On the Road

O-Ren releases her Psi Sword and takes a better grip on the shotgun. After a quick scan of the room, she calls out on the radio, "Cellar is clear and the hostages are safe! Report on what is going on up top!"

Seeing that the fight in the cellar was slowly winding down, Ozug moved out of a tense fighting posture, but still kept his rail gun level as he carefully scanned the room. His nerves were still in a rush, and he could hear combat going on above. The bio-comp was still keeping him steadily juiced. Not out of the woods yet. He didn't like the idea of waiting down here for more vampires to come, but he felt that Grond was ultimately right. It's too dangerous for the survivors to leave yet. I hope the Misfits on the surface team are having as good of luck as we are.

Glancing at the incapacitated vampire that had the wooden rail round stuck in its chest, Ozug meticulously stomps its head into mush with his boot, hoping that might finish it off for now. He looked to the still forms of the monster hounds, then looked to O-Ren and Sir Talbert. "Will these hounds stay dead? Do we have to worry about them coming back?" He walked over to O-Ren, and asked "Are you ok? No injuries from the fight?" He then whispered, hoping the captives might not overhear him. "Can you check if any of these people are the Stonewell boys?" He glanced at the corpses in the cellar, and said sadly "Might have to check the corpses too. We need confirmation."

He reloaded his rail gun with additional rounds, turned from O-Ren, and asked Sir Talbert "I heard vampires can change shape and use...uh, illusions or something. That they play with your mind. Do we need to worry if any of the survivors are...compromised?" The word sounded strange to Ozug, and it took him a moment to think of it.

"If you two can work on getting them up and ready for extraction, I'll cover the rear as we exit and get these people to safety, once the surface team is done. I would help with the survivors right now as well, but I don't have any medical training, and someone has to watch our exit in case more come."
He shrugged. "I only know how to break bodies, not fix bodies. They probably don't want an ogre pawing over them anyway."

His brief moment of levity faded, and he said "Let me know when everyone is ready, in the event we might have to move before the surface team is finished, or the plan suddenly changes." He recalled the quote from earlier. As an afterthought, he asked "Can you see if any of the survivors are unable to walk or be moved?"

If there are no additional threats in the cellar, Ozug moves to face the storm cellar entrance, his gun trained, ready to shoot any hostiles that come through. He attempted to position himself in such a way that the vampires would have to go through him to get further into the cellar. He then focused his mind and reached out with his psychic senses.

(Out of Character: Ozug will drop PSI: Mind Block, and use PSI: Sense Evil to see if anything left in the cellar or very nearby is pinging as evil, such as something that might be coming through the cellar doors to attack.)
Now that the vampires are outside and easy targets of the heavy weapons, Nasoth gleefully jumps back into the fight, her delicate-seeming hands gouging out great chunks of vampiric flesh.

OOC: A strike (+10, 9d6 MD) at vampire 13.
Nasoth takes a swing at the vampire, but stumbles on a loose rock. Not enough to fall over, but you do miss your attack. (rolled a 3; automatic miss).

O-Ren releases her Psi Sword and takes a better grip on the shotgun. After a quick scan of the room, she calls out on the radio, "Cellar is clear and the hostages are safe! Report on what is going on up top!"
Everyone with a radio hears this signal from O-Ren, signaling good news from the cellar.

Silanon Silanon is up with Liza

Above Ground
Nasoth (speed boost) [4]
Liza [3] <====
Atlanta [2]
Tony [4]
Tia [3]
Vampire 7 [3] badly injured
Vampires 8-10 [3]
Alley [2]
Underdog [5]
Vampires 13-15 [3]
Marcos [3]
Vampires 16-20 [3]
In the Cellar

It is clear that there is still a fight going on up around the farmhouse; the sounds of rail guns going off is unmistakable. Sir Talbert looks about, and says, "We need to finish up the fight. Grond, can you stay here and guard the prisoners? If any vampires get past us, I know that you can stop them from killing the innocents."

