• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Nowhere. (CS)


grant me eyes
Nowhere. - CS



- Realistic characters only. Reasonable amounts of perfection. Nobody can do everything.
- Nothing completely tragic. I want a dark roleplay not a depressing one.

- Those who wish to be a cult member must PM me.
- Two characters are acceptable, but please run it by me first.
- I love coding, so if you could add a bit in your CS and make it look nice. I'd love it. If you can't, talk with someone on here. I'm sure someone can help.
- Not everyone can be a nice, preppy, senior girl. I want some mean kids, some sadistic kids, maybe even some
triggering kids like "fuckboys," misogynists, etc (no matter how infuriating they are).
- No conversations inside the CS section. Keep it all to the OOC.

- A like by me means you are accepted. If you are not, I will let you know what you must revise.

Name: (Self-explanatory.)
Age: (14-19. It should relate to grade.)
Grade: (14-15 = Freshmen, 15-16 = Sophomore, 16-17 = Junior, 17-18 = Senior.)
Birthday: (The current year is 2017, so do the math for which year they should be born.)

Description: (An overall description of their face, build, etc.)
Clothing/Style: (What clothes do they usually wear, and what would you classify as their style?)
Tattoos, Marks, etc: (Includes scars, birthmarks, etc.)

Personality: (A description of the outside and inside emotional behavior. How they act, treat others, and treat themselves.)
Likes: (What do they like and enjoy? Hobbies?)
Dislikes: (What do they hate or avoid?)
Dreams: (What do they aspire to do or be? What do they want after high school?)
Fears: (What are they afraid of?)
Habits: (Some quirky habits and little things they do.)
Stereotype/Clique: (The clique or stereotype that fits them best. Ex: Jock, Nerd, Goth, etc.)
Relationships: (Who do they associate themselves with? I recommend talking with others to discuss possible friendships, romances, etc.) (All cult members should have some type of relation.)

Secrets: (Secrets. Deep or small, harmful or painless.)
Other: (Anything else?)
Theme: (Optional theme. Don't plug in a video or song link. Just the Title then Artist.)

Name: (What is their secret name? Can be any kind of nickname. Make it strange and relate to your persona's personality.)
Role: (What is their job or role within the cult? The kidnapper? The butcher? The stalker? I'd like to avoid two of the same type of role, but you can't stop it. There can always be two torturers and two stalkers.)
Weapon of Choice: (Now I'd like for this to be unique. Not just a knife. What kind of knife? Bowie knife? Kitchen knife? Sacrificial dagger? It can be any weapon. Just nothing too big or extravagant like a greatsword.)

Appearance: (Their persona's attire. It should be different from what they usually wear. It could symbolize their persona in general, or just dark in general.)
Mask: (A mask to represent the killer and their motif, role, and persona overall. Ex: A butcher may wear an animal mask and use a butcher's cleaver.)

Sins: (I'm not just looking for say Lust or Gluttony. I'm looking for specific sins, crimes, and taboo actions they have committed.)
Skills: (What are they capable of? Should give more reason for their role in the cult. If they're good at sneaking and staying undetected, they should probably be a stalker.)
Other: (Anything else you'd like to add that you think would make the character more.. cult-like.)

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Roland Jameson
OverviewName: Roland Edwards Jameson
Nickname(s): No nicknames.
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Openly Heterosexual, Secretly Bisexual
Birthday: September 12, 1998


Description: Roland is a handsome young man. His chiseled jawline, nice cheekbones, and as the girls say, kissable lips. His eyes are a different shade of hazel. His hair is an uncommon ginger color, but that only makes him more of a unique character. His hair is often pushed up into the shape of his undercut, styled with pomade and hairspray on his good days. Sometimes, he may relax and let it loose, only pushing it up in hopes it will stay. Rarely do you see him with his bangs down. His body is toned and fits easily in a size medium. He is toned, but he is not muscular. He doesn't stack up among the other sport athletes of the school, but he isn't scrawny. His height and physique make him a natural athlete, but he doesn't like to call himself that. Despite sounding nearly perfect, his skin is pale because of his recessive genes that give him his ginger hair. He burns easily in the sun, does not have a tan in general, and his skin can even be shades of red and pink at times due to the heat or physical work.
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 187 lbs.
Hair: Auburn/Ginger
Eyes: Hazel
Clothing/Style: Roland dresses himself in the height of popular aesthetic. He goes out of town to procure his pleasing style. You can often find him wear slim-fitting jeans, chinos, or shorts. For tops he can wear everything from a t-shirt to a button-up dress shirt. His most favorite outfit is a navy blue t-shirt, khaki chino shorts, and black and white Vans. When the weather gets colder, he'll wear more button-ups and pants.
Tattoos, Marks, etc: On his right wrist, he has a small chain in a curve almost like a smile. Up his left arm on his bicep, is a armband of vertical lines and horizontal dashes. It almost looks like words or roman numerals, but it is too hard to distinguish. On his rib cage is a tattoo of an apple with bite taken out of it and a snake curved around it. He has quite a few tattoos, and they all have meanings to him. Alongside tattoos, he has a few scars. On his left eyebrow, he has a small scar that creates a tiny gap in his eyebrow. On his right bicep and pectoral, he has a scar that stretches across the body like it was one wound at a point.


Personality: Roland is a suave and generous person. He is friendly, considerate, caring, and always smiling that white smile with pointy canines. He seems to put others before himself, yet still holding that reputation he worked hard for. He is preppy all around, and provides for others. Despite being friendly and selfless, he seems to get what he wants. Good grades, friends and women all around, and public approval. Everyone seems to think of him highly in one way or another. He appeals to everyone in some way. Roland is persuasive, and not many see past that. They are all under his spell, and that's just what he wants.
Likes: Roland enjoys participating in school sports, events, and extra-curricular clubs. He spends time and hangs out with friends at parties. He likes working out, reading, taking bets, and working his way around a computer. He is a mix of jock and nerd with his interests. He keeps himself busy with friends, school, and his own personal life.
Dislikes: He avoids those who think poorly of him and most adults of the town. He doesn't trust his superiors to know what's best of him, and he doesn't trust anyone who seems to think of themselves as higher than him. He doesn't like working too much for what he can easily get for free, and he doesn't like those who think of life as something long and dreary oddly enough.
Dreams: He aspires to go political. Running for public offices and being an influence for the younger generations. He also plans on studying up on history, and acquiring a degree in history and economics.
Fears: He's afraid of losing his reputation. He also fears small things he didn't plan or predict, or as he considers "bugs in the system."
Habits: Sometimes he'll get lost in a trance and you might find him staring off into the distance, or maybe even at someone. It could be considered creepy in any other circumstance if it wasn't Roland. He sometimes bites his fingernails, checks his phone often, and is always thinking. No one knows what he's thinking about though.
Stereotype/Clique: Prep. He associates himself with a mix of the popular crowd and athletic crowd to get a mix of the best people to have as friends.
Relationships: He doesn't have any best friends, but he considers a large amount of people his friends. It keeps his options open for when he needs something or wants someone.

