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Fantasy On Uncertain Tides // CS (All spots full!)


Colt Voltage

Senior Member
Ahoy! Here's where we'll introduce the characters of On Uncertain Tides.

Name, picture, age (24-30), home town, occupation, personality, history, anything extra.
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Astrid Davies

The Composed Twin


24 years old

Home Town:

London, England



Noble woman

Once upon a time ago the Davies family was loving, fun. The only daughters to the Vice Admiral in the British Navy the twins were rather spoiled. Top education, wanted for nothing, trust fund babies. Their mother was a kind, wonderful woman from Paris on vacation who just happened to fall in love with the Admiral, it was quite a cute little love story. Unfortunately for the whole family their mother took ill when the girls were teenagers. Dozens of doctors, an endless amount of failed remedies and treatments, nothing seemed to help her. Their mother passed away just before the girls turned 13.

The twins seemed to react to the death differently. Of course they mourned, but over time it was clear the girls took the loss in their own way. Astrid wanted to make her father proud of her, wanted to live up to his expectations. Adella pushed against her fathers rules, she didn't seem to care. Astrid couldn't lose her sister, she was terrified that her father would send her away, possibly disown her! Hence the reason Astrid went to the ends of the earth to cover for her sister, no matter what she's up to. Even as adults Astrid cleaned up Adella's mess every single time. With the news of her upcoming arraigned marriage on top of the fear of moving away from her sister, Astrid felt like she was spread very thin. Her new focus was on maintaining the peace with everyone and figure out a way to get her sister to move to Liverpool with her.

While Astrid wished that she could live life on a whim, carefree and be able to have fun that wasn't her reality. With all of her father's pressure on her growing up her vibrant, explorative childhood nature quickly faded away. The man expected perfection, and without the balance of having their sweet and kind mother Astrid found herself complying to all of her father's rules just to make him happy. Top of her class in University she was also polite, proper, obedient, and did her best to keep Adella in line. Astrid is an uptight woman with the weight of her fathers expectations on her shoulders, failure was not an option for her.

♡design by stardust galaxy, coded by uxie♡

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Hana Ito.
Age: 25 years old
Home Town: Nagosaki, Japan
Outfit: Click me!
Occupation: Mercenary for hire
Weapon: Samurai sword

Growing up as the only daughter of a famous samurai Hana knew only comfort, discipline, and happiness. After the attack on her family she was left an orphan. Over the years she seemed to lose her compassion for people and became a sell sword. So long as the job paid well she'd take it. She's a cold, straight to business type of woman.

Hana had the dream life. Her father was a famous samurai, her brothers followed in his footsteps and Hana idolized them. They had their own land, their own houseworkers. They were good, strong people and looked out for the less fortunate. There was an uprising in Japan, one that wanted to tear down the current government and all who served them. When she was 16 her home was attacked and pillaged, her family slaughtered, Hana was injured in the attack, her father threw himself in the way of an arrow meant for her. The arrow was fatal. His dying words for her were to run, so she ran. Barely escaping with her life she managed to fix up her wounds and take up a life all on her own.

After recuperating and getting vengeance on the bandits that killed her family Hana left that life. She took all the valuables back from the family, kept a single necklace of her mother and her father's katana, sold everything and paid her way on a boat to leave the lands. Ever since then she traveled port to port taking any job. Thankfully she was an educated woman and spoke several different language.

coded by Sugarnaut
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Declan Murphy.

Age: 29 years old
Home Town: Dublin, Ireland
Outfit: Click me!
Occupation: Badass Pirate, duh.
Weapon: Sword

Declan could go on about how his parents abandoned him when he was a toddler, how his mom was a drunk and his father didn't want to stick around. He could tell you that he was raised in the grimiest of orphanages, the ones that didn't provide meals every day, the one with abusive nuns. But no one likes a sob story, right? Certainly not Declan. So he'll tell the story of a boy who found his best friend in one of those places, how they dreamed of grandeur, treasure, adventure. They dreamed of becoming pirates, of sailing far away from that place.

