Other Of Wilder Things - A Writing Sample Thread


𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔬𝔡𝔰 𝔤𝔯𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔡.
Roleplay Availability
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Hi! I'm Birdy and a bit new around here, so I thought I'd make a space to share some of my favorite drabbly bits and flex some writing muscles. (If this isn't the right place, let me know~)
Some of these characters are ones I write often, others are one off creations that haven't seen light yet.

🖤 There's likely to be adult themes ahead, mostly of the emotional or physical hurt variety.🖤


  • ft. Asteri of the Desert and at least one Eldritch Terror

    Asteri stood on the wide plain at night, the air chilled and her breath marked by puffs of moisture. She glanced around her, unsure of how she had gotten there, or for what reason. Night alone on the plain was death even for one so well trained in the art of evasion as her.

    Far on the horizon, silhouetted against the starlit sky, lay the familiar shadows of Erendune, the rolling sands that marked the edge of their lands. As she gazed at the dunes, their shape distorted, clawing towards the sky. Their commonplace sillouhuette rose until the new shadow blanketed the stars, blocked the moon, and the world grew darker for it. A strange creeping tension in her chest took root as she watched the darkness progress until her head was tilted back, gazing up at the now black expanse of sky above her.

    Asteri could barely see it, but she felt the shadow reaching out to her. Long tendrils reached down from above, slipping easily under the edges of her mask and lifting it from her face. Cool air swept over her cheeks and she inhaled sharply at the sensation. Her mask drifted away before being dropped to the desert floor.

    “-ke..!” Asteri turned sharply, but as her eyes searched the horizon for the source of the voice a snaking tendril of shadow slid under her chin, turning her face back to the sky, and to the Void. “Wake up!”

    Asteri shuddered a gasp, launching herself upright from her furs but she had little time to take in her surroundings before something cracked across her face, leaving an angry line of heat over her temple, cheekbone, and upper lip. A shocked breath escaped her without permission as she clutched her face and stared up at the offender. Her brother stood over her, gazing down at her with a dark intensity she couldn’t place.

    “Get up,” he said sharply. Instinctively her lips curled into a snarl, baring teeth as she cradled her face, but she did as she was told, snatching her mask from its place at her bedside and standing. The switch in his hand twitched but he didn’t move, waiting. With a scowl she placed her mask over her face. Figures stood in the shadowed doorway of their home and Asteri’s already uneasy heart fell further. Her sibling stared at her a moment more before turning away, leaving Asteri to gather her things. She moved with a numb efficiency, and in only a few minutes she followed in her brother’s wake.

    Outside, the clan waited. Some lined a path meant only for her, others watched from the tops of mud huts or behind the broad sides of their wyverns.

    Hers waited for her, panicked and shifting uneasily at the edge of their settlement, held in place by their Elder. Her brother, striding toward her creature, threw a bag to the ground and walked away, not looking back.


    Nothing had ever been so painful. Nothing had ever tested her so ruthlessly. She couldn’t look back. Asteri slumped forward in her saddle, mask tapping the scales of her beast as sobs shook her shoulders endlessly.

    The girl had never left the wastes. She wasn't even sure there was anything beyond the desert plains. She had heard stories of the others that lived somewhere beyond, but they were savage and greedy, and she only knew them by the dull brown of their blood on sand.

    So she urged Viren towards the rising sun and in that line, they walked. Asteri rode most of the time, but by the third day, her thighs had chafed and she took to the sands herself. At night they would bed down in whatever cover they could find, and Asteri would do her best to force down her tears. For the first week she was unsuccessful. Her wyvern knew something was wrong, and at night he would curl around her and press her close to him with a leathery wing. They were both young, but they had seen and done much together in their short lives. As all beast-kin, their bond would only be broken in death.

    Asteri settled into a numb sort of resignation, barely eating despite walking for hours on end, using her spear as a staff. Eventually she started muttering to herself and to the Void, quiet incoherent prayers. Sometime after, she stopped praying all together. Even if he could hear her, he wouldn't help her. She was an unjustified kin-killer, a murderer of the worst kind, and this was her punishment.

    Viren wandered only so far from her as it took to kill something, and as Asteri grew weaker and more despondent, the more anxious the creature became. Before long, she had even stopped lighting fires at night; she was ready to die. The wyvern wouldn't allow it.