OtherSecrets: Roland has two faces. He has one that the public sees, and one that is underneath everything. He wears a metaphorical mask that hides his true demeanor. Something happened in his old town that made him move here four years ago, and there's something with his smile and shining attitude that is off.
Other: Roland keeps a journal. Whether that be in a leather-bound notebook, his phone, or on cassettes.
Theme: R.I.P. 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood

Name: Faust
Role: He is the leader of the cult. He oversees all the actions of his fellow members. He receives orders and messages from the Devil. Faust controls them through persuasion and preaching, and gains their undivided loyalty.
Weapon of Choice: A replica Germanic dagger with the inscription "Ut vitam diaboli." It translates to "Take life for the Devil." He also uses a cane sword with a goat head. The cane sword has its own inscription: "Producat illum sanguis," or "Bring him blood."

Appearance: Faust adorns himself in a sleek black suit jacket and pants, white shirt, black dress shoes, and a crimson red tie. Underneath the suit jacket, he has black suspenders as well as a leather holster for his dagger. On tremendous occasions, he may wear a black tailcoat and carry his cane sword.
Mask: Faust only accepts the most fanciful and gorgeous mask for himself. He wears a Venetian style mask with gold accents and a white base mask.
(Without the chin thing.)

Sins: Faust, before anyone else joined the cult, preformed most of the rituals. He has murdered, tortured, butchered, and acted without morals. He sins by thinking of himself better than others, and by showing that through his extravagant tastes. He is full of lust and pride, spoils himself with gluttony and greed, and acts wrathful on others. He doesn't find himself envious or lazy, but calls himself full of sin nonetheless.
Skills: He's capable of killing and torturing a full-sized man without flinching or remorse. He is masterfully persuasive, and often convinces others easily with his silver tongue. He is athletic and in shape as well. Keeping in shape helps him preform the Devil's needs.
Other: Faust is generous to those who recognize him as the leader, and acts without mercy for those who go against him.

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B A S I C S​
n a m e Gabriel Reece Barker
n i c k n a m e Gabe; Friendly | Mutt; Unfriendly
a g e Seventeen
g r a d e Junior
g e n d e r Male
s e x u a l i t y Heterosexual
b i r t h d a y August 2, 1999

A P P E A R A N C E​
g e n e r a l Gabriel has peculiar facial features that are both pointy and a bit feminine in appearance. His long eyelashes and dainty nose make him look a bit delicate, but his lips are always set in a scowl that make him a bit unapproachable. He always seems to be gazing off into space, and his clear grey eyes never truly show any hint of emotion. His lips are usually chapped, and his hair never seems to brushed properly. Basically, he always looks like he just rolled out of bed and is too annoyed to bother with socialization. He is of average height and weight, with not much muscle going around.
h e i g h t 5'8
w e i g h t 150 pounds
h a i r Short and brown.
e y e s Gray
s t y l e Gabriel is one for comfort and ease over style. His wardrobe mostly consists of sweater, hoodies, basic tees, and jogging pants. On special occasions he wears slim-fit jeans and a polo shirt.
m a r k s Tattoo of an ankh on his right wrist. Several scars that cover his left arm almost entirely [rumored to be from self inflicted wounds].

P E R S O N A L I T Y​
g e n e r a l Gabriel is a fairly quiet person in public settings, much preferring to keep to himself than get involved in social activities. He gives off an unapproachable vibe and is fairly rude when people interrupt him. It isn't that he doesn't like people, it's just that he likes silence and order more than he craves friends. This love of order makes him someone who excels at school. Anything that is formulaic appeals to Gabriel, and he loves things that give him a checklist of things to accomplish. That being said, when Gabriel does make friends he enjoys being close with them. He still has trouble exiting his introvert shell though, and doesn't really talk unless someone asks him a direct question. He can be a bit obsessive when it comes to people, and is bad at reading social cues and knowing when to back off. However, his loyalty is very valuable once it is earned.
l i k e s Order | Puzzles | Art | Quiet | Classical Music | Cheese Crackers (for some reason they are his absolute favorite)
d i s l i k e s Strangers | Chaos | Impulsive People | Heights | Dogs | Summer Time
d r e a m Gabriel doesn't have any specific dreams, when people ask him he usually just gives a generic answer of "being successful".
c l i q u e Artistic People
r e l a t i o n s tbd

O T H E R​
s e c r e t s Despite his love for order and distaste for unnecessary messes, Gabriel is a fairly twisted person (apparent through his dark sense of humor) who seems to be harboring unhealthy obsessive tendencies
o t h e r His drawings sometimes depict graphic scenes, so he rarely shows his sketches to people.
P E R S O N A​
n a m eJackal
r o l e Since he joined the cult, Jackal has been overseeing the sacrifices and making sure the rituals are followed word for word.
w e a p o n Seeing as the rituals are very specific, there is no single weapon that will get the job done. He has an array of knives, each that has it's own job.
a p p e a r a n c e Jackal wears tight fitting clothing that is always black and with long sleeves. His hands are always covered with black leather gloves that he never seems to take off.
m a s k His mask is the head of a Jackal as he likens himself to Anubis, the god of the afterlife. It covers his full face as sacrifices can get pretty messy.
s i n s As the main actor in sacrificing, Jackal has mutilated many animals and assisted Faus in the torture and murder of a man. He also self mutilates in order to use his own blood in some rituals.
s k i l l s Jackal is capable of remaining calm in extreme situations. He also follows instructions very well which results in him rarely screwing up.
o t h e r He has shown an increasing interest in the higher value sacrifices. He believes they need to sacrifice more humans.