Grond gives a curt nod. "Go. I will not let anyone past me. Hey, make sure you guys kill some of the fang gang for me." With that, he goes over to the crying prisoners. Despite the fact that he helped to kill off the vampires that were using them for food, they naturally recoil from the monstrous Borg. In a soothing voice, he says, "Don't worry; you won't be harmed. Once my friends see that it is safe outside, we can get you out of here and get back home where you belong."

Ozug's psi power doesn't detect any evil emanating from the prisoners, but there is still plenty up above ground from the other vampires that are still active.

With all of that, Sir Talbert turns and runs up the stairs, his holy rune blade glowing in the presence of the undead. Do O-Ren and Ozug follow?
O-Ren places a comforting hand on Grond's shoulder for a moment. "Don't worry, my friend. We'll clean them all out." Turning to look at Ozug, she says, "Lets go bring the pain to these monsters." With that, the Cyber Knight follows Sir Talbert out of the cellar and out into the night, where more vampires are waiting.

The ogre grins at O-Ren, then looks to Grond. "Let us know if you need any help down here," he said. After that, he moves up top to combat the remaining undead menace, following behind Sir Talbert.
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Liza Kreuzer

In the midst of the fight, a familiar voice resounds on her radio. O-Ren - and good news as well. The mystic dodges a strike, then jumps a few steps backwards to answer the call. "Certainly got them out of their shelter. Holding our ground for now, slowly getting the upper hand." They don't let her go that easily, another blow interrupts her as she ducks in time. "Any help is welcome - the sooner they leave this world, the better. How are the villagers? Any immediate help needed downstairs? I could calm the survivors, and heal their wounds. Negate any poison that might flow through their veins." Others might have asked for the two boys they are primarily looking for - not Liza. To her, all those unlucky victims are the same, and the difference between having a badger or not is the last thing in her mind right now.

Instead, she focuses on the vampires at hand, at least until she gets a response calling her to help the survivors. As the opportunity presents itself, she strikes with her quarterstaff, trying to remove one of the creatures from this world herself.

[one round of intuitive combat remaining if I'm not mistaken, thus strike +5]
Liza's staff slams into the wounded vampire #7, knocking it to the ground immobile. It is not fully dead, and will regenerate given enough time.

Atlanta continues to work the rail gun, this time ripping into vampire 8. The monster is badly wounded, but still active.

Tony uses his own rail gun to finish off the wounded fiend, while his sister hoses down vampire 9.

Vampires 9 and 10 both can see the tide of the battle turning against them, and they turn to flee.

Alley turns her water cannon on the injured vampire 9, and melts it away with the water spray.

Underdog and Marcos continue to double team their targets, eliminating #13

Vampires 14 and 15 turn to run towards the cellar.

Vampires 15-20 also scatter, and start to run off into the night.

Esbilon Esbilon is up with Nasoth

Above Ground
Nasoth (speed boost) [4] <====
Liza [4]
Atlanta [3]
Tony [4]
Tia [3]
Vampire 10 [3] running away
Alley [3]
Underdog [6]
Vampires 14-15 [4] running to the cellar
Marcos [4]
Vampires 16-20 [4] running away
Nasoth spreads her arms and smiles gleefully as she runs down the two vampires moving towards their allies in the cellar. She easily keeps pace with them and slashes at the back of #14's neck with her surprisingly sharp nails. (Strike +10, 9d6 MD)
Nasoth is able to knock vampire 14 into the dirt from your hit from behind. It is hurt, but not out of the fight yet. Don't forget to keep watch on the number of your actions.

Silanon Silanon is up,. Vaneheart Vaneheart and Psychie Psychie will be able to join the initiative up top soon.

