Pyrrha Nikos Lives On
Aurelia Quansah
Uagadou - Female - Pure Blood - Secondary
The smile that was already painted upon Aurellia’s lips widened as a sweet chuckle escaped her throat at Mey’s words. “Sworn enemies seems a bit overrated.” She teased back and tilted her head in a moment of playful consideration. “I think we should take the risk of being rebels and pursue a friendship instead, sounds far more fun than the stress of having an arch nemesis.” She pointed out with a fun-loving wink as the rain pelted down upon them, rolling over her skin and through her braids in a way that brought back many fond memories of stormy mornings spent on the wet sand beaches of Mauritius Island watching the white-capped waves crash against the shore. Tilting her face towards the sky for a moment she just let the heavy beads of water splatter across her skin and took a deep breath as the rivulets ran down her forehead, over her closed eyelids, across her cheeks and jaw, to race down her neck. Smiling she faced Mey again and pointed to a small booth set up to the edge of the course where fliers could easily reach to adjust the obstacles if they so desired. “What do you say my friend Mey?” She called over the rain. “Shall we see what else this course can do?” She inquired and waited to see the other girl’s face light up with curiosity and delight before angling her broom towards the booth.
Cutting through the sky Auri held on tight as she swooped towards the booth, reeling her broom to a stop as she swiftly dismounted, the soles of her shoes hitting the soaked platform beneath her. Luckily for everyone who enjoyed the course in all weathers, the controls were magic, not electronic, so being out in the elements didn’t affect if the controls would work or wear out. Stepping to the side as Mey dismounted beside her she leaned her broom against a simple wooden broom rack and stepped towards the controls, not really caring that the platform was covered in puddles that had formed from the pouring rain. “Mey, you have to come take a look at this.” She called over to the young woman from Koldovstoretz as her onyx gaze scanned the dozens upon dozens of controls that changed different aspects and obstacles on the course. “No wonder Ilvermorny claims this as one of their greatest assets, I’ve never seen a training course with such intricacies before.” She muttered in awe as she gently brushed her hand over the smooth carved stone buttons that glowed with magic and seemed completely unaffected by the rain. As little droplets pelted down upon the device their watermarks vanished almost instantly, as though some sort of spell kept the controls in perfect condition at all times.
Glancing over at Mey the young heiress-to-be smirked and nodded towards a button that resembled several flames. “Three guesses what that might do.” She purred playfully before turning to look around a bit more. “I wonder if they have some sort of instruction manual for this?” She muttered softly. It would be silly to trust that visitors know exactly how to handle such a machine without the risk of possibly damaging the course. Peering into a few cubbies and crates nearby all Auri was able to find were some spare bats for beaters to practice with, some flight padding, a few sets of goggles, and some candy wrappers someone shoved into the bottom of a drawer. “Huh, guess they think it's pretty self-explanatory.” She shrugged as she stood back up and met Mey’s earthy gaze which seemed to have returned to her from where the brunette had been closely studying a few of the buttons a few feet away.
Walking back over to stand beside the shorter young woman Auri looked the controls over again. “If you give me a day or two I am sure I can find something in the library to tell us how to work it.” She offered still wanting to make certain that the two of them, two visiting students who were secondaries for their teams, didn’t end up breaking one of the prized gems of the host school. She had a feeling doing such a thing would be a bad look on them. “You can help if you’d like. No pressure though. I know libraries aren’t exactly for everyone unless they need to do a report.” She chuckled, her words warm and sweet like hot tea and honey. “But I wouldn’t mind the company.” She added wanting to make certain Mey understood how truly welcome she was to join her if she so wished.
Mentions: Meyhoneycoves