Come to the Hall of Judgement​
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code by pasta
Ren Highlands

Ren Highlands
Age: 16
Grade: Junior
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday: February 18th, 2001

Ren, (shown above), has a moderately long head, a moderately broad nose, he's no muscle-y jock, and is very average in his build. He looks aprroachable, and he always seems to care. (Although he could use an eyebrow trim). He's not the most attractive guy at school,but he's not the least.
Height: 5'7
Weight: 122 lbs.
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Hazel
Clothing/Style: Nothing over the top, you'll usually find him in a plain v-neck in a random color, usually purple or blue, and occasionally in a hoodie with a Portugal The Man logo on it, or a maroon sweater,
Tattoos, Marks, etc: Ren has a small scar along the inner side of his left forearm, from a small car crash when he was 9. Nobody was severely injured, and that was the worst.

Ren is an easygoing guy who is relatively quiet around unknown people, and when confronted with strangers, usually lets them initiate a conversation, and if they do, he'll jump right in. With people he's close with he's fairly goofy, and is always messing around. He's usually very upfront, but has moments of bottling things up and hurting himself, figuratively, not literally. Ren needs to be preoccupied or he gets a bit antsy, when he has nothing to do, he gets slightly anxious and wants to be doing SOMETHING. He is quick to assume someone is unhappy with him, but also quick to resolve issues.
Likes: Ren enjoys listening to music, and singing, he's an active member of the school's theatre program. He enjoys going places, but not alone. He wants someone with him wherever he goes. He enjoys learning about history as well, making it one of his best subjects. He enjoys cooking, and going to beaches.
Dislikes: Ren is atrocious at math for starters, and avoids it whenever possible. He avoids being unoccupied, and alone. He's never enjoyed the heat, and dislikes heavy sports. When it comes to people he doesn't enjoy the company of jocks.
Dreams: Ren dreams of teaching theatre at another high school, preferrably out of state. It's too hot in Arizona. He plans on attending college in Boston, and meeting up with friends already there.
Fears: While not afraid of bugs/snakes/rats and such, he is startled if thy suddeny fly or get too close. He's not scared of heights, but scared of falling. he is terrified of drowning, and has his own fears of the Pitchfork mine.
Habits: Ren just really enjoys learning about WWII, it interests him. He usually watches youtube when he gets home, and procrastinates a lot.
Stereotype/Clique:Ren is a multi-clique individual, he gets along with most and doesn't fit a certain category. However, he avoids the jocks, they're jerks. If anything he's a Theatre Kid.
Relationships: (I'll add anything that happens to come up if accepted)

Back in Middle School, he was fake with someone he disliked, because they were friends. It was toxic, he knew it, and let it go on. He still regrets not ending it despite it not hurting him long-term.
Other: Nope.
Theme: Sea of Air - Portugal The Man
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"You can call it binge drinking, I guess."​
Too Many Thoughts

Riley Stude
Nickname(s): Lee
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: February 8th, 2000

Description: Riley is a very gorgeous gal, though she doesn't see herself that way. She has a very gentle jawline, a petite nose and blessing, luscious lips. Her complexion is naturally fair, but when in the sun she gets a light tan; and it helps bring her freckles out into view. She likes to think tat her height and weight are average, though even if they aren't she lives healthy.. kind of. She has a rather neutral set face, her lips though always look a bit pursed and her green eyes wander. She doesn't wear makeup to school but if she does, it's probably the faded, smudged eyeliner from the night before and a layer of lip gloss to keep her lips from chapping. Her hair is naturally straight yet frizzy, it's a dark brown/ebony color and cuts to just above her breasts. Usually she wears it down, making sure she straightens it -- but if not, she'll wrap the locks up in a messy bun or keep her frizzy pieces free, either way they somehow manage to suit her. She isn't the most skinniest female, her thighs are build with a little amount of flesh, though her stomach and waist stay on the small side.
Height: 5'5
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Dark brown/Ebony
Eyes: Light green
Clothing/Style: Riley likes to stay close to dark colors. Now, this doesn't just mean black, grey or white, other colors as well! Dark red/burgundy, army green, navy blue purple etc. She varies in anything from overalls to skirts to torn jeans! She dresses to look confident, to mask how she truly feels. She likes jewelry, chokers and rings are her favorite although! You could classify her style to be 'grunge' but she doesn't like to use that term.
Tattoos, Marks, etc: She has a small heart on her wrist that she did herself Sophomore year, and a tribal design on the upper portion of her back.

Personality: Riley is not one to start conversation due to the fact that conversation is usually always started with her. She will easily communicate back, and is usually a rather kind being. She is one to keep her personal problems to herself, she'd rather everyone see her neutral/happy side rather than her raging and 'depressing' one. She is very intelligent, but doesn't show it. She isn't one to show off.. other than her curves of course. Riley is a smooth girl her sense of humor being the best thing about her emotionally. When she is angry or upset, she tends to get very quiet. It is almost like poking a bear with a stick, you keep bothering her and eventually she is going to snap. No promises on whether that would be physically or mentally, but she will confront you and try to hurt your feelings if you are the reasoning to her sadness or anger. She does, however, tend to get attached. She feels like that is one of her flaw due to her past, and it seems there is nothing to make her think otherwise. It is why she gets 'loved' physically rather than mentally, because she doesn't have the capacity to love herself mentally/emotionally. So when she makes a close friend, of course she wants to keep them, but it seems like she is distant at times. Parties and gatherings are her types of things, being alone is scarier for her. Riley has grown exceptionally well at flirting, 10/10. Flirting with strange men is one thing, but if she flirts with someone she has, for some reason, grown a liking too - she gets goofy and giggly. Overall as a person, she is fun to be around.
Likes: Partying, Drinking, Indie + Rock music, Roof tops, Chatting, Reading, Gushers
Dislikes: Relationships (intimate), Accepting drinks, Taxis, Chaos, Spicy foods, Tequila (it makes her aggressive)
Dreams: Though she spends a lot of her free time drinking, she does it after work. So she plans on saving up money to help her foster parents pay for her college tuition. She is excited for the parties and such, but she wants a master's degree in Pediatrics. She loves kids and wants to help them.
Fears: Angrophobia - Fear of anger or of becoming angry, Brontophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning, Doxophobia- Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise.
Habits: Pinching her earlobe when she is nervous, Sucking the fronts of her teeth when she is agitated, Chewing her lip and spacing out when she is thinking.
Stereotype/Clique: The outcast/ Slut
Relationships: tba (message if you are interested pls, thanks)