    Weeks into their journey, Asteri's step faltered into a stumble, and she collapsed. Sitting on her knees she hung her head, utterly lost. Viren stood beside her a moment and huffed, sinking to his belly and pressing his neck against her until she was forced to drape an arm over him. Satisfied, the wyvern stood, taking her with him. He drug her towards an outcropping of rock where at least she would be shaded from the desert heat and laid down beside her, waiting.

    Night fell. It had been sixteen days since they had left her clan. Anyone else would have died, but Asteri's curse wouldn't allow it. The dark power coiled in her gut sustained her, if barely.

    When she came to it was to the low rumble of Viren's growl. She was vaguely aware of the dragon rising to his feet, snarling in a way only wyverns could, echoed back by the yips and chortling calls of plain-stalkers. The little things were largely harmless alone but this far out they ran in packs.

    Asteri rolled to her side, years of ingrained self preservation driving her to reach for her spear. Her fingers had just touched its hilt when teeth sank into her ankle and she was drug across the sand. Somewhere to her left Viren cried out, distracted and overwhelmed by the sand-stalkers while the rest of the pack went for the easier prey Asteri made. She kicked furiously, catching the lizard that had her in the jaw and swung her spear down to take another across the throat, but another simply took its place. And another, and another. Asteri thrashed and yelled, struggling to keep them off her long enough to stand. Viren leapt over her, swiping at the biting, snapping, clawing things attacking her.

    The struggle only lasted a few minutes, but it left both wyvern and master exhausted and bloody when the pack had finally felt enough loss to run. Asteri fell to the sand, panting, clutching a heavily bleeding wound at her shoulder. With slow and deliberate movements she dressed it, and then tended to Viren. The beasts had gone for his wings, the only soft flesh on him, but he'd done well in keeping them out of their reach.

    “We can't do this anymore,” she said roughly, finding a spot against a rock and tearing her mask away. Blood and sand and sweat clung to her face, and the cool night air felt good on her skin. The sting of her wounds and the shame of being overwhelmed by such lesser creatures did more good than bad; it reminded her that she had a will to live buried somewhere inside, one she would have to cling to. Her wyvern cast her a querying look. “We'll find a teacher. I can't be the only one with the curse.”

    They continued on and though Asteri remained weak, she started eating again. By the time the desert turned to scrub and scrub to trees, she had regained some semblance of life, though still she wasted away, her lithe frame far too thin. The wound that arched across her chest and around her shoulder was proving slow to heal, and she did her best to ignore the aching heat of it. Surely an infection was soon to set in.

    The first town they came across was too foreign and strange, its people darker toned and maskless, and Asteri gave the settlement a wide berth. The scents and sounds of their lives was too much for her. So they continued on following the road. People they passed stared openly, horses startled and people in carts yelled at them, some even threw rocks. This drove them from the well worn road and into the trees.

    It took time, but eventually Asteri began to understand what to expect from the outsiders. Surprise, confusion, and indifference were all standard. Occasionally someone would scream them away, or once they had bedded down they'd be run off by an angry crowd. She found that she had to trade things for food or places to stay, and she had no currency these others would recognize, so she and Viren spent much of their time hunting. It wasn't until they reached a much larger city that Asteri found what she was looking for.

    “Stay here, okay? There's too many here. I'll come find you tomorrow.” Viren wasn't pleased, but he slipped back into the trees while Asteri entered through the main gate, unhindered. Perhaps in a place so large, not only would she go unnoticed but maybe she would find her teacher too. She wasn't so lucky. Curious and unnerved glances were everywhere, but by now she paid them little heed.

    She spent the day wandering, entranced by street vendors and merchants, selling wares from places far away she could barely imagine. Women in long gowns walked by while men in metal armor escorted carriages and guarded shops.

    Eventually she came upon a sign marked by a lick of flame and strange symbols, but more than the sign, she felt the power inside. Hopeful, she opened the door. The space was cluttered with books, vials, plants, and cages.

    “Hello?” The power here felt very different from her own; it was light and warm and moving. From a back room a tall man emerged, wearing colorful robes that left the broad expanse of his tanned chest exposed. He stared at her, confused for a moment before he scowled.

    “You aren't welcome here,” he said quietly. Asteri took a step back and seemed to shrink.

    “I need help.” His glare narrowed and he pointed at the door.

    “I refuse to entertain a dark thing like you.”

