Pyrrha Nikos Lives On
Professor Azura Ito
Mahoutokoro - Female - Half-Blood - Professor
Azura’s eyes flicked toward Cha-Cha, her expression a carefully controlled mask as she listened to the jarring exchange between him and Bellini. Her stomach clenched slightly at the heat of the confrontation, the intensity it reached seeming to walk the line between a simple shouting match and a true fight. She hadn’t had much interaction with the Castelobruxo professor since his time at Mahoutokoro so it was hard not to be intrigued by his presence. There was something almost magnetic about him, though not necessarily in a good way. Cha-Cha seemed completely at ease in the chaos of the situation, a trait that made Azura both fascinated and cautious. What exactly had happened between them?
He was, of course, still chuckling, still making light of the situation in a way that clearly grated on Bellini’s nerves. His smirk—half amusement, half disdain—was a perfect reflection of the disarray he had stirred, as though the chaotic air of the room were merely a personal stage for his performance. Azura suppressed a sigh, glancing briefly at Deianira, whose sharp focus was now on the aftermath of the outburst. Azura’s attention remained fixated on Cha-Cha. He had been seated next to her when Bellini burst into the room and by the way his eyes had flown open, it was clear he had been as surprised by the sudden intrusion as the rest of them. Something she imagined to be quite odd for a man who had the power to sense each mind around him. Were there just too many minds for him to have detected Bellini’s approaching? Or, was this as it had been earlier when she tested the waters of directing her thoughts towards him and he hadn’t reacted? Was there something wrong with his Legilimency?
Her brow furrowed as the scene unfolded. Bellini’s accusations, his vehemence… It was hard to miss how strongly he was convinced of Cha-Cha’s guilt, but Azura couldn’t make sense of it. Why did Bellini seem so certain that it was Cha-Cha behind the arson? And why had he gotten so personal, so quickly? She didn’t know the full story yet, but something told her there was more at play than a simple argument over a fire.
When Bellini stormed out, still muttering insults under his breath, Azura's lips pressed into a thin line though one corner did pull ever so slightly with the whisper of a smirk. She gave Cha-Cha a fleeting look as she considered the man before her now and how freely he accepted making his spat a public spectacle, the way he seemed almost immune to any potential consequences. It was something she could almost see flickers of herself within, moments when her fiery spirit would lash out as scorching words that would bounce from language to language. While Azura knew she had the experience and reputation to backup almost any outburst she might have she couldn’t help but wonder where Cha-Cha had gotten the confidence for his own. What is it that keeps him afloat in this sea of his own making?
As Bakshi moved to change the subject, Azura couldn’t help but feel the weight of the air shift, the tension still thick from Bellini’s outburst. She leaned back slightly in her seat, eyes narrowing as the headmaster’s words finally reached her. Auguste Lovell. Another name? The words were like a puzzle piece falling into place, but the picture they painted was one she wasn’t sure she could decipher yet. Deianira’s voice broke through the haze of Azura’s thoughts, and she blinked, turning her attention fully toward her colleague as she questioned the announcement. The sharpness in her tone made Azura’s lips twitch upward ever so slightly—Deianira had an undeniable directness to her, a quality Azura found both refreshing and admirable.
Azura straightened, her fingers drumming lightly on the table. “Exactly. A second name is... unconventional, to say the least. It would imply that something unexpected happened to Mr. Badeaux.” She tilted her head, her cognac eyes scanning the room for any clues that might give insight into this new development. “While this is a competition I would not expect this base level of fairness to be shifted so heavily in Beauxbatons favor without cause. There must be more to this.” Her gaze shifted from Deianira to Professor Chimere, and she allowed a hint of inquiry to settle in her tone. “Professor Chimere, would you care to enlighten us? I imagine Beauxbatons’ decisions are not made lightly, and you would know best the context in which this second name has come forward.”
Azura was careful not to give too much away—though there was genuine curiosity behind her question, she wasn’t above prodding when it came to things that didn’t sit right with her. This, however, was a topic that had the potential to change the course of the tournament, and Azura would not allow herself to be caught unaware again, not after all the intricacies that had already unfolded. Her thoughts flickered back briefly to the chaos that had just transpired between Bellini and Cha-Cha and then to the fate of the late Odinson Lockjaw. Could this have been another distraction? A show for us to bicker over while something far larger is at play? She glanced once more at the Castelobruxo professor, her expression unreadable. For the moment, she would focus on the bigger picture—on the reason they were all here. The tournament. Focus on what's ahead, focus on what you can try to control. For now, at least. The potions master told herself in order to focus her mind back onto the announcement at hand rather than falling down the rabbit hole of 'what ifs'. But even as she tried to focus, a flicker of uncertainty danced at the edges of her mind. There was no ignoring the fact that the tournament—this twisted, dangerous game they were all a part of—was already well underway. And if this was only the beginning of what was to come, then Azura knew she would likely need to steel herself and her students for far worse before the end.
Mentions: Cha-ChaAviator Deianira
Pyroclast Angelique