The boys finally got brave enough to make a move. Obviously having no funds for a boat Declan proposed the first step to his grand scheme; sneak aboard a pirate ship. Aboard they went, and it wasn't long after they were found. And, well, that's how they pretty much got adopted into the life! They earned their keep, learned the ropes, and got into plenty of trouble after that. Hence the reason the boys were now on an adventure to prove everyone wrong and that they aren't just a bunch of (drunken) fuck ups.

From a young age Declan learned that laughter was the best medicine. He always strived to be the 'class clown', to lighten the spirits of not only his peers but himself. As san adult he finds himself still to be the class clown, only now he gets to do it drunk. He'll always make light of a situation, no matter how tense it is. Often gets his brother in trouble with either flirting with the wrong girl, or running his mouth to the wrong person. Oops. At least he's an ambitious young fellow.

coded by Sugarnaut
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Rolf Lothbrok.
Age: 28 years old.
Home Town: Oslo, Norway
Outfit: Click me!
Occupation: Skilled Shipwright and Ex Viking
Weapon: Dual wields axe and hammer

Leaving his home wasn't something Rolf dreamed of doing. He wanted to stay home in his quiet village to work on the Vikings ships like his father and his father before him, make a meager living that could support hm and his sick mother in their small fishing village. The boy was a giant though and good with an axe, he was often recruited by the Vikings. They offered him good pay, a better life than a simple shipwright could provide. Roth accepted. He went with the Vikings, he trained with them, he grew strong and powerful. But... the Vikings were not the most classiest of pillagers. They would burn places they plundered and left anyone in the village alive to suffer. Rolf was a giant, but he wasn't a murderer. When he arrived back home he found it had been plundered by other Vikings, he found his mothers corpse in their house.

After burying her remains Rolf left and never looked back. He went to a nearby port and lived there for several years fixing up ships. That's where he met a group of pirates. They took an interest in Rolf's work on ships, and the fact that he was a powerful giant didn't hurt, either. He didn't speak the language and it took forever for him to learn. Rolf took solace in silence even as he learned the language, he was just happy he was able to work on ships for decent people. He had never really had a friend before he met Declan, most people misunderstood his silence. It didn't seem to scare Declan, he was always somehow roped into Declan's grand schemes. Rolf knew that Declan had a good heart and never wanted to hurt people, so he just kind of went along with his crazy plans.

Rolf is a man of few words. He's a clumsy, strong, kind giant who was fascinated by learning about how big the world was, wood, and things he could make with his own hands. He prefers to just stand back and observe a situation rather than getting involved.

coded by Sugarnaut
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Age: 26 years old
Home Town: Hollingshill, Scottland
Occupation: Cartographer
Weapon: Dagger

Harriet O’Connor, more preferably Hattie, is a 26 year old woman from the Scottish countryside. Her entire life she had lived with her parents and three brothers, two older and one younger. They were a modest family, neither rich nor poor really but their standing kept Hattie from the real education that she dreamed of. So she took matters into her own hands at a young age, spending her free time mapping the stars and night then watching the ships along the sea during the day. She wanted to make maps, she was damn good at it too, at least she thought she was. However according to her father it was a woman’s job to get married and start a family. It was something Hattie was able to brush off for a while but once she was 24 her father had had it and demanded she find a husband.

That was when she left, hopped on the first ship that would take her and soon she found herself in the port of London. For a few months she was able to survive by selling artistic prints of the town and drawings of the sea. It wasn’t until a run in with a couple of idiot pirates in a shady bar that she was finally able to start actually doing what she loved!

Hattie was smart “for a woman”, a statement that made her want to wring someone’s neck. She was opinionated and multitalented, drawing, reading, writing and math. Personality wise she was quite literal, not really ever learning or gaining the social skills of a “fine young woman.” Instead she was often found keeping to herself to avoid an uncomfortable situation. The only people she really ever talked to in depth were her crew mates.