Secrets: She was sent to the hospital twice due to her poisoning het own body with too much alcohol. Though the incident hadn't stopped her from further drinking habits, she doesn't care.
She was raped at the beginning of sophomore year but has told no one. It is one of the reasons why her drinking habits are so vivid, and why she doesn't care who she sleeps with anymore.
Other: (Anything else?)
Theme: Dead to Me By: Melanie Martinez

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Richard Valentino Fuentes


Nickname(s): Tino, Richie, Asshole
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday: July 14th, 1999

Description: For such a regular customer at his mother's restaurant, Richie keeps a very lean figure. There is definition of his muscular tone from the labor he does for his mother, who is too small to lift the heavy things. As a result, he keeps a very healthy body, even though he eats fairly often. While you'll never catch Richie admiring his own looks, he's been known to have that "rebellious" look about him. His eyes are dark hazel and hold an apprehensive stare. His hair is a dark brown and is constantly messy. Richie almost never fixes up his hair into some sort of style, he prefers to let it be free. If it isn't hanging out, then it's usually in a bun. Oddly enough, he has fairly soft features despite his attitude. He takes mostly after his mother which actually isn't a bad thing at all. His skin is fairly light despite his Spanish heritage, it is also very clear.
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 166 lbs.
Hair: Chestnut Brown
Eyes: Light Brown
Clothing/Style: Richie's clothing style is fairly simple. He tends to only wear a simple shirts and jeans. That isn't saying he wouldn't wear other clothes, he just prefer the simple things. However, when's working at his mother's diner, or at home he usually wears tank-tops and fitted sweatpants.
Tattoos, Marks, etc:A few beauty marks are spread out across his body, the most notable is one on the left side of his neck. Other than that, Richie heralds a very faded scar from his childhood. His scar is located horizontally above where his appendix was located.

Personality: A very distraught boy. A very troubled boy. Richie is very out of it. He used to be outwardly kind, nice, open and welcoming to people. But ever since his father died in a car accident, he began to grow cold. He's sarcastic to a tine, and very judging as well. It's all well-founded when you have a target on your back. Why's that target there? Well, Richie isn't a punk, he stands up for himself and for others who aren't able to. He's heroic, but in all the wrong ways, he isn't charismatic and he hates the word 'thanks'. You can rely on him to do the right thing, but no one seems to notice it's even him. All that said, he isn't entirely an asshole, he's incredibly smart and possesses an indomitable will. While he isn't charismatic in the least, he's very knowledgable in psychology and various sciences. He wants to get out of the shit town he's forced to call home, and he'll do everything he can to make sure his life is better. In addition, he's selfish and he acknowledges it. It's what keeps him from having friends.
Likes: Richie is infatuated with criminology as well as a journalism. As a result, he runs the school newspaper: "The Invoker". However, no one really reads it. At a young age, he used to be fond of playing sports, he also held a dream of being a baseball player since his love for the sport was so large. Now, at the age of seventeen, he's admitted that he was naive but still cares deeply for America's Pastime. Although everybody enjoys food to some degree, Richie loves eating at his mother's restaurant. A diner just on the edge of town that is apparently a "hang out" for teens in Pitchfork. On the topic of athletics, Richie seems to despise most sports, yet he very much enjoys track. He refrains from joining the team at school for reasons unknown.
Dislikes: Canned meats give Richie a case of the willies. While it's entirely tolerable, he'd prefer not to watch as someone opened a can of tuna. Richie carries a considerable disinterest in jocks or social classes entirely and often carries some sort of subtle scowl on his face because of it. That said, he openly criticizes social events like parties or football games. The one thing he can't stand is perfection, he's smart enough to know that the prettiest of flowers can also be the deadliest. Music used to be something Richie loved, just like his father. That love died with his dad.
Dreams: Richie currently has none.
Fears: While most people have intense phobias of spiders or heights, Richie doesn't share this kind of fear. Sure like everyone else, when his nerves are riled up he can be susceptible to a bit of a fright, but he has no paralyzing phobias at all. The only thing he considers is worth being afraid of is bonding too closely to someone. However, he possesses an intense aversion to canned meats.
Habits: Richie can never sit still, he's always too anxious to move and so he does so. Whether it be the bouncing of his knee, or twiddling his thumbs, if something external can't keep him interested, anyone can tell he rather be doing something else.
Stereotype/Clique: The Outsider – Richie has been quiet known to not fit in anywhere specific and chooses to avoid most social relationships. He hasn't been apart of a clique since middle school and finds it hard to find one that he connects with.
Relationships: Riley Stude – Richie's childhood friend, she is one of the few people Richie trusts. However, Richie makes it his mission to keep her at a distance to avoid becoming even more attached than he already is. He currently doesn't accept his feelings towards her.
Roland Jameson – Richie knows little to nothing about Roland. However, there is a heavy air of apprehension resonating from Richie towards the Red head.

Secrets: There are no secrets that Richie has to hide other than the fact that he had suffered from depression shortly after his father passed away. But the illness soon passed.
Richie has attempted suicide twice but has obviously failed. These attempts were a product of his depression after his father's passing. There aren't many people who know about it, but it isn't a sore subject for Richie in the slightest. Although, he'd prefer that it stayed a secret
Other: He carries around an inhaler from he used to need it. It provides him comfort. He also is a very talented musician, but he has given up on music completely
Theme: Copy Paste by The Factoury®

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Mariana Jackson
(working out the BBCODE - So sorry that it isn't coded)
Mariana Jackson
Nickname(s): Her grandmother and grandpa call her ‘Mari’ and her parents as well as most of her friends/peers call her Minx.
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
Gender: Cisgender - Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday: 11th April 1999

Mariana is someone who you would describe as ‘pretty’ or ‘attractive’ her facial features are quite close together and she has a rather high forehead although she seems to suit it. Her lips are often chapped from picking and biting them and her nails are always long and manicured or painted.