    “Please, I…” Asteri chewed the inside of her cheek. This was the first mage she had found, and it felt like it was her only chance at saving herself. “I need a teacher, I can't go home until-”

    “You don't even know what you are do you?” The man sneered, cutting her off. “Get out before I kill you.” He paused. “I should. I'd be doing the world a favor.”


    A month went by in much the same fashion, and Asteri hardened to the ways of The Others. The smaller towns they would linger only if they needed, the bigger ones Asteri would venture into alone. She was growing more and more dissatisfied with their lack of progress, and her strength had yet to fully recover.

    It was in a large town that Asteri left Viren and made her way into their streets, a cloak hiding her monochrome clothes. It helped keep eyes from her. At some point, she thought perhaps she was being followed; it had happened before. She was an easily identifiable mark, but after an hour or two of aimless wandering whoever it was disappeared. Night fell, and she did as she usually did, finding a warm stable to curl up in for the night.

    The horses didn't appreciate her being there, but she crept into an empty stall at the end of the stable, settling on a loose pile of hay. Cloak wrapped tightly around her and spear across her lap, she drifted off into strange shadowed dreams.

    Asteri woke to her spear being ripped away from her and a strong hand gripping her calf and yanking into the center of the stall. Though being woken from a dead sleep, she gained her senses quickly and struggled against her attackers. There were three of them, all large men reeking of booze and musk. One of them put a knee on her chest, forcing the air from her lungs, but he clamped a hand down on her throat.

    “Nowh, nowh, little wild girl, we'll show you a good time if you stop fighting.” One of the men behind him laughed.

    “No, fight girl, I wanna hear you scream. What she look like under that mask, huh?” Despite her restricted movement and airway, this made Asteri thrash about once more, but the other men simply moved to stand on her wrists, making her cry out. The man on her chest struck her, sending her mask skittering across the cobbles and she turned her face back to him sharply, spitting blood from a split lip and throwing ruthless curses at him in her native tongue. He hit her again and again until she lay there in a daze, struggling for air.

    “That's a girl…” He eased down her body but though she struggled, it was fruitless. Hands tore at her clothes and she was sure they would have their way and kill her. She wouldn't have it. She wouldn't allow it. She refused to die, weak and exiled, at the hands of some outlander rapists.

    The fire started in her chest, an unbearable heat that leached into her arms and fingertips, so hot it left her numb and cold all at once. She dug her fingers into the hay and there it caught.

    Flames unlike anything any of them had ever seen leapt into the air, dancing in shades of black and grey. Everything they touched, they consumed. Both the men and horses screamed, but the sounds were quickly swallowed by the rush of power in Asteri's veins. By the time the fires slowed, half the city was gone.

    Asteri knelt in the remains of the stable, panting and exhausted. With trembling hands she pulled the tattered remnants of her cloak about her to cover herself, and fumbled for her mask. It was singed, but largely untouched. It was there that he found her at long last, sitting amid the uncontrolled destruction.

    "Little Grey Flame. We have found You."

    Asteri froze. She felt the voice more than she heard it. Wide eyes searched the rubble around her, but all she saw was smoke, moving lazily. "I don't know you." She tasted the lie.

    "All know Us. In the quiet stillness Our whispers are heard. In the curl of smoke, and the denseness of the mists."

    Surely she was dreaming. Perhaps the men and the fire and this were all in her head. She was still caught in the thrall of her mind. Her fingers tightened on her mask and she swallowed. The thought felt dirty. "You can't be Him," she whispered, throat tight with tears. The smoke and shadows around her seemed to grow more dense, shaping into something without clear borders but something nonetheless.

    "Reach to us, that we may commune."

    A long moment passed before she moved again, putting her mask to her face and reaching out to the darkness with trembling hands. A smokey, shadow-like appendage met her touch, and despite appearing as though made only of air, there was a weight behind the touch as it curled between her fingers. Tentative at first, before settling, and leaning just the slightest bit. Solidifying, it took shape and form, and fingers begin to be. Tears welled and spilled as she watched the creature solidifying before her with breathless awe.

    A mask of bone stared down at her from the darkness, gaze heavy and void. His touch was cold and his form still more suggested than defined. "You are," she hushed. She knew then in a way she had never known anything else that way she's never known anything before that she had been chosen. That he chose her. She had been exiled for the raging thing coiled inside her, but her curse was something none of them could have known. Overwhelming sorrow and something much more beautiful blurred in a roiling wave of emotion that cast her adrift.

    The god of her people, her god, The Abyssal Lord, the Void...

    He had answered.
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