering (and living?!) island known as Kappakashi. The boy protected by a strange wolf-like creature, that is much greater in size and intelligence to any other wild or tamed animal. This is technically ANOTHER character I created with the intention of him being part of a duo with my friends character who is the gladiator fishman mentioned. Tabemono is a boy who comes from a mythical island in the Grand Line called "Fera Spiritus", an island believed to be nothing but an old fable. In stories the island is said to be home to an ancient human tribe, known primarily for being in tune with the Voice of All Things.

(We got a lot of orphans on this list I dunno what to tell ya...)
Quick Bio
Tabemono is a boy raised on a living, breathing, moving "island" known as Kappakashi. Of course, Kappakashi isn't REALLY an island, but instead a giant species of turtle that holds an ecosystem on the top of its shell. Tabemono was taken away soon after birth from his home island of Fera Spiritus, at the behest of the Old Spirit. Long story short there was drama and Tabemono had to be sent away for his own protection. Kappakashi would be an ally of the Old Spirit, and this is how Tabemono would end up in his care. This is also when Tabemono would receive his giant wolf companion called Goncho, he is a unique breed of wolf native to the island of Fera Spiritus itself and have deep ties to the Rugitus Spiritus clan. Often acting as lifelong companions and guardians of its members.

A huge part of Tabemono's whole deal is that he was effectively raised by animals, he was too young to remember where he came from or what his people were like. Nor was he ever exposed to many tales stories about where he come from by Kappakashi who kept the childs origins very hush hush from him. So despite being an adult, Tabemono very much has the naivete and curiosity of a child. He is very familiar with animals and how they act, but has little understanding in the way humans typically act. He knows how to speak, thanks to Kappakashi but he typically never spoke vocally so yeah...All in all very socially awkward, and easy to misunderstand. Typically I have him encounter a fishman called Finn who gets washed up on Kappakashi, which I may still include but its not really important as that character belonged to a friend of mine who isn't present.

Disclaimer - this was written by someone else in the rp I joined when making this character so yah)
Fera Spiritus, wild spirit in latin, an island hidden from the world. The existence of this island is rumored throughout the seas, but not many have ever been to it. Only a select few among the world's free spirits. Fera Spiritus is home to the Rugitus Spiritus clan, a tribe of primal people who don't take kindly to strangers. The Rugitus Spiritus go farther back in time than can be documented and have become a legendary warrior clan. They are largely in tune with the voice of all things, nature and wild life, rarely killing animals and working with them to survive. The Rugitus Spiritus are currently headed by Spiritus Annorum, the Old Spirit, who is a wise, caring leader unafraid to make the hard choices. He also values the use of books as teaching tools and documenting their current era for the next generation. The Rugitus Spiritus are skilled in all trades including but not limited to blacksmith, carpentry, construction, remedy making, and much more.

He has a very animalistic side to him, especially whenever he feels threatened. He fights wild, free, unhindered and often reckless. Acting purely on instinct and impulse. Physically he is much stronger and faster than he looks, but nothing completely inhuman. He has no real combat training, and most of his talents lie in being able to communicate with wildlife. He has a way with animals, which means he is rarely ever fighting alone. He has a giant wolf-like companion called Goncho, who can naturally increase and decrease its size based on its emotions (anger/threat=bigger and calm/love=smaller, max size of a two story building and minimum size of a teacup...Yes he can be held in the palm of your hand if he likes you enough).

His main power progression will be in the form of gaining more animal companions, harnessing the voice of all things and not so much obtaining a devil fruit or powerful martial arts forms.

Triste Celeste (Swordsman "Knight")

Admittedly the least developed concept so far because it is the newest one of the bunch, and also the only one I've never actually made a genuine character sheet for yet. I call this one the "Celestial Knight", with Triste being the only or one of the only remaining members of this ancient order. I had a few ideas for how to approach the idea of the Celestial Order, but the general/basic idea is that they were an order once appointed as the primary guardians and protectors of the Celestial Dragons that was destroyed as the result of a failed coup.

Quick Bio
Triste is the remnant of a dying order of Knights that were once in the dedicated service of the Celestial Dragons, now disgraced and exiled as the result of a failed coup, the Order of Celestial Knights has quickly been scrubbed out across the world, being thorough in their efforts to erase any evidence of their existence. The plot of their coup remains a secret, and Triste was too young to be involved in the events personally, and was instead entrusted with inheriting the will of his brothers and sisters.