She seems to have quite a delicate appearance but also quite a fake once. Whilst she looks attractive she does look fake, she never goes out without makeup on and her hair done and she won’t leave the house until she is satisfied which results in her being late to school most of the time. Her makeup tends to either be quite pale, natural colours or dark and smoky. Her signature colour is red and will always have something of that colour; whether it be an item of clothing, accessory or lipstick.

Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: She has blonde hair that is naturally straight, she tends to curl it when she goes out and rarely has it down.
Eyes: Dark brown eyes.

Clothing/Style: Minx has the stereotypical ‘popular rich girl’ style.

Tattoos, Marks, etc:
She has a small birthmark on her left shoulder blade.

Minx is a strange person for people to describe; most people know her as the stereotypical mean girl and her family see her as the perfect daughter, her friends see her somewhere in between and Minx isn’t sure how she would describe herself.

Minx has quite a toxic personality and is known for being quite manipulative and cruel - she can twist people around her little finger and then just drop them. Towards most people outside of her social circle she is a ‘bitch’ known for picking on anyone who doesn’t seem to fit in. She also likes to get people to confide in her as she likes having that power over people, that feeling of ‘I could ruin your life if I wanted to’ although she never seems to use it. She often gets into fights and is usually in the center of most high-school drama.

However despite her usual demeanor Minx can come across as a caring and generous person although it’s quite rare. There’s some people who she does genuinely care about even if she is bad at showing it - she often ends up insulting those she cares about and making cruel remarks without really thinking about the consequences and because of this she doesn’t really have any ‘real friends’ she has people who she talks to and goes out to parties with but they aren’t the type of people who she could rely on if she needed something.

She has a small group of people who she would consider friends although she doubts they would feel the same - she can be quite manipulative towards them but she is generous and caring towards them as long as she feels they know that she is in charge. She is quite a pretentious person and often tries to sound like she knows more than she does.

Mariana does have a sense of morality however skewed it may be; whilst she can be a bitch and a downright horrible person she still has a heart and if something really bad was happening to people she cared about she would try and fix it in her own way. Even if that way wasn’t exactly the ‘right’ way. This has happened before when a freshman girl who reminded her of her younger sister was being bullied by a senior boy who she happened to have dirt on - she threatened to spill on his little drug habit (which would have gotten him expelled and possibly arrested) if he didn’t leave the girl alone and sure enough he did.


  • Being the center of attention.
  • Feeling powerful.
  • Makeup & Clothes
  • Attractive people
  • Acting
  • Writing
  • She hates salted popcorn.
  • She dislikes her parents.
  • School.
  • Homework.
  • Every teacher apart from her English & Theatre teachers.
  • People who try to be her or stand up to her.
  • Being ignored.
  • Alcohol - she hates the taste and loosing control so when she does go to parties she tends to only drink enough to get tipsy
  • She wants to be an actress, she loves the idea of having adoring fans who would hang on her every word and she just likes acting to her it’s interesting to see what people will believe and what she can get them to believe.
  • Minx is scared of getting close to people, she has ever since she was young although she doesn’t know what caused it - that is the main reason behind her ‘bitch’ attitude as it’s easier for her than letting people see her when she’s vulnerable or upset.
  • That she is going to end up like her parents
Her Mother and Father are barely home and are always busy with ‘work’ Minx knows that they are both cheating on each-other and she is fairly certain they know too, so at home she tends to get ignored and she doesn’t want to end up like her parents in the sense that she is going to end up as someone obsessed so obsessed with their job that they never live. And she likes to think that if she does settle down when she is older she will be in a happy and healthy relationship.


  • She absentmindedly picks at her lip and it usually gets to the point of bleeding before she notices.
  • She also drums her nails against her desk whenever she is in class.
  • She usually gets into quite toxic relationships.
Stereotype/Clique: The typical ‘popular’ girl - ‘Blonde bitch’ (She does hang around with the ‘popular’ crowd.)

Relationships: TBD - Open to discussion about it.

She and a friend got drunk at a party during junior year, her ‘best’ friend got wasted and ended up having sex with a senior after making out with almost every boy at the party.

Minx recorded it and posted it online (under a fake account) leading to her now ex-friend being severely bullied and in order to not be dragged down with her Minx took part in the bullying. The girl moved schools at the end of Junior year and Minx hasn’t heard from her since.

She attempted to blackmail her Father about the affair although he refused to pay.

Other: She keeps a diary on what she thinks of everyone, blackmail, rumors, gossip ect. And she tends to be in a different romantic relationship every other week.

: In terms of a song that describe her; Bubblegum Bitch
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Rosaline Graver

OverviewName: Rosaline Natewa Graver
Nickname(s): Rose is commonly used through high school. She is only called Natewa or Nat around family or close friends. Don't dare to call her that unless you're close to her.
Age: 17 (For now.)
Grade: Senior
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: October 1st, 1998