Above Ground
Nasoth (speed boost) [5]
Liza [4] <====
Atlanta [3]
Tony [4]
Tia [3]
Vampire 10 [3] running away
Alley [3]
Underdog [6]
Vampire 14 [4] injured/running into the cellar
Vampire 15 [4] running to the cellar
Marcos [4]
Vampires 16-20 [4] running away
Liza Kreuzer

Victory - at least for now. Liza sees the vampires turn around, fleeing towards safety - unlikely any of them will manage to escape. Breathing hard from the fight's exhaustion, the mystic crouches down, next to the creature she just overcame. Watches how the others do their best to chase them down, before again grabbing for the communicator. "They're retreating. A few on their way towards the cellar, a handful running off." Her gaze meets the undead in front of her once again - who was he before? How did he become a creature, filled enough with hatred to throw himself at an enemy he could not overcome? He will never be able to answer these questions, those familiar with vampires will take care of that. And clearly, he's a monster that needs to be taken care of. And yet, the question remains - does it only take three days and a bite for a faithful man to turn into something like this?

[If I'm not mistaken, I'm out of attacks for now - thus, I can probably just watch the vampires run away.]
Unless someone gives chase, the few remaining vampires will scatter, and those in the cellar will be more than capable of dealing with the two trying to take cover there.

Moving out of combat time.

Sir Talbert and his companions are not sitting on their heels as the fight comes to an end. Instead, they are going around to each of the vampires that have fallen and are cutting off their heads, and are making a pair of bonfires to toss the heads into one and the bodies into the other. Only when that distasteful task is done do they stop and congratulate each other for the successful fight.

Using his enhanced strength, Grond is able to pull the chains holding the prisoners against the wall free and carefully releases them, carefully carrying the weakest out of the cellar to be looked at. Marcos evidently has some medical skill, and he quickly moves to examine the freed people to see if they are suffering from anything worse than excessive blood loss. Lucky for them, that seems to be the worst that is affecting them, and given some time to rest and a few good meals, they will make full recoveries.

As you work to clean up the survivors from the cellar, you are able to identify two of them as Eric and Joss, the sons of Dennis Stonewell. They are weak and scared, but alive and otherwise unhurt. The worst that they will suffer are the nightmares of their captivity.

The elder Cyber Knight comes up to the assembled Misfits and gives each of you a brief hug. "Thank you for coming to help. My comrades and I would have had a much rougher time dealing with these monsters without your team here. Good job, all of you. Now, if you don't mind, can we put these good townspeople inside your vehicle in the lower bay to take them back to Haven? My jeep is just too small for all these people to fit, and the sooner they are home, the better."

In the aftermath of the battle, the ogre assists in dragging the vampire corpses and their associated heads to the bonfires, being careful to check the bodies for any signs of fakery, or anything of interest. Once this is complete, he carefully guards the survivors while they gather, then checks on the other misfits. He was quite glad to see that all of them had survived the fight, and relatively unscathed at that. Guess I was worrying over nothing. He grinned at all of them, gave a thumbs up, and said "Hey, great job gang! You all were awesome. We sure kicked some vampire ass, didn't we?"

He replied to Sir Talbert "Sounds good to me. I just had some questions before we wrap up though. Did we check further in the house for any other survivors? Do we need to worry about the fang gang rallying and making any kind of counterattack? Do we know what they were ultimately after? Seems a bit out of the way here for a snack." Inwardly, he thought, Whole thing just doesn't seem right to me. Seems like that's a lot of vampires in one place.

Ozug felt that he wouldn't be at ease until everyone, especially the Stonewells, were safely back in Haven.
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O-Ren gives the Mega Juicer a playful slug on the shoulder. "Hell yeah we did kick some serious ass! I am just glad to have all of you on the Good Guys' side, and not working for the vamps. Everyone, you did some damn fine work tonight. We saved a lot of lives, both these hostages and the people that these fiends would have attacked in the future. I'm just sorry that we missed a few of them, and I have a feeling that we'll be seeing these monsters come back for more blood. They just can't help themselves, and the sooner we put them out of their misery, the better."