Triste is a lone knight on a mission, one that he isn't quite sure about, but is sure will become clear to him in time. For now he has taken to his own travels, and I guess through some means will end up in the pirate crew. He keeps his past a secret from most people, and does not typically go around shouting "I'M A CELESTIAL KNIGHT" to everyone he meets, however he is VERY proud of his heritage and ultimately seeks to somehow redeem/restore his order one day. Until then, he lives in to keep the legacy of the Celestial Knight Order alive.

A swordsman first and foremost, he is a self-proclaimed "knight" after all, although he doesn't exactly look the part. I did have ideas of giving him a mythical zoan fruit that was effectively a 'devil/demon' version of the human human fruit, which he inherited from the order and likely played a bit of a role in the whole downfall of the Celestial Knight Order and the coup etc...Triste was trained to eventually be a guardian of the celestial dragons, so he is very well trained and well-versed in all manner of combat while his swordsmanship is obviously what he has the most affinity with. His devil fruit acts as more of a booster to that respect, his devil fruit is not required as a crutch....

So really if people liked this idea but didn't like the idea of him having a devil fruit or whatever the case might be I can easily just leave out any mentions of the devil fruit and just stick with the Celestial Knight thing.
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So far I have two basic character ideas.

A DF User who ate the Toppu Toppu no Mi (Gust-Gust fruit) a paramecia which allows them to control wind but not turn into it. Could easily be scaled up to logia if we're starting high level. Not really sure about the role on the ship but if it has a sail he could at least power it and even move it (seemingly) against the wind so maybe helmsman

My second one is a cyborg with one artificial arm who wears gloves/gauntlets on the other arm. For high level I can skip a few of the earlier upgrades I have in mind for them but if the rp is about the crew starting weak they'll need to get acces to dials at some point in the story. So far at least their arm protheses involve guns so I can see them as either as a gunman (with close-range options) or a shipwright.

As for Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool 's characters I like Eval Knieval, and not just because he could help my cyborg while also having a Zoro/Sanji relation if I make them a shipwright, Tabemono and Triste
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Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy
The way i see it, the reason that marine grunts have had haki recently is simply because you NEED haki to even stand a chance in the new world. That is to say, they have trained their asses off for just the simplest and most basic usage of haki. With that logic, i feel like a character who did train their ass off being trained by someone who knows haki themselves could possibly learn a very basic usage of haki early on. If you want to we could run like a virgo type thing where as we go you slowly master haki and become like the designated "haki master" of the crew lmao. Again, i'm fine w starting off w basic haki, i just wanted to know the vibes lmao. (the note in character creation is moreso for conquerors, i should've specified lmao)
So far I have two basic character ideas.

A DF User who ate the Toppu Toppu no Mi (Gust-Gust fruit) a paramecia which allows them to control wind but not turn into it. Could easily be scaled up to logia if we're starting high level. Not really sure about the role on the ship but if it has a sail he could at least power it and even move it (seemingly) against the wind so maybe helmsman

My second one is a cyborg with one artificial arm who wears gloves/gauntlets on the other arm. For high level I can skip a few of the earlier upgrades I have in mind for them but if the rp is about the crew starting weak they'll need to get acces to dials at some point in the story. So far at least their arm protheses involve guns so I can see them as either as a gunman (with close-range options) or a shipwright.

As for Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool 's characters I like Eval Knieval, and not just because he could help my cyborg while also having a Zoro/Sanji relation if I make them a shipwright, Tabemono and Triste
I like the cyborg idea
Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy
The way i see it, the reason that marine grunts have had haki recently is simply because you NEED haki to even stand a chance in the new world. That is to say, they have trained their asses off for just the simplest and most basic usage of haki. With that logic, i feel like a character who did train their ass off being trained by someone who knows haki themselves could possibly learn a very basic usage of haki early on. If you want to we could run like a virgo type thing where as we go you slowly master haki and become like the designated "haki master" of the crew lmao. Again, i'm fine w starting off w basic haki, i just wanted to know the vibes lmao. (the note in character creation is moreso for conquerors, i should've specified lmao)
Alright i could hash the deets a little, but this is good. Also id like to be more like dark king ray one day instead but this is good. <3

I'll work on a cs in a day or two if that's ok

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