AppearanceDescription: Rosaline is one of those hidden beauties. She has strong bone structure with her jaw and cheekbones, luscious hair and lips, and the smallest yet most outstanding beauty marks. She could easily become a popular girl purely based on her looks. She has near-perfect teeth, with only a few slightly out-of-place. Despite being quite beautiful, she keeps people away somehow. She keeps her nice brown hair cut just touching her shoulders. It keeps it out of her mind. Her hair is also usually quite messy. She doesn't care too much about her appearance, so she may go days without putting on the already small amount of makeup she does. She's taller than most average girls, and towers some. That's a factor that can also throw off any possible "lookers."
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 154 lbs.
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Clothing/Style: Rosaline wears a plethora of clothing. Her outfits can be described as Goodwill. She has a good sense of style and what goes together, but not much effort is put in. She doesn't spend hundreds on designer clothing. She likes to keep things simple. She likes to wear plenty of tank-tops on her free time; since they do not match school dress code. On school campus, she'll often wear ripped jeans of various colors, black hiking boots, and a light camouflage military jacket or jean jacket over a faded t-shirt or tank-top. This is her favorite style. She doesn't mind the Arizona heat anymore, so her style often reflects how she feels that day.
Tattoos, Marks, etc: On those rare occasions she isn't wearing something over her tank-top, you can see her tattoos. She has a large traditional Pueblo design on her upper right back. On her upper right arm, she has a tribal armband also with Pueblo roots. On her upper left back, she has a tattoo of a pine tree forest and a moon.
PersonalityPersonality: Rosaline is callous, tough, and an overall badass. She has been seen has the bad girl of the school, and has claimed the fear of many high school students. Reason being, she went to a juvenile detention center for three years. The theory of how she got there has been speculated for so long. Some say she killed someone, and others say she's an active drug cartel leader. Before her three years, she was a generally quiet girl, and had a few friends. But after, she became a crime-hardened criminal. Although she never does anything bad, she seems to end up on everyone's "shit list." During school, she'll keep to herself and not talk to anyone unless talked to. She never wants to cause trouble but she always finds it. She sticks to her gut and usually acts instinctively. Rosaline is quiet, yet she could easily knock some teeth out of you.
Likes: She likes spending her time with the few people who stand her. She also likes heading out into the desert and spend time thinking, writing, drawing. It's her way of expressing creativity. She likes weapons as well. With her spending money, she usually buys knives and even guns. She also enjoys exercising and staying fit. It helps her keep up that badass look.
Dislikes: She doesn't like school, popular girls, or people who assume too much. She's a very straight-forward person, so she doesn't quite like those who are two-faced and keep secrets. She doesn't like goody-two-shoes either. Her dislikes also spread to junk food and laziness.
Dreams: One of her dreams is simple: get out of high school and get a good-solid job. She wants to be able to provide for her small family and herself. A small dream of hers is also to have the biggest weapon collection this side of the Grand Canyon.
Fears: She's mostly afraid of being used or taken advantage of. She fears those close to her leaving her like many have before. These two fears have come true for her, and this only strengthens her distrust for anyone.
Habits: One of her habits is fidgeting. She can't keep her feet or hands still, and she's usually toying with something. She keeps a mock butterfly knife that she flips around and sometimes startles others with. Somehow she's never caught with it.
Stereotype/Clique: Outsider or Bad Kid.
Relationships: She only has a few friends or people close to her. She is somehow friendly with Roland, one of the most popular kids in school.

OtherSecrets: Her three-year sentence was because she was framed with theft and attempted kidnapping charges. Although it's all a lie fabricated by her once close older cousin. She once had a secret sexual encounter with Roland, but that has remained between the two.

PersonaName: Pakhet, named after the Egyptian lioness goddess of the hunt.
Role: She calls herself the hunter of the group. She often tasks herself with kidnapping, stalking, and even hunting targets of the cult. She uses her extensive weapon collection to her disposal. Pakhet is a prized member of the cult, and one of the original few.
Weapon of Choice: She keeps a collection of knives and guns. Her favorite combination is a set of throwing knives, a silenced handgun, and custom claws that she slips on her individual fingers. The claws are her prized possessions.

Appearance: She wears a near skin tight body suit designed for stealth. She also carries a few ammo pouches for ammunition itself and her gadgets of hunting. During ceremonies or special occasions, she will wear a fur cloak mixed with coyote and jaguar fur, and bronze and leather bracers.
Mask: Her mask is in the style of a panther, but with a sleek and intimidating look. She often wear shining gold contacts underneath to make her eyes shine through the darkness.
(I know! She's basically Black Panther but a teen girl.)

Sins: She has lusted for many men and women, killed, tortured, and kidnapped. She is not afraid of sin, and she embraces it even. She's almost to the levels of Faust with how much she has sinned. Maybe that's what brings the two close.
Skills: She is capable of taking down large men and women, stalking and tracking for miles, creatively killing and kidnapping, and remaining undetected. She also has introduced herself to the art of parkour, and finds herself applying it in her daily life.
Other: She is probably the closest to Faust, the leader.



Abigail Eldritch
Nickname: Abby
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Closeted homosexual)
Birthday: September 11th, 1998 (Virgo)
Description: Abigail has always been a skinny, lanky, blonde girl. She has a slightly underweight BMI at 120 lbs and stands at 5 ft. 6 in. Her hair is medium-thick, golden-yellow, and reaches to the middle of her back. She likes to change it and often dyes it in other colors. This has caused her hair to be slightly damaged and stringy. Her facial features are small and dainty and her unique look comes from her mixed heritage. Her father is Portuguese and her mother is a full blooded Navajo woman. Her skin tone is a pale, olive tinged color which stays clear of blemishes. She has a heart-shaped face, with a small, sharp jawline and large, high cheekbones. Her nose is small and button shaped and her lips are small but plump. Her eyes are usually a light brown-hazel but sometimes change to a deeper green. Underneath her eyes are purple circles, possibly from sleep deprivation. Her eyebrows are slightly darker than her hair and sparse but still very emotive. She usually doesn't make much effort to improve her appearance (other than her hair) and shies away from makeup and elaborate styles.

Clothing/Style: Abigail likes her clothes to be comfortable and effortless. Flannels are a godsend to her. She often opts for jeans and a t-shirt or whatever happens to be on her bedroom floor. She doesn't put much effort into her wardrobe and loves to go thrifting for her items. She would wear sweatpants all day if she had the option to.