When Sir Talbert asks if they can use the Badger to take the weakened survivors back to Haven, O-Ren readily agrees, knowing that it has more than enough room and that her comrades won't object. "Of course. Lets get these people back to their homes. Um, I do have to ask, do you recognize the ones in the cellar that we didn't get here in time to save? We should give their loved ones some closure, and let them know that they are not suffering in the grasp of the undead."
As the old Cyber Knight puts his arms around Nasoth, the dragon is at first hesitant, this seems oddly close to some of the combat moves her the psychic imprints of her racial memory have left in her mind, but soon she realizes that this is something else entirely and reciprocates enthusiastically. She's usually good at keeping her strength in check around squishy mortals, but in the glee induced by her first ever hug, she might accidentally bend some of the old man's ribs as she gets into the hugging-mood with a wide smile on her face.
Liza Kreuzer

Fear and sorrow, panic and uncertainty. The smell of death and burning corpses. A feeling of sickness accompanies the mystic as she helps wherever she can - clearly, Marcos is more experienced in getting things done, but every little bit counts. She heals their wounds as well as she can, lends an ear to their tongues, and speaks to those in need of calming words. Does her best to help them, until at last, there is not much more to be done other than standing up, and joining up with the others as they realize that for now, the victory is theirs. Nothing, really, except for one thing only she can offer.

As the others group up, ready to leave this place behind, she only briefly comes along, asking for a few more moments before that. They might know what she has in mind, without saying it in the knight's presence - maybe they'll be kind enough to make sure none of the villagers will follow her downstairs.

Liza then slowly wanders off, the flute in her hand. Headed downstairs, right where the cruelest deeds she's seen thus far took place, to sit down in the midst of the room. Her face shaded by the hood, her globe of daylight the only source of light within the chamber, the mystic begins to play a tune of sorrow, as slow and sad as one might expect. Only then will she open her mind, taking a deep breath before speaking. "Souls of the dead, victims of darkness. We hurried here as far as we could, and yet were not able to save your lives. There is not much that I could do - other than listening to your last words. If you wish to simply fade away, then please stay back and find peace - whatever it is you believe in, let it become true. But if there are words that need to be yelled, or final wishes that need to be delivered - come closer, and tell me, it is the last thing I can offer. Your families and friend shall hear whatever it is that you want them to know - so that you can leave this world behind, knowing that everything is arranged as well as it could be."
Maybe, the souls of the dead have already left, you never know - but if not, she might be able to help them find their final rest.

[using commune with spirits]
Alley Orzech

The battle was fierce, and fiercely swift. Coughing slightly at the foul odor of evaporated vampire, Alley surveys the battlefield and nods in grim satisfaction. She wasn't too keen on going up against humans, be they mercenaries or Coalition as the Misfits had previously encountered. But vampires? This was a job she felt good about. Despite her sheltered life in Chi-Town conducting power systems research, despite the horrible potential of the Devil's Gate in Saint Louis, this fresh taste of violence didn't rattle her much.

Only the suffering of the poor survivors touched her heart, wettening her eyes.

The others seem to have the immediate mop up well in hand. Ozug's thumbsup is returned, as is the Cyber-Knight's hug. None of the vehicles or people took significant damage. For her part, Alley does the only thing she can think to do; zip about the battlefield, retrieving any intact wooden stakes, railgun ammunition shards and the like.

Takes her mind off of whatever it is Liza's doing...
"Souls of the dead, victims of darkness. We hurried here as far as we could, and yet were not able to save your lives. There is not much that I could do - other than listening to your last words. If you wish to simply fade away, then please stay back and find peace - whatever it is you believe in, let it become true. But if there are words that need to be yelled, or final wishes that need to be delivered - come closer, and tell me, it is the last thing I can offer. Your families and friend shall hear whatever it is that you want them to know - so that you can leave this world behind, knowing that everything is arranged as well as it could be."
As you open your mind to the presence of the residual spirits, only a handful of spirits make any attempt to contact you, a woman, two men, and a teenage boy. The woman steps forward and says, "We are now at peace, and are ready to move on and are in need of nothing. But, if you do return to Haven, can you let our families know that we have them in our hearts as our last thoughts in this world? It might help to bring them some measure of comfort as they grieve our deaths."