Hattie was thin and lanky, standing at 5’8 without her boots on. Her hair was a wild mess of bright copper curls that she usually wore up in some way or another. Her skin was very pale and she often found herself sunburnt from being on the ships.


the cartographer


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡
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Age: 24

Home Town: London, England

Weapon: Words

Occupation: Noble woman

Adella wasn’t always the wild one, up until her mothers death she had honestly done her best to be a good girl. She had never been naive to the privileges they had so she tried to do her best to appreciate them and do well. That is until she realized you could die tomorrow and life wasn’t worth being prim and proper. Then it was all over. Ever since she turned 13 Adella was causing trouble. Sneaking around with boys, playing cards with the staff around the house. As she got older thing got more and more troublesome. Currently her favorite past time was to sneak out at night in some clothes she had borrowed from Gideon and go gamble at one of the bars down by the docks.

Adella knew her choices drove her sister mad, that Astrid did all she could to protect her and keep her from trouble. She didn’t know why, if Adella didn’t care if she got in trouble why did she? Hell she was running off to marry some jackass anyways!

Her dream was to travel, see the world, meet new people and discover new things. Of course she could travel, she literally had the British Navy in the palm of her hands. But dammit she wanted to do it on her own, on her own will without a babysitter or rules. She wanted to live! If her mother hadn’t wanted the same thing they would have never fallen in love and had the life they had! She just didn’t understand why he couldn’t understand where she was coming from…


the wild child.


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♡coded by uxie♡
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;; Gideon
Age: 28
Hometown: London, England
Occupation: Naval Guard
Weapon: Sword

Gideon was born the son of a Naval Officer and a lady in waiting. His mother spent most of his time with her duties, taking care of the lady of the house up until her death and then changing duties to supervise newer staff in the house. That meant that Gideon was basically raised by his father in the barracks. Not that he cared, he loved every minute of it. From an early age Gideon realized he had a talent with a sword, that he was good at battle and even better at keeping a cool head. By the time he was eleven years old it was decided he would become the personal guard of the Davies twins once he was of age. That came when their mother died, Gideon was seventeen while the girls were still only thirteen and having just lost their mother. Gideon quickly took his job very seriously, learning that being a guard was much less about fighting and more about protecting these girls from themselves.

Since then Gideon was always at their side, he viewed them as family, younger siblings. His duty was to them and their father, which unfortunately often meant lying to the admiral thanks to Adella's shenanigans but... as long as they never got too bad Gideon had decided it was best to handle it between the three of them and not involve their father. Everywhere the girls went, Gideon was nearby. Even when Adella snuck out, Gideon was well aware of where and what she was doing.

His goal was to take over his fathers position as Cheif Officer once his father retired, he hoped that doing an outstanding job as the girls guard would make him worthy of that title. However the idea of having to train another guard to take over his current position was slightly bittersweet...

Gideon was stoic and straight-laced, he took or gave no bullshit and opted to only socialize with his own inner circle. Beyond his duty he enjoyed fencing and shooting arrows as well as cooking, though it wasn't often that he had the free time to do any of that between his job and training.
coded by reveriee.

Silas “Dead-Eyes” Hawthorne
The Captain
New Providence > London

Silas was born in New Providence though quickly found his way through dozens of half way homes and orphanages before finally landing in one in London. See his mother was a young bar maid, barely even 16 years old when she found herself pregnant with Silas. From the day she learned of her “ailment” she knew she would be giving the child away. It started with him going to the local church, a tiny little place that basically made sure he was alive and would survive travel to a real orphanage. Then his journey began.

New Providence was riddled with pirates, it was how he began his obsession with becoming one. Once he was old enough to speak he would ask for stories of where he came from and as he grew older he researched more and more. That’s when he met his idiot best friend Declan. A like minded child with a lot more optimism and spunk than Silas. Enough spunk that got the two of them into one of his stupid schemes… one that actually kind of worked out in the end. That was how their lives as real pirates began.

That’s also how it ended. Sort of. The boys had been obsessed with one particular shipwreck their whole lives and they were certain that they had figured out it’s location! Only… somewhere they had gone wrong and their mistake lead to one of their crew losing their life and the boys being exiled from the ship. Thankfully they had made some friends along the way and had Rolf and Hattie follow them but it didn’t change the fact that they didn’t have a full crew nor a ship.

Silas was cocky, smart mouthed and bull headed. He was both a natural born leader and a natural born asshole. Thankfully he had Declan to smooth over any situation that got too prickly.

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