Tattoos, Marks, etc: Ear piercings (6 in total) and a nose hoop

1 2 3


Personality: Abby was born in Pitchfork, Arizona and still lives in the only house she has ever known. She thinks Pitchfork is an excellent place to live; if you're old and have no life. She lives with her mother and father in a large, four bedroom house on the edge of town. Her mother is a retired radio show host and her father continues to teach at the city college in Phoenix. Her childhood was filled with good memories and her life was normal, just like any other kid in Pitchfork, with the exception of one tumultuous event. The disappearance of her younger sister has become a forbidden topic to talk about in the Eldritch household, but has changed the dynamic of her family forever. Her parents convinced themselves to think that Liliana simply ran away out of anger. Abigail, knowing her sister very well, couldn't so easily accept that truth. She struggles with believing what her family has told her and her own suspicions. After Liliana's disappearance, Abigail had become more reserved with her trust and friends. She lost hope and motivation and started using drugs and alcohol to cope. Although she wouldn't admit it, she depends on drugs to help her with her art and as uses them as a distraction. 5 years have passed since her sister's disappearance and many things have reverted back to normalness, except for Abby. Abigail has many dreams and high hopes for herself but is very self-critical and unsure. She tries to stay optimistic but at times falls into bouts of depression, making her emotionally vulnerable and susceptible to peer pressure. She is creative, intelligent, and intuitive but sometimes stands in her own way of being successful. She is very emotional and sometimes acts rashly based on how she feels. She has always loved all types of art, her favorite medium being painting. Since Liliana's disappearance, Abigail's artwork has taken on a darker tone. She often depicts dark, surreal scenes much of the inspiration coming from her dreams. Some would consider her "goth" or "emo" or even a "degenerate" due to her drug use. She, however, wouldn't describe herself in that way. Despite those labels, she is talented, ambitious and a good friend. She is naturally curious and often notices little details others have missed. Although she is somewhat quiet and not very popular, she is still sociable and has a good group of friends. Overall, Abigail is a talented, coming-of-age teenage girl who dreams too much and wishes to be anywhere else than Pitchfork, AZ.

Likes: painting, drawing, taking pictures, hanging out with friends, reading, exploring, new things, smoking

Dislikes: dishonesty, liars, secrets, boredom, sports, schnapps

Dreams: Abigail dreams of having a gallery at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. She wishes to attend art school there as well and to leave Pitchfork forever.

Fears: change, leaving her family, being stuck in Pitchfork, never seeing her sister again, the "new" kids

Habits: she sketches when bored, bites her nails when nervous and changes her hair color often

Stereotype/Clique: Artsy/druggies but she doesn't really commit to either. You could say she is a floater. She knows everyone who went to preschool with her and has multiple friends from different cliques.


Secrets: It is known that Abby does drugs, but just how often and what she uses is her secret. She sneaks out to the city once a month to meet her connect who is a 30-year-old graphic designer. It is obvious that he has a crush on Abby and Abby has taken advantage of this to get better deals. Although Abby has done this for some time, she is afraid that one day he will get tired of her false flirtation and want something more. At times however, she enjoys the attention. She would be humiliated if anyone ever knew this. Her family life has many secrets, one of them being her mother's alcoholism. There are a few pieces of art that Abby wouldn't dare show to anyone else. Her sister's disappearance is also a secret to her and if you bring it up she will likely ignore you or change the subject.
Other: --
Theme: Someone's Missing - MGMT

"I swear I'm sane..."

CODING © [COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]THOUGHTLESS[/COLOR]
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Emilia Covachi

Emilia Covachi
Nickname(s): Emily, Lia, Em
Age: Fifteen
Grade: Sophmore
Gender: Cisgender - Female
Sexuality: 'Heterosexual', Closeted Homosexual
Birthday: 19th February, 2002

Emilia has quite a unique appearance and she is quite an attractive person. Her face is peppered in freckles and her 'chubby cheeks' and the dimples when she smiles give her what she feels is quite a babyish appearance so she tends to wear makeup and more revealing clothes in an attempt to look older.

Her most attractive feature would be her bright blue eyes, Emilia has always loved them and they are one of the few things about her body that she does like and find pretty. She has almost perfect teeth thanks to the braces she was forced to wear when she was younger. Her hair reaches down past her chest and she keeps it curled as it is naturally very straight which she detests. She does care about her appearance but unlike other girls she doesn't obsess over it.
Height: 5'6
Weight: 122 pounds
Hair: Chestnut, brown.
Eyes: Blue
Clothing/Style: She has a more 'girly style'

Tattoos, Marks, etc; She has a small tattoo on her ankle and another on her left hip.

"Emilia Covachi, a straight C+ student"
Emilia generally comes across as a calm and confident person. In public settings surrounded by strangers or around her family she is a quiet, well-mannered girl and seen as the perfect daughter but around her friends she is confident and charismatic and always seems to know what to say and do.

She gives off an aura of confidence and always seems sure of herself. Emilia is a very determined person and when she wants to do something she most likely will and she will find a way to do it.

Em believes actions are louder than words which means if someone annoys or upsets her she will find a way to 'get even' with them rather than arguing about it with them or calling them out on it. In her first year at the High School a Senior pushed her and her friend into the lockers - the next day his locker was covered in graffiti telling the students about the fact that he was cheating on his current girlfriend with the girls older sister. But she did regret it almost instantly and her feeling of satisfaction was quickly replaced by guilt - she promised then and there to try and control her hot-temper and not do anything like that again.

People tend to be unsure around her as she can turn on someone for what seems like nothing - she is easily annoyed and tends to be quite sarcastic towards most people but she is also good at getting people to like her, when she tries she is a very persuasive and charismatic person. She can be talking happily to someone and then be rolling her eyes and storming off away from them - she is very good at putting up a front and if she doesn't want people to see something then most of the time they won't.

She isolates herself from others when she feels upset and tends to push people away.She is also very impulsive and doesn't think things through especially when upset or angry. Lia tends to put up a wall between herself and other people and doesn't like letting people get close to her as her paranoid side reminds her that they are just going to hurt her anyways.

Emilia has a bleak view of the world and isn't good at controlling herself emotionally and controlling her impulsiveness. Whilst she wants to see the world as a happy place she doesn't, she is very paranoid about everything - despite this as long as she keeps herself in check most people assume she is a genuinely nice person and she is as long as you dont get on her bad side. She also seems desperate to be more than she is, she craves something more than her boring day to day life and will actively go out and seek trouble with her friends just to get it.

  • Photography
  • The night
  • The dark
  • Painting
  • Writing
  • Sketching
  • Playing the piano
  • Alcohol
  • Fireworks & Bonfires
  • Nature
  • Her parents
  • Loosing arguments
  • Loosing her temper
  • Her impulsiveness
  • Big cities
  • People who are dishonest for no reason
As cliche as it sounds, Emilia really just wants to be happy. However she doesn't like the idea of getting a family and settling down, if she could she would travel the world and visit all the remote beautiful places that most people would never get to see.

Emilia is scared she will become an addict again. She is scared that there is something wrong with her, she hates the idea of loosing control over her body or her brain (this was partly why she started taking drugs as she thought it was something she could control)

Another fear is that the paranoid part of her is right, and her friends don't like her and that people want to hurt her.