One of the men adds, "My wife died of cancer years ago, and I would like to be laid to rest next to her, to spend the rest of eternity with my love. If you can do that, I would be grateful."

The four of them give you their names and the location of their families in Haven before fading away.

As your senses return to the material world, you see Grond standing nearby. He gently places a hand on your arm. "Liza, people like you help give me hope that humanity still has some good left to it, and might just be worthy of being saved from the abyss. If you would like, I will help you take care of the last wishes of the fallen, but if you would prefer to do that on your own, I understand. Just remember, you have friends in the Misfits that will stand with you if you ever need it."
The lower cargo/troop area of the Badger is now loaded up with the survivors, and Sir Talbert comments that the bodies of the fallen will be recovered soon enough, no need to have the living sitting in the same hold as the rotting corpses of their fellow Havenites.

As Grond drives, Marcos the mage is moving from person to person, using up his magical energy doing his best to heal what minor wounds that he can, but for the most part, all they need is a few good meals and some rest to physically recover. The mental scars will linger far longer.

It takes the better part of the night to load up everyone and get back to town, but you have finally arrived back at Haven and are seeing the joyful reuniting of the survivors with their families. Sir Talbert takes the relatives of the fallen aside to break the bad news to them personally, and reassures them that in the morning, he will be going back out to bring the bodies back for proper burial. The town is now a mix of tears of joy and sorrow, and the Misfits are approached by many of the families, thanking you for your selfless actions.

Finally back at the Stonewell farm, you are once more invited into the main dining hall where a celebratory feast is being prepared, and much rejoicing is to be had.
O-Ren is quite happy to be a part of the effort to bring this family back together. Even the loss of life that happened before they could get there can't quell her good feelings. Raising up a glass for a toast, she says, "It's been a long night, but a very rewarding one. I can't think of a better group of people that I would like to share this moment with. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Misfits!"
Liza Kreuzer

Inside of the house, they prepare celebrations. A moment of joy and happiness, for both of the sons were saved in time. Of course, things won't ever be quite the same, and nightmares will likely haunt them for years to come. But none of that seems to matter right now, for at least they are able to fear and breath. Over time, the scars will heal - the physical and the mental ones.

At least, that is what Liza hopes for - a lonely shade sitting in the midst of the fields. Remembering those whose souls have wandered to different realms full of light, playing a short melody for each of them - the pictures of their relatives in mind when Sir Talbert brought the unwelcome news. Some might call it depressing to know that many different tunes for the same purpose, but it comes in handy in nights like these. A melancholic smile reaches Liza's lips as she approaches the end, a single one left to receive his sounds. As the flute resounds over the fields, her mind wanders off - back to the chamber, where their bodies were found. Once again, she sees the man, slowly fading away. At peace with this world, despite the cruelest death, on his way to meet the woman he loved. A story to remember, that much is clear - the light prevails, even in death. The moments thereafter, the anti-monsters words? The strong hand on her shoulder, helping her up? Another thing to never forget. There are others who fight the very same fights, be it with weapons, words or thoughts. Sometimes they meet, misfits in a world full of chaos and cruelty. Preventing things from getting even worse, giving hope to those lost in sorrow.

The melody ends - somehow, it turned out more light-hearted than intended. Will the man mind it? Hopefully not. After all, he will soon be reunited with his wife. The mystic told Sir Talbert about the wish, just like she told everyone that the dead found their peace. Thinking of those they loved, instead of remembering torture and pain. Slowly, Liza stands up, bowing low to her invisible audience. Only then does she walk over to the house, each movement as if she'd dance to a melody only she can hear. Respectful, certainly, not filled with joy - and yet somehow lively, like someone who is at peace with this world, for once happy with how things turned out. She enters not a moment too soon, as it seems, barely grabbing a glass to raise it to O-Ren's words. "In memory of those who died despite our efforts. In honor of all those who fight for what is good", is what she adds herself, before taking a nip.
Alley Orzech

The ride home is somber for Alley, despite their victory. Part of it is the exhausted, traumatized condition of their passengers. Part of it is the sight of such horrors in that den of vampires. And admittedly there's some existential angst wrapped up in it.

