Only 12

Crescent Moon

A flame has no shadow.
Name: Beta
Age: 19
Gender: Male 6ft 5in.
Species: Leviathan
Strengths: Razor sharp teeth (often mixed with a vampire), a thin set of scales covering his vitals (Can't stop a blade but can decrease damage), compact muscle fibers and stronger bones. Fat layers are low due to his athletic life. He is stronger than he looks but isn't ridiculously strong. His voice is a bit quiet and wispy due to a defect in his throat. He specializes in stealth and close combat. Can hold his breath for 6 minutes. Doesn't mind crowds. (Like a well built, healthy, athlete.)
Weaknesses: Sharp, loud sounds can cause him to freeze up. Can't breath underwater due to his defect but can hold his breath up to 6 minutes. Bright lights cause him to be completely blind. Can get easily upset on certain occasions.
Personality: Cold, a bit distant and partially insane. Lacks fear but is overly cautious. Loyalty and honesty are incredibly important to him. He doesn't do too well when teased. Can be incredibly rude and demanding when upset.
Bio: His recent past has been filled with nothing but issues, jobs, and the rich. With his reputation on the line and his only source of income due to his threatening appearance, Beta has grown to be a bit short tempered. He has an incredible soft spot for small children however but doesn't admit it.
Like a cranky, old cat.


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