It's common to see Emilia staring off into the distance as she has a habit of zoning out and getting lost in her own thoughts, sometimes she will bite her lip or pick at the skin around her nails meaning that her nails are always chipped. In social situations she will fiddle and run her hand through her hair as she hates not doing anything and finds it impossible to sit still, in class she usually gets in trouble for swinging on her chair & chewing gum.
Stereotype/Clique: Artsy, Posh, She is one of the 'popular' girls in the lower two years.
Relationships: TBD



  • Emilia was addicted to pills from freshman year until 2 months before Sophmore year (she has just got back from her 'grandparents' aka rehab and she is currently clean) she took them in order to stay awake as she suffered from night-terrors and nightmares.
  • She's only ever felt romantic & sexual attraction towards other girls - she has dated boys in the past but it was all for show.
Other: Her parents are divorced but still both live in Pitchfork, she lives with her Mother and stays with her Father fridays to sundays.
Theme: Medicine


Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18

Ethnicity: Hawaiian
Zodiac: Leo
Location: Pitchfork, Arizona
Birthplace: Maui


b a s i c s
Name: Holokai Kahananui
Nickname(s): Kai
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday: August 12, 1998

a p p e a r a n c e
Description: Kai is a very built man, large biceps with a toned abdomen -- along with his legs being just as muscular. Not only is his body type from gym days, but he is an athlete so football, lacrosse and soccer have a lot to do with his build. He stands tall at 6'1, weighing averagely at around 180 lbs. Facial wise, his eyes are slanted slightly and are colored brown, he had a very wide and broad nose, along with his lips pursing naturally. His skin is definitely honey shade, becoming more golden/pinkish to the face after a tan-- it makes him seem like he is glowing. The most defiant feature about this man is his hair, it is long -- mid-back length -- and for as curly as it is, he takes rather good care of it. It is silky smooth, obvious that hair care treatments are put into the coarse, thick locks DAILY. It can most certainly be a pain in the ass but he has fun styling it, believe it or not. Simple man buns to french braids! Kai is definitely a pretty face, you never know which girls admire more -- his face or his lifted chest. Plus, he carries a very soft, gentle natural facade.
Height: 6'1
Weight:183 lbs
Hair: Dark brown/ ebony. Curly with a silky texture.
Eyes: Dark brown
Clothing/Style: He doesn't have any specific colors, they're all friendly to him. His favorite styles of shirts although are sleeveless ones. Sleeveless tank tops, he has the build and they make him feel free! He does appreciate hoodies however. Kai really doesn't specify in pant-wear, sweatpants, shorts and jeans... He will wear them all. He does wear accessories, like hats or sunglasses. He always keeps on this necklace his Father gave him that has an iron hook on it. The deep connection and reverence the Hawaiians had for the ocean created the meaning behind the Hawaiian fish hook necklace. It represents strength, prosperity, abundance, and a great respect for the sea.
Tattoos, Marks, etc: Tattoos; He has a sleeve on his left arm of tribal printing, the patterns forming to make a music note appear. He loves music, it soothes him-- and quite frankly he knows how to play the guitar and drums.

p e r s o n a l i t y
Personality: Overall, Kai is very sweet and charming. His smile welcomes you instantly, and his laugh is always filled with life. Kai's humor is quite spontaneous, and he uses it as an advantage for a lot of things. He is well spoken and gentle, thus being his natural form... he will always start out kind and welcome. When he is agitated, he will purposely go quiet and keep to himself due to not wanting any drama... but if the nagging situation leads on continuously... he will break from his shell. Sadness wise, it instantly reflects in his eyes. When angry however, he can turn into an ass. He will bite at you with harsh words and purposely attempt to get under your skin... sometimes it's hard for him to maintain his temper.
Likes: Surfing, Fishing, The beach, Cherries, Sports, Music, Summer/Heat
Dislikes: Mathematics, Loneliness, Slutty girls (Try-hards), The cold, Greasy hair, Racists, Cliches (Red roses for romance, Opposites attracting etc.)
Dreams: Kai wishes to make music, but if that isn't possible then he would love to become a professional surfer.
Fears: Aviophobia- Fear of flying, Gatophobia- Fear of cats, Hierophobia- Fear of priests or saints
Habits: Cracking his knuckles, Talking to himself, Playing with his hair, Licking his lips
Stereotype/Clique: Jock
Relationships: Pls message if interested.

p e r s o n a
Name: Ku- (Inspired by a hawaiian god of strength and war)
Role: Torturer/Sacrificer. Whichever his is requested to do, he will gladly do so. Whether that means reading off the ritual and performing the sacrifice to their beloved savior, or getting a sick kick out of causing great pain to those who will soon be dead.
Weapon of Choice: Shark toothed club & A throwing ax which is held in a leather sling.

Appearance: Ku wears the same beige poncho in which is torn and stained with multiple blood spots, easily going for a pear of black torn jeans and work boots.
Mask: A wooden, tiki mask. The extra wood at the top curves back to mold perfectly with his head.

Sins: He has sacrificed several animals from rabbits, deers and cows. He tortured 3 men and 4 women, sacrificing one of those men and 2 of those women.
Skills: He is very skilled with melee weapons, which makes his navigating of cutting very precise and detailed. Ku also knows where and where not to puncture, after many times of practice. Plus, he has this sense of emotional wit to where not only can he torture physically, but mentally as well! For example, getting ones hopes up that they will be able to leave and that he is a good guy... but then cuts a finger off in surprise.
Other: (Anything else you'd like to add that you think would make the character more.. cult-like.)

e x t r a s

Secrets: (Secrets. Deep or small, harmful or painless.)
Other: (Anything else?)
Theme: (Optional theme. Don't plug in a video or song link. Just the Title then Artist.)

Noho me ka hau’oli ; be happy



Alfred Angel Fisher

  • tumblr_om7vytyroV1vakf4uo4_400.gif

    Name: Alfred Angel Fisher

    Nickname(s): Alfie

    Age: 16 (Almost 17 depending on the date this takes place)

    Grade: Junior

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Homosexual

    Birthday: July 20th, 2000

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