She smiles wanly at the sight of both sons reunited with father, with the daughter the Misfits had recently transported. Joy is worth smiling at. But it wasn't human joy. She felt good because she'd saved shapechanging D-Bees from other D-Bees. The father was a known gun runner. Had his guns killed humans? Had she just saved part of the problem?

Since the Coalition labeled her part of the problem, Alley was surprised that a year later she still struggled with this crisis of conscience. Surely the dimensional energies she'd absorbed in Saint Louis should have warped her moral center by now, made her a monster like the monsters she'd faced. And from a certain point of view, she was surely warped. Not just supernaturally but looking objectively at that fact that she'd aided D-Bees, transported them past Coalition forces, rescued them from vampires, and kept company with them. Yet to what end? If they were wicked, she'd helped the wicked. But she hadn't hurt the innocent. These Misfits didn't seem inclined to, either. Or was that too just a matter of time?

Yet there was light in this darkness:
A dragon hatchling smiling at her first hug, laughing with the same unrestrained glee a child might.
A mystic and a monster seeing to the dead, respecting their wishes and helping say what needed to be said to loved ones.
Family reunited, parents and children beaming at each other across a dining table, the way Alley once had with her family.​

So Alley shoves her misgivings and confused conscience to the side and accepts a plate of food. And when the Cyberknight salutes the mercenary team, Alley breaks into applause.

And then she offers to fix up anything the town had ruined in the attacks. Skilled mechanics are a rarity on Rifts Earth. Skilled mechanics with supernaturally accelerated temporal frames of reference, able to work exponentially faster? Even more so.

The ogre sat quietly in the Badger, watching the traumatized survivors on the trip back, the adrenaline from the previous combat having faded, to be replaced by the euphoric tingle of calming juicer chemicals. He missed that rush of combat, that feeling of surging power, but was also glad it was over. He looked down at his armored chestplate, where the bio-comp harness was underneath. I think I might like these chemicals too much. He thought back on his behavior in the cellar, and felt slightly embarrassed.

While he felt good about having slain a number of vampires, the horror of the cellar still lingered in his mind, and he thought of the pile of corpses left behind in the cellar. He felt bad that he couldn't do more. A lot of people still lost their lives to these monsters. He thought about the vampires that got away. They'll probably be back again. They'll want vengeance. It would take an army of juicers to drive them out completely. He began to lazily doze, having not slept in three days.

When they arrived at Haven, he watched as people were tearfully reunited with their loved ones, or given the bad news. For once in a long time, he felt proud about himself and his work. He was also proud of his team, the Misfits. As people thanked him, Ozug felt awkward. I haven't been thanked by people before. Not really. Usually a paycheck is thanks enough. But hey, I wanted to help people, and here we are.

Later at the Stonewell farm, he finally felt a weight come off of his shoulders, and he allowed himself to relax a little. He was pleased that the Stonewells were reunited, and that their job was done, for now. He enjoyed the feast, and was happy to toast the Misfits when O-Ren offered. "To the Misfits. Good job everyone!" When Liza offered her words, Ozug nodded respectfully. "Yes, and to those who died. May they find peace." He didn't mention the last part, finding the idea of good to be too subjective for his mindset.

He yawned. "I hope nothing else happens for a bit. I could use a little sleep."
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Dennis lets out a happy burp as he sets down his home brewed beer with absolutely no shame for doing so. "I have some guest rooms that you are welcome to stay in. For what you have done for my family, you will always be welcome in my home. Eat your fill, then, when you are ready, let one of the hands here know and they will show you to a room where you can get some rest. Once you wake up, we can talk more. But, for now, just